HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-14, Page 5- - r --z LIQUOR LICENSES. Th. I .l d •pendent Pres : epeob Ont. empperel.e the Prey tarsal Mverwwrae- /leraveIra .•. racdeasld sew at t heal. Tu, i.,.lv)eanart t paper .•t the prey - learner a emit seaiit.t 1).• •,ui.m inter- fervmce in the Weft... til . :..r Hanes. They rnd. time 111.0 stand taken by the O..tario Geyer m.,Ioast, and stew that the tactics . f the Dominion premier have crippled his lieutenant the leader of the Outsrio Oppouitiuo. The following one - meats from well known isdep adept dailies are worthy of eartefnl perusal. Fier Me Toronto New& "sir Jobs is evidently getting ready fur a back -down on the bourse quwtiun, or why should he Imre recommended the applicants for liminess to take out Ontario as well as Dutaieiat liewees It is uoticeab!e that Mr. A. O. Hodge, the Secretary of the Ostarw Trades Be- nevolent Association, w giving the otitis advice to the 5ewber. 0t the trade throeghout the country, and no doubt he demo not do so without • suggestion from Ottawa. If Sir John intended to enforce the McCarthy Act, it is hardly likely that the liquor sellers would be advised to ooesplp with the provisions of the Creeks AM.' Fees the Tercet* Telegram. There clan be no doubt that Mr. Mere- dith was heavily handicapped in the last general eleetiva bythe load Sir John Ilaodosald pot on s in regard to the boundary disputa He is trying to set himself right by standing up for the right of the province to legislate on the liquor geestloo. What between the de- cisions of the Privy Counsil in England, the cpiowns ut lawyers and laymen here, tba' revolt of Quebec against his inter- ference with the liquor troffer, and the fitly ode of the Oppiastiuo, 1.1 the On - taro. Legislature, bar John is not receiv- ing re• leech comfort these days in the menet of the McCarthy Act. Mr. Meredith is much more likely to stt.agth.n himself with the people of Ontario by standing up for their rights spinet the centralising policy of the raises at Ottawa than by helping these rulers to play the oentralizang rime. Tibet Ontario possesses the .:elusive right to regulate the liquor traffic can Daly be decided by the Privy Couacil, bat until it is decided that she has or her not sash power it is the duty of those who represent her to be found on her side, and not with a belief in their hands arguing the case from the opposite sada From the MOotreal Star. The main motive ter passing the Me - Corday act was a desire on the part of Sir John to spite Mr. Mowat, and take a certain asnant of patronage out mf his hands. It should, however, be worth the while *f Sir John to remark how widespread tbrougbous the provinces is the feeling that his policy is one of ag- gression as regards provincial right.. rilh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1864 k is MN the ihterprstattoa .4 the act by the dere. w.u1se11 can he hof. .1e.t why bele *mat. is. to run tilt sign:n.t .:1 tier C;uow .. rite are eer u p .w.a•u is r•• •4lda0111an14•I. li{. h.• .Yluat ttsrouf.•.•,. ,.,ors ; let hila hold beet .me mete. - (World. CANADA Vet. DNGLAND. Wallace teas a.Aals Ib. Caudell aside,. Losun*, iMorrl. to -- Toe .rel lit.g roar to -day het. vas Hers amti Lobes*. was weer, I.y *Les. The dtatat.ce is the 1...s BSIa,,r rAor oar four scales tan futlours over the regular Tae or. c •ur.e. Rai a,e.a.ltuic Li .bear t. a swot ds. llettiur was b to 4 Ill (steer ;ora Whop. I In • t a.. a. u . took up their (deers at the Martin_ point they acre Notedly e: a end by their partisans from the b.ul...sol the stem:uers. dish 1►.ae backed up Li dem the wal.rnerm'. Ovals molted iL the stream, an.l ass held Lr the "retention bythe mere. The umpire In his launch ased hu wen, "Are you ready ?".Aye, aye," they atwwried. "Go !" he stouts to Bul.rar at I:ib p.m., and under a tttarniticemt swaepoi rtn.kr Bubear's craft sped as i like an error,. Bubear's grand action, i .