HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 4m r. rib. I Ir &ado'♦ i And • Aad$ la t lent Dij [ _+., who Mor bead lea THE HURON SIGNAL i ewYM e: every Friday Mensiee. b Ile- t/iasaoMi.,I . N office. horn w OODEkICH, ONTARIO. AM f• d -pynb 1 to •Y parts oi tie enrreead test eeenley be the easiest malls .ad treats. en - •dmi5smlew. eItp k•a m • 1. (bi cont el v.sastre.any eee 2 ru Ms*. newsiest end MM as It desk tUs.1 I tt above, a st la s fiC beteg oddities u the above, • arwcl.a ti,msi4s paper- 1* t. therefore . asset disere tfe advertising ass ilsse. Tame.--411Jt is advance p.M•ee pre -paid Webers; olein. It paid belle ila nwths ieNroei se psld. This rids will be etridiy Rates ser Assessment's - Klett c*SW pe ins ter .ret te.ytlen ; three cense ppesrr line for eaebenbesgbsmtllnetion. Yearly. Wf-yeerly ued quarterly eoutiecte at reduced rotes. MM P'RDTi74.-We have alse•dret-clace gabbing deportment t. ooh• seise, and possess trig the meet complete set -St end beet facilities tw twain, t week are prepared OD de b sieeu is th•ttIlse at prey.Ooderick.. th t osenot he Imams and of a quality that cannot be wepaseed.- Teresa Cash FRIDAY, MARCH !lar. 111114. BOW M('WAT if -AS T1' " UU. ' Snsec the days ..f Guy Fawkes, when a bend of conspirators attempted to sunder • government t y means .'( • gunpowder explosion, no such piece (4 political res- e•Ilty hes been perpetrated as that which was unearthed and brought before the gaze el the public on Monday even- ing by the Attorney -General at Toronto. On that .occasion it was Mated on the floor of the Legislative Auoembly that an attempt had been trade to corrupt cer- tain Liberal members "f the Legislature, by John A. 11ilkoes's ("Ake Push"„ ('bns W. limiting, manager of the Mlu.l, E Meek. a lawyer, and F. S. Kirkland, and a man named Lynch, two Yankee sr.eculat•.n. Meek and Bunt- ing appear to Le the chief agents in THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MARCH 21, ISM refers mould base Lees souk end Mr Bunting would Mee been kept within the shadow of the "tall tower." le) Mr. )Meredith deans say pommel knowledge of the oo4epi eey. We dost behove Mr. Meredith, and fur thus reams : We heard Mr. Meredith, in Went Mid- dlesex, deny that Jivers Weeks bad sworn to an mMdarit that he knew to be false ; and yet when the matter came op for iareetigetion before atagistrate Hue oak, it was admitted by Meredith that be drew MP the affidavit end gut Weeks to sign it Weeks, on that 000meion, said the affidavit was "too strong," bet Meredith quieted the flan of the simple fellow, sod cajoled him into committing perjury by telling him that be "mold • se;himthrough." The piece whereMere- dith denied knowledge of the ease teeth - .Sr than what he had learned by having his attention drawn to the published et- hdavit of James Weeks was in Albert Hall,Strathruy, in presence of the writer ins cnnspiruy, ani s•aainson ani Kirkland have Leen the active tools. This "brawling breed .4 bnb•rs, hatched under the eaves of the Mee building," as Hoa Christopher Frazer styled them, did not intend t.. use powder er dyna- mite to blow um. the Government, but had resorted te the must despicable system of bribery by money and often d position, go teat thereby anpgortei of the Mowat Government might be enticed from their allegiance, and tempted to cut the in - Soonest with the isarty in the House led by Mr. W R. Meredith. The rascals she played time role of tempters worked zealously in their un- righteous cause. ,aid had 1t u't been that the aupperters of Huts. O. Weal are, to a .nen, uitpurcbamble, senses would have eventually crowned the nefarious scheme. se persistent were they in the base work. Amongst those who were approached were : Role. McKi.u, M. P P. fur W'eliington, wh . was paid $1,000 cash, and offered another 11,000 and the shrievalty of Reels= ; W. D. KaKour, M. PP. for South Essex, who receive i $800, was premised another 1700, and a shrievahy in the North-West on the fall of the Mowat Government ; Dr. Canoed - en, M. PP. for Elgin, who was offered money and the shrievalty of Regina, Graham, of Lsntbton, who wastes° offer- ed the shrievalty of Regina, and Lyon, of Algoma, ler. Dowling of h. Renfrew, Murray of N. Renfrew, and Gibson, of Hamilton, who were approached in a fashion which, it was