HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-28, Page 14 OTE0 TO C U 0 GENERAL INTELLLGE TII TT-UYH YEAR a 1 IJ )f l.)u send GOI)ERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1884. McOIL.LICUDI'Y BRO111 Pvwttttl sata $LMA YEAR IN A,DtAN first a*vM/whets Vista Werk. Annex OMetas-Mrs. O lry i a. Parasol Vetted tltunm.Odoe. Mosey to Loan disager dt Lewd 4;xOpedtiost Miss Wilkinson. dervaal Girl Wasted -Ma Mese. New M nosey Firm -Miss Pretty. Motto, 10 Debtors -Jobe A. Mattel. Els. ter wed Throat Dr. ltyersos. To Mothers of Families -Wm. Kay. seises hisg Wanted Joke A. Naftali. Notice to the Public James McNair. Weld Sail widen Seep Ren Price. Chancery Notice James S. Cartwright. Drl.kl•ytag aid WaM!rttcs--L Sharsaa. M .ern t Reapers Repaired -D. K. Strnohae. Dentistry. ( NICHOLSON, LD.S, SURGEON JL. Demist. Oraoo and residence. West Arm* doors bolow Bank of Montreal. Ooderish ITU She People's Column. ARAWL FOUND- A PARASOL 1 was bund at Nairn's oorner on Wednes- day. March Mt& The ooand ayr cor have athi d:ai tise SSSt. ApplMerino y t lbG (woe. IOW SERVANT GIRL WANTED-GOOD c Ways w81 be ven M*& SHAW. Nor- folkstreet. servant. ApplyL -I1. folk street. WE HAVE $7,600.00 PRIVATE 1 FUNDSIOWl?it6 .1qSaIrL ePctCeat'. on tbstcIass Farm Property.161CrtER Largeore ssu.,lerlck. April Math. l5st. & LEWISt.I936-4t WO 011 N i1E geed CES WANTED t are wast- e.t to learn Ste emakiw0. Apply to MISS KRIS, over Sheppsrd's Book Store. orth ` NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Al parties Indebted to ase for store a000e*0 f.,r nod, will be pleased to call and mule the same by cash or note at once. Attar sty 1st. ineereet and expenses added to an at moots L•to unpaid. I must have money to carry on m 1 urines. JOHN A. NAFTEL, Hardware Em. cis. t;o tericB. March 37th, WM.rise at OTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 11 diodes is herebywives that the ua o rslsned. owing to lil%eeJta.1ao been breed up his 51st. sad seed Mora and an parties owls" him ate requeted se pay up before the let Mev. to avoid Mimed eoUsctlou. Thio settee is ImperMiva JXMES McNATR, Seedrman. Goderich, March 36tb. 1121. 1151-I1 • Loans ant, 3nsurance. Legal. ta00,000 TO WAN. APPLT TO SKAGER A LEWIS, BARRISTERS, law CAMERON HOLT tCA31Rl'.ON, Oode Ooderlab. Lek. • 1755. ('. l+a*otnL JR. J. A. Monroe. E. N. Laws 1147 - MONEY TO LIND. - PRIVATE fundi -.s freehold security. haply to Gees. Sweasss, O.4.icR latim. 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND iv s good Yana or firstclaas Town Proper( •t Spar osat. Asch to R. RADCLIFFE. Ina MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE •metmt t Private Fasces for tavestsse.t et lowest rates ea i st-elass Mortgages. Apply to 0 ARROW & PROU DFOO1. •20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest la - hereat. Murtguges purchased. no ('umadmioa charged, Conveyandns Few reasonable. N. D._- wen can ebiain meee in one 11 title U entistaetory.-DAtl4O1 t JOHN *TON Barristers. tc.. Ooderlcb. 1731 It RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. R..presenting tlretelasCompanies. Alseageat for the CANADA lotus drone I cst•RAxcet Co. Mosey to Mad on Mernpge. either In Town m Farm PrMIMV. la y way to sant the borrow Knell block Godericb SEAOER & LEWIS, Orrottrt Mas- TIN'S HortL. Oodsrich. have erivte FUNDS TO LEND. la o sutra to suit parties wanting loans, t very low rates. 1107- Legal Notices. CHANCERY NOTICE TO CREDIT- ORSS of JOHN V ALOHAN and MARY ANN TRAINOR. deceased. Pursuant to • direction of the High Court of Jubiee. Chancery Dlvldon. made in the met- er of Re TRAINOR. infant. the creditors of JOHN V AUGHA' and MARY ANN TRAIN - OR. his demise:. both late t the Township t Waw•aoslile the County of Heron. wbe died in or about the month of Awguat. 