The Huron Signal, 1884-3-21, Page 1Nall MIN
°$ 7 #tom• - ..
N1rl)I,t susses WM i
-EyERAL --4'r IGEN
1 -e •iMUDYRARIYADY BtOdDY. PUSLasdlil •
Row ASeeelbstellihMin This West.
leer Mals -K. N. Lewis.
Don't -tjasaihra.f Sea.
Crutch Lost -0. K. Davis.
New Priasav-•CoYsrae Bros.
Painters Wlated-E. R. Watson.
The Hume Hotel -Craig a Saults.
Asbestos Packing Joke A. Naito:.
dpprenUces %Visaged -Mies Morris.
Store to Rent or Hell -R. T. Haynes.
Tarot to Rent or Sell -R. T. Haynes.
New Butcher Stop-Jeka llcTafpert.
Big Slaughter Salo --J. C. Dealer & (•a
Dominion Carriage Works -A. Morton.
Farm for Sale In Aski old -R. T. Haynes.
Audios !tale of a Farm -T. H. A. Buse.
-ey Dentistry.
. Dentist. Oahe and resadeace. West
Street terse donors below Hank of Montreal.
Ooderiok 1733
She People's Column.
1' BUGGY. Just the article for ladies mbar
a moodiest Men. E. N. LEM&
last the subscriber Lost • black crutch.
between Mr. lemproy'a farm in Dederick
township, and the 7th coa. The Bader will be
.attably) rewarded on leaving It at the .tore of
O. N. DAVIS. Ifl33-It
OR TIMES good apprentices aro want-
ed to learn dressasaking. Apply to MISS
MORRIS, over Sheppard's Book Store. North
Street. IfOE~
,l DIA ret Y n
p pointer and paper hager,
to whose wages will be given; Men* eery
learn t ltafnttsg business. Apply to
R. WATSON. painter.
Attempt to Bribe Liberal Re-
The Supporters of the Mowat
Government Unpurchasable.
"Big Push" Wilkin otti"and s Go
federate Put in Prison. .
The Lm$eN aevekopeae.N to t*b taprees-
sleeted AMY,- The BetaW.l tate rant.
The scene enacted Monday Dightron the
floor of the legislative runembly I:eras as
exciting and memorable as any (ver be-
fore enacted in • Canadian tattsent.
Though the intended reve1a ' ' of a
base conspiracy to buy up supporters of
the Mowat Government was known to •
considerable number of persons, they
kept their counsel well, and the explo-
sion therefore came with stunning effect,
not merely on the Opposition, but ap-
parently also on many member on the
:3overnmeat's side, and on all the spec-
tators, who got • spicier gierformance
than they had bargained for. There
was nothing in the proceedings of the
afternoon or early evening to indicate
that a storm was impending. 1
SOK WANTED -FIRST -CLAM. TO Homes, at eight o'clock, went into co
whom good wages wet M area. :ilka mitt.. of .apply ani prod the esti
del d cook need apply to RS. 1K. U. Cfor "Iegislatioa. After this was over
11011 **wets the town et 10 a.m. tam It prier, about half -past nine, mov-
*cit ck pd the speaker into the chair and cons -
seemed to 'address the House on a qua,
tion of privilege His first words were
Ma ;
tea: Mr. Williams D..s�R� �s�s►er for the lbw made to him while 4s visit Mikis Ant bird hesdguve down to the Walk-
s • JAN ir. Duel
cwt► aiding be gees stied Ottawa Mr. Baster followeaeiith a few f er house with hit second wanant and
awestowr for the soetb iidlag of Rghew :that
t. in{ ort the ubl.ctsof the cospUscy remarks which were mare and to the I found Wilkiasns
t►e raid talkfneun, to flwece tb. rete of
up and down use of the cornlora
When the warrant was presented he be-
came so nervous that he was unable to I
hold the blue paper, and it dupe/lid to
he ground. t'p,n arriving at Nu. 2
•cation he was obliged to wait in the
twain room until a couple of bounden
wanderers had got through their prayers
for a night's lodgings, and then his name
was registered, his valuables were re-
moved, and he was consigned to the
same wing that sheltered the unfortunate
Kirkland. It was nut a pleasant sleep-
ag apartment, in tact the members of
the night relief were unaole to sleep ow -
ng to the stink that amus from the vag-
rants already housed. Bat as it was Im-
poesihle to secure ball, the newly -arrived
prisoners were obliged to put up with it.
