The Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 2c111U O* K*NMII$. _ here es eapwd, they will then require HOUSSheb ItMts
MAN anti sersibig: the former reseal
tartyeM tieerwe tl mase. w tiea she. is erre* • wash ee &Me . dissolved M ?Afloat& owe, — nine Vyoperi'
Mee. water ; the .sea due glee is ad hghles ; moms WWI water ; seek
as geed as see ether ; Met salt OKfide' home ;}aer ell the tester ; pet ems
is mid water shoot twelve IMP .wad qot gig a1Yk over the dee ; oboe it
thee addbet Indic until lb' lttltle� its lbs yulka d tams ages sed
W. L atlm
1I••Lts D. D.
"kg. *Rh Wheel an beer is lied
I nd1*Rhy s advertised as the time
Me the esmmeaeesset d sell f las wee.
ip. as e has • right to diets* •
, - isike rapt • .
Mode. 114. awed' lie the
swans Y�mall retheir sautes in
ase P
He post of profess ahead be in-
ce either eor glees. •nses-
laity hta pace that .hood be coveted
•aktve ed. There is ea iavostwu
wes • berry wheel marks its mvelu-
•ad tie number of miles it runs.
in sot some cosies Sweat •e appara-
tus Mat son sneered, n be aanged, w that when
tie tardy ones enter their pew • bell
wait ring, or as lades torn, or • little
It 1
whale at oval if the walls have A oda Mu *how stk In wawa;
he glIne
w 418,4
b-. time frsRt a Road dilgw , s w• hems � Sit with m-
ike proc. =bear me tee soak wee le
mks iisidle�stas�isma tsi�lpert�d+.sols. a•t; To petlMMo f march. NMI enol b fled
"the wail elt sed t =of
week leeks
Pe mai •MMI N mei
atwp•as, fire. 11•"7.wu'a 1.10."_,.., ; wet is � and male i pada
it with waist .r t as t't , tlt� ' e•w4 dean the area ler
tack it os. over the damp epi isilMal
when it is dry paste over it pm mer ted y a he .
r Tri
p'es is. pgpt as use ids' .rat- Can while hot, .r pet sway is pers.tai uE the blank .trip dose to the pate
tato • tome as eighth d w flab of the demos.
me House •tutos.—The middle dim el
�es'ere amen e soca and also from tMrrdt bag, sod boil a ymmtter .f
is on the rite side fur a lap. =Wan is the best. Claw SP remota ie a
d the
the door to the toiling. and them eat the do to the pound in bot, waited
wear. When dime. erwmp with erre,
sod lay opus s but dish, taking dare nut
to break it. Have ready a harp capful
of draws butter, very rich, is which hes
bees stirred a tablespoonful of missed
pen y and the joss* of a lemon. Pour
draft open the salmon. sad carve the rest
in a butt. elarnisbsd with psreley wad
diced eggs.
bird bop feat of the clock, and sing 'Coo- paper in lengths required. The mo-
ose. eoo-oos; behind time. behind time.' eases taut be used over windows and
Neer look ,nand to see who is con- doors. Work all Depots to the left is
lug in when the dour epees. Observe ' han.utg them. 1f pusmble. have the
the apostolic injunction, 'This is the one lapping juin- hoe the Itgbt. Whoa the
I do ; furyetting flu thingsper- paste is applied the paper s'tuuld be laid
that are behind, I lis (look] fur- wrong side up .n a long table ; take a
brash full of psste,and beeris from left to
right ; double over the pater as yea pro -
seed. Some times it is better to Line the
paper when it is extremely delicate in
tint. Paper lining comes is large rolls.
and is generally bought by the yard ;
paste it on the wall without over -lapsing
the seams, k is a very bad plan to pa-
per over old hangings ; them should be
removed by dampening with • large
sponge ora soft cloth ; the paper will
clow up and can be quickly removed by
tearing it eft in pieces. When a length
of paper is hong p over the surface with
an old cloth. pressing gently • this pro-
ms' will rive smoothness to the hanging
and will remove ell air babbles. The
It is quite as i11 mannered to look
round to see wbu the tardy taw are as
H is to be tardy. 1t also disturbs your
devotions, if you have any, diverts your
attention from the .armors, or whatever
e:ereise is tinder way and is diseourtsas
to the leader el the services.
