HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-4, Page 46 1Kt NI c N N rune the 'Our TOM some •vq repo. .L1 knee 1y. a n u` tl as Irisl Flet by, It is an chat grin J agi am sty '1 wren bet &eat (nut app Ila t btc hot too Ja Th cot de foi th• fie to tit of ar a1 het a1 "t St 13 M t7 u t .3 e e 1 e a t 4 TEM HUROI4 SIGNAL. FRIDAY APRIL 4, 1884. THE HURON SIGNAL Is potashes' every !War hove/et, br Mt' Urtd.scVDoeYsotl.. std (tl s . Pieeti St OODJRICH. ONTARIO. Asidi MdismsgashM es an pectoral the .*mease lag etraratid b7 the earnest sails sad trams. Sy wase•! a4gsletw U boo • Weer c e• U liar day other mossier ra tans the oosatty. il ls onset the scissor, pa st wed mos rellaW JIsr Raa • essentials and bolsi as It deed, o t e sea, and bels.g {a addition w the o, • art -.,h.. 1famt1y sad •reside p..r-K to therefore • Meet detre•ie ad ia'e(Mso we/lies. 'taauss aloe Is advisees postage prepaid Ire Mb►ere ; p.75, it paid before Na msaths if met so paid. Th1 rale will be seemly Karo. or AmvsaTmtirs.-slneoob itls►tpsoveata f or gseai to oidia. Yeartyfi. s 1 le+rlyfo1 tied aeartaeiy oostrecta et roamed raise. Jas TIIMITIM16.-- We here alma tog the moat complete coZo'lobbiesat 1lr turning out wort intova to do business In that nue at prices that cSatles bsbo edmn. and fof a e ty that canard be srpe 11D111 rim FOR 1117RDSR For Sura* years poet elks" WIre hems mr& to beteg the meaty commit et He- ron to • kuualedie of its duty Co the seerty in the matter of • house of retells ler the aged and incapable ipostobut glue far without area. Sesame after session of the council has been held, and •Itbcugh the googlies has come up is on. &Wipe or another, no maxim has best taken. At every &su.ms evert the grand jurors duly examine the gad, continent upon the inmates, and reoummead 1* Miert presentment that • poorhouse, a beamm ut refuge, ur an industrial farm b. built. Yet no action has been taken. Hie lordship on the bench at each ouurt of assize gives 110 uncertain sound as to the necessity for emoting • house of refuge, so that the honest aged or help less pauper may not be toro.d to mingle with the criminal class its his declining years. But thus fur even the judge's opinion hos been Of nu avail. It is time something we done to beteg the county eosleellem to • mime of their duty to the comity. And that some- thing should be of such a eaten that it would COON them to stop and think before agsiu letting a session pass without taking definite aeliou. INDICT THEM FOR MURDER. We snake this suegs.tion because the facts of the tae bear us est, and many men have been indicted for murder who were less guilty in the taking off oithetr fellowmen than are the county council of Huron because of their inactivity in the .natter of providing suitable accommoda- tion fur the aged and infirm. This state- ment will astonish many of our readers, but it is the truth and nothing but the truth -the naked ttutb. • What are the facts of the case 1 We bate a county gaol in Boderich, which is suppose) to be for the safe -keeping of criminals Fur years last, the aged and helpless paupers of the county have been sent to root in the gaol, when the munici- palities to which they belonged got tired of supporting Nein. The gaol is not titled up fur se- .mm,tilating aged and invalid persons, and, as a consequence, although everything possible has been done by the (Ma offyoials to aid and assist the unfortunates c .mmitte. to their keeping, the death rate has been meet alarming amongst the helpless inmatet, LI•A__the -Mowatyt}t ament been especially during the past three Renamed ldsat.d by the..tachistrtiior' .1 Wilki•- Siuce New Years five pauper inmates son. Bunting i Co., the Mail would of the gaol have died, and although at ..nee hare p....ted to the fact that every pomade care was given by the there had teen a rwrsla,on of feeling , fP„1 officials, yet we freely state that against