The Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 5• • HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 184 TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. A Gaoler Kalod and • Turnkey Badly Wounded by Elsosp. lag Prisoners. • Stesperese Deed en mends, w Seib /hoot the been. Tw. Thieves she units, learttio *awe( These Arr.. ell - A Floods Ifiereater Dimon, Mai cit U. -Tb. towns of Sandwich and Winding* opposite hen, in Canada, were thrown into th. wildest sznitemorit early tuts forouuou by one of the neat terratale tragedies that has ever happened iu that neighborhood. About • smooth ago Was. Callaghan mid Mat- thew Leanedy, two *rooks from Detroit, broke into the postoffies at Harrow,Ont, sod were caintht. They have Moos bees coofined in Sandwich gaol awaiting trial. At eight o'clock Sunday morning °snag - hoe ktiocked lb* turnkey, John Davis, down as the latter opened tho door of Ward 2 in °Oleo to "weep it, aud creep- ig the keys plead the proper one in the look of Ward 1, where Kennedy was. Aoiculne ensued between Callaghan and Davis, who had followed bins, and Ken- nedy put his head out and turned the key, thus freeing himself. The gaoler, George Leech, approached and MUD AT CAL/10A$ TOD & Tke laNar, freeing himself from Davis, &red two shots at Lomb, both ot which took egad, one ball parsing through his boort and killing him instantly. Ken- nedy in the meantime struck Davie with a large bottle, and stunned him . The two then made good their escape, taking a bores and buggy from one of the neigh- boring churches. Theo parted company behia Windsor, and termed attempt- ed to woes to Detroit at the Walkervnle ferry, about a mile above Wiodsor, but Orr DITICTILD AND •ICIUMITED. He states that ha companion is dead, having been shot by Gooier Leech. Hui mamn-. had bled alter he had esmiped, and he had fallen exhausted behind a tenor. This afternoon the prisoner was taken mit oi show the offictra o hare his comrade had fallen, but he could not. the story is not believed. Up to a late hear to -night nothing had been heard of Callaghan, but the river bank is being patrolled, and °Skiers are 'enuring the country, and little chance remains for his escape. seuuded • earshot At the mesa tiros 1111ader the stairway was a has bottle in which oil was kept. Seising this, Kea - molly dealt Davis • isvausatme maw otter the head, stratelkieg him imam - eases upon the Suer. The Iwo Frau.- gee dies unlashed the dour of the corri- dor Mediae to the main hallway, a short light of stairs utterversum. The swim made :in the desperate struggle below had aroused the attention of • crazy woman in the eat above, and she, step- ping14. the speaking tubs, notified Mr,. Peltner. metros, .4 the tail, that there woe • row truing MI in the biumemetit. She "started for the basement to leans what was going but at tin. om .4 the stairway roc...materiel Komiedy mid Cal- laghan. The latter 1...intrd his revolver at her an.I snap,. 11.1.04 I Itay Alla rash - ed pam her through the I...iway amid nut into the street. The (hope:redoes were emu 10 rake A Buie/ AND 1stotiv from eke Catholic Church. Several fainorsconveyances were pressed into servies, and houses in the neighborhood were ransacked for firearms. lu fifteen minutes the roads leading to Windsor, in which direction the murderers had fled, were swerminc with Animal mon. The pursuit became hot. The men God towards Windsor on the inland road. E. S. Nesbitt (a young amen who had mast- ed about the jai1, on horseback gallop- ed over the river road and