HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 66
the k oet's 6r )rner.
A eboNna
Kat Maw el Maar..
Neta 1. • tare or deeds.
NM he • was u. .,aalest.
Net the ems ofus
Net to • • en whom , JNea
Is• w.rfd's resew a
:.et la form of taster.'
CssNth • war -rag du.. n.
KM unto lad's eap••'s'ra.
a tc the miter i eh. ..
Net le aloe prrnoel7 eneasi.w.
Net to the blazoned a -sat.
Not to th^ eoedid noddies
Net to 1.0 Issavidi glows.
Nil . the haughty . 'rent
eo:.wth a Weidel down.
Not to sloe folly `diodod,
Net to the steeped in ►teautr.
Not to the sare•1 u ',dee.
Nor *boss of to h. •a.
Nut le •egieet of d•
Not to the woman . . r.. o.
Not at the wale .t `•ee• ty.
!'•meth • bl••eslau ..0 •res.
ilia to the ore w►ia spirit
Years for the g eat and good
1"5w ted ones whose storehouse
Yields the hungry load
!trio due one • ho •. ` -r
Ferules* ut a Prow
Unto ths kindly heerteu
(.'earth a Wersieg down.
Inti. 1 -- his brut bar. 1 ate Judge
llurlproat, formerly 4 the S.prsse
He bad his cheese, and ea neither
u,sta.t the 'untie was ubmequluudy
escortnug lulu out to a carriage.
• Why,' exclaimed the clerk ; 'it's na-
ge/as 1 happened to forget that Ouri-
pr,at (tinily of Muwtyussre. It jest
beau all. Fuuuy, meal it, when you
loop • Wane Peale.
The bell buy returned at this interest.
in )cider. sit the pirees ihage with the
startling information that A. Q. Juaes
bad skipped, bag aad bagntte, hook,
line, and sinker, foot, horse, and dro-
pouts The clerk turned .white, and his
Gagers shook like a splitter uu a rail as
he suddenly weut down into the rile
after the express package. Ile fished it
up, tun ofi the end and proceeded to
shake out- • generous wed sit newspaper
clippings, some of it gem aid poetry, the
balance choice extracts from the humor-
ous paper.- --(Texas Sittings.
lie Was ObIleed M M Mere.
'Now that ratan,' amid 't.. hotel clerk,
running h;s c(y►muod-hilted finger down
the ,e`ietar, and pan '. = at the name
•Gurlpro.t ;' 'that nam • (mud. That
man is traveling idoog. and there is
sumethi: cruo►el about him.'
'Why do you think .. i r inquired a
reporter, on the trail nr • '(wither item.
Protege slabs.
Passer, se %pet 8141.4e --J,. we 1 scrsb
each mete Nesseinease fee. Pa
Mosey onhars
Pre e . Reward Way' pswt. IlsetN MT:-
ae i
11� Edward !sari!. _ ewme r
Deposits re shed 'hs tesslatieae of
she��� betimes air hears
tettdid e* west M s..1 4 u mama*
Wan the dere of sash mall.
OMs Mss s am. M teed pm.. 8ead57• ea-
Leap Veer Masseur
Lore is better than spectacles to make
everything wow great. -(Sir Philip Sid-
Lite is good sed lite L fair.
Love awaits thee every where.
Love is love's Immerto prs vend Taylor.
No cord or cable can draw so forcibly
or bind w teat as love oat du withunly a
single thread. -(Bacon.
O, they love leant that let snort know
their love.- [Shekeepsats.
A woman's heart, like the moron, u
always ch ing ; but thealways a
man in it. Wn u -Wench.
'Why do I think it t !Why I Almost HTb eworld wo„dseap�C•r son utFiht by .sing 11.1:`rrg1 he any �r s Speedy
knee it --in tall, I de know it intuitive- If women were noir . Cure for DyspepsiaIadi emotion, Cunsti-
Twuuld be like • fairlops . K
1 lr i, es business to los familiar with with neither tea nor btaslaoas !here, patios and Attection of the Liner, and
Y• Y (f.: IIleiO' from immense sale of it without any ad-
vertising, we have cuncluded to place it
extensively on the market, W that thugs
who suffer may hare a perfect cure. Go
to G. Rhynes drug store and get a trial
bottle free, or the regular size at 50 cents
and $1.
