The Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 8- • .•eww.wa, w....,,...w 8 Till HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. MARCH 21, 1U4. 21$111. 11N114. TO On %sudsy evesislsr-rt Nuethytnwee delivered • tetters iu the R C chinch us "tit. Petrick." There was • lanes itteudaace, and Lb._ ssbj.ct was weft beedled PI Frank Nagle anted .t Clutt.nt ou pt Tuesday last 'r..ul the eta«. l d Harty Guiderr • scatted for slu ieste. eR het Tue.d•y Wo wish his every .u.•- •4 ons. k The bridge between Colb.w ue and el Huiaseavdle gave use oil Saturday Inst, and pedeetriaua have to ree rt to the b boats 1 Oast tabs. Prof. Yesde home 'donator, eielhell this plae' ea Monday last, H. tltaa lite eery auviceuafil. tete ed Belfeet'e fairest dauutstare did 11 up very timidly on Wedovedar laM. The perm w• speak of is Mien Naomi Bradford. The ceremony took place at a he residence of the Leeds's father, and was perfumed by Rev. C. Hcundtoa, when Miss Nevem was poised un Itoly sr.il..cl with M•iaas Thumpa..n, of Kite s.. Ws wish them success. It the ',mutt pernns .d this vitality would unly stir up .ked do likewise your ourrsspoe- .Irut would hate re to write about. Loeb r Vast Yla7rtt1s0•h' slue Horses sliest • very pleasant ',Aurelia --At Lie!, ureas un sl,.nday, visit at Clinton with Iriet(ds last wash. 4 eekbrated by Fr t:urcurun of Teeswster, Tits 8I4.1• 1IL eau Ice had for the re - 1 lecture un the "Lilo anti Leben of St• meander of 1884 for only 11. llubacrip- tiusS can ba handed to our event, or wet to this Aloe. it 1 • • 1 Patrick" wasdeliveredbyF Nortbgrevee. The ladure luted •brut au hour and a half, but was full of intermit. The philia dwelt upon by the lecturer were (1) The pruparatiuns Wit. Patrick triads for the work, (2) The nIat.nrr of fufilling it, and •3) The permanency of the work. Ile exhorted all to be faithful followers of tit. Patrick. The singing of tits choir u nder the careful trainls*g of the aecom- ;dished leader, Miss Homey. was wrestle admired. The ' Ludo Spon, and "Menwrare" erre specially well execut- ed. A'ialal•>t. John McPherson. the feinted athlete, was the guest .of oar architect last week. They had many a lively chat on Caledon- ian gamer, putting the stone, .quoits. etc. Mn. John Hillier, of Coderich, was visiting friends here last week. The young ladies are coming to the front in numbers this lleap• yoke. Three of them have already been added le our population this year, the teat a ldition making its advent in the family circle of Horace Hon eke. The assessor is new on the rounds, at:d only the cruelest dogs err aU.•wea t•. I.r John Owens, of Cramafurd, left h.at at Targe, in the bcpe that they may scare ,M.,ud.y fur therm. Two or three of him off: ,our yowl,/ men wilt have for the same plseo in a fee days. ' C. J. Pentland has returned from ,De - John Wilkie, father of James Wilkie, ; took and it is ruta.ned that he intends e terchant, at thie place, pa..ud frut:t. tem i to buy out the stock in trade of J. E. life at the ripe age of seventy-five years; Bredttes. on Saturday, March 9th, et the residence William Milligan, cattle dealer here, of hie daughter, in the village of Hatters- had an ox that partook rather freely, of villa. I mopped peas and @welled to inordinate Neu uutleretand that John McLean.' dimensions. Veterinary surgeon Mc - tate of An&berly, is now 'tweaked as ea Math was called In, and the animal was porter fur the South Chicago Daily fedi- su.,n relieved. pendent. While Thos. Stothers was working in Junes Mucro is engaged as clerk for the barn with his team one day 'sat week Jame. Wilkie, duties to commence• the first of April, caused by the