As soon as detective Murray,with his as-
sistants, it igers and Wynne, had execut-
ed their wairante, they proceeded to the
Walker house and demanded the key of
Mr. Wilkinson's room, but the manager
declined to give it up. He, however,
gave • guarantee that none of the
stuaNalNos He said Caldwell had given Pardee
with, and ti.e ,,:e • e'.5.000 to stake no change in the fini-
te the Reseal house. her policy. He said 111 would snake a
• s lar guarantee change in favor of his timber policy M
fags- would y me for it. On Thursday Me -
tate said McKim. n Iy.etlhred him men-
. rod bar at length delivered to the Mid Mo -
Inn: that Mr. Metlm ipouedlatelj pre
the money plowed It n the
ftpeaker. to be by him produced
that both the said Wilkinson p
• Booties for ts. ate WRY_
segek to pay to Mr: Kim • furtb�Fsum
nNe en • ful ire d►►y ; that the said liaat-
was • party to DP ymeat of the former
•ad to the premier to y the latter sumscampi purpose already2 �stated. &ad
to scare the ease corrupt object the said
k»maa sad BuU further offend aa.1
ertook that M. maid McKim should b• en -
hod Registrar at Regina In the Northwest.
th • salary of PIN • year. tart both the said
Uktp.os and the said Bunting assured the
tldein that the dominion minister of the
!!ad plaiSed to them his word that
their sale of the said Dace would be
carried out. aad the said Bunting on bis own
part ylod�ed Me word miles same effect ; that
for .tids, uses. corrupt p•upos* already nen•
tlsasdl and to inSneaoe the vete of the said
WlI D. the said WtIkineo^ re.
to 7. aad did this day ds -
1[ vee We said Balfour the sum of ISIS in
undertook to pay a further sum of
name day ; that for the same pug -
d Kirkland also offered to pay to
um of $1l0; that immediately on re -
the said sem of WOO Mr. H.lfonr plaw-
ed the same 1a the heads of Mr. Speaker. to be
b ties produced to this house ; and that fur-
tier to ensure the same purpose the said W ll-
tiasoa uadertook that the mid Balfour should
be lied by the Dominion (iorernment to
1 .t Regina in the Northwest:
Wilkinson. for the corrupt por-
tneattoaed. sad to Influence the
said John F. Dowling. offered him
of two thoaeand dollars cash. and to
• further sum of two thousand dol -
a future period : that thc sum so offer-
ed to be paid down was exhibited to him by
the said Wilkinson. and that there is ceases
to believe that mbar corrupt offers were made
by the weld osasWraters to. and rejected by.
other members of this hoose, and it is hereby
Resebsd. That the ctiargea and matters re-
ferred to and set forth in said statement of the
Information and belief of tit.• Attorney -Geaer-
forthwlth referred t•, 1•.e Standing CoM-
oa Priv and Flee:ions, with in-
to b re and report thereon. and
to send for and examine all news -
ns and papers in or concerning the
1)BBCRIBIE ykeepe • good bull for service.
adds tali MYa es the W. xc-
Oso. sL Io Via.
ICR1BV' Ras ler esie two t►sroegb-
_ bs{tta-4 .addaaerkk red yearling.
ether a tyro yeare
cid. Pedigrees d tbetkk all man rising
GYaadlaa Hord Book- 'ams easy. Apply to
W. H. GOOD, int N. coo. 3. E. D. ColborneMUM.
for Sale or to Let.
1NO a comer et geed grovel read. Bare
t111 series. In good repair. Store ladle web
star wood abed. stable and 1 acre Mad.
