The Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 7all }. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1801 Fun and Fancy. Many a woman who duce not kww her multiplication table cos be .re in so- eisty. ♦ qyuick-wsttad illiterate was Oaks° to teesk iar his bad *polkas in • letter he had just finished, "Bad spelling, ie ret r said he, "look at that !" holding up the stump '.f a quill ; "now can a ata° spell right with suck • pen es that 1" The young man who was kicked out by his sweetheart's (ether says :-"1 had no objectifies te the old .Man's anus being thrown after us when the wedding Saha uvea, but tumuli( the ul.l man's boat before the event is quite rte :her affair, and it hurt my feelinyts. Thirty days hath Sept.uiber, C►yeten ripen till De:eluber, Then they tarry in their prime, Till the Iskswsrm April time ; Atter that they are o. g., And with health thew di.lgree. Magistrals, whoa has lately taku to idemelf a wig. ssm.rel ' R m- I think I have seen you here before on a similar Amer Drunk and disorderly female -"leo. your 'o°or, s'elp me, never. The hist time I was up afore • bald-'ead- ed .id sore not a bit like ye." Whets s lover leaves the house gel his adored one at late hour in the evening, sad walks mttsinkly homeward beneath the twinkling stars. his fund fruity pic- tures her, clothed nn white sarulte, mut- ter sweetly upon her pillow, with her WIresod hair tossed about her sleeping fats, soil eagles bending over her couch whispering heavenly drums. Perhaps at that eery moment she is in the pantry pawing hungrily on • ham boot. The dry was intensely (:old. The con- gresatisn had assembled and the serenest were bspn. A man mulled in heavy slat and scarf entered, and, walking hurriedly down the aisle, seated himself ole a elospacuous place. Directly befeus him sat a man with fiery -red hair. The now eomer deliberately took off bis gloves, sed with an air of perfect utis- factios and comfort, alternately held his hands our the red head before him, end rubh.d them in the manner which Hood ha* eeecribecl as "washing hie hands wit'. •evtsible dap in imperceptible watt: free preacher witnessed the whet- t-rf.•rmance, and, having a keen seats* of e••e 'lid icrous, he lost onntrol of his r►.i►..uta. used, to the ouasternation of his cwugregati..n, roared with laugh- ter,. WItI I. • ■Hines By far the greater number of those who adrt.cate entrusting the Canada Pa- cific Railway Guopany with thirty mil- lions of dollars of the people's money have ao e:uuptiuu of the grtattrma of the sum they are talking about. Alen who would think it a great misfortune to lose thirty dollars 'cleat cash' by the bankruptcy of an unf.rrtmete shopkeeper of mechanic, talk like Rotbehi!ds about lending thirty millions to a unicern that W not aloe to pay its honest debts, and educe credit is s, bed that it cannot get acce•ntm•odati'.n in the ordinary way. Let us enquire a little into what thirty mil- lions of duller. mean. The whole wheat crop et( Ontarin in 1881 -and in that year the wheat crop was an uncnmmenly good oi.ran, we see by the census, estimated .0'27,411,- 0111 bushels. Ali the wheat, therefore, raised in Outwit. for home eowsumption, as well as fur export in 1681, at one dollar a bushel, weed net amount to thirty millions of dollars. lithe farmers of the I)nniinion were asked to lend one years wheat mop t.. the syneicate with - tut any prospect of retina they wuu'd look upna the man who made the request ss 6t to be put in a mad house. Again, the export of agricultural pro - does from the whole Dominion last year amounted to 1122,818,519. Tris is ut.ft much more than the proposed cash k.l�,, which the Government prnpcw to make itis Rauiwag Cutc- mores of Winson►. One -aide/ sight oats &ever see right. Liminess is