HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 3SS
Ellztace, tile Outcast
• Ufa *.SRO Ala • need matte POattne.
'Well, well, I ought to he sae of the
happiest fellows ua earth, having a semis
like this to live aaldisa, tad bare sup-
plied with ample mesas to enjoy it. I
hope I shall take khadly to the life of a
reentry gentleman, since that is my dm -
tiny ; but I leave • Notion so.a.how that
it will be too *entered quiet en existence
fur see. lee afraid I ak*11 lung for m ese-
taiog titins stirring and exciting. It will
be jest the thing I dare say, twenty years
hence, when 1 have got stout and olden ly•
but (..r taw urnasut I would rather be a
navel Witter hk. Randolph. aro take
pari in this stirrirg war. But such, it
eosins, is not my (ate. As heir to thee.
fields and woods, it u a,ewdered uuueeme
eery for use to follow a prde+at..n, there-
fore I must stifle all restless f.eliuga and
°putout myself with such rxcitemeot as
shooting or hauling can give, and such
enjoyment as is to begot rem the society
of the neighborhood.' These reflections
were given utterauce to by a young man
as he lay on the verge of a weeded slope
on a Mien sunny morning in the Iuonel
of Jun•. He was a strong made rrll-
termed youth, with a broad t r'w and •
bright eye, wide nostrils that spoke of
strength and pow•r,and compressed lips,
indicative ut firmness and great resolu-
tion. He had been shooting that n•urn-
iug, and having came within the shelter
of the wood to escape the fierce heat of
the sun, ley with his gun by his side
and hu head ou his arm, gazing dream•
illy upon the exteusi.•e and splendid pros-
pect spread before hits. The eminence
on which he reclined formed part of a
pr.,montory on the southern shore of
He Frith of Tay. whose cahn glassy
waters glittered and flashed en the bright
sunshine. On either hand and on the
uplands behind were the woods and lands
of the noble estate of which he was the
heir, the mansion of whish was con^e•Y
e 1 from where M My by the thick foliage
of a plantation which crowed the brow
o: a rocky height, ani ran down almost
e to the water's edge
,,• Oa the opposite shore the far-famed
Cares of Gowrie My smiling in its fertile
beauty, while wooded slopes and green -
crested hills sprue* in the distance,
fading sway into the loftier Highland
4 mountains, whom heathery peaks appeals
• 1 like eloeds through des sultry hare, followed, and the girl rose again to the
and melted at last into the soft blue sky. shining surface. He was now within
Away to the left and seaward the eye in fifty yards of her. and could plainly see
its wanderings lighted on the busy town her whits, certified face turned towards
of Dundee, whose chimneys scut up their him. Even at that dread instant he
smelt* to he like a bank over the house.,ha f t sur -
and shroud from sight the lower slope of
the Lae. whose summit alone was visible
abtee the murky cloud, all which -smoke which her tongue had net the power to
e t
and town and bill --served as a fore- ask.
rewind to the hold range of Sidelaw*, 'Be cahe shouted, in a cheering
similes end was reflected in a re masa in tone, 'keep quite still, don't struwgle,and
sr •t thu depths of the still and tranquil I will mare you.'
water's of the Frith. It was in truth a rhe heard and understood hint, for
scene of great beauty, std was calculated she faintly- smi!el, but at the moment
to produce peace and joy in the soul of the waters again closed over her, and
the beholder. The intelligent mind and with a green of agony Eurtace sew her
were mid glewint heart of Eustace I disappear just as he got within reach.
Grahame were on the whole in y,npathy H. bent over the side and clutched the
vie' it, and stirred a delightful emotion diess under the water. But in doing
in his manly bosom. But he felt noth- this he bed committed the very erre
ing like rapture as he gazed. Strength that had caused the accident -he over -
and robustness rather than true refine- balanced himself, and the next moment
ment characterized he nature. He was he too was ia the river. With tameless
fully sensible of the general beauty and *serape he kept hold of her dre,thongh
grandeur of the scene, but'he cared nut for some moments her weight dragged
to smarm it, or take in ite,points one by him below the surface ; but being a prac
one -- to notice the contrasts which made tined swimmer he soon rose and brought
up it. harmony, ,•r the shapes and hues her with him, pale, motionless and insen-
and aspects of its magni6•ant features. Bible.