Muerte, iso l would serer have I we believe het these unfortunates re- m.ntiaued that the change was aueed i sive 1 the attention which they could by t ib inAnt pulatI•.n ..f Cie bribery i lute obtained in en infirmary ur house brigade. of refuge. their days would have heen - FRIDAY, APRIL 4Tn, 1884. rills .wIl hie Atf81111N. TK! MAltIPI! !Zog• I FI I►F .k N1) BLOOD. Owing" to the draw p. 4t4 W of the sena„ *mart during the first two days of the sespeeesea- seism, we have eimeleded to b.M ourgoer TW he malnatiou for oertlti,adM report of the taws already tried ova k uetil next week, whets the motile pro endings will be published. The mode important oases ars yet to be tried as we go to press. .t tar Test IWO grit the MveRtli•wt Tug clerk of Stepber township coun- cil and the editor of the Exeter Tinea are engaged in the a.ngeni•l u:,cupetion of each proving what • nonentity the other is. Its • neck and neck contest. "McKim is • b -s -a -ad man, and al- ways wad," is the charge of the defend- ers of the bribery deal. Then why did a virtuous Dominion Geverument agent offer that "b -a -a -s -d" man the registrar- ship of Edmonton 1 marten and mates .s. the lulead !• M, wen beta at the town hall on Fridley last ethe government Ipeeters Oaplatns raser sand Mehwalu. Tow foliewtot obfaiued uertlboates . Hose is • geed point from the Loa- don Alehereiser - "Apply Beetisg s argument to bitagen. tie says he was first approached by Rear' ate hors who wished his to bribe them. He lies, of course, bet lei that fro. Why - did be listen to the proposals? Why did he net grow 154111 ant and or ler the people from his premise. Instead ut making future appointments 1 Bun- ting's virtuous tndignatien act .e s little overdoes Wluurts pretty nearly guessed about the end of March. it is possible he has heard that when March Domes in Tike' a lamb it goes out tike a lion. If the end of the month was like a lamb, it was mighty cold mutton indeed. Ova le.burn correspondent informs us that a readout of that Meehan saw three snakes some eleven days ago, and killed them. Down in Clinton they have sone men who bore been seeing snakes all along since Now Years. But the probabilities are that the snakes will kill the Clinton met►. WeAT hall become of that time-honor- ed stereotype. "Mowat must go," that the Mui/ used t.. throw into its columns when the chief scribe of that journal failed to dole out the requisite artr'ont of editorial pabulum t.. the faithful ! Has the failure of the "brawling brood" caus- ed it Io be shelved 1 rwar•a*. Murdoch Mali e►ald, Jaw Johnston, Finlay McPherson, W. f3. McKay, Jaw O. Parsons, A. ) L MoG r.y K. John McKay. Harry Marlton, Wm. Craig, Wm. Mclean, John McPhers.•u, J. W. Omen, John McSwain, Wm. McKenzie, Norman McDonald, Jahn McArthur, Andrew Bogie, Wm. Robinson, John McDonald, Francis Traunch, Alfred Chambers, John Thorburn, Jas ie, Thos N. D*ncey. Jas. Hatter, Thos. Petrie, Joseph Noble, ANOTasa newspaper libal suit has fizzled ouL Some time last summer the Blyth Review opened out upon • veter- inary surgeon named Upobel, who was alleged to be "bossing" • disorderly house in that village. The editor of the Reeictc, J. T. Mitchell, was this week in town to face the music, but vs the per- son alleged to have been criminally libelled had "skipped" the country, the os.e was tbruwn out by the grand jury. Is the last issue of the Clinton Nem En it is stated that an attack upon the heatkeus of that town is shortly to be made by a detachment of "The Lord's Army," under command of Capt. Robin - HATS*. Norman McIver, Murdoch Buchanan, John McNeil, Wm. Baiter, Angus McKay, John S. Martin, Jas. Sutherland, One of the candidates from an outside Cincinnati the Scene of f+ Terri- ble Riot. The awful teaaat eras i5.gs t.r Verdict. The reepM limas ria' Cittciiatti, Ohio, March 31. -- The killing of William H. Kirk by William limiter about two months & u, was