The Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 4e
A paWM►ee emery Iteetee 11 l by Mo-
oata.twNe 6�ne, NesaJ. M
Q01/ZI1011. Yld's1).11110.
Amb r ieemehet melt marts at w
dem ewers braiseitalest me •ewe melee.
w 11 buil Grimier, Meanie
M°walwa'atwCrh "VmailIn ".:11
trot rias.
gesilliieetiwair.e..wwy� d.+elore� rear'' •
►sh -111J
$1.7L 1f �y eefan el:
�aet es pale. T1M rule era be leaoasis M
eJaest Mid le uelea • per ,heee roe
Yew teeessaneat furlr
a.J►b��laP wase i .- We �r..vmot lde�»a eret<ram
ba mat eeaplesesl. t•4 �"�bestttaeitlres
barae: �t`U.... et prietotbet ceases!•`
aae. sae •(a aaseits gest bummer be
The Rueter Maw emp.stm the Ilfe-
artily set to taste the lead. There's a
blind leader .4 the bhai demo at Exe•-
Tum Mallow not ret deoied that W il-
kiatss. paid **bribery Romig to Messes.
M* sod Harsrhr, aur hes it told who
pre the gna.y to Wahiawa. Where
did "Big Pugh's" bribery fund ease
from i Kirk/end drums that he had
anything to do with Nat money.
Tam (Ontario Legislates. has brought
in an amendment to the elndion law,
providing that no member shall be dis
gaalibedunlaa two judges agree. This
is a wine piece of legislation. It is Brit-
ish ji ni.. to give the defendant the
benefit otitis doubt. Thom amendment
was needed,as a case in which twojudges
had di/agreed recently 000urced, aed no
definite Lw was on the statute hook,
although the rule in common law is that
such a disageaeaneat is equal to no oars
Breach t � f3odta-
a.The Prospective
rich- Dart* the past weal ..ase .J the sub -
jests that have ea{ruard my animation
has bean that relating to the proper
plisse for a imam to part he hair Takla`
up newspaper afar uewepaper, 1 dud
that item after item is written making
wish vastrimeM at Ibis expanse ..f the
unfortunates wha have su tar eatran,ted
themselves Irma ordinary cause .s to
part their hair is the middle, Now as
1, in commas with all bald headed esu-
tlemea, have discarded the parting of my
hair immediately over either ear, tee
seeds t.. be eta fashion with those o.f the
present teneratiom who worship that
Moloch, Custiwa,) 1 would Tike to make a
few remarks apou this question ,d Lair
parting, from my staiidp.inl. General-
ly the paragrapher .m a newspaper jives
the readers ..f the journal to understand
that none but duds, bank clerks, a Ii
ton, and others ..f that ilk, (possessed ,.f
more money than Online,' part their h tit
in the entre, and that the intr./dictum
-1 the style is of recent date. On this
point 1 will take issue with public upiu-
ion, and raise the cuutenti,re that the
parting of the hair wes unglue'', intend-
ed to be pertorused on • line running
from the back of the head to the centre
of the forehead. We know from history
(..crud and profane) that it was the cus-
tom for promineat men to war the hair
hung, and what would Esau, Samwn,and,
more recently, Sir Walter Raleigh,Prince
Rupert, William& of Grange, and other
well-known leog-haired gentlemen of
history, have done if the custom had
been far the hair to be parted at the side
of the head 1 Nu one will say that the
gootleinen mentioned were particularly
its pw.ltle. We have iu Goderich to -day effeminate in their bearing because they
a Hamner of esu, any one of rhea, failed to conform to what is now the
during the pot garter 01 a century, has
commonly acknowledgednsuom of pert -
in▪ terest
more mouey In tis. pub is
interest than all the so-called public ing the hair at the side ,41 the I.ra•l.
men of Clinton have done during that The almost universal cropping of the
period. We mention these facts so that hair and ite parting at the side . f the
"Snarleyew" of the Near Ent may have bead ars intiort►tiens . f the prevent ceu•
something to ruminate spun during the
coining weak. We pipe I6.166.1/ his las' tury. With regard to the cropping I do
"howl' against the proposed lino and not find special fault ;--it helps to even
also a couple of railway extracts from the balance te a certain extent, by
other sources:
•.Labs ranges Tanana ale th..w.e sr -
Clease. epeeee es Or tTwdeas---The
*few mw' naive Agana M-Terewe
/.ase. revee.•ss U egemee Tewsee re.
