HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 2r THE BRIBERS. Thareswillbrama• Downie Their Oat .Adt...an, *141. •Yr IlieleMs• Onnee'reserro. tresiseam-1111e. Mee IMMO, Maramem -Meet .ad ilmensimes Alb•W•8114 •• Oahe toseesdere. Delon the Meow °enmities us fly • number tot wanness were asogieet The principal ones were Thelma °oldie, a leading Comervative of Guelph, and IL McKim, the 'Reuther of West W elliogioa. Mr. Goldte's wi- dest°, was evidently stnuned to shield Bunting. ".4.41r"' ttVo• P „1#1 • , TiIII HURON SIGNA1J FRIAY. mAitcH 28, t8114. Wdkiimest. 1 elsgmeed &aid MMI es hawing ttstatieg's as. metered me it would heal' right, and "anew made a 1110 the Omsk of dentillet kiddr, WOW, forting 112" IIIeot bhisk, be OW welt asi711111111•• Ike Wade as • to meet Mewohlff • It vate the 211•Illo• ()OLDIE, M his own request called sad in answer to Mr. Fraser gave the following evidestoe:-"I am a resident of Guelph. Have men M the paperscomm of documents read before the oonoveittee yesterday incoming. ackeowledge that the one written on •telegraph pater, ad- dressed to Wil/Ii11•041 umigned, was written by myself. Newer met Wilkin- son until he canoe to cool in the latter part. of January last. Be introduced himself to me as 'Big Posh' Wilkinson. fie said he had storm laoptis of defeating &he Mowat Oesenuneot, end was oonfi- sireM Coalition Ministry would be form- ed. He thee wished me Averse Mr.Laid- law. and see what his feelings were. In the course of eonveireatiou, .poke about Bunting. But 1 consort somewhat very particularly. N. told tiat ne- gotiations were going oa. Mr. Fraser -Did he indiestepasetion by what sort of means he es to as - at M Meta of the Speaker's me dinner, rued about 11 o'clock I neat to the ma Mike and net Mr. Booties. We weed ado • f040111, and he kept *se TALELISO witatia rwo rocas. He mid hei knew MI about the armoire - smuts Wilkinson sad I had been leakier' but owing te his position on the Med, and in the Conservative party, he could not put hie name to paper, but be assur- ed me that whatever setresagessents I made with Wilkinson would be carried out, that Mr. Meek was the party's soli- citor, and eoutrolled the party funds. He pledged me his ward sad boor that whatever premises were made by Meek and Wilkinson would be carded out. He also said that Meek was tae solicitor in the petition &pajama Lyon, and if he voted right would be withdrawu. After further talk I left the Wadies's., about 0118 o'clock in the wooing,. Seam time after I met Kirkland, who spoke to me about his views on timber vasaters. Pu - de., he mid, would do nothing, but he had seen Meredith, who prowised to bring the matter before the House. Kirkland afterwards offered me three thousand dollars for my support. The nett tone I mot Wi.kinoin he said he bad been to • izaocus when it had been decided to make the Yankee (Kirkland probably the mope goat. Subeequently be told see that caucus had decided not to work with him, as he would want too much of the timber which thee WISHED TO DIVIDE A110101 THEDDIELTEA. Mr. Goldis- Ho did tell me that he (los evening • short time ago I met Bunting in the Speaker's lobby and oompluih has object I *APD•Ied to" use u&4.7, and In °°. in" walked with him out to Truitt street and stance gav• nie amount. HO 111•0 111110- akin ,..th He mod he had been to meat esd then mike, is whisk ease be (Meek) would run how the eseetitaelley. H• Owed to give warms three es feat themenwell dollars anoi the reginzatehip Witness was al bet Waked grille' Mei tawAtwe a • • 14,1•••• told Oink tib• Amato was tao thiSh told hint tte ROC his omi Wins list• "I it* in UMW - ; atisters then' womb" be at tioned the office in the North -woe- 1 Ottawa, and had DOD power to defeat gave )inn no detinito answer, but PM' : tbe Worst Goverrinient,and that I would mined to "nit to hi,,'. 