His muttered meanies here given theh
leader a good insight ii'o his general
charaeter, into his views . d life, and the
natural desires which slumber in his bo-
son. Under a certain good-natured easy meanest.exterior there existed a fierce meanest.
force, which might never manifest itself,
'-"•!"` but which, I1 roused by eireamstanw
was capable of tarrying him forward to
great action As yet these circumstances
had not arisen, and the elements of his
char Iter not haying been manifested,
neither he not others knew what was in
hen. But the time bad coves when his
half slumbering being was to be shaken
• to its very centre, and all its 'passionate
strength, feeling and determination to
lit elicited, and even nn this sultry snm-
mer morning. se he lay on the grainy
slope under the shade of the trees, an
occurrence was about to take place des-
tined to turn the whole course of his
life, and brine forth to len utmost that
unknown energy which ridded in an
elementary for in his soul. tice.sios-
ally as his eye roamed over the wide
ues ..
OMNI it had rested on the motionless
form of • salmon Esher, standing like
a statute in a small boat, about half a
mile down the river. In patient silence
ate man had steed there sines early
MOM, watching for the entrance of fish
into his net, sad watching in vain, for
theme was ton brttht and the water trio
Wee for their caviare. Nevertheless,
he waterbed and waited on, hoar sifter
buQ, till the sethe
n rose high above t
t t sl • set his firer* rays down
WO "Wtfl brae at, which had hi'h-
- .Wino lain We
in the shadow of the step
s was /owing, end had aht.o i
w w
e t.d the Last of the ..ad backs. when !hal baric, be pushed mentally Ear
abs suit and measured sound of urn fel honk. Dot he W set 'nmdehsltedemes
so the yuuug awns err, and tansies in strokes in the dlrewire when • shshoesihrdirsotion More witted b it esnas, he saw fromthe left reached his se
nide r. and stame-
n b twat glide away from the shore iage.00ad he had the rebounded sate -
jest beneath his reedits phew Ths best Motion of sestag a man rowing towards
had bet ereespeat - • del -emit she Urea in r heel
held the o.n with a skill that *hewed 'AU r at,' eseklsed the 70
that she was familiar with the water. i 'Oesse oas,ee k as you sen-'
Zustace watched her alightgrawesl figure This wee /he eahmea fisher. a yeses
as .lowly also ppelled the middy out tate mea, tall or/ kaiak said astivity,
the river, and wondered who she might d he was sow sonata' has bemvy,br•o•d-
be. She was young, lady -like, and as bottcrosd bust through the water with
be a.ild at that didne
auce s, beautiful, desperate speed. Eyre from whore be
and was Beddow* an object of ouriusity tested in the water, Eestees could sae
remen's lutenist. He lay observing her the an'. homer -striates eye, and the
tanveuests and folt -wuig her progress agony of breathless suspense whisk was
till she had prucu.sded aconsiderable die- pictured in his face as he kept it turned
Moos frau the shore and he noticed toward. three
.he wee rowing dangerouslyne•rthe In a few sea,nds he was o'u.o at head,
sand bank whose hew crown was plainly shipped his ars in a twinkling, and hen
visible to him trout the heights un which countenance, pale t, very whiteness, was
he was. tiuddenly her boat .truck the bent over the side
ground with a jerk, which caused one of ',Merciful figment ' he rj.ouleted in a
the oars to start from its place and fall broken .ores Ta she deltMatelotd, Maisr
into the water Instantly the girl sprang Grahawe 1 tet dear, oh dear, is my Lilies
from her seat, and leant over to grasp tt dead rre '
. it acted not ut reach. In her hur- 'No, I that nut ; she opened hrr ryes
rigid sameness to recover it she bent Once; Milted Uamce
b'rwarl tem far, and the boat's side 'Thank Burt fur that,' he cried, bend -
dipped down, and she slipped Ii.•dfure- ing still lower, till hs arms grasped the
meet into the river. Then a piercing g'al's inanimate fonts, and Eustace felt
shriek ran through the silent sultry air, himself relieved ..t his burdeu.