Beppu FewraOL
t'aaad. leaelai 1esa des1NM late the Pee-
led L' etre there is • re.arnuerameet sit postal
lamer AartsY► wat. latuDrawl. Ionised.
Spp5, lsaeao. Algeria. teenrwaJ. OalrMImr
Great Bros!. wid Ireland, Gleams. lull. 1 sir'
ea Halo. Muute•egre. Nethertaed. Nor-
way. Part sin Asor e. 54is a•ta
sande, et. beeves epala. oh. Oared
Weeds. Swedes, tiwltserhad sad Turkey.
And via limited Slates:- bermslts, Bs►1a.Y.
Cabs. !babe Cidealas et et. T ...... 81. Juba.
end/. Jeanette. Japes. sad Porta ltIcu.
Otewaaadtsed Is mew to the Postal liaise.
lost ted podd rates rentals se before,. Letters
5 cants per t mew. POONA ewes 1 carp sane.
Newspaper* 1 .Is M t newts. Itrgls(re
ties ha 1 cents. As tss
BrF11 Oviedo. Odle. Oreo sad. rr�!
Colonies is Ada. Africa. Ooeanbs and Amer
los, except tit. Pierre aid Miquelon. Pena.
via Persian Oulf. Port ("obtain' to Asia.
•/r�s� 1 lipsetsh Coteries
lit ,t!riee. Osaselcat sad America, except Cab.
sad Pena 515.. Straits lbttlereset. Is diger,
Pealing and Malacca : Lettere Irl. per
Nooks, fee.. 4c. for lea. Other r•eRi0tra-
Uoe fees lee.
West ladle Ialends via (Halifax. same ratans
formerly. Prwpwymees W Mem, is ell wase
Australia. leaoept New South Wales. Vit
'oriel. sad Queensland : Lettere 7c., papers
l cents.
Aadrslle. New South Wales. Victoria.
{jrwasdmsd : -Letters 15c.. capers tr.
New Zadaad. ria Yee Francl.00:-Lenten
Ifc., p55515 hi.
The areola deb,ltteted a114.1 u.lna. sill
Said rtuewed vigor /eel 541504th by fath-
om Berdo.ok Blood W.►era The rums
hastening to early dec., wall Bleu ..rlau
One revttaltatng tonic • remedy 2
lr.ass /teed lientelea
Needs n..d..r' advertent:
w`.db►a1.�. �e , , , ; UNDERTAKER
duwd livery CAI3INL1 - MAKER AND of ails b tieing cll incl more th..0 re
Extensive Premises and S?'endid New Stock.
tare Its lebe.aaatiene.
Sufferers from either acute or chronic
rheumatism will find no more ready m-
ist or better cure than Hatryard's Yellow
Oil, the popular household remedy for
externs! add internal use in all painful
affections. 4
larsreger•e awed, rade.
ns ne . . d the derive...on acid nationality
u` t! em. Now, there is nu such risme
as (:urlprost. It is neither English,
Irish, Scitoh, I:ertnan, Swedish, Welsh.
Ffench, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ma-
lay, Creek, Norwegian, aur Choctaw.
It is a machine name manufactured fur
an owuergen• y, something like the
chancters ir. t)ickeni .. ,vela, the \'cne-
erinjs, I'odsnaps, Weglfs, Dnrritts,
Jagger., Nickelbys, and Chuzzlewita. I
.0w obliged to Le sharp, you know, in
luy business.'
'Arc there any other earmarks by
w:tic!i you knoe this man to be a
fraud !
•ave , yea I hails .taken to him on
several occasions, cslhne him by name,
Ourlproat, and o 1 t.tr ry occasion ho has
appeared to fail , • •;lire the name
as at all (scull ar, .o..1 1 have to repeat it.
I tea you he is a fly fakir from away
back. Hee iI a .t 1. a. d 3 a can bet
high on it.'
'Now, there's a nine' cuI.tinucd the
The pleasure of love is in loving.--
[ Rochefocauld.
