The Huron Signal, 1884-3-14, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL kkar Mural lir Ito Museums it their Ode*. deet\ w Nna et GODIa1OH, ONTARIO. Aselsemeteheil se an its eesstry- W She e.iUs.I Mmalllss amid the tt W m Weer tte Ude of realest. aswiest tib gsr..gai essentials b IM vee • *rat-cIes. papr—tt to therefore • eireretaNi/ ese/taw- Je Ia ride postage pr`pstd ; µors, Upaid els meanie Ifs a se paid. TWS rale M wetly llt$Tta or Assennemine.-Ligat cents pe ire ter snit lasertimn ; three caste per mit for sash 'abase seat l$ t.srtira. Yearly. b•lr rioter sad Vs•rlerly •sasses at reduced rates. Jus r.&$Ts.s...• We have also• Bret -class lobbing departmmat b osaasimloa, and peewee Ing the meet o.mNes setas sad bat taciliaee tar tsrstag mai work I. Ooderick. ars prepared se M benison* la that Una at prion that cannot he beads. mod of • r coat cannot be uss.nedt-lfbeme FRIDAY, MARCH 14T., 1884. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY MARCH 14, 1884. I LATER "TOM PLPPIZ" Foe •n ispod.at her, the Topside Must takes 6rat place. Moms yesss a61s Kir Richard Cartwright, when s wsember ut the Government of Mr. Medinaie, intruded his secretary to stake • list of the abusive adjectives and substantives hurled against him by the Tory press. The het was prepared, sad stowed away by Sir Ricbari until it would be requir- ed fur use. Lad December kik Richard was nominated as the Reform candidate for South Hum, in room of Mr. John McMillan, radioed, and its his romans tion omins- tion speech gave the lid of epithets, se that the people of Huron tuigbt know to what straits the Tory press was reduced, and what blackguards the Tory editors were. The list was given that it might prove useful to the Mail, std save ret the trouble tet hunting np old terms of abuse Mr. Pat. Belly W beim thrown a sop by the Dominion Ooreremest, in the appointing of Moos, "Johnny," w be $ e.b-toepeVer of homes in Huron. We se weeder Pat. is Pat -riot -is at dio- des dei PERSONAL. As we are going to make a thorough revision of our subscription list after the 1st prex.,it is necessary that all subscrip- tions should be paid up before that data The sum of 111.60 may not be much re the individual, but one hundred such aceounte makes $1110 for the publisher. All in arrear on subscription or other account will plots pay up at once, as we hate to pot Costs upon our account& If you owe us, don't delay settle- ment. If you appreciate Tse SIu' zL, show that you do so by paying up all arrear- age. or coining new ones : a.JRCTIvri. He had been described as Unjust Outrageous Unfair Churlish Ungenerous Silly Uo principled Weak Unkind Changeable Ungrateful Vacillating Ill-tempered Insolent mannered Impertinent Vindictive Brutal Reckless Braggart Implacable Despicable Indecent Foul mouthed Brawling Discourteous Cowardly ()betinete Self-willed Conceited Bremen faced Sophistical Deceitful Cunning Pedantic Slanderous Artful TRIC. P. R. TV GODEBICH. Goderich wants another railway. Tbeabove is the sentiment of every resident who has the good ut the town et heart. How are we to get the carpeting ing line 1 Not by sitting down, with fingers in mouth, waiting, Miawber-like, for; , "something to turn up." A capital opportunity exists at the' present time fur bringing a second line of railway to Gi.derich, and our Ipubac men sboold not let it slip. The C. P. It. Co. owns the T. G. tit B., awl the '1'. C. A B. is within 30 or 36 miles of O. derich, and must' have s lake outlet. Oodsrich is acknowledged to be the bed herint on this coast of Luke Huron. and would be the must suitable termi- nus for the T. G. k B. branch of the C. P. Revolting Idiotic Malevolent Ignorant Contemptible Cruel Cantar.kerous Presuming Crafty Pharisaical Flippant A ffected Vulgar Baa T.s correepcuideot of the Turoato Neta on Tenthly sent the following bit of gossip :-"Blake is beginning to dere lope social qualttiea To -night he was sees twiug around among the members waking jocular remarks, and ere" going w Mr as tojslep some of thele fain itiarlyon the back, a b Sir John. He has nut yet, however, gone so tar es to wk any et his sue porton to some downstairs and hare something." Au. duole as to the position of G. A. Cook, the newly domed mttmb.r tor, South (heard, woe set edge no Friday sowing, when be was istr'udawd into the local Legislature by Hon. A. 11. Rudy and the Lbtxsl whip, Mr. Free - mea, and took his seat on the Minister- ial inisterial side. The ite/aaters cheered, but Ithe Opposition were silent. Tux McCarthy Act is wonting with strung opposition in the province of Quebec. Bon. T. J. Lursioer, one of the most eminent jurists in Canada, bas written an upon letter to the Lieut. -Gov- ernor of Quebec, in which he gives es - pression to the opinion that the provin- ces have the exclusive right to legislate concerning the sale of intoxicating liquors. Le (unadien, ane of the leading Tory journals in the province of Quebec, in referring to the matter, expresses a hope that Quebec will not remain behipd the other provinces, but will take • rational and logical position concerning the Mc- Carthyract. 