HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-14, Page 7rHh HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 180.1
Fun anti FsncB.
An Irishman wan heard to Mr that
ba would have been • ansa ..' outtsldent-
Me property If hs father had sever ea -
tared the family.
Money properly given and expanded
ens be mad* to du a treat amuuut uj good;
int money tbrnwo (round carelessly is •
fearful cures
A bashful printer refused • &Suakin
in • printing take where females were
eepkryed. ulnae that he new 'set up'
with • girl W its Ido.
'It is • curious fact,' say .'.we ente-
moleist, 'that u is the (•soote na squ'tu
which tenuous• us.' A be. Lenon thinks
that it is not at all ceramic
A boarding bow keeper won't take
any but pretty girls and susceptible
young sett. These who fall la love .re
mated together .t the table, and, of
course, leee their appetites. She is get-
ting rich.
A street oar oonduclor carelessly car -
rid his bell poach hoses and allowed kis
children to play with it. The next day
the company iufunned him that be was
9,9110,990 fares short. He has ..ifered
to leave the children in pawn until he
makes op the money.
A little boyand girl were discussing
the stars. e hale boy said they were
worlds like ours, and have people iu
them. The little girl, wish all the dis-
dain she could muster, said : 'They are
not • the angels, eyes, 'cause I sow
then; winkw .'
Young man, If she pops the question
to yoe, e'en tbu' it takes you bysurprise
end strikes yes all of a heap le, don't
blush and steamer and giggle and falter
out something sbo.t 'seeing paper,Take
our advice and don't do anything of the
kind. Look the situation and the girl
squarely in the facie and ask her how atom
expects to support you.
T isttelk of the girls taking advents.'"
of hap -year is all massage. -They know
that the man who hasn't the courage to
pep the question would want his wife to
pop wet of bed and do all the fighting
whom borglan were heard braking into
the how.
A Wheeling editor's library has been
sweet away by the flood. Seeing that it
consi.ted only of a big scrap -hook, with
reserve editorials pinned in, and • paper -
covered directory of pIwI.-shops, it
wasn't such • big Lind for the flood .tier
all.+E. 9E .+ 4
Broad Briton -'Hid like very well to
chew tobacco, you know; bet I wouldn't
lib to carry • spittoon about with me,
you know.' Lean Americas -'Oh, you
deal have to have sty spittoon. 1 never
have • spittoon. I just bre away per-
miskes !•
Sess.--St. Andrew's street, Kilmer;
meek. Highland darns (to her son T
1al)`-Toug•l, Tougsl, why did you
Mak your milk and spill your .hog on
thesis/se ohms* r Tol-'Pend.* to
pavement slipped coldirey foot and crack-
ed to milt, and to milk wudna baud to
shod any more wh•teffer.'
'And .o you love June better than any
other month,' she said, gazing at the
young former from the blue abysses of
ben soft dreamy eyes-'haantiful, leafy
June. with its roma and its .0ng-hirds
and it.s fragrance -laden zephyrs r 'Yea,'
2e replied, nonchalantly, 'it's the best
month to wean calves, you know.'
floras of aiisbom.
Afflictions clarity the soul.
Experience is the extract of suffering.
Through danger safety comas; through
trouble, rest.
Let ue leave on earth those things
Vlach tall ns to heaven.
Silence is the wit of fools, and one of
the virtues of its wise.
Possession pampers the mind, priva-
tion trains and strengthens it.
We nay ensure our rod to wisdom
by the sorrows we have undergone.
The virtu of prosperity is temtsdpeperance;
the vitt*, of adversity is fortt..
Uoseainese i. • species of segasity ; a
pussies essacity. Fools are ismer en -
Whoever entertains you with the faults
of others designs to .neve yea in a simi-
lar manner.
Every s t makes its owe hems*, and
we con give a shrewd gases from the
how to the inhabitant.