-ung ■t' the note of 34 strokes per minute, took him fully halt a down lengths to the fore before the empire gave Ross the sutnal to go. With a quicker stroke than hie spponeat Rose trade his little craft leap tilt of the water. and thee, amid the yeah of the spectators mid the puffog and anorting of steamers, the race ha -t fairly cmm ure- oed. Off the London Bost Club -house Bubeer s lead had been reduced to about five letieths, but both men were rowing splendidly. As they approached Ham- mersmith Bridge the North Countrymen whose sympathies are against the South Englander, shout, "Had away, Wallace. Pull away, Mon." Under the bridge they went, Ross leadiog by half a length and in this order they sped away past Thornycraft's torpedo f 'Cashew factory. eve Rai 4, and came in fully six lengths ahead .1 his opponent. The men looked as though they had had enough of it,and QCT_ H_ RZlILE -" BROS. COLBORNE BRO W ee I tesreceived t reived a ladle wa/issstwt d ChaK Duke Chasse, CatteeadDta, CheekMart- leas sad Tweeds at lower prices thea ever. u ONO and sBehea e sure sad ase thee Praetor, (�ette.e before burins. i I 1Jwderf.:k. Feb. 1411. UNt. MONTREAL . "LYMAN' The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND REG-TJL A TIC'I J't3. The centaiwy saw Mab wields the Hagorr Reit Mao.; the tails I.as ant. 1a Masltolla. at pekes raak(ag from $2.50 PER ACRE upward.. with ooadttlwa rpatria( csltiv&bn. A rebate for cu1tivatlow at (rtes. `AAS lie thele per ear, acow..las 1.. eetospa d ter the Wad. allowed or osmole osedltloas. Tow oosapany also ulbr 1.. L w i' bout awadltlaaa eettleu.eaf or culUvotloa. THE RESERVED SECT r ,")r1s &Wee the )lila Lina f. r-. Mooed numbered Meettoms . , oue a...»e(t' -'railway. are sow ottierrd for sale on advsatageoes tarots• to parties pro's red w .dersvtt their Ira..edi- ate caltivattn TERMS OF PAYMENT : Purcbas ors easy_ payosemixtb 1a cash. sad ilk titan. , u Ire • •mem' imeatmeata, with interest al S1 X ER CENT. per aaaam, pa, a1.1.• la adios.•./. Parties p.rrrbeslag without coadltloes of cultivatior, will re lee a Diad of Oseess- autr at tlmeof purchase. 1f pay mint 1. mode to fun. Payments may be mode in LAND AH ANT BONDS. which err. he ensile at tea we tent. premiums on their par value and salvias intermit. 1't roe thy ,,aaa a s•Mataed us ay- plitstitr at the Hank of Montreal Montreal • or at anyl or Ira setae este FOR PIM is and ('IJNI I IoNs 0i.' sALKr and all inks mailer with r'.prrl to the p�r� chase of Lands. apply' to JoIi X H. MaTAV I$q. (:aaN►kq rt. WINIOINg. B) ,arse 01111e Hoard. CHARI.Z t DatlldliW -till, anonaaer. ltBi CLEARING SALE 1 Tiri�,r�aexe, Plated. 73 . M'a.n.czr 0-c .. d.res, -77I-res- ape.r, Tey a Uorzr- Close Cuts for Cash BARB WIRE /^\ FENCING. SAITND:E .2/014° for r e tome. agate at lie/ Proviaetal Slow. Prise awarded for W re ea sold . o the Spool -not Vary largely weed on all the pprrin.'loaf railway linos ret the I •siren on. ?or ask by J HN A. NA MEL, ('heap Hardware Ent' "roam. (indeed( b. CFREA . BARQ .AI TS .FOR CA:_ ,.E 1 Bulwar showed signs of the terrific stru_- Yr men roiled up. Rarely has such on e. senablw,(e leathered at Mortlake t.. witness a race, and the enthurituo,. folly.eluelle.i that which greeted H..:.!esti 1.i has user n well ,ua exhibitio. glc The cheering was deafening tI - Tho Preach TbreUUrg the Premier. L.' (:anddj,n, a leading French Con- servative Raper, has this to say :-"On the filth of February Sir John A. Mae- dottaki plaotxl on the order paper a mo- tion to give precedence to the Canadian Pacific debate, which, .in other words, signifkd his Intention of pressing the vote. Messrs. Ouiwet, Amyot and Houde notified Sir Hector Ltusgevin that the Conservative members would oppose the First Minister's pruoeediuge,and that before voting on the C. P.R. resolutions they would bring before the House the question of the readjustment of the pro- ruetal subsidy. Sir John bad not the oowrtevy to reply to the representations of a pru.nice which kept him in power for pure thou a quarter of a century. Our friends will understand what this adenyl means. They made this move- ment for the purpose of finding out the iuteati., s of the chief of the cabinet, Tae Limas* R.eat/w. They now knew where they are and will -- act acoordi.gly. • • • It is incontestable that Sir John had a mor- ns. metope from being overthrown, slid a .o. ,.sod Halt commenced to dia- 1 . rue ;uwtce ive HUHU nut today be in i- .el. '.Iso L.Hter Canadian members .11.1 well to rrneryegoally uphold the rggat. mf .our pruvitsee. ?hie task is not •turtwd. .'