1 Hop O. MOw*Tet majority is dill in - Icreasing. On Tuesday the question of early sittings forAths remainder of the session came up. Mr. Mowat moved to have two sittings a day, commencing at 11, to take in Saturday as well as other days, and to take up government busi- ness on Mondays after private business. The opposition objected to the proptssl Hess are Mete Wt are well worth &moldering : Oto effect of the cheapen- ing of letter postage m the Uuited States has been the reduction in the number of postal cards used, the talliug off since July let being ever three million and • half. Tl.r increase in stamps used dut- ch* sense period has been 18 per cent., and of stamped envelopes 23 per Dant. The hoes un the redaction well probably be merely temporary. It is out to the credit of Canada that we still keep up the three -Dent rate while our ueighbors are *okaying the advu,tagee of two -Dent postage. ADMIND» LXTTOLZB Ile. In the last item of Ties Scott 1 took apse tee the teak of isitreduclug myself to the public, beemee I do not believe in being iotrodesed in •patronising style l iy the re.tlemen who for the ounce occupies the position of editor of the inures! in leestwe, or any other news- paper, in which 1 feel staved to give vent to my reflections (n esen and things. But the editor, evidently, dues um un- derstand me, and nut kuowtug that I disdain custom or ceremony of all kinds, he mud seeds introduce me to his readers after • (settle!' the most ap- proved of, 1 presume. For his kindly intentions he has my thanks ; fur his ad- hering to custom 1 thank him not. My mission is to sbow that the customs whirl obtain and the methods that rule are not in a000rdauee with the eternal fitness of things ; and yet, forsooth. he would hamper me at the outset by intro- ducing nterducing me to my friends, the pu►lie, just as he would do were I • stickler fur the customs that are now become common. Verily, he would place me in s strange position had hells power -which 1 would have my readers `tbor•ughly :understand he has not. In his introduction, with that thorough Milesian love of blunder which the editor has Dome by honesty through heredity, he first alludes to cos- tain "oddfuh" who, he would' have yes believe, • e little better than what our American cousins would call "cranks,' and states that after having been badg- ered by "severs!" of them, be bas finally consented to allow • column or w of Tug blOrle,L to be taken up by the opinions of these "oddfish," - said outman to be under the editorial charge of Addenda, "a representative specimen of this gents literati." So I am one of the "opddfish," the editor would have you to believe. Well, perhaps 1 am ; yet when i look abroad I see many far more odd than I, without the candor to ad - wit the fact. In his closing remarks the editor perpetrates the Hibernianism to which I bate before alluded, by stat- ing that the specimen "oadish" who is to edit the column which has been de- voted to "cranks' -his acquaintance, Addenda -is "a man of wisdom, integ- rity and ripe literary parts." Even editors dont always look before they leap. By the way. Stennis has been in to sw me. Stennis is • wide-awake man in every particular esoepting one, and that Disk novels and other such trashy literature have been :zinging forth evil fruits in Philadelphia, where • "James gang," composed of lads from ten to fif- teen years of age, were discovered in the public school. The youngsters wore armed with revolvers, and had been sworu to secrecy. At Franklin, Pa., an- other bend of would-be cowboys has been broken up by the spanking proems. The boys intended to poison their mothers and go west It is believed the plot would have been carried out had not • servant girl heard the boys discussing their plan& Tug debate un the Williams-Luard wee was before the House . ` Commons on Monday last, and amongst those who advocated the cause of ::eneral Luard tDaSTANTtt-as, on the ground that a would interfere was Mr. (l'Briau, the Tory M. P. for He had also been compared to a with the took "f thepublic accounts Muskoka. Referritru to an article from Negro Fossil Tory committee, bet the mows was carried 'the Mail, quoted by Mr. Alonzo Wright strained to wake ep tiara, and to ask aim "How muck looser will your f, er s prayer net f' Th. Ittt • darkey rubbed bis eyes, and aid in reply, "Hsi be stet to de place wham 'Ljal. Ines up io dm fiery obarriot, ■n' drape his tisk onto 'Lieber I -cow when he Kite that hes half tax.. " As t he old man had nut yet reached that p.nut, Sam went off lot" another •u.. ,, end the hungry traveller endeavored to reconcile him- self to lien tate. So you is., Addenda, (continued f4omnuo there 'sae analogy between the story .d the .•'•t darkey, the traveller and Sam and the actual be- havior of you, ,"e a 11 a long -preying reecho-: Von so., he hu, •triugfin epiri- teal fool, and you have 1.. wait till the old in an gets thruutth ; I know what I have t.. exlree, and go to sleep until the affliction is over. And after baarit.g tiamuus thus explain himself, le.As!s. da, el .nag', moat attached to the "sweet ..:••ase of prayer,." actually for- gave his, 1 ...,y heart f r sleeping in the enact Wiry. A 1Densa pwYW**hedge testa.' How about Mr. J..1. Hawkins 1 The worts Tuve adjudged the defeated party all the alt& But Mr. Hawkinsis n py, be is in that happy position that •xscutien against bin would scarce metanddesirable et and pay• Hawkins not indemnify Mr. Kills for the expense he has been put to, online the Tories are honorable enough to reins the amount and have it forthcoming whits execution issues. If there is a arses of honor am..ug the people who are resrposeible for the whirl* trouble, the amount will be raised s good deal quicker than the gold watch subscription to be gives to Jim Stephens. - I Strethroy rawer.Aga ` As rawer. coarse. The persistent attacks made upon Mr. Blake by the Mail are et once unjust and ursrus* ruble. To stare* that gentlern a with being a political failure tomes' the p,.-ifi: loon lois been tarried through, •.i.i sir Leonard Tilley has safely deliv- ered himself of his bodges speedo savors of the ridiculous. To farther Mr. B ake with want of political may ty mesas ui the fact that be r ing himself while in Opposition with the i„- tr,duction of special theories of legii- ties is not alone absurd but absolutely a.naensial. As Vader of the Opposition Mr. Blake has his industry and oddities sufficiently occupied in husking Bier tka (k.vernment sad its mecums. !tweed this it is safe to may that no fee els Op- position leader has taken a mom active part in the discussion and improvement - of all mesons brosgbt beton parlia- ment, whether by the Goverien est or by . private esemherr. To hays followed the mastitis system of waders ha the NOW of the Pacific leas, as wastimr wbeirthe original agreement was beim petfsmest, would appmrentl7 bate bees the peeper conduct frog Mr. Mahe, aeesadittR-kothe (organ, but there is the stttoslgeM reser since that it woaid have been meetobjeo tiorable to the country. The tlMi e of the Opposition is creditably psdoruine his siert in public life, and when biters comes to lead a government flees is is reason to believe that be will be Vekiol in the required .tatamanahip and saga- city. There is clearly nothing to be rained by this senseless hostility to Mr.. Blake, which the Vail has adopted toils own discredit and aha manifest diagest ef many of its own political friends. -{Tub unto Telegram (Ind.) Caligula Mici.wber Hrr•.d Pout:us Pilate Jude• Leuret Bohai Beelzebub Jonah General starvation )It.1..ch Mact.iavelIi .l units Wilkes Judge Jeffreys Mast„tlon Hammon IJailhitd 1 hi rich Misanthrope Pre Adamine Tory Demagogue on a division by a tttajurity of 10, Mr. Champion Belly d against the Geuensl, he suuld teetely Felon government. tern party, but if tkownter et that Benedict Arnold Neslun muted with the oppt'situw, an a that he had "always looked upon the Hypocrite Messrs. Hart, Cooks and Lem with the Mail u the ed "al ircu of Cie Contorts Malefactor It article Jaow Teo Toronto Evening Ctuadiee is used no more veracity when writing Apostate after the Mail on the Cestigan question political articles against members of the tion, then was very little open - Traitor Bungler It talks pretty plainly about