the teeth of aural deny. If yds are billed, use the eye el eith- Ke. To -morrow's Mutates cause% stop to do today's. Property is the best cure for that dis- ease, cowwuuutu. The uucs°soleas wound is never nurs- ed to its bealiug. Incident cannot multiply charuis for the thinker s Lie. The ship of moderation never .boors the wrack of devastation. A gruJviug bead of toil will Mel a grudging hand of soil. Not what a nun has, but what he L and dues, is the keynote is life's melte dies. The t•ruleesiou of • luau, no more thou the label oa goods, always tensest honest 'Wry. Where the way of the "ought" 15 known the feet of the "will" should run swift and strong. Morrows are like thunder ' ekaids ; in the distance they look beak ; over our heads hardly gray. A tort's influence, like the fragrance of a flower, can only be destruJed with his own destruction, and then the asoma will hauat the air for a loug time. The heart of life is the love that is is it, and the rurthineas of the person loved. '61y boy,' said the father to the son, 'treat every one with politeness, even those who ars rade to you. For remem- ber that you show courtesies to others, not because they are gentlemen, but be- cause you are One.' My crown Is is ray heart, not on r head ; Not deck'd with diamonds sad Indian stones. Ner to he seen. 11y crows is called neatest A crown that Nikko= sap enjoy. Shalcapearr. 11Whstever our plans alloted to us by providence, that for us is the pest of duty. God estimates us not by the positron we are in, but by the way in which we 611 it. 'In their &Alicti.ma He was afflicted, and the steel of His presence saved them.' It is between Christ and his church as between two lute strings --no sooner one is struck but the other trem- bles. spewing 1. Pym. • Orators, they sty, aro burn, .11 lard.; but • man who is determined W sassed is any undertakio( can generally de .u. 1I. thea,'yuu an naiad men to speak in poling. prepare yourself for tae mels.. Oleo your &object .lose, slur thutnght ; read extensively the .rues of the beet authors upon the subject ; thou give the best thoughts to applying what has boon learned by the int impressions. In regard to staining control of the audience it must be thew in mind that there is bet little difficulty the first time bosuns mere curiosity and yrmpathetio iletes et will assure it. This fad often mites • speaker by making him orer•oon- idant the second trine, thus looting to failure. A use shrwl.l tester assnese that he is In coated his audience without the ut- most skill. A successful speaker tuust (earn how easy it is to I ate his audience. An audience will *leap. give its unre- served attention ti soy Mme who 1s tell- ing something understandingly that they didn't know before. As $ peruanetit in- vestment it is worth infinitely re to kaput knowledge clearly and c.ncieely than to tell the must racy stories. An audience will give its uareseraod attention when it is kuewn there is to be something entirely new well told. A dun must talk for the sake of his audi- ence, and not for his own sake. The multitude of talkers are failures because they have no foundation for permanent suosew, have never acquired intelligent self-control, have not learned to hold an indisuc.. These are not gifts, they ars acquisition& A max must train Meisel/ to read wisely, think keenly, speak only when be has something worth saying, and may it so clearly and concisely that it is no ..noes eE'trt fur them to take toed Asap the fact or theory given them. (.pate wad, use ea ase Raurearee There is • distinct railroad population that is constantly growing. It is com- posed of commercial travellers, lecturers, show agents, actors end actresses. They eat re meals in hotel cars and railroad meal *talents than they do at borne