HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 81 1 1 1 N .N rune the, 'Our man some vi repo. ' \1 knot 1y. naa o' tI as t Iris! It is an chat erin .1 am sin myj fat .i sevt (int slip tut a I to bac• let toe Jai tea -, Se e fes the tut is tie ar eh ht at of 10 Ij b t 4 ' 3 011110tfae, Janie. Morris Ire retursed home safe and woad, after ass swaths teasel l et Weeteru oratorio, and is ws.etaag with a warm weloosee Irvin his old chums *lose the creel H. looks wall, sail a M41 o0 the tingle side. ♦ Ht./WICK e0AI4DAL SWUM e •t w:e Diphtheria has trace more tine its ap- pearance ua thin vuunty, breads" out io Jobs Agar tainliy. Latta Catherine Altar, aged b years,ws& taken down with th dreadful disuses , . Friday last, and Ilea getting • heels better when on Mon day mu g she took a relagw,•nd died shout elates 'cluck Monday night. The hymnal t' plass on Wednesday after- oon, and was con- course trovudis followed t w Dungannguntcstae- tery. The •sarin •umwaunaty sympathic with this family in their affliction. The school was elosad on Wednesday out of respect for the deceased as she was a pupal. th The shrill whiste of the saw -mill again Outdone the sur of the mon folk,' and urea the thntata of the pude-wits from the "halloo" at meal times Bone of the married wee, however ungallantly declare that their si,ouses are in better voids now that they are not stratnitur their throats in giving the home ca 1. 'rhe mill staff for this season are :--- James Dean, bead sawyer ; D. McDon- ald, tail sawyer ; John Dean, engineer 1). Lawson, of Goderich, will shortly move his family out hers to Lorneside Farm. D. Curring is putting up an addition to the farm house for him. THE H l l RON SIGNAL F,RIA Y . MARCH 21 L$$4. .Vesselertelas...k.satewa W Ms can M aewa.aa.a At the Yuen arsines lest weak moues 11.• canoe trod wts,that u( Baan v. 8mretaaas--As mama take, by Wil- liam Baird to remover 111,500 fret Jens J SI•ettttw (..r the tmtrayal of the plaintiff's daughter, Hansek lana Monied, a girl 20 years ct ads. The story told by the girl went to shots that she Wall a .somber of the detatdeet • bun- ds; school clue bre years attar, arse w March. 1879, went to the ddesdastl m the capacity of a domestic se vane. Shortly atter going there Sweetmeat led her sstray,a:ad the imprvperreistiussCOW unued for a year, when eke young turf went home. She r.tursed in April. lett, and their Istltwsey was resumed and co/intend till August 27th,when eke again returned hums, tet euslineed to reset bio after that frequently, In Sep- tember last sate became aware tit her Lilly, but still kept up the relatieae ba - twain herself sod Sweet/can. Her mother became aware of her meditates, and at .ewe redhead to see what her be trayer would do for her. Sweettuau said Ise would send her to a friend's place, that of W. Laur, storekeeper, Hanover, who mid he would bring her to the Burnside, Torouto, and he would pay all expenses while she **away. It was amen to say that • young mut, IGebt. Burton, should be given as the author of her ruin, as be had left the country, is carder t.. shield the defendant. The girl went to Lauri house and afterwards to Tomato when, the witness admitted, that she and lour had transieressed. It appears Lsur and Sweataan have had a muauderW.diug, and that the asrios Lisburn. suss taken at the isatigstion of Lour -- rets Jcou1'* MAROS. Head "Eustace, the Outcast-" It is a thrilling tale. Mrs. Johnston and child, of Nile, are visiting friends here. Wm. Walter, of 13enmiller, spent several days in this region last week. We sad lire ,Leasure of a visit fruni Ja'ues Iturke, of the Bayfield Road, Goderich