1!Q sod the month of March. le respectively, era on or before the 7th dtty of A Met. seed by poet. prepaid. to Metiers. CAtrt0Wn. HOLT a ( AMMON, of the Town of Ooderlcb. la the County of Huron. *Melton. their Chris - Ilan and surnames. addresses and description. the tui particular. of their claims. a state agent of their accounts. and the nature of the securities. IR stt 1 held by them ; or Ind excluded thereof they will be perseeptoril from the ueneat t the said ing. Every creditor Midair aay security Is to produce the Mese before me. the undenolipeed. at sty chambers, in Owed* Hall. is i be Cit t Tor- onto, on the Nth day of April. 1121, at twelve o'clock noon. beige the time appointed for ad- judication oo the claims. Dated fhb day t March, 1121. JAMS S. CARTWRIGHT. GSM Realatrar Q.B.D. 4 UCTIbN SALE. OF A FARM IN ASHFIELD. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction. by Geo. Coote. Auctioneer. at Bat- ya hotel. in the Town of (Jpdertch. at the oar tone o'clock in the afternoon, on Satur- ay. March IWth, . 1881. the farm .•owmot7 sown as "the Shaw farm." cony.= S5 ores mon or tees. and being Dont ne half .e Easterlyt the Westerty b t t Let amber Two. 1n the First Concession of the ownahip of Aehaeld tin the Eastern DIvis• mf. harts( thereon a log hoose and out- oaaseeess, and a sever -falling creek tannin` iroag0i the same. sad being well dr.loei. bout Macaw cleated sod free from stn sd the helmet,. about 11 thewld s, beim` moy =cleared. or unimproved. TM soil In the hand part being prt.oipstir a stclase easily moreand s the or Ps to a lolay soil. AU the land could beout vated It cleated. there beim no waste l r arty neat for cultivation. About 8 oaor4. t ores In clever, and about 6 acre. In fall ►hest. The farm tames on a good gravel ..d leading from 0od.rick. which is about mike distant. and there ie a school and also chart* within about 1-s t • mite. An pesment km been made with the premed as sat, under which possession can be given rlthla a short time In the event of • sale. Also abort eight acres of tall wheat, aad ,beat.ight (teres of dowse have been sows ea he property. wbkkwould get* the purchaser. tse.TERMS per ostaL10 be Mid dews tM nM perorate" t ones tthe peepshow urease. witheste to tie Vemilltoote oudt t te erest, a ea paid to the Vendor's Solicitor wahines* .sntb thereafter. The property will be sub - to a teeseved bid. Further particulars and condition will het Stade known ex the time and plasm of sale. or t any time previous on application to the Veadat's Solicitor Dundee P. 0. Demise. lHlb t March. A.D. tat. GEORGE COOTS. • Auctioneer. T. H. A. BOGUE, Vendor's Solicitor. Dcadas P.O. ltae-3 EDWARD SHARMAN, d 3RICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, NAST aTRBBT, u s still ready to do any work i• lis line at N .'.m•. Bricks, Flabricks, and other Buildleg k Material kept oft rend for We. Oodsrich. L.reh firth. IMM. 111136401 u rid. aULU3 FOR SALE • - THE SUB- a l) SCRIBER leas fee sale two thorough• • an d Demme bdM-a.e a dart red yeerting. std t k e other a ligyear, ht ran raise two yea • Pedlgreep ot- both duly redeemed 1* k '.miles Herd Beek. Terms may. ri W. H. 0000. let It eon. 3. E. D. Cott 10644 For Sale or to Let. `TORE TO RENT OR SELL -BE - AJ iNO os metier of good gravel read. Horse In repair. Store Iti[x4, with It stories seed store moat wood .21.4. stable sad i se,, in.d- Y.O. and daily mat. Terms sssy.Ai ty to R. T. RAYNlla6. ShepperdI- IMG• a HEPPARDTON FARM TO RENT 3 OR SELL. • Sas. M acres .festal sad free ot Nets; all well towed; two Wahl; rood bars aad shed and other buildings, b- j rttsdl s brick cottage M1* with Dollar (all s. Z. of house; a .plendid orchard ; large creek 1 runs across the 11.. Terms easy. Apply on 1 pot misses. Lot N. Lake Shore Read. tow.ahlp .1(ddb ' HAYNES. Shop !tea. ]rd IN AF D. SHFIELD12 FOR 50 ACRE LOT BALJI-on Cos_ acres tdeer ed, Wanes good hardwood. A good orobard *elle( house. 41eld..lope tea creek reaming aroma the lot. and are easily drubbed. Terris Sheppeattes. owv. Mesh to R. T. HAYNES. lanai le, 19111. MI - MI -MO LET -THE HOUSE AT PRES- 1 ENT occupied by the subscriber. cor. of yWr est and Waterloo oo. ate.. Dederick Rent 10w. thea sultaele >r1 . Is61liMMit VOR RENT - A COMFORTABLE 1. Mur to let oe the wow of Newgate sod A Reties .. at torsions. Apply to JO RIDGE OM • VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - That farm..ossistintg of part Block "G.