Mere's health to all that we lore ;
Here's health to all that love us :
Hero s be•lth to all those that lore them
That love thee* that lore them
That love •s.
'Archbishop Dennison.
1 if all the paths leading to* woman's
lure pity's the straightest. -(Fletcher.
No man who loves not the truth can
love a woman in the grand way -• woman
ought to be loved.-- Geurge hIcDouald.
Hard ts the fate of nim who loves
Yet dares not tell hie trembling pati.
-5Jemee Tbumpeon.
We fuss and we fret
About the one we didn't get ;
Hut we needn't make such an awful fuss
1f throne we didn't want didn't stet as.
-I1'hrebe Cary.
Lure uuderstands love ; et needs no
talk. -tHnurga.
Faint heart never helped fair lady.
The woman who hesitates is • goose.
Be bold : be bold ! But net tuo bold
Tu -day the mountain conies to Ma-
►ho would it she could, and she an.
Lode is the life sit mare -ISweden-
hotel clerk, p••eutiisg to anoth••r square- 1iQr1r.
toed .peeimol. o: calih' ; 'that nun There is in the heart of rowan such •
deep love that no age can freez: it. -
Junes aka e A (1 J"1", Iles all O. . Bulgier Lytton
ors y
ppreed...di for Nraralgu, T.w y pairs Hamilton Street, Ocderieh
ilesalaelw, dc. It r. moves any pain , rad !'senior
Tt u ea you !humiliate
sus\ iestateele
instantly gawk well !heat- y guu.1 sa.,er r, case
1 wood eeetedl. eu
It e11 say it r bottle
at /laid 1 Mill Wing. We. ,' u,n 1 y,
liltylw drug I.uirnj.s. Atoka. Get a 33 cent inutile •t 1;.
store. 1.
cared Free.
Any rester troubled with Dysp.cj '4,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint
etc.. should call at Ge.. Rhymes drug
store sad secures a fres trial bottle of
Mt4.rrvor s Speedy Cure at gine• which
will routine•, you of the uaerite of the
medicine. It cures pertinent -ail; .here
all .ether wt. L eines have feil.+i• A• a
bi wed purifier it luta no Nue!. Rewesa•
am ..1 Kitchen, nod room. Dining Deem wets
ybuardss Bad+lords. Matttwree*.
( 1 ami. (hair,
A tartan' R.s•dy der forme.
This u the universal testimony and ex-
pressed by everyone who has used Put-
nam'• Corn Extractor. Thousands in
Canada have used it with gratifying rc-
bar. it costa nothing to try 't. Reggio
elm. silty cents and our , ..l
al n•40rwhk• reit .
Pectin" t••rwnrlaa • bertheit7 - A tan sel:c.trr,
\ cerrpier • eiern •anent of sal ilei and ritruiele ale eye us Load also Bracco for tilt
Mise rhydeNlss wapde se.
MR Helen Phar viz, No. 331 D•y''. u
St., Chicago, 111, is now in her witty -
eighth year, and state. that she Iia. rut -
tenet with Coneuuttation for shout ten
years, was tresis.! by 111150 phyuciaue,all
of them , tonouncitg her ciao hopeless.
She had gi.en up all hope of ever recov-
ering. Seven h..tties of Dr. King's New
Dis...very for Consumption c..mpktcny
cured ker. D•,nhtiD4 ones, please drop
her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call
at J. Wilson's drug store mid get i free
tris battle. (I'
Seeing u believing. Ron,: the testi
moiled+ in the pamphlet at Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cute, then buy a b,.t.le
and relieve yourself of n!1 those d .tree
ing pains. Your Druggist van tell you
all about it. Se1,l by J Wilson Go iench'
The use of Pills, .S.1ts.Castor O,l, .Sc..
and other uauanous, griping Cathartics
is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute
is found in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which
act as a Cathartic without gripant or
causing nausea All dr,rg;;ists sell it
50 cents a bottle.