and the fair form was wen struggling 'Now, keep her than fcr a treeing,'
wildly in the water, the boat haring said the latter, 'till I swim to the other
already drifted beyond her reach, and side of the boat and keep it steady.'
left her help'oss to save herself. Eus- This was duns, and in half a minute
co G
taco bouuded to his feet, and both > e and the girl were safely in
rushed de'wn to the river. the beat -the latter being tendeely.sup-
In • sheltered ne'•.k close under the potted in the anus of the whore tidier,.
high bank lay a boat fastened with a wile held her white in•nisaete terms clues
rope to the trunk of a tree. In • ,- to his boacm, while tears culled down
ment the youth had cut the rope, leaped his manly cheeks.
into the boat seized the oars, and with 'Ob, sir, Meld I ask you tae row T be
treuten.as strokes was speedingthrough •**J, looking piteously yet deprecatingly
the watowards the scene of the tat- et Eustace. But the latter had already
matrola.e. He was a first rate oarsman, gut out the oars, and without losing a
and under the excitement ant anxiety moment began t'' pull for the shore
of the moment, made the b' at skim like 'Winne n the ncerest house i' he in-
• bird over the tippling .urtaco.• Ea. er- retired-
ly he looked aheaa, and saw the girl 'Our sin is the nearest ; just round the
still struggling in the water, tier dress point,' was the answer.
keeping her althea ; lout after the first 'Then in five memory' we shall 1.
wield shriek she hat. uttered no further there,' said Eustace, cheerily, sa with
cry, and he feared she had net been able unabated vigor he made the water flash
to hold her head above the surface. Aa from the car blades.
he lo.eked her dark form suddenly dia. The salmon fisher sat in the stern, with
appeared, and then he knew that she the fair girl in his arms, and Eustace had now m
had sunk. With a loud cry he strained moth g to do but keep the oars
nerve to reach the .pot in time to
save her, and at every oar-•tr•le the
veins rose like coeds on his brow, and
his tips grew white with the intensity of
their pressure. A few terrible moments
haamides! whir► reredos ato
render a eery* where tutrudoess me to
sere *mane agtturiat.as. Bet here
we are ea shore and you must shears
your dress iwutewaNiy, so as to meek
too harm by the irmamrsam.'
He leapt ea the Mash as he spoks,ardle
held okinhand to help her ashore.
She r blushed and aptd the ski, tblugh
it was uwery, far she was aew
e fficiently r.euve ed to true the boat
without srristaorw
'And ye arses get *Seer wet dams tee,
sir,' said the bream. 'la's a lams read
Iowa, ▪ tea the big •, but it ye weds
thick ft beneath ye tis gang up We our
sott•ge and pal ea my Sunday wit- '
'len do,' pleaded Lilies.
'Thanks, I will; said Madam eagerly.
'A walk through the wood as I am would
not do ms a hit et tnjery, a
'But it's . soefortable,' remarked te
Willy ; 'and the like o' you is sae d
t'. gang in water clam,
They were already on their way to the
.ottage, a neat, pleasant little building
within a small garden a very little dis-
tance from the river side. The situation
was in a secluded Mud of the tank,
surrounded and shot in by weeds, no
other house being visible. To the eye
of Eustace the plans seemed a perfectw
paradise, fur lhe'ali of the cottage was
covered with clustering roma, on
se, in front
was a neat dower pot, and the hedge
•I sr d ltghtedite see yea so rel re -
severed frost yes" de gen.w bath,' he
ssgerl/ eaeM.s
sed: 'Bet for the appear -
saes of your heave which Mull semis
ore damp, there is othe .lightest trees .f
your resent tmmMetea net eves the
valorem .d fright or tremor .d setls-
''01i, sir, Lids le a heses lassie,' said
Willy, rgaidi ge his sister with a looked
food oobr. e'Bat boo dee 7. fled
reunion f'
'Pooh, I'm t a bit the wutas ; bow
should I 5 What is • plunge in the
water to • strong young mast like see f
And now that i have got rigged out so
comfortably, Pam as right as can be.