P •� aisle Terms easy. Apply to
R� HAYN S1i.pDaMtaa• 1st'
OR SELL. W acres. 30 acres cleared aid
jd« barn •aA sited and oto balldtngs• 1•-
elediag brisk oeltage Mx70, with Dollar full
abs of7ssss • a sateadM orchard ; large creek
twee seems Ike lot. Teems easy. Apply w
e I,ot R Inks HA ERond_ - township
March VOL ebeft0ardess
BALE- 0a Ifrd C.s.. LD. l0 •teen clear-
ed. Weave goat e�ar'dwood. A good orchard
eel lag honer. Irisldselop? to • creek running
across the let. aid are easily drained. Terms
wee pptyto T. HAY:rKtl. SbepWr�
.'. litter occupied by the wbserlber, ser. of
Na eta and Waterloo eat.. O heat tow
to • suitable t..ast. For titan s side ow
the preambles. Mut. DO r. DUNAOH-tt
i' hoose to let on the comer of Newgate
wad Albert -one.. at p occupied bj A
*ratios. Apply to JOHN ititW 1CN
ltd I M E. 1t1M•
Tttat farm. consisting of part Meek "0,
Township of Colborne. ball • mile from Dun-
' ,loo. situated n• the gravel road. nth son.. tied
comprising *K aces. show •1 •ares cleared.
with frame bre and punt. ,n the premises.
Also spring creek mane hroagh It. For
full particulars apply to ILEX. RCM. Mb
5'"^e- irlelf P.O. _t00<tt
-Is the village of tort Albert. Huron
County. 10 Scala of good farming land for
axle. On the premum are • goat frame co: -
leer. frame bare. •bad., etc. Fine orchard.
geed feamoe; nine miles from (Ndreios. w
gems grim* rood. As ads health, eon-
veatenee to rhnrehes. s: axle, et... so lora-
tied more desirable.. 0 prnspering.
good harbor. splendid chance for tradesman
or retired perces of means. as alis or goat of
cat be purchased. Po�eaaesl tes-
t•tey. Address. Mild. VARY O'CON-
NOR. List Albert. O.t
Ruisoes had been in circulation of a
vague and indefinite kind, they were w appearing to accept thein icor the pvr•
exceedingly vague that but little sten- f leading others into oriental acts.
then spoke : - He agreed with the
attorney -general that the charges should
ba promptly and thorougnry investigat
el. but held that the nteule" who had
been approached would have occupied its
mere creditable position if they had
spurned the niters made them instead of
on or credence were placed in them. '*e ear-tng .
The how had assembled, had said "" 1sptlech was a dead -lift effort to
its prayers, and gone ins, the prosaic weaken the ctmdemnatiun which is sure
business of Supply. There watgnothing to follow the exposure. but earn ro mild
noticeable in the speeches woes:, per- a deprecation met with little or no re -
haps, that Mr. Hardy and Mr. Eraser sponse hem his own followers.
were a tittle more trenchant, and Mr. Mr. Morrie saidhe was prepared to
cameo. was • little more owlish than vote for an immediate investigation of
usual. It was shoji, the question was pit the matter. He could not help feeling
and carried that the committee du rias that r vnve responsibility nested eon
and sport progr*sa. that there happened those sine had made the disclosures.
They were guilty of leading these men
TBt doer on when, if they hal the honor of gentle -
that the crumbling walls of the shabby men, they would have spurned their
old barn have ever wttneesed. It came tempters.
in this way : - Mr. McKim, then anew and in a voice
Mr. Mowat ruse in his sat, and in a quivering with indignation asked how
few wont, stated '.hat he had something they could insult him in that manner
of the 'met startling character to tell the He, Mr. McKim, apprehended that.
House. There bad, he said, been • when he was approached with offers of
,-..NNPIRACY Tu rraegaaa yOT10t money by persons to whom his financial
carried on in teat budding. The Speak- situation was known, it was for hi:n to
er, he understood, had received certain be indignant and for him too settle how
letters, whish hs asked should now be We inrult should its avenged.