A nary -mass sermon is peeked into
the following brieftt paragraph from the
Toronto Ti... : - "The idea which
appears to prevail to a very large extent
in this oouatry to the sheet that every-
thing is fair in polities, should to effec-
tually dissipated by the exposure .1 the
present conspiracy. Mea will resort to
nets in le -ditto which as private citizen
they would never dream of doing. They
imagine that b.oassm they are acting in
the interest of party they are justified in
sinking to any depth in order to airy
their point.. Nu man should d., in poli-
ties what he would scrapie to do in any
other walk of life, but it. is possible for
people to shut their eyes to the fact that
this good principle is violated every
day in the week in the moat fiagrent
IT isaneenagly said by ease prints that
• •the Grits are jubilant bemuse of the
rascality cf the Tories." We take issue
with them on that point. The Liberal
press has upraised its abhorrence of the
shameful attempt to traffic in the honor
of our representatives. But the "Grit
papers" ate proud .It the fact that the
members of its pari/ were strong enough
in principle t.. withstand the hribera,
and are pleau•d that the scoundrels who
.ante opted to corrupt diem are exposed
Tie Toronto Model p(.intedl, ex -
}shine the situation in the following,
pithy style : - "The Mail is trying to
make uut that the Ontario Government
eat a trap for Mr. Baatiog-and caught
him. That is true, by Aid so. But
because tie tauter acts slam and catch-
es the:toe. the fox is hull" the lases a
chicken thief. The Government trapped
Bunting. but it was Benito( the briber
that they took, sod all the special pleat-
ing in the would will not make it.ither-
A sample of lroste age Tu hoaxes
published as article. Who, upon the
lards .sea of Gode ioh to be up sad
airing is the matter of the inbrsuging of
the C. P. M. to this !sort. The article
in questiroa hes drawn attentieu to G.d.-
rick, and this .eek we print a few of the
newspaper eoatateta thereon. The
Clinton .Now Era, published iia "Mud -
.111.." *rows dirt at the ps. p'e of Gods -
rich for daring to think of a competitive
railway. This abase by the Neo Ere
will only thud to join the people of
Goderich owns struregky together, so far
as the propusel abeam is concerned.
The wrathful laataage Domes with a bad
grams from the New Era. Goderich
ewes nothieg to Clinton, while Chutes),
on the other hand, owes its present
prosperity, if sot its being, to Goderich.
Whims Clinton was only a "four oorners"
God.riab pushed forward the Buhal• &
Lake Heron Railway without any old
from the former place. Goderich gave a
bonus to that project, and when addi-
tional aid was required, a number of
Goderichitea purchased stock in the con-
cern. Clinton never paid • nickel to-
ward the building of the B. A L H. 11
R., although that line was the making of
that phos, and rather to the detriment
of Ooderich. (Juderich was the princi-
pal factor in building the B. d L. H.
through the Heron trace without any
assistance from Clinton, and s able to
build another line at any time and from
any place, if united action be takes by
Tam Hamilton Spectator denounces in
unmeasured terms the action of Meseta
McKim and Balfour for luring into the
toils the "brawling brood of bribers
batched under the eaves rel the Mail
Ales," and contends that the afore-
said gentlemen have been guilty of a
crime in luring them on. This is •
ansate contention on the part of a jour-
nal wnicb sent up • member of its staff
to ferret nut a seller of "queer" named
"W. A. Garland' who was operating in
the village 14 Blyth. If Messrs.
McKim and Balfour committed an un-
pardonable sin iu obtaining testimony
sufficient to convict • gang of scoundrels
who had nude infamous overtures to
them to sell their honor, what is to be
thought of the action of the Spectator in
sending up a meaner of its staff to lie to
an alleged counterfeiter (who had made
ne overtures to the Spectator,) so that
said alleged counterfeiter might be placed
iia a felon's dock. If Messrs McKim and
Balfour have dolt, wrong, the Nei-tater.*
representative who was sent to Blyth
I --must be a saoundrol of the deepest dye.
wise." And yet he i.nsaina •.n the staff of the
Tug demand for Mr. Blake's speech
on the Grange yae.tioa, which is being
printed in psuuphlet form, is unpreced-
ented. lever 200,890 copies have beet
ordered. Orders are o ruing in fr in all
;fie of the cuwntry. Every thinliatt
man, no matter what Ila politics ..r re-
ligion may be, should read that trilhant
addevaa No man is is • {posit' 10
discuss the subject in all its bearings
who has mot read this masterly speech.