reached Windsor before them and notified Chief Baines and other officers and mon sta- tioned at the ferry slips to stop the fugi- tives should they attempt to cross, while largo numbers scoured the surrounding country without avail. yws AltaBST or ilU11111DT, FT/LLCS. PAZTICITSA1a. Turnkey Davis says he -was on hand at a quarter after **Yee, and precisely at eight o'clock Leech came down to be present during the sweeping out of the wards. The manner in which this work la done is to have one of iLe priatasers if sweep the dirt into a heap near the door of the ward when the turnkey enters t.. lock the cells as well as to attend to any- thing oho demanding attetition from the authorities. the dirt being swept into the collider as the turnkey enters the ward. Ward No. 1 was first cared for, nothing occurring to excite suspicion or give warning of events to follow. In addition to Kennedy. who °courted cell N. 4, off Goa ward *err four other prisoners. In Ward No. 2. on the wart side of the building, Wel, Callaghan, • h.. ..00tilitad • HOLE HAD SIM( coot IX TUS erispow cell No. 8, with three other prisoners. with a diamond, and it ma concluded a Just as the key clicked in the lock, indo omit...aerate scaled the prison walls Satur- catinv that the grated iron door was to day night, or early Sunday morning. be opened that the dirt might be swept and placed a revolver on the 'inside sill out arid the turnkey admitted to lock of Of. window through the aperture. It ---r.ewe 4,4 t COLBORNE BROS. Illaveleet received • WIPP roolOP111.1111 01 Cease& Cr. Decks. Cheek 1111rA- 1110/ *ad Tweets at lower paces than ever. Call sad see these. • spleadid asesruamis el PRINTS now la Meek. 100 Mew Patterns to choose from. He sure and lee their Factory OWN, before buying. Goderich. Feb. 14th, MU Biir Blanirhter Oslo for 30 Days J. Q. DETLOR & CO'S. GREY C TIONS AT MILL PRICES. WHITE COTTONS AT MILL PRICER FANCY SHIRTINGS AT MILL MOSS ' TWO CASES NEW PRINTS -JOB rRICES. BIG DRIVES IN TABLE LINENS & TOWELLINGS. A LOT OF ULSTER CLOTHS -A GREAT BARGAIN. SEE OUR NEW DRMS ,GOODS. GOOD WASHING SILKS, AT 50c um. aad See what iierpalee we are offering* for the Neal Om - J. C. DETLOR & ICACOMI\T "X" Y. DON'T H G Hw hPweRIMNItill)rit Isar 87; A311),LTI8retIRSILV DONT BUY YOUR WALL PAPER BEFORE SEEING SAUNDERS & SON'S STOCK Now Patterns. CHEAP. 1NTe-7-eat 3- d.... Reclu•seca.Pit s DON'T exclaim : "Oh ! Hutieliog „" hut cstl and satiety yourselves that we are "THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER THE BUIL" S RS -4 SON About ten o'clock a well-dremed, smooth faced and innoceut • g gentleman boarded the ferry at alker- villa As he waa closely scanned he appeared • toll. uneasy. His deacrip- tion answering that of Kennedy, Capt. Shanks delayed tbe boat, losing • trip. Nesbitt, who had been out with an ex- ploring party, heard of Kennedy being held for identificatioo, and hastened to the boat at unto and recognised Ken- nedy, who made no madame. He was immediately arrested and taken to Wind- sor lock-up. When it became noised shout the wharf that one of Leech's murderers had been arrested there was a rush to sae him. A crowd gathered about and became wild with excitement cants or "maws ant !" "Lynoh hint !" were heard on every side, and for a time it was a question whether another tragedy would be enact- ed. But eicitetnent died away. Kennedy was cool and dogged when ltd arrest- ed, mid refused to hews anything to say, but when the crowd gathered about and threats of lynching ban became general, he shook like