bud before the House. In • few burning sentences Mr. Fraser
Theft areas Mr. Speaker. He olosscribod the conspirators with apt
pro -
tinged two large envelopes eedrewd te alliteration as a brawling brood of
himself. One of these he opened. It bribers hatched under the eaves of the
was from Mr. McKim, member for W. Mail building." He argued that the m-
Wellington. It was very short. it stat- forming members had done simply their
ed that Mr. McKim had been approach- duty in taking the corse they took. and
ed by the notorious J. A. Wilkinson, told the opposition leaden to, their faces
one of the chief briber of the Dominion that what troubled them was the ex -
bribery brigade. and had been paid ns pn.Ure, :Uig the crime• as the fanner
teem a son than =1,000 to influence his
would forcer prevent them from oeea-
vote, and this money in ten 5100 bills ppm government benches Tho course
Mn. McKim enclosed to the Speaker. im was warpe
Idextolled byby ur number r and Kof ministetinl
The second letter was one to • similar menxto t and was by one or two on the
whofect from Mr. Balfour, from
or k- other aide admitted t . be the only ppmp-
had received POO from ore Kirk-er one under the circumstances. Net •
land, for a ppurpose. single member of the 1)ppeition except
The effect t upon the Nouseof the ds- Meredith and Morris ventured to express
dew,. was jeemmetimele ♦ pin „we disapproval, d rile denture to interest of
Mr. Voting joined the previous speak-
ep in thanking the members who had
udearthed the conspiracy and brought
*nue the evidence of guilt to the con-
spi ators. If corruption of that hind
was to be tarried on, there would, he
said, in ten years be no Dominion of
Messrs. Lees, Waters and others join-
ed to c,ndentuation .1 the outtameoue
attempt to c-,rrupt the members.
It was reserved for Mr.Clarke,of West
Toronto, alone singing the ttppwitioe
members, to follow the contemptible
course of his lessen. He wets: the
length of insiuuatine that Mr. Mowat i
had hind the bribers and ft.rniahed thein
with money with which to ci.rrupt his
own followers, ane that Mr. Mowat had
had the money paid that day in order by
the exposure to influence the Esat Grey
election. To the credit of the other Op-
position speakers, Messrs. Wood, tinder,
Gray, and Kern., be it said thet not a
word did they utter
of the bribery which their leaden at-
tempted to excuse.
Dr. Dewiest. it u said, was to get
would be interfere.l
cent then proceeded
where they secured
as too Kirklande bag
persuade tate in a lttaaser similes t0
Wuktaason. Kirkland, Wilkinson and
Lynch visited we fr„ quently at my room.
Lynch handed tee au envelope contain-
ing 102,000, with conditions written est
the beck, which offered to bet u e the
enclosed amount that I would vote for
the Monet Government during the
swim and would not resign my esat.
Kirkland told me lie had lumber lands
iu Algoma He wanted better teems
from Pardee and could not get thews,
He dad enough moiety t.. tiny up eetuugh
votes to tura the balance of power. He
told me a co•htiuu Government was is
the interests of the Province, and imbed
use to sign an agreement to support it.
He said a vote of want of ouoldenoo
would be taken it a few drys on the
timber policy of the Goverumest ; that
several members on the (k.verntaeot
side of the House would vote with the
t)ppisition, and he wanted my vote
atuong those dissatisfied.
■r. Rairesv. atMetstses.
On Tuesday morning I was tint ap.
pntsehd by Kirkland, who tslkd
change of Government Fahey in timber
lands. He said be was prepared t•' go
any length short of weeder ti succeed.
82,000 down, and m ore to come. The "You are • hero,' said one prominent Kim t,.fd me. in the Walker House, that
$2,000 was put in an envelope, with cer- member of the party to Mr. Balfour "B1 peek- wiahed to nes nae. 1 went
tain conditions on it, and it Ares to be after the adjournment. '•C)nly a man of te his room. He talked about a change
ted with Mr. Edward who luck woul•l have dared to du what u
deposi p 70 olOorernuirnc bettering the Prurience.
would pay it over oat Dr. D,wlu voting have don.." "I was so annoyed by the He said Mr. Meredith would be Attor-
againat the Government durin the re- appr.osches that were male to me," said pry General ; Mores. minister 01 Ede -
'minder of the session. The nosey was Mr Balfour, "that I determined to et- eition, ail Creighton, Treasurer. The
counted iu Dr. Dew:tugs preset.oe by pose tits bribers."