Tp.,w1wse towering form nude him conspicuous at:o.lg the stranger* who took in the sights of our burg last week. llasarlt --At the last meeting of 1.0. I,T,, a debate was held on the following subject : - "'toothed, that women have more influence over men than motley has." Clever speeches were made oa both stoles, but after a careful suIutaing up the chairman, D. C' mmtnga, decided in livor of the affirmative. The winners are now tusking in the smiles of the fair once. isousseat There are a number of cases of sick neve in this neighborhood at present John Murray. sr., having three afflicted at once. it scctn* to be a heavy otld, accompanied with a slight touch of diphtheria. Maas Bella M:Le.ad, formerly of Lee - burn, but now of Goderi •h, has been visiting Mr. Beaton and 1.mily of this place. Daring ber stay ah•- called on 11. Horton, an old friend, wt., gave her a cordial welcome. During the courier - tuition a good deal was said about May- wood., which was thought by your repor- ter to be rather previ •us, so early in March. She returned on, .turdda y, ri L cknow, much phased ttia161gavisit in Paramount. Cjuiite a number of changes Taken place of late in this vicinity. ohn Taylor hating sold his farm to life /broth- er, bought another in the t-iciuityyerf Galt, and has got settled on it. A. Mc- Lellan and family are moving this week to Michigan, U. S. where be intends to try the farming basin..., having rented the mill to the firm of Davis A M.M41in. -J. W. Hillyard will occupy the house former! occupied by Mr. McLellan. Mr. Hillyard is a cabinetmaker, and in- tenda to commence business in this place. After the counsel on both sides ha l au/droned the jury, Chief Justice Hag. arty. In the course of his charga to the jury, .aid : - "A more extraordanary,da.- gusinng and revolting case, from be- ginning to end, 1 have never met with to an experience of thirty yeas in which many art them cases have come under my notice." With all any experience to human evidence, I have never suet with each improbable statements as those 'nada by Lour. who, it appears. took • rather uno•s•:.,o interest in this girl, she bzu.tc, its toe says, an almost total strang- er to him. The evidence, how- ever, shows that on or about the time tact the girl alleges she became pregnant, Leer was in Furdwich, which u twenty -fire miles distant from Han- over, where he resides, Inure evidtnze requires great, a swallowing capacity to take in. 1 do not care to use hard language in speaking of his conduct to- wards Hweetman, but 1 cannot holp pill- ing him a contemptible nun. By his own and the girt's showing, when they came to Toronto, he took her to a hotel and stayed over night with her before they went to swear nut the affidavit throwing the paternity of ' her unborn child un Sweetman." . - After the judge reviewed the evidence -the details of which are unfit for pub location- he said, "I think that after what we hare heard during thhaet twenty-four hours we would hardly to see • man convicted in a cane of this kind. This is the moat atrocious case I ever tried, and I hope I will never have to try another of the sante kind." After being out for cne hour the jury ' brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, awarding her $300. Mr. Bigelow -I incise fur an order foots csta, your Lordship. The Judge -Fur the sake of public de- cency the jury should have thrown this disgraceful action out of Court, and, be- lieving that I now have the power to give or withhold costs, 1 will take till tomor- row to consider the matter. The case will likely be appealed Dungannon. Revival servicesare g vigorously