- TownshiptColborne. half . mlis from Daa- lop. situated es the gravel road. nth eon-. sad reinpri.ing M serve, about le an res clued _- 1._.....i mn rte the memle.s. Abe :pnes creek reaming throw& 1t. For fall particelais apply to ALEX. REID, 5th Cee_ Cartes PO. NEWS ABOUT HOME. An falehbellp,,silt "A ciders atemag ye teals' seta Tho Ladies' Aid Society cif Koen' Edward Sharman, the well known church will held a baser is the vegan bricklayer and plasterer, has w, ides of tore heat to G. N David Ita.Mn' og l'em ev«ng to Clinton as was snuwwts. Thursday next, April Srd. We give the opening chapter of sae Tows ?MOIL new story this week. It gives promise of being one of the most thrilling tate, which hes ever appeared in a Canadian paper. James Mills, for the past couple .1 with J. Lurie, has gone t.. Inc old years home, Fergus. Jim made a number of friends, and no foes, during his stay in Guderich. The house on Victoria street, the property of Mrs. Shannon, was sold by public auction by H. W. Ball, lad Satur- day. aturday, and realised $710, P. Carroll being the purchaser. Rev. Fathers Miller and Kruta, of 1) C. HAYRS, SOLICITOR de.,I .I Ohne onset of tae ssqquare sad West r1 Mt oar note paper and an swamis* stamped etre(, Uolerlob, over Butlers boobture. .ti 's mosey to lead at lowest rates of laterest. Ask for the "Solid Comfort" er "011vette" Ciedmick cigar. •LARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR Over two hundred no ewer Dassoes ta T RISTE A 9titeItees. Nle Easter t.d birthday carie to chose from at Ooderich. J. T. Gamow. W. Preedloot. iib leerier book store. Go t. W. L. Hertoe's far pure wines aa,1 liquors. Cor South street and Squsr •. OARIERON, HOLT A CAMERON, lee Darrdtere.Soliettors In Cbaacery, fro.. • Oderlch and lspwQ ha . M. C. Cameron, et p. HtWIogba M. eros Oodarlek. W. a. 1751. 333et,ical. T. E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M. C. P.S., Ord. Phreichon, Surgeon. A000ucbettr, &c. Od0.-1'Chat former) occupied by Dr. Hatcklasenl Dungannon. Night offite -Mar- chin Matds n bold, lap' JB. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY- . [KLAN, Surges Acconebear, etc., M. C.P.S.. Ostarta Odce-The Mare, f dos,, Ham of Wilson's Drug Store. up stairs. 19131 GR. McDONACH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN. SURGEON. to.. °miosis of Tor onto University. Liceetlate of the Royal Col- lege on Physicians. London. England. kc.. &c., lt. ('. P. S.. Ontario. OMee and residence Oppostte Salley's Hotel. Hamilton stree„ t. - erich DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner ac. Office and residence Bruce Mont. sewed dour west of Victoria SerwL 1751. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon and Accoucber. Graduate of Toronto University. Omeeopposite Caster ren & Camerons Bask, Luoksow. 1f sot in edam. require at the Bank. 1753-7. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Paysbctane, Surgeons. A000.chere, to slice at Dr. Shannon's residence, sear the Enol Uoderich. G. C. SHANNoN. J. C. HANML TON. 1751. EYB, EAR AND THROAT. DR. RYER.1O:1, L.R.C.P.. LR.C.P.a.g.. Lecturer on the Eye. Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College Toronto and S n to the Mercer Eye an .l Ear In rotary, u!let and Aeries to the Hospital for sick ebihiree. late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic I "Rod" Fraser has been laid up for a Hospital. Moortlehbs. and ('entral London Throat and Far Hospital. 317 Carmen u ericarr. T000!rro. March rob. 1121. taS1"- IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS- TiCiI. • CHANCERY DIVISION. SEYMOUR vs. L.TOUZEL A VXMIABLE VARY ltibs 10wac►Ip M Osibesee. le a Judgmes' and order made w111 be add tbbytfpuuhlie auction Eimulrw Iapprobation s rot 12e Supreme Court 0 son Ion( Jed are at tloderi.h, by John Knox, Aurfw,nuer, of fled CuPiorn. Hotel, (Joderich, 00 SAW-RDAS Tint FIFTFt DAY OF APRIi. 