'Dedeeir, my clan fit first rate,' said
Willy, as be- laughingly surveyed Km -
Moe from head to fret. 'And, begging
your pardon for myin' w, 1 think ye
look full as well in them as in yid are''Oh, Willy, bow can you '' cried Li►ias
'Do not heed him,Mr. Grahame, foe you
meat know he s very outspoken --but
be dual out mean to be rude.'
'Outspoken !' returned Eustis**, 'that
is what I like, and then u
st fenot the slight-
ed I should mistake it for rude-
ness Believe me, I am net one of your
thin-skinned people. Give me manliness
and ainoerity, for dines I prize above all
'That's richt, sir,' exclaimed Willy, in
a tree of emphatic apprubation. 'I took
with sweet briar, very neatly kept. ye for • chid o' that stamp. I was tell -
"Now, Lilies, lass, awe' tea yer sin ing 1411*. when ye min' in that ye had
roots an' look after yersel',' counselled nes pride, and she dream need to mak'
Willy, `I can tied are nd the things for Mr. a fuss because ye athe laird's sou and
Grahame ; and while him and you ars heir.'
dtressia', 1'd awe not and receiver ver the 'I aglad you uudorstandd me w
mss.' thoroughly, Willy,' said Euatace. Ab,
Saying which he led Mestere into a you are bringing out your bottle, I see.'
pleasant little apartment at the rear of 'Deed am I,' rejoined Willy, who had dr
the cottage, and took from two awers
his Sunday suit, recommending the
youth to exchange them for his own we
checker without delay. Eustace, being
left alone, was not long in divesting him-
self of h:a wet garments and getting to
the dry comfortable clothes which Willy
I had laid out for hint. The two men
were shout a size, the sarires articles,
therefore, ti'ted admirably, amt, though 'Ab ! that u primo stuff,' exclauned
they were not just the style which Boa- the youth, as he set down his empty
twee had been accustomed to, they sof- I glass.exd
fito exhibit, oven were than his own 'There's nae .mistake,' added Willy,
clothes had done, his full chest, robust with • wink. 'The best o' brandy is tae
be d 11 nude form. Having be had on the banker; the Tay,'
A fMalw.s sportsman, actors, sportsen, ineehasiea
raga laboneg men, to taut ►11 who usdrly
.rest muscular atre,gth, ant eubjmst to
iso ittul awtrwt►otu of the - suede, MA
soma and Immure ; w .at sash nag
yard'. Yalh.w (oil m pr.•tupt relief and
period ears. 2
Tae tare Walls Klima -
Folsom Nervflise mores 14tu"enee,
shills, spa ms and •tamp&
Nsrviliine ones promptly 11t• worst
ewe of swralete, t irthat.ba, lwmbagu,
red mistimetim.
Nerviliae is death to all paw whether
external, internal or local.
NereWos say be tested at the small
oust of 10 cents. Buy at sea a 10 ossa
bottle of Nervilitte, the meat Iain rem-
edy. bold re J. We:s'n•.
armee flees atdaseles
la the only iosisata"soue rwii.f leer Neu-
ralgia, Headache, T.rltheche, etc. Rub-
*ing a few drops briskly, u all that is
needed. No taking n-ese.ws medicines
fur weeks, but one minor's application
removes all pain and wil'..pruve the great
value of Kram ■ Fluid lightning. 25omits per bottle at Oven. Rhyne& drug
atone. b
11 about. be z
If any of our readerssrosuftering from
chronic disease of the stomach, liver,
1.idury.,or blo.4, th.y-.ahould invest Mate
the merits of Bunloc le tthead Bitters. It
u making some of 1114 iso. remarkable
cures en record. 2
Da. Low's Pisa*•w
rer Woau Stst'r. --
An agreeable, safe d effectual remedy
to remove all kind•.*( wonus. m
CI'Iti•t.xYR. - Ae mute well known in
onnection with tee Hair Renewer,whioh
Matures grey hair to its natural color by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James, Wilson. 2m
Carter's Little Liver Pills will positive-
ly cure sick headache and prevent its re-
turn. This is Not talo, but truth. One
pill a dere. To fee had of all druggists.
taken froa press a 'deck, long -necked Sen adverttasutent.
bottle and a glass. 'After your dUOII in
the Tay a drop o' brandy will keep the
mold out o' your stotnach. There sir,
tak it all. Yi Il find it prime stuff.'
