HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-14, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY MARCH 14, 1884. KITTY CRAIG. (ooseurvtti. ) th the suet of smolt a dram, and fire time sad trouble to get it up, be knew soling. He only thought Kitty sboeld have use, and put a tiny dollar bill is his potshot be the emergency, and west hens halt w hoar artier than usual to tell Kitty of the limo. in store for her. And Kitty was pleased, too, and her law Busked a little ss she mei she geared the old black silk would have to do duty again, as a new une, such as he had iu bin mind, was far beyond their 'tonna. 'Wins is it r she asked, and then John telt twain • little twinge he had expert - maid when Mrs. Steele meuti..ned Suu- day as the mart convenient time be it wetting 'a11 the family,' as termed thew, together. 'Sunday, at six o'clock,' she had said, 4diwt, when she saw the queet.uioe leek oa Jebn'a face : - 'You know it is dark now at hit, and the Sabbath ends at sundown ; besides that, 1 mean to have mine sacrad music iu the evening, ao be prepared, plea..' John w ,old rather the dinner had been on some other day, but what people like the Guiles and Steele' did roust he tight, and he bad not a thought that Kitty would object. But she did - firmly std decidedly. '()ad never meant that His day should be tlbered by giving dinner par- ties,' she wad. 'That was not keeping it holy, and she coal not go to Mrs. steele's, murch as she would like to.' And to this decision she stood firm ; and when John met Mr. Steele next day in the office, he told him to nay to Mrs. Steele that be regretted it exceedingly, but he meat decline her kind invitation to dieser. The fact e,' he said, 'my wife was brought up is New England, where I Rae. they were mon strict about some things than tee people of New York, and she thinks sh. -' John hesitated as if fearful that to Illi. Kitty's reason would sound too much like a reproof, but Mr. Steele understood him anti staid, 'She doss not believe in Sunday dinner partial > that is what you mean Well, well, I've seen the day when I did not, let that time seems to me ages end ages ago. Somehow here in New York first we knew we get to ailing' which ootid we would not have done for the world, and Sunday visiting is .are cf them. I'll tell Lottie. She will be to ribly disappointed, for she wasted yen badly, bat I gut your wife is right. rat sure Wein. Remember the Sabhstb—eve tient forgotten hew it goes, though I used to say it the beat of any of them, when I was a boy at home; and folding his hands behind him, Amara Steele walked up and down his office, thinking of the summers years ago,when los tat in the oid-fwhioned pew in that little church at the foot of the mountain, and saw the sunshine lighting up the cans behind the chanted. and telt upon kis cheek the air sweet with the fra- grance of the hay cut yesterday in the meadow by the woods, and said his cate- chism to the white-haired rector, whom home was now in heaven. 1 treat 1 sever may forget that dead is is the oily as well as M tke owuotry,' wee Kitty's reply, which lsottie pondered Iwg is ken heart, sad whish at late base the fruit which ripest tet the ever- betisg hills of glary. • • • • • • It is two years autos the eight of the mssiwb, and more than one carriage with s.rvante iu livery and ladies gayly drained has stopped at Kitty's dour. and Kitty baa the wakes to maty fashiona- ble h..eaa. Bet baying tasted the once cove. 1 apple and fuuud bow unsatisfy- ing it eat, she sea put it frogs her sad esu but little t.f the beta twearb nave sues as she sometimes Stunts at the bolt of Little Steele, who is now bur best friend, and whomo• oarrine stands at her dour on the night um which we write. Then was a message from Mr. Steele to Juba and Kitty Craig, telling thew to ammo immediately, for Luttie, he feared, was dying. Then were tears in Kitty's oyes, and a throb of pain in her heart, as she read the note, end then prepared for a drive. There was a hushed air about the hoose as if death had already entered there, and the emeriti who opened the door spoke in s low whisper. as in reply to Kitty's questions she said, 'Very low, and askiug for you Will you go up nowt Without waiting to throw aside her wrappings Kitty followed up the stairs, past the room where Lotti: s week-old baby girl was sleeping, and en to the chamber where the y.ouug mother lay. There was the pallor of death on her facet, and her eyes 'seamed larger and blacker than ever. But they l.ghtea up suddenly and her white cheek flushed when she saw Kitty come in. '1)h, Mts. Craig, I am so glad. I wanted to tell pm how much 1 owe yea, and that but for you I could not be as happy lying here right in the face of death—for I sin going to die, I know it and I feel it—hut first I want to sea baby baptized, and you and your husband must be her sponsors. Plea., Am, tell there to bring her in.' The child was brought, and the clergy- man, who [tad been waiting fur the Claigs, was summoned from the parlor below. 