out of the clearest cases o mmurderThe fticuit'd premeditated was killed in his cosi stable by • blow from a hammer in the hands of Berner, fettled, and the body thrown int,• a waggon nod trumped ino. tee river, where it was found Mouse days later. Berner was assisted in his thabolicel deed by Joe Palmer. llu March the 2411., the two were put on trial, aitd pleaded guilty. The jury t,o.14111 io e reined "1 maltslsudbtsC.Jadd the ju 1.w sentuntaat thew to 20 gain in teeth. ret - a,y. The teract &nodded public i .diz noun, and ssvmrel of the jurturs 111 leaning the court-huwe lied u•t t'• escapes, the mob f,.11uwiug thele ••• threatening their lives. All of them were dismissed (Hent their euiploynest t , while several enught by the ",h wale ruttah'y handled. The esettenutut avn ae1uont on the iuiguiwua verdict cutlet nated on Saturday. Crowds choke 1 up tn. streets leading to the court house, where Berner was confined preparatory to his conveya'ION to the best. mutton Bary. The police were out its force, Out 1 they could uuly reason with the mob, they could not scan it. Inside the l prison everyone was at work barricading the entrances and preparing for a des- perate siege. Four huge iron beans braced the front entrance. The First Regiment of Infantry, Obit. National Guard, and the Second Battery of Light Artillery were ordered tis, report for duty at 7.30 p. to The Fourth Regimeut from Dayton and the 14th Regiment. The Queens Bench division of the 1 stationed at Columbus, were telegraph ati a early done. 1 any two items above High Chun of justice opened at Gude- .d for. The tattling gun was placed itt given may out have connection, hitt rich on Tuesday last. But it only open I the jail at the east side, and an attack it sews strange that the evlitor would I ed. and didn't d.. much business.there w,.uld have met want to "ship nut" just when the army It seems the ggentlemnei: of the grand A rtaKtsLE et. es-rsos. wd petit juries were truly notified to At 8 (o'clock the crowd reached glgan- esu coming. !present an appearance in the court room, tic prop".tri. ns. Many had dynamite I;oderich, at the hour cot twelve o'cl..ei•. 4,rpe'i'ce with thorn, ready to make a socio on Tresday, and u a altar. nemce breach its the jail wall. The moat.. 111 (bderieh. se66 se 16 • • " Luck:ow. Gndericb. Kincardine. 1 ioderich. Kincardine. liodericb. • Goderich. m LAA 1.5151. (fact ellsT1. Sante 31 -The rioters ..,.de their teal salty • tea " shmosw .he r They b d e1 th .t temp he stow ,,.,,err ysisanwl its s.r5ber., silts, while • . hrrateuisig, am. 1... aggressive, u,J bavin.g stale steer 40 leoeskatts Ings Tor for • armory, they fired ..n the mili- tia st Court and Wehtet streets. Several rialtos were find bl the neil.tia, whish were replied to with noes,. spirits by the meets. et last • volley from the tieN- int gun laid loot ton of their a.gsber, and roti»h- et.dvd their eethwiaa's. A few 'anemia shirts were fired after that hour, but from thea till ,w,ruitag ou ai.st- rwrice (laic% reigned. At tee military beadqu+rtes it is heli.red there will lo.. n" rylewwl.1 htsfilihes by !we mob s.•1 1 that the rut u wbosuttwlly at ars era 1 so Mata T•llul5 WA.ls.L C•n.reuta, t►., Mar,h 31. -- Ad.iore fr.uu Cincinnati are such that at u.wat the (lurern.w,.rdered the troupe eft r tut. 4o rotas. The Fourth and torts mt h R 'indents hers been relieved, and the rat of the tr•ege held to Citioivasti till f other erten. .tuns !FATALITY This eret"ug a number .if e41(I•Ielee e Columbus were s• ep aerating a Wean w.tll, when a gun le•utiyi agates( elle wall fell and discharged. The bay.