The Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 71
run ane Fancy.
'Are the saes use the Ship of Stets
, Rada from the Preeidestirl cannier
mks • rams leatesems trent 1 . Adapt.
Aa iw.peeneimr iadivWeal rewash
stet the was the same te him at &etasel as
it it new. He twee snapped dim and
has been eti.ggeti ever dao.
Wheel the tkelkor saki it was humor in
tl s bleat, the- wiether replied : '1
It owed P. ; I bid him he had been read-
itg feu many fussy papers.'
1f you think a a•iler's you is Luo
nes* to believe, don't tell him tubi be's
b:owsng, but suerely suggest that he is
tasting tun meek to the windward.
A Lueddsl inertial amens the truth d
tte story that • lady of wealth, well
,e own iu New Yost, sent for Italian
atti to to paint pist4res to match her oar-
An Indiana jury stunt is • writts ver-
dict ut 'Wwda to pease bi the bilge
'No,' said the gemeretss men. 'i
harslet gat that bore. tow. I found u
co it seem te keep him than he was
wcttb, si I gave hint to my btnutber as a
(.1 tktttltf prsswuL'
A eeieatist assets that • bee can only
sling once in two minutes. That would
be thirty stabs every shining hour.
That's busy bee enough for us.
A physician said jocosely to a police-
man me semuis& 'I always feel safe
when less a wholeness in the *vesting,
for thew is so daager smut.' 'Ti..,
safer tbam 1 feel when I have • doctor
About,' was the bright retort 'Maga
As .wswbat of an inducement to
Amateurs, ws take this method of •n-
twandng that every one sending us a
)'one ten 'Being' this year will receive a
potted a ityamsite done up in a beauti-
ful sheet .1 Mimed tissue paper. &Now
is dm time le ss! lip clubs. -s..fiT'7
basad 1 rhe wag a '1llisltigat
fin Mayer,' loot Aammer will go on the
rood this ept4Rg as an 'Ohio Rood wt-
ftnwr.' lite tbswgbt sews that he would
hate tm appear as a 'Java earthquake
aRtdr'le; hat the Roods have fortunately
medical this rather tar -fetched excuse
A hT^acv old anus of the pio;f h
h 1 a yenning creamy koup;h,
Ilio she took a Mod cough
e.ttrie.1 it: t
Ace: mi d'.0 i rust a cte.ust) (rough.
}touseholb }tints.
Okra is • peat additie• to .harken
gravy sr to that wade when euukiug may
fowl It is a w,ewhat like welalu.e iu
its east
Yueag turnips hailed, tud sliced when
a,ld and put in vinegar, are *soy appe-
tiamupp whoa elates with sortie 1 beet and
Young and lias rained earruts make
• deliciues moms if bulled until they are
Leader, then cut iu two lengthwise and
(lied or browned in butter.
A handsome comforter or shoulder
ywilt u improved by tutting both sides.
Then these u no spl.earauce of a right
or sump side, het both sides are equally
well IbiLhosJ..
Instead of carrying china or other
Wates ill picnic bsslets, use the little
plates of wood used in ste•:et for butter -
plates. ')'lay take up 1u.e room, and
keep other p ate. from b tuig nicked or
If yourraytberry Jelly does not har-
der at essce, du tui Duvet the glasses up,
Dip the Atlantic "eean dry with a
teaspoon; twist yoar heal into the toe of
your boot. wird up fishing -hooks with a
hallow and tab for stars; get astride a
gossamer and chase the court; choke a
Tow • asoma Ill•rasea.
Uabe.kle every Wee, a theta that M
sits overlooked, it will more than W7
yuis fur . time it takes. Bee that your
barttssa thoroughly repaired. Take }
Ib. a summon waahiug soda, 1 gaU••.. .
ream mem Dissolve the soda iu (t,M it -
tag it to Naar buil.og. put 2 irr S pasts of
rata water in a tub, add suds water
which will make it right heat, stir it up.
lmmtwss your la -nese (a11 bet sullen and
pad) so that every strap is, let
it reptant half .0 hour, take a stiff brush
and scrub uff dirt which will easily some
uff, treat collars and pads the seta. let
it dry for two Mora Black ail brows
places with harness oil, or ammonia writ
tng ink. Take a pians of woolen cloth
about S iaebss rids and 12 long, rat N
sy and bind it at one gild with twits, tt
makes the beet brush. Take an 44Id
c,u.k,peur to sous oil, rub ou the oil m-
ade and out, and d.•u't spoor the tel
Of course the liar. e.. maker Keeps
the hest cel fur this purpose, it is all
ready prepared and toll test soil your
hands after it is uw•l.