Never talk or whisper in church,
especially after the ezercises are opened.
To do this indiestes one of three tenets
—lightness of spirit, thoughtlessness as
to'jorr own good name and the charac-
ter of the place .r ocossios. or intention-
al disrespect to the .ebj.ct of religion
sad regimens people. hither and all are
▪ e ia.scwhe
able and reprehensible.
Never pull out your watch to see what l best paste is made of rye dour ; for an
time it is when the test is announced, as,ordinary liar room .bout two quarts ut
male as to say, •I'll time that sermon, pasts will be needed; holdup two pounds
if I don't feed on it,' and then exhibit a of hoar in gold water, be sore that there
chronic nervousness and itching restless- are no lumps, then add • little gum are -
sees by snapping open your hunting cans laic water ; boat all this in well, thea add
a half dozen times during its delivery, e. about an ounce of pulverised alum ; now
the infinite annoyance and supreme lie pour into the kettle boiling water, stir -
test of all who are so unfortunate as to ring all the time ; just as seem as the
be your neighbors is the church. And flour thickens the paste is ready, but
thee, when .he benediction is scarcelyttest not bo used until quite clotpronounced, do not show your lack of . et
astu mete in this iasuner is extremely
skill as a time. keeper by remarking t', !adhesive. The tools required area long
brother Junes. with watch in hstel : pasteb.rnl, ldu,nleleal, paste brush,
That sermon WA%lust forty-one minute'. stepladder, and trimming shears.
nineteen sec•.uda and a half long. .1
1-40-e-tle to.. liens : "tight to have lee otr Ira liners In a Telegraph sere.
the net minute, uoieteen seconds 1111
half,' 'But wee the text undid.-r.- L'.'! •t• ten I uuu!I was the needles
inquires deacon Jones, whose .••ul 1:.1 of iuru.teue•e epee Her %tajesty at B.1 -
been feeding un the s.•rin.,u, s. oiaul.a 1"d01. uue• evrtbn,t there a messenger
from heaven. '\Veil. really, you ser, 1 cane? to .1,■.yur--a little old rnan,buried
wasn't watehin_ t!Lt : 1 was keeping in a great coat—with a telegram from his
time you kilos . .•.u.11y replies brother h.rdship to one of his ministers! c,.tlea-
Hunting-lase. Just oro. , .ties in L union. The message was
Never leave ch irclI until the ..enIcee handed to this clerk in charge, a perernp-
are all close•I `:,ver manifest y .nr'Its- ' tory person, who, seeing that It did not
spprubsti..n ..f ,ti,, uuer.utrrs •.f the hear a s`gun:ure --it was in the days of
L it byfree ,.r '•roans, e.r grunt', the old c, utp'uties, when a signature was
nup nerr.a'iry — threw it contemptuously
much leas by ro•hi",t from the house i
a anapest of ra•.,.•, as if the whole sermon back. with the aathoritalice command.
L -and directed es rectally I '1' it vtur name t•. it ; it's a pity your
was gutteriyp
to quue \islet) Woe cases eta der tiuud. "'"tel (toren t know how to real s tele -
ted the preachor never n. i' ,vee handed hack. ..,,.•svee ! Those that are ssile,i should be soaked
such • emit as yJ :Il the eleven... Re -
bag for a clothes skeet, made in thewm
following manner, wiU so eueed itself
that it will soaves he discarded :—Take
two yards of print of Groton:Le for the
bag, and divide it by a third yard, which
is gathered nab "attached to a pies* of
wood and sstered to the sides and
noes the top of the bag. The openings
are made lengthwise on each side. It is
suspended by a string.