1834, VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR BALI -1s the village of Pert Albert. Hetes (e sty. 10 saes ce good tamales land kir rel . On the premiere are a ,nod fraise cot- tage frame hers. sheds. et. Fat.. orchard. e sed twee; • gravid nasi. masa ytedDom s health cosi restesee to cbureh«. s •heols. .t.•.. nn loca- tion men dswlrsble. V111,tg. presrertng. good harbor. splendid .benne or trsde■man of retired Derma of mems. as all. or pirf of can be peed- Pisaaws's ria 1m - NOR. y Albert_ nett2A. MMb- ARY t1 . FOR SALE - THAT VALUABLE term !sears "Big Push" and the other alleged conspire ten have bad their portraits 0 the paperer bat they would have spperred to better ad- vantage bad they been photos- by Sallower the (loderech artist. In the spring a young ulna's fancy LighUy turns to thoughts of love. and spring sults. The newest styles In both gtr0000dds and .bares can be seen at F. et A. Pndham'.. the fashionable tailors. "'rite ice is breaking up. and navigation will likely bo earlier than usual. but Mare is •1- w•ye an open course to 0. IL Itobson's photograph gallery, where first -clads work is turned out in aU styles of pictures. Read the advertisement of James itaneders t s,,n. and call and ser their cheap loses. Beautiful wall papers at low priers. Special vainest. milk pars and palls. 411 goods low. "the Cheapest House Under the Sun." The ladles Aid Associat Ion of Knox church. Intend to tare an apron baser. whit • refresh- ment table, on Thursday, the 1rel of April,is the store nest that occupied by Mr. U. N. De- vi'. All contributions of apron. or week aro to be sent to the room on Wednesday. the Ind. and contributions for the refreshment table on Tour.day morning. The wall papers and decorations received this week at Imrte's beat anythln(yet shows in Underlch for beautylndes'gn colouring and cheapness. This 1a what is mad by those who hese seen them. °old papers from 13e. per roll upwards. 7*. Ior,iesf **ode wet of To. ronto foelloarfrose. Inspection Invited. New stock of Bawer pattcres to band. Read "Eust•ce the Outcast." Frank DIeGreq:or is home on a visit Mir Kate Macara by returned from Toronto. Miss Ross is visiting her sister, Mrs. Meyers, of Wingtam. Mrs. and Mise Newcume have gone Eatt on a holiday visit. Mrs. McLeod, mother of Mrs. Wilson Salkeld, has been very i11. Auctioneering TOi.IN KNOX, MINERAL ACC - et TIONEER and land Valuator. Ooderieb. Oat Having had considerable experience In the auctloneerittg trade. he is In • position to discharge with thorough satisfaction all com- missions entrusted to him. Order's left at Martini Hotel. or sent by mail to my address, Ooderich P. 0.. carefully heeded to JOHN KNOX. Comity A.ctioseer. 161Y4f HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Huron. Sales attended la nay part of the County. Ad trees orders to Goderlch P. 0. Motels. tin HURON HOTEL 410 et S.1 ULT. PROPR/ETOR3. "The Huron Until' late the --Woodbine" bas recently ben» refitted In every branch. and is capable of eivinj sitlsfeellos In every particular to the travelling public. The enable in oobnection has been specially sued up for the f•rnser's convenience. and Is le charge of a Simi -class bossier. Rates for tran- sient traveller, 51 per day ; special terms fur weekly boarders 1 4S HIGH COURT OF JIISTIO$. nems *Mee. few days by a severe Cold. Mr. Addison, we are wiry to learn, is laid up with a severe cold. The Dieser'. Reid, plasterer's, have gone G, BufLtlu for the season. Some of our loaf shots .hada ilea seethe ter wild geese during the week. Mrs. W. C. Whitely, of Clinton, has been spending s few days to town. ly stated in • (Audi.