Nests foot oil will J.,. Ciaul off your
but let throw stand *pen and, &posed to buckles with sour of emery, if they ars
the air and light, and us two or three good silver, use whit g %Vitali dry
days the jelly will be iu ss..d condition varnish if required. Toes suout.1 les dons
to put away.sp ring end (ail when the sc4•hcr K. cool.
Pretty banners for the w .11, or small Mt this out and posts it Id .:rap
screens, are made by twit ng a strip of b"ok it will "Ter fol you -
silk er satin autl applyiug the handsome
woven rosebuds or Ss ihich :sn
ire purchased ou at storm where
T. ucy goods are kept. Tasteful fringe
can be made by revelling out the ends
of the silk and tying in knots.
When about to purchase a-. engraving
luck carefully to the manner in which
the boards are put together en the beak,
and if there any knots in the boards
have theta replaced by uthsxs without
knots. A handsome engraving may be
ruined by the pitch in• small and almost
unnotiee•ble knot. i tD17pmge'!'w„ ,'a!
Otani Danny -One-half cup of but-
ter, tale cup of motorises, one cop of
sugar, one cup of told water, one heaping
teammate' of soda, Gimer and .alt to
taste. Drip in tuns and bake m quick
oven. bc,=•s•
Fee. SAat•e-A Rice aux for tea can
be made of figs. Let them soak in add
water , •sr, hatter .till, in a little sour
cider. all night. Then let them bol
gently until they are tender. .lust Le -
hers takicg them from the tire add auger
t" your tate. 1f you d.. nut use calor,
the juin. of nee er two lemons should
be used to prevent the sauce from test-
ing insipid.
BLArs1 CAKE. -Otte and a half cupfuls
of ba,.wn sugar, one cupful of butter,
half a c sol ,.f molasses, one cupful of
Row Wee= rmw5.teae wNiewed ties Sae
Mee. 110iMl7 W fab•ttmlaete.
The Gress Gentian lurig••,..tor is the
sly spacttto fur eLuputettcy.
burly, u.irswsal histol., fisegetfnl:tees,
pia in the back Of &KIWI, is.. w atter bow
shattered the systeus easy be free ea
enema of as loud, the Great German
Be.Jy will restore the at function*
•ad .sour• health and hal►ptusra. 11.00
per b,x, six hoses fur $4.00. 4014 by
all dru• :ace dent tea receipt ..t price,
ppttrrsstta�ir ••461, by F J. Clammy, Toledo,
Obw, s•.l., rg int los United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials out free. Bold
h Geo. Rayne., sole gleet fur Code -
n ob 3,5
To etre Itedleal pr.sasa.a. coo .11 whom
la may resrea.
Phos• hattue, or Nerve /tom, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Fleienlifi0
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
hi. D. of Rustuu, Maas., cures Palmon-
tsry Consumption, Sisk Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia
and all wasting diatoms of the human
system. 1'busphatine is not a Madoouu.
bu• a Nutriment, bermes it aorta ns no
Vi*etwhle etr Mineral Peirce, Opiate.
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but small
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
fount in our daily food. A single bottle
is sutticiont to corvine. All Drug)tuts
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. I,owuRa &
Cc., sole agents f dr the Dsn.,iiiion,
fab Front Street Etat Toronto
Aa the Inns tt winter Vanish under
the caloric iutluestee .4 the sun's rays,
an does Bright's Diseases. Drolry, atony
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflow:
oration of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the adiniuutration :4 Dr. Van Bu
ren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson.
John R. Vert, Hamilton, mays : "Mc-
Gregor's Spesiy Cure for Dyspepsia Alia
Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price asked for it I ala a commercial
man, and travel continently, au.l wuald
un enure think of leaving home without+
Tuttle of McGregor's Speedy Cute in s„,,
valise than I would of learinl my 1...•u,
at hone and going on fo•.t." Fres trial
bottles at G. Rhynes dreg &t.,".'.
lar size 110 cta. and $1.
•Tlee "Marked Titles .a trefoil
Is Kruu's Fluid Lightetug for Nanr.i:ci►
Headache, Toothache, etc. It does not
h:(iter or discolor the skin ; require •(
one *pplecatiou to banish all pies to s.iC-
ally without wing any greasy 1..i•.s' flt
or carrying your hosed in a lteueltseu for
weeks. Try a 35 cent bottle front Geo.