or A b.usaelk Fester tsr Two "liars. I in hotels. They spend more nights in To make • prfeet filter, which should I sleeping -car bunks than in beds To • parson wit., travels only oocasivaally it have the double action of arresting the sit interesting to note how thoroughly finest suspended matter, and removing .quipped these professional j.arneymra the matter held in solution, and the lets. Upon anterum the sleeping -car whole to oat bat little, and capable of early iw Oho evening, for It on l they fioir these and t all being made by any house wife, has been the object of my study for many months, an'I, after many experiments and testing various substances in many combinations, I nut hest the following plan, which I find gives very perfect results, and will cost a couple ••f dollen. Punt:liass a common galvanized into pail. which oats LO nand. Take it toe a tin sleep (red have a bole cut is etre mu- erte of the bettors about the size of a five cent pores, sect direct theta t., solder retied it a piece of tin ale iut three-fourths of an i3 torp, to fonn a must to direct the B tin s' Pater downward in a uniform Iiree,m . ( thesis about two quarts of very moll pebbles, =eh as are need for rue • _, after a gtsud waahiug,place about to,. inches of these at bottom of pail to form a drain. On this p. ..r a partition of horse -hair doth or Canter' flannel cut too size of pail (hi Oita A'..r of animal charo.rl,which pots aoout 111 cents a pound. Select whereabouts whom they srtse ,tr worn stool nut in powder. This layer should th - - i O ire The census of 1881 tells us that there are in Ontario 473,90e horses Value *these at tatty dollars apiece all round,. Ord we have $28,434,360, not quite as ash as the people Canada are asked to make the e $ present of. The welch cows owned- is Ontarie number 782,243. These, et thirty dol- lars a heed would be worth �13,467,29O, not quits a million mere than the syndi- cate ask the Government to lead them in cash. 0 -.1 -wry It M by calculations such as these that the intelligent electors an feria some• thing like an adequate idea of the magni- tude of the sums of the pespte's money which the Government of the Dominion intend to threw away upon the reckless .otiiswagant Pacific Rehear Company. - 'Cos'uwell Fresh.Ider. mtseale eesaem h "John." said • metehant to his elerk, "what are the latest reports horn the craps t" The peach crop is entirely killed by the last e,•Id snap ; cherries badly injur- ed ; blaekherries and black raspberries killed to the snow -line, sad pears touch• ed teems* extent." "All right. John, order a lot of new baskets with the bottoms • half inch nearer the top than last veer. I am de- termined to keep down priess out of re- gard to our poor cerstllmer'&" rewove t po on hand up their hat and don silk trav ling caps, take off their coats and put ea short sack coat* or smoking jackets. In the morning, when the occasional traveller, ohliged to wear the only cloth- ing be has brought, goes to the toilet compartment in his oest and vest, and thus struggles in an .(mitt to cleanse his skin without seeping his sleeves er his coat sonar, these professionals again ex- cite his envy. rue band up their smok- ing jackets and display snowy white rubes, ornamented with colored binding and braid, and capable of being thrown ,.pen at the neck and rolled up above the elbows. Froin a ken in the suspend- ed jacket ono produces in ivory -backed brush and comb, • tooth-btrush and per- haps a pickle- plated seap-box. Another opens out • print ly embroidered r.cepta- ere. composed of many folds. each one a p ecket and eaei,nue labelled. In these pockets are a emit., a brush, a tooth- ornatt, shaving -brush, seep bee, pair of razor -cases, nail -brush, whisk btoeow, hand glass and coluugnr bole. Their fatoiliarity with their surrolrnl into is as noticeable a tart of their e.ltn;.