1 e""b"11.4 watb ' ma sIi : had been promised I told him a personal friend and couv:uded that I leibout what Kirkland had pro/Mewl in could not take part in such a dirty pone , and he told xis to get all I ondd from of business. I decided to wash my ha""the Caukee, sod he would help me to do of the whole affair. I never apposite:sod ... fi„iear told mg, that there would told Meek it was Wan" Wield heore maim, fa 416 ititerview easkit Ilk eflertnielli toured Meek hal botou Maki( assorts of inquiries skid him at the Ram in the Ittossin home for muse Mr. laidlaw wtth any proposition TO DIENZAT HIS PADTI. i be i.. dtasolution in cam Mr. Mowat was Moor& The witness here related an I think too tnuch of myself and too mach , mar -no of au interview with the tnysteri- of Mr. Laidlaw. The letter 1 wrote nos' one Lyneb who was introduced to him in merely s piece of bluff, intended 1.. put his room at the Walker house by Wilkin - Wilkinson oft li•iii. The etivel..pe deal was resorted to Mr. Fraser- Why did you menthes I, in the mantet described by Dr. Dowling. Mr. Bunting's n* no in the letter I II Subsequently Kirkland COMO to me and Mr. Goldie - Well, 1 didn't care .•iffered me $750 to vote whether it was Bowing or Wilkinson. I 11 IM ravore or atti Tulsa& as•totertoott, was determined tt. wash tuy hands of the t - affair, and for that reason cAntl t.. To- ' which I JiJ nut take. Last Somday Wil- rontoos menti ..serl in the letter. I saw kinson mine to nay room at the Welker Mr. Wilkinson iii his room at the Walk. house, called me into 'lagoon apartment, er House, and t....1 1 thee I wouldn't , tool countol out ten one hundred dollar have anything t. • do with his lievotia- , British N..tili A.nenca Bonk bil's, and tions. , banded me a I ()and robin to sign. I Mr. jr„„,,_ to y„, a„, . r„.uj, of signed it rod immediately went in search that interview meierstand that he was i of tli-S;wakor, but found he had gone I home. 1 consulted with blows. Hardy, using corriiiit mean% to attain his ..b. ject .! I Fr4ser and Pardee, who advised me to Mr. Goldie -110 did say something i send the money to the Speaker, as I did about> using nemey. I think lis bed 1' " M 'llaec- Some time ago Wilkinson that he believed some of ti,,, (4„rern. I t'4(1 Olt• that MO:8116 would nut Move mono. supp„rter,, ,„,61 ,1„„t when ! the nuoion to go into committee of sup the Alg.mia •osestion was brought up. ! ply until there were enough of Mowat's Mr. Fraser -The debate .on the ml• i•upporters secure' to defeat the Govern• dress was in progress at that time t I 'neut. On S 'nudity or Sunday he told Mr. Ooldie-Yes, ard he spuke shoot ma they would go into supply Monday. some telegranas which were to be pro. At another time Wilkineon told me that duced. when they undertook this they would Mr. Fraser -Then, .bat you heard swear it throngh, and also said that it and saw during your dealings with %Vil- was cheaper to buy tnembers after they kitison would load you to believe that were eectiod than tu spend money obi:t- imbers who supported the Goveninteot tog them. were being corruptly agroacbed I In the count) of a erosi-ezantinetion to another question stated that he saw had acted knder the advice 04 the Com - lir. Bunting the day after his interview missioner of Crown Lands, Messrs. Fra - with Wilkinson. H. told him of his ger and Hardy throughout, and Mr. talk with Wilkinson, and although he Fraser put an end to the examination by amid not remember distinctly, believed remarking ell" the Minutes "t`ce will - Bunting advised him to have nothing to int do with Wilkinson. In conclusion wit- T.) ACCEPT CLL KEMPONEIBILITT et*" *tilted that frum the time he had fur what had token place. T.. Mr. Mere - first spoken to Wilkinson he thought the dith the witness stated he had dictated whole :transact was too disreputable his statement to a shorthand writer, in for him to engage in. He made the the Crown Lands department. Mr.Par- statement voluntarily in order to free dee had heard it read over to him, but Mr. Laidlaw from any iinputation, al- though he had opposed him at the last eleti..ns and would Jo so again. Mr. Laidlaw, iti answer to his retlitsint, was granted perintasion to make a state. mint. At his own desire he 11114 sworn and in effect stetted that he ha 1 never been approached by any person who had sought to influence in any way his vote in the Legia'atiire. . Mr. Premier Mattel that no member of the H•onesi ever believed anything rise, and Mr. Meralith taolcurred. days past. Nest day WIWI h. eine down stem witness found Meek waiting foe him sad he mine up and intimated that he wasted to *peek to him again. Witness Wok hint to the mon public place in the corridor and tried to get wine one near eueugh to hear what was said. He tried to catch the eye aud ear of Harry Nolan, but failed to do rm. Meek said be had secured six men from the