'Here's to oar better acquaintance,'
said Eustace, with a meaning glance at
'lias be it,' .aid W illy.
going and look on that pals, beautiful aimplohis toilet and surveyed him- 'Smuggled r said Eustace.
face that nestled so dose 10 the young self in the glass, he laughed at his Willy nodded.
man's heart Never had Eustace eased strange but nut uncouth appearance. To be coNTINUED.
on a face: se lovely, w sweet see pure, sauntering to the window he sat down
and he wondered greatly how the salmon upon a chair there, and indulged in a
fisher could be connected with one se short .'lih'quy.
refined and cultivated. That she was 'Well,' he murmured, 'this is a little
very dear to hila was plain fron, the bit of an adventure, and a most pleasant
tender, loving way in which h. held her, one It premises to tutu out. What a
and the tender and caressing manner in lovely girl' I have come across many •
was conaciOui that was • ace n which he stroked her cheek, as well as high -lam lady, but have seen none to
paasint lurelineas. She saw him, and the depth of emotion which he mantles- inspire rue with such admiration as one
her lure dark eyes implored the help tela glimpse of this girl's face has done.
Eustace looked on with a Kraage feel -
And her mind seems as pure, as refined,
ing of envy and regret. He thought how and as elevated as her person. Lilies!
bleed ho would be if he had the right that is her name. Sweet and pretty as
to hold her so endearingly in his arms, her own self. -Gracious me, how dugs
and speak over her such tender weeds of she come to be the sister of that hugs
emotion. salmon -fisher I Not that he is boorish
'Lilies, dear Li!iaa,' mur•uure3 the er tgi Grant either, fear he is • suddee_ik•
fisher, es his great emelt band put gent- Mg, sensible and affectionate WSW. hit
ly aside the wet hair from her bar w, he is not educated as she tan Why, in
'kook tip my pet. Ye are .got u' danger l.neuage and deportment she is in all co-
mm. We'll soon bo ham., mo darlin ' •porta a ;ady. I am puzzled to under -
It's we, my doo ; it's yer act. Wetly. stand it ; but one thing is certain, she
Leek up andspeak to me.. and I must become better acquainted.
'Sheds reviving,' ezc:aimed Eustaoe;' H.a,ens,shat would 1 not given tuhave
'the color is appearing inn ber cheese' held her m my arum aa he did,to call her
'I *reit, sir,' said the man thankfully, Lilian, and stroke her brow, and touch
'and I feel her heart beatin' strong her velvet cheeks, and feel her heart
against -civ sin. Shell come roond beating against mine. By jou I would
suns.' consider it the height of felicity.'
And Nen as he spoke, ber large eyes He started up, for he heard Willy re-
opened, and she hooked up at him in enter the cottage, and as he was now
wonder. ready to make his appearance in the sit -
`Oh, Willie, where am I '' she asked, ting room, be opened the door, creed
`She is diad ' he exclaimed, as • the s, and entered it.
gazed with deep emotion on her marble looking round about her. The signt of paWg
the neer, the beat, and Eustace in his Willy and Lilies were both there, and
of ber darkr hidden under the wet wet garments brought all to her reeellec- the moment the latter caught sight of
areae her hair.
For one laid moment she opened her
eyes, and stared vacantly upward, and
by that Ire knew she 'resew' deed. In
the renewed hope ha .pu'i rate strong
arm tenderly around her, and with the
ether struck out vigorously for the
boat, which was slowly drifting at a lit-
tle distance from them.