What, is it to be wise t
Ti. bet to know bow little can be known;
To ase all abets' faults and feel our own.
Confidence and fear are almost one
thing Tether than two, when we speak of
God. He that fears meet trusts most.
die stoat trusts toast fears meet.
Hare more than lhoa sh.west,
gps.It Isar than t kaowest,
Lead lees than thou oweet.--4Mbakeepeare.
If ye do well, to your own behoof will
ye do it { and if ye do evil, against your-
selves will ye do it.
Leve is the gift that God hath gives
Te awn aloes heaestb the heaves
Ile the sect sympathy.
The silver link. the.11te. *M,
Which heart to heart, and mind to nand.
In body and In @owl esu gad.
-fair Walter Scott
There is • secret pleasure in hearing
ourselves praised; but, on such °coulomb
• weetby mind will Tether ruenlve to me
tit the praise than be puffed up with it.
Joy is • prise unboeght, and is treat,
punnet in its flow when it comes nn.00ght
o getting into heaven as • place will
compass it. You must carry it with you
etas it is not there You most have it
iNw as the music of • well -ordered
soli. the ire of • holy purpose, the
swelling up out of the central depths of
eternal sprints, that pude their waters
■ I'm • lward/d1 Nae Wen Tweed/ tee.
As the Lost wee Wedisg sutt.•u most
at Notches we saw • big blu.dhuu.d
ogee dews the street, walk •ward the
wharf bunt and streteb oat In Ude sur
for • nap. The talk at ones turned upon
dugs, and theu up.0 this one in particu-
'That dog,' said one of the p.sneugen,
'would u.. doubt kill any man whorl he
attache -I.'
This was followed by various y.nu in
regard to the steugtla and ferocity of
bloodhounds, and thaw souther pssseng-
srput in:
gore any man a dome good cigars
who will ga. out there and wase that
dog up sod pat him on the head.'
'A draw cyan !" echoed another
'Why, mea, 1 wouldn't go out there and
rouse km for a $10 bill.'
'Bumph,' sneered a man who, sat with
his feet on the rail • little way off, and
who had an... •board as we landed.
'Maybe you wont to wake up that
dog l' hotly remarked the 110 man.
'I think 1 could.'
'You do, eh r
'1'1 bet you 120 I dare fling hien into
the river e
'Done ! Dora quicker than greased
lightning !' shouted the other u he felt
for his ooh end in $ minute or two the
money was up.
'Now, then, you are to walk dews
then, baize him by the collar and flisjl
him into the river.'
'Exactly '
And he walkaJ. Without betr yitg`'
the Wait hesitation he went down the
plank, marched up to the dog,and taking
him by the oollar, drew him to the edge
and dumped him off. The dog made no
resistance, and speedily swam around to
the bank and trotted off up the street.
We all felt completely flattened out.
and after the stakes were given up and
the winner had disappeared, I went over
W the pilot, whose face wore s broad
grin, and asked :
'Did you bee it r
`Didn't the dog have say grit r
'Heaps of it ; but if- you had owned
hitn for five years, and had played this
same game fifty times on greenbons, be
wouldn't bite you either.'
(Named teealfesi. `Y
'Now that we are engaged,' said Min
Pottlewortb, 'Dome and let me introduce
r. Atm.'
'I believe that I have met him,' replied
young Spiskle.
'But in another capacity than that of
sun -in-law.' -
'Yos-er, bat I'd rather not meet Lim
to- night.'
'Oh, you mitt,' awl despite all the
moat violent struggles of the young fel-
low, he was drawn iuto the library,
w h, ro a large red faced man, with •
.quint iu one rye, and an enlargement
of the noes, sat looking over a 1..t of ids.
Odd ■wpprehem.