- wont. A glance out of the tzar window Is almost certain t.. reveal to thou their ed. aawe � e u , , to sir f gunpowder grains ey are wa ref,, or area r'Iit in go t.o tw three or four inches. A sutwid par- eel.They acry titan cute -Oriole, sun tition having been placed, add three the best caterer. They are sociable au. inches of gaud, as clean and as fine as de"n ,crane' possible. Those within the reach of glassinakere should purchase the sand there. as it is .only with that gsality td sand taut tk. best results cru be obtain- ed. On this place &nuttier partition and add m' re fiae stones -say fur two or three inches. This serves as • weight to keep the upper partition in pleat. Your filter is now complete, but not ready for use, However careful you may have bees in washing the material, a residue of dust will remain, and this has to be gradually washed through. Fur this purpose peas as ,much water as possible through the filter during the first day without using it. The text day it will be ready for use, and, if my direction. have been complied with, filtered water will always be at command, and not "sly freed from all suspended substances, but from color due to matter held in solution have been removed. I found that the yellowish color of Croton water, which is very difficult to remove, wss entirely absent in water peeped - Twftt+ase. ] through my filter. To test this, water As Rititw s Iso., (J.esrM., write*: 'For the past iv. again basin. la this mouser the color yy�s.taa�n .ITeemhave always used Dr. Kiev's New ofwater is plainly visible in ,entrant Diaet►v TeeP. Keator,ditow of FR Wx no mrtat be filled °p in a large white pot- .ry for tough* of moat s.v6re with the white .hi.m chamois', as well as for these of a milder The filtesrtag material, wrier u cheap type. It nearer /ails to whomc1 a .pore -1 and ars fit* Partitions. cure, My friends t., I have re- sootlRh' PSV" 1 T commended it speak .1 tt in tame high dmield also be re.twd at intervals, the terns. Having igen cured by K of emery taw deps.ding M the peeled d the cough i have had for 6v. years, I cos prat and the eaters and elmNat of the seder it the (lily reliable and sure este for as•chs, colds, sic.' Can at Wilson's imedritios. Drug Rlore and get a Few Trial Bottle. Pref. C. F. Chandler, tun one occasion, taros sirs $1.00. (t) oheervsd that "pure eater is hardly see- eral Graham who iw in eommaad coed to Dnee air asItif. giving and life - eine Mei ai . nee ewes was tweed ey 1We e . _ ...., lasumg tt amt) .«.arsine a. Toe (heat Denman Invigorator is the sesly epeeitie tour tesputenoy, nervous de bility, uttered lassitude, t..rgetfulaass, pain in the book ..r aides, no muter hew stuttered the ye•ew way to free% fi- eses.a.d sue knee ties Brea% German Rune sly will restore the ' est functions sad seeire health and happmuaws 61.00 per h . sin holes fur *SAM. 8uttl by s11 a...4 PR Sent .• 1 reprep% .4 price, p.mtsle paid, by Y .1. Cheney, T..ledu, Ohio., ode rg'..nt I•.r United States Cir- culars and teatlmeuula snit floe. teed by Geo. Rayless, sole agent ler Gude- rich 5= To tree rledleal PeeNrN.. ...+ 11 as bona M mal comma. Pbusphatinr, ur Nerve I'uua, a Phu- t basal upon Sci.utilie Formstated by Professor Austin, 11(. D. of Huston, !le'&, cuss Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vosa Attacks. Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting disown 01 the houses system. Nhusphattne is not • ltledoms5. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable ,w Mineral Poisons, Opiates N ireotica, and no 8tinnalents, but .implj ly the Phosphatic sad Galerao Elements fogad in our daily food. A single bottle u suthcient to cenvtnr.. All Di-tergiets sell it. 31 00 1' r borttle. Legume & Co., sole eeeri . ' • the Dt.:..tnnm, 1t4 Front Street ):.