thought, would most easily entioe. To the credit of the gen- tlemen named, and to the honor of the Liberal party, the prep -eels from the vil- lainous crew of temiders were, in every instance, laid befure the heads cf the Government which they were asked to betray, and the steps taken towards en- trapping the scoundrels which culminat- ed on Monday evening. A fell account of the doings of the bribers will be f.,end elsewhere in this *co. bort tbereere a few points'e which we would direct the atten11..n ..1 our aeadea, via : (J.) The villainy of the would Is runt. .n is condemned by every newspaper ii Toronto. accepting the Moa, whose manager figures with the culprits. The Mehl# (itefermi, the W.efd (Pwtestwu Keil the No. r(Democratic),the TrlryropA (Ind. and the (,inadien (They:, a11 de- nounce it in unmlasared terms. (2." N. members of the t opposition had the hardihood to Attempt to exon - *rate the scoundrels implicated, except- ing Meesra Mer. lith., Morns and ('lsrke (Toronto). 1'...sibly these three mem- bers Md a p:evince kn .wledge ..f the coospiraey, sn : eery personally interest- ed. (3. • MOWS. \lcrrdttli. M .rt is and Werke denounce., the conduct .d Mese. McKie stud B•i(..•tr fur listening to 11e eotaw of the templets, and accepting the money and luring the onion •.ti. How .las could testimony se lizieut to :.env ict leave been obtaksed ageism the reseals • (4.) The Mwa dories that Mr. Renting hod anythhg brut a aaswl soquaintanc. with Kirkland, and says the former had beard that the letter had a grievance against the Government, in the matter ..1 timber limits, and as a journalist. t..44 interviewed him,and had thee browse ,.• • geaineedwithlhins. Christopher W Bow- ies posing as • incineraie, will I..- news t.. the j -wrneliuio Mnf.sso,.t Kerry one who knows Ranting is perfectly well aware that he could not report s dog- fight, much lees interview a man with a Rrieesaeo against the Government. sr. that political capital eoold he made edi tonally by t1. Moil. It F. R K irk land led to W iutsrviewed, bale If imeentake and 1200 others ; and the time was Tues- day evening, twenty-four hours alter he had coaxed the silly young man from Pio. 3, Csrsdoc, to sign a document that he knew to be (aloe, by telling him that he (Meredith) "would see him through" In business mitten Mr. Meredith's word may be of some account, but politically it is worth nothing to the estirnation of those who knew hien. The foregoing references are in reply towns. of the point& which have thus far been raised by those dishonest politi- cians who have, in pass and ley voice, endeavored to palliate the ;rascality of the gang of political Thugs who eudear- ored by the baaeet bribery to destroy the constitutional working of the Govern- ment of 1 intarie. Tia Algoma protium mast have bees drawn up by the editor of the Meif. The clauses cLarntug tb. ONariu Gw- etrement end Messrs. Mowat, Hardy, Pardee end Young with .11 the sorrupt practices that a Tory agent oaeld imagine, have been etrusk net by Jodge Burton as net oely "irrelevant," bet senadiJoua " Tut Toronto Nein has been taking the measure of the leading Opposition members. "Meredith," it remarks, "is looking pale, wan, and wearied. No wonder. He is engaged front 8 *:N. to L" 1/.1n. on business in the Legislature. Hes the Atlas who been on his should- ers the whole responsibility of the Op- position. Carne,1ie, u a financial critic, and sten as a debater, has disappointed everybody. Wood wants experience, u well ae accuracy. Ennatinger n talk- .tire, but net forcible. Creighton is ( really the only pretence of support left Ito hint, and Creighton, although Indus- t trews and painstaking, is a feather- weight compared to any member of the Mowat Ministry." Tilt Tories are finding fault with the members who were approached by the bribers in the L ceLJjeu.e because they did tut at once spurn the offers, and thus, scan them off. Does it not strike our Tory frieds teat the beat way to se- cure the com er:tion of the rogues was to let them commit themselves, and then bring the law to act. WiILie.a'nn and Kirkland were ellowd too commit them- selves, and Bunting and Meek are ac- cessories before the feet. The "jacks- has jacks -has been taken teat of the Opposition pack by Mowat this time, end the little "joker" ie playing