Mr. VI ilk insuu,whe meuagdthe business THE ucwaER 70* HAMILTON.
on this occasion.- Itut.; the Dego- Mr. Gibson, of Hamilton, did not say
tiataons were made by Mr. Bunting, into anything, though the Hamilton Times
whose office Dr. Dowling lied been in- says that he was one of the members ape
veigletl by Wilkinson requesting him to proached by Bunting. A friend of his
sen Bunting about baring the protest in said that he could have made a most
South Renfrew withc rawu. The door d.amegiui statement had he desired tv do
was locked acro the offers ntade. so.
Zingthe proposes was en* that Dr. THS t`OALUT OI GOVERNY*NT.
Duwlitigahoulol ewsigtn his neat to allow The coalition gerem:ameat was to em-
ail outsider, who Mr.Bunting said was to list of Mr. Meredith i attorney -general
have been heard to drop as the Speaker ao
the letteta in a clear, dignified tone
farm ksiows as let 3. on the Mb Des.. of
(*hems, sad tt allietleg of UO ewes, smarty
ell cleared, wTtthbe about Her 11 aero of good
hardwood. lot is well reseed. and has on
• berm and never fs11la *sting gree'•
are about la acres of fall wbo.t sown.
fans is .I(oated six mate* from Dederick.
Ethe R. C. March. on • good gravel rend.
urtber partiestani apply to WILLIAM
DAN, eillrIOVI P. el. 1400-101
1 easterly latatower of black lettered "ff." le
the Jiff tbaceMNan of the T.wwakip of
twee. About About Ai ow al acres are cleared. Tee
erwwleg thither connate of maple. beech
and elm. A frame house. • large frame baro
sad stable are on the premises Fenew goat.
Only four miles freer ll.,..rrlch bye arce.1 gra.
Tel toad. Yer ppasrtk,r
als appy to JOHN
BRRCKILNPIDOE, Oederlch.or to St, t(KR
& 1110WO%. Melleltoe+, Dederieh. 1M4
C. lagrti. E. K. Boss. J. A. Mow.
r et the ears gleet
aft �« ahead
1110411 P1 IWD?OOT, B A R
tl r.'*.W. r+iws'"1 a
,, r'Abri _Rif H, HOLT • OAM)iROIf,
, reel Alt► , 71 ai...:;rrk A
before the people. This little drama,
which had teen performed amidst breath•
lees atillnoaa, being over, Mr. Mowat
areae and explained that Messrs. Bal-
four and McKim had acted in the nat-
ter with the knowledge and:ooacurrenee
of the Government. He than rad the
following declaration an.1 resolution,
tasting upon himself the entire respon-
sibility of the statements it contain, :
Talo Susoi.t-Ttnri.
That the • • member of this
house, hie Mm kta pace la the boo..• stated
that be is oredlbly hammed and believe, that
dives, sated him loot ndtegi•brlr
enter the Meredith ()ablest as a repro- acrd premier , Alex. Mums minister of
eentative of the Catholics. Dr. Dowling education), D. Cruighbon ; pmvtncial
was t., receive 8000 fur Siting up his treasurer) and three members from the TKO SOUND MORIN.
seat in addition to the other moneys. refornt side whose names have not trans- We, belisvinRit would be ter the ad -
When the Attorney -General moved pared. They wi:l, however, be given in vantage of the Province to have a coali-
the adjournment of the House till three the evidence of the members tion ger.tnment which should be run by
to -day the motion was carried in silence A very peculiar article appearo-1 in men of both parties. and that it would
which contrasted greatly with the usual the Tete�roua about ten.. weeks ago tend to the defeat of the Mowat Govern -
questions asked of the Government re- suggesting the coalition government that meat, hereby agree to vote against there
toasting business to come ups on future has now transpired to have been the one • ••n'the tint and every subsequent oppor-
days. Not a few members retired at in view in all theca negotiations. Who tunity to the end of the present ..sewst
once, but many remaimed and gathered inspired this article will form art of the in order that they ntay be defeated steel
in knots of investigation. It was doel.le-leaded and as end put to party strife.