'I would call bit Kitty,' Lett. said. as ahe laid her hand ow the silken curls of the little'one, 'but Am wants her named for me. Poor Am ' I didn't think hid Cam so much. I'm Jerry I have not done better,' she continued, el That time seemed long, long ago—sys, was long ago, before he was the city millionaire sad husband 'of the dash- ing, self-willed Lotus, who, while pro- faning to believe just Irks% Kitty did, practised a far different creed. AU the tithes of anise, and mint and commin she brought, but she neglected the weightier matters, and her dark eyes Sashed angrily ter a moment when she heard Kitty's reason for declining her Sunday dinner. 'As if she were so much better than anybody el.,' she said, a .01 she was gag un to may more when .,rr husband inline short with, 'I mimeos ahe does dist feel like going sttatght froom the altar to a dinner party. Isn't it comae aim next Sunday in your church r Yes, it was, bet Lottie had forgotten that, and her face flushed as her husband thus reminded her of it.. The two did sot mem to be wholly oongruous, aid so We stayed home next Sunday, and felt • strange feeling of disquiet, and thought more of Kitty Craig, and how she would look with that expression of pesos on her face when she turns.: away from the altar than she did of the grand dinner which was being prepared in her kitchen, and whish, though prcnounoed • mucosa" by those of her guests who cared noth- ing for the %meth onmssandment, mete ed to her s failure. Nothing suited her ; everything was wrong, from the Dolor of the gravy to the flower in Iter stop-moth- er's tep-moth- e's hair, and the At of Mea Orr s dress ; and whets all war over, and the company goes, sad she wait alone with her thoaghts and the Bible she tilled to rend, sad, whisk by some Wanes she opened a! the words, 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' she mid to herself, '1 don't believe I'll ever try to have another diener party os Sunday.' well kite and arid that she had lease age ! the heated city seemed se lambs i. the 1 Cowmen en the insult offered ber. ' gl..rieus.uwut.•r suuehisw, be knelt be - 'Now s•.: I breathe beater whoa. there fore the altar and himself received the is no mss bore test An,' Lttue sold. rite .4 which be had ease •bought . 'And when pm seed *gam, maybe I a►aU ;ase guse, tett I hope I slosh be at pesos where there is no metre pain sr t*mptetton to be had.' Su John and Kitty went oat together, and left her alone with her bosband.who drew the covering aunt bandied smooth - jug her tumbled pillow, bade her step if she could. And Lade slept at hist while her husband watched beside her with his eyes fired upon bet white tau, and • heavy crushing pain to bis heart as he th..usht of dosing her new, just as he had a glimpse of what she might be to him, slid, as he boped,just as she was life which we may hare,' was Kitty's bsginitutg to love hitt. reply, but her heart was very happy that He lied away. loved her to his lacier, day, as she felt she might perhaps have •whined way—always been proud of been an instrument of good to onehoa.