the mischief with them. CUUIMmrsce W. Burrow, of the Mail, is endeavoring to lift himself out of the mud by the bootstraps. He is now denying that he has had any con- nection with the Wilkinson -Kirkland gang, and will, before the week is over, e ndeavor to show that Kirkland, the American, is the guilty party. if Bunt- ing really wants to get off easily he ought to does rascals do in other kinds ..1 lawbreaking. One of the rogues generally turns Queen's evidence, and thus saves himself from the full p.en- alir. The "Limerick boy" would make a fine informer, if nothing else. 11. C. Cimino*, M.P. for West Huron, reoenely objected to the vote of Mr. Abbott, wise desired to vote ea a hill for the benefit of the C. P. R., for which oumpeny the latter is solicitor. The lipe•ker decided against Mr. Comm ata that night, but ..n the following day r* versed his decision, and vindicated the member for West Huron. Mr. Cameron is a master of parliamentary practice. Wogs the Tory majority et Ottawa, from *hoer ,idictiven.ss, voted dews M. C. Cameron's bill to permit persons charged with a criminal "Ione. to give evidence on their own behalf, we mule the remark that some of them, er their fri.n.l., might yet wish that such • law prevailed. The Med is now beating the air became the raacab who teed to bribe the i.egislature cannot give te•etinio rev on their •.wit beheif. Tarr t buten. to...erninent has the en.ragc of its c.nv.ctions on the I1.10 r lemma* .1114511.41. in reply 10 a 90,17 from the 1tpp. iui.Ae one day- last week, RUM. Mr. Fraser, for the (h,tano Gov- erwment.',ate.l'hat hceosem under the Ontario Act. who ."hotrod the (Ontario Ilaw, would be protected against peen eesthwi and pee 'euti..n by the ihtm,nien 'authorities. M C. CAwtioe s arrstgnment rel T,p ler '.n the High Commissioner matter n mid Ay the Toronto News t.. have beer. "an erosllent lawyer's ape•eb " His spo rah ..n lbs Orange geestiea ties vtg.w.em, mod sallies to the Tory wire - Aocoaanw to come keel Tories the crime of "Big Posh' and his confider - aloe is, not that they tried to etrrupt the legislature with bribes, bet that they wen fuund out. That all Caiiservatives of Huron hold that stew, burettes, we do not believe. Tet Toronto /Wipeout holds that the Ontario G.vernment is quite right is pretesting against the Dominu.0 Govern- ment taking over the proviesial railways without as much as seyisg, "by your leave." CELEBRATING THM "17TH." Aide Lecture es 'aThr bleb at Rome sad Abroad." by Elev. W. R. Meerte, .t /Ow - sherbet as Rarefies* Musical Trent by te Choir. The anniversary of the death ref Ire- land's patron saint was celebrated in Goderich by • sacred concert by the choir and outside assistance, and a l.C- ture by Rev. W. It Harris, P.P., B.T., of Newmarket, on the subject, "Th. Irish at Hem. and Abroad." The coo - own was highly successful, and the sing- ing of Mies Wynn, who had kindly Tent her assistance to the choir, was particu- larly admired. Mr. Rubinson also gave some acceptable solos, and the playing of Mies Cooke, the organist, was of • high order. Tbm principal feature of the evening, however, was rat LittTCat, which was one of the best efforts .1 the kind that we have heard to Goderich. The rev. lecturer 1s a stalwart young Irishman, oTer six feet in ►eight, .4 pow- erful frame and gored presence. Hu lec- ture "hewed that the lA,5aesioan of brawn and brain were not incompatible. After introducm4 his subject in • clear and succinct ni.uuter, he asked the question, "How faati it in Ireland, to -dry 1" and answered it by reeding a 1.t - ter from the London Timmy, written by General Gordon '"Chines. Gurdon,") in 1883. The letter showed that the Irish people were suffering under •o cruel a system of land laws and other diseteli- ties that it was a wonder their social status did not sick below that of the Indian, the Ni gni, the Turk or the Hin- d.... in- du.. Had the letter t., the Times been written by anyone other than General Gordon it might- be contended by oppo- wets of reform fur Ireland that it wee written foto. a partisan standpoint, but no nue would presuwe in say that the accredited agent of Etglezid in the Sue - dao would wilt. notelet the uanuer in which Ireland wee inier_overued, if there were no strum, cr..uuds for complaint. Uufertunately every writer