an aspen leaf and clung to the olficeis for protoctiou. At the lockup be became more calm. Kennedy claims C•laghan was severely wounded during the shooting in the jail, that when they escaped to the CatIllic Church he was too weak to walk further. He aoierts Callaghan was en badly injured that he will die twin his wounds if not c.aptured; bat the officers take no stock in what lie *aye, as they believe he is trying to shape matters in such a way as to give his accomplice time to aleatif. The dis- covery was mole that MONTREAL "LYMAN" BARB WIRE FENCING. West Street, next door to the Poet Office. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co." 1,...A.I•Tr) I:LEGSLYDA 'TIOT\T:_";;_ First Prise seam at lost Proviectel Show. Prise awarded t tr Wire et sold on the Spool -sot The Company otter lands within tit. Denney 1: -it along t'... for the tweet. Very lamely used oa Us ',lacteal railway lints of the Dosaision. Mioiltot is. at prices ranging troni Fat sok by .1 HN NAFTEL. Cheep Hardware F.arporfent. Goderieli. $2.50 PER ACRE the cells, Callaghan made a rush. He is a.. seeeno suspicious cocracisia own, CI-RM.A."11 33A_PCII-A_11NTS FOR CASH I. W_ 1R,ITDD_Erc7- Of THE PKOPLE'S STORM, GODERICH. le sow tiptop out • A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK oF NEW GOoDS R EA DY- MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, AND-- oxr IEPT.411.PT-.= 1,14 -sr CO007DEi, %Flitch he ls prepared to sell Cheaper Man the cheapest for CASH. Good Value in. ttry115. timed his action so accurately that he beets "eon hanging about Sandwich Jail strock the door when partially Liar. Ha several dap past. The other prisoners sodden movement crowded Leech behind in the jail ;i not seek to escape. the door and against the wall. Callahan Davis was oin .4 his head at last *c- hild & Pis" which he Prewnied counts. but the doctor think he will Leech's face, exclaiming, evelitually recover. Sheriff filer has offered a reward of "oautow rr TOVII RANDS." 5600 for the capture of Callaghan, and As to what occurred jest at this moment, „hugesf patrolmen has, bee„ pieced ou time is conflicting testimony. Delos Mord &lour the river to see he does not no sooner had Callaghan made this escape to the other side. aty to Leech than he (Callaghan) fired his revolver, while prisoners claim that these wee Re report at this point in the draft* ear mail the combakenta bad ~hod the (root of Ward No. 1. Re tads se it may, all agree that Csillaihati lad se looser reached the corridor than be streak Dario a enuming blow with the butt of hie revolver, cutting an ugly osh is kis chink mid bssiskiftic his industtiously in attempting to discharge Tim two siso awktbsir mu irtrugoine it. they *re it up, out • sirvle cartridge arrow the tiorridor to the front of ward b$u ezideded- Had this pistol No. 1, Callaghan having first thrown the I h"ll iu.gO working eider. is W.probe. door 1 word 21o. 1 shut. having secured I ide the reaulteow•uld bave ended differ- ** keys me 1110 tooted his way out. With"ill-. and fatally to Callaghan- The these in ha boas, istpedod somewhat immest upon the murdered Sandwich •jailer, Leech began In the court houseat Sandwich at Iwo o'clock this aftensoun before Coroner Lambert. Juetice Blitt- lett was prosiest, also Crown Attorney Macdonnell, and Kennedy. The latter was permitted to ma such questions as b. desired. The question asked by him of each witness was as to whether they hod seen him strike either Leech or Davis. To this there could be bat one reply, as no one present saw the affair. The inquest win likely continue Dermal days. C+1R.A.I\TD SALE ! The subscriber is aim clearing draw -- Remainder of His Wintu Stook at Heavy' bout PliCes. OlfitliCO&clanviolojebseid 1)r S. la and $1111440:01417 be had or 14.16 and FS mepoctivety. SUITINS 8. frees /foe to have been reduood to from 50e. to lac. algid cosier goods in sOliZd holiest the aud Pekes whether ,on hay or sot. IP cacif#PILANT BARGAINS CALL AT -TR/ PEOPLE -it oTORE.