* er voided Stockwell ; a piece ••f the w knocked off by the ball wou.ei.d 1). K. %.misted, and the ball itself etruuk J. U. Gats in the eye, lodging in hid b siu. At 9 p to he was in a dying condition THE SATs OO](TattTd. The safe in the Treasurer's Aim in the burned courthouse wee opened this morning, and $1,000,000 of cures:icy, Febnury taxes, was found all right and unharmed. The vault and contents were Dearly destroyed. Some $12,000 in cur- rency belowing to Frank Noble, a deck, was in a charred condition, but with the dem.minstions distinguishable. son, of Toronto tI the same copy of int failed in the test for c••mpetouey, that journal we observe that • change in but all the (loderich men came through the proprietorship of the Neta Era is I in goad order. contemplated. The veteran journalist, thew They were "•pets Wooled." Mr. E. Holmes, intends to leave Clinton -- LIST OF LICENSES. did cot arrive in town until the Ii a.m. I the jail find a few shots ia the air, caug- v'Ig "'ae r7 ing a momentary stomped*, but the mob Grantee is tie s ewa it of Kerns rIl •y the train. His. lordship, however,with that ager- at,.eclily ,•etlirned, tierces than ecer. ' r at the windows which he u proverbial, took time by the and • desperate fight commenced. At THt London Fry. Press wants to know Pru singed• why the electors of Lacnbton have out But, perhaps, the fact that the aged benguetted Peter Graham,M.pp. well laud infirm poor die off rapidly in gaol is the reason is not to to eek. Mr. one of the reasons why the erection of a mon suitable place of abode for them is Graham has not yet given his testimony not approved of by the majority of our against the eonspirst.ws. Alter he has county councillors. These gentlemen done so, hu corstitltents will be ab4 to seem M believe that the criminal ward, show him in a fitting manner that they approved of the course he pursued to - diet prison ben, the felon's ell and gaol the "brawling brood of bribers." diet is (locos enough for any pony weak- wardling,stricken by the hand of Providence, or by age and infirmity. The unfortunate is brought before a in the two great Provinces of the Do- justice of the levee when the municipai- minon, if we are to believe Le Elect.wr, a French Canadian newspaper of Mon- treal, which says :-"Toronto resembles Quebec in the fact that men are to be found there who make it a business to be public corruptors, but whilst here the corruptors splash pedestrians with the mud of their carriage wheels, there they are put in prison ; there is the contrast. Then the members tempted hy corrup- lors 4.... not fear publicly to denounce the tempter, even before the latter has attained his ends ; here the member pockets the price of his corruption and „,fir their eco.►omy during the past keeps silent, so that the corruptor may year. by pointing to the fact that a great enjoy his misdeals in p..ee. I saving has tern effected to the muni - Tax Toronto Trlr.trare voices the pre- muni- cipality in the item of charity. They lay the flittering unction to their cauls that thej have accomplished a gond thing, and thank high heaven that old Grimes is dead, and they r will son h.in Ille,re. trimmed 1. nee. " eft rota" welltlwaele This state of things should nut be Ai- tis` se's' lowed W continue. The councillors who rause old Grimes to be sent to the viol, w th.t he may not die in the municipal- ity and he buried at the township ex - u1 nn n i a , ,. - I poem, are ulorslly, it not legally, reaps many m•orltl►s c.i • .• A 1.gat.M a►n M sable for hastening old Grime& departure ratchet in the c ..: in f art it may take 4, the "far beyond." They should be a year. Hut whether tel • Woo roe Ions hell answerable. orabort it wuul.l tr• •uuiifestly odor to if pepper accommodation is hot smile - Issas lieeness to w,. i• int• enlace these! bre for the unfortunate and aged poor, licenses etre witMut a cloud." then it is high time the comity provided such AC:. ,411• ,..'•I*'1 et if the o.