Already it lies poem misrepre-
sented, and that is all eke mon reason
the geneiss words should be read.
j,. /linden. which is the principal
Conservative ,organ in the Quebec Dis-
trict says: "Y., lung as Sir John Mac-
donald continues to act as he does, so
long M his organ, the Mail, insults us,
(the French Canadians) en long will Mr.
Blake employ all the resources ..f his
great intelligence to prepare a triumph
for the interests of the provinces. The
day is not far distant when the repre-
sentatives of Lower Canada, weary t,f
the yoke of bir John, will abandon him
to throw themselves into the arms of
Mr. Blake, the friend of the provinces,
the defender of their prerogatives, and,
in one word, the man of the future."
L< (usadien (Conservative) ie justly
indignant at the action of the majority
of the Quebec Tories in noting against
the rights ..f their province in asinection
with the Iicemse quetion. Referring to
the line pursued by the premier it says :
"To excuse Sir John fur his constant
allots in the direction of eantrsttstiun,
and for his conduct an the license ques-
tion, his friends say that he allowed him-
self tp be cnie.f away by his immense
desire to overthrow the Mowat Govern-
ment ; and to aoconupriah his purpose he
bake to take from it as musk power as
possible. 1f, t.. combat a political ad-
versary, Kir .1 .•. is ready to ruin the
imtut' of a1' the pr.vinces, the teen
er we know it :, t•tt •r is will 1•e."
Tile Bna;., r • •IN•1•h,n..d T••ro•ntn one
day Lot wank let erred to the fact that
the gandwhh gaol. -r, leech, was a new
Ilppti.ttes of the :lfowat (h,.-ernmeet, his
Fnedeceeesr 'laving ben. rrci. tly die.
episeed for allowing ',emote,. , . ,•.,,,pe.
'Th. (u'n,.•Siew is inaccurate, a• usual.
the formes sheriff .4 the county,
M4,plen, who was dismissed and sheriff
Der, .ti,e present incumbent, was apo
Pointed im his stead gaoler Leech had
held Alin hi the Sandwich gaol fur 1(
teen ygap We would not have drawn
atta.tiop,to*is fad if it were not that
the person lwh• attempt. t.. All Mr.
Fahey s shoes. apo editor of the 1 •o cadmic,
pimps as$ Sir Uri4t on all ocossions.
We would ad,'kp t(.eu•rroutine to devote
itself more to fate, paid toss le attentp(-
ing wit Imitating Falswee humorous
Style sementelly 1. bej meg *a .4
a t*a. develd d Fah•y'e t4y, v leohts 1
literary shiIMy. Yoe emelt.** ♦ silk
puree ontn(•POW tMf.
We have re'eivod The TI" o s jak .Mil,
published at Bloomington, ill., and have
placed it upon our list. The Thr,wySt
Moil is a humorous weekly, and is one
of the cleanly written kind. it is pub-
lished by Huddle & Rothermel, the
fernier being "chief grumbler," and the
latter "tint mate
The !trammels Post has lately put in 1
$1,000 power press, and es now all print-
ed at home. The t'o'rt u a good local
paper, and keeps the natives of Brassie
posted en all happenings of importance
in and around that section. The put-
ting in of the new prem is a siren of.�
panty, and we hope to see the invest-
ment prove remunerative to the pro-
prietor. The editorial staff was nee
strengthened last week by the advent of
a young quill driver, whose presence .111
tat doubt be felt it doe time by the na-
Whet The, Theagbt MIs.
We met him at the British Exchanre
hotel ogle night lately. He was a little,
wizzend, antiquated chap from the
neighborhood of Whitechurch, and
had been down looking for justice wt the
law courts. He wore hie pants inside
his Moots,•nd a Tung -bodied rock coat of
bk nee a high shirt collar
said a asp with • peak completed his tont
He had been imbibing with some of
his chutes who had been down on the
ease, and his utterance was a little thick.