- Oodsrich. Feb. U. 11161. "FP_ stssa_arrir, csr. Ntaseitimet. ant Square' Davila' PISTOL The pistol which assistant -turnkey Davie tried to use in his struggle with GiJlaithati amid could not nuke too off is in the hand 1.f the police. vol. were ex- parrnmoinv with it this morning. It was hoot i rutty and in h.t.I woi Ling or- der. After some time being devoted by Davis., who was half Minuted by t blow received, the two came to the door of ward No. 1. Callaghan shook hui weakened opponent off for sufficient time to insert the key with a view .1 releasing Kennedy, bet Diva, MVO •DIURASLI1 PLCCIL, attain grasped Callaghan and succeeded in pslbng ltiot soar from Lite door. Kenna dy,op oitbetime the unusual disturbance bad attracted his attention,had boon en - korai( himself in a game of checkers. As soon as he saw his old "pi'," and midis - ed that a life and death struggle involv- ing his liberty was on hand, be rushed to the door of ha ward. Just as he reached there Callaghan had been jerked away by Davis, aad Kenhedy readied his band throurh the door to the bolts, and got t, the sesistanee of his fellow. prisoner. On noticing this movement Leech thought the desperate atostion demanded resort to extreme measures. Then, according to the prisoners' state- ments, occurred the first discharge ef a revolver, though Davis ways Calisetui bed vias AT LASKO Oat ea he horst throirrh the door of the ward Leech aimed at Callsehaa mid . &red mime, the latter raeponling with diashaqies of his revolver, firind also tides at Davis, who says he dodged and eseapod. At the filet shot Leath was 'ems to reel, rod at the mooed he len epee the Muse Imre Kennedy by this time had made his way into the corridor, and took • hoed in the conflict. Davis was flefloter as well as he wield dam the 1115 11. nentratty tat mesinhoi injuries ft• had reasered, het, • t- artlet -Wieder at the top of his vole.. Keno...ay rushed era boa, say- - -viscera votes, %het no. re. ENGINEERS AND MILLMEN. ABBBST40.BrrSlig Prii07T.1 JOHN A. NAFTEL. CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. enaffnIIIWSWI AGENTS wanted for The Live. nt al • the Presidents of the C. at. It ..,I.; Largeat. Ilaintzd for uldat book over le= than twice our ?rice. The fastest selling anti hest book la America. nanticase prodi • to agents. Ali lategtg. e4:1=ple want it. Anyone canto. come a agent. erase . HAtAA-rf Boon Co.. Portland. Maine. ism T free Address Canned Goods. Ne reliable clue has lieen found to Callaghan's w hereabouts. Several De- troit Akere are working with the Wind- sor petite. One rumor, which (oases from a source that might to expected to be authoritative, is that Callaghan crows- . 