Ruatace made his way through the wa-
ter with the burden on his arm, with
perfect ease, for the girl being insensi-
ble did not by motion impede his action
-and in two or three minutes he had
reached the boat, but there he saw the
impossibility of getting her end himself
into it With immense difficulty he,with consider alio to M the Mat spent day of
hu fres hand drew down its aids direst Moenrsa, and the frank, sweet, earnest
ssy lite.' expression took all his senses captive,
lees with the water and tried to dna '(ilio sir you are kind and generous,' ez P p
her end himself in. Bet the result was `Oh, and his heart throbbed in his bosom Ciliac with s sweet and Mamie*
exactly m he had anticipated --the water
entered, and the boat capsized and
Soared bottem upward. There was moth-
itlg for it then bat to make the effort to
swim to shore,the youth turned his syea
aimlessly in that direction His heart
slung failed him when ha saw the dit-
tenee. H• was quits fresh and stnieg
est and did not despair '4 carrying her
thither ; but he knew that. encumbered
though he was with the weight of the
irl and hie ern clothe, be awed swiss
'Oh, I remember," she ezclainsed• 'I
fell into the water and the gentleman
carie to myJrat a'
'He did, my tarlis
your life. I heard yer cry, but I acture
bas reached ye in time. (lh, may heaves
bless you, Meister Grahame, fir the
bran and noble deed. Neither Lilies
nor me can thank or reward ye as ye de-
hum. her line eye lighted up with aat-
'n t1 psi with something Mos blob
tdo advanced to meet him.
She, too, had changed her dress, and
mere chart..rng and lovely ten ewer.
Her gloomy hair, still shining with its
immersion in the water, wan smoothly
btai.ted from her brow. and fell in rich
waving folds down either cheek. Her
exquisite features gleamed with an ex-
pression of warmest gratitude, and, with
'Nay, nay, not ss.returned Euataoe, a shy, yet earnest cordiality, she once
'I would hare bee° w fiend and nut a more thanked him for having saved her
life. Eustace was fascinated - nay,
man had I not done what' T dirt :Tem spell be'und. Those lustrous eyes, that
abundantly rewarded at haring been the glee waving hair, the smooth, high,
means 01 saving the lady. 1 shall ever polished forehead, the finely moulded
TO in
made •'tan O
M. C. Munn, of Argyle, N. te, was
taken alarmingly ill with a savers cold,
through which he was confined to his bei
for sight days. The alarming symptom
were a hard dry cough and the raising of
a considerable quantity of dicky phlegm.
There seeined te be nu doubt that he
was well started on the rued to coneump-
tinu. Just about this time he began us-
ing Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Bal-
mlen, and in a short time in his own
words, 'it nide a well roan of me.' It
is always se.
Tree Old settler ea Selmer.
'Cleariu' up r replied the ()hi Settler.
I hain't Ion able to sea no Mgr. any
clearin' up yit. It uaety be, b'goeh, that
ye could go a little by the moon in mat-
in" ypr calc iation, 'bout things ; but fur
all the use the moon is now fur that, ye
mowt just ez well scoop the in'ards out's
a skiiu-milk cheese. light a taller dip an'
pat it in it, an' hang it up on a Bag polo.
I ben ssyin' along during this Hemp
spell, 'Wait till the moon chages, an
this weatlter'll flop 'roun' with • jerk au'
we'll her it dryer'n a temperance picnic,
an' c,lder'n an icicle off'n the North
Pols.' Wal, the moos changed t'other
day, but 'slid o' the weather fetchin' up
with a short jerk an' takin' the hack
track, it just beak to rainin' all the hard-
er, and gives me durn nice record fur
knowin' • thing or two. I tell ye,h'gosh,
that these gastrominera that's a aurin' up
nights all over the country, pokin' their
spy -glass 'round,drawin' bead on a comet
every little spell, an' wingln' • new star
new an' then, and a goesip,n' 'bout what
they imagine tbey've found out like a hot
o' ole women at a tea party, is a playin'
hob with things in this multilane spear.