Amelia Jordan, of Hartland, Me,. is
a fit of insanity cul off his toes ons .t •
A young dug wee recently frigbtesod
te doth ulnar Lafayette, Oregon, by a
child who dressed as bugaboo and shaded
the awmaL
A tbxt-htw•• heifer mind Lillie tale,
belonging t.. .1 W. Dawson, of Ressell-
ville, Ky....1.1.4 four Moors atter eating a
lent of Whams,.
A Dahlia paper has the fallowing :
'Lost, • came, hruuch, representing
Venus and Ad.mia while walking in
Sandywuuut on Sunday last.'
Mrs. Nellie Keller, of Hyde Park,
Vt., was severely burled on the face,
hands, and anus by the .zpl.siuu of •
dot.ghuut which .he res frying.
In Beech Gere, Ky., lire Was. J.
Harlin, the father of 21 children, W w.
Miller, the fatnet of Ni children, and
Ca''rr't. St.,rc, ail.. has y'2 children.
1. 1I Smith, • f 'tier comity. Ken
tuu*y, cut a tree serenity tot 11h1c4 a big
hollow was filled with honey, upon which
a colony • f flying s utrrvls were living.
Mrs Lutw H. Albert, of Cedar
Rapids, has entered tutu partnership
with her hushand in the meet ice of the
law. Their sign reads, ' Al hart .t: *oft
Attorney at Lew.'
in Minnesota is a well that freezes at
• dea& of 70 feet. but not at the surface
of t6 water. A draught of cold air
issues from the well strong enough to
take off the hat of • man standing .t its
The toll -house at Se. Isle City, N. J.,
was entered by a thief, who took a pair
of old bots and left a breech I.odng
qua worth $40. He also broke into the
watchhou.e of the railway osmp.uy and
.tole a pair of old shoes.
W Mtsetleg to all NWIN.
Ie. these times when our newspapers
are flooded with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you'
�f you are bilious. blond out of or ler.
Liver innotive, ur ; mesal debilitate I,
there is sloth's',; in the world Celt t will
Uinta• you Mo I!'sICkly as Electric It feet•.
T:ley art. .t hit -mite/ t.' all uenkiu.l. n'.d
con he had f..r only fifty cents a reale
•.1 J;iiue.
Frau the Liver and Kidneys arise fol-
ly half the sickuesa. Dr. Carson's Stom-
ach Bitters stimulates both Liver and
Kidneys and insures one against disease;
it is not an .alcoholic stimulant. In large
!wattles at 50 cents. e.1
'Why should arms wboae Moue u warm
a Alen is
Sit ke his graDdeire cut in alabaster 1
Or let his hair glow rusty, .tact and thin.
When "Cniol LI5s mouser= will make
g. row the faster. For sale by J. 11 il-
.on \ 2m
CINo u,se' . -A nice well known in
onnection with the Hair Re*ewer,which
mitoses grey hair to its natural color by
a few weeks tee. Sold at 10 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
'F•th.r,• said the girL
'Hein.' he replied, without loutish:
'I wish to present yea-'
'What r he exclaimed, looking rep and
catching eight 1.1 young Spie:le. 'Hare
you the impudence to follow me hero I
Didn't I tell you tlat I would see you t.' -
morrow r
'Wby, father, you don't know Mr.
Spickle. do you
'I dyp't know his name, but I know
that he has leen to my office three titnes
a day for the pat week with • hill. I
know him well enough, I can't pay that
bill to -night, young man. Come to my
Mike to -morrow.'
'I hope,' said Spickle, that you do net
think to ill of me. I hare not come to
oolleet the bill you have referred to,
'What 1 Got another one r
'Yon persist in misunderstanding me.
I did not testae to collect • bill, I can
ewe ltemKT'rw and see you about that.
To -night I proposed to your daughter,
and hare been accepted. Our mission is
to acquaint you with the fact and gain
your consent to our marriage.
'Well,' said the old fellow, 'is that all
Blamed if I didn't think yon had a bill.
Take the girl if that's what you sent,
but say, didn't I tell you to bring the bill
to -morrow r
'Yes, sir.'