"B ys, there's no law for Orang.msn m
in the o,uuthry any ore. I'm fro' thebehovedNorth, an' hay belaad till Haled:p
ler Oriel y.ars,enaue the Niel "Twalgk"
but the urdher must be gittin' down till
bard pan, and the Cone•rratire party
must her sumthin wrong widh it. Mon-
day the Wangs Bill was bate at Attawa,
,ytber Sur John nor Mackinrwy
Rowell stud up fort ; an' the same day
the Grits gut up the oonapireacy agin the
alMail ed;thsr ; an' to day, altho' Itherm-
al the sight to the jedge that I belong d
till the ordher, he decided the otos •sin
me B Ts, It's bin a c. old week for the
"Throe for yea," said one of his chums,
but the other declined too endorse the
sentiment, and shouted lustily, "Hnrrah
venom appears
much gaud *Wel he dose with the
m 6116.1;
• .I o4 w, ay leer," sad ay lipase 111
"N•.., for my part," remark* 1 Mies
Qms.y, •'1 would wader, if I were as
weolthy as the Midas family, to gu abut
mattering beads .J kiadoets, brtagiug
help to the abated toles, joy to the
fro grutir s*r* ..'s the street ears oa
�danday wry" nsouset,.tpthe J1..J.MEM -
.avuts 1u to Bvltt'ug- Wil Allem
wpnrwe'..h,,. threw light .••s the
wujeet aatd ..vital pare .4 la ala
tom' the hetes. ,s by tailing she lostl..w
ing story : "A bookseller hi itt's «1J
0.4 Imes sinee ea. layeed esu agent to ed
(verily lebles , the $wetalmn.t 1.1 .e. of
i.ysaneut. !nate. I •J douse this b • ..Id
wrrrowiag, foal and rriom•ut W the fir orae.' e, a e+aince mad soddenly Wt
widow and orphan. sad pleasure w - 'for Uel. Sana'. M..a NMI The Is faith
fel.teot, •vatestly feeling that souse
veto been guilty, wrote to bis Vic
tiro :
•dig, --1 hope God will forgive yea for
placing each a tesuptatine before am
-( Cu„•ut.o 11'o rid• �_
T .r •.toes.✓ wa1�M.
ill •I•dau Md..•I.u.ald has taken the
Mau b., course 161 ,lecidsnir
the woeosimerwt .4 the dominion li'mew
Ito u..' it the o itestion of diiyut.t
mit tun Jy **to jur,adict uNa iia this at mei
.ec we. a
the protium' and the (okra!
"ittaetly, my dear, &newer.1 Mra
Addenda. "I'm sure that is the work
that we would all engage is it we were
as wealthy as Mr. Midas, instead of talus
selfishly bound up in our own Welly
wrak• lot Midas bower. Iasi • rood
Provides.. take from Lim cot ony hie
wealth but the members of his bo.u•.-
iuId whom b. thus Lavishly de.x.ratie 44
it they were objects of worship. Midas is
net a wicked man, but he is very, tor a er , • ..•tial by • test one, hwnl
Wf •'• beL•r•. the privy commit in Ragland.
The mecca in which out fried Midas This i- what Mr. 11•.wat asked him t.. d„
ws naiad keel -hauled most undewerve 1- $ .nae aria w,q.', sad through si polar
1y in my haw at length aroused ole pressure waning tr ori ether provinces
n lethargy. Mala be Si known o"taWY tae ha r 'nsaaaled.The
Pros the Maim New Itra.
The Golerich people want auo:her
railroad, They have the fever bad -it
u of the int. -convent form -breaks out
ec(aa anally- -then the patent becomes
wild on railroads. What they would use
it for after the)• got it, no one under the
sun They have net general Iraf- am guilty of dandyism, of indium, and
6c enoubh now to keep one line reason- eve other •'hum" that a respectable
ab:y busy. But they think if they got 7 t
another some system of ,.U'•Itloll, or . member '.1 moiety s.o..uld not be guilty
something else w..utd "irate troth". ' s1, I want to raise my guwguill aloft
Awl they are bound to hate another 41. .1 place I.r ,test ou re^•'rL Gentle
line, don't you forst it, even lithe con. reader. 1 think 1 has. aid enough to
piny has to build it without assistance.