•untye ail "oil "• take , olunta►ry action in the Kulger.'w, M. PP., bad a tong and ai►- Tessa u a difference between the condition of the corruptors of legislatures ('meanetw.arrv: wailer ..r an... art. I nem for the dispatch of business f •Revolver shots poured In The license commissioners and inert- forelock, by coming to Gudencb on the !'10 o'clock an entrance was forced into tors under the McCarthy Act met in the 10 p.m. train on Monday night and co court room, God' rich, un Monday lett . was called for 10 a.m. on Tuesday. for the purpose of granting Licenses dun , At the hour appointed the judge, m- ing the en.uu.y yvwr. The following •p- cored by the sheriff, cane into the court plications were granted : roam by the private *stemma, and took Gonsu.•s -Hotels-=?M. Baily, John his seat on the bench ; the crier read tie ttruhnun, Win. Cox, Tho.. Whitely, customary proclamation for opening the Hy. Ticbb.'unie. Wiii. Cratg,«m. Bahl), J.;hn A. Doyle. Shops -Hy. Cooke, Gee. (:rant, Wu'. L Horton. Cu Tow--Hotels-Mrs.tarah Morley, Mia. E. McLaren, Chas. Spooner, J. Mare, M. Kellr, toric Ratteubury. Shops-- Nickels' jiotson. StamRTR-Hotels-James Weir, J. tames of the grand jurnn, s.. that they W. Carroll, Wm. Hawkshaw, Dennie might choose their foreman. he sworn, Bros. Shops- LewisThurne, Mr*. John and settle down to work. Name after Killo»n. name was called, but there was no no- WuiuHsp AM-Hotel--A'fred Roe. ah.'ps one. Eiideut'y the grand jury had -W. Mullin, It McCurdy failed to connect. Btt'tares-Hotels-R W. Tuck, ThosHall. Fred Frey, Koenig A Comb.). BLrru-Hotels-R. Potluck, Jonathan Emigh, R. Milne. Shop --J. A. Mac- donald. AsHrISLD-Hotel-John Pollock. Eisen -Hotels -John Hawkshaw, Mar E. Oke. W sozernt--J. W. Hunter. Astr:st.D-Alex. Young.Cot.sours-J. A. McDnnagh, Wm Lashani. Gaze -Chas Lutea, hams Gill. Goocatcs Tr. -Arthur Knox. HOWICI-Iaw►ses & Wiggins, Arch. McIntosh, Lachlan Camp ll, M. S. Beechen.. HI•LLSTT -Jos. P. Fischer, John Bell. HAT -Richard Reynolds, James Cox - worth. -- Mt•KiLLcr-Catherine Knox. ra Ttcsssart- R. J. Turner, Wm. Dixon, Chas. Atezel, Wm. Kyle. Mosats - John Scandrett, Charles Sage. 8TANLL\"Wrn ('ok. l'nsosezR. 1 t. Th'.msoa..1obn Lan - kin. E. LL' A W Axcw$H - John Wiley. h', WAweenas---John Laugheed. The aommiei,men adjourned the meeting of the hoard until the29th inst., when the work of licensing will be again taken up and completer. ty grows tired of keeping him ; he is committed to gaol as a criminal because he is old and feeble ; and he languishes in the c inpany of criminals, and finally dies ; a formal inquest is held and the verdict is returned, "Died in gaol ;" a pine box of the roughest kind is procur• ed, and the corpse, without a mourner, is driven to the "potter's field, ' the rumb- ling wheels seeming to echo, list tle his hours over the stones. He's only a pauper whom nobody owns. And on nomination day the members of ;he council come forward and gloated trailing sentiment of the country, when it • says : -It is felt on all hands that to at- tempt to enforce the McCarthy Act, while the Crooks Act is in operation, would be to crests so end of confusion. No person who Wok ••ata license under the McCarthy Art while it. a,natituiion- ality esu in doubt .r .u1.1 tate any assur- ance or ivanntee tie it he was not engag• ed 1 wf rl' emit.__ It will take the couri house, and the bedtime( tired. The fire alarm was souuded, but the firemen were not &Lowed to work, and the building burned. At 10:30 it was estimated that 30.000 people were with - 'Wound the jail, howling ler Barn- er. Six were shot so far as known. comm ; the lawyer, ding tribute W hu ed and sober bels of petr ream were poured into l,a•liing peel thein standing the vaults of the court house and expled- lorlehip, and then all present settled The militia in the jail kept tiring down to business is the orthodox way. an occas!nral volley into the crowdThere was w lu 1 for w minute .oreoattd bringing down scores of men without then deputy-.henif stub Reynolds char -1 k • ed his throat and lnegan to call Off thell 1` 13fB14Rt8. Tat geniis (Nwreer is correct w' i•!. it remarks _"Aeooeding to the trnchin,p of the majority of the C.nsertative prone. it is the detector of crime, and not the f.ereetrator, who is the criminal. Bush has been their theory, (teem the Paretic geandal down to the Wadies go- pesere, and from weeks to Wilkinauo. Whatever may have here their uriuinal views nn the subject ere anent my, but .1 is not unreasonable t.. supple. that, having repeated the fallacy en otten and so persist,etrtly, they haus grown to ac- cept it as a fact and to that extent we are prepared to give them credit for sin corny. It is • clear oasis of moral olds gany, tee►Iting from ebtomie adherence «$(levees doctrines, and se fixed as to lieu beam. a disease," THEI SOUDAN. Least serd.s•s newer Memo' Operetta. ais►tsliru. 4t•ASIH. March 31.- 111 the British troops are embarking{ for bottle, esoept the Sistieth Rifles. TIAITi,IL: •Hu,r. ('A110o, \larch :11. it is reported stere that .he tau black pashas whose treach- ery caused the defeat of Gordon's troops have l.eeii courtuurtialed and shut. Advices from Gordo"' under date March 23rd, confirm the report of the execu- tion of the two black pashas. THa KIIILa LiaiNo GROUND. Kaisroii, March 31. -El. Mandi's envoys have returned Gordon's robes of homer Armed steamers daily engage the rebels, who lose heavily. The rebels are still encamped opposite the town, Out their number is decreasing. Gordon is mounting a Krupp gen on an iron lighter to reach the rebel amp from the orgy. • AMPLE novas ; were arriving at Khartoum from the N bite Nile country. The rebels at Hal4 fiych were in want of food. Two emis- saries from Et. Maids had arrived at Khartou.. with drawn swords and fnghteumg the teat. Up to 11 o e .w I desisted that El. Mabdi did not mime - 40 people were killed, and the h•epi rite hu intm.nt as th* $uk•a of gals filled with wounded. At midnight 1 h Pt' it seemed as if Cincinnati had been Khurdofan. F.1. )<Iabdi adviasd Oo don given over to • to become a Mohammedan. 1 it is repotted that El. Mebdi's unpopn CALvIe•AL Of stoop. lsrity is increasing at KL Obeid. Uoaaos's imereaanT. to trench the Captain Desmond, of the city pollee, was Nothing daunted. the depity-sheriff k►lied white attemp irtg 9. The inhabitants still remain steOnch took up the list of petit jurors, and bee court h..ue tire. Tho mob raided Pow- to Gordon. One Arab has lent Ooedou gen to give forth the namM in Lis most ells gun factory, stole all the weapons pen uoive accents, but nothing save the and tired the building. The people (E.1,000, as his treasury u empty ;another dull echoes of the council chamber re stented to lave loot all c.ntn.l of them- has equipped 200 blacks for Ooldon's selves and were simply bent nn destruc ''err ice. sit- sed. B this time it fleshed upon all resent tion. It was 1:90 when the Fourteenth r1Ow that y the morning train had not jet ar- r.gt"'eut attired. Thea f.,rmeo in the ' rices, and his lurdahip toade the deputy a) us.» and cle•r*d the street at th. lout% ` A number et young people b.longint to cease calling out day more tames. of the bayonet. The firing epee the mob to the eengrs,,ation of the Presbyterian After some little converse with the lead- was merciless. A tIstltilg Pm*" turn- church here, drove over to the residence ing lawyers, the judge ordered the court ed upon them and mored them down in of their past.•r, Ree. J. Pritchard, Au to stand adjourned until 1 o'clock p, m. hest*.Atter actomplishing Marsh loth, taking with them • the `nil of barn, on the evening of Thursday (/f course it was not intended, but slaughter, the 'sentient marched into the supply wasn't it steno tiro everyone in the jell -Yard, and relieved the militia and I of poo . rte sal wage medially court room was "t.r,lei" thusly on the P"lics Still groups of men made dept- I rested by Mr. sod Mgs. Pritchard. let of April. rateattempts to get int.. the jail, court• The evening was spent in .canal game+ ulg death. When or,e 1.11 othersfought ! and onnversation. The young teen de fur his place, trampling the Weedier petted shout 50 bushels of oats in the corpse under foot. Placards were posted ; Mn fns the pastor's taithf,l hone. all over the city calling for the organize- tion of a vigilance committee of 300 ?at'LIDOQat. memlon in every ward to "cleanse the - mtoral atmosphere" of the city It call . St•sant Cumee.