carried on hen not. William Anders..n, of Chicago, was visiting the old homestead this week. Mia. Anna Anderson, who was visiting friends in Kin;stnn during the past year, returned home last Thursday. W, G. Girvin moved into his house on Ashfield street. D. S. Munro will oc- cupy the house vacated by Mr. Girvin. Mems. Robe and George Wilson left for Dakota last Monday. Some more of our boys are going. This fact la signifi- cant. While John McLean, jr„ was teaming hay on 8atuwlay haat, he was pitched off the load and sustained some injuries. Dr. McKay was promptlyon hand, and examined the wounds, wich were found to be nut at all dangerous. The news of the bribery plot created a profound sensation here. Most of the respectable Coneerratiyes are thoroughly disgusted with their party laiden. One of thee gentlemen says, W• will have is do something, or the country will go to ruin " Some of the old hard shells, however, folluw on the lines marked out by the Moil, D. E. Munro, who has for the past year .occupied the position of head males - man in J. M. Roberts' store, has pur- chased the business of It, s'aldwell, of Manchester. This vintage will sustain quite a loss in Mr. Munro '• move, and Manchester will got a thorough business lean and a courteous and obliging citizen. We heartily wish Mr. M. all esteem. • Thme ee• llsk FRsslee. London, Kink t16, --The Nets lays the report that Mr. Ukadatene thinks of vssigaing this year is absolutely unloosed ed. Mr. Gladstone is alta last minister who would think of quitting oAies in view of the present eeedMeioe of afbin at hems and ,breed. • The New York TrJsan. s Wsekiegen special rays 11 it rumored that Groat may rs•tapear as* presidential easdida0 . It is asserted that quite in8ueeesa ire bean exerted in bee behalf, with the &standing that his name shall set rape unless at heresies oeaMebt that sann.A be nominated. PJDUCATION AL. ttisi•eesm•r e>umtss.Mms amid 1 eatten' .Yes/iesesa The following are the principal changes in the departmental regulations relating to teachers certificates and tors ninations, referred to in our lest issue ; Holders of third -claw certificate's who desire a renewal of such certitisates are re4utred to present themselves at the non-pnafewonal third -clam examination in July, 1884. But the County Inspec- tor may award marks, (for efficiency and apeited* an teething/ not to exceed 200; to be added as a bones to the aggregate number of marks obtained In lion -pro - torsional subjects by any candidate for renewal. The minister wall otherwise grant ne extension, except under such circumstances, as (on representations made to him by the Insp.stor or County Beard of Examiners\ show it to bot nicessary to meet some unexpezted enierg.ney, and such extensions weal le void only till the next examination. Rai e tadidaie will hew to teed a pem sage adasled feted as eetbeeins l weeder. Female nen leLisw may esimailighe A magi, OL_ ., meow se Moser alg'esw Gaisheisses fiat eel V1 limo watt,iuees 1:, f i i..sai ar 9re11 Tine work Fw emeti itte MGR ROM e. the same es mks& w the woe pas d " Siislheb1 t t ~ MR Peretti Oesela iota."' M is artlbaa Ikon tree- trot de pipit ass eu-1q•-4-ca snit to ..t a maw r''1 deems a gats hitherto. and swims• esu teltewai Ste •' Hoopes'. armee ea time we A' lust Lab ., The w►jswa seism .d oe are the saves for assessi skew a► Gee thud bet the papuss wed be .!masers lane et the sayests . e.ril ler dna* n metates et 1170 marks meet be .s T1. exawieatteis ba amnia wall hese "1 "17 11k, awl t1111titl RI JO/ Lttkom seeeada11W Wen an tela tall► sad mei esu lea E . Ma t its arta ens Woe .