present clerk, Janis A. Johnston's tent( expir- The breach in the kirk hell has been repaired, and it rang out its clew -totted invitation with sweetneee end power last Sunday. Thuraney of last week mss a spring- like day. The busy bees ventured from their hives, but no blooming 8uwers were found to entice their appetite. Weise by your Paramount correspon- dent that our late townsman, 11. Horton, is lending a hued at the social gather inns of that clachan. Harry's tuneful voice is a safe passport to the *octal cir- cle. A Biomes FISH -One day last week F. Pretty, of (.oderich, -Tho is residing here at peewit with J. Heally, spent a few boon fishing on the ice, capturing a 18 Ib. and a 23 lb. trout. The last tamed fish bests Stewart's for size by Ihs. In foaling to shore with has haul, the I:oderioh boy got into broken ice, and only by skipping with agility front bock to block did he mach shote. He hone on to his catch, and gladdened Joe's heart with hie big trout. one of the hones triad to climb over the basest beam into the mow. In coming hack again she badly injured the tipper ing the end of the present raunth Mr. rat "1 one of her fors lege. Veterinary Munro is of very around disposition and Surgeon Denison was soon on hated, and popular with all ela.aes. xltd up tae wtwaa. The race fever •hoe hardly subsided 8hsppardtein. yet. Last Saturday night our young champion went to Lucknow to race with There was a large attuo.lance :at the Kerr. The litter named gentleman Methodist Church ti, hear the funeral fouled, consequently it was declared no sermon on the demise of the late James t race. Our boys apse back fully under N. Graham, preached 1.y the Res. xopre.sion that Kerr wee acting Common. The tett was . favorite coir of under instructions from his backers to the deceased eho,befure he passed away, i foul the race if he saw that he couldn't bad cboeen it for the "mammon. The win it. in accordance with this idea, preacher alluded no the christian charas- 1 they sent a challenge to Kerr's backers ter of the deceased. His Iove for the to race five mils on the Dungannon Bible during his illness was referred to, I rink stakes to be $75 on Cooke to *50 on and a towline tnbute paid to his mere Karr or to race yptnet pen, on any rink try as • useful memt•er of the church. I in this county eta.. to be A100 to =50 Jams Shaw, of Dundas, was up here Let week making arrangements for the gale of his farm, nue occupied by A. Bennett. l/llminate. Miss Alio. Phipps, who has been a 1 11a1T>L , sufferer for • great length of tante from _ • inflammatory rheumatism, is E:ll very low. Mr. Fisher took poese@nott of the The Deg is t othce, of shies Mr. Auburn house yesterday. Ifs. Nicholson, ly have mental, u to doe etI s d the late landlord has removed to his on the let cf April to the store ••xo oir l fats in West Wawansh. ItM by hint gave a const last Friday etenini,which ' One of those enjoyable events in life,• eased orf very nicely. A very los. pro- gramme of readings, recitations, music ale, was given, the .elections Ly Miss Harrison, of Westfield, and Mr. t:race,. ut Blyth, being particularly well receiv- ed. The choir of the Methodist cherch Bcmmeett Cease& -- Mr. Muur.e. .of • wedding, took place at the residence .4 the parents of the bride last Friday.' The contracting parties were Mr. ' Correll, of Manitoba, aol Miss Mary Jenkirr, of this township. They left for the greet lone land .•n Tuesday. An accident occurred at the river a Dungannon, this weekIwottpght out the by distance north of hero last Thur.