The old town is going to the dogs, evi• conclusively prove that, although every
dently. Nothing will save it but anuth-' man has the right to .low the line in
er railroad. If a few rails were laid hair parting where it suits, or where it
down at Goderich and pointed into Cul- teat becomes his style of beauty, yet the
borne, they would regard it as a God lace to do so u back from the
Maid And tLev e..uld vi hoop and howl
proper P
--end get drunk, and imagiue the whole centre of the forehead. Whether the
town was a city. And d•• an immense majority -if those who read this scrod
business -in their minds eye- -for about will bw guverna.d by my opinion 1 cannot
• week. And then they would club may, but certain I tut that Addrn.ia
thetmelres for being iso foolish as to ,
think that anything could bring back Bismarck, Hon. A. H. Roar, A. 3IcI1
the dead to life. Allan, P. Adamson, and hundreds of
The Goderichites imagine that they
can secure connection with the C. P. It..
which the, suppose will make a connec-
tion at R ingham. The eget of 'build.
Mg a road from Wingham to Gods -
rich would be so great that no com-
pany would undertake it unless
there was a prospect of the business be.
izsg unusually good. The C. P. R.
has announced its intention of making
Collingwuod or Gwen Sound de lake ter-
minus Why then should i1 want to go
to Goderich 1 Lake truth:: has been so
greatly reduced by low railway rate, that
there u comparatively little .hipping
done in even gond setons. There is
certainly no local trade from Goderich
that necessitates another line. Ask any
of the conductors on the Grand Trunk
how many can of freight they bring out
of Geterich in the busiest le: eon. aod the subject of their discourse, and h.•.
they will .mile et the simplicity of the that wealthy man's left ear must have
question. Why the number could al burned ! Mrs.Addenda ta not an ill
mmoet be counted on the fingers of your
hands. Then again, where is :he money tempered woman, if left to herself, and,
to Dome front to build this line. The perhaps, neither is Miss Query, but
Government certainly will m,t make a
grant, liberal M they are to the C.P.R.,
bemuse Godeeieh sends • rwemabar of the
Opposition to Ottawa. Under existing
circumstances no township in Ontario
w ould grant a bonus to a railroad, unless
there wan the very best of proof that tar a lila fuhion, two women neither of
such a line wee necessary. It is ti,.
pu,est nonsense t,. talk of building an. whom .would be aggressive individually).
other red to Goderich, from the north when they gut togpether, soon travel at an
at least The people of Goderich know alarming gait in the tearing tit pieces of
this perfectly well, and that a why the other person's modes o,f action, inters.
double-distilledthunder of Tux Shiest
and .*ar falls so flat. ft is .nand -„nit' ('ens, and ei forth. Aa 1 •,.tared Mita
bringing the thick hair grower more
nearly to the level of the members of
the: ever-increasing portion of the com-
munity who are light of thatch over the
crainum. But when I, one of the old
school, am told that because I will per-
sist in partinr my hair in the centre, I
pion my pruriraeee u. in .e...•sa0,1111
to you, is one of the moat genial of our.., 1.,.r clads. is decided lo 1.e uineen.tatu.
a prince amongst good fellows. and ••tie they ought to t•main there.
wltoee Large-beartednees publicly and (reimpose. -
privately is ouly exceeded by his sound me. tush• are tie moans alt,
jai lguwut iu busknee waiters and undo ilt eke bruise iii his apaeah on the
form success. Knowing this, 1 thought Orau,te Iaa•rporati..n Iiti Mr. (Slake
I would end the backbiting of my upu• said he had no doubt that his statements
lent neighbor, and so I raised protest
alter this fashion. would be distorted sad tmlerepreser,tad
by tae Tory ..rats and Grata* for wk.