An seallent Bruoklia hotwlreaper
m. a very headmen* parlor table
at little aspens*$h
. . grit purchased ao
plain white table with $ .ver -leaf top
crossedand three crossed legs. This she cover-
ed with ebony varnish, all ex ing the
hep. For the top she pis a yard
of sapphire -blue velveteen and em-
broidered on it in .Breasee a duster of
golden -hearted daisies,witb long grasses.
This toyer was then fastened smoothly
over the tog.. t*.. thicknesses of cotton -
bitting being placed underneath and se-
cured with brass -heaved nails. A pretty
furniture fringe. combining blue, white
and yellow, tinishtd the .size, the join-
ing beteg hidden by a large bow of pea-
cock -blue s,tin ribbon.
Pretty mantel valance's are now the
re ms. -
fashion and every reins iu the he
must be adorned with one. For house-
keepers who have not time to sit down
sod embroider ur crochet them, very
tasteful ones are mad. oat of the pretty
dowered chintz which comes in stripes
eight or ton inches broad. Ons seat at
a cosy burse was in pink and deep brown
stripe., with rel as hoses scattered on
..t a little distance, looked
as lbongh cmhr.•'.iere.l. A. trines of
blue. i•r"wu. ;.i•,k and white worsted
was croehetetl t.. th.• r.l,e, sad the whole
was fastened 'rel • Veel.t,w-h ,aril with
silver -heeded tacks.
Ladies who hive a talc eullectien of
hair and neck ribbons that are no tenger
fit f.,r active service nuy convert them
'w tl r• was gas'" 'the name was added, and the in•o a very- beautiful crazy u•••61 spread.
kIver !:
1 -ou are oninrlr ''i h}•, you can't write either !'triad 1 in soda and waster and -round abut a
main in your seat tin tt
die '.sed and the arngre{ntiun will ss -
mein in blissful ignorance of your char- ' :tar seri}ed.lee's after solely .ndeavor-
re ' nth te. ineke out the signature.
anter. Every mast wan enacts a 7t_.. "f there, let tree do it. What's your
bottle or stick until almost drat. Don't
wring out the water, or the ribbon will
appear drownss
. When still damp, pre
worship loses his individuality, lend b.;' "a'n' 1 with a hot mac on the wrong side, take
slimes • part of the individual whu!a 'My name,' avid the little.. 1.1 mown -':ng care nut to f•,Id, ur the creases will
Voluntarilyplacing himself in that re- gen, very deiiberatelr, 'is John Russell.' be ditt.:elt !: -
rtsu vee. Nest hare •
kilos, he es no right W disturb the It was Lord John 'Russell himself, and piece of fine, thin muslin ttitly starched
whol. body of worshlppses by indoor• the unhappy clerk was reusuvel from and ironed. Take the ribbons and ',t-
oady withdrawing until all aro dismiss- Abocne feerthwitL, memo with gold -silk doss in herring -bone
ed.a stitch, mixing the colon with regard to
Conform to the usages of the church res
inner. gees et at. ! rood combination. All widths and ends
—_ of ribbons may be used, and it may be
in which yeu worship. If the order is to
To drink deeply—to be drunk— is a
kneel in prayer, kneel ; if to stand,
sin ; this is net denied. At what point ing. Crimsons and blues should be mod
d • if to bow the head on the seat
does the taking of lotion drink become a to a great deal of time to making them.
sin ? Tho state in which the body is
when not excited by intoilcating irink
the al a private house, the hix. is its.proper and natural state ; drunken -
it. The state of drunkenness is a state
a ness is the state furthest removed from
of sin ; a. what stage doss it become sin?