ILIA = TALLE*L1 AND LUITbNIR*. attracted sone little attenturn at the
Mr. Hudson and another memiIer of time.
the Opposition crossed the floor and The penalty prescribed by law is Loo
warmly congratulated Mr. Balfour en yea" in penitenrury end a tins of £50d.
the part he had taken in exposing the The detectives working on the case
scoundrelly oonspi"cy, ate' added that were Murray of Toronto, Wynn of Clif-
other offices would le titled by the Re-
turn party. Mr. Harcourt would be
leader of the Liberal contingent. He
said that while Archbishop Lynch Jird
the Grits could not. be oused, but the
Archbishop wbuld be dead within foes
yon. He said Mowat, along with his
colleagues, mortgaged prnperty to pay
for the Algoma campaign. Kirkland
ewe inc afterwards and told me he would
gine an extra 51,000 if I would make a
speech in favor of a change of timber
poliey on Friday. Wiljtirtrnt handed
ate a rotted rubin to sign.
the scene was heightened by several
members describing the efforts made to
bribe themselves.
One of the most conspicuous was Dr.
Cascada), who. was offered money and au
Abet the latter to he either the regi•-
trarhlp of Rage' or • custom poet in
British Columbia.
Scarcely leas s, was Mr. Murray of
North Renfrew. who almos! immediately
after the general election, a year ago,
was offered in Ottawa very strong in-
ducements to break faith with the gov-
ernment and betray his constiteents.
Dr. Dowling said nothing, bet he was
prevented from receiving 52000 only by
the arrest of Wilkinson.
He said if I signed at Harcourt would
then declare himself leader of the new
party. as he was only *settee to be as-
sured of a sufficient number of,
()n Saturday Kirkland mune to my roma
and wanted ns. to tame my price. Oa
they world hare dune ptecisely the same ton, Rodgers of Barrie. They have Sunday moraine McKie' handed me
thing if they had been senearly aD- taken a lot of baggage. 11.000 which he said R ilkiwr>n gave
pruaClisrl. Tho centre of the conspiracy was in him to giro me. I refused the money.
THE MIN itPLI.:.tTSU. Mesh's office in the Mail buildine, aiQd Wilkinr,n cane ata afterward and told
J. A. Wilkinson is we l known as a the chief aceeesnries were Bunting,Meek, me tI could ha••e the registrarship of
Conservative politicise and ac agent of Kirkland and Wilkinson. Regius My work then could be dose .
he party. He hu been en;zalred in a� v � react roam
Iii deputy, and I could retain my seat.
He assured me Haronurt had daily ia-
tereourse with Bunting. He sees very
anxious to hive the matter closed up,
and. stare 1)9110 without my promising
anything. • I had no conversation what-
ever with Bunting.
To Mr. Herc,urt, Mr. Balfour said
that he had been assured by hitu that he
would not assist in the onset against the
Mr. Mowat moved that a sub -manna -
a seat at the table, facing Clerk Nude!. tee c'tupoeed of the leaden of the Op -
Mr. Fenton intimated that all four shoed P',ihon• Messrs- Meredith and Morris,
dee treated alike, and accordingly Mr. r. Fraser, Iifr. Hedgerow and the
Wilkins on and Mr. Kirkland were inrit. ^Nasser. be appointed to further c.taaidetr
party. He has taken p+rt tr► nanny • ee inside h I Th the whole natter,
tion conijaigns. Be is a frequent sum trate rad the indictment which was ihpossible. t�he motion was carried ass
ton n( $Maung Meek wt 1 be eget. y Meg
many elections in promotitz Conserve- The announcement that the alleged
tire interests. It was he who first pub- cee eParee" were to be arraigned in tbo
baited the Big Petah letter in his paper, pollee court yesterday morning caused an
the West Durham Neec,. After that he awful jam u humanity around the build -
was known bythe name of Big Push imps int Court street. After bIagistrate
Wilkinson. He was a member of the Denison had cleared his daily sheet, he
Conservative brigade which a in ord.re3 F. S. Kirkland, John A. Wilkin -
Muskoka, Algoma and West Middle's'. sun, Christopher W. Buntuig and lid•
Edward Meek u a lawyer who owe. ward Meek w be arraigned. Kirkland
pies offices in the Mai.' balloting. Hs and Wilkinson were put into the pen,
was • member of the Young Men's Re- while Mr. Bunting and Mr. Meek took
form club once, but went ..ver to the
Conservative party in the N. P. strug-
gles, since when he has been one of the
most venomous enemies of the Reform
p . ed to step issa e the rail. e magi'.