limit rifest& His predishems have been
`•You'll ezouse tae, my der, and you lolly reef sd; espsaiali; haws bier esmarks
will d•. w Iikeww, Mw Query, but r up,cttng .boot .u.istli. beam s.,
neither of you have given thought to the .muted Mr. Blake mode seattaek upca
subject under discminou. You have the aan('a saran besewwh.t sooietw
which exist throughout the eeentry,�mt
been talking about Midas and taking c'tisulo"red their seaway was .bjemf�tn-
excepti.on to him manner of spending hie able and unnecessary and mere Publicity
wealth. If Midas were here he would would d.. them no harm. For this meas
be justified in taking exception to the did •spews'.' oaf h.mest opinion lirf
Blake, am hesapedd,i• baisgdasounee
manner in which you have beet. wasting as the naeeuy ,J Fremeasues, (Mdfel.
y out bn•ath on matters atoll things that I 1 ,e s, Foresters. anal all other bewails/it
concent you. It's quite true a•.••.t.,i.N.a If Mr. Blake's remark in
Milne a wealthy, and that he has lately this r. Kurd pea+ so highly imptroper, sky
sun that neither Mr Sowell nor lair
m ado certain purchases, but his wealth Juptlt meeibi taW had a word of ubjeelioa
j adw itied tilos iu making thepurchases. to„ 1 Dad they toot by their ulsoos
By buying the so-called extravagant resive anent to Mr. Blake. argument?
furniture he trladdened the heart of the The attempt to pbiee a fable eonatrueuoei
furniture deter, who was able to glad- spm Mr. B4ke a Isagaag. uses fel
Evnl lbw (trsagwmw have mss. rwspmet
den the hearts u( his employees wad fur Mr. Blake, who opposed their bill
creditors by putting the money in circa- openly and fairly. and who showed nkat
Wien. Mrs. Midas and all the young he bd the ooursgR. ut his easvistioms,
Mid aran were also gratified, beano they than thy hero far Sir Joie aid Bs ot5w
Bowell, who had not the otursgw b m
became the owners o1 furniture and be- • word ea behalf of the Society 1. whin
longings that would not be common for they owe w mucb, and while giving r.t
same time to come. So you see this on !octant rites in favor of the bill were
act did good to many -old and young, e.eretly intrigeing Malin it
rich and prat. The same argptneot Mr. MsMb armor yeeah.
holds good with reference to the locket
to Midas' wife, and the gold watches to Ottawa Daapateb' March la. Mat:
The pritsaiipal talk is the lobbies sad
the Miss Mideast -the ladies experiene- the tiny to -day was the magni6vst
d pleasure, sad joy was the portion of speech by Hon Mr. Blake iaat night
the jeweller and his goldsmiths. I heard Misr•presettationa of his apoaeb respstt-
]less Query remark about nattering
ing secret wxieti* bare alreadyloses
oa'mmosoad. Without meatiest* asp
seeds of kindness, giving pleasure, and armee,, .ze.lrt ane (hen`., be bzymmi
so on ; why, bless your hearts, that's his belie( that the teodesey to sway
jus: what Midas has been doing. He was injurious. If societies w hamevo-
baa been spending hi. ,Honey lavishly iso lent they an •n in •pita et, jet became
that the werltmao ruht be s fn'm of eSttoy The tires ettiwaies ..Yin
apt the State might assume towards (5...-
i'levees sad the employer from iraslven- camas -were suppression,r.00gaition et
cy. Besides, you know. Mrs Addenda, neutrality. Unless obviously bad :he
that then is a regular thon.ugh- only ouwrse they could take was red to
ruppreea ,r rworKnis.thbwt to
faro w e5
his kiten door, arae a neutral pusitiw.- Orrin... and puWir
other solid thinking men, well-known int a beaten path has beau blade
this section and throughout the world by the pour people who dock thith-
will not change their style of "part .:►g er hourly for alms, We have never seen
merely because the majority think the a deserving one done back empty -hand -
other way is the better. e1. But any who can work lit idea doesn't
want to ase eat the bread .4 idleness.