+i teigeawaseis seri ►•eta♦ IAA ttmdawlo_ ilia of Mr. OW- Apw• h +l1 sheat* www+ reared Usle *ueb wean tie be .3 lbs liee.a. aodhs- atece pee., m Ptitall, Meati d11111.1, 110114 11#10101 00P01110 04 • lM befact ttM OROS w«INwtdrll beta as "sits Whew +lean. cosecs cost AO* tweets hail d slow ....soul IoM of by. 1 owe 1. twat.. abet 47tahklshl N !barley% leaned tsi, we ere+. A tbohuserlt. be thevu.sw t'..4., MlInsmeor. M I .• Minsk 9tc s► o* Nater - se, !nese& Styli, 1!11 , .limine sale u( fares Meek slid sugJe- m MOW, *et premmey of J. C. L.T»sae!, 11Palr, .. the pe..amrw. "t~ Floret, Maenad .tot , L.we.bip of o~ bees+, sear lt.serslier, by Jobe Ysoa, waseraeer. et 1 ...diva p o . in Thurs- 4a , Aped sal, 1811& 10 Restore. Monist trate .f .. ahead* farm, noise ihr rwellette knows as "tlerrydsll i Farm, utwalliettl Mtt:.l. C. L.T, o ew1, 1..t Reesese aller, is the towhite .4 rta- 1 lpus. reat bks Colborne hotel, (:orteti.b, Ly John Kona, auctioneer, at 1 o'clock d ('. , on Saturday, the fib of Ag rel, 1814 es+ Th. perfect rerwu o al1 a petribtd hn man being, having *'stat toff (over ►est a o . feet, hate been discovered on a fano in - i McGillivray asw•.s DON rs arise. t m saci c. Leat Monday nit Jambi of the 11 C WotanWotanschool, Cliatom,add d sheat $40 books worth of new bks to their la'•sary. While dories/ alongthe 2nd ora. Hallett the other day. R. Fttauwuas cher by a large eagle dying cb• t" him. Twenty-four freight elle and tw coaches ogled with p*usngere !*telt Pima Mtioats.l wields ante art the .tie xr t ed thruegh Satter • „ ,00.k for the \•ort Wast Mr. Townwssd, of Goderich township whose boom was burned a few weeks ago will sown have an..ther tine dwelhin erected. C uirno a Srst.•. Snow. -The Hullett township Avricultural Society will hold their annual spring ,bow of entire stuck in Clinton, on Tuesday, April the loch. New Cut -stn. -W. H. Cooper, jr., of Clinton, has been awarded no contract of furnishing the cut stone for the new Fresh)tetiau church to be erected there this year. hf i:rws Coco -44p t yt-t. AND COMPORT - tux "By •thorough knowledge of the aatu- rat laser which govern the operations of tiaeettoe and nutrition- and by a careful •; epptlt-ation art the fine properties of well - g selected t'ocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tease with • delicately flavoured be.ereae witch .ayJ save w man! heavy doctor' btlb. 1t b b the judlctous u e of such anlelesof diet that • twmtitution. may be gradually bulb up until strung enouto theorise. gh to of subtle maladies ry areloating aroundasready to attack wherever there is • weak point. We may escape many . fatal shag by keeping ourselves well fortified with pre blood sad a properlynourished frame.- -CYia Service ttaserte. - Made simply with boning warn or milk. Sold only In Packets itre This (itk end tb.1. by Grocer. leheU d_ J►Uwe Erre k Co.. Homeopathic chemists. Loddon Lag." They want a harness maker and a tan smith in Belgrave. There are ,hops to rent for each. Perhaps if the harness maker and tinsmith went there they might find themselves in want of employ mend. Joseph Murphy, commercial traveller dropped dead at his residence in Hamil tun on Monday, !3e was at one time resident of Brussels, in this county where he was engaged as a clerk with N M. Livingstone. Chas. Witte 15, we understand, about to close his photograph gallery, as Blyth is too small for him. his only a short tune sine. the editor of the local paper shut up stop and left Blyth fur a similar reason. BAD FALL -On Monday a nun em ',toyed tightening bolts on the Bayfield river bridge maned his footing, and fell to the ground,a diatanoe of about 20 