All Nervous Debility c;:rid !.y the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Neste and Brain
Trestmeut. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug st• .re. (4b'
A5 Answer Wasted.
suite, and if you will take the trouble to Can any nue bncg us a case of Kidney
ask any druggist he will give you the or Liver Complaint that Electric Batters
names of many persons of your acquaint- will not speedily care .' V 11 say they
arise who have been radically cured of cannot, as thousauds et cases alret.dy
permanently cured and who are daily re
the worst kind ..f turns. Sold every-
where. Safe, sure, painless, and vege- 1 comluendieg Electric Bitters, wIU prey.)
table an o.mpusitiun. Try it. It never Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Back,
fails. Take no substitute. Many .4 or any urinary complaint quickly cured.
thein are positively dangerous. Use They purify the bl. ud, regulate the how-
Putnam's Corn Extractor. els, and act directly on the diseased
parts. Every b..ttle guaranteed. For
aria rabtllsig. sale at :rtk. a Iso d t le by .1. Wilson. 111:
It a surprising how everybody rushes
at a fainting person and strives to mise
him up, sud especially to keep his head
erect. There meet be an instinctive ap-
prehension that if a person seized with •
fainting or other lit fall nut., • recum-
bent position, death i1 wore imminent.
1 must have driven a mile to -day whale
a lady fainting was held upright. I
There is soo subterfuge about him. Ho I o Oh. love. Move. love ! found her pouls1 bt1m whip, and apparent-
ly (lying, and I believe it I diad delayed
comes in and 436.143 down hi■ - sack, Leve. is like a dizziness
1 grip It plana let • poor foody ten minutes huger .1..: would have real -
sits a nil' td bili., in the ea fu, calls Uu abut his bizainrm ly died. I laid I,er bpd down uu a
Ill••orit' lower level that Ler body, and imwodi-
for w stylus, in,lurses the register, and it le best to kn-e wisely no doubt ; but
have t .011 t d flat I 1 foolishly 1 th t but color returned to her lips and
0 ave at all. sa any. the excited group of friru a said
the oaf.. Ile is a wan who will nu to Dint's song and bind's lore. Always remember this fact, "melt' suiting in hu4dr.,is .4 our bas[ h,•i-
Passing with the weather,
Man's song and situ's love.
To love once and forever.
"Prue lot exactly engaged,' said
Tilde Stutters. but I'm going to be."-
( 'ticket's.
IN ell the blessings, laiia ere the
soothinest. -1 Artemus Ward.
Halt Ries and.
Are you troubled elate Salt Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores;
if so, go at ince to Gee.. Rhynes Drug
Store and get a package -,f McGregor k
Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price •':, cents.
It was never known to fact. b
A etertitaa Mee •
Phystcan's aro ufttuatartled h: re-
mittable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Diecurery for Conaumetion
and all Throat and /.tug diseases istiaily
curing gatieute that they have given up
there you ve t ,sir om an t,. hive u ,taint an n.. to to die, is startling theta to realize their
checks, and she lotrcame conscious. To sense ,.f duty. an) muumuu into the
tooted. A. Q. June*, $2,OW in hie roll Iable t' I 11 [Th k K q d f ld Imeritsot this w 1. ass! .imerurety, se-
rsiuuug is caused by a want of blood m cities wing it in. their leactior. PIstal
the brain ; the heart ceases to act with I bntdes free ..t J. t+ 1;,..n s Dov 1iil.o'v.
sufficient forte to send the usual a t Regular si: a RIM
of blood to the bra:u. and hence the
person tepees c.naciousneas because the
function of the boon ct.*s.r. Restore
the b (eel to the brain. and instantly the
person recovers. Noe, though the blood
is propelled U. all para of the irody by
111/MI TIM
Imo N t11ND0 1.1111 I�rtD
tie up to. We have t.. bo good jud;es
of human nature in this business, and
ate obliged t., be tetotally and strictly
sharp. But Jones is solid with this
house. H. haa'been here a week now,
and i have advanced him Wel or $600
on his roll.' Love is never lost. If not recipru--
'You aro sure the 'role' contains panty mt.,/it will flow back and soften and the action pf tFe heart, yet 11 is still uu-
are you r ingninei the reporter artless- purify the heart.- [Irving. 1 der the influence .of the laws of gravitat-
ly. Why is lore like • *iodate I Because lin. in the erect position the blood as -
'lure ! Why it's an express package it shoots from the eye. -Poi. Mleddill. sends to the head against vravitati.w,
sand the supply to the brain is diminiek-
s.►Im1, end the amuuut marked in the 1a the month of May appi a trees go a rd „s comr•ared with the recumtat'nt
turner. '.cost, of.en leave them with courting. Lee is evermore father of
pow( inn, the hearts pulsation being
poetry. -[Beecher. ertual. If, then, you place a person
us for security.