'Roll, yaw needn't. Our relations are
different now. Wish J had • Caughter
for story bill collector in town'
1. MIs•P@ thehwse.
Tlenwn 1'. Ksator,editrw sof FL Wayne
Ind., nasefb, writes : 'For the Inst five
veers 1 save always used Dr. Kings New
bbenvery for e•nghs •.f most severe
ohmreeter, as well as for those ref a milder
ttypa it never Hila to efteet • speedy
sues.- My friends 1.. wb,sn i have re
easiamiled it speak of it in saes• Welt
loan Hanna green mired by n devilry
t1eat% 1 hare hal for ire years. I oft -
MAK It the osl veliahle and sure *ars
lar ..Lea. air Call •t Wiletwl's
Days ewe rid pt .. Pram Trial Rattle.
Lap sire IMO& (2)
Seeklre's Aruba •dare.
The greatest medicalwonder the
world. Warranted to spei lily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Clcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, C•/were, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, 'fetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions. guaranteed to (acre in
every instance, or money refunded. e25c.
per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.
00 TO
home WN Rp.
If you are s*firisg with low and de -
premed spirits, bods of appetite. genial
debility, disordered blood, weak oossti-
tutton, heartache, or any diene.• of • W-
him nature, by all memos procure a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. Yoe will be sur
prised to see toe rapid iapiwvemest that
will hollow ; you will he inspired with sow
life; strength and activity will return
pain and misery will rears, and honer
fork pie will mimes in the praise of
Electric. Bli.ters. Sold at fifty emits a
bottle y J. WUION. (11
A hums►' -01 en* bodes "Teams -
se to arty owe.stld`itt4 the best Misr line
thyme an "r*Assssv, the re. earkahle
Dish! gem for the T. and Pat! . Aek ---
lbw YAM psoselem. wes)weaoll Sy M•
ewes. Dehtll x eal+b•sepesaaa.
The Orem German Invigorator is the
only specibo for Imptsoacy, sierv'.1es de-
bility, unlrerasl lassitude, loreetlularss,
pant in the back or sides, au matage how
shattered the system may be from ca-
mases of may kind, the Great German
R.Mtly will Mer. the '-.•t lunettes.,
asd s.•aure 4wlth and lumpiness. 1111.00
per 1. v, eta boxes for =:1110. Hold by
all .1..1 ;Meta Sent on receipt of prim,
annals paid, by le .1. Cheney, Toledo,
lJtu•,, sale
meet for Cunard Strain Cir-
culars and testtnlunt.la out free. Sold
by Ueo. Baynes, Wile *gent tur God.-
rich 3m :
To for Mr1M•.d 1'eets.aaes, ase .11 water
le may mama.
Phoepphatine, or Nerve Moot, s Phial -
based upon Seis
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
11. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
systema Pbo sphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Pulsate, Opiates
Narcotics, sod no Stimulant*, but *imp,
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is authciont to ocarinas. All Druggists
all it. $1.00 pour bottle. Lewes"' &
Co., sole agents f .r the Dominion,
56 Front Street East Toronto
As the trusts of winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the alis s rays,
au dues Bright's Disease. Dropsy, atone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Infiant •
n ation .'f the Kidneys, leave the body
u pon the administration "f Dr. Van i:..
ren's Kidney ('•'Ire. Sold by J. 1\ nod:.
John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "JIc-
Gregnr's Speuo'y Cure for Dyspepsia owl
Indigestion is cheep et fifty tithes the
price asked for it i am at commercial
man, and travel continually, amid would
no 'store think of leaving home without
rattle of McGregor's Speedy Cute III my
valise than I would of leaning illy t.,in,
at !louse and going on 1.,•,t. Fre., trial
bottles at G. Rhyne" drug store. nevi -
lar size e.0 cgs. and 11. a
Tier Ossekes* Them es temed
Iv 1'':..0 - Fluid Lightning for Neural*ids
H-•, •...,.., t'..dhecbe, etc. It d•--, u.0
Lister or di.c,lor the skin ; require but
one spoliation to banish all pato Magic-
ally without using any greasy liniment
or carrying your hosed in a poultice for
weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo.