- hold at least, and that to have been m was infinitely of mitre value god prudud- ive.nure of real happiness than getting in- to society,which she had once thought so desirable, and which, now that she was or could be in it if she shore, seemed so utterly worthless and unsatisfactory. Tet RIM. lightly. Ws stem happy maty' Lottie said to Kitty use day. ' A nd t am . proud of Mesdis, though I did cast believe is babies woes; and Ase Mien like spiting lover, sad Td lather lose hiss than all tie macs is the world it he was fifty his last birthday, and I w twenty -Ave; and do you know I charge it. all to you, who have influenced me fes good over sew I first saw you, and mse4a that atrocious speech.' let us ratter both ascribe to Heaven every aspiration cher • holier, bettor her ; and though her frivolities and in- eanaiatenciee had retied hu temper at times, and mode bite sty harsh things to her sad of the religion she professed, be had through all been fund of her and believed in God—that is, believed in Ow God he had insetted about to the New England Sunday school at the foot of the mountain, and he thought of Him now, and for the first time in years his lips moved with the precious words : 'Our Father.' That prayer had once been «o familiar The Ltbeyr. the Pros.. •We haven't any further need of your services,' said the managing editor of • city daily to • reporter who had been at to him, and as he said it now the past work only a week. came back again, end he was a boy (puce more, with all the fervour of youth, and Lutt►e was W him all she had been when he first celled her his wife, only he seem- ed to love her mare ; and with • choking sob he ctiod : 'I can't let Lottie die. Oh, Father, save her for ale, and I'll be a better ' • man. Softly he kissed the white hand he held, and his tears dropped upon it, and then a feeble voice said, in .onl. sur- prise 'Aim, are you crying, or was it a dreamland did you pray for we, and I ueratatd your duties under the circum - do you love me sure, and sant me to get stamen' well a Bot= Yes, darling,. I do,,' an 1 tete s'• •s •No excuse is necessary, sir. Then were loud new, end the strong man's you brought in an artldeon the arrest of team fat fast upon the face tunnel so young Dole Freels ter drunkenness. His wonderfully and joyfully towards him• father is one of our patrons, and we bare "then I will get well,' Lottie said ; 'or a sufficient independence to disregard at least I'll try. I really thought you the wisess of the curious public to get an would be happier "ethos & me. I've hero r.f news when our patrons are in - been such a bother, and it was net worth treated in its auppreeasion.' while to make an effort, -but, if you do •i uadentand—' love me and want me, its different, and 'No yes don't, for you wrote Mr, looking up into the fame of her husband, I feel better already. Kiss me, Am, and Jones' obituary without saying he was a who gave ot:e greet choking sob as be if I live well both start new and be good distinguished citizen, of large influence, whispered : 'Dont Lottie, dou't. Yeas —wont we r and a man of great goodness of heart.' have dome well ;' then taking the little Lottie dill net die, and when Kitty 'I thought he was another kind of—' girl in bac arms he held it so low that went t . enquire for her next morning 'You mustn't think. The indepen- Lotti: s hand rested as in blearing on she found her letter and brighter, with dent spirit of the press is not to be its head alt through the first of the .r" an expression of happiness on her face governed by reportorial thought, sir vies. until the clergyman took the little which she had never seen before. Did you think when you wrote of Miss one himself and baptized it 'Charlotte Maude.' Then, when all was over and the clergyman gone, Lottie said. 'Hold me, Am, do you think he actually prayed for Am ; raise me up and let me lay my head me, that I might get well, and I thought on your arse while I talk to Mn Craig crit. be did not believe in praying. Any and tell her how much good she has done way he used sometimes to say that my me, and how her speaking the truth so prayers were all kowtow, and I guess frankly that night of the musicale, and they were : some of those lung ones I caimant was a rough I Dunt you know her refusing to come to my dinner on used t, snake when I came from • dam- his influence is worth money W. the Sunday, set me to thinking that she ing-party at twu in the morning, and he paper ? powwowed something which I did not ; was tired and sleepy, and wanted inc to wasn't wan were not swore of any - and the more I thought about it, acid turn off the gas. But he is different 'Of course Y the more I saw of her consistent life, the new, and says he lovesrir all I've thing. If you were, you might be me- ntors I was convinced that my heart had been. Why. I never gave m a speck ful to use No air ; you are not the never been torched. I had been con- of love, or kissed him of my own accord. kind of a loan we need. We want a man not to know what he knows, and knew what he dues not know. The liberty of the press is not to be trilled with by irre- sponsible reporters who think, nor is its 'That's nub), sudden, ain't it I' repli- ed the startled reporter. 