. m federal eubuidy usjet I,u rerlui.ued o.. John muss sbaudua his wink to tau donation tat s Legislative Yumut ; ;he tot -....tonal Iirenee Act meet be ve air oady a lsni_4 ; and the mamma and revut,rtaotary kilt d the rivet •.u. - Mar uN the elrctura. louse ii.e roast he eueolt(:.1 :tit.s the waste; ..e- 1466.0. Fran Le Mende. t'oseerraticr. Montreal March 4. "C.Ittralizati.,o (es exhibited in the dominion license law) is a step toward a legislative onion and that would place us at the mercy of the Other provinces. The best weans ..f avoiding the danger is to ruidiaate energetically the powers given to the local legislatures. Confederation depends on the provinces. not teem on it ; they have made it. Moreover the federal power h.e n..th• ittg to gain by encroaching on the powers of the nominees. It will only hoe by it. Every tins* a right is taken from tete provinces the confederation will be weak- ened. All the provinces are bound to resist the encroachment of the federal power. If they continue to deprive se of our rights, oae by one, we will no longer 1.e master of our own affairs. What is the use of a uniform hams* law for all the provinces. What is it to Ontario to make an act fur Quebec. Totes, opinions, principles and tendencies are not the Shoe in all the provinces. A low which satisfies one part of the con- federation might mum unnecessary hard- ship in mother province. The fede►dl limas@ act will take away from Quebec ootnderable revenue. I1 we see fit to wipe out some of our aoatem elf -Rees. we ought to do it ourselves It is not for the other provinoeet to im mea on us ■ law that we have not deoeeded. Abort all it is not neoeseary to returnees a right whit& we here not abdicated since eon - federative. Prior to 1283 no one attempted to legislate at Ottawa on the question of lieese.a, whish hod always appertained ez0lssiv ly to the province& 1t is since thea that the weal to centralise has somas( up. It ie Sot certainly the ep•irit of the oonstitution. Whenever the row federation sot is not eaf.eiently expliet it ought to be interpreted in favor of the penvine*a. That is the principle which will do ))Settee to its all. The L,wer Canadian dela ati•.n ap- pears well diapered not to give opits rigbta, and to vindicate the principe .of the autonomy of the provinces." toe% is the opinion of .one of the nines prominent papers on the Conservative sidelPri the province .4 Quebec But it would have bean more effective had the above been esid when the McCarthy law yeas ender deseumion. We de Sot intend to discuss this issue beeves. tit* two powers, hat we wish to pi:ittt test : Fire(, that the majority of spiniest se far is Is favor of the provincial view. Second, that a Mill greater needier of the people of the confederation think that if the setrnl of lieewees and ti,. liquor trails is not given into the ha -de of the vise's be the set of °anted's- ation, le might to lie As Lr Ow s.4. paints eon, there is ass henent is a nnif.wlw law to this parties - tar.; nay, mors, the mend hatable seem to' nsk the other way. air Joan Wu afnw*sld is hound ivy erery --t-eiple of jnatino, by the mere last that ' -- •- streak, in •a - A wastes OTTAWA, March et - t ',mutts:, aha caved iL the House ingot try tie ac- tion .11 t v.r.5 iw.ut.'k 1( 11, Y' to Vic- I•.ria, N. N., st . emterF4 ;1.e C•.I,Illl.de Cid • . . tete 1 .a,,,.