on the con- dition of Ireland and the Irish was not as honest as General Gordon. Then were three things that 'militated much against the bettering .f Ireland's state, viz : miarejreseutatu..n, prejudice and hatred. Misrepresentation of the Irish people eu the part of • certain portion of the prey, and misrepresentation in the stage Irishmen -who was always portrayed as • loud -mouthed, ignorant blusterer ; prejudice against the Irish be- cause of their "brogue," and the fact fiat having been almost debarred from education in the old land. they had not become cultured ; and hatred of Eng- land by 'he descendants of the nen and women who had been doyen from the land of their fathers by the hand ..f op- "Et'eracs THa Oe'wr. 'Our new premiums. After refemng to the penal .te,ry wiH be begun nestnweek.-$I will code and other enactments against leek- Tet SION•L for the re indoe of o1►a in the olden time : to the present 1*4' obnoxious land laws: to the baneful .ye- Mia Rendall and her daughter, Mrs tem of landlordism . to the evils emote- Tient oo- G.ortpe McCollosmh, of Clinton, werethe t Tient upon the selecting of placeIn•n. rite of Mn Black, West street, this timeservers, castle -hacks and informers ' wvek• ley to override the people,and theoeownt Rom. very necearepairs duet* unfortunate condition of the Irish at toteth pier are benne aearynicd coat tinder home: the rev. lecturer wave to his midi- she supeuntenden.x of Mr. James Ad- midison. John Smith returned to Gederich. af- ter an ahs.nce of some years -in time NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ebbe, ye. taalr• setae. As (aids Y'tlemma it. Tom Tana. Ask for the '-1ietld Oemturt- .r "llltvette- Yed.r•te► sitar. Net year sen paper .ad eavet.pes wamped at Itarle'a Over tee hundred usrrrsnasiT 0asai.111e u kyr*' trod birthday cards to awe' frees at !mete% beet stere. Ise advertisement .( Jas wutaiers R sen. epoet ►s you bare s• their bp bay Wars V••• It Wan paper sad newer. Milk =seal palls • specialty. The cheapest Mw ender the sea. We will seen have opens sew. sad the mtf tl at posture will soon M! tdtlad ; but (1. Hobson titre .ae.11ea1 phote.rsphs all the year read at the oerp.r of Hamlltos-et.. and the square. bests in the new .,.dilea government were te bo Mewed to two or three Liberals, het Grits and Tories who lake ends ler 155.41 at hallows sea be in Ws ewaiad rictuses. (till and see s..5.K/ of his !sleet work le groups e c mese. • . that the Mailroom of 010 - los rea•rdisg the luality of tk. Crooks set win subside. bet whether It deer sr set. obs Mies 1.'-eriate..se that 1. that W. L. Mor - toe's is ase .er.mi r Meese Mese of Gederteh. &easter JIct'bses.s threatens a libel salt .a 1aM Hes. 0. Memo for oseeeWirus him wit► "H1. Push.' but the* main* mabe COM - pared to ole webby alts turned oat bj-_F. A. Iridbnm, the fashionableallerselet,le with moderate prlo.a ...?111111111. papers.nd dsenrate.is resolved this week at /mote's best wiltingMums yet ows Ia Goderich ter beauty la &Me .s eerlag sad cheapness This is what is mild b than who have seen t►em. Goad papas• hest ince p r rell upwards. The largest .fork west of h mst.toe-hoer fre k. isspectlo. melted, New sleek of lissasr patterns to hand. T. Saanites hem gone to St. Louis. James A. Mclutesh is buying wood for the G. T. 11; The bicycler' are getting their ma- chines in order. Geo. Wilson, Maple st., has been very i11 for moms time. Jantee Wilkinson returned from Port Colborne last week. E. K Wide, the Bruseels lawyer, was in town on Tuesday. A. McD. Allan has been laid up by a severe cold this week. Harrison Tyler, of Beffair), has been spending some days in town. Mrs. Coombs. of Hyde Park, was the guest of Mrs. H. Spence last week. J. 1) Luttrell was in Detroit purchas- ing tobacco leaf for his cigar factory. Levi Card, a new arrival, is .bout to open a tailor shop en Hamilton street. H. S. H.elnnes, of Tltedfnrd, Attended of the perneer settlers of this town, and the funeral of engmear Smith on lien - in former years did • geed business as a e new iron steamer at Port Col- turner. His veld shop still stands on the borne are to be lighted by the electric Huron real. Many a farmer's wife will light remember the time when she took her E. Maloomcon, who has been s ni. order for a spinning .heel W bis shop. ing some tone in Hamilton, a home DI,'uNcn To Liar& -It was current - again. ly rum..red a sheet time ago that our A mission will be opened st St. Pe- r••Vedcitizen, Dr. H. (i. Ma.Kid, ter's on Passion Sunday by Miseionary was shoot tn remove to S.a(crth to fst- Fathers. Miss Emma Kidd, of Dublin. 