the matter, OPPosJ Rotten Stick and it would neem as if the feeling et donee to be placed in it." It will is C lite growing that "Griffin mast go." :-"The now in order fur the Mail to refer to the Calibers swot et the cowardly attack on the • member for Muskoka as "O'Brien, the Shylock Slu els." Doctrinaire Hon. Joh:, l •u'tisas bythe editor of the t+loth Mail leaked out in a letter published in IrredeemabkRulSan our ("mum, :rove .., It seems the Aristocrat * elitnr, ager all. snared the past of Lunatic , lihrnriao of parliament, and because Mr. Toe United States House of Repre- sentatives neem willing to encourage the owners of American vessels trading with Cowls. A Washington special says : R. 0orsiste in rho fact slut he will sleep By coming a. Cioderie6 "la ;. G. t j it had been farther recommended that tenured, refused to assist him to thw The Hnuseaelect committee en American during the long opening prayer in iter ut published the article chic h eli pptin g yest reflected so set erely on Mr. Costigan ■ interest t Cry Coati:an, for good reasons se may be Buld pa R. worr • a f,midalrhe "IIsTet the xt time Sbre- time/lir Richard appeared !position, he V t "pL- action of rootat 1 to the G. T. R. ,as it would tap the trade of the W. G. ct B., the L H. d B. aril the B. & L H -feeders of tate G. T. R. The people ut Wingham are bestirring themselves in the matter, and before the close of this year will have • C. 1'. R. station in their lively little town. If our people are wise they will not let the line stop at Wingham, but will endeavor to hring it on to the lake at Ooderich. A railway committee was appointed lad year, but so fa: little or nothing has been done. The reason for this inaction is that men have been placed on that commit- tee who are hinderers rather than helpers. If good work is to be done,* new com- mittee should be struck, and none but progressive men placed thereon. Then let the town council make an ap- prop_ietion for legitimate expenses in working up • railway scheme. and earn- est work will do the rest. This is the only method I.y which a competing line can he broukht to Gude- rich. it means work. irrl a • y •. leer • of vessels or church Foroioiog so, we, bis acquaint.. EAST HURON. As we anticipated, the petition against the return tit Mr. 0ibene, M.PP., fur Ant llet.•.,, 1.•s hear withdrawn. Yee about a year the Tortes of East Huron were loud in bowling that they had it in their power to uUUM& Mr. Gibson. but their bragging has vanished into thin air, their courage has owned out, and the petition has been withdrawn. The friends of Mr. Heys knew a trick worth two of bringing the conduct of tie two candidates into court, for bad such been done n..ti,int Could have saved the Tory candidate fnom diagm.lillestion. Of coarse our Torr friends will ay that no er••kednee avocet that weld be brought hove to Mr. Hays, but we stats in reply shot tine topwy-toreeyiu4 "f tie township ,.f McKillop mold are have been accomplished had not illegitimate negate been resorted to by the candidate or his Moods McKillop, be it remem- bered, gave, at the election of 1bbg. a Reform majority ad 7, when ifr. Bhem- son, a resident of the township, moa i against Mr. McMillen The loin'. , pltip is conceded, by alt who know ltd pohtk l eompte*ion, to be nearly equally divided, yet when Mr. Hays • °untested Leat Huron in Febreary, IgeKillop-- this well balanced township -rare a Tory nujority .1 147 ' And still to teller* "no tricks of do - foie s public audience be should be Received with a few brickbats. That he should be tarred and feathered. That he should be tooted in a blanket. That he should be mgdn to run the puntlet. The list of epithets crossed the Atlantic and in dos time appeared in the columns of the PaU .Null Gazette with an editorial reference thereto which dated that Sir Richard had called his opponests the approbrious terms there given. A short time since the Tory pa- pas* copied the list and comment from the fall Men Brolott, and strove to prove therefrom that Sir Richard was foul of speech. Hon. Mr. McLelan, (who in years past alluded to Sir Charles Tupper as "the high priest of corrup- tion.") endeavored lately to make capital against the member for South Huron in the House of Commons by reading the extract from the Pall Mali Bridget. Sir Richard Cartwright in reply. stated that the item in the English newspaper was erroneous, inasmuch es the epithets bad bow cast at him by his opponents, in- stead