Rhyne, druggist. h
;fees* Seward
For any Testimonials recommending
McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Costivenes, He.dsche,etc.,
that are not gentuae ; none of which are
imni persons in the States or thousands
of miles awry, but from persons in and
around Hamilton, Oct We give trial
bottles free of Dort, .cl that you cannot
be deceived by purchving a worthless ar-
ticle, but know its value before busing.
Trial bottles and testimonials igiven.free
at G. Rhynai drug stun.
• Banking
CAPI7 AL, - ete,aes oe.
Ut'JMPLU* . • - - tM,tw.iee.
Goderich Branch.
U. OLA.LY . - - - - .ifeKafir.
Allow. interest eu deposits. I)rafts.lelle.
of ere'Itt and circular Ruta.IMuad, p.Jab
to all parts of the world. 1714.
/'owl up (Luft••, - 06,000,000.
fir,f - - 91 ,400,01(10.
Prudent - Hsi:. WN NrNABrill
Oeserul Ma water, - W. n. ......e.w..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mansi tad
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts oft a
the principal Towns sad Cele to Canada
Great B.1W* aad the United States. beet
end sold.
Adv$i,oesto Farmers on Notes. with oseo
more sadoreers. without mortgage. 1757
\ week . made at radon c) the ,n
Auld riots.. hest blond.,.. ..a w Le
fore the Public. Capon .,ot s .-. d
r,t. We will start you. Nen. w u
MRITIRH ASMI CO'Y, Taewvs- ts• • lithe
PHOENIX INS. C0'l, of l..e wet • 1 IA
kM•Woeleed ITtM.
■ARTYOltll iNS. ('O'Y, • HAarreue. ( caw
k*teWb1.si kK
Law t.kuaWthe ofere. Mut. e
the lowest
orr ttesahe itORACE HOE .. 1
teener to 1 'tea a fleet, tors seat.... .
I WS per Cast. --Charges s•eeier.as.
Oe4.r',h Rapt. 11. IoM.
igMi. 1 Z
L7 ..A1 e • t
GERMAN INVI(-Ctl 1(.1..
*bleb p m1lst 1 e% .,d peril .1..tt
peewee, K•aa•rd ly r,., WC • k. JJ
MsIw.1 N r.►.► e••,..t • : din , mien' . F
lowasa.equeneeoft.t -Abate,. NM -w
erxy. l... 1.1 tow miry. .. 1•.: sea 'w ..
{Iain In the la.I• old Toe, .. oar
Inn- .4.1 age. and man% other db. .+ l.ak
lead to .1:•wkily or col sub { 1 B. •ad A gem, li-
ters ere. r.
Send taw cln•elar. with t ...m. 414.. tile.*
mail. VW 1\sut.e,Mtsnr u•mid r• Ir ler•
box. or six bused fur t►•, 1.. all dellsortflett. er
will be semi tree my mail. ••'o 'rely k den, M
receipt of pries. by •ddrrssiatt
F. J. talltgisY. 1 .me let,
167 Sumrull St..'1'u1a'o. 01. is
Oxo. Ruvws*,
•.re.. buy a and girl want. d a ery Sole Attest for Goderich
re to work for us. Now is the time. You
tan work in spare Lime. or elle )nut whole
time to the business. No other butanes@ will
pal yew nearly w well. No nae can tail to
make enormous pay. by engaging at unee.
Costly nutat and terns fres. Monet made
feet....&$send hr..orabty• Address Tut* s
MJL:1\r 1 4. �t .:
Every Thursday From Portman?.