1s the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. Ryan, of Goderich. Miss Tine McDougal has returned to Termt.., and is the guest of her sister, Yrs Kielty. Th. !salt Association will held all its reeuler meetings in (:'derich during the coming season. By our sdrerewsyt a•elution H sill W mess Nat the old "Woodbine' has bore ehaeged to the Huron betel, end that a ...psrtnersh.p has beau established be- tween Misers Crag and Ben Seeks The new awn will l'n4r• a strong teals he the hotel besieges. J..hn Waddell .truck is right Kent sea - mm when be peeked oyer four lama ut better and preserved it by the gefrigera- toe premise It is an excellent quality sed far ahead et the tallow -like cone 'nudity palmed off on the public by the winter o'w. - (Chatham Buser. Mies Wells, who reached town from Winnipeg lei Saturday evening. is the aeon ut her brother, Lambert Wells. Mss Wells speaks highly of the elwate of the Nerthweet,and during three years residence in that distant region eLe bad never been troubled with that most dis- tressing malady, a cold. Fabian Feu MT. -Scum excellent speci- mens of pears and apples are now on view iu the window of Old, the grower. They have been keit through the wnuter b J C LsTuceel f "Chenydele Oeumeodere Adssmlm repived a few days see ea oil piMfig of the tdosaemr A rtb•beeka, the het .1 the Q k'. lh lbs and the so that he is to etrssaseed lido 5.5.04. The railing V by Clues, the w ell hoeing marina artist t slows a line hooking ses.reor with bleak hull and red bottom, tipper cables, pike hoses u One with the desk, two WAWA -0 fore u tast mud use well all. WO' schooner sagged ; ems fuuuel She h... the .p- perrasce of emelt a ti..e, roomy bost,and as her dttamist. pts are ....tow hat larger than throe . 1 the ('ward k:u'luw tt lul- lurs that .he weal ire a eporivlt.l pameem - ger mad freight Carrier. The Commodore hes tess'u to be p-' .:tel ' •f 111.e hartrr mf being wtected too usu.uetid suck a hood- oos. craft. -- [iiariiev Oh.erter. Htrr!1 . Tis -tee. W1'ed...+day mune nig Moe Hattie s.u.tla. our moo c.tuueble y..uog lobs., w:,e merited to H. A. J.we.rs.ur, of en.tt'eed. The weeding was a quiet one, int the Dupe - lardy ..1 the hr,de'css w..nit.ated by the uuwl.er of valuable and pretty gilts made her. Auuong them were : - Gold sad diamond set jewelry H. A. Jamie - Zone" and are iu a remarkably line see advt. fruit treiMe. J- to Nellie; diver coffee urn. Mr Mrs e.ltethor; terry dais condition. A running stream iu the en fu silver. fir and )tri4; . w: surer epees butder, ]Ion. t'...tepi.er.4.to : ether esisry building equalized the temperate's. J. C. Martin, and John McBride, dei'' Fannie 54.1 Hert.e ettit; silver sire hotelkeepers of this town, are already sl 110 ash ahead by refusing to take out a Dominion limon. A government bill ie loess, to be introduced suspending all penal- creel Sheaved lire lxrty : sUtrr ptotl..rwK ties incurred under the Act until the- lyra p easna M. se trtse'11 : ail -'silver ise puddler Supreme Court decides a test tuns. This dials. Mr l'. Morton, Matreai : surer vase. is a mild way of backing out of the difs- culty. Owing to the pressure upon our col- umns, caeasi.med b the publication of the Benting-Meek ilkinaon-Ktrkland- Lynch conspiracy to debauch the Lecisla ten, the correspondence of our old friend Addenda is crowded out this week. It will appear in our next issue. It will contain some interesting reflect- Miler. thiatun: oil painting. Mies ho ions upon the subject of "How men Janie Gordan: watncotored ps4Mt Mass B. Hai. : two scroll banm.n. etre R )(.y should part their hair. bold.: howl painted pin gnWtoa. etre W. T Nonce ro TI .Bait.. -The Eiu0tien I Hay.. band p.tnted n t 1 battles Mrs 1R. keyadd.. senor : hand palated tidy Mem Department has just issued the revised Grafton. Laadas: lace tie Mn R. B. bn.11h ; regulations in regard to the examine- macrame tads. Min t'b•rras► Tase'to: bracket. Miss Bruce : pair wallpoeken. MIA tions next July. We shall in our next (,..tomb;paalr wool rust,, MW $leesuel, t issue give a summary of the principal climes : tidy. Mese tbestr•Nl; pinto of Illruy- Ichanges, which relate chiefly to the "Tay .Mir`A drew,; Vel; p.ilumerl.)' subjects and percentages for examination. Jordan. and to the conditions on which renewals ustrueat.