of, as was alleged by the Budget, being used by hien against them. There are hundreds of men in Huron who heard Sir Richard read off the list of epithets at Seeforth, and remember the facts of the case, but even that does net hinder the Mail from coming forward in a brazen manner, and claiming that the int was one compiled by its editor from speeches made by Sir Richard Cart- wright. Tradition has it that a gentle- man named Tom Pepper who was a con- s.mmate liar, died and went to that place which was prepared for liars and the father of lies. So great a (slain., wee Pepper, however, that Beelzehub kicked him out of hts domains rather than have the remainder of his subjoin.* eontaminated. When the editor of the Mail leaves this mundane sphere history will likely repeat itself in the realms of woe. we me slit sed ways that •re vain" wee re- i w sorted to. Mr. Hays and his friends I k>Cw was tell that ire., to the matte" heti - we will stick t.. ee, writ opinion Kgmld- t:rep had a cartoon kart week nptnsen this the return of "Hard Times," is the .•crista .1a tough looking old tramp. The To•nor.to Were/ has taken exception to the cartoon. and claims that the times are not hard, and that the soestry is is a prosperous condition. The hosed the editor *h.• denies the .iitt.r.e. of hard times at preseo! mind he east in pleasant places In Huron roomy, ws regret t . .tate, tones never were more stringent, and from what we real m one exchange, .bout other .eettuns, we are eno•ir.ined 1.. t.ejy re they me fro better off Wo 1p, ht/'oALlssfllating what k w.tree, bet we will my that gives we to knew es goad that there ate ease who. hey - it 1lslhemky " t t• with Canada diCes, have owed upon him the ap- pellation of Somnus. He is a goeodna- tured fellow, however, and has thus far net taken exception to his new wane - in fact, I rather think lie likes it. Whether be is pleased with the vont - men or not, he certainly defends the practice of sleeping in church during long prayers. I'll endeavor to give a few of his views on the subject. Says be : Now, look here, Addenda, old b..y. I've seen you asleep yourself during a long prayer, and you know it Yes, I have, and you needn't try to hide your blushes, for this grand -jury fetches in a true bill egaist you in the premises. i sleep during a long prayer because I know the preacher hasn't given any precious thought to the mercies whish he asks from the Most High, and I don't want to be • witness against him for dereliction of duty on the 6na) day. Long prayers are a bunts to the churches. There are daily wants and sbpuetcalhyMnrs y intotelligb"knedmaonr finrromthias bopvor- tion of the nineteenth century will stand up in • pulpit and tell the Lord all that He has done for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, and the other faithful servants of former days, is something I cannot comprehend. Why, Addenda, when I hear one of these long prayers I am al- ways sure that a pow sermon is in its wake. And I'll challenge y..0 to state that you ever heard • good sermon pre- fixed with a lung, labored, meaningless prayer. Eeerytime I stay awake long enough to hear one of these long dreary prayers out I am reminded of the 'tory of the old darkey, who, shortly after the late American civil war, was called upon by • tourist who could find to (.tber shelter for the night than the old negro's cabin. The stranger was kindly received, and a palatable steal was soon propend. The dusky heel., however, was of a pious tarn of mind, and asked the tourist to read a chapter, after which he (the old darkey) world give prayer, previous to partaking of the repast. The ehapter was read, all knelt reverently down, and • flood of prayer bowed from oM Pompey'• hp& From as u neducated negro the language was wonderful, end the knowledge of sacred things truly marvellous. A half -hoer pawned, and the venerable colored man oentinned on, end the meal moralised Anis, ManA 10. -Jobs Aesibp.h, untouched ; three-quarters of as hour had dropped salean Tndian assail owner, osspleyed is eon wenthy, and Chloe, and the son, sambo, veyisa tM smailsst,albetween Piny sales", but but them was so and Lttl.Cno.tt the mirth . hatsusent in the volume of Pempey's of °set i"' barand lake Herne, protium. Abel, Nosh, Abraham, Lw, rc"stlyn. art by dieseriow sof Mr Jkcr.elo orad J..eph wen all rw, it.berd 8weettwan, psta./ts. IttspsMnr, onto, perira{t with the indly key the aged A(rie•aaid thevw was prts. hsmoud i. lbs Barrie