Rhyne.. druggist. h
A Ohm sed Sadism weteetive.
A story about an Indian who, fo :,ad a
white tan lying dead in the wu..da with
• bullet -hole in his (urchesl is the
heat illustration,' of the bahit of .!,serra-
tion which a detective must c:titirate.
Thu Indian mune into the white settle-
ment rind told the settlers his story :-
'Found white man dead in woods. Had
hole in his head. Short white ober .h•w,t
him with loner gen; ramrod 1.1 gain three
inches beyond the muzzle of gen Wore
gray woolen ooat Had little dolt with
abort tail. Had waited lung while for
dead than to come along.' 'How do you
know all this 1 Did you are it r was
naturally demanded of the Indian. 'Oh
yes ! me saw ; now show you.' The wa-
ilers visited the Beene of the murder,
and the Indian showed them the spot
whe.e the murderer had waitel fur his
He had set hit gut agates' the tree.
It was • Tong nue, because the bask was
slightly grazed high up, sal shout throe
inches above the ruark left by the mrizzle
there was a slighter mark made oy tier
ramrod, showing that it projected three
inches. The roan wore • gray woolen
eeat,because where he had leaned ay$iust
the tree little particles of gray threads
had been caught by the bark. There
was the plaee where the little dug sat un
bit launches -his stump tail left a mark
in the yielding soil. The murderer was
short, bemuse when be reloaded his gun
he set the butt a *tetra way frau his feet.
The trail he deft counts and gong show-
ed he was white, because he turned his
cess ou irtduns never did. floe trail
also e!. w -i that the otso c•.nsing t. the
tree was older thus the oto X •Itti away
from it -hence, the murderer had wait -
mosquito with sea anvil; get a horse -tool sweet mi , three 4tiWs, two teaspoonfuls
u hares--im short, Prove 5.11 thin . here -
p j..f baking powder, t'bur,ngbl7 sized by
tufo(' sonsid•red impossible t.. toe pas- I tittie2, with toner oapfots of sour, two
table, bat seseg, never attempt to please pound. ,d swsis''d rawna, one pound u(
everybody when you edit • paper. I currants. and one-quarter of a pound of
'What shall we des with our old citron, tits,,,, y sliced. Bake in a rather
clothes r asks a newspaper writer. H. elites ural.
should aro thous Doul he starts a daily A Nttw WAY To C005. Sra*R RIaB.-
paper to till a l..wt-fait want. H. 5111 Put the meat in the oven to cook, in a,
need these semi afterward. dripping pa.. When it is nearly done.
•%%'hat will be the duration of the ties- psur over it a hatter of Hour. milk, and .4 this egaipsge at ib° nezt halt r enda or baking ps..wder ; this httter
one utred a llostun "aid" "f the cro- should he almost as stiff ae of were in-
ductor. loaded fear biscuit When It u dune,
'Wbi• r he gasped as Ise tutu the meat out on a platter. with the
s:tied at het with unfeigned aaWnish- dough under the meat ; make a rice
nicht. gravy in the drippis; p.ut, and lour
The yubng lady repeated the question, oyer tits• meet%
and the ticket taker lai.keu niers blank I'LL u P '-eateu -One cupful of too-
:i.: is ever. lasses, oue^.rupfal of sweet milk, four-
ourl:uddenly M smiled and politely said :
fifths of a cupful of chopped suet, three
No. ma's= ; there's nu such statin
cupfuls ,.: Hour, eight :flees each of
•.n this read, but et the next stop,pittpt ,deism% all 1 currants, font Inc..oo1 rit-
plaee i'11 let yew u(, and you can faders roil, elite teaspoonful 01011 o1 cinnamon
the down train Irak and cloves. half a teaspoonful of all•p:ce,
'How loop have yoe been married r ,,,, . and oar -halt teaspoonfuls 4.1 taking
eked the clerk at the hotel desk, as the p,,..der. Sttom three hours, and serve
elderly bridegroom registered. while hod with vanilla sauce.
Two weeks, replied the happy .aerie RArt's.-It an be made ac -
'Front; cried the clerk ; 'show the enrdi1R to tau (:•uatry Geatienum. a fa.
footloose Item del tars a
1� B ; Iuws ; 'Titres faseths t.f •Dint •,( water,
itay Q' _ alt). two. , Capfuls of sugar. n
z,• z.,' wear v ear a °+T.'