'Haven't I done all I had t., do r 'You hate done the work, but not properly, air.' 'What's wrong 1' 'Well, you en,te up Mrs. Parvenu's ball, and there wasn't a word about it being a brilliant affair.' 'That's just what it wasn't.' 'The lady, air, takes several copies of this papaw, and her husband hu his printing dune iu our office, and ordinery commou sense should teach you to un - '1 almost went seer the river,' she Angeline Shoddy's departure to themea- said : 'and felt sure I was dying when aide without referring to her as the Am'e voice called me back. Dear old charming and accomplished daughter of one of our most select families r 'Who said she was the—' 'Tho you have to hear what other peo- ple say in order to know your business Who told you that Hr. Bottle, the coun- titatMts ties I titer asatiltist. What you ars•k, be will depend' open what you du. Lour words and t,tnmeghts and deeds sire not fragile sad perishable, but pftmaawt and endowing. De ao wrote. Battle for the rigida Help and bless ltuimanity. Honor std obey the Author d your being and your blessings. Be not as idler. Work sad win. It is not gwisla• but toil that is the creator d utilities. Great characters is history an all green miracles of industry. But ler put twenty years on his 'Analogy,' and the rusk 1. immortal. Rittenhouse, who b.gau kb calculate eclipses on his plow handless could not fail of emmouce. To -morrow is the day w which kite mien work and !unlit reform. Let you:, theater end acme cf action b. t•• -day. Seek to be an intelligent worker, Road bucks and papers. Cultivate and discipline We mind. Seek the society of thinkers. Aim at eminence is the arts and amasses. The paths along which Franklin walked, ur Webster .ie Henry Clay, are still open to willing feet. Enter and walk therein. Adeline. to the front. lie at. intelligent toiler in the world's great work -shops. You ars in life's opting time. K you do not now and plant sow, yea cannot expect • rich I harvest by-and-by. Up and be doing. Sow good .ed. Keep the weeds down. Be patient and workful, and the future will not be without hope and blessed- ... • Mhte Rears► James Moore, • prominent resident of Leamington, writes that he cured him- selfdyspepsia of a years duration by one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters,and two bottles cured his wife who hal been for years a sufferer from the same dis- ease. He conscientiously recoIcelen is it to all suffering from similar troubles. Club Sates. We have made arrangements to club Tus SIGNAL with city papers at the rates given below :— Signal awl Daily World ...$3.50 " Weekly Globe ... ... 2.28 " Mail ... 2.25 " Advertiser .. 2.25 firmed, it is true, bot I did not know But I'm going to do better, and I geese what for, except that it was the proper God will let me true to pruve to Am that thing to do, and was expected of me. there is reality in our church as wall's There s too much of that kind of thing in others. H. says be believes in done, and young people need more io- Methodist—hu grandmother was one— freedom to be restricted by young men Kruction, more personal talk then they and when we were tint married he used who let the actual fact" in • case inter- get nterget oftettirnea, an so the church is to went me to play those funny hymns fere with the requirments of the nocasion. harmed. I meant do right, and I about 'Travelling Home,' and 'Bound Yon can get your pay, sir, by calling at kdpt all the fasts end holydays, and de- for the Land ..f Canaan,'—and be be- the front oflise.'