Evert Saturday from Halifax
Tait 81111oltTk-r Ss.t Itol•Tr. T.• AILD Fa• s!
IY'if/ff•r fern eit, •,
SARDINIAN. from Poa'ruru. Feb. Y.9tk.
HAIJFAX. Mar. he.
CIACHLErAr. Mar. xu, Mara Nb,
POLY H*SLAN, hem Posazawo. Misr. nth.
HA iFA X. Mar. lett.
Pt:RCT1AI( Iry I".KTLs.au, Mar. t
HA P'AX. Mar. 2Tnd.
CASPIANhem ;brie%dim Nash Hatt,
HALIFAX. Mar. 29th.
, HARMATIAN. from sol-n.ar:.. April ed
fHAI:fIAN. rt1PoasrLakh.
theta an. AronIfitky
PARISIAN. from POPTLAxD, April ITtk,
HALIFAX. April II•h.
• HALIFAX. April semi.
1 POLYNESIAN. from ormt•
.aa. May 1st.
Ream's Medi lsbtaIngo i Ii.\I.IF A!C. May Ad.
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
flash, relieves any pain instantly, the
cheapest and quickest applioati.ur known.
Wby suffer with Toothache, Neurally
Headache, Rheumatism, Lumhago, Scis;
tica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any
kind when you PAD go to Gen. Rhynaa'
drug store and get a perfect and instan-
taneous cure for 25 Dents. Ask for
Kram's Fluid Lightning. b
Paseseests w laiag 10 embark at Portlard
esti 1 ve onderle•h. on rwosdaya. at It a rloek.
1'h• tat balm sir HaIV. th the Malh1
and Paw.entrre lea%ea lioderich every- Wed-
nea.lay. at I2 o'clock.
Prepaid cert 'State issued at grew ly reduced
rates to tenons wishing to bring their triesds
out from the 014 Country.
For '1 icketa and all Infnrmnti,-n. apply to
Ticket Ages*,
Godan eb.
Goderick. Nor. !lad. ISM
people ars e l w aya on ...e look
out for chances to 1 • .:mow
their earntngw•sd In. time he
come wealthy : those eh.- do
no epee... their opsaxtea
item remain in poverty. We ufh.r ,• area
dewy. W wake manes. We want rem, WO -
see. buys and girw Its *ork fur es a ties
ewe low alitaes. Anyone tan do tb. w.,.la
erry hear the drat start. The be:n.'s *111
pay mer• lbal. Inn 1 its..+. ordinary ears*. 1':a-
pehah a outfit furnished for. No one * 4u ea-
dages falls to make 1none> t.ptdlr. 1 cu eau
wrier your 0lo.1.• time to 1h.• work. er *tilt
yaw, spar.- u•.•uu wt+. Full information and
all 11 at t. at eeesat • • free. Address elTsw
I ROT It Co. Portland ' • alae.
1 We w 111 la) the &hose reward fur milkyesh/ 't
Liver (hotplate'. l)yatrt••,.. t-..1. HaavNhob
Indigestion. toaatipatea .. •t ..l ..• WO
t&nee curs with Wert'• V. i... 1 its p,p.,
when the dee:term am etti. s •,a•be *ith.
'l hr)' are t•8* . *) Y a•wrlwb4 , s1 t r) fell to
gfaroat b.fM'tion. t'atrsrl n. • .,ate' Nap
eontalning ae Piths. a, r r I. • t k 1 y 1111
1)rngg.M.. Beware tot . our int • 1 e' •tb't.-
ttuw. Tl..'stadia.- gra.•• r. • or y tit
Jt111V ('. %VEST K 1 t'., ' . . it •kers,
$I •ad e7 King :-t. hest. '1• .1'.. s•bt. Free
ripAlpacLispe.rid to mai 1 .1' ,., on receipt
of a 3 anent •0amp.
ger role se N It MeV • ' •!51 WHIRL
Them are MND gaols.