- store and stack of S. Cwpdwell, wh.. Inc day by which Jacob Wilson, of Smthh'e arse year past has awned on buuwttag Hill, was a loser. He was coming down bene, He "kr* puttaoeea.n on April pat. the river on the ice t.. Walker s thin witn a load of lose, when riearl We are alai to latarn iends rte the y "PPs r fining among us, fthat Mr C.nt ..r a time at lea@t ' mail! ilia ice Kara way and Woe as • private peewit.and load were immediately precipitated into the ririie. -With the iota i IMO: -i• Mr. Wenzel has Bald his cabinet intik- ler .e own he succeeded in reacting ole ing and undertaking buslrte.s to two of the hones but the other horns with gentleman from the vicinity of !(hake- the @Leigh and harness were lest. spoor' They intend potline up ad- Attars. -Miss Mary Elco.t .•f Tuck• ditiorkei bnildinga and nmanufacturiag ersmith hie been suiting at the residence olobusiness es in addition to the present ,of her mimeo', Mn. Wm. Stanley .;f this -gini place, for the past week. -Iter. Wet. `' ' Paramn t. MATRIMONIAL Boon. -So few Mar. elegem had taken g.laee in this vicinity is 1843 that we had almost concluded that Birks is now holding ane:ial services as the Ebenezer Appointmetat. Mrs. Knox i. at {{present visiting her .laughter. Mee, Wright, of Boehm --The (. T. P. em- ployees of this place attended the late Hymen haul forgotten us, and was not Engineer Smith's funeral last Sunday.- incMned to favor us. again with his in. Geo. Carter started for Manitoba WMt tersuting premium, No swayer, however, Monday, which place he intends to make was the year 1884 issued, ,utao 0 thus his future h"me. years that come once in four, which ,- afford the unlaen opp.rtu)tity•, than tic t JAtt. fast week we mate aenen- Dame Rumor began to noise abroad that several inst.:hes were arranged and would en of the f fail. On making come .IT in due tints. Thu e.em«1 to n.pwin.., wee finnd4 that our own jail is M be oormlwsr•ted by the fact that .ec.fat slitenanted by a s1mllse class, viz.:IoW matrons. accompanied by blushing bU decrepit, 4 rheumatics. 1 nearly' wad, 1 imam fess. 1 i.nkeeile, 1 await -1 trial on ariisiaal charge ; all males misses, had made numerous mud exten- sive purchase. fram th• leading drapent and milliners around. and that the (Irene maker, were nnessally husy. Matters et length cam• to a crisie invitations were isetei, and it woo found that no lens than three weddings were to ones. is one week in Parsinonnt and vicini- . This red letter week ens&waanced on &rob 9. Ill Toenail the Hary Mr. ]•[!brie of Kinleni, (tarried of a bloom- Bkoiial& is the pewees of Mims Annie daughter d Peter McKenzie, Ash - Allan McLt'd, Laeknow, and i JN JTITY IN OMT&*ZO. Why sewnse Voepb Se 1'101)14. and Ilroto flex Les •tired, Inc Os September 30, 18112, Dr. W. T. O'Reilly repotted duo there went withee( the province 2.933 persuus of uuautad wiled ufllckeUy kuuwn to the d.psrtutent- For the .. h lei year eadusg September 30, 1810, he reports the total number to be 3,070, of *horn ,82b were confined is pr,vinclal asylums Of this latter amulet, 1,:110 were: wales and 1,429 fe- males The Loudon asylum afforded •c- otutwudatu.n for sttb ; Turuutu, 703 ; Hawtltun, 547 ; and Kin8stvu 349, while the Unlike Asylum for Idiots contented 231 inmates. It is interesting to know that of the patients admitted to different asylums durtiug 1883, 282 were marred and 316 unasserted. As regards uati uslity, the t'uited Staters furnished the smallest con- tingent, namely, 16,wbils iSeina a Weeds highest, with 381. Liu tar as religions deaumifath.iM are a,ncsrned, 135 per- due of unemiel mind were registered last year as belonging to the Spear p.alun church , 128 as Ronan Catholics; the sumo number as Preebyteriens ; three lees as Methudius ; while ah ch. other denomivations furnished but 82. Dr. O'Reilly's stateutent of the assign- ed causes of tttsuity- has a !occulter inter- mit, nut only fur those of morbid mind, but for all who make hu n eater. and the human into I of special study. It weul seem, sact to his statenteut,that out of a total of 464 came, 190 were assigned to causes unknt'wn ; of the remaining 274, 43 caw of insets- ity are amounted for by a degraded ph r • aical habit. Duwestic troubles,includuig lose of relatives sod friends. ars said to hare diseased the minds of 41. Religious excitement has 17 ukeniaes,buth male and footsie, to answer G•r. Business troubles adverse crcuwvwnces, etc., are credited with the pr..ductiun of 2 lunatics. Lore affairs, under which, curiously enough, the term "seduction' is includ- ed, have uwettled the miuds of 8 per- sons, and meatal anxiety toes of 17. Intemperance itt drink dues not figure so conspicuously in the fiat as might have been expected, producing in all only IU cases for all the asylums. liver work u credited with having driven 13 personal crazy. In 1E7, 437 lunatics were alnuttud to the provincial asylums, as compared with 519 in 1883. The fire asylums net in 1883, .7,096.10. During last year the cost of each patient was $132.99 in Toronto, and $145.12 in Kiapton. la the general coat of the whims there was *decrease as compared with the year be- fore. (If paying patient*, or rather- of pa- tients whose relattvs pay foe them, tie Toronto asylum claims the biggest share. The revenue froru that source amounts in Toronto to $.36,149.67. while in Lon- dou it only reaches $10,801.37, and in Orillie to $1.924.80. The employment of patients, whenever p_iallble, loan important considerations the tuseagement of asylums. To direct the unsound mind into a sound channel, and concentrate its energies upon some sort of praiticel task, is a benefit not only to the patient but to the asylum n- ode In Toronw only 30.44 per cent, of the inmates are engaged in any 'sour, making the poorest 'hewing of the lot. In London nearly 70 per cont. of the in mates are employed. I ►ne of the moat :tn1..rtant (taint/ in the rep• •rt is the re.-,ttntundatien to par. Chase at faros tie,, mills loon the idiot asylum, which would afford the inmates suitable and healthy exercise during the summer. -----a In Dunlop. on Profs.. ins'.. t:e w.fe of liars. e Mottoes/ a ds,na(hter. N tRtlau. In 1:04.i -tab. oke W.•ttne.das. March 19th. by Reis. T. It. Campbell. iferrte• P. Stitt. to N. A Jamieson. of Stretford. By the Her. James t •swell. March Itkh. nett. Mr. Joh., I .04/1 ,0 +tl. to MIs Rllabsth t'albert, both of .1sbnrld. Nq. In t;olericb,.M:Mt today. Much 13th 106. John McLeod. sited :...yrs. lis li dericb, on i.tada-r. March Welt 101. Star) Jane. [hind dsurhter or John 1:eaasd7. aged Itl yam sad 7 tuun'bs. rpHE HURON H1)TEL r'RAP/ & AULfS. PROI'RIE7URti. ' The Maros Hotel" lair the "Woodbine - has rneently neon 'edited in every I.naseb, & edit eapabte of gt c i •i( satisfaction in every pasteester Is the ira..441au publt.. The stable in oeenection hat been specially tined u) for the farmers convenience. and is in charge of* aructaes brattier. Rates for Iran- ian tramper. ei per day : special terms for weekly boarders. IAS li.-CAM., r.I►1,C, •S , 1. Oat. lA is ee hunger. M.00echeer, Lc. Ottllcs--Pinot r'na ty os. opted by Dr. Hutoblaes$l Dwapaaaa. ,lgbt office Mar- tine artine beMeL NM- JB. WHITELY, Y.D.. C.M.. PHY- . $ICIAI. Su r poa A Ooyohear. etc.. M. ('.P.S., %darn. Ilii s-'rks I.Zquare. t donee hest of Moon's dreg t►tete. ep emirs. MS (i R Mc0ONA(:H, M.D.. PHYSIC - ‘A • iAN. SUR/IKON. ti... Graduate of Tor onto l'nivrrslty. i.ieertia'• of the Royal Col - of Physicians. Logsdon. England.tis , te., l'. P. $., Ontario. 