•» ,taper a few weeks ago. lits mol apse in another volume, and he is upp.eu fur contracts. etc., in his calling. bricks. and ether stocks in his line, kepi on 'tend. Mr. Sharn.an has the repulatiuu of being a careful and efficient builder, and cheer- fully give estimates. EARLY Catenw -lin the 171111 last., Mr. Walton, West street, was (muted by the hatching out of mine chicks foots ten of his Black Sltaaiah eggs. The hatch- ing out so early in the season is phe- nomenal, and speak, well fur the once and the esmful treattuent *Aka they received By tate end of the season Mr. Walton will have a hue eullection of Toronto, of the Redeniptionut outer, poultry. He is becumvlg gpite a pries will conduct mission services in 1st. eve racer. Peter's church for a week, commencing if Too know tlto face 01 s L.:4146m on Passion Sunday, March 30th. Remember the High behoe.1 literary entertainment in Victoria Hall this (Friday) evening. The pantomime of "Beauty and the Beast' will be well worth the small price of admission. Dr. Ryerson bogs to announce that the increasing dowand of practice at hems renders it impossible fur him to c. ntiuue hie sto,.tAly visits to Stratford He will neat be there on Saturday, April 26. E. Downing. our local shoe dealer, 1111 Westuesday last shipped five cases of boots and shoes of his own manufacture to Wm. McGaw, of Spence's ilndge, British Columbia, There is one spot in Gude- rich that the boon has struck. .A. M. Polley taken the lead for early sowing and plowing. Ho sowed oats utt his farm un Thursday, and on the sane day plowed his garden in town. As an agriculturist, A. M. P., figuratively speaking, gets up early in the morning. In the spring the city poet Dreams of birds and bloseoms glad in the spring the dinner's thorax Scoops the heartens of the ohs d ; In the spring the ssiesrbutur Makes the wood a tratrant mat • in the seting theal^• maiden Dreams about her t aster hat. - Ex The managers of Knox church are going to provide a pleasant entertain- ment for the evening of Good Friday to the basement of the church. Some of the best local literary and musical talent Inas been sectored and an enjoyable even- ing may be anticipated. The boys on the bicycles have had • pleasant week of it fur the season. Mrs. Black, West street. will give a bicycle party this 'Friday; evening. Miss Holt is the guest of her bruther, P. Holt, of Cameron, Holt & Cameron. A. M. Kay, of the Brussels postilion. t> i his medal smile upon w of TIMs- day. Mies Maks, of Exeter, spent a day ee too in town. the guest of Mrs. Georg. Cox. An interesting meeting of the town council is expected to take Ilace this erenittir. Mrs. Proctor and children returned to their home at Belle Isle, Mich., on Satur- day last. Mrs. Thos. Andrews has been pros- trated by a severe attack of congestion of the lungs. 0. Carey has removed to rural quart. near Auburn, and will work Inc farm Before Ferguson. V. C. this eear,n. The spring chancery sittings opened in Loftus McBrine, we are glad to learn, Ooderich on Thursday, March 201.11. N around •gain,after a very severe attack ' The following caves came on for trial :- en the lungs. Cameron rt. Wa.ker - This was an Mrs. Gavin Struthers has returned cativo brou{ht by the plaintiff to com- pelfrom her visit to her won, Jusrph Quick the specific performance of an agree- of N uudeiader - .. tient for the tranfer of ertain lands. The Mrs• Jnhs Mafdy. of Wtngham, eau plaintiff failed to prove the signature of in town this weak, the guest of Mrs. 3efendaut to the document, and jutlq- Mos. Watson intent was given for defendant. M. O. Cameron Mer p'fi ; .1. T. Gerr,w fee deft. Rev. Fr. Kealy, of Irisktuwn, otltbrat- -. ,► Romsey rt Meliorate et 0/ -Was an mass and vespers at St. PNsr'. dud* ggtion to set aside a fraudulent Convey= St.day last. " Wee, but as plalr.tiff was not ready to go MMs McConnell, sister of Mrs. O, C. On, the rase adjourned. plaintiff paying Robertson, lose been spending part of the costs of the day. Oarrnw h Dickies- He winter in Ohio. son for pplff. ; Holmested for deft. A meeting of the Gederich lacrosse Hamilton n. Jehnton-An action fits• club will be held at the Huron hotel on the account of partnership dealin7a. Rs- .1. --A y next at 8 