'i should want to know it was e11 right
before I loauod muney on it persued
the rep- rter
'That s where y.i would fool yourself.
That's where you would insult guests
and drive away trade. 'tut ' the sharp
clerk spoke this a little uneasily, 'dust to
show you what • square man Jones is,
1'11 send up his bill,' sad the shirk pro.
citadel to sound the loud timbre) wheals
summoned a bell boy.
'Here, run up to fib with this,' said
t:.e clerk.
While the bell boy wY on his mission,
the suspicious Gurlpr et came up to the
once in settle his bill.
'That's him - 1lurlpr.et' -- rid the
clerk, forming the words with his n Doth
without uttering • sound ; 'eight (idlers
rid • quarter, t wo days and a half.'
'Hay !' said the despised (lorlprat.
'Two days and • half- eight and •
quarter,' answered the clerk, winking at i
the reporter
•Vhave to steak ■ little l -wader,
I'm a trifle deaf.'
'Eight dollen -'
'Eight r
'And a nrsarter r
'All right -correct,' and Mr Our!
pant tendered a $10 bill. The sharp
clerk spent Are minutes critically sum -
inial and testing the mine. While do-
ing so, the suspected guest observed :
'If Col. J•mea Gurlprniat, of Mont-
gomery, Ale., calla for me, pisses t.11
him 1 have Ione on to Washington.'
The hotel e:er'a looked ambient" up,
and his face was like • circus poster
giblet 1 by the rays of sunset.
'Are yon Con uses nen Gorlproat, of
Alabama r Iso inquired.
'Hey t
an CuaStiwl ._ Verl;.rret r
?'laid Llgatalag.
Then are but few that have never suffered
almost intolerable pain frau. Toothache.
Neuralgia, or like scot* pains. To thew such
as 1•stent relief as Fluid Lightning is en un-
told blessing in time of troubir. No dla8uer•
fag. offensive medicines to be taken for days.
true application of Fluid Lightning curse.
Sold at G. 'thyme. tri,
cesserv*ltv.s and the /'aasptrary.
The Conservative party will not sh-
durwe, certainly ought not to endo rte,
the Pulp -tower conspiracy to ..rerthrow
the Mowat government. What makes
it hard on the party is that its leading
organ is implicated, and is doing its best
to crawl out. The Mai/ is more anxious
about Mr. !tinting being c'eared than it
is to clear the party. Rut the greet bulk
of the party is not hound to protect a
party organ or party boss who may
have disgraced himself. The duty of
the party and of the other organs is to
condemn the guilty, whoever they may
be. and to toad them out. A party that
a,nesnte to he dragged through the mire
for the benefit of • few of its managers
has no usefulness before it.
There are two claws in the conserva-
tive rank.: (1) those who are ready to
condemn a conspiracy of the kind in
question (21 those who are ..nly sorry
that it is found out. We hope the form-
er are in the majority ; the Mail how-
ever is in the last mentioned elem.
If Mr. Meredith is innocent and if
Sir John is innocent they are net in duty
booed 10 Glee Bunting, Meek A Ce., oat
of their trouble.
Rat even if the leaden were Oslo its
that is ne reason why the great bod7 of
the consorratirs party should get auto
the mire also. -- [ World.
PITT Tilt POOR Dv.rerrer. - Poverty
with perfect health is rather to he chosen
than riche, andd Try the
male effect of a dollar tle ?IW WTalw
e► Nescta.