'!''�r'•dii� ,•pi'';'s 1, £1ratl _�x,• µ..
;,r �-.•=yells
BOK w 1io]M'leRA4
C.IY!)4L. . - 1rr,see,sw.
4tJMPI.0 - • - - ea.""t'•g"a•
Goderich Branch.
U. ULAN:4 . • - - - M.osapr•r.
Allows laaMest es deposits. Urates. lefts.
of stedlt and sereeler solve tooted. ppsayych
to all porta of the world. Nei.
Flirt wife, tltn1y said tM 111114114",_ n,nfu! each of extract of lemon mud
'(Ili, elem. SIe. Rr:aT, sw the eineamen„ .one teaspoonful of coni starch
gentleman to 8114, bask. Take the ele-
vator ; $4 a week. sir.'
Ilion% of diatom.
' The speeds et a time torn is so clear
that you sea tea hie Neap= at its bot-
tom white as a marble
Work dad play aro the universal
ordi.aaeed God for the Using races, in
watch they symbolise the fortune and
interpret tbebrand of men. No cresta
lives that must not work and may not
Tko speech of the longue is bed known
to men; God beet understands the heart.
I had rather speak three wards in a
.p•eeh that God kmows, than pray three
hours in a language that he understands
(`.rwrfidetee .ad fear are almost one
thing rather than two when we .peak to
Osd, He that fears most trust most.
To none is death so little of a change as
to three whose life has been one long
confidence in Gid
At this soon .f the year there should
be a bottle of Pectoris in every house.
It is unequalled for ret the C•dds and
Hoarsens., is ; karmic . e.l i day s.i • Ger
children. Prier 21 c -+:N, C a'! 411:: -
(tat.. 111
A Core err 4 111.4 001013.• live
The finest i,twh•d'. • t .... t •roc:.Tike
sun w Mc(::' _or .l• ' . y .• of lW C.•r
ate. Them is to. bore-. •r .- i etl.:ya:nl,
to its wo:o.)-•rfol beak*: :• ..meow. it
is all• dtestiat 1 •' s•-:• •13, has -
ferules, r'c Pri e BS et •s • st'/;. Rhy
ttY Jtu..t.a.•. f'
Reaves. fens araC ns sem
Will be cheerfully ;wets my taw pr.-
peien•re of beset•' b pt .. • 1' -H.. tors_ • r
gamin'_ ---- -
tut curs t...11e i.'::
-.• dein. in
chronic disease. ••f t re.' • I. •1•er ., •t
Putt sip ('ii a.. - 16,000,000.
Best, - - $1,4m.OW.
Pecaidrnl - lwX. WM McM4STRJ4
General Jdsaswer. - N . n. ••••a..e4Oo.
Goderich Branch.
Interest allowed es deposits. Ihan. on •
the principal Towns and Cities in Canada
Great Whale &tut the Vatted !totes. bough
and sold.
Adr•neeato Farmers ow Notes. with oa.o
more endorsers. without tmerlgaae. 1'641
.t week • Ladle at honor h) the In
lustriuu.. best busiata. .use bi
fore the public. Capita toot need
ed. We will start you. Hen. we
men. boy•sad girl want .d very
where t•, o•,rk fur us. Now 1. the time. Yes
too ..ort .0 spars 11555. or rive your whole
time to, the business. No other bushnsw wIU
par you nearly w well. No one can fol to
make cram vas pay. by raga/ing at once.
Carly outfit and terns free. Money nude
fast. easily. and bimonthly. Address Tilt r
Co.. A urusla. Hslne Reward
For any Testimonials recommending
McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, C,stiveness, Headache,etc..
that are not genuine ; none of which are
Imdur persons in the States or thousands
of toilet away, but from persons in and
amend Hamilt.s, Ont. We wive trial
bottles free 11 est, so that you atlnut
be deceived by pore:taring a worthless ar-
ticle, Ion know its value buying.
Trial betties and testimeniala P;iven_free
at G, Ith}nai drug store. a
Kron'. note 'theta at oz.
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
sash, re'ieves any pain instantly, the
cheapest and quickest applieetion known.
Why antrer with Toothache, Neurakia
Has 1 -!a- . Rhennratirn, Lnmleuro, Scia:
tie-♦. \ .re Throat or Acutu Pain% of a-••
kin! +Fs. n yes oen lo ole••. filly,.t.
dal: and wet a perfect and not t
taneues care for 25 amts. A.k .1*
Kra Ws F rid Lightninst. b
Tae« err *Old Part..