jail. "Tossesee, eM (homer rives premiss aps,mrni to ase pn.np n.. met of ens stioe wee aid dei -day before Jedge of beaus the lost steer whish le• yet in k►. y els. lfisiall tM he 0e p ma": 411" tai, .mel wee w apO.ars.d in Ties Biomes- dl will get y e boo mpnsnt.ment at ' se Bwnet for the remainder o f 1844 drariles. sou gh a pion. gaWag s, we'er' ale idents boats doing nt.su.s merits for resigning it u about time g Sometime too Conirr.s:o.iu Burleigh, of that the editor in question was shelved New York, introduced a boll to abolish somewhere, or the whole Conservative party will become so disgusted with the tonnage dues said taxes upon steamboats, Mail that a new organ will be fount towboats, tug. and canal boats trading with the Dominion of Canada. This necessary.'"morning Mr. B.rleig appeared before Tea Orange Sentinel denies that it u the shtppteg committee to argue for political party papa favorable consideration of his bill, and s litial r. The Sentinel succeeded in securing a unanimous report may continue to deny the soft impeach• ment until the cows come home, but the t3ptnng the suustantial features of the same as a new section of the Dingley denials will not affect the facts of the hill, regulating American shipping. case_ The enho,l is Tory Snit, last and always. It dated not be anything COMMUNICATION$. else, ur the large majority of the breth- ren would drop it like a hot potato. The editor of the "trooly buil" journal has just been down to Ottawa, ostensibly to selves to whhe questions. and be brief. watch the progress of the Orange 13111, wade wares -Tires. but in reality t. look alter the interests To the Editors of The Herat Signal. of the editor of the Onstage ,'leatinel. The ()range bill has not yet been passed, but the editor has got his gruel in the shape of an appointment as Dominion license inspector. The Orange bill will now be allowed to stagger from Ottawa to Toren - to, and will be made to do service again as • Provincial lotus ; the brethren will Jo farmwra wagons. were using four inch John, and the editor of the (lennpr 4.di sol f f d We de not hold ourselves responsible for tee opinions of our Correspondents. (:ontrlbu- ten is this department must conAae them - 1 am glad to see that Mr. Snider has introduced a bill in the Provincial Par- liament to regulate the width of wagon - tires. To the majority of the people of Ontario this may seem to be • trifling matter, but to those interested in usitlg the public highways and to all ratepay- ers it u a matter of considerable mag- n itude. It is • well known fact that if het the affront put upon them by Sir all lumber wagons, and this embraces all poco n, , tire. mate .. mm one an a quarter net will pocket his salary a Dominion in- to tw , inches, as at present, our r.oada wont(' not 1.e cut up into such deep, disagreeable rots every fall and spring. as they are now. An ordinary team would re a much heavier load with ease than is at present drawn. And the municipalities would be- aged • large portion of the present outlay in repairing roods and highways, es wide tires would tend more to pack the read material. Our present sharp, narrow timber.. a tend•nry to cut into• the nsd- bed. fake s fair I..ad of, say 3,000 11s., and examine the surface a the wheels in contact with the rued, and it will be found with a It inch tire, that there is a direct pressure 44 over 100 lbs. to the square inch ; whereas, d the tire is 4 inches wide the pressure will 1.e tednced te annul :r Ih.. t. the square inch. Now, a it any emitter that onr roads are continually swallowing to liege sums of small led between the two places. Now, munwy, and ort am never in gaud •cede,. VYhilo Mr. Snider it shoat it, he should we are sollcientty fres trade is tier the include sleigh.• w onr narrow shod notions to allow our neighbor* to get sleighs are perfect pooh -hole manatee - their bread or any other commtdity tures ; besides they ore built too nar- wherever they can get it beet and cheap- mw between the runners. This is a matt., which esn on y he deslt with i.y est, but knowing that our mills are es iM leg»latore, e., as to secure uniform• good so thane in Clinton. and that (lin- ty of action as at present. Many per - ton always b. sots .4 I.sying more for sorsa know the etility of having wider wheat, we era really sonde. to know tires, hat it would he melees for a few to Mow it come. met ono can get tumidly ad" t wide tiro., u they could not Col- leen eM narrow ruts cwt in the reads .mall laves Inc a dollar it Clinton, when to the p,emeot style sof uvsaguea ov al we ran only get fifteen it 0oder.ch i think the heeds .d the municipal sir- Unlms rte difference s in the weight p"r'tion. ah•.ntd assist liar Raider in lie would like to have the i.rnblees seal.