4)411,-, and residence Opposite Mailey's H ta•1. Hamilton street. God - Adele 1 Y61.s TAR. McLZAN. PHYSICIAN, 8CTR- OROS. Commie kr. ON*and reeldence Bruce Street,seoend deur west d Victoria Street. 17M. 0. MAI.'KiD, M. D. PHYRI- . elan. !'wrtron andAcconrher, Gemde•te st ntot'niversoli. ofe eoppeat•center Neat Camr•mn'. Hank. Luckiesw. If not Ice epee, esquire at the Seat. 11•Ly. 1198. SHANNON & HAMILTON, lJ Payments. Mnreeess, Aoeetsrhsn, tit at fir. Rtannose $ 1nr t gaol (aoderioh, c1. c.ttuaxwoR. .'C Rohs, toe 1714. slaty, and ti '1'NllWewell fax the morality of rout 1 J011 TAGGART and et the me time allows the seed of a hetes of refuge. --{Stretford Advertiser. tress Coro• ltw•van t. AND Coetronr of lie nate ern. "Ry • t►nrnwlgh ttt.twleds.- rsl law. whlrh ggnnvera the eperatioras of ' threat kW' and nntrition. andrueful hy • rful applleatlon of the Inc promrtlee et well - Waled cor..a, Mr. Epp lute present owe breakfast tables with • A•Isca1.1v fat oared ' beverage which trot err n. any hear, doetnrs tall. it ia 1.em e the twiirintn nes of ewe* utMwM dirt that a .nssenetlnr rear eeeawd Ila leer ad John tis wally hull• rep Mall /Aron". r•or4 1y11 1.. ll[iae Sarah,..er} t..wdewey In 41wa . t(nndrrd. l Mckenzie AshfieM, were united ..n of .dells wt.fa4r are 'sloths s,nnnA 's to stash weemese mem L. • w„ea N'dreads,. John Meiterreid end Miss 1 read M s owe..las" a.anl •oral .heli M Aside McDnwald entered the happy slate ,.:.wr•wlvsa mss(( f wttlb•d wit► ppanrte abet ten Rtdt►wedAy. We hove I my in and • seeped aeeristudfretae (YeA noweltninn to wi•h the three interesting R"'are r7..a•1f•-- • elm cekh twos ware or ell IMIf l {>t i • • and happy ample§ the easel comp!, •its,. hetI, b rlrrwlare, IebMh"1 -rte J•carte tis.. HwMrsri-Lir ('keastsM, IMdes r. - -g.- +aw rtGOa mr• ac s Mian/ t aTRatT. 41...,,+enorl oat a bun line of GROCERIES CROCIKRY. 'beep. and M tits best breads. FLOURdoM ►7 Ahattes esty e x etwimill iia leets Heal • nen r....draR, wtdtea Joey M..140 e.MT. eve Sledge/ea tlilaa'ass. Comerica. Mas'eb elk i0M. •ke % ► a t1. u ►•el►....:.. t M s M e>r B hied l ...... "C ............. f I1 fs liras tl deet .. • .• I • Caws ._.. 0 w 10 es•••o•.. ..•••.••:• ••• a .. 4 .•.•o.... .................. • /Ns a fa Are you Drowsy, dull and out of sort;' Are you bilious, nauseated an.l made sick by the thought of food ? Is there a dull, drag- ging pain in your right side ? 1)o your bowels sudden,• get sore without any apparent cause ? Are the whites of your eyes tin r•.l with yellow Is your skin w.in, clanuuy ant copper -colored ? 1)txa your mouth taste bad:y in th.: morning ? Arc you costive? Lo you have is hi ng poles ? Are your bowels irregular? Are you dirty and dim h• - ed at times ? Are you gloom and despondent ? Is your urine highly colored ? Arc you nervous and full of bit fee.'in s i.t ::1 rar: of your body ? Ii tem: your case gets more serious - before you are seised by some form of low fever or become otherwise ltopvlessly sick. Take SCLPHVR Avn 1' " ThTTEIts. 'the t":. t'. you is that your Iv.ritt t: order and needs te,:::...::: immediately. St:LPH%:R A`U 1ROY Birraus will help you as nothing else i:t 1!tJ shape of medicine can. Regulated, stimulated an 1 made to do its proper work i.i a proper (manner by SuLFHv t Aso lows BITTERS the Liver will resume its natural func- tions, and all the above symp- toms will disappear and be forgotten. But do not neglect them Use the remedy at Once. Sold everywhere, price So cents. Soz.an BY Jan. lab. 11R. 192:3+11 Loans anb insurance. 