•t Tomtit.. As the trews M winter vanish under the .caloric niduunte ••f Iles sun's rays, se does iiright's Diss ole. lyropsy stone in the Kidneys and Bta.lder, and Indent: !nation of the Kidneys. leave the body upon the adu•intstratton;.f Dr. Vail Be ren. Kidney (•air.. ts4J by J. Wilson. hes John 11. Vert, Hamilton. says : "Mc- (logger's �1c- (lroq(..r s Spee'y Cure fur DystY•I.sia and Iudigestiou is cheap et fifty tun.-- the price asked fur n I ate a comm. r ed emu, and travel continually. and soiled uo mere think of lea vil„t ho..ir wit'r' it a rattle of Mel:regor s Speedy (' 'Lair iu u1y valise than I would of leaving In: t. -am at horde and a'.ium ,at fu -.t." Fre., trial bottles at (:. 'thyme drug s!..rr. !lore lar size Ito eta. slid 61. Tar .wkeat Taboo ow Record Is K-aen'. Flni•l i.i;(htning f.'r Neer, -‘4111 Headache, Tootles:he, etc- Ir d • • not blister or disorder the sign ; re -1.,x lost. one application to banish all pain magic- ally without using any greasy hnicucut or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try • 25 cent bottle froin Gro. Rhynes. druggist. h mems Reward For any Testimonials recommending McGreg"r's Speedy Cure for Delpepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, lleadeche,etc., that are not ienutme : none u! which aro fmm pertains in the States or thousands of miles away. but from persons in and around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial bottles free of cut, so that you cannot be deceived by pnrchaeing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials givenefree at G. Iihynei drug store. a stoma's FUYi1Jgletalag. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheapest awl quickest application known. Why suer with Toothache, Neuralgia Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia� tics, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to Geo. Rhyne' drug seer) and get a perfect and Instan- taneous euro for 25 cents. Ask fur Kram'. Fluid Lightning. b Those are Sold Farts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever planed within the reach 't suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ters. inactivity of the Liver, Biliouenea Jaundic!•, 1'onstipation. Weak Kidneys, ..r any A»er.t.,• ..f the urinary organs, or whoever minims an appetiser, tonic or mild atimii!eno sill always find Electric Bitten the heat and only corona cure kneive. Th•'v act surely and quickly. I every !melt guaranteed to ;;ire entire .etisfartien or menet/ refunde e.. 5..Id at 1 'fifty rent: s bottle hv J. W ils on. (41 Banking ,1 ... ,.•i •(-- C.a1:L. BANIf OF MONTREAL. lVJkPL� . - . - 66.0116.0010. . Goderich Branch. D. GLANS - - - - Mauuys►. .plows Intros% en deports. Drafts, lett.. et it sae circular woes Issued. pay at Ia (111 par's of the world. 1754. A mussing M all rlawklad. lot these times when our newspapers are goodod with patent medicine adver- Dr. Kew., Neer Discovery, for Cnn- ieemente, it is gratifying to know what , .mpti..n, wh'rh canoed him to procure If you are bilious, blood out of order, when Doelt.,rs, chs'nfe of climate and CANADIAN 1►A*1(OFOUNIMI Ck Pawl Iso (,begs. , Us,otio,(MMI, Kest, MMs - 11,4(Ju,(. President - /DAN. H .•I MrM.4NTRJ. Geserui 11.asper, - N'..•...... A Life Rrvtaa/Presrat. Mr. M. E. Allison, llotchinee n, Kan., saved hu life by a simple Trial Ifuttle to of the Stonier fortes operating Agement Pruteoting siest. sod in the most potent Owasw Dina, is shoat fifty-orar sews.% the watery authorities 05.0 call old. He es a hateds.me, suMi.rly- 'k' to thea side lag man, above the medrnm silS. with I tweet the hamea d. Blbr here 4.- shawp, %rise. ;yeaand hied pesiand vi_ eeribed may woe be bund in .very h.