-it te our painted duty this d Third will be guaranted. week. to record the death ul our esteem - Death has been buoy the pest week. led t.'wusinan, Willem' Smith. engineer Mr. John McLeod did Sunday at the G. T. K , ..f inflammation d the bowel*, age of 76 years. Mr. McLeod was one. at the ace• .4 O years 3 Mouths. Mr. ,Smith was :: native ..f fieekam Herber, Durham, Kntla.d, and commenced his life use engineer, in Soetland, oe the line between Berwick-upon-Tweed and Edinburgh, where he remained for two ears. After his marriage he left for the United States, where he took his position es engineer on an American line, and at the end of four years came to Canada and took an engine on the Western, then his t"edial practice This we are which he kept 9 years, ed afterwards ' tilled fouisimsl and faithfully for 24 his friends, decided to to continue bis years, when death claimed kink for ha practice amongst us.-{Locknow Senti- "len. Mr. timith was on. d the het eel. who. joined the Brotherhood d Engir1ses The G. T. R. will run a special ex- established 14 Pius *CO and was bJ cureion train for Of points in Montana, that order laid in the tomb. T. J. Oregon, Washington Territory, British Looney, chaplain d that body, aasistine Columbia, Dakota and Manitcbs byy the R.v. Mr. Turn_ball in the flawsl services all rail route on Wednesday, March, u th. h,.uas sd grave. A special nein 26th. Superior accommodation and low wit sent up "e Sunday with three ems rates. Fur full perticulan apply to A. containing'niners u( the B,othsrbood Str•iton,agent G. T. IL on H. Armst cnc. from different points. and other friends town ticket agent G. T. R. and agent of deceased. The floral gifts were very Allan Line. Goderich. handsome, the most beautiful Woe a P. J. Sullivan, the well-known imple- pillow the gift of Mrs. Ellsolt, his dish. Mabel l,etlur, elms oak. Lone', es Jamieson. Stratford ; silver esti reviewer. Mr. and Mrs. Faber. ('lessen: ether au Mret1. H. linter; silver beery dish. lir Mrs. Rldley ; pair sh1►mNr vases. Mr. tad Mrs. H. Jan t(taetlwd ; solver pickle Miss emma Cox ; mover veer. Mr sad Mra Colborne : silver rano. Mrs Geo. Acheson ; sil- ver breektaat cruet Mr and Mn t'erktss, Peterborough ; tleo.11,., cruets illan cremate l'ubourg : sliver crisis Idles Fowler, Louisa - silver 'bimble. Miss ('ux: chits fruit me, bead painted. Mr end Mr.C,•tensa.Toronto ; cbNr are is ' Ica ..et. Mr and Mrs R. keys ids; c it dish. lin Wm. Acheloos: oh hurt plate., '.Igor. C.lender. CUatea; set of . arrer,. Mr and Mr. T. Campbell: glees Ink mind Mm Leach ' head galsted use. Mr and din lir Taylor; ell ealntlr.g. batt da S. Platt has received orders from II. Y. Attrill's legal adviser ' fill up the dams at his mill. Miss Moulton, from Japan, spoke and sane in the North street Methodist church, ou Wednesday evening. The alterations at the harbor mill are progressing steadily, between forty std nual roauda As is npreaenting the' of l..N.den. Mn. M. G. Camefwm feed fifty men being engaged thereon. S.Sgmiller Chilled Plow Cu., of this 1 Mn. Linn Crawford ale, .stet beautiful The Saltford brewery started malting place, and has •bendj reported fair nuc -1 wreaths which were left epos the 0811. last Thursday and; is making prepare- oma P. J. S. is making • specialty of ! lid. The funeral was very terve The tion* for the spring and summer trade..M the Seegmiller plow for the coming vee- I firemen and encineers preceded the Rev. Fr. Magee, of London, hae, and is not handling any other im-' carnage., and lent an impressive air M s goneven in the discharge of his parochial duties. s. to Ashfield to assist Rev. Fr. Boosting plement. He intends making it more the rarle,r.. popular that. ever in Western °sterio. ssetiom gat,Boosting More power to bin. t Gka'way API Bt -anti Snot'. -John All pante: gent le b10. g their saki printed et MecTeggert her opened out on Victoria I this *Mee well get • tree astir* inserted is Lad, to any is not the ease es the doctor took the post on t G. T. R, which be iia., at the