000,0Q0 TO LOAN. APPLY TO w CAY O.% HOLT t CA]OLROA. Ottde •Ick. 1734. 40NEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE i funds -on freenoId security. Apply to Geo. Swanson. Goderich, tgrtittt+a 50,000 PRIVATE FENDS TO LEND Vor w pout Parts or first-class Tewe Porosity •11 per omit. Amer to H. It ADCWIIWIL 1131 VIONEI- Ti) LICItD.-A LARGE amount M Private Feuds fur laveta hemi et *wee ratty owi Arst-elss Montages. Apply toOARROW It t'IGA I POOT. 20,000 PRIVATE FtTNUKTO'JEW on Farm and Town Proper* as dewed te- leran. Mortensen' pun -hosed. no CesumheUe chanted, 1'O nveyancing roes neasuyoe, N. IL-Isorvuwer, ren obtain nem to me day If tinea satisfeceosp.--DAV11100 t IOW STUN 9sntsns. fec.. Ooderieb, ON ID RADCLiFFE, F1RE, MARINE, • Life and Aecident Insurance Awed. Represent ii * first-claa.Composites. Alesageat for the CatrADA Live Sutra rascaaxci Co. Mosee to teed on Mortgage. either is Town et Mem Ptiepetty. In any way tomtit tot borrow er. 000s-ruevetaUN Ear's Meek Ooderkle (;EADER & LEWIS, Overture Mali- k -3 ?tics Hovex,00dertch, have private FUNDS T O Latin. la any alert' alt pestle" a mag Irspe, se s, veer ism sae-.._ _- . . G0 TO KNIGHT'S Mit • SHAVE, HAIRCCT. OR DYE. TWO DOORS 1:ART (1F P,0 IPIPty DECIDED BARGAINS 1v REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN or OOORRICR. 1. A Cerner late .Nn. ID es West trete, 'ler to the Aaware MMPI MIL t late NI mar rise Park. vete element d► sash'', wnh view oefeoleyake. crenpr(efag .err sesatiany eftweittert bunt NMI games. Wide with IL sad e salt l.te. sew sealer y ea eerel, en00.011. ree▪ l a. ea book of Meer. ?bow peepers le. are r worth .r.esmaee&R be1man t bora e i i st the Morse prism Avery REAa=A & L=w iR. Auctionsering iOHN KNOT ' GENERAL AUC- !) TIOItZIA en bawd T hod =table e a theawl.Us.sssrlag Ms M. a dtscMres with b'''unk Y lrl.dloe all "al' rnleatoss ssurtts sd so him. Ordelet len as Mantas Newel, er su(eMy laman tt r wN lid.rirh P. 0.. wrweW Y%OX. County Awdteseer• 1.190 JAMES PRENTICE, AUCTIO"(ERR, and Arpealest. reneestw t. J. C. Currie. the I vu,py k s Auctlos.er. O•Iee : With Aleft. Mab. Allam. Leave orders at Ike aloe or at Nhsp(opspmtedl•e seek lessee to my absence.JAS. I'RiNTICJI Auctioneer. HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . w Costate of Hatma tutee weeded V say part of the Couaty. Addressroams to 0edeeieh 1'. O. The Seenii11ar P1or FARMERS IN THS HIGH COURT OF JU$. TICE. CNAMCO$Y b*VIMON. $EYI&OUR vs. LaTOUZZ rill se A VALUABLE FARO! la the t.weehlp of Colborne. Pursuant to a Jadeites( anpd weer at.d. herein eirsappy swill be baataosof i byitseland 1Odic see t.'sybora" . Maseer of the Supreme Court of J.41c•tw at Osdencb. by John Kees, dwe$iowerr, et OA. (Jeibsrew Moat, (Jedrriris, (w uTtiOAI THE FIFTH DAY OF APRIL, It484, 11 en. o'clock la the anarees& that neneld1 property known be a a Far d situ west. ball • watts st he I1.amlller.In the T.wasble el consume in the county of Harem sad about stn sluts front the Town of li.derloh. The property M inairvved• tied son sans et 1ai.11/e a. -res. include* setN of the bop tiartulse land lis the ruwuship. TM►wietnes thereon are lair. aced wrasist el • three *tory MelHams.. Dwellise H.s. goad amen sad • I1ak(e.. a Eruo I/ waw asse. a i'rss Hoe.* a4 tease MID Gest4 a Dairy with • coalmine New of water ruuniag though 11,..d tie also lite House for wurt,nll man. 1O Freer iaabouTrees la..1ood res of lardtwv w W rdwuud Ilusl.. and 0 eases of tM lit.f trawling iso the Malths4 River 1. snob alba v tai rat.. welt tutted for eraaiai, TERMS or SA LL : -Tea per cwt. /low. en the day of s.10 to the Pialotifa SolicAersi the balms... • Ithuaa interest, to be paid late Coen ow the Sib day of May. A. D. 114, Rigs the purchaser will be distilled to•ousvase at, and to beget into ptmnsaMr. 