For rentth conditions ..t the Skin,
8h•rmpnning the head, Pimples. Eruption
and skin diseases, use Pod. Lnw's Rel-
phur at.ap. s
sitting whose heart has nearly ceased to
Leat, his brain will fail t.. mental blood,
while if you ley him down, with the bend
lower than the heart, blood gaol ren into
she Lorin by the inert+ fortis of Rarity
and in fainting, in sufficient quenttty to
restore col eciousnees. Indeed, nature
teaches us how to manage the fainting
persons, for they always fall, anal fro-
quently are at once restored by the re-
cumbent position into which they are
apse Sia T1hR•.
A whale slaty feet hong has been kill-
ed off Beaufort, S. C.
An Iowa nun drank three quarts of
cider in three minutes.
A ten -foot alligator was captured re-
cently near Wazahatchie, Texan.
The Government enrelope factory at
Hartford, Conn., use% A ton of gum a
A party of Batton Rouge, La., haul
hunters recently killed 1,400 robins with
at icks
.1 see dog was killed on the beach near
Long Branch, N. J., not long ago. it
weighed 143 jolted*.
While trapping near Bridgman. Mich.,
William Williams caught an eagle that
measured nine fest.
Mississippians feel very proud of their
State library in the Capitol at Jaakeon.
it comprises 38,000 volumns.
A c..w horn 4 feet 11 inches long and
18 inches in diameter at the hags, is se
exhibition at Monticello, Fla.
An owl meassrinp four foot and two
lashes frost tip to tip WY recently esp-
lured in Fra.klin eoenty, Georgia.
The highest rate of p..atege from this
enunty is to Patagonia and the inland of
Rt. Helen -IN cents an nines.
R..bires ars found ie Rooks of 10,000 it
the neighborhood of Powhatten, Va. A
nem rreeetly killed 480 of the Aird&
Oso. A.Oeep r psrehased fres Ardor
Obneeadl • ea ewe farm on the gate alto SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP.
Gederiek Weed* ler 02,00e. tladarJc4 fele 1:. ISPA YNR
Sena the Creat Central LM1+, snorts t0 travelers, to teaee0 of Its unrrvated te•w'
arap(1i al position. ted.5ettest end best route between tar feet, Nortttenet Graf
Southeast. and the West. NM incest and Southwest.
It is wan, and *CVO/ true. that its oonneottene ante .N of the prine(pal area
of road between) the Atlantic a.td m• PM,Ao. rees►a. 1Fttawre,
Ry its male ens and brunettes It reaoMs Chleaeo. Jo8Mt.
44a Plane, O.rreeew. Mol:!w and Rook island, in 1111lele t Davenport. Mue.wtlne,
Wasminiten. I[eekuk. &noartits. 00R.itonea. Faun* 1. D.. Moines. Wed" Cherie,
Iowa Cite. Assaf. Audubon. Harlan. o.thrw Center End ON1nM Mugs.
M teem t t�NNtin. Trenton. OaeSMee and Kansas Osttr. in MMaoari. and Leae05'
wore4 amid *1wkMon M *115005, and 5110 tstwdreds ted enemy rlmie�S end 5awrtaa
inisone51N'1S. :110
e tl,tr Mr�lg!br Me U.d, O*i/e *0 era1JMrs an ted adwiataO5- read goadMt$
i*USIrm Wee trash. safe brides*. Weiss Depots at 8i •eenee l �`
Fast Repress Trains. omwere.ed et OOMMOOIONS. WILL V ULA
TNIS.MATED. P1Y�L T sir t104 fTVRfD end (LRDANT OAT OO/IwSS I a Om at the
MAG8tlO*IIT morrow wean NO awe owe ever awe piUwO GAM
laths Sa0Ptea and 55nd5gavt PIRA= M.iTVIRO 05se*ait
that are aoknowlad*Sd b7 proms Mt: mimeo Na be lessee-� RUNerved 8011 1 A t
ROAD 4N TRW COUNTRY. acrd M wh'elt erep0e'r
►110 !pee rete M SLVINTY-ins CANTS t8AON.