p m. fefence to the master•. Cameron for We aro p eased to learn that Rev. R. n always report it to this office. Don't wait till the paper is published and then express surprise that the item does not appear, Editors and reporters cannot be in every piece at the same otos, and must gather a great deal of news from others. Int each one think it a pleasure to furnish en item for the paper when they tan, and not wait for somebody else to report what they know. t flirt` It -Licit week one of the oldest engine driven ott the O. T. R., 1 Wait. Smith, passed away at Ins home in G.dench, a victim of intkmmation of the bowels. He was on the roast fur twenty-seven years, during which long period he faithfully served the Company. A number of the Locomotive Brother- hood left Stratford by special train on Sunday to attend the funeral, which was a very large one. All classes turned out to pay their last tribute of esteem to the genial old gentleman who waa so highly respected by all wbu had the pleasure of his acquaintance. -(t tcatfurd Heald. At the annual meeting of Guderick cricket club held at the British Exchange Hotel last week the following officers were elected for the Coming season : Hon. President, Cul. A. M. Ross ; Hattli\ Vine do., Major Cooke ; Pres.. Mr. Malcohnon ; Vice President, T. Mr Dermott ; Secy. -Treasurer, E. Duncan ; Committee, Stanley Hays, R. Vantone, H. J. Vidal, F. McPhillips and T. Arm- strong. The bohowing gentleman wens elected h rary mauler : M. Hutch - Commander Boulton, of the R. N., ion, M. C. Cameron, M.P., Dr. Holmes, will make an extensive survey, of the,' ny McDermott, D G1asa, It. S. Chit - upper lakes during the Coming 1"""A• ton, U. 8. Consul, Sheriff Gibbons and The vessel 'melded for the work will be Mayor Horton. in charge o Capt. A. M. McGregor, of this town, one of the must thoroughly posted men on the quest:oft of inland marine. Hugh Davison, who was prostrated by an attack of typhoid fever while attend- ing Toronto University, returned booms last week, to recruit his hea'th He had $ severe siege of it, and was badly run down, but the greet nursing and nourish- ing fare of his rural home are expected to build him up soon. W. B. Dickson, 'solicitor, etc., of Brus- sels, office, formerly was iof it 00 Tuesday, on s busi- ness. Mr. Dickson has hung out his shingle in Brussels. We can recom- mend him to our friends as a patnstak• ing young lawyer. and opo who woe • g.,od name for himself as a student The Saginaw Herold, in referrinJ to tho appointment of G. E. Pesmore, foruterly of this town, to the manage- ment of the mercantile bueinem of J. W. Howry of that city, says "He (Mr. Peamore) is a young man well and favor- ably known, energetic and capable, and will, no doubt, succeed in his new posi- tion." as let I. es Ow lith sea.. N (.421,•,.., ..d waelelwg t IM sores. atmA1 all Ginn* with shat 13 or 1t etre, of seed hardwood Tile.let ts well Hneed sect h ! t falls rye1a0 ntMt At one o'clock in the aftenoo.. that valuable 1 Plff.. Dickinson for deft. BwaoesnY of Kingsbridge, is regaining Y 1 Ynovtn as "('herrydak fr arm.- , Fisher .f „' E. Scott - An setitm his health and strength. 'item"' Within half a mile 01 thr Villate of ' brought by plaintitfi, who were miller+, Besmllier. In the Tewqg hip of Colborne. in .. e - Ca J. Stretton, the well-known the (bat, of Huron end about six miles m Wingham, against defendant, who is rt from the Town of Goderirh. (a Erste banker. The plaintiffs all Brussels auctioneer, war in teen on The property M Inoorostad, and consists of 1 P Itl 5►les acres, nickelling some M the cwt , certain mistakes and irregularities in the I Tuesday, and gave us • call. farming lead In the Township. The buildings account. The matter wits referred to 1 he l Rev. Chancellor Tiernan and Rev. B. thereat are tale. and monist t a three story maser Cameron for plff.: Dickinson J. H iters were in AeIiffrld daring the Stege .