'Fore we know'd there was mountains on
the moon things worked alright. We
know'd jist w'en to pole our beans an'
stick our peas; e'en to spect wet weather
an' e'en wen wpm gaunter hey a dreet ;
w'en to go Hokin' an' e'en to kill our pigs
But now we're retain' too ar.art, an' we
don't know nothin'. 'Twnn't'i prise ate
a darn bit to wake up some fine martini'
an' find ev'rything drowned relent burnt
up, or knocked pial*-jse-whang, by a
comet gettin' en its ear. Twon't b'goeh!'
-(N. Y. Sun.
smile. 'Neither my trother nor I oma
rive you aught in return but the deepest
eratituds of ten hearts, and will never
yaw to pray for your welfare.'
Her brother ' She was but his sister,
then, and not his wife. How the know -
with a strange new joyous wildness.
But Lilies was likewise timid and flus-
tered, for by this time Willy had t..td
her that her deliverer was the eldest son
of the proprietor of the estate nn which
there cutlage eked. And his notation,
ego high abore thein, while it wade his
ledge thrilled through his soul and fitted frank generous enndemoosson all us.
him with a pleasure altngether inesplie- more striking, mads him in ber cess a
able. How it brightened hes eye and ( superior wag. separated from her and
animated he enwntenanee What the her 'welter by a gilt of birth and rank
thrill and pleasure meant M did not stop I which prodeed ia her mind a teething
to understand, bet eagerly replied to the
ase! slowly, std M fared she world ex= pR• 1like ravenous and ewe . timing whish
pin on the ray. words she bad uttered with such •sweet. Imingled painfully with the ernfidenee
Thouaw.3r beer witness to the p•ss-
tive ccratiis powers of the GinaT GRO
IkAN Inviwaarua, thin only remedy that
has proved itself • specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impmtence.
etc., and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse oar overtaxed brain, timidly ending
in O .tatsmpti•'n. invniit v and a 1'i.111t -
ture. reran.• 1.dd i.y all uru.niitt:y or
will lie sent free on receipt of 111.01/0 per
bon, or six h..ze. for SI Address 1', J.
Cunene, Toledo, Ohio, stile agent for
the United baster. Wend for eisc.tlar
end testimonials of genuine cures. Ileo
Rhyme, O,derich. 3n1
The eight of hu task and the know- bewitehisg senilh i whist his frank, unaffected demeanor
bags .of• Irdepended"" pended own it bed het 'Belts" nos, the wel*e •.f my s6nst had teetered ie her, sad the warm testi
Mart stiln sa
l f other her ezerti- d g•th- is to a abundant undant reward, and, if 1 tate, ieh
e .ridrel ',movie kir, *. her
mine up ail the force of kis strongyiuvh• 'nest tell the teeth, 1 shall reorient it • i Reviews from a Ovate gears.
•J Mee, Crabb's Black, Kingston stn, Glider
rich. Plans -and spe•-itt.atesesdnwncorrect
V Carpent'r s' plan •rrr'.tend maws s work
measured and valued.
teaiwr Traps.
Neglected colds are the fatal traps that
ensnare many a victim beyond possibility
of rescue. Take a cold or cough in time
and it is easily cinquer.d by that safe
and pleasant regetable remedy,Hagyard's
Pectoral l$aleam. Asthma, t.r,r.chitis
and pulmonary gem plaints let,erally soon
yield to its healing influence. 2
and all sero4Ytloes lessee oesM Rr7eyslae.
11e.ere•, lse*saea. Siwe eaaa. Wamase. Claire
lunacies. hale.' rad MeyNw .f tae Skim.
w the direct malt of •a Impure stato or tats
To cure thaws llamas use blood mast be peri-
led, sed rumored to a tl.rlthyand natural coali-
tion. ATat'a $ARaar•surr hie for over forty
gyre bs.m reoog tasd by emtwnt medical am
tborttiss as tl.a mum powerful blood maitre la
eaite.es, 1e trees the system from alt fowl ►w.