•-.1 •te _ ..t Intuli- p,tWt sisal:euq•..l Si I. tfrl(s err fight. '(e,o latter •.eens/ til.. eoidition Co wpheli was in, er.dwv..red to ar,,id bins. C.s.upb.0 tiers, in a loud tette tit voice, al !'heel 11, him a mua.loer of the west Owosso and insulting epithets. Mr. Mai lett the ('hammer, and Camp- bell was ,-..rioted out of the building by a couple of memengert. Campbell, who is emersion', known by the nickname of "Tupper's goose,' is an old Highlander, and is as ,leaf as a pat. in his younger days be took a sotuewhet prominent part in Nur• Scotia politics. During the beer pram' some. of the Letellier de- bate, 11, 1879, he distinguished himself by rushing into the fi.e.r of the House and brew ...hirer a ahtl!aiah in the speak- er's fare. The .mise Iii his attack nn Mr. M.I.:was silni.ly political animosi- ty. At an anarchist meeting in Paris it was decided t.. maintain strict secrecy con- cerning the preparations being made for a .nonater gathering. Be met IWOud of thy own good works, f..r the Judgments et Gad are ..then than those of mea ; and what pl.eseth men oftentirnra olmpleaseth Nim. If we fastest our attestton its what we have, rather than on what we last, a very hallo wealth is sulloieat. eflot Ftha year ii.iri"t&kILIIBLB SEIDS SEEDS Of THE PEOPLE'S STOIIK. 0OI1CHICH. Si sew oy..•nleg out 3 IA LARGE AND WEL1. ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW :t /OM --('ti lel PIUII I NG --- 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and APS, .A. FIILL LIN Bi OF BT.A LE DRY QOOL'B, Whkb be is prepared to sell Cheaper than the cheapest toe CASH. Good Value :r eray 11se. GRAND -CI-IMA RING SALE ! The wbcrfher is also cleanest off the - Remainder of His !inter Stock at 11:,: 7 Discount Prime, OVRHCOATB sold (foe Rt, 01 aid Boar now be bad or IMO and Ile retpectirel} SUITQfA CLOTHS, w Cr'aalar[ed trrout Mesad impost toil, have been reduced to front )Or. to las; wad other 'cadets . WANT BARGAINS CALL T Tthe Goode HE PEOPLE'S )*TOME Z or . Ooderieh, Feb.11 1155. W_ MC_ RIDLHSY, Cor. Rlnemon-st. and Swore. JOHN A. NAFTEL. CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. JaM seeetved, as sa/ortmest of ItODRBBS' CHOICEST POCKIT AYES QUALITY AND STYLE "A No. l." A ENTSwanled for The Lives et .1 the Presidents of the U.S. It is the Largest, Handsomest aid best book ever .old for lees than twice oar price.The teeteet selling book In America. Imasse pronto to agent► An Isteniaast "sole wast IL Aayooe can be - ease w same..agent. Terse free. Address HAii7T HOOK CO.. Purtlaad. Maine. 115E Canned Goods. WARRANTED. Chicken 2 lb TIn Pigs Feet " Corn Beef " Tongue " Mackerel (in Tomatoe sauce,) Salmon (extra quality) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (American), Blueberries. Tomatoes, d De Cam, Green Peas (French),' Green Beans. Green Corn (American), French Mushrtwns, Potted Chicken, Ham A Tongue. Muvtardand Ginger in 1 lb jars, CHAS A. NAIRN. Id Id St Square, °oder/eb, Jan. 13, tAS4. GODERICH BOILER YORKS Have Jost rcoslewd a how* stock of BRASS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS &ENGINES; Nei► Salt Pans and Boilers Built ow Itlorle•a Net free Malt orders for view work asteRrep Ole 511)1 receive prompt att.Iatlos. CHRYSTAL A BLACK. West nese 0. T. It grilses. U0111.1/0. M. ttt11L 1118 OW nt.l gAsttMNe�hlteNwasFees� M(y wag egatiaNbelre s, - . r -Mab ..-r a i.g ts4atg gate Is ,.eve pe-- - : "sow titer Mo an atnl cants. Prised estaluges. besMLL ewtefatag rtr all ewwy le - el ashlomega et Ieee. will y hes �Rcx1., 11be Pestes. anda.ied Mire." wain. 41.5415.., Omrla New Clover Seed ANTI -- TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, AND ALL KINDS OF MANGOLD for TURNIP SEED TOGETHER WITH GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, FOR RALE AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, Corner of Hamilton and Victoria street, Goderich. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other esenpWar are so Invidious to their at. pick es thole slioveng the throat and lags : awe /o trilled with by the a kerity of .deters. Ter eedlnon eoagh er isle, reseiney pommy' teem. trfdlsg or eneoaeeioae e.prara, le cafe111 bet the begitmtne of a fatal Wetness. At'tir'e Omaha Ps -,o*At W well proven Ib ellteaey la a forty years' Ott with throat .ad hong dieseese, aid Amid be taken 1a all tram witbo t delay. A Terrible Oesgb Cured- " la URI took a ,.vers Bold, vr'.teh efforted my lags 1 bed • un1bie eoa5b, stet peened atglst idler stet wltboet sloth. 71m doctors gave me eP t frMM AYMC/ CU*kT Fuer, aA4 which ��sneyy Iwo. I� ,f aseeWeep, and Ofer w 3, es the idlee ad UMW the * ..A i. ar awe we wee efei5.4. 1 em .sow ft years .•M, hast ewe he.rty, led are aatteaed your Casa s*- PetTes.aLm .wdae. Ho*Ace F'Ala.aOT*ai" nesmagaera, vt., July t1, tea:. Osseo. - A nether'. Tribute. "While ho the ee.watry ten wither ay little bray. three years 01.1. wee Islets 111 with weep a ssesasd as If be would .1st from strangslatls. Meet the frmsly regge0i•.1 tho w of Avis,* C.aasT t'atTO.At, • 1.4t10 of whirls yr al - l= 4 w.y. booth he the booThew roe tried he roan /M IMwwt death and to our delight In ler theebel sister the 'wt., ;Attest wY1reat►Lg me- Ity. The dower said that ti:-Cttaa.v Par?oaaL ow lewd e darrII.e'. 1111.- yes wider myth/. SOMA AwaviT." ie Watt 171111 S5.. Now Tert, nay It, ow " 1 bow send A entre (, . a te.no s lt 1. 1. f.rallr few 'wend yrMootrgffg, and do ani lsiadfaie W �e me onothrewe're, otreed. vete1 remedy for (*.&aaei , Lake Crystal. NW..,tMarsh it, I. eight Our nylon sew reesee - wieeee * re meal//. f was send by dee me of Ana's C Perrohat., Jnears WAt.r.ws.' SAM* IAA, April a, ISA 1 eswr 5 b prsbe d A Tia . Cess*T P.rrnbai bvMvt.g se I do that M 14 Ile see 1 eheeld beg else, bee. AW free le Ire.h bR. 11&41011.11111."y�ibrttee, Tessa, *pril 11 11Ml. yf0 ears of as e/btMel of the t4nwt or ithia ester wide.. e.sar be pertly wse.ed by tae ole 01* Tit.'• Colas? M rellA t,.M n w(ll etmp air* when theAmeee b art shv.dy leveed do emwd ei tamR/lea r.hr eat ir, qr.1. 0. Ay.e ` 0.., Lowell, Mom .add Wu* Drop& West Street, next dots' tri ti .',. •t New MantIe C'oths A Great ain ri.t J. C. DETLOR & Colored Velveteens IN BR(►WN, BLUE. SLAT[.'AND .STRA.VAILi.RY, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Waisted tobaK11011111.1 asciWZF>e�c DED *RoAMI TwAv Tot• c•x ORME CONFECTIONERY 'x t REAL ESTATE CANNED FRUITS IND FISH5w; TOR.RCCO, CIG✓IRS, 4e Domestic sad Foreign F.r,attathe. Beet and 1mnked flail unser Filth 4*.newton. A full assortment of all kinds of Nuts. oysters Nerved la gem eerie Required. It'E CREAM I q' XE.4 io Floral heslgn., Wreath., ('rvsmes. Bouquets, etc., made to order. /lowering Plser t'metabie, Is town. V!I-Avg- a E. BINGHAM'S RRBTAV RANT, Coact Howse Square, Dockage -h. Ont Dec. le. yttg. 111l2 -31n. IN THE TOWN OF HOHEHICH. 1. A Cerner Let INo. Sol on West s close to the Sgwete, *swims 2. Lot 1041. near the Park, very plae.sat station, with view of Lala, auspttstag staatlolly 'wile 2 more twist Ileum .table, fruit trees, &c., 41144 0.110. 1 Three end a half Ines Maimed, Y Kest street. with hetet I'o•sdry, new 41011.04. real at SIM ON • ear. 11.100 eh 4. Lot on ban 1 el N err, sear the .7aes. Their properties an. really sera more moor:). but new he= t• de sera Estate, said are therefore otskredemeat tri. prices. Apply to amid tees, Godert eh, Sept. lith. t1B, gilds/ The Chicago House G 0DERICH. The Leading Iillinerl Establishment of the PLUS:IES, BIRDS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, The largest and Beet Assorted Stook in the County to Choose From, at lifsin Wil BOA'S, - Chicago Howse Oaderloh. Nov. lg14111n. um. PLUMES, LA 1833--04A,XES-..-18 IVe/land Vale, Ao1gy,40, Welland Va Burrells, '- Burrell's, and the and the Simpson Axe. 1X E .. ,S i�i�4svn 1 d x FULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAW; MANI'FACT('HF:I, HY R. H. SMITH &CO. Seceeemer tm J. FLINT •---.iso IIPLI LII! LANCBI Heald Quarter for stool Barb Fence CATTLE CHAINS AND A1.1. KINDS OF iHARDWARi. L('OME ANI) SEE FOR YOURS lt. W.MCKENZ.IE' 0211:111AP ALIIIMIllirAiltin ft.TOj!!o COURT HOME SQUARE, DODERICB, OWUI ONee1Nk set 4. NO.