•m. 11. i. acted fur his dash and via procure that will certainly ped yot�• tularge b.ttlr, that completely culled Aime liver inactive, nr general debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitten. They are a blessing to all mankind, and an be had for only fifty cents • battle of James W'lau1. 12:1 From the Liver and Kidaeys arise ful- ly halt the sickness. Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters stimulates both Liver and Kidneys and insures one against disease; it is not an alcoh•tlic stimulant. In large bottles at Weeota nn 'Why should a man whose b!e.ue a warm within Sit ke his grattdsirs cut iu alabaster t Or let his hair grow rusty, scant sad thin. When "CINneenietRieaws* wallni•ke g. nit/ the hater Foe gale by J. Wil- ;Tit i. dillen'twe, end the men comfier hies edam him. He gained the Vietneia mew for an net .4 tronrage in which M rioted kis owe life to gave on. of his inn heves Give II au if you are suffering with 1•.w and de- pressed spirits, Les rf appetite, et'' •'ral debility, aloe -dome! blood, w. -,k c•eaeti- toteem, headache, or any dia.raas of a bil- ious nature, by all means procure a net- tle of Electric Bitters. You will he sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will f.ollnw ; you will he inspired with new life; strength and activity will return pain and misery will crane,d . hence- forth you will rejoice in tleb hence- forthpraise ,tf Electra° &.tete. $..M at fifty cent,, a battle by J. Wilson. 161 GENUINE AO, doo A RalfSRO .%net .'lets the e four lue-iekr , AY" to any ono eos,nelintt thin bee four linty rhyme nn "riAawaar," the rer+arkable ilk I littlem a for tee reedit and P o:.. Oak J your drtug.M address %EWIN6 WHINE. .verythini else hal failed. Asthma, Bronchit.o Hoarseness, Revere Coughs, and all Throat noel Lung diseases, it i. guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wils-n's Arne ator.. Lance rise $1. (1) Goderich Branch. A. 11. ROSS, - - - - Def.aAt.leu. Worm allowrd et. deposits. Drafts on a Has prinrip•1 Towne slid Cilia,. u, Commier.ie Great Britain and the %'slued tat... tiouyb and sold. Adraneerto Farmers nn Not**. .ith oats. moreendur,ers. mitlwut nwrt¢aar. 1:.3 t week tad.. at h..me ty the to •luslrluu.. N,.1 beaiu, w . , a to torr the 1•uhh.. t spits t.• Jt Lt%t' r•1 '14 0111 .'a:, toe. a!rn. wt n,rn, b4.13and g rt •.snit ti . . ry lb herr to work for us. Now 1. the time. ' o■ eau work iu spare time, or vier your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you nearly se well. No one can tall to snake enormous pay, by engaging at own. Costly ,&edit and terms tree. alorry made haat, fowl!. amid hnnorwb', . Addre'et Tattle e Co.. Augusta. Matae BRITISH Aett. COT. Tws.hvu Eatabltsis I IRO j MIMSIX IN O. CO1 .of Lox DON Itaglsadl - K.stablwheal nit 1 11AII1TII'(1) Inks. CO -Y..1 HAstvoon Cow -- ivahli.kmd 1.10. Motu. tatv. In the shove first dsmOP, iAlai T- lowest ret. • by HORACE BORT( B. TM aune,.tosrd 1■ also Aparalsrr CAN A DA PER LOAN eau SAYINGS I1 Tope et i Mo.e> to Loan ea Ilea% -.•lass secant!. i 7 lot per Cent. - Cbsr> dOR sIlt N011iat Oder' -L Sept. 1e. Ile& _ b (1) • �0 1 .- c y e en . 0e -so w i 11 • 1 ti C= Z G Ar cn V-7 LI�QI p cc i0 1 meetten's teeter 0.1 re. .• I n••1 weondfr ... r'M t�a��%g t W . at 4• wpm. 111 env heA red agent of the alms; world. me'hiw'r. MTs N t the usual piddle pa& Berns, Remo, 'Tiara, Rath tort e. I r mad will oesety sraehlwre .m Ilhoral tui'. far a WAR supply larded wish • masa of Pryor newt's. ,•e , now Chil,dtr_... .e ink and pofm muss esletaminatieons should n"rns, Tri►• • . 