—[=x. th heves a little in e Presbyterians, and crashed by the yarn. some in the Baptists, but not it bit in A little son of John Spiibe, Toronto, the 1piaaapetisna—that is, he didn't till bad bis foot crushed by a G.T.R. he knew you, who, hg ,thinks, are moat train «.me time agn. Two doct61 St- as without benefit, and amps. as good as a Methodist : and I am going tation wk.,' an ptflpoeed, but H•gyari's .1- tu try and convince him that I am sincere low Oil was triedwhich effected a speedy and mean to do right and cote for souse- care, even renseving all stiffness of the thing besides fashion and dress. I have I joint. eilee ..! baby now to occupy my time, and i am Dst.zv au , Wise , Sept. 24, 1878. Gsvta-1 have taken not quite one bottle of the Hop Bitters. I was a feeble old man of 78 when I got it. To -day I am as active and feel as well as I did at 30. I see a great many that need such a medicine. D. Boyce , Obstructions of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, are promptly removed by National Pills. m nied myself many things in Lent, and thought 1 was a saint to do it, and all the while eras just aat selfish and prowl as I could be, and felt above everybody, and was bad to Am—' 'No, Lottie, never tad,' and Mr. Steele premed the hand he held in hie, while kitty wondered to see this grave, quiet ram, . tender and loving when she bad heretofore thought him cold and indiffereat. She teat lo me Kitty the nest day and chided hos for bet abasaes, end Balled besbeid, aid ie1 Kitty Craig kiss me Mr • little M.tbediet ands Puritan. and gaud -by, ami teal Me she forgives the I Atwsa Bever motto ed cow aur •tot's if salted Mw she runs to bo. Wait-laosd, gruel words I said when I first sew her, he could not tied his slippers while .he and ended with : 'Bet i Maim. yon are seed my neglect after awe ' seat saying Mr provers, On the enstrary *tilt al ler ell. Deily here in the city pee- gee seemed Iike a little child in her he said them with her, and tried to be a neag. and e• ' it rl, and Kitty's better men, ire as he said he weeaYd, 1, when 'Yes, I was bad,' Lotto said. 'I've never been the wife I ought to have been, and I'm so sorry now, and when Ien goes I want you to think as 'Kindly of w as you con, and bring baby up to be just such a women as Kitty Craig. Not fashionable, Am, though ah. might bethat d a good woman too • Cars Rr, Puts, sores. gee. The fined healing compound under the sun is McGregor d Parke's Carbolic Cer ate. There is no sore but will succumb to its wonderful healing properties It is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes- terngs, etc. Price 25 cents at G. Rby nos' drug atom. b Thousands sal Is. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: -I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my c stoners, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and beat medic;ne known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver cam its Purify the bitted and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds of dollars in doctt•r's bills every year. wld at 50cts. a bottle by J. Wilson . [3] Wlow Rewarded. glad for whey the spring bonnets and j 1 and 11 be paid ed again, for I dote on lace and French idwho uey or Stomach complaint that Elm - Rowers. Do yew think I ought to wear tele Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring a stop cap and a serge dress to mortify thornalong, it will art yon nothing for the medicine if it fails to care, and you myself r will M well rewarded for your trouble Kitty did not think w ; and whew besides All Blood diseases. Bilious - two months later she met, down in one sem, Jaundice. Conatip•tien, and gene ral debility are quickly cured. satisfao- of the miserable alleys in the city where tine guaranteed .x money refunded want. and misery, and vice maimed Pries may fifty emu per bottle. For styles come out, any head might be turn- I A littera ret sen o say partywill predate a ase of Livet , even an There are many such I know, but do ' supreme, 'a ion el i French chip bat, sae by J. Wihioe. 6 Mr let r put Deal let her be what I have been. Mrs. pansies and blonde late, she dad not Craig will see to her and tell her of her I believe that the kindne.paid to the poor mother, who was • better woman before old paralytic woman who died with her We . died :fur Ido believe 1 am, and I shovelled hand clasped in Lottie Steele s, std her lips whispering the prayer Lottie W taught bar was less aeosptahle 1n God than it would have been had Lott: s fens and form been disfigured by the garb with which some well-meaning d vas. women make perfect frights of them- e Latta.. heart was right at hist, and fashion before God. trimmed with • bench of exquisite fiat the Sevioer is with me, and has forgiven even ate. I'd like to live for lmby's sake, and snow Am that I could he good, but I am willing to die, and trendy, I trent ; sad maybe if I get well I should be bad again ; so it is right and Heaven knows bast: Lay me down now, ----LT 'ME- C - C ASH S'TO .