, and report to -morrow
sworn to b Detective John W. M a oemmt ryes.
mimed. .. TBR IX1XlRAt4011 1DZUtLYYD. amu waft atLfntairiv':- s "stets •dt■.
Ctristopher Bunting is uttnagin,1 di- The magistrate then asked Mr. Bunt-
rectornominee et the Mad, and a bitter Conner- ing to plead. Mr. Clarke on his behalf, were Dowling.McKim, Csseadeet, Bel••
vsti.e He was charged by the Hamil-
said he would ask sn adjournment until four. Lyon. Hart, Murray. Mr. Chimes.
tort Tiaw with trying to bribe member Friday, and he raised the question of of Hamilton, u also said to have bees
some weeks ego. He was not arrested jurisdiction of the p slit-. magistrate. He approached.
with Kirkland Ind Wilkitanon because said that no offence had bee' committed The penalty pnerribe.l by law is Wm
he bas property and nannot sly the coon- under common law, and if any offence years in penitentiary and s Smoot £Mt .
had been committed it was an intriuge- - - . _
mens of the privileges of the provincial
lsgialature. Fittest' minutes or ee wen
onnaorse•d the jurisdiction of
the 'magistrate, wheu Mr. Ne. : , asked
what amount the court would r,-yuire for
bail. He wad his client would offer any
amount of hail Mr. Fenton would not
agree t., hail. even if a million dollars 1
were ofer*d,and the magistrate adjoern- ,
i!'. 8. Kirkland (.w Kirtland` hails from
Wisc•nsin. He is five feet eleven in
height, slender build, black hair, long
side whiskers, heavy moustache, and
shaven chin. He is extreme) hand-
some in appearance though of a Mepbis-
tephelian out. He has been heel since
before Christmas and spent a gra! deal
of his time in playing billiards In the
Remain lour wham hes was a ours ed the case till a nday ntriiing.
Kirkland and W ilkieson were taken I
tephet y► nest. Jokn A. Wllslmoe. Ed- Dr. Ca.eaden i West Elgin: was ap• MS ARMPIT
this defect of tiegovsrnme°t a itib house M w of his twenty -fear years ago. arta quietly entered the g';alery of the House, when they were driven te the jai in a
membra of thM nose to •eat a d ever approached the Mart tier where T.
weed Meek tl Kirkland and sore. Lynch. from the neon, and retrained in the I
y mitered ea., eoe.pirar7 to „mpliat, prosched by Meek who was a schoolfel- Abele nine o'clock Detective Mu-r.y building hal 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
.erruptlag who Ilse been an intimate freer and pp j
slgala.tiMpr ramentandgovernmestmsaa- same. He told the doctor that he woe g. Kirkland was sitting. Without at -
the solicitor of certain parties who were &recline attention he put his hand on
Kirkland a shoulder and, bending his
hesd.whapered • few words Kirkland.
who appeared to be deeply interested at
the moment, jumped to hie feet. and
fronting Murray with • face ashy pale. stone it wpm decided sot then
demanded to know on what charge he to take evidence but simply t. hear the
war arrested. Murray answered some- statementa of member*
thing not &edible. and Kirkland at once sr. Nwllaet's s.a.e.s.
left rhr gallery Mousy following close et IAA Thursday Meeert Btahn-, and
his heels. A cab sea+ waiting at the McKim went to my room end said Wilk•
door and the startled prisoner was at moor wished to sera nae at the Walleye
ones driven to No. 2 polies station. House i went down *nil saw hire.