Government aide who would do as he wished them to do, and declared that Mr. Gibson of Hamilton was not by any means • thick and this supporter of the Governineat. He wanted hint to do as the others had dune and pledge himself against the Government. Witness then told Meek he:had better drop this boat- men*, whereupou, Meek wound up by saying that this was entirely a matter of his own notion and net authorized by the Cooserwative party. He then came at once and told the Government the whole circumstance& A circumstance which happened after- ward. strengthened his impression that Meek was authorized by some 01141 of Meat influence in the Conservative par- ty. Thiscirconastanee was that on the 4th of P'sbrulierhe wcalled out by • mem- ber of thf louse,eb and they adjourned to the refreshment; room. Bunting 011.018 in, and without any invitation trona any member of the party, joined them sod began to niconauwod that a coalition government should be formed. Bunting and witness thereupon had some unpleasant words. and witness called Domini some %cry hard nattier, .To Mr. Fraser --From his personal ac- queintancoe with him witnessb.1.eedr Meek told the truth when ho said he was authorised to treat with hitn. When in the hall at the Roman house he said wit- ness could have a cheque for three or four thousand dollars at once. Ele dis- tinctly stated that they had secured Ave or Biz members, and perhaps more. Be- sides telhng me.nbers of the Govern- ment, he told several private members of the approaches which had time made. • unknowu newspaper waw wisely ' HUGH A wen awns. : Dimes ercluiet• inet but tory DUNLOP - asereirmayillaimgvhse. anit,l4t1Wytu (*.Iran; frarrot is se' flts? Fashionable Tail° juditesat advertisiog. I# eat, aad trust to luck tis the coosionties- MR they shut their ryes sad diseharge W. 3:E B rr fE3rr RTE "EC their gun in the &if and mot for die rat etet'ar' .dr".-idirertn4inaganiretialsw°4. dsckas sassiucclit Has the Finest' ,.•deortment of (kxxls for Fall Wear to Choate From. toed jailfratent as bay part of Meetilients beanies& ',Wickes@ adorn tines away. pay& There ars wine Loin- A. Nobb'y Suit ; odes men who seldom advertise,and they CALL UN • • r Ir YOV WANT Reasonable Price alwaye oomploining about their trek They treat adveitsaing se imrivideat shiftless pdo •roofe. beu the and when it rains Mari, cannot pada; • sea shinesersona they do aot amid patching • 1=1713 Go -TT D TINT_JOP them. When trade is ir, they see so need advertiatog ; end when trade 18 dull. they say they cannot afford to ad- vertise. Moral: Repair a Way roof when it is fair weather, and adenine ID all season& Advertising pays all parties interested better than any other awn - meow! investment ''-411z. From the Liver and Kidneys sties tal- ly half the sickens. Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters stimulates both Liver and Kidneys and insures one against disease; it is not an alcoholic stimuLint. In large bottles at 50 cents. m flee We have made arrangements to club Tut Kamm. with city papers at the rates Varied given below :- OD BOOTS AND SHOES M the (Stied Established:Shoe Store in Town, In Endless Variety, tr suit the most fastidiont us and tb nowt ecoomic buyer MY WINTER STOCK Is now complete, and I take pleasure in inferming sty customers that at no pre' yams •ime hairs I had such a e Signal asol Daily World .... .. $3. MI Large & Va • d Stock " " ...k.,... ..... .. 2.25 Mail 2-25 1 As at prement. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price it .. Advertiser . 2.25 it is a positive fact that no such value in food scar can be got elsewhere. Freeman', Worm Powders destroy and . infant. m remove worms without injury to adult or CUSTOM ORK — of every grade still receives niy prompt and careful attention, and will be made uMew se mai water. I must tell you the ole story of how in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, end the late Charles Delnionico used to talk of the very hest material obtainable. The tropes, Assent and in anorii. by Mr. Morris the witness stated that he Ur. neellas'. sinwlessest. Al- McK.in after taking the eth,read stale issue, whoti vollfeet was se fob los : 'FL ir"y in the summer I met %Cll. kin•oi at the Walker Hons. where we were bi,th staying. H. knew of my financial difficulties, and told me that he had strong hopes of for song • cotillion