The hest blond purifier and system rre-
gnl•t.'r ever placer( within the reach ••
suffering humanity, truly is Electric
tete. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliouss..
Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidna•�•.
r any disease of the urinary .mown.. ••
Ategyer require* an spl'rtiaer, t.•sst
mild stimulant, well ;dicey% tints E'et•tri
Bitten the hest ems only certeiu can
known. They set surely and gni.1.le .
every bottle guaranteed to give etsti•c
4atidaction or money refunded.. Sol 1 ,t
fifty. eenta • battle by J. Wilsee. [4j
the juror of two lemons. B.uI the kidneys. revealing peal '4'2 .a 1
water ; add the corn starch dissolve 1 in the 1r,ssihil.ty . Ti•t.•s e--f'.er thou in -
a little water. and the atgar ; heal yiftee:l
minutes. strain whet- to carte. efld
add the extract. and Ise,.•na Iuice. •
VieMMe Probabilities
Foretelling the weather is uncertain at
the beat, toil of ascertain that if you catch
mid in this changeable climate you Gan
hest hied, 1•a ill effects with Hagyard's
Pectoral 1lslmm, the most reliable and
p;wwut remedy for cough., colds bron-
chial and lung complaints. It is ...agree-
able that even • child wall take it. 2
Christian faith is a grand cathedral
with divinely pictured windows. Stand-
ing without, you we no glory, nor can
pnmibly imagine any ; standing within,
every ray of light reseal• a harmony of
eadpakabie eplaadog.
Our best friend is our Father's house
o. high. Our hearts and our treasures
are then. Why should we not 'look up
and lift sour heads' toward the land where
w• shall 'see the King in his beauty,'
and meet the dear ones who .re waiting
our coming r
In self -semination, take no aeeoent
of yourself be your thoughts tied resolu-
tion' in the tilays of religion and solem-
Isity ; but auntie. how it M with yrs in
ilio days of ordinary ertnve satiun, said in
Use eircuesatancee of secular enpto•y-
me st
Ttte Ureslr.a eke ,•t..a •s . m 5 I
is a 1':............. -.preparation.. . .J. a. C1,11, dile
and orate celled :1. • : •v eft Parke's
Carbonic Cee it P. is : ore a..: e,rr
cut, burn ,.r i rod.• • sen all .ober pre-
parations Gail Cad !it 117. Khynas dr.ij
store, and get a package. l«r cogs it all
it wets
Ertl dist Uses atter 1 ..
it is a hard truth, but none the lees a
truth for being hard, that the fruit of
forgiven un does not die with the death
of the tree that bore It. if one has de-
stroyed the life or the happiness of any
other by his misoonduet. his penitemes
and his assured pardon will net restore
the life or the hope he has ruined. Not
can any merited punishment of the
wrong -doer remit to the inn..cent suffer-
ers the c0naegoeneota .4 his wrongdoing.
-Ak if beside the dead
Slumbered theps in !
A h. U tie hearts that bled
tnnept with the slats !
It the (fief dbut go,
hath will not Introit es. -
This thought ought to be as ailed in-
oiecemewt to os all to shrink from trans-
gression, in the leant as in the greeted..
Seen though we may final patios for
our own errors, others most suffer for
them. and we oarselvea must also be aof-
feuse notwithstandieg our pinion. As
railer toys of evil habits, so it mi*ht 1,.
mid ret angle evil deeds :--"H•bita of
sin, when pet to death as habits. leave
many evil livens behind them." No
troth H serer thee "What ter a man
aowelb. that eba11 he also reap'
A Bawtaa's Tmrnwois . - For A
' • ewh, Cold nr any R.onehtoal affetioa
1 sctoria," i. say .i4inion, 4 just the
I! olig. i have inea it in my family ter
C. Akita and Onhda for the pest frier yews
with Lbs mast traceried .us , ova
d••y my opinion of jt is that 1 .emus..
1'• tbmk still meets a that which 1
Wahine well of.