1 portion of iron Punks.' maul ., U kc allowed to remain Desiree/ of obtainPlows er the above make, beteg Neal. 15 ee sad 111, can be fur - sighed VI Ith the same* application to the Ponndry, Goderiche Rendre of all the above plows ton also be oh - untied at tee same place. PLOWS & REPAIRS '' '' with Internet tel 7 p.rewe. Pun' •ler, 41 Ih. Iron of eek. wilt be w ILL ne SOLD A7 ed sign an a TDopenree&.eet for the open t unhrto. ha• wU1 Reduction of 85 Per Cent .... t w • rtwervrd bol. . Iii ottlbe teepecta ' the ...seditious of .ate .lily! b' the steedta t From flow Ll,l. published Wet far. condlt:ons of sale I. the cow" _ Further particulars obtained frees .tpply le (r..4. HUJIBEKthe Auc.iooeer, mhos' the Pla/atftie dolta- rleh. sem :+ or Messrs. eager t Lewis. Ilarrla1re. Jiasaat•'g Agort, Ued Ooderirh. God•rieh. March Rb, tilt 121 Dated .t Goder.oh, the th day of March. A. 1). its. S. MALCIEbI$ON, loot Master at God.rick. °ARROW .t PROCDFb$I'1', Platstttre dolhAtors 1'cTION SALE, OF A FARM IN ASITYIELD. AT THE CASH STORE THERE IS CHEAP e Crockery & Glassware, Lamps, &c. A FULL LINE IF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give 111n1 o G. THE GROCER. The Square, f;•:•••rei: Jas. E Mit M let. A There win Le o*Rrrd ter sale by Pubti'- Aortae. by Geo. Punta. Auethrueer. at Bt.- 1ey's Hotel. in the Tows of (udettch. at Ea. hour of one o'clock in the aneraooa. us Satur day. March Nth. 10t, the farm commonly known as "the :thaw farm.- coatsln So acres. more or teas. sad beteg cum of the Easterly half of the Westerly t el Ln Number Two. in the first Concession of tb. Township, of Ashanti an the Eastern Dien - kink llama( themes • log hose and oat- hoarr , and a never talllmt creek running through the saw. sed bAtig well draised. About IS astir t'teared and fres from etimaps. and the balaace, about 13 acre, bel.g mwtly escteaeed. er untmpruved. S'h. aeil is the cleated part being principally ttnteiass soady lean. and In the bush or rear part Meese.store to a elms soil. All the land scald beetle timed if neared. there being no waste toad. a any untie for cultivation. About It or t! sores in clover. and about 6 stereo is fall wbsat. The tarns laces on a good gravel road lea.Lag frem t:udurrich. which 1. &beat 7 miles o Want. aid there Ir a school sad also a cbarch within shout 1.4 ef $ mile. As .aspeeturut bas Woo Stade with the pryers tenant. under n tick p.,sse•Uon .an be gives wi henashorr so, intt.••rtera Mame. Also abut: eight acres o1 fell whom, seal shoat eight acr.., of eluv,•r ikeve beau tows an tt,e wpne➢peeny.•wtn-h world go to the parehaser. TERArt r --Ter- per .rot. .1 the ponos 7:11:::11:."V:1,1?: wn al the tis sad pie s boli iter, and the b - an..• of the nerd:se motwy. without eateres . as se mid 1., the t'rndor'. soliator withinoo.• inteuh ten -ether, Cur pr.,prrty will be sea Oct to reserved lid. IN, r'•-rpart kWare and ..mditiowa will be mage I:0000 01 t he time rail edam of sale, or ay' an; vie.' presto/ on aprliratheo to the . ear:,r.', .,l situ:. t•tlta. P. it. Voter ittt ••t /larch. A U, teal. r&'il';K C.N)TE, AtiuNoeeer. ' T. ii..►. B15(:Cla, Vendor's t)oticitax. Duadas P.O. uasat HI H 0 O lei to t` gra .et cc . .,. 1 W 1- O WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. flea Lea IN Druga, Chemicals, gorse, Cattle and Proprietary Moines SPONGES, SURGICAL APPLIANCES, &c., &c. A FULL LINE of TOILET ARTICLES & PERFUMERY $00 tow 000101. teat. ask MIL Mesatteda•/eh. 24A>dDLO 6L 7R.bLL, Q C 0000* Manetilt\ us. mos" - 1111111,1111111111/11""-