4 to Detroit soder tLe very moss of the Akers, d*visied as • woman. His small ion* and feminists oast of features woad Nate welt an attempt possible. New Clover Seed -AND-- SEED PEAS' OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX , SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, AND ALL anus OF MANOOLD -if TURNIP SEED TOGETHER WMI GARDEN SEED, WARRANTED. VARIETY, TIMOTHY SEED. SEED WHEAT, ati.1 in S,uthaNra upwardswith coutlii ions requiring cultivation A rebate for cubit at ion of from 111.1111 so 11&10 per OUT. iwcord.ng to pr', e paid fee Ile On& allowed on certain eon 11.51. The company also offer Lauds coadttliene settlenient or calls ation. THE RESERVE -41) SECTIo.NR Won. the Main Lisa i. q. the odd numbered Seaton, w it hit: nue the railway. itramow offered for sole en edNrantageous terms. to peeks prepared to und. rtake their iniessill- ate t .11 yahoo. S OF EVERY 4 DANIEL GORDON, CABINETNIER Lola lludortater fhis on Imad .ow the I.A55 1111141-11 Chicken 2 lb Tins, Pigs Feet" " Corn Beef" " Tongue " Mackerel (in Tomatoe sance,) Salmon (extra quality,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (American), Blueberries. Tomatoes, 3 Its tins, • Orem Peas (Freneb), Green Beam, " Green Corn (American), French Mushroorui, Potted Chichen, Ham & Tongue. Mustard and Ginger in 1 Ib jars, CHAS A. NAIRN. Godench, Jan. 23,1864. GODIRICH BOILER OR'S Have Jet received • large stetek of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS First - Class Furniture rjutrigiumpu.t.=mtu,.. 12:•=•=,...T.L AT THZ OLD STAND astivois the Pest Ofilee lk lemma et lifeneteal. 01.01,311111201111L RIM Ma. IOW BOILERS & FRIES FOR SALE AT TERMS OF PAYMENT: Poraia.ro may pay par ..?inelsitth in ce.h. and the hatance in Si. anneal inetyloinate, wtbb lotterellt at SIX PhD KXT. per annum. pat able in adm &nee. Parties purchasing without conditions of cultivation. will receive a Peed of Centreff. &not at time of purchase. if pa,yotent in made in NI!. Payments may be made in LAND GRANT HONDS, • lair+ will be accepted at bus Wer cent. premium on their par value and accrued Interest. These Honda t alt 10 obtained on age plleation at tbe Mink of Montreal. Montreal : or at am ot its seencfes. FOR PRICES and CONDITIONS OF SALE and all intormation with respect to the mor - chase of Lands. apply to JOHN H. bleTAVISIL lAnd Creltatr.Fki:.Vtietoctilptig. Hy _oder of the Poard. CHA It 1.1.S 11 INKA 11147-3ps Wanted to be Known! THAT IOC CAN urr CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOBACCO,CIGARS, 4-c Domestic and Foreign Fruits. Oysters 01 (10- Rent Dread& Fresh and Smoked Halt Water nab in season. A fall assortment of aU kinds of Nuts. Oysters Served ta Beery mate Itoeulletill. ICE CREAMS IN SEASON Floral Designs. Wreaths Cremes. Bouquets. etc., made to order. mew emote mote a Vegranble* he Senaink -•T- E. BINGHAM'S MilEttErr...A.tr Et.A..1•2"T, Con. t House Sitar,. ritodericb„ Oat I tee. Xi, ISIS. 1111k10. W 1 catanniers of bet FIEE year It =maim Shistreitiewa pasta daorlichses Anatole for pliaaniag ell Vegetable /had viewer Seem, Poeta, sir. issrateitablie IS D. M. FERRY &CO i • 0 50,000 ?°csirrairiaj. ik? I PIE I THE TORONTO 011211CRAL TRVIITS ant I are prepared to icon money at 6 per mat.. pay- able half yearly, on I TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, 1 on Orst-class farm security. A pplj to ( AMERON. HOLT & CAMERON. Barristenk flourish. Agents for the Toronto General TrusOlCarrt WW1. CANZRON. HOLT ite CAISHROX 110110 . Moo a tante amount of priests toads to lam 1 on dret-oleas farm security. 111111 -It Ooderich. Oct. 4. ISO. 1 $66 a week at borne. $6.011 outfit free. Pay alootinety sure. N• risk. CatintImensate at n Mai person* of caber sex. reline rrquIred. Dewier. If you west .14. can make great pay all the time UM Inertit ulars io 11. 