wiser* M was Meteai ap The warrant He said he intended pgrchwnt a nnmher
woe signed by G. T. Desiree, Police .>< rotes of Governuneiti euppoortora He
Merietrete, es was ebbe Mother warrant offered Ane 02000 to vote sdainet aha
Mena Inc the arrest of olefin A. Wilkie- Government, anti $3. 111 wnalet re•
ens, whin► in east eh the prienner sign say seat ; ►len
Mot the ern -named three persnan are w*1
and metre eseeshers of the pray in
le see eppesed to fhb and
that ler Mat aaes.d two persons are Americas
ler IM parpoa..f corruptly
voiles elf of .toeslier of this house the
re pewees Mee at glean times during
es& . ere t
. this
•it asset. premises or
the demtalos /rvev n seat.
atcar- dims. sisa.bsee
beteg IadiaRmst o
eredta used to ttt..t neve
approach -
torah money.
la the tart
ice lruesten of
odor Zithers.
esee &P-
the Intim oversees their part, re -1 • duty a
their eemettesets sed ahs isehlto. wefts We-
bs with ltoadvlse sad approval et tembete
et the gemts sorest a ten te te-
ere de.
mea a war •pprwaped ta tees
teefte$, ..,.ewe •sada
eas�t�aill et iabing melt ire alters
meg fess 1* _...Mises..• of �kMt dtiiy fns^ 1
mimes dterie•ad t. msaMl. of ilia govern,
Aver aspeeeehti
,e frees er to trine made
IN ' • , 1- vet esu therein of the
II...". a.. ',....,Mor 'Inhere at
. . ere
d.miress of forming a c,alitiun govern -
newt, that if Camden would sanport
them in this he would make him retitle -
Her at Regina with a salary of $1800 sal
• house, and giro him 53000 or more
down for expenses. Meek esjSeuMd
that be should gee Bunting. Dr. Ons-
easdos met Kirkland yesterday. He said
M was interested is certain timber Ins -
mod was anxious to detest the pate•
ernment. He arranged for an interview,
bet the doctor did n.d keep it.
Mr. Graham detailed the approsahes
studs to himself, mud bow he desks ed Se
yelp against ass Government ; he w
Sala he would he remunerated if he would
ecus speak against the government with -
cab. During the interim t lenge number
of their friends netted them.
The t" inmrttme en privileges ant elec-
tions met yesterday morning at 10 of ctowk.
Mr. Harr -court was an the chair. After
Mr. Kerrey to s01 aO the .rtdwncs trete the eaestitelinssl pr o.d°n and pd, He told me Mai 1 upon Mr. Btt•t-
leg by was which y emoted Wedy sawr. eMHsg. in a
with "euessil-.y M enrrspt and free- pstest saw against would be drop.
epi et the oaaapifmtt4el and their seenei- reties of the Legislative Aseembl,y ••((Ila- ' , who ie wealthy. abs csu'e b • treat
._o.__ J- had win,"
Telt thanks of the Province are dee to
Meese. McKim and Balfour for the
cnuragm.ia stand they took in esp•aierg
the cancer of bribery which threatened
the body ; olitic. The knife of puha
prosecution is the only cure for that IMP.
rible dreams. W e dare ant allow so dire
a malady to Iirk in our politica) systeta.
Tl'a'i'At' a Mail found fault with Sir
Richard Cartwright because, in a speedo
the other day, he coined the following
-- ae.... 101 I Y B who •-
-More sir. ! say It with regret, tent i
char the poop( .I eb.•Ar. AjN eft/
retrol rvo I nL I ass nkat, tesla/
in Camels. to ser .haute be it pfd �aaMfnr
ranrnar oY or pn/wfdrrle,e, end enNieepisides
ra p.ii1 fuUw ewes*.'.
In therms issue the Moil sustain
the report .1 the attempt made by an
.rganisc 1 tang of men of low morality
to aslece frond their allegisees to the
(:,a comment certain members who raped -
aunt Liberal eometitoaocies, sad whew
we remerhsr that the managing editor
of the .1f.,J a sa'u.rd of basg a pri.sei-
pal rn the amep.reey to esrrapt tie
Legislature of Ontario, we are is a pmi-
tinn hi know the moon why thc Jae.
took eteepta,n to Sir Risherd'a opiainsy
- which no hone* Oendien will deny, nm
s stetter hew meek he rosy deplore i , ,