1 panels, es' e be roes -tad without hesitation mil 1 • :11,14AN" LINE ^ ROYAL NI STEAMSHIPe $500.00 Lew rd.. BOBIEII T bous•nd. of graves nor aw,uall}' robbed • t ,heir rlcllat,lives to ol..Isr. m ha kers and health loured by the tree of the Weal GERMAN INVIGORATOR! which pesetIreny ane permanent r curia p�oe'sgtrterm 4• •aid by eta. sera of .ny k dt.Nuei IR rebate& a..4 sit da.aees Oleg low r.ni.aonra.,r of r.1f-A1.uw. OAP k'..ofv- erg;. 1, r.. of ier,,.•ry. it rival 1•wlttsM. paenluthe haat. dllumre of vision, preels- terrold a.e, sad many .Aber dimes• flat tend to n.rroft; or •o: • UM' tiot, it:d • pre ma - MO. grow. Seed for serener, v. It h t, ►timontala tree by mall. The INS Kat •T.& a sold at 41 paw klyqsx ersix Loxes for 4.5, by all druggists, or will 1• ..at free y %nail, ase/ml) .,-sled, os receipt of %•rice,Saddr..in/ F. J. C 'NEV. Drupelet. 167 Summit Pt.. Tol. do, Olio nJn•. TOryees, ' l Atont for 0oeselrb IS p.•• a tic are aloe., oa theist* out (.4 r`.aucra to (screene their earuinga.and it time bp cons w.•althy : those who ie no mpg%'e their omerts* titss n.ualn in po.ttrty. We offer a area 'tb too • to •..ntet n use' - We rant n.en. wo- tnMn, buys and earls to work for us In their. own 1* -alt!', .. Any one can du the stoat pro- perty from the great start. The business will toy more 11 lei• tFR I(t, us ordinary wages. az- p�ee►eeteuuoos %Riehl -.d fur. Nn our e1.nen- dears tails to Mike RNA., ."!'1•11'...• You can or. tee y.•*r w a t t I tit •.ark, your -M r.- •..:;e. ,.t-. F1•1. :.:,on•laltq, and , .-ors • •n r. .t, dress *rut •a •. A l'. ,-. liaM. .ir. .rltt t\. .'. +Mot,'r, eat, t• • all tate 1.1\ f:iiir1t11.-LOND4INDERRI' 1.Au`', I,„. •.u.l 'o•. INst,r• r `kk lrte'ache. Iwdipr•,+•t. • ...tip.%.; ., • ►lit•%... we Every Thur(tsy Proms Portland. • n1:'•... as.' • ' t1 ..t'i �-.ir.'t.i T. 11t, t flit. r. •.•n %luau.' . r:•.►. -.e•-irk'''. sitti4 with. r, • tattle. and never fall to r:.. -.r • •,i.•ar Ctiatr it. Laren 1'e xep .testi. •. ' s '•P,•.::..ents. Fir tale tv all Desseast•. %loam .4 • qwt terfefa nue: mita- t:met 'i'1.r genuine mat oho tined to ty bi NH/N ''. 11•Ft4' j; e7%. 'M.*. inn Makers, hi slot s. I; •,g y'. ia.t. To:, ■m. (A.1 • Tree tr:,.i ts. kava sero; Fc via! pr:.- .. to receipt of n 1 rent stamp. wneise$ • ::lei $TaRL. Tat: SHORTER? SEA Rnt•Tr. ro AND F201: F. N 11 L A N 1). SPEED, COMFO1tT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. Tri nter .irrnn¢emettts. -- SAILINGS MAIL LINT LONDONDERRY & LIVERPOOL ID" fit/ i y ''ee lee - SARf1IXtA%. taws Point..>:'. Feb. y'tb. ode'ins J • HALIFAX. Mar. 1st. CIRC'ASSit A IRAX� .Sib. t.ANI.. Mar. sth, POLYNESIAN. hewn Thein Ue, Mar. 17th, HALIFAX. Mar. Lith. PERUVIAN. from P'rwtrtssee. Mar. wrtl.. HALIFAX. Mar. MIR. CARPiAH. tram POKTLANi., Mawr rt.. HALIFAX Mar. sfth. SAR1fATIAN. HALIFAX, I'i.iartAkt'. April 3rd HALIFAX. April sub. SARDINIAN. from Poiret-INP. Arun 10th. H 51.Ir.tX. April 12th. PARISIAN. from PoCTtrbD. April 17th, HALIFAX. April 13th. l'1l ('.S -+PIAN. Loin Powrt.se ', .tprii _Ith. HALIFAX. Apelt lath. I.YNEs! IN. from PORTLAND. Map 1st. ILALIF.5X. lino Ad. I'sasetig►rs stating to embark at Portland will Mare Goderich. on Tuesdays, at 12o ele•k. The last train c:a HatIfnv with the Malls and Pewees'ns (p leaves eck-ich every Wed- nesday. al 12 o clock. Prepaid ,•ertitkate )sande at greatly reduced rare to pentane wishing to bring their fr:ends out from the Ohl Country. For 'la -Lets and all infnrma:nn, M:• -,dr to R. ARMSTRONG Ticket Agent. Goderieb. CHAS. PRETTY Goderich. Nov. 22nd. 1531.2. The People's Livery Da. K. C. W i7+T'a Nknee USD BRAIN Tat*? s ear. a guaranteed .poet& for Hysteria. Din amens. Cour nimbus. fits. Nervous Neu Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by ke use of Alev.hnl or tobacco. Wakefulneno, Ren- ee Ih•preetsion. Softening of the Brain. result - ,ins in insanit and leading to misery. decay : and death. Premature Old Age. Barrenness. Lora oft ower in either ee x. Involuntary Losses