-T a peblic echo,' on the people W "make a elesn sweep hss been closed by order of the trustees _ while we are at it.' The scenes at the of the suction, .wing to several Dress of hospital are most heartrending. Up W diphtheria being in the neighborhood. this hour 02 tomes of killed and weeds- Oatn•Aty. --Mrs. Nicholson died no ed to -night have bean enrolled .t the Tuesday at the residence of her son -in - city hospitals. At 3 o'clock on Sunday law Peter McKatin., of Ashfield. The morning it was di.coce ed that the mob decw.d we se/posed to hes over cane had in their pnossessioon three cannons, hundred years of age. -Limn. yoongM* stationed at Fourth and Walnut street*. daughter ..f Jno. Murrayof this place They had no powder, a fact which ren - died on Thursday the 27th. inst. Diph- dered them harmless. line canm,n was theria was the Daae of bar death. subsequently captured by &stquad of 30 env putieetnen order Li.eiewswt Horde, The dors tarry me Soot. Mew. police have shown wonderful bravery, Mr Bw►tiag says the afar -spangly" and hare fou.ht like tigers. During the tanner is • "dirtyreg." 8e ought to attack on Powells gun store Mr. Powell I know. it is lade of Wonting. -{Phil defended his property and killed at bast , edelphie Call. three men. One account says he killed seven. All alae; the street leas law. Rev. T. BrmIANAGittor Mol Texas in this issue. The lime kiln is new in full blast, and T. Good is turning out a good quality c( rim.. Rev. Thos. Fisher, taster of the Eng- lish church here, started Ito the old country last Monday. Mrs. Andrew. of Kincardine, deliver- er a temperance lecture in the Metho- dist Church last Tuesday evening, and although the night was rough and stormy, the house_•w•enluet filled. At the close of the ii li fit itte fotmed a "Women's Christian Ternper..nce Organi- zation." A collection was taken up to defray expenses. Mr. Huston had the misfortune t" get Toronto Views of Wednesday.struck in the eye with a chid, last week, The latest rumor r.vardin "the brawl- and cid g, t in it The eye swelled to ing brood of bribers' is 1.. the offset that Mammal proportions 'nod he could see "Rig Push" is to be sacrificed to clear out of neither syr. it is ,, ,w somewhat the rest of the suspects. Knowing ones better. say that Kirkland has 'roved in, sharp Ai<1nlL Gar the Canadian politicians, that he is ..-- pretend t.. clear himself, and that to The people of this vsll ige, determined avoid further damaging revelations "Big to keep abreast of the times, have decid- Push" Ilse consented t.. lama -Weed. ()n. tad t.' h..l.l • spring show ..n Friday the thing is known, that Wilkinson has been 18th inst. About $$0 hare already keen much around the Moil (Ace for grime subscribed towards prize., and more is days past. expected. The directors .fro determined - This morning Kirkland and G. W. to make their first show second t.. none in the county. mot. +• c ihout.l 1,e compelled t„ at, planutly interesting cenveraaon ie sidewalk in front of the .Ntiail hoilditrontg. so. Kirk 'and did most .4 the talking• and its the ueyghb,ring county of Perth ' (hors. Washington listened very anon - they are cursed with a county council iirely. Has Kirkland peached 1 sinli'arly hide -bound as that of Huron. Llr. Fenton esiJ he hal not heard the These fellows 'sere an uncus that rumor regarding "Big Push," but it the F'en attempt wen made to sed.11e all the guilt they wnuLI not revel a amiable court 1.n him Le would oppose it to the bitter house. alth"igli the old one had loon end. E.thrr they aero all gutty or *11 condemned. At the last fall assizes Jos view -me. ,n.1 they stat •11 gland or fall 1.) th,or guilt or into once tree I e.'i- ordered the crown attorney t.