•Fruit Dwelling Hoar. goo! Barn. and II t week holding a mission. Stables. • Fruit Iloese /Die. a ITess Hooses for deft. sod ham* M111 mist • Dei ry with • .ew•taat Hamilton r... Allan -An action 1, r♦ omit or woi lag n iu Felt Treem i■ Rood bearing condition. ' diff 's land and for damages. Judgment There Is about M ernes of land covered with riff $70 ef•magb, and for an injunction. ttosr of ester running thong it, are a Itwet- I strain defendant froom cutting timber os. to/House f ki an There are sins Te lath Hardwood Birb and 10 scree t the frowns am tee Maluaael River Is rich alta. (arrow for pift; Cameron for deft. eel Plata, well suited for (erasing. Limnos r e Lennon -An .conn brought TRUISM of SALE : -Ten per omit. down on f.. a widow aaaint her son. (loth par• 11e day of east tot Plaintiff's Solicitors; the h The suit wr- h.tanctt wheelie Interest. to be paid tato ties lire in M.Kile,p. Ottersag parr mierKb itep et 111 beesteledtoa 1Terme. settled before trial, the sw,n agreeing b aed to h44l Into possession. A portloo of t1e pay rent for the land during his Ittreeh- psrrlase moose, wgl be .Bowed to resent .r. lifetime. Garr.,w fur phi . Danny it a hers sad sever es teee tg.g withlutenist t 7 esu for deft There a,, about Meares of fan wheat sews Pun•bs•er, el "' moo of hale. win tie Maly 1 M to .Ips M t ler tM coagNKleei t I Bbeppsrd .s. Kenndy-An action to lee (the L c. Lie ed ifs stiles t4wtw Ond.etr It_ I tine a, to. lam wsparty wt11 M pet ep I set aside • frandnient coaveynpf of .ear the 0.t•. l•Inareh M •s.ed travel reed• p b a rsof bid. tee .ter •supers r r k r eqe 1 10 WILLi*3l the roedetto.r t 5.1..shall b. the .10044.0 land. fettled before trial. Fraser for FEAOA1t. t50rfew R O. atm oeedla40wa t etc t the e•M emurt- pit . Shaw & R .nerteen for doh. Ifsrtber /settral•ra t.a rte ob t..d from I Warden m. Worden-An action for FARM FOR OALi[-IBEIRG TER She AweUoasar. or frgm 111. Ptat.t. f a 8oaN- 151bone ef teetered et es tis0pr if Lewis. Heer$teee. • alimony. The parties lire in Exeter. 11k:e y the tette e d ( ih The sett was settled before trial. B. V. 1se.s.A at 45 er M sots w seem D. .a Ooissleh. e1M Nth day sf 1(Sreb. A. E lint for plff- . M. 0 Cameron for deft. Kintail mails mistrust. The stage for Mawlwt timber oressalab t died elm. A hewn hawse. • tares In Aura R. MALOOMNI)N, ( Cameron w. Mallin -An actino to set Kintmil will, after the It of April, leave r11 ibaWw an on 0.. Iswoseg e* ewer it Gedeeiek. setae a fraudulent en.veysno0. Settled' thrderiah itt the •tternnnn, the same time 5.iir coign h..wi b0.i•treMnM tri a 0ttdtiw OA ,t pRell'D ►(1T, before1 G f pig C that the Dnng•nnmt stat!• a.nv, and will 'o1,pertlellio +. meet) o JI N Fymt1H.0d Nigaitt Ptieat. noderteh. ow to!MAUER N. netekore. Oedeelsh. MN Larva numbers of wild geese passed notthward on Friday and Saturday. The river broke nn Sunday, A number t,[ schooners are now being Overhauled, and put in good condition for the coming season's sailing. Harrison has bought the proper- ty es which the Arcade skating rink ssuw glands, from Mr. Abraham Smith. Mrs. Rneyd has purchased the resi- Wp of the late John Longworth, for *O. it was • bargain in real estate. HYMENRAL- -On Tuesday last all in- teresting event took pace at the resi- dence of Mr. Geo. Cox of THE SIGNaL. staff. 0,, that day Mr. Robt. Sinclair, of Pembina county, Duk., was united in wedlock to Ellen Louisa, seoond daugh- ter ..f Mr. Cox. Mr. Sinclair was assist- ed by John Cox. brother of the bride, and Mies Halse, of Exeter was brides- maid to Miss Cox. The bride was dress- ed in a travelling suit of bronze green, and the bridesmaid wore white. The bride was the recipient of a number of handsome and Cetly presents, one of them being a cheque for $50 from her uncle, Mr. Ben Allan, the wall -known Chicago jeweller. Tat SIGNAL wishes tM young couple erery prosperity in their Western home. A FaREWELL-The pelting ram storm of 'Tuesday evening thinned the attend- ant. at the farewell meeting tendered Rev. Mr. Morden and hu wife on Tues- day evening by the Young People's Literary Society of the M. E. church. 