11A 1 WM rt co.ri. teliorted. wo -1. will, shoat': e eertatiaty. Math... 111111 The SAMU SLOANE'S SI)KT( )11E. Corner of Hamilton /lid Victoria Thl skeet, GO erich. Ie Salt Pans and Boilers Pain oat Shortest Notice. Mall orders for new wort anddrepalre will massive prompt atteatloon. CHRYSTAI. k BLACK, Werke sear G. T. IL litsAloa. eilaherteh. FOIL 111, SOL AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss •ntl fresh... or Tse.h, faded or gray hair to • natural, rich brows take. or deep Mae& seamy he desired. Ry lie elm 1111116 at pad war way be tattooed, Mtn ha* thiallitied. and bakIneew often, though loot always, <ink& It eholis falling of the hair, and atlaintann a weak and sickly growth *0 vigor. It prevael• wad COPP. KIWI and dandruff. and heals nearly every dame.. penalise 441 the restp. As Ladies' Hair Dreseleg. the Timm le unequalled it rentals@ nelther oil env dye, renders the hair .of 1, glory, amt ailkan in appearance. and lenerts • delicate. egress/Me, awl Meting pertnew.. Ma. C. P. Itaiceina writes frovn /foto. 0., July 1. 1/1/0 • "Late fall my kat? cosine -treed falliss oat and is • lbw, time 1 became nearly bald. I awed part of a b414414. Of Am en. 111•11t T14= Hach stopped the falling of Ute hair, and •4. a new growth. 1 have sow a tell head of hair pawing rigrassily. and sin oievhseed that hut In 'beaten( your prilearatton I shoeld have bees entirely bald- J. W. NOW r proprloWn• of the M. -Anther (OHO) rwaair.v. earl A Tatra HAI* V1(1. Is • went eseelleset preparation tor the hair. 1 mast of lt front say own expesiewee. lin nee prompts, the voirtla new hair, awl wakes it 1 sod met. Tap V an .a bm abet a ware ..are tor . IDA within any kworlolip ha* tan preparation ewer failed to g:me plain" satiefaetio11.- 45es FAIRD•Ilita. {HAW of the eels bested- Fairbeirn Festally of SentOsti Tetallets. when frato '.'aa, Moss.. "5. 6 'Ever d111. gel hair togas IngiveidIvery awlideneeof ebnage which litoting thee pommel', 1 have seed ATitlin .115 Vlooll. ant on have been .141.10 mahnsan estsnriones et veethfulowes - • mail. ter of enoWit _wn•Onervinwen *0 allalat•••., aratars, newsman/I in feet every on. ob. IIVOI 10 dr *yea ad the publle.- neXpetrt. Para oTT. 14414iIIC trots III St, Masi April_ 14, last says '1w. inte tar awns two-aik•a• et my bah arm eff. hineed very raoillir, sod 1 was Out powilisi =sal . new seawall onommeneod, masa 1054 .5 totaptetoty orotrod oaf busberirs. It b. sootioonti to wow, sad It ow so as babto It ami. regets and MO et ibe Vow, bus wow um swan* so Ilrostise. We boo Immatedltif oloalor tousbasoimila to Oa AM, of Anita taxa ?wow It anode boa a Mai Is 0111111/01 MO dinpleal at Ns adopa 116111,101110 Mr Or. J. Art Si 06., Lowell, Wm 11011bralliimost. gooduad=rta. Priced (VIM. Some erresillb=11 raltlIONreold • JOHN A. mittlait * co. irst nasaisio.dsiods. Chicago House, GODMRICI-1. g Millinery Establishment of the County, FLUSHES, BIRDS, VELVETS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, I LAMS Tbs largest and Best Assorted Stook in the County to Choose From, at Miaa Wilkinson's, bat 0111 Mew ATM • 111•11111+100S Chicago HMI. Ooderfch. Nor. Kb, IleS. 1116- 1883 -AXES -4883. .APN Welland Vale, t Welland Vale, Burrell's, and the Simpson Axe. BurrelPs, and the ;,. e :‘ , Simpson ,4 xe. FULL LINE OP CROSS -CUT SAW* MANUFACTURED HY R. H.SMITH & CO. iteccessor to J. FLINT -• Lett -- NMI LEAF L11011. Bea (barters for Steel Barb Fence 'W'ir4 CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF WARDWARS. sirCOME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. It• W McKENZIE 0111rICALIP .A.14.7:111r.A.31.11111 IIIT*01/124 COURT HOUSE SQUARK OODIRICH, ONTARIO. 1 lbeiseese. s.