We suppose • man eetly sober who
has not tasted anrth which can intosi-
e.ate, one glass excites . and to sumo
extent disturbs the state of sobriety. and
so far destroys, it ; another another
glee excites him still niers ; a third fires
than aver before or loom. From thence his eye, loosens his tongue, increases all
partially insane ; • sixth makes hint
a fresh remembrance ..1 his experience
bmt to baste a number on before sotch-
in hest, bow your head before Oud.
ignore the =ages of a church 4 as un-
mannerly and indecorous as to ignore
writer ones attended the services of P
Jewish synagogue. where the men all
had their bets on. Rut he uncovered
his head, according to the custom of
Christian people. Presently he was in-
vited by an oflicer of the synagogue to
put on hie heA, which he del, although
the said hat felt heevier then and there
this ; a fifth makes him foolish and
he went to a eat cat hedrel. With
savage ; • seventh or an eighth makes
in the synag env, Ile failed tvi. uncover
his heel in the cathedral. Soon en hus ltuPid—n "maks', delfisded 'as" ;
Irish janitor stepped up to his tattle antl
signiboantly remarked 'all eintlemen
take off their hats in this place.' Ku did
this writer. The beam' thus taug it as
n ever heeti forgotAtoo. We repeat, al- ;
ways onform to dos usages of thechurch
where yeu voluntarily mike one of the
'We will now intr.( the dtleolngy anti I
Pionounee the heeediction. says the
preacher ; forthwith there is a general
upheaval and eutstretching of &rine. very
*tech te the distress of nervous women. t
and ansgestirs of dire eo;.s.eietices
bonnets of the late•t s: When the
last word a the good long -metre
Autotimer is remelted. awl the familiar
soend '1/1(1 has died away .
it is found llett man hos his over- ,
111011611/1 has her ittet, lowly to •
original eon Whriever he
his redeem is eitenchen. his facultiee are
for the time destroyed. Every noble
and generous anti holy principle within
h him withers, and the illnirr Of God
polluted and defiled ' This is sin ; awful
ein : for 'drunkards shall not inherit the
kingdom ef Owl.' But where dote the
sin begin 1 At the first glebe at the first
step toward complies intolication, or at
the sisals, ve mein* or eighth 1 Is not
every atep front the natural state .1 the
system' toward the state of stupid istexi-
catior. an advance in sin, and a yielding
the unwearied tempter of the soul 1—
John Bright.
DI 1 she lete
"N.. ; she lingered and suffered along,
'tors doing her no gond : and at last was
'cared by this Hop Bitters the papers
'say se much sheet. indeed ! indeed !
'how thankful we should let for that
011110611111 la holm' •',, Voe i..r the Ai II contains raionsci awl
otos 17 pi
thiatetei to ill** t".. ''`" '"" hY "'"Y "'her mineral ocerpoends. Dr. Canon's
hi order.' Amen. I t;... iitedicinee no preps
mettastion for the alleviation it effords,
peer. Uteserete and the persownetet cue., it effects en kid-
- -- iisty diereses, as Itr Van Buren's Kinney
There are many ladies who to
brighten up their homes iu the Storing
decided chatters in the differ -
new nariot Le had. After the .t..“
dewy ogees of whiter titre OW Ii101'. v
Iel homage need painting/. and the *Ala.
testalti leek Igneli better hung soh (leen,
OM pacer. Of rousse. all these ahem
OM, SI. MOTO Ur Lierk •I/pentivt. but
where the Wise ot 'the heisnolield raft
ahem of the earn is lessened, sad the
mesh dodged alfsestions are abided at
E:611:felle earered with fresh awl ap
paper glee se much Si air ef
Le a team es dna a nrIoni sawn
11 Oa nails loo be novel Inn *MVP
Care. Its action in these distressing
eoniplatio• pi.s.ply wonderful. Sold
that los wife hart hum troubled with
tette Br .nchitis teeny yea's, and that
ali none bre tried rove no. mend se
lief, te.til le reruns.] II a Dr.
King's New Ihaeevery Coesempties,
It is euerammil to mite all diseases el
?dal betties free at .1. dreg
Mart. Liege dee MAL
Table -cloths and napkins in the latest
fashion are ernbrbidered in colors to
match the china. They are very expen-
sive, but may be made at home with
trifling cost and • little time. The cloth
is first stamped eith a border of the
same design as on the china and the
napkins and doilies aloe. Embroidery
ootton of the exact shades of the china
is used to work the design. and !Needled
is very beautiful. If the best china con-
tains geld, crimson of other mitered rims
on a white ground the limn would look
pretty entoreidered in bands of the same
with and color.