Gen. Kama, Manager Ontalle Bank,
Naas 48 meta at .11 drelfgwta >•
Ubalreetioss of th. Osomseb. baser,
Itstiossll Pills. r 1111
ITEM Mm= 'poet as the
ressigNea a lleasli � toorraartisan Pmein y
wwarttbime Com : poi _el ss with M �,,�.•
its ..d4.4epoem Geltaset melted tob)
dnee sad got s fres tri bslds a.4 f ••t est
fned It f tbs worst heron .1
Dy -r ' Ltver� aN., somatter a
ys� tt news pee aught!. les frees
tit Woes ��t"s tom' mstlma en
MfOta � era term.
ermtpleteb without & b Ile
l y
11 i. the ably remedy that will pntively,
fly and promptly sura ell kayo
Mews*. Sold by 1 !hese
Every Thura3wy From Portland.
i1tJT1511 ASK COT. Ties ata- 1irs.►lbl.e
Pilate' XINV. CO'Y,st1•• as Yt1l.tdl
Katablieb d I'•
IN...* Y. of Ilss.tre,ae CWst
Lembei.hed net
Roam t. eu et she taboo afirm demi,r
the lowest rake by HON ACK DORT(1
The usdisoratirseu Is ales Areraier! t
CANADA I'fCR. LOA.- anti PAV1K6r -
limey to 10u ea eret-stam secant .
) to a per Cont.- Charge* Ot l.i SOS.:
Oo4or':b Sept. 1e. seta.
3Y. -f: j Eatur4ay from Halifax
f Kv JI011Tts.T OKA B.(n-T' TO 1140 Fila w
nteI..11•I'win genlelfts.
SARDINIAN from 1'o.Tl..ISn, Feb. WM.
HALIFAX. Mar bra
are annually]' rotobed
owl heals l restored 0 soot health reMorr 1
by tt •,rseurl61eRreat
which posit ely sus permanent y runs lee-
=ry teamed b exces■s. of ay kind.)
ma 1eshtseas, sad all Mainers tba.t 1. l-
ieu as • eequeace of $e!t-Abuse. ae km= to -
ren. lire of memory. unlvcresol Mwunde,
pals is the hack. doom,. of t Moon. prema-
ture obi age. and elan) other diseases that
lead to inmate, or cs nauu•plion •nd • pmma-
lure grave.
Send for circulars with it stintonlsls free by
mall. The iYTIssR.%Tei is sold at $1 per
box. 0r eta bores for $S. by all druggists. 4 r
will be sem fror my nut L ..cutely seely.'. e w
receipt of price. h addrenlrg
F. J. CIIFNbY, farugti.t.
157 molt til.,Toledo. Ohio
Ono. Wires,.
Sole Ascot fur l.•devich
ple Ir areron (.ao.e. 5lacrcaw
1114.11 rnings.aed It. time b..
,.nnr %mitty : those who Jo
vo,e Ihe.r uppsrtun
ones remain in •.ote,.y. 'Ac offer • gtca
char,4. to make money e� . •ork for t enlbe r
nen. Mot's and girl
own luc.liti s. Anyone an do the work pro -
pet!) trout thu Prig start. The buslnees will
pa) me.? than ten times ordinary wart.. 1i: -
emetic malt tuna. .hod troy. No one w ho en -
doges falls to make money rapidly. You can
get ode )our whole time to the rook. ••r only
spare your =entente. Full A11enruiatten and
anthill la necessary sem toed . .\.',it, re. i- r1't
sow & Co_ Prorated. Mat .• , - -
$500.O(' Devoid.
We sill pny the ahoy' reward for a.) 1554• 1 snap �at. P(1.1'• We.• $k k L'. refit he.
Indite•.1ka, Comeliest 4a ar 0-..1.%111 to vie
cannot coin- w in k A% ewe's ‚*-(&t Ir 1 Itrr thus. t
heti thr.tini Dons are onto 11144 5.14.1(1 with.
'They -,e purely Vegeta'•--.... a sett AU to
etc ea* afaci 5141. roomy t.. tot, d. 1 anis roes,
ennleiariat 71 PIII.. Y' r• o 1.. er tan 1 y on 5
P.. :„t!tte. )'afar- , c•e,, r to said Imlta-
them. The pg�r•ih�niur run::, •raeluied easy 1.
JOHN C. WE$T AFS t, '• I• 1111n. Makeree
Mead �Se.fcsKgieng
gta11 scut by ma. . • p.ld on receipt
Of a torsi Plamr•
for nate al 1d /LACY!' Til is aT(aRG
A Lies $svt5Rfrev.t.
lir. M. E. Anise's', Hntohin.on, K.u' ,
eased his life by a simple 'trial Bottle ..