- g'lting a g...el, eeomprehensirs me*snre elected as there s a e,r;or need .4 ed by wow of ow dispen..•r• of broil s climate in the dirsetir , iediretwt by Down in the cities the planters are .up- Mr. Bmider's bill. Huoswavwaw. p mind to rsalia. the helmet forte.es be i.dsstriouely plying their trade, hot if asatssse aro. ss t►ey ave sleprseaated te. ke tiedd.etdi. Spector. O. God! that bread should be so dear Aad Ash aad Wood 0001001W- Hour, Our attention hes been drawn to the fact that the bakers of (loderich are charring far more for their bread than the price of flour warrants them in do- ing. Times are hard and money is scene, and under the circumstances no extortion should doe made by those who have the furnishing of the stet! .d life. So great • disparity exists het ween the price of bread in Gedench and that of Clinton that several of our townsfolk are yin the habit of obtaining their bread from the letter town. There is, we are informed, a difference of two cent. on a twit the meaner in whish the merrily is hot•rea, see noel, sed having earn bar jysKilb.p was rat aL OWL an the bakers take the sake •I' L TM New sls.esau toles. The League and American have held their March maeetisp, as! now nothing remains to be done before the opening games but to pot the grounds in order and engage in practise. It is to be regretted that the mutt/ tugs neglected to amend the rules :te- eming the pitching and batting so that the work of attack and defence might be made more equal. Ceder the new rules of the leepte, though the pitchers' lid el anfatr halls has been redwood from seers to six. he has received greater latitude iu delivery by his being permitted to me the overhand throw. This will not in- crease his speed meek, bot 11 will enable bnm to throw the ball in with psalm so curacy in directio., ad aloe suable bill to give the down shoot with greater fseil• ity. The batsman, boomer, is left to du as beat he can against the increased facilities given the pitcher, while he hes but three fair balls to stnke et before he is pot out. One result will le mere chance hitting, and wailer nailing sora will be nude. and the gams be made mora of a meted between two competing batteries thoslpo between the two nines as a whole. 1n the American association the pitcher is limited to the underhand threw below the shoulder. and he is allowed to pitch schen unfair balls, the batsman being permitted but three fur balls to drt'to at. The league has made batting svgs more diMoult that Whirs Those wbe advocated a change in the batting roles as as to give the batsman greater trended in hitting, argue that by allowing the batsman six fair balls to strike at instead of three, and Calling every other fair boll only s strike, instead of every fair bag as now, the batsman would he able to punish the swift pitching without die- culty, and the pitchers wooti have to re- sort more to stratege for moons' rather them te more speed as now, and. ie sow ssgessee, lively batting would be added to the bolds* attractions of the a /sosa As k now, however, the rob,tbilit !s that ere shalt sen more than ever these rather tedious trials of speed is the game between the two swift pitchers of the cesepetit.g Warne. Mees Yorh Boa. 4- 1.1Q Iud MO}ortte wr.',, Tn. in. tate ate at herr bar 1, They en. O..tario tact les .'. crippled I t)nturi•. t moots fr dailies ar Frees me' fur • iced or wby the appals Ontario s It is uotii the Boort .evoleut advice t through.: he does r from Ott enforce t likely thi advised the Crew Freon the There ditb was general Meadow bounder himself right of liquor qi cisiusa e the cpin tht sero ft►r.wo sit .• .dm tame Le lag r, - motet Merrdit strength Ontario against rulers a rulers 1 That C right ts nay be bat tint has sot those w her side hands ■ soda Trees ti The. C ertby Sir Jot certain hand& the wt wtdesp the fee gressio old "Co demist /resiW at the lest is ensile to the depea it ; th Mot ing to of he Every wed. All the a if the V WWI tree Cr pro,i make opini not t law Mee ship Hoes (grim wipe ere O for t law s allil whir fed. P 140 Beet excl thin son e.( t fedi it u pro will 1 pus rid the Pec aid wo abi r' to P" fat tb th lit of et M is