There is another .natter that I have You both think you would do w much
thought of. Midis, my opulent neigh- more good than Midas dose, if you only
bur, has lately purchased a quantity of had hie wealth. I question if you would,
very handsome furniture, and has other- I very much fear that you would be in
wise decorated and improved his habits- the position of the man who owned
tion, and given pleasure to his family. 11.0,000 and did nothing to help his
When I went home the ..therday I found neighbors, but who thought if he had
Mrs. Addenda and a goes:ping friend of $100,000 that he would be enabled
hers named Miss Query. They were to do great good. He retired to rest,
making Midas and hie recent purchases and, falling asleep, dreamed that he had
they make a spanking team when has^
named up for half as lour . Mayhaf'•
my readers will have noticed that horses
always hare more spirit and "go" in
them when travelling double ; -well, at.
that -and nothing more. Query was asking :
Prom the Tomato ('anad,an "Did you hear, Mrs. Addenda that
Tilt Hr -sox 8n -teat has ham a letter Mr Mida l.a le .tire!, refurnished 1.1.
opponent f fur King William'" after whish he lilted Lanada Poacifict milliner Haat the satne,t'it large hoes* 1
in a way peculiarly his own, I Will d be glad and rrjoioe t•.asea hr.nch 'Seas r•plid Mm A.Iden la, ••at.d 1
think end ice merry. of what it a pleaw•l to mil ... W..eted am sure he could hale dome very well
toil Arown saelanrh.t,.
Tae..n.nv walla ,•f Sorry monopoly, &c., &c, .-:tended 4. (lade. with the good furniture he had."
1. 1...:-O o„ hr,ak through. rich. it asks, -flow are we to ge. the "But Vitt is m. a conn, e t the t h has
•'rice Jews. ''I halting false statements about the real,
competing tine f' Certainly mod Ity polo purchased • handsome scold locket and
Ian I the c•.ndu6ona •.n whish it o.loA11 j chain for Mm 116da., s.. that his picture
♦ Yank*? .atulnnr In limits and loot.,
in nor virtuous queen ring wiaoo.a for mere
the loan from Parliament, and hen might le placed in it ; and von
levees the Toronto world. wnnw, Me A'i.lenJa, what the scriptures
11.n ,tremor aped truth. Mn h. wear to the Oorierich. now the terminus of the ny a. must the wearing of geld r
Wttirh ah
ooa, ran dew,. Buffalo and Ink . Huron hren'l, ,11„ t.oe' ••}'re i heard about the., dear," ra
ne watt rrwt at Ow severing of cocktail. awl Grand Trunk, """t• am•, her tellekt ' pried Mn Addenda, "bat 1 think he
.hare. i The Toronto, Grey and Rruce t.ransh of has done .veN worm Ciao that. i hated
and bd w;as.rr 'raw vmrtari sal the Canadian Pacific railway a within
"1 rerte my Ms. .111 At versals gn••er shitty miles of Ao.leri.h. Tog Hi sox 15.1 h. elw, purchased t lovely gold
1ktw$a' sweet urga that the T•.ront•.. Grey mid watch apiece for Miss Meda, and her
R•kpcb nobody baa den,.
Bract too extended t.• Witzhawl and on' sister, hee.n.e they were now old e h
qui 55, limit ',roved •Meter;mien eves ice to (kodaraeh. the Wet herbs •.n 1oke m'rg
*helmet. Hunm. 'rho natcu►i'N, a .0.1 tap the to go Into society ,n the cities, .04 they
un. loo•.I D t'a vera wet to M tw+wghe.
r Wefli ..n,lr. ani Br the I.mdon, n 111 next summer at m,
lmeaeettre Itltfer.e tn. *gringos's eaambt, ng( y Brun spend tags
blob •.betty cue eery.
T R. t to Merle.
teas "'fpr r,rh- sad !hinting .use lawyer
Mesa aha ounce .p bribery freak ;
Aad they're swent an.1 Maneabthew se
leech abash.
bkb .hely ren easy
Huron and Bruce, and the hulfel•• and
Lake Hera., alp feeders of the Geared
Trask. itio sske.n mans a gond este,
bet the had plass riot ittsrwd.ed is it
will have to de the pti.sipal part .4 the
work .4 pragmatism.
a ;. F • s.yf4
Saratoga, Long Rrstach, the W5.• _
Mnnntains taped other plait.. Wheat n.e and eiriaans gease.11y ossnpied the H Martin has sold ih.Q.sem's Hotel
that way, one base all ppatient,.en
hd • Iran throwing „y hr (meaey ehaual'ar,and looked very wt..v
wbila(M. ..t.
r n..rih) owned he Alm) W.ipar.
error Robinson wade tlth speak whish Sp . t.. Louie W. ().irripy. Manages n(
torswinated th. fire* awiraw of the Gish
tie l)ariitw a l7ar'. Luer i aev
"imperially, s,scially, Mre Add'tda, wha. w p.arlls.aent 01 (ls/aris.- W.r1t1 fasit
become pnmessed of a magnificent pyre
mid of silver valued at $100,000, which
1 • gated on with rapture. While Regina,
an angel came forward and asked him to
go forth and de gond works now that he
was possessed of $100,000, to which the
owner of the wraith replied, "You surely
would not ask me to spoil my silver
pyramid by distributing it broadcast."