request of a large number e[ 7 meat man of Goderich and vicinity, ' daughter, and cram and anober the g started Tuesday morning last on his an . of the ladies Mrs. Burt and Yrs Aims once • view of the Insh abroad_ In France: in the United States, in Auretre- lie and in Canada, the Irish, although at Met looked upon with enspieioo, were *nasally winning for themselves place* in the history of the respective coun- tries, were surely gaining puei• tion wperior to the hewers of wood and drawees of water. and were making their street, near D. K. Strachan's machete shop, an. 1.1 the neatest groceries in town. He keep a well smarted stock, tbb li.1 up tot a time ot sale. Auction male of implements and how - hold furniture, the Property d Mr. t'v- and hs prices are among the lowest. He er Pennington, on his premises, nit to Gide- has also in connection a well equipped old tavern, Huron road, Godn butcher shop, which is • icon to the rich township, by John Knox, onetime pee,ple living in that pert of the tows.ever, at 1 o'clock p. m. , on Friday, Marek Mr. McTaggart makes a specialty of 28th, 1Afi4. ttpiaed meats, pork, etc.. and is already Auction sale of a Caret, bang the pewee • thriving trade Wes commonly known as "the glow farm,.. composed ..t the easterly half .f On Friday evening the usual fortnight- the westerly half .ef 1. to be with his mother in her hour of ly entertainment •4 the H. S. L. society ship of Ashfield, at Bailey's hotel in tn. .Miction. took place at the High mdool, The town 1.1 Goderich, by George Coote, Jasnkes A. McKay returned home on ' Programme which was a good one. esu auctioneer. at 1 o'clock p. m. ofd &ter- Fnday, having diapoed ..f the larg Is(oll..ws : Solo, Miss Flo Horton ; reel- day, Lfareh 29th, 1884. quantity of frozen fish stored in his taboo, Moa Williams ; reading, Mr. Auction ole of farm stock nod empire northern store house. Carroll ; recitatem. Miss Cameron ; r.- menta, the pr,perty of J. C. LeTonssl, citation, Min Winging ; reading, Mr. Eoer. on the premises Brahma • ; chorus, Miss Murray, and Memera Halla, Seshorne and Hogarth ; ceding, air. Pentland ; soh,, Mr. See. Rinne : whines' selections, Miss Tighe. influence felt in the Legislation of what- Miss Sophie Gordon had charge of ever ooantry in whv-h their lot was cast. bliss Watson a class in the Central school What was wanted in Ireland at the pres- ' last week. Miss W. being unable te at - sol time was • pullament in Dublin tend through sickness. fur purposes .4 Leal legislation, similar to that with wliuzh we in Ontario were blessed. Then with the spreading "f educate ,n he inculcation of temperance, has been pushing business the establishment of manufacturing en A. Meilen, the am tenoning to gine work to the surplusams builder. is out sgriewtur•l population, the fostering ut with •sprint advottnement. He is mak- the industrious habits which the Irish int; • apecesity e.( side -Sar haggis, 1f and, above all, the heneficent 70. weals waded"„viIlt.his show room ing o1 Almighty God, geed -dwys " '-' metal- esterlsia .vet under the would yet to to store for dear old Ire- auspieca of tbo H. ll. L R. will be held Wide in Vict:uia Hall eel Friday evening next. At the 1.'s of the lecture Rev. B. J. !'Res entertainments always command a Watters, pastor of St. i'cter's, on behalf I rrnwded house. cf those preeent,thanked the lecturer for, gf1r, __ Partin !test ng allccounts his admirable discourse. He felt ere that ail present had beer instructed and Fest Mr. .1 Y. for examiwnation, a on, as edified by the disc .ores .hich had fallen pr• esent them at once for examinatiem, as from the ides of the rev. gentleman. A Pleasing feature of the lecture had been that solid truths were t.Jd in an miter - Mr. Bono, of the Huron seep works, has just returned from a tap tnreugb some .d the western count;es, where he is mana_rr. Mr lleeend.r Mann, is e broot t.. leave Goderich. The schooner Jen. McL...d. belonging taming manner. ■red he hoped that it 10 Capt. Dausey' n being thornughly re- w..uid b. hs Priv dear to list.., to the .tied up for next season's trade. Rhe rev. gentlemen again at n.. distant dab, will he moiled by Capt. J. W. Gress, who upon a (k.derich pl.tf..rsr.. The pester is well known as • goal skipper. also thanked the large number of setter- Wm. °neve, of " lesimente" fa, li . atoll brethren wire were present, and who Kdlop, dropped unto oar •snot. w had e'm...:1 night to linen to • I tt'edn.sda7 He was Mhbliog seer wj{b ttp,..J Irak, , t.