-. HUS iii Vannes Crockery & Glassware, Lamps, &c. At this assenn of the year there should be a battle of Pretoria as every howl It is unequalled fee Cough" Gelds and Noaresn, is pleasant, egwlly safe for children.essPrise 25 twits d all dreg• crista m A FTTLL LINE OF SULPHUR wet este dyspepsia, Mao hale tare lane, katary diatsse, hoer owe. leteee sad other, westing dueas. SU UR IRON BIITERS earinites the -alone and purifies the system t canes vrrai.•ea% lack 01 maga. Ac_ Try a bottle. SULPHUR IRON BITTERS is the reply myna po.-i•aratina this . ,.es it t to: r the teeth, sad •nil e•or cause bes,,aci..t ran commipatinse as other ltwi I.tti,.:.:i,wtwi:'. MUNN SULPHUR 11110 IKON BITTERS Lathes 51*!! setlw-<. ee eirene ;-- edg... 1....,, , t h;aa .Ir .. . SOLD + WIZ I s =_ 'O t6at iiiaV Jan. filth. ittli. GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call ! TAMES SMAJLie ARCHITECT, L.. et once. t'rabb s Block. Klnegatoa et.. Redo - rich. Plans end syseiao•tlossdrawn conned ly Carpenter*** u,a,a.rer'sland mason's week measured and valued. G.H.OLD THE GROCER. The Square. - f l.o.lerich Jas. 1. Ilei. ffi Thousands beat serfage, to the posi- tive entities power of the OUST Gtn- NAs IivtlooRATOIl, the rely remedy that has ed itself a specific for general debility' seminal weakness, impnteney. eta, sad all enema that arise from self - abseil or ovedtaled Dwain, finally wading la aosaampla , inenlly sad a poems - ton grave Sold ley all draggles", eg will Its sok fres on reedpt .f 1.00 pea beet or tis hops It IID. Address 1. J. Caiman, Toledo, Oltia. anis iupsnt for the UMW Mate.. Send for .healer M- of {welts. earn. Ono DANIEL GORDON, CABIIETIIIUER axil Load1ll lludefl&Br Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. It. P. WSW, wetbttwaws et* nalsol.eary la New Tart. sed besahsr •1110 We end nest Judge Whlds, se the linesman seals $..,ess. gem. wages as eaeat ells C. IMO /r, es Mesas. J. iTnn lo., tornado holds( nem was • aunt o may Yeas, whittle UAW so sot ber.Mso insanely. that I souk sac eely soy *iodises ever them. 1 us Me at sa►/l/'lt froma.ihs w ms p.et,..d eatemb and "sae`''`. / .e4 alai tri dew.. Seo+tng th. vales ail A mi s sass,*- ain , obaervatas mm aweg esaether l ta mg n far the •bor.•.smed us la dlso.4..d. 1(y a atlM improved almost hem W eat dee.. Zeit short thin the rowaad lashing ween allaye& sad ail Apse st irritating du skisdleoposaeo4. Ry .ierH gougeiny were moWadi st by Mew unt▪ il It is taw egadient. 1 fel • ksadret der east etxaiser, antoe d I atsabes5 s twit/ w inn ere eft theSARSARSAPARILLA. VIS 1 rem eemeasl 4111141141111411eieei. I tdeltrWim_ IN" times • day, and turd, in all, tem than two scions. ptsn thew tissue sift year ono- booty thele publteasioa •say de seed Z. P. serine ~ Tours regssltegee The above Itrtasss to bat ens of the away et g ently crooning Wear M1., wbseb pere the pe' feet adaptability of ATenn $Asssratuti.a N the este •f all ditsaw5 ar1blg dem Impose or W povevished blood, and a weakeast natty. 1 Ras ea fwd new the I3 Raw5t $?st'R of First - Clans Furniti re 1, the dlfat7 end astir 4.. N W ease e.s. •et//, t t rl sttw0eeltat w_te eMM_ 11I (rte 1g i mfiraur M Sew thfeg easm la IM sari eprzrsow y. AT THE OLD STAND ifetwmets w IPSO Affiw 6160 .f M..le..b Ayer's Sarsaparilla d•asees, earfshss. cid etssastbsus rhe 10.54, .aatewes the settee of the issmad sod baw.. sad theseby enables th..y...m se mkt.w.eas. eeme the .sashe of all ilemeolos0e Disowww. tr ' riess of the dela, Abereaism. Garet. a wMr h.Wlep,.ae alt disorders re solace from poor s, eoerapwd blood and a low .dew et the ay.h . r.RasID VT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass We by an iwasiteas; prt.s et. ssz bodies for els vVabr. iVr. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS — Best Purgative LN+ M.diaine - eon Coasts rrosigeisillterdie o. rel ss•t1..eoywllaew. Atoms renal[► GO for the wcls10ge111ta nos ss. No lot powwow end we will until yes reae a rare& ,.l bio Ion ef sari ole anode Har will ,et yeti 1hi rho way id malt ng twee. snorer in • fewdenM• •ytt•1 ar. 1 ., will ytorfireion ever ttwev't poseiLte.wr work •11 the . i'ng In .vein, viva, e!iy The work ben'. vwr.asy *tan,. d to both ti• y ,ia sa'l ..M. Tot oma swede sten !leas tt p scary .rens. rbwt as c 10 what trust[ for baa tales. we mate 111. rtrigrpaiirtreatir•C'k citetoallitit*1taet..whiw rrotfnns. s , • 1* :.til b1, math' by tb ' t •v., 4