Several Reform Inanition had already promised desert. He he' the promise el three registrarship.' in the North west intended to keep Calgary for loin self, bat if 1 would vote •4•11111'. the Government he would soonre iw the office of rotate:4r at E lm aiton be- lieved the overnment room .4rmit nm, $100 for travelling 011,...1t504 wed if Winnipeg. lite sod he hot hart to Ottawa, where he hailarranged fo•r disposal of the oft tes. 11* assured me there would be no disedution. as they and h feared they would he defeated to the no alteration had hewn made. He was satisfied from the descriptillif Did she One ? Wart wronger Than ilteMen. is &fact that Alonzo Howe,of Tweed, a fe•-•r that .fileted him for thirty-tive years. Six bottles of Bur- dock Blood Bitters cured him, which he cunsiders a'neet a mirac'e. It was but the natural result of the remedy restor- ing pure blood and perfect secretion. 2 about the new hot water cure. He said the Delwunicos were the first to recom- mend it to guests, who complained of having no appetite. 'Take • cup of but water anti lemon and you will feel bet • ter " was the formula adopted, and the cup id hot water and lemon was simply A little hot water with a drop of lemon juice in it to take away the insipidity. For this Actibilieas measly the caterers charged the twice of their best liquors - twenty -five cents or mom- -and it coo teinly was • wiser way to spend small change than in alcohol. 'Few people know how to cook water,' Charles used to affirm. !The seeret is in putting good, fresh water into a neat kettle, al- ready quite warm, and setting the water to boiling quickty, and then taking it right off me in tea, coffee, or other drinks, before it is spoiled. To let it steam and simmer and evaporate until the gond water is in the atmosphere, and the lime ar! iron and dregs only left in the kettle bah ! that is what makes a great many people sick, and is worse than no eater •It all.' Every lady who reds (We recipes of a greet and care- fat k ehould net er forgit low to cook water. An interweave' t empartope. It is ea wall to get down to the rozX bottoni of facts. Soule people talk of the $30,000 000 grant te. the C. P. R. tie if it were • small matter indeed. Mr. Allison, the Libend member for Lennox, is not a member of that kind ; he has taken the first opportunity to tell his constituents why he voted against the perpetratiou of such an o,utrapi. Speaking at liapanee, on Saturday, he pointed out what millious tneant. The grant of $30,000,000 meant 937i tons of silver, which would require 9l7 team to draw ; this would form a procession, allowing 30 feet for each team, 21 miles loop Tb. $30,000,000 also represented 30,000,000 bushels a wheat at $1 per bushel, to inure which it would require 75,000 teams, making • procession 4,261 miles long. If his hearers were to stand and watch it pass at the rate of 50 miles a day it would occupy 87 days. He also pointed out that the tax dpon the people of Lennox imposed by this grant amount- ed to nearly $200,000. He well knew that if • by-law had been submitted to the people of the riding for even otee- half this sum for this purpose they would ham voted it down. iven by the hank teller yesterday that • "No ; she lingered and suffered along, tienson and Lynch were the same per- son. Mr. Balfour also believed that Stimson MAE the mysterious Lynch. DRIDAV, MARCH 2L When Mr. Dwight 'sea called yeateo city morning at the meeting of the Com- mittee on Pro -negro and Elections he stated that he wax advised by counsel that the committee had no power to de- mand the production id the telegrams asked for, and he therefore! declined to bring them. -No Freest moved that the statement of Dwight be reported to the House In miler that some action may be taken. Mr. Morris eras coiled upon to indene tify the letter signed D. L. Macpherson, as being in the handwriting of that gen- tlemen He identified the writing ir. the body of the letter but said that on the outside was not Mr. Maciohereon's. De. rseeaden irsawilusest. John Caseolen, West Elgin, 'wool, mid :-During the last week of January Mr. Meek, an old aoquaintence, met nie and asked the priy" vilege of * pritate in - other day. A deputation of licensed !. tourism. This. of eourse, 1 rv eadily teteen . bet upon Mr. Mowat on I little gem for the Teeth and PatAsk gr te liconse tinestion