TIMER TRAINS dada wry seeded* OIN0A00 and the MNS0IMI w•1IR
TWO TRAINS soak way aotteeen CNN:A00 and MINNSAPOLI$ nerd ST. PAW.
um h» as
_ _
A New and ort N war. a endKankakee.M�uM�y and La repeats
e04 Coo Nl Sluff NNS,
ane Coo/will (lulls, St. paYt. MlnweepelM and ln5e.w.edante potter.
Ara Through Passengers carried on Past Isp ass Trains.
Por more detailed information. see Maps and Folders. waled' may lee obtained. s
well as Tickets, at aN plinto,pal Ticket (Moes in the United States end Canada, or sea
Vbe•evee't a OM1') Manager, 0.o'I T•k't a Pass'? Ag{t
Web fil...lArhi and relieve all the troablez Iad-
l'nt .. o a bol loos stat of the systers. saeb as 5... 1
mannite, Names, Drowsier*, Degreesafteetathlg,
Pain,. the lade, At. White their most
mnsmms51*.• �
able success has bens shows la c•rieg
raw N'
"flaw= CUIRSO
erms. COLDS.
RCB1Tts tad all! tie
�14 f t tlRSOH 11D
Woolston)' •, anoest ktlol.1,erPiltsse.egna8y
.Je.W. In lozaaV r, eerie/ and pre=
thn praying oomrialat. whileher slog cornea
all Bearden. of 1N.tewerh, et taunts the iter
sad regalcse the beats!. area if they only caret
♦rhe User trostele lmes/psted to tier whit
wort. -r fail ISIS McYaad.g wry'e'st• bet 7Mte-
their suidates dere
who veer a try these will god Mss Itt�tle pdedls vele-
t ell
es sway wayem. 854 after awilll ii eel be
b do waboat ibis
makla ewesefrsmeap elt; CsWath eel- 1w*0t KANSAS CITY
mates ear grew hsstt. Ov lifer ear'- It wtmil-
embers de sot
Carter's IJltle Lime PI11. an ser^- •-- 11 raid
very may to take. (Meer two ills t .r dare_
They are strictly RrSable and do Lot r-Ipe or
pinto. bet b their retie eetlen {.lr .. _n who
see them. lye vials ea IS tests: live for +1. Mold
by dregglets everywhere, er seed by rs.(. 7timsef
Now York City. 1 °Neh sen Use
mien e:1 anew
the V. s.
and el +. • San
Peal* b less, ".4,•
alea.w.an o.rkitam
we. Mrs $sacs, Adages. it
teas end Tessa .
Qu1C*Lsr .•d
Na. to St. Joseph.
:cheese. Tenets. Deal
saga w;... is)-
. teases
V I V �. Vr• Q
te Rosin bee ee.wpNer fur 11504
Les, Itiaarepeila W At. real
'solemn, reputed r
br1. lbs Swat
'Mfesw•A the wall
*0 clears or tram.
AN '.-10 a may.
\ Try A
.M tea wed
OM tnve:lag •
later/. teseree
sir a SW
1. I POTTER. • P**CfMML L01gIU..
Y race ,red, d r..'l N..••g.r. Ora. 1m,.. A.r..
1:515050. 311. able._... t11
No. 1.
No. 2.
No. 3.
name as s ssstettese' by Ile greet
It v.nonly No•p company. o
2 wl.arrlradeettesd.largrlythry►
set *5�wd, Frwncs, nye
A.tstat•. Oworo t'W7
A derriere* nrni In ('aw.da only h
$ The Huron Soap Co y
,,�,VAA*T*kaiR..t.•r vs./ wtlb ne
owes Mir wine. esti!
mese six .wets ter pttetye
ass retrive free,• iely bet
*,f fonds whit& wrR mNp tree
to more money right away
than .nyth1ng else In thin world. Alt se either
Mx, eueene4 Mem dmhour. The ►eye ped
ewe At oar, ebbsakTatrwanritiV • sada.
8M k
"She her as.., Mad whoa row rant
amid swear.
Can draw you to her with a ethyl* hair."
Ret it must be beautiful hair to have
o uch pw.wer ; s d beautiful hair eats he
e nsured by 16s tees cif Crnoat.W Has
Rates eek !old N l0eta. I,y J. Wilms