.tors, earlobes and wu.gthem the blood, remoras
all traces of moresrt*l nussmeat, and prowls W
mel s combine mercer a W mwtalous disease&
A lesser O.sw at amsNtloaa Neves
"5.so me.ths ago 1 was tresbted with sorefie
leas seem 1 a my 1s Tie limb wars
body realise end 10aamsd, sed tae sow dila-
rseared largo asaauuaw of offensive mutts.
Cory orroody t tried failed,mall f sed Aro'.
o•as•►•mr.u, w wale► LAWS wow takes Ono
bottle., with the result abet the cores ace
and nay beaktb rosily isoprovethri6
vary 1 for the year in
ee WiWisdomd.
grn•rs ly, less. Aon (Yssiwrt."
10 Sullivan ., New York, June la, tall.
May pith, 1tIIOE
Demeter IN -Having been a sufferer
for a long time from nervous prostration
and general debility, i was advised to
try Hop Hitters. 1 have taken one bot-
tle, and 1 have been rapidly gsttmg bet-
ter ever sines, and T think it the bad
medicine i ever used. i am now gaining
strength and appetite, which was all
game, and T was in despair until i tried
your Ritter. i am now well, able to go
•b.ut and do my own work. Befnre
taking it 1 was rnmpletely prostrated
Maa. Mate Itrireav .
matEAU fere..- I.ters.a.d are is.i*M to
is lora. Ceara.. ; also wpm. this Lev. Z.
Wilda sq nth street, Seer Tort
Pty, we will bye piesioure
*a briataA1-
M net *sly lathe sure of mi. lady. bet h
tip... rand ...ay others whit. We
Th.wel4a.ewn writer nos lar &wee Herald, B.
W. BALL, of gtre*afer, N.N.,writes, Jur.e T, 1t1:
" ttavtaRffered sere
vely for rime years ward
=sea•, a►d.ing railed to and relief fre.m other
.amedlm, 1 hare made an. during the part ILree
ma.W, of Ara•'a m•asArAa1LLA, villa' b
erected aliewe. war. 1 eoad.t dsr a ..sail
mot remedy all blood dbe....
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
.tinvil*te• awl rvgai.oee thn artinn ..4 ins dF
pall., and erlmllativa organsren-wt and
strenrtbens the vital Uwe**, sett speeder emelt
RMamntIs ., Wese.$e/a. alsom s tae Beet.
Catarrh. General Debility. earl all .ti.eaars
ar'ring from an t.npn..resbea or rortnpt d Moa&
tens .N the blood. and • w-.atsr.sd vitality.
it is lua.mpsrably the rbsnp.st blood .*.Vela.,
on woman of It•cos eutrti.J etr.ngtb.lad WINO
power over .l►eeMs•.
carr sen n.
Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Maas.
bid by all rtfeaalein pales Ms bottles for Ph
1 --_1 ee
GourIts warthog clear i4.n4 meta
p *r.ai4orsessmyst, canalis ,ttm/e that erUl pat you Is Ike
yo n r, i iNttt pp nand 1- at a -ay buelaer. Ne
wi r.e- o.rr•1 lt'r xease r/
Aimee *eery pill coataine calmer! senother mineral oomp.'nnda.'
. Dr. C•rsn.
Stomach fritters is purely vs/gotable and
takes the please of all ether l.nrgatives.
In large h .t (lots at 50 rent. nt
ors) .,t ,..axe s
ing incmasher" la • few dare tiro
apl111 you. 1'nu OW
w.04. e'1 t o 'nee- w 1 • ..pare tIMO oily. Tho
err .:+ ', really ,, I ,. ter! ' n both tb moo.
p oo eyt Ah I ... I. ' ew . en warily oars her. .Q.
1.54 sr.-rf r: remit. That all -rho went wort
may 1.4 t hm ns.I, we m its thin nwearal-
hand char ; 1 ., all who ars ant wail as/ eau
w111 ca -vi t 1 to pay Ise the ernab ls et writes
ea. ('e11 pertieelareem
, dirt edema. wimples
o. '"-
rurines will Ix Lyth ss wimples
w'.M. lima In tits wort.. (host
let ' y sere- I itTN r4r =si
ter. • ewe t en.,