That's my honest opinion of what your
action* 'ould be were you in Midas'
place, as sure as my name is
♦ teed £dsst..t...
in answer to Mr. Cameron (West Mi'! •
digest) Sir Charles Tupper stated that
"Big Push" Wilkinson was 'employed by
the Government en the i7th October,
1882, with A. F. Wood, as land valuator
upon the Murray Bay Canal at $10 per
day, with trsvel•ing and hotel expenses
during the time they were employed.
Mince that tie' Wilkinson has received
11'1.000 .a 11114 valuator and 111,3118 e:-
pewmas. He is wow employed by the
Government at any time that hie nervi -
res are required.
Mr. Blake --(Hes,, bear.)
llpp sitiso esembees--(Near, bear, and
Coes. er /bt 4pbraa. ,,
The (Ontario legislature was pr'
yesterday afternoon with the usual fug.
awl /utter. The Royal grenadiers fur-
n ehw l the guard of Magor sod,aad
the Toronto battery supplied the es.aea,
which went ort to the satisfaction et all
concerned and to the terror of conspirat-
ere -.f thew were any •mood. A Iamb
aud.enee, elongating of Nies. kgaslatorse
ohw,eal, civil sed j.dieial dignitaries,
/emirs eesaeeb is (lege...s meif..rms,
discussion are great pp.srantees of order.
freedom, fairness aod aoiseatien. It is
private gatherings of t.M that thee
turn all to one thought and all to bas
opinion. It was in secret Ings that
bitterness. misreprs••nlmtlo. and nalig-
uity hold high es/nivel. He believed
that publicity was the very iet�ll d
freedom in polities. He to
the ballot beans these are esus when
an open vote was not a tree vele. 111
Lolled the time would come wham an PPM
rote, wuald be afros vete.
Tree rWttms.
So small would be the money outlay,
So ina'tsderab'e the labor regwired, to
insure for the next ge.emtion a wealth
a timber land equal to that of which we
have the benefit, and shads and shelter
trees in even more a•!sgtate, that
it is a great wielder to um, amid aft the
forcible facts brougbt forward against
the rate at which forest destruct -pen i
going on, there has been no more gersr-
al movement in favor of tree phnting.
In Gerrnagl and A.dsis, tae mpuaaei itf
half a cent.ry,t . atssabst e( Wes plane-
d has borne a goad propenes te those
annuallybut down, aid it is amain that
this is tcues now, year by year. 1n
France, Italy and Eagland, also, true
cultivation is now gemerJl. Bat here,
with the olieraeteriatic improvideoe
which has c •nes to be considered a tank-
ed feature of American character, we are
destroying our great virgin forests with a
rapidity never before equalled 11. say
other aoontry, and without taking any
mea.uree to Maitre their fence growtk.
• $Use Mbtreat retie.
The publiebtm cot Rsfl dpe'. % .Mly
offer twelve valuable rewords i. thein
Monthly for April, amen ebbe is the
tollowinte :
We will give $90.00 te the person tell-
ing we how many words there are in the
Epistle of J aid., as twasmdsd im M. New
Testament Scriptures (ant the New Re
vision,) by April 1015, 1864. Sbo.ld ten
or .'.a•re correct answae. be rweeived, the
Rommel will he divided. The motel
will he forwarded to the wiener April
18th, 1884 Person trying for the re -
wank most nod 90 eine in eilvttt (o•
pnslage stamp. takes) with their answer,
for which they will neriine' the May
ion*li1y. in which the aerie and address
of the winner of the reward tad the ser
and answer wit• be published, and
which several more valeble re grew&
be offered Address Halal.
her Cnap$ny, r.s*ea, Penna.
RA, ,.tiJ': M.. nom*"