+s...ed •.1 notel:u delight •t the way that "Rio Psah'" win g,nor an.1 vii.',-'... 1r.'Ne, deliver • ler luAbrad. nare. upon the "lh et Home and The meetinv was bought to a eines by 11.• teenage( "Rt. Patriot' 's Dtty," ea the "roma. Anewmg the... prem s dl,.ts,w, present ere 'vowed Rev :sir. C.e-..ian, from Tee.water, Rev lets IYOimusr, freer. W.wane.►, sed Mown T. Kidd. 8.s- frwib, sad Joe Kidd, er., rtaNia. Matey .4 the irishmen preset* of all Breeds, were the tint. -honored .bene ek is the heeds et their eawkessa kin«on and his e. nfed.rates had fallen into the pt. Thns Cowherd and family have mt* fortiori from Point ledwerd where they spent the wirier. it will he remember- e d Mr. Cowherd had his log a pftyd Ie* wn.m.r, and has .ort yet rtipissd his wooled strength. This has been the dullest winter 1. the tailoring hu. Ooderieh bee mese feet meq • year. A member of hands Imes hems owl of booed for mise time, and the est- ionk m net a bright one, although, to emotes, bubo* will pick up next mama A parlor concert wee given last Friday exening at the residence of 11. Hutchi- son, which resulted in adding twenty- live went - ive dollars to the funds d Knox church. The nr.ogramme, among others,emhracsd the following Bong, Mr. R. R. Wil• Hams : song, Mr Henderson : song, Miss Smeeth ; song. Moss Lizzie Kay ; quer• tette, )tease. W.ih•ma. Vidal, Hendee - men and Rohe.'n ; reeding, Mr. Malden - sen : reeding, Mr. Foote ; die/ogee, Mimes M Cameron and Lassie Diektom and Mr, Duncan. itgrtwy - An inquest was held on Tuesday last at the gaol on the body of Wm. Burgess, an indigent pauper who died there from the effects of • cancer in the leg. Burgess is the fifth pauper that has died in gaol since December. The usual formal verdict was returned. There are six or eight mod and infirm paupers still in gent, ono ought to be in an in- firmary or house of refuge. It will pa. .illy he pleasant news to t3e reeves who upp,"e the erection a4 s poorhouse to learn that the paupers die off so fast in The Chatham Ranee bee the fellow - "Wilmer Rsnith, of G.deoieh,wntes dee flciestibe American on the subject ef the froomult experiment, by whine it was enpposed • practices dentenstretion of the axial motion of the ..rtll had been arrived at. Mr. Rmith manifests mnMieersMe talent in dealing with the subject and would like to ae• a test mod. with ton pendulums, ewe of wood sed the other of mgel ; mid favors the opinion thee the alteration in tea pane .4 vibration will prose to 1e due Me tamc mode inflame." sed ret be Wel notkse see the earth." Farm," Maitland con., township of Col- borne, near lienmilkr, by John Knox, aectioneer, et 1 o'clock p m . on Thera- -day, Apel 3rd, 1884, leo Rewires Auction sole of • valuable farm, being the property known an ''Cleerrydale Farm,' (recopied by Mr. J. C. L situated within half • mile of thev;11sKp d Benmiller, in the township d 0.1- horns, at the C.olbonte inlet, by John Knox. eeetiosssr. et 1 webs& Int • on Saturday, the 6th of Appal, God is love ; and, toward the feller prt e.aton and friiition of tin there ere fs Mt the straight rood-devollna. Other things are good and useful ; one i• vital --heart eiNameniou with Gd. We may well fear that not only the wired, but the church a1en, is growing too base bay. lar every human being then are now grains of gold. When ones down, ever by inni•cr tion o1 hie own, do not gloop to throw additional mod sprat him. Strive rather 1.. reach him • belpitig bud, to extricate him from t3e mire b which he is wallowing. Tin 15 ire, manhood. The crown is in tise distance, bee the glory is already bawwn. The immeehl• it; which o.tl ..s twee Mire '. est surwemetr,l et the day ,d itsearrediau; hot it .tane from that threshold over which the ransomed soul pea into the radiant joys awl hlimhl wipent.ods§ Paradise. God make" ermine of great Be leeks@ .mn.. of 1105 and look as if they most .rush ; some strew. that some an light, and yet ere t>• Imo difficult to carry ; SWIM Be makes el gold .lel purities otor."a, that der' eye, sad emit. the envy (4 •F owls* bot ie reality areas well able, so phew .etch are M• 4 1 4 1