The hest blood purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach oafr
u shering humanity, trulv is Electric Bit- The People S LiverY
term. Inactivity Mato fiver, Biliouaaes
.1.gutdicu, Constipation, Weak Kidneys,
o.11 any di.esr of the urinary <''5501, (x
wbc.ver requires •D oimetizer. tunic ret
it 414 stimulant. will nlw•vs find Electric
Ritter the heal end only certain curs
known. They act surely and 1nickly,
even 'brittle guaranteed to give entire
et money refunded. 8..:d .1
• __ by J. Wilsons. 1
�- emantat're..at ring purchased the Livery butanes* or Jas.
Mi. M. IL Allison, Hutchinson. Kap. �R.lna, loeserfy owaeu by Robert Karr.
tttmtlotm . •k•.er t.f peWic parronyr•-. Tlin,
saved hie life by a ample Trial Mottle 4 rearentec ea leaaden to all. and other
Dr. Kin_'s New Discovery. 1"r thin- 'The Finest Rigs
gumption. which mimosa' !nim to procure AT REASONABLY. PRI(kr.
a large l.dtl.. thete•na,olete'y .::red L.tm:, (',\1.' ANI' PEE t' i-Opprslte Ii•Iley's
when ISoct.w., ehs.ge of climate and Hetet. (ioseriph.
everything else had failed. Asthma, Oodorich, Feb. ilt1., tt1.4. 1IS
Br orch*tis, Hoarseness. Serer. Conchs,
and all Throat and Lwow diseases, it 1s
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottle. at J.
Wil•-n's drew dorm imrlfe rise 11. (I)
That Diphtheria Is erne of the noat danger-
ous dumas. and •swoslty *worm away them
tads of ohlklr.v. ie a vast whit A no on. ran
deny. awe test .10 ton • in many mato are
Lounge h Pipet as tree A nw•dl-
that 11 a twig* r. and sure ear* kw
essences s.rl .ve,..te{oe•e d Ira.* a)nwld
balled with my Ann' a.rtld• w. h .ane.l by
MNg�rr1 family. foe jam. In tines el tsar.' A row
rr@tlrn Is ranch mere malty checked as the
noise the ahs. 1t Iran waned headway.
t le with this demos. Rem melleine
do no wait tit It M moon tats.
le offered the piddle le DI
PHTHERiA.and ('ROi'P
•tire w
tlwwrh)7 .s.vtsoad thea It
nyw•r N•purpnar.rtM•e /stewm Moe
Mss Was wet Ar the Domlwbw d Onsets.
reran. ere takes sows* wit tmt-
re W. $ktrial.
ss.n M Efvrr
tteiaad7 • Itislw{'1'.stlgs�negl�Nptra�Mg IQmR+slme
ori:�ee home.1i NHLs Ax r! ?e.4 P.0
Iter sae as see 411.s.
seat S
July IIs MIL 11014
pi'wl w pplyti.zsaes w114
the QOnuin8 8in(Bt.
IhrlMsaa . oicttwta •trend, .teen the 1tr M.
(herr', teed•riies.
Osderteh. Dye. 17 t/1M. IMI As
t..t. Ilfr 1. .nrrp t; t�
out dare 1.1.11 ata .1
something med.!, aide ebb
lime leave behind to eesgwsr
time. ill. a week in yoarowe
Sewn. pt ontet free. No /irk. Everything
Mew. Capltar wet required. We will hernial
jraotr everrytkhala[. Many aar,- q►maakllI' roil -tone.