• fhe &lgrment .A coronad ..n the case, have the a eerily council criminally tri- as heard my," the g"4" .aagiNrate. dieted, and, by .he t(tretford 11mJ,l i will Foe "retool at the P .lice Court this we "beer .'.• that the grand gnry returned I aftern..•n. • "tree tell" against them. The Hon. Jolt. Iltevwn un died of ann- if Hurn county awncil fail to take ee.Iion Tuesday morning at Napalms. adios • n the hoses of rotate owes' il.ce•a.d was speaker of the first parlia- tine t the nett session, let them he ia- sant .4 the legislative assembly of Ow - dieted Grin. Biters. -Jas. Symington moved to Blyth this week, where he has seenrrd an agency in implements -The An burn correepondent of the Nee Ern had a funny fit last week. -4) Wenzel has helth. two lot. (rem R. Nicholson, and been Is h•'eldingg thereon. -- -Mr. Mimeo is now running the pest .mime store - We had • runaway this week -- fag will soon committee. Hamilton Tows : "Kirkland told Ra1- fner that ire would an anything "short of minter" W get his way ab oat the timber lignite. 8e was not the .only one who bed reorder in his heart. The T..ry bribers thought they a,.ld, with the aid of a few purchased onto., enable Mere- dith to worry through till n•.xt general t.etinn, and by that time, they hopsd, . death, bat ode. enols. A reAhishe1, hyar& ,rnwjd h. 4roll !" the walls he bermes again defiant. • Wheless *palest 1•tnesrU Ata BLOOD STAINS I This is the man (Meal's) who is pts: where men who were killed ..r weaoJed I forward to Macken the alternator off such fell. The burning at the court hooses was 1een a Hun• Mr. McPbelsat. ..Time - panty malicious and aimless. There is Hon• Mr. McPbereea's ob&rsoter no excuse fur the failure to protect it. 'rely endangered by bis awn lett*r. Mc Fifty soldiers properly placed could have 11Kim did mat onto that. --(Toronto Tran defended it. The crowd was permitted I end - to go to the very windows and breek ' ta.iesary JN Yeea&s•. them without resistance. Some one suz gested 4, cast some light on the subject. The following is lb* amsmot bed by and the building was fired. Another statute for license under tie Dominion said, "This will he the Paris of America I Iwe.ne. Act . sore enough." The mob cried, "Burt' For each hotel or tavern, saloon or the - - - militia mut." Here shop license in cities, the ergs of occurred the melancholy killing of Capt. For each hotel or tavern, saloon no J. J. Desmond, a promising young man, shop license in town, tie stns of sant with $ squad of soldiers to put out I For each hotel or tarsen oe shop the Ire. The bad management .4 Shenff license in an i.eeepersted rill/go$1b0 Hawkins was evetely commented on the sags el all day in reference to the hos of For limb hotel sr finery Sr An? the building. At 12:15 on Sunday none. license in bulship, tits sum of $1 the mob took poeswion of the reefs .4 For each wholesale license within the houses, firing upon the militia drawn the authority oil the L•Rlels op in line before the court house. Ti is of this Pnvine. . 11350 estimated that fully 150 loon are killed For each homes fora vessel widths and twice as many wounded. The curt the authority of lie Laei5Mte^ Immo, which is tetany d stroy.ol eget of this Province, the sem ot... • $160 000. Berner awing all this fight- An additional duty of ... . ing was in safety. He was smuggled tont shall he paid 'mon the trimester of town "n Raturday night, but reaped or reemeal tot say d the alar ' tram the officers at Loveland. He sr is said Besse.. res•ptered an hoer Inter, and Indeed in the p.nitentiary at Colombus. He was jobs M.Re.saw, a Wsesaoah.cbu - wearl eared 1. ed with rape at the 3aNikarMh Agog**, was eegaiMed• I 1