feet; fortunately no bones were broken,but he was pretty badly bruised. There were visiting in Varna lately at the house of a mutual friend, Mn. Thomp- son, of Michigan, whose avoirdupois weight is 240 pounds, and Mrs Walker, of Stanley, of :15 pounds. They are said to be light-hearted ladies. Thos. Kastle died at his residence, 2d con.,Stephen, on Wednesday, 12th last., at the advanced age of 90 year. He fettled in the township thirty-four year* ago, when this whole district wag !little bettor than a "howling wilderness." was highly respected. Rey. Mr. McCoeh, ou returning f Mitchell, where he has been engaged holding special services, wee surprised a • else.. Ie Saadisb, Mich.- on )toaday the ink lap,. the wUe of E. M. Knight of a eon. On Sunday, March 23rd, the wife of R. 0. Reysolds, Deputy Sheriff, of a daughter. At Letts/ire, oa the 21st of March, lila4, the wife of E. Kpw, of a ben, MARRIED. On March 11th. at All Saints Church, Toron- to. by be Iter. A. H. Baldwin, James E. Jar- vis, of the omens of Woodburn, county Went. worth, to Mary. eldest dsughter of the late Gordon McGillicuddy, of the same place. At the residence of the bride. lather. Gode- rich, on the 25th lost-. by the Rev. T. M. Campbell. Mr. Robt. Sinclair. of Pembina Co., Dak. to Ellen Louisa. second daughter of Mr. Geo. Cox, foreman of THE SIGNaL news room. DIES. In Goderich township. on the 96th tap., James. Rutledge, aged 81 years. Io Goderich. oa Saturday. March 22nd. 1b4, Angus McIver, brood eon of Mr. Angus Mc- Ivor. aged 14 months. in Goderecd, on Sunday monaing. March 22nd. Hannah, relict of the gate George New- ton, aaed 73 years. in Standish. Michigan, on Saturday. March t'3nd, M wife of Ernest M. Knight. ted only daughter of Thos. McQueen, formerly of Goderich township, aged twenty-five year and six months. GedeMea Markets. OODEICICII, Man1, t'. Wheat. l Fal: U hush........... 91 00 0 91 le Wheat. I:Spring), bush. 1 OA W 1 et Flour, 1' barred...... -.. . s 10 N 550 Oats I bush ......, o ter Le d 31 Pens, . bush . .. ............... 0 CR 10 o 72 Barley,. bush..: . . 0 l0 w 050 Potatoes . bush new .. ... 010 N 045 3. a w He B , utte,r.. a .................:::. o i6 / elf Ch Y don (nspseked►..... .. 0 If re 022 ('hearse. 01t 012 fro Bran •'in Choi s evpft'rt:.....: . ..::: 0 7s0 -- 0 M to Woo.t ..... .. ...... ....... .. t 7e H learn that some of hie parishouen had Resembled and split thirty-tw, cort:a of woad for him. Next year the res. go tlern,rn will go. ort t.. special set vices ear- lier in the flea...11 John Biggart, Bayfield, niet with a very lain al accident on Thursday .,f Iasi week, while en,,aged skidding Ions in - Mr. Maris bush, which will lay brut up Tire 'cull;"rilttr in now ides........ .N... .....- ..... 5 4°' Howe ....... ss • s! 3111 ar P11 prepare. far some time. The harness br,.ke, a to furni'tr all kinds of Field and piece of them catching Mr. Biggam and tearing a hole in his leg Iewinlg the cools (iartirn of of talc and bone bare. BEST VARIETIES Messrs. Vanstone Bea., !trussels, have at rates that cannot be beaten in had cut and .haws into cowls wet over 2,000 (rt)tierieh. cords of wood, 1.000 io; which they hare delivered bo the Enterprise salt works. ('all and examine samples 1* - The new avow mill Is DOW running night fore purehnsing elsewhere. and day in order to cut the lerge,A. amber of logs which they have it. their yard. The splendid new dour mill is now run- ning. There is one lady down in Exeter who doesn't lecture her husband when he• comes horns late from the lodge. At least that's the impression that formed on our mind when we reed in the Exeter Ti's,. that the wife