Dr. King's New Disoi.rerc, for e. :•-
g umption, which caused him 4o prec ut,-
• largo bottle, thatoempletely cured 1
when Doctors, chs fire ••f climate au.l
everything else had failed. Attlee ,
Brottch(tie. Iberians. Severe Cuu4l.••,
and all Threat and Lene diseases, K
guaranteed to erre. Trial Bottles at .1
Wilson's drug store. Lanes eine $1. (1)
CiR('.tisMIAN. rons I'ut1).A%I'. 1ear. pith.
H *I.*PAX. War. 1k11.
POLY NFa1'AN, from p.,KIL&3t1, Mar. 11th.
• 11 LIFAX. War. 1305.F WL V1A;i. ►Mtn PrttTLAten. afar. 20111.
HALIFAX. War. rad.
CAi1'IAN from I'•nrrt.tve. March nth.
RA1irA X, Mar. Y9lk.
SARMATiAN. from I'narlrau. April 3n1
HALIFAX. April Sth.
$A RD`A L AN, tine n PoMlrtrn. Apel! lath.
HALIFAX. Ape11111th.
PARISIAN,HALIF(rose 1`owr*ANn. April I71h.
AX. April 19th.
CIRCAnAtAN.. Aprilf otrh.Atco, April 2lth. 1
Hi'Ol.\"� t .N. from
ay kldia'rtrst.. May 1N.
Passengers wishing to embark at 1'orttad
to r t..derich. on Tuesdays. at i' o'clock.
rbc law( trw;n •in Halifax with the Mails
Ere "t1141etsa's5 6,111 ea Ouderich every Wed-
... -•1.5. at t'
1' --ovist •,•rtilk•alr issued et greatly reduced
• u-5- •n pennon* wishing to • nog their friend•
.Kut rev..... • 1..- Uld r'r:ur.•ry.
p• ,- , ..- snot ,'1 Information. apply to
Ticket 'test.
(lodsr•ieh. Nur.
That i)tphth.,i a is to of 'hs nsd Ifstt w
...diereses andan�va e::;'s'r, pawn=
nods of eblMren. I4. (.d esu 1, tan 1 w. naw
deny. and that of .4A. In 5 any ra+w are
pywrrlm. ame!e'' ;'e..1'.• es treefout fgrl
Ode that i • t ! gilt . ►.:Nestor .1,o.t1d
be d! with rut .n') , er;e 'r es b-nined by
be hal use :, 1 • • nt•••!. A cou-
RaR•'at �' ls meth at et : , -.1: edi.d-kr,l at the
ireglanton that' after tt 9e., poke) headway.
Se. it iswitlielse ea
h this o r,ot was i11 1t la �on s bate. Such
(rine is petrTow.11 the reins la
�,Ayy'P On'tiTNLRIA as4 ('R4)1.1' RlR1l-
N'e totters
that tt
w15 savory Its 1,Ptters pra=t fay.
Mew tate
nut for the Dominion of Canada.
sad lintionitiotte are take, Mat n•nw.• will lie -
Ioeseis, wt, 1y 1454ask medical ems to ere
rssaii• tA•t. TossIandel.. eIera
iso •seas es wap drib tge.
41 . H. Ti*RI, t �I`L. ..r.i P•O.
leer Moa es a 11 hay 111o14.
liodlorJuly 21 10. 111M-4 1
rt 5 O Qs 'j
0 _ _Z •
►- ° g t3
� a �r.
laJ kor • Z i% j
a ` c O%!' !
Irk` si
Ion. E. v. tt'tor's NLkr;. '.a,AIM TRkAT
use,, a r,:inired tor A;Mterle, Tax
sitters. ('04:. ulsious, tits . ertOM Neura!li&
Hea4isebe. Nero use PRm/t.ttu.. caused be
use of alcohol or tolat•rt. Wakefulness. IMen-
tal Depression. &ot,enlnnptt d the Brain, result.
hig h% Iwaasity and leadiyt to misery. decs7
&sed death. IYensature Ops Age. Harrenr is,
Low of Per rrineither ne•.tnvolt/sten Li sirs
and )goernuturrt.erw.. an sd Ly Overstay, loo
of 1b, Frain. o -If -abuse or uv. r-lydulgt ace.
Ons box Agit! tore recent -eyes. Each to con
tains one ,u -nth'n Orsini( nt. nine,1o11ar a bog
or six buss for nee doll&ra : sent by mall pre
paid on tecelp• of pokes. We •raran,re dx
boxes to cure any case. With curb order rt.-
eveelted by us for.!. boxes. aceowapar.ied with
Ise dollar.• we will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the money if the
treat anent does not effect a cure. Guarantee
issued only by JA11110 w'OLSON .olea:•11�
ized Oo
anent fordcrid', Ont. .,
• �t-- - & CO.. sole Proprietors. Toronto (Mt.