granted, not knowing the object, and at he in (iron , your tIrtig,lest or address. Meek's request promised that the C*.ill• 1 IngUa" ' . tid them that the ce.mhe set eoo114 ! ----- vreln shou1.1 te held confidential . eat the on:y valid license law and th.tt Itairikkin•s Araks latire. NI*, .. At , c • intonyted that he knew , they would he perfectly safe in takine The greeted molieal woniiiin. t,. um "pining all the time for years. the doc- "tors doing her no good ; and at last was "cured by this Hop &tiers the papers 'my so much about. Indeed! indeed ' "how thankful we should be for that "snedicine Tire Tremiers. Hon. Mr. Worst is called by his opponents 'the little premier.' while Sir John is honored with the name of 'a groat constitutional lawyer.' Recent weenie fro to show that the names have been transposed. In every case where there had been a difference of opinion on ounetitutional law between Mr. Mowat and Sir J •hu, and appeal was made to the privy eouncil, Sir John has been worsted. It is Mr. Mowat who is in reality the great constitutionil lawyer. Before he places a law on the statute book he is satisfied that it is constitu- tional, and backs it up Sir John P'his law and trusts tee heck, He has no confidence in his own letislation. A striking .sample of this was givsn the onestlea le the Point. Reader.. hare 'you a languid, weak and tired feeling, with 1148,0118 exhaustion, especially in the early spring 1 Then your liver is inactive and circulation poor. Arouse the toTid liver, cleanse the'slug- gab blood and regulate the secretions with that purifying tonic,Burdock Blood Bitters. 2 11104.1tAiserihr A ,reacher oas et west, Mr, H., w$ good man, but very rough in his ways, and very much given to chewing tobac- co. One day he was riding on horse- ba:k through the c' untry when there came tip a shower. Riding up to a cabin, he hastily hitched his horse and knocked at the door. A sharp -looking old lady answered the summons. The preacher asked for shelter. "I down't take in strangers, I don't know you," replied the old lady auspiciously. "But •. you knw what the Bible says,- mid the preacher. "Be not forgetful to enter- tain strangers, fur thereby some have en- tertained angels unawares.'" "Ton needn't quote Bible," said the old lady quickly ; "no angel would come down from heaven with a quid of tobsceo in his his mouth as you hat.' The door was shut, and the preacher unhitched hie horse and rode away in the rain. JD 0 CV N N - CIGARS . CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN Whet T• De. If troubled with an unhealthy. slow -healing ere see liefiregyw it Parkes* Carbolic Cristo. Yon will find it inralwanic for healing. cleans- ing and completely remos log your trouble. If the Blood le out of order. take with 11 a few doses of Mcoregor's speedy Cure from G. 'thrum,' dfdit 1111 risopile• 11841414,4 Call at GeO. Rhyme' drug store and trot a package of McGregor & Parkes Carbolic Conte. It is compt. sed of 'Vase line, Carbolic Acid rood Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, ft. ugh Skin. It cures when all others fail. 'fry it. AD A RBWA- Of one d..seu "TaAeix- ay" to S117 0111Asendinif the hest fuer line . rhyme on " .... rote, ' the remarkable pone, owing to the Catholic vo!••• the elt"'"" 1" 1 he" 111 hie """'e time. oa. woo.04..• er it When a similar world. Warranted to weedily cure siesinst thesis We ultimately smiled s 1 r; of the worry which attended olepoirotio.' waited on Kir John he show• Burns, Brunees,eutayicera, Raft thee= that I was to get $2,000 and the Ales to I15e .or ing or too • Legislator& He then so litte faith .n the validity of his Fever Sores, Caatery, Piles, Chilblain. TOT, eaoterso rut oov MUNI( KIK - one thousand to be paid when 1 hold • tted, and the balance when 1 got the dim I asked f.w security, and he pr.. posed that Mr Bunting shook! give own loot* for ti% 000, who+ was t4. Owed initge.tcyi that the country was t..... much legia'ation th .1 he advised them to take Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all party•reldsn. Wooed. at „moo pommel out licenses under bath acts. Fine Skin !eruptions. guaranteed to cure in to la ."41e1664"n al t.. °kat' 4411 wantawl' 1,.,11 ' advice from •'3 treat conetOetional law- every instance, or money. refunded -2fie. he had heard • good wee! "'in' `" yer *--(Nspionse !Repress. i