rt. f:ak greet Read' 1( `nb'wir
` e / h era 1n ret
%•stews at whteh you can make greet pay all
OR time. write for particulars to H. HAt.Lzrr
&Co. Portman ]mal
ifavins the ntntost Cnetdenec In 1t. scams
Mit; over se obey. add after t ouisads of
testa of the meat Mmt'tl. al, el anti moves
Mee WP.••,n14 MIA 're fir•I tinstilled In Wol-
lner to ferrel* One Tho.Isan. Stollen for aa1
cam ret cnugha, e..l-t• WWI, throat. ladueosi
bearun•w. hror•ehit'a, e.'nsetnldMn In tl•
early stases. wItaapinr cough, and .11 drawees
e( the threat and lunge. except asthma. for
sir{ •h we only elates relief. that we valet ens.
with'Per''s enure. Pvr'ap, when taken seeord
ins to •t!rr•ttlnna. 'lamp:. bottle.. V. and Me
mento: Iar5P lacuner one dollar. (Genuine
wraprrnonly In Aloe. Wold by all druggist&
er sent bi express nn MKIp' rel price. JOHN
C. WINT t CO.. at and Int King street East.
Taranto. Out. toad at J AP. W1i PON'S Dreg
Morn Goderich IOW
Health : ;
*tltT. a guaranteed aprctic for llystere, Dot
slams, Convulsions, lits. Nervous Neu
Hwdehc. Nervous Prostratloa cased icy
nee o, nl.•ohol or tobacco. Wakefnlneea. Men-
tal 1)rpn'aeim..soft enlrrR of the Drain. to.wlt
lug in Inatnd,r and bedew to misery. decay
and death. Premature Old Age. Barn rams,
Lose of Power in either sex, involuntary Lorin.
WW1 Mpermaturrt ma. Lamed by orer-tacrtles
of the train. aelt-abuse or over-iodatpcaco.
Oso box :MU vary recent case. Kach box es.
Laine one motth'r treatment. 0114.11011W' a box
or six boxes for the dollars : sent by mall pro
p.td oft receip' of prior. We guarantee de
boxes to care any case. With each order re-
eethPd by os fur PP( boxes,.n-nntpwa.led with
Ree dollars. we wi11 send the purchaser sur
written guarantee to refund the n.ouey if the
treatment does not effect • carr. Oearwntse
lasted only by J1Nd WILS•11 an
bed Went for Ooderlcb, Oat. JOHN
scutN C W
M CO.. role proprietors. Tomato Oat.
Vick's Floral
ger MI I. .. RIPNI.t Mesh of les
Oseered Plosw of nevem. sod Imola
and awry limo lees 11/11.10,•11••• of t
cq •�les. Flowers. Plants eel 1 .retable. and
INvretn s foe growler. it 1e ean.tanme enough
M the C.etwr table or • /runless Present.
Peed as row na'n• and Poet item. sddtr..
with ter eerie'. .not 1 will wend von a Mill.
pwtagP MIR la nor 't,.erre, •J ,ts raw.
t {i a printd In both English and Gerson. if
Eft de
ward• order seeds dwer the Net•.
• feel• as. sloe wwa • ter Wus5d t
F os at. ACnre wlU I.5 her to get add
Tlst'.Weave+sad Teseta5*ai
. .r -o. Its
e(lnlared Plates. 115* vines Fer
.este In roper rovers : pt.11 1. •t*w••t
is. .w EverSeh.
VM'. $I �n iM y N. cher - d
R1gv 1. 5vany awss155 sod
ri Cooke il.'"� f peel s M1Pwm'kesir
sewn for es. newts : I trial melee Hs. • sesta •
WICUICIlecsltt '
HAe,A1A FR s
i ' DIL
Ale pls•sion to take. Curtain their own
Purgative. Is a safe. sure. and Ms
Isser'erer mf worms la Glades sr A
Burdock bmisimir
. Oat.
And wry spades s1 Meesew•M.
dnsomewed LIVEN, K*Oi.o.t 'A01`
soino_s as
T. MIL/BURN N 614., "144.401111
BM (lock
AGE1\I� lsMta. t, Ix 1'.T
1' sok (•nae/ont •mens
Capital tilt t'• dt JAwe • lose ta.
send ttaehr..