- hoPl o - lea Livery
Ilutiag pun limed 11to !Avery Voisin.... of Jno.
K. Swartz, hwwrr57 owned by I:obest firm,
• Atilt • •.lyre ut pn'.:w P:4 r.04,appv1' They
gaaranter .,.f is =Con no aft. u.,l olWr
The Finest Rigs
('A1'*ND 8K1 L$ Oprosi e Dailey•z
Hotel, o O Crich.
I:01, ri I , Fc'..:t1i. IS!'1. IwX•stn
-- --- no' lite 1s 141%44 p . y.
VI s dare 1n111 11 II
111 y toe. sub
.,mailing R
.I no leans behind to emotion.
time. 516 • week in your own
t0Pf. -115 outfit tree. No risk. F:..•rything
new. Cavus) sot rouaired. We will furnish
you erer7:hlnw. Many are n•aking f--rtono
Ladies make as much ae men. sad boys sad
5r1* sake grest ray. header. If you want
assitnew.St obleb pee ma nuke arc• l pay all
the tittle.
!Co..PovtcLnf q p*ttlCOMreto 11. tl*u.rcrllMS
Ars pleases% 14- t tP (.utasu tbc;r ora
Purgative. 1s e. P„fe• snore an 1 era
deelrean r M ammo in Cl U.LLea sr J
Ilaring tl,r utmost confidence In Its super
hortty over ill others. end after•tends of
r nes r uM Aadof the moat ' we foci } nit llled in ..implicated mod sevens
to forfeit One Thousand honors for •ay
tar of coughs rotas. wore %brrt, Influstm
boort-nem hr., rhino. eritaelyel'tor
d dein its
est throat
awll> r'co5rttr,.pm asthma. for
of the ♦Mont and t
whlrh we only claim re dela that we rash r un
with West's Comet Syrup, short Waken accord
Ing to dlreetlnna. rmmp'e bottles. 7. and .a
rest.: largo 1r,ttMto owe dollar. Oceanic
*manors only In Wee. *old by all
*r J(&at'
er seat by ear yea ow receipt rot' prier
C tt'L R CO.. sl and 115 Kim Ferret F.aet.
Tit• mn o Oeslck td at JAM. tt' tJl�
•. I1.55
ys• oaagent of the shore
Savingressigh. to tbo ses estateps►
wad 1,111 seppliT overbites on Mend
the genuine Siuge?.
1Twsetsass : 'veers .trees,- gear the W. 1.
Morelli. ~sow
oeimtsb, Ds.. Il MIL 1011 tka
J,("V O!CE.
And ease, *met.* of disarm anal from
disordered • :Vies. 100'usv l $Tat(tnitlr�
r yvvanw OR 81.000,
T. MILB:'RN N ce., fro re.►'
Vick's Floral Ou1da0
wee Male M Illoomali Toot a► tea rears. 1
esioetid ewe. ofIlleveres sad tfeRu1MMm.
sad move Shim Sae. I11e deollem• of the
cholas•( Pl.w0a. Putts spat Timetables. used
Directors 0.555.5555. 1* I Mana.wse coole%
for the Cooter Lab= or • Hoi�fs Present.
ne Ivor Men. sad Pest
th ern emote. and 1 win rt • roomy.
smears wild. TAN le new quarter of its cost.
14 1. Printed Ie Meth Keehn% Awl (lor5.nn. 1f
Toa afterward, e.r4lsr srrd.41e.lset IM 10 101
Visit's Seale neo lbs R 1 tea Mr el *rid
The Tutast.Ot•rt.e will tell haw to get sad
grow than. mad .yes
thieves.* (' l ored F atos. Idw•Xrer *v(5on rooe
p anent, la ropes revive; Sl.el Is .14...111
cloth in Dermas ..r letgdtsas. 1!
T1eb's lIhs.S oeed 5.5.1017 y triersrom'll •dad
S w lir
tw,(draltsw5r• e Is every 11 tr • ...It
rive repos few sit elpeobwew Krmliv
seat for
I. rinds : S trfst tor 11 Mt<•
.7A. ,Lad 172011K.
RealelellW 11Y
I ___ rt► -also
AGa 11.:01, e. Nig .'sr Ik
E:11 S . . . w
Capital trill 1.14 .11%05 .
tel rb•.