of Rev. E. J. Robin- son 'stele presented Lebanon Lodge, No. 133 with • neatly worked bennerstte A /see( $1 will be required frim each in token of her appreciation of the order, candidate, to be remitted by the i ispec., trier the departure from Clinton of o[ eiasoination. Candidates are "Muir' the train containing ( b ed lot send to the presiding irepecttx 'rest teat Tuesday, *little girl aa..,rt Bve for to the department for the expenses h pa*esenges ort s not later than the 1st of June, • notice Tars ..f age was found to be leo behind stating Use clam of certificate applied her, and the description of certificate already possessed, if,an ; sack sritim t.. W ac- companied by t • tee, and evidence of her parents met her. character. and to state what .optional sub- 1 jesta are selected. The 8eeIorth .Wen Gaye: The (anions checker player, %fr. Wylie, or stetter eines non-pn feesional examinati,m, with known as the "herd laddie," has been The ole igat„rag subjects for the thorn - here during the week playing allerem.r.- the values and the minimum required ere:- Mr. Wylie has played 79 genies here, 1 Roadies, 100 2,) wannineg all hut three ':draws. and ono $ Writing, 75 ley game bat, which was won by 1)r (:ole 3 Z.glieh 0111110(01r, 150 t,, man on Wednesday night The Dr should 4 er parents missed her and when they god to fbruce(ield telegraphed for ber. She was kindly oared for over night, sad forwarded to London next day, where Rag liah Literature, 1fi0 t7 hank upon this rtdory as indeed a proal $ Ct 100 23 distiactien as a ehu,ker player, when rt too 12 i s considered) that Mr. Wylie has played 7 Arithmetic and Mensuration 150 {b I ever 3,000 game since Nl.w Year. and $ AlArithmeticl(10 lea lei 1wt Ihrs.. Alex. Vt'ileos ane Reeled, l00 25 needed in getting two draws, and as Ids History. Kylie remarked to es. "it took Rus all ' Oen seal A y' 19 (,solkis tplayer "ime to etch Alex. H. e a eery 10 l rithtsetie, 75 19 had (a) say two el the follow- Ing three : Natural philos- ophy, eheetutry, betas , 200 501 or (I) Latin. r.r f e) Freeeb, er ( ) German. 900 GO O•adidates may ale take muse, or . thewimg, or beth, value 75 each, sad day marks obtained will tie aided as a Getout to the tote!. Candidates must in addition to the minimum is each subplot obtain 700 marks on the aggregate. I The excitement at Pocahontas, V.., ea Friday night when an indignation msct- ices was head t.. endeavor to compel the earners art the horning nines In rile pes the same and recover the bodies a/ lb! wiser•, baa subsided an • meanies. Tee - today the hello of the villein jumped apes a barrel and offered to egarry the Yam who re sewed the body of beerhilh w. T1s. arpwg met with no REES PRICE, East Street Grain Depot, Opposite Town Hall, Goderich, Starch Nth. INC 1106- D. fM D. K. STRACHAN pP.Zfy'Z'Yf7.a,L MACBU isT, Keeps ea hand ►epalrpllifiraof es•I.NaI for Ma lowers and Hoors Sulky Hay Plows Agricultural Implements lementsnd andMachinery Generally. ALL WOR THOROUGHLY DONE. D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHOP (ledench. March seta. hitt 11111114as Tie SeVer Ploy. FARMERS l rm NPlow. ui lb. ave alehee wf! tM seaMis botiV, 4 .e r MM Fonniry, Repairs es all the serve pews ens .dss be eb- b/teed at the nese PLOWS & REPAIRS. wrLL as mea a1 L ReducUa of 25 Per Oai, r7,osa New Was mildte it teat rem. A.." a .A. HUNGER Ytlsst•► Weei M. WM Mb vt nae. SULPHUR As. 17 IRON BITTERS 7: till cue .' v hearth , assn `Iris, kidney rimose. fine soar .4*s.t. and other wasting dunes SULPHUR ANO IRON BITTERS a snskhss the blood ant penes* A. system a cures weekod,, Lad, d stogy, t:. Tay a boo:., SULPHUR IRON BITTERS ib t: e ^.,'. Iron preparation that toes n t -r the teeth, an.t wu:l tut cense h.. :.:he Or c'o ye taeit• as other 1.... ,rialzatiuoswt., s SULPHUR IRON BITTERS Ladies and all •u1eren from pen ralgu, hysteria. an -1 kin.;r. .l eo..