and Sp eniu.torrhoa. caused by over•(:ertlon of the train. self-abuse or over -Indulgence. One, box sill rare recent cases. Each box eon tains one month'* treatment. One dollar• hex or six boxes for fire dollars: sent by mall pre tVdses to res r.cure rripi of pcase. rice.W lth We geachuarantee.lz ho*Rr order r'e- r•ivr'1 by os for six boxes. accompanied with fire dollar*, we will send the purchaser our vrritsen guarantee to refund the motley It the t treatment dose not effect a cur. Guarantee 1 lamed only by JA5IRR WILMA tolettbor Mrd agent for Oo d'rlcl.Ort. JOHN C WEST $ R (1().. sole proprietors. Toronto Ont- ; :P Elating tear- =take the Livery Mildness of Jeno. E Sole s. hwurrly7 award to Hobert Kerr, walk••• a ah to et von.- patroraite. They inartete a sutlatatileo to all. sad ries 'lire Finest Rigs AT l:gAuwNAPLE PRICES. C .Li. AND AF.E Uzi -Opposite itmley's !twee G.'erica. t : uderlek. r eb. lith. lest. 1>UUn uo1, Ufa la sweep .. a ag. And date 1 -elms' o u d1 ,..meshing Mighty and sub lime leave bolded to emptier time. tsa(t • week in yottrown town 4r outfit free. No rink. Everything .sew. Capital not reuuired. We will furnish Tag eserytbl `S. Mau are q.ak:rg fortune. Ladies make Y saf&l L Man. and hays and girls make great try. Reader. if 70.1 want business at which you ran snake great pay all the time. write ter purllenlar. to sl. H •t.i.trn' ,!.('o. Perth's Mal The greater., n Shin Imo. .reef ho the Mune Singer, eller" itrst* a ri ',., if 1. imiwilled. : t Mew tl..tmelre , r ton M. a. (`.iatt%h. Iae.Irryrh. dunned from impurities by a good (literhem Wit.... per t/sisssek. De•eit p1R. Mit tr $1000 FORFEIT Haring tieattaost ror.ddrnrr in ..r upas lerlty over d1 ethers. and after is nusao4o of tests ot the most tate w ..nem MO. ret fret •metinot in ntAt• ing to forfeit One Thousand Dollar. tor req coat of coughs. cold,. sore throat. enemas bearsentes, l'rnnrhltis. ron.nmplMn In 1'e tarp stapes, whooping%entre and all diseases of the throat and lnnis except tuathnla. for which we only claim relief. that we eine ewe with Wnst'a (oneh wyrnp. when taken accord Ing to direction. Sample Mottles.* and iY rents: Isere bottles one dollar. G-wuewe wrappers roily In blue. Mold lay all IrwefMo, or nest by repress on rrnript o. prlr., H c, wgetT Ontrnposdal .red a1 . street Seat. W3IMaPn Dreg neer* Oodertei it11b Vick's Floral Guide F'I2.:.•i.MAIr'S W OE.M POWDERS. Ain pkas.wt t:take. casein then era iaepttvs. :■ • safe, sure. and nide eserrwjer .1 worms in Gillies or A ger laa4 h as nicks.* %sous of It. Pages. 2 lea red Philos srPlewers sad s..rl•Mts, • ei mere rue MO 111watrat/tsar of the ebMoes' tlowera. Plants end"egetal.ic+. and Directors foe treeing. itMhes w.wee(-noset tigetbe ('fees table nr a Holiday P,meet+f. Hard nn ,ons neon^ end fest MI'-'.- addre.& with tee cent*, and 1 will ern•% von $ r'•pT. agr pari Thta 1. vont •i nsr.rr ret its •nue, nprinte4 in 1mu1, t;ntllsh and ('rrw.nn. Ir yt'a afterwards.rder seeds dednet :h. M to 1ft1A•s anode .rc the .r.1 to Mr Wirral I 71w P100 41.Octnn will 1,11 how to ort •led grow than VMS's /tswersad 5.101.05. Medea. t* n ews. s rnlwed Titre. ie. Y.awrsrlae►. F.r Ole casts In mew Marr, 51 is In •10 t cloak. to German ar Yntrlleh %Iden'. Ntwtsrsesd w.RH5p tlesadse ! Pages, a retiree. Piste 1•, -eery Aowdw'r ,i w ear 5.r 5wi •rugs Price 41.13 • rear Tic. Cosies for 410*, Ppeelw.en Nombre soot M Ma eros : 1 trial Mehra for 5 ata; JABiTR3 Rc• einow.II T WiLL CURE OR RELIEVE VISNES& DIZZINESS, w. DROPSY, I':'13ESTJON. FLUTTERINO d (! 1::DICE. OF THE NEART; 1,YSIP!LAS, ACIDITY Of SALT Wm, kNE STOMACH, HEART BURN, DR. NESS HE ADACHE, OF THE SNA r sorts Lr1. ":1F O O.aT't>rAOt{I T. ■ILRURN a gr, Phys' O 4 fes.. _....3Lefef AUEN1Switd(' ..e.'maPy.0 eaCapital peeafpe4, .)suds leas lila