Dainty little sweeping caps are made
obt of old silk liatiakerehiefa, gathered
to fit the heed, the four points being
brought hack to the point of the head
aud held in' a bow of nbbon.
A little 1111 ple-pnt• may oe made
into a very pnetty card -plate, as follows :
First polish the plate with bath -brick
and cover with fatwy paper dowers and
Pictures, such as are [tut on valentines.
Thee eover wash Lim wok qi sopa wee.
niah and glue tu a little wooden stand
which has been ornameeted in the sante
eay. This stand can ba made out of •
posse of pine weed, sr see can be cheap-
ly bought. Care should be taken when
dusting this article. as it is frail, though
rare foe tbrumalleas
Suffer -en from either acute or chronic
rheumatern will find no more ready re
lief or better sera than Hurried's Yellow
Oil, the p,palar household remedy for
external and internal use in all painful
affections. 2
FT14111 the many rentarkabie corn
sn.„„evlo 1.y using McGregor's Speedy
Core 1..r Desperme. Indigestion, Cessati-
pat 10,11 mud Affeetlim .4 the Urge and
frotot Immense sale .1 it without any ed-
verbatim.- we have eimeindest tn place it
extensively on the wrirkee. s., tete tkome
and a
e ge., ert4 imance,,tio loins to. enure the
best IltVry attiels in he as 111.
seeered the sarong fey the erlebratedDr
the only sienna eery known Car 011111 -
As▪ thma, Hay Neer, flamellian ire=
adirstice tif the Theme nod beam
mi a 'Aside* IMIIIISLIML TOW bads
taw Israstr eise 411)
Fashionable Tailor,
Hee Finest Atonement of Goode far Fell Weer to Chopp Frees.
Nobby Suit at a.ltoasonablo Price,
At the Oldest Established:Shoe Sinn in Town,
In Endle8s variety,
te suit the most fastidious and th most economic buyer
b now eumplets, and I take *entre in Mune* sty riestoinere that st es pm]
vioes time have I bad such a
Large & Varied Stock
t As at present. I have vaned the Stanched of Quality and Lowered the Prise
it is a punitive feet that no such vahie in foot wear can be got elsewhere.
seliTRZ SIGNAJ. for the reminder of
1E94 -
OUR FRIENDS ma help us to
our steadily iseersasing ot subscribers by
telling those ot their neighbors wheats se ma -
fortunate as net to read 1712 SIGNAL a
Oar Job irpartineat le the hest iseldelenff
say in etripstitios.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be sated*
• in the most approved styles by firstedass workmen. end
of the very hest material obtainable.
A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines:always kept on hand
(Physicians Prescriptions r Specialty.)
GEORGE =nuts,
=0°47•71:15.3.10 Weca.clux)
Beg e announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above OW
in the store heady occupied by Horace Newton. Haviair purchased a larms sad
well assorted stock of Spring and Sammy Hoods Melees figures, we are determine
to give the Public thelreselit.
/On -Please call and examine oar goods before purchasing 'nowhere. ew
pn-Remeseber the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug 8torn
JelP•Custom work wdl receive our special attention.
neeliene bat the best of material used and first-class workmen employed.
fie -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice
Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square. Goderieh
Bente Clothing Faahionsble Styles at Lowest Price
TROT= rnoonratt ATTLIIDElb To. TWO TIM •11111111211111
Ari Desion Will Pim.
New Is tbe time. it you wish ose or Tin= mews at imps. a see Waffle% peens miner
201000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
B eamitel entire and at seiceetess tins very mesh Werke Clan and No thou kW
am the hest vsiue mire. mad mad.
The Latest Spriog Dam Palms Fails,
Sash, Doors & Blinds
roliaaaa al au. Enna sw
Lumber, Lath, Shinfles
gad matertal atingle, 6111111114.1.16
suma 1/111111M.
Illeiselsh. 11. MIL NW"
Eye, Ear and Lima
fer•sil. OM.
S. Piskast 04.4arbetesentior
%La Sadly lima!