'Nose p.esent, however, were well cared for. Ta, coffee and cakes were bounti- fully provided, and after the adjourn- , most to the auditonum, music and ad- dresese were given. Jas. Mitchell owe - Med the chair, ar.d the speakers were Rev. T. M. Cempbei and T. McGilli- cuddy. both of whom pad a tribute tO the Christian character of the guest of the evening. A trio hy Mr. and Mrw. Parker and Mas [tepid. two splendid soles by A. B. Henderson (Mies True- man accompanist •, and s rowing rendi- tion of "Jessie's Dream,' (Mir Skimm- ings tin organ, and R. Parker with me - net dilijefol, made up tate mcnUcal por- tion el the programme. Toward the close of the evening the ohairman read an address from the society e, the de- parting pastor and his wife, expreseing the regard .of the young prtiple of the oongregstion for them An earnest pima Go all to giro themselves devotedly to the Saviour was this bnrlen of Mr. Morden'. reply. Mrs. Morden, owing ill health, was unable l•. be present. At the clow of the meeting, the people pressed forward, and blade their lata pester farewell. MAC:aIN11 RspArtttsu. -Farmers who have mowers, reapers, plows, etc. , need- ing repair, should get them overhauled before the season begins. D. K. Strachan, who is well known as a practi- cal machinist, u making • speciality of such work. He u • good hand at •11 work Of that rind. Don't delay your repairing. if you are sealing furrier friends you pan obtain prepaid postage tickets at 10weet rates available from England, Ireland, Scotland, France, 'set -many, Sweden and Norwi.y. The first steam or will leave Liverpool for Quebec •Meet April 17th. For tickets and all fnform•- tion apply to H. Armstrong. ' .rat Allan Line, Goderich. 7"u ,Mdtool :tuppteNvnt is the newest educational journal published in ()Wallin. The first number bee been received, and s • mtd.l of typography. In it is be- gun a series of lessons in "•h •rthatnd," which give premise of thnruughuese and slearne . of teachieg. Teachers should gat a copy of this pretty little monthly. Published by Raton, Oiiw.n & Co., Toronto. B tRTHOLDI'. GRIST HTATT'S. - A very large and beautifully executed picture Ot Bartholin's great statue of "L. rty Enlightening the World, ' has been pre - "Intel to us hy the Traveler' Inc. Co., Hartf.-rd, Coen., who have been among the most liberal onntrihitoeu t.. the The spring 'seism will open here on Tuesday next. The crown lousit ems will lie cmduetd by W. Leant, 41. C., .d Barrie. A. M. Polley has been awarded the krf te tera trial. t.srnf Or 1Wel l mer fey deft ! return gat horsing Aamew.errarsts 21y ame1.g Adverttsees M The ••atgaal.- The Meows Pretty are opening nut spring millinery in tho shop nest to Iiinghtm's fruit tore. Their store ie known as "The Turn,to House Wet Kay, of the "Express House," hes opened out some line samples of Foul' Serge and ether dress gonia. The quantity is limited See advt. • Owl. TI.e picture, whims is 26136 John A. Naftel is taking tune hy the lashes in size, gives an excellent idem of (,.rel.xk. and. f..r the benefit of those Om superb week of art whi.at .a to adorn eh.. will be revelling abortty in spring the hasher of New York. 1t is the h.m.e cleaning. is now advertising seal °faced engraving of the c bees! French tints of all shade. statue of 1.iberty, as it will appear em the gigantic pedestal now hein,l erected for its roeeptten in New York harbor, opening on Saturday. A above whnae waters it will met year Mise Wilkirson,e4 the Hens" Mize its Aantng torch to mune than announces her sprint opening toe Rater double the height of Niagara Fails. Tld. day. Apnl Stn, and promises some pestle Mlles has received a copy 04 this interest- tyles. ing work with the complierenta n( the Roes Prise, of ie. gags.*Irmo de "Teavol.ra," to whom arknowiedrmortts ped. advertises a Sails toot of Geld sail KO hereby tendered. garden seeds. Mrs (Orrin has jilt*, ionehie •tole, and will some Meek. her spri.{ h. _ifigilialaining- _A