per box. For side by J. Walton. ly. Meelta toeing ronnected with attempts to 1 IWhy stiffer from nervous prostrateons seduce etentiore 1 rola their •Ilrelane• te to the hot..ev ..f me -bones no tenet . when r. eon bay a cammeed ism me ass hands or a party who *heel,' h... for hie support to ono .4 five, #.r Pli row. mend dont bir the animation it aff wds, , i OA rot (1) agreeable to we. ?hie party wee who e., 'Minas which wonild be offered &vomit ' C o 1 twee diet meson og My to the homes Sash, Doors & 8 lindr the (1 'termite/it Meek then asked holt nit". tiA. em.h unicersei ,mt. 111.1 the permanent cure it effects in kid - bead the letiter from the Hon D L the Government. Pate te this h• A Greet 114••••••• reteim • re. 144-toon le t itf thousand', by saving many of their ligarp11111411111 ill which was endorsed had asked witness if he wowld eall to : e• iwY .1"4""Pa' *a 14 Van it'sren.. Kum" That is daily heinei blank He ikon told esteem he had dear ones from an early grave Truly is sereatore pin to make any Arnim. Whr ehfrOill • MASI grhO011 MIA* 11111rat tion• Colds- kethnia, firenehitis, meets he wale with any omenber of the entroo Hay Fever. Ger od Vow., Tickling in H owe to vete against the (hivorniodwit Sit h• goweleire eut in alehester I the Throat. Pam in Side and Chest, ,w any &mass of the Throat and Lamm a prositire ewe. (issroot•cod Trial Bot- tles free at J. Wiisens Dreg Nona Lary Mae $1.90, (4) A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Preec ripAons a Specialty.) GEORGE RECTIT.A.0, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE] BOOTS&SHOEg cvw--m-tianz- Wed-a-L.1.1D Reg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Btor in the store l*'ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased • large and well assorted stock of Spring sod Summer Goods at close figures, we are deterrniae io give the Public thebeneftt. FR SALES &S/11LL PROFITS WILL BB OUR ETTO ordr-Plevie call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Am -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilaon's Drug Store. •111 -Custom work will receive our special attention. ,'None but the best of material used and tiree-class wovitleten employed. .Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich. March 9 1•1111. DOWNING & WEDDUF P,M1SZEO-V-13 1) SILO 1•T 0 13 MMR.C11-1411.1•1"1" T.A.17.4014., Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderich --LAND WILL TURNIRII Ott YANK LP1— gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. an IILADO Fltlealtlfris 5. Trinitit • arnmamt. rowan. FTT *Wets* raotiorte Toe. ROTS Tat AllieltBile PHILO NOBLE, HAILILTON-BTREET, QODKRICH. P1 Dams IV& flpper 1 Now is the tine. it you wish one or Mono* rooms at loses to imee Pethir's room paper 0.15.. ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs HeauttreVolors. and at Wendel* Ikea very mocb bibirter geed& 0.11 and see them ler &refit@ host to tow's. mad avast hassle. Tho.Lalest *lug Lau Palms and NE, Cil4DX)1113•14:131C PLANING MILL EITAIBLISHZD sail Buchanan,Lawson1Robinson 1111•MI-II•4-TVItna• Olr Wilkieses's lemnefer of the office to me. A sheet time after Wilkinson met me / sod Mid Bantinz would rice his anti &Pr nseurity a, proposed. I mode Loo, ea appeintsent,asoll the same day I went to the Mlle bedding hot instead .4 womb 1111 wtt I. comp.aits asta.ply won Sr . 111, i104$ • ity fools the leaders .4 the Gm • Dr K s new Diacoverer for Covisomp. lag Hunting wae ShOWA into an Ake Wit,,ussmid that him health wee toe pone Or 1.1 his heir grow Mat], scent and thill• whim Wilhinsen Mende...el toe to Mr. for hie' to he ef mesh me, eiberneepon 1 Wives "thweaumeanwiteree willesak• Met.. Video% hal • note ter $6,0011 Meek suggested that he amid give new • g. row the teeter. For sale by J. Wil- -a .o4wrot.,1 y biome „obi Tote .so the Rome wawa the (levees- I east l've DAALart• 15 •Lt. 515114 nr Lumber, Lath, Shingles and 10i4lder's massietai of every 4-r.p1;ca. KIM& raii11171 ratan A • Ord.,. premetly adiee•ed L*. Oeiterkih. MD it, 1 •••-tv • Eyt, Ear and Throat DR. RYERSON, an. Cher* Ihiseed. Tereses. died. L er.c. P.L . SC1.ever . ire. gar adt_i.46ttrmona WeTamer& irermee o Merest apet Itez Inerrearytatiol (sutras Leaden Threetiii-.11111701 Royal Ophthalmia be eseeelked at THE WINDSOR HOT IIFT111.A.T.IFID31117D, 110,08iteity Jose 'tk. tank • • # '"•••:"•••"' 4kt .o. • 44