• plaints w:'I fel its .' SOLD aY F'..TO ZIT Jan. 10th, 1204. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING DECIDED BARGAINS 1': REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF GOUERIi'll. I. A Corner Lilt •Na lit on West tart. case Lot 106 to tar raarthe Park. vi-ry pleasant sit- uation, with view of Cake, enmpneing ssb- staatiaily built 3 story brio i Lotter, with stable, fruit trees, at .. 1640110.ee. S. Three and • half tots mearlc an acre,. on East street:IwlT brick Foundry, now under rent et ptol.ep a Tera $1•00.41111. 1. 146 u:: bank of Ittv,r, tear Le station, s1.•i». TFes. profert:es are natty wont, much more tuw.ey. but must he sold t., .Iurr out rbc Estate, and are therefore rrtcref! a: tt.e alas pricey. dimly to SEAGER A LEWIS. Berri ters, Dederick. Gott erich. Sept. 21111. 1813. Windt a week at home. 0,1 00 outfit free. Pay absolutely sure. No rink. Ca ital not rd. ttaseer.terservireist at which persons of either sex. young or old. ran make great pay all the time they wort. with absoluteeertatwty. Write for full particulars W H. Hacurrt t' 1'o., Portland. Valet.. wanted for The Lives et a1 the Presidents of the C.B. It is the beets bookLargest, werdaMfee les than twice onsfamesce. The famesselling book in America. Immmense pronto to amble Anintelligent pcoplc want it. Anyone eaanbe- =rueoa sesfCo. Port4ad, a af.e.A1M1- New Clover Seed TIMOTHY BRED, SEED w►HBi►T, SEED OATS AND BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OSL CLJR AND ALL £UUI8 OF MANGOLD a TURNIP $$ TOOHTHIlt WITH -- GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, roe BALI AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, Corner of Hamilton and Victory *set. Ooderieh. 00 TO KNIGHT'S SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, • OR DYE. FOR A > s,.s ;sd TWO DOORS EAST OF PA JOlill IaCTAEIIIART l0crws14 111111st*. 1111 Ilse opened est • fere tine of GROCERIES 10111 CROCLERY. Fresh, Cheap. eat of the best breads. FLOUR daC M'Ci a t . MEATS A thoroughly equipped Butcher Mop is con section epiit+ed aid Cared hews. Pert. etc.. ot every variety. A call n.epeottWy solicited. JOHN Ma..TAGGART. Goderich, !larch tfth. 1104. 11I11v-3+u AT TII E ----- CASH STORE. THERE IS CHEAP • Crockery 8t Glassware, Lampe, 8&4e AFULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Cal(! G. H. OLD 1312 GROCER, The Squarer ,,.. Ooderich Jas. T. 1001. t -A FE\%' PIECIt>}-• - FOVLE $EGEstmshLL 'WOOL, !b_Iaobelt W1'i at the Coats -S A,, VALITE. 0 MQTBE _. OF FAMILIES fear a few pieced of DRESS .GOODS, suitable for Wrappers and Children's Ines+•.• , at 10c., 12 c., 15c., 20c. per yard. Ooderleb. Harsh Itt0. )rt. WM_ K,AY'. h/teis. Someth j i v V Qa n..tt1c,_ WALL TiNTS. KALSOMIME COLORS. LadiesIsEvery Shads. Reedy Milted Paints. Peer-bee'e ,item Asa de sad lbsn It the color they require without the freebie of Rad Waewttal revery reepe.-t. end so give barldatesa Por sales* John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium Big Slaughter Salo for 30 s J • C. T . DETLOR & CO'S. GREY COTTONS AT MILL PRICES;.t,-, - - WHITE COTTONS AT MILL PRIORS. FANCY SRIRTINO$ AT KILL PRICES TWO CASES NEW PRINTS --JOB PRICES. RIO DRIVES IN TABLE LINENS i TOWELLING$ A LO? OF i'ISTER CL THS -A GREAT BARGAIN. SEE OUR NEW DRESS GOODS, uet.ettaN -sem 000D WASHING SILKS, AT 110c w$atrss wis esu elwmen tar Ms Visit T►arar Dara J. 0. DBITLOR & CO'S. 4' •