The Huron Signal, 1884-3-14, Page 2J 2 THE HURON SIGNAL TRIAT. MARCH 14.1884. g =TIM3 8 • Sew t s galitltaw were "pent in mess... .a. seems. Tis tl.rdams The Pee lewasolom • •ewsemee Selo. se.uea .t f..Na unseat.. Jro. es, sere l:arresseeMat- The keeping d Christmas, though primarily the celebration of a great event, means is very much be- sides, It is oa we enter upon thew °thee 000uids,stions that the vast different= hideout' s Canadian and ea A reenlist' Christer& tome themselves tato view. The contrast between these two cousin-�•owntries, and between the motbar country d her sunny southern offspring, has been, .ad is, a favorite subject year after year in scores of writing& While Australia pants not with pride to the dilapidated castles, time-honored cathedrals and mouldering mons.teriet, she can boast • brilliant sunshine, gorgeous limonite shrubs and plants, vast wooded remiss, moon - tan gorges, edema glints and inter.nins- ble green forests, though the ground may et times be scorched and sunburnt. While the Australians are enjoying their Christmas holidays under • mdd blue sky with the accompanying bright and SCANT IUM WRATHRR, we Canadians are celebrating the season surrounded by the chilling trophies of the frost king, whose power fails to diminish the enjoyments ut the parlor, ruddy with the glow of bur.ing logo, and ringing with the mirth which u the in- verieba accompaniment of • Canadian Christmas. Ant (like uur fair Canada) she boasts of very little poverty and pri- yatk,n ; but where such does exist it le much lees keenly telt than in our cola, northern clime. When Christmas was spoken of as the seams which would likely try our powers of endurance and cause w to yearn for the "home of our childhood," we simply put on a sullen indifference, 1.".ked riot forward with the accustom el ex pectat ions of happiu.us and pleasure, but resigned eurseives to nat ural:sta. Another peculter little am- public echo".1 teacher, s bringing ,time of the wont, fully expecting to he coin- mal is the 'hard seeds to time, and it is what is pletoly ahnvelleot up. But we aro Tat At,TLALUY ■RAR, badly needed. AIIRERAeLY DI1UrPO11QTiu. • email grey animal, nut any larger than The present summer season in Sydney, a fat pup. He lire§ principally on the !"lags.." Persecution. end in the greater part of New South mares of the eucalyptus tree ; sleeps all CoRztlwo, Ohiri, March 4.—A.J. Mc - Wales, is looked upon as one of the roast day and prowls around all night, and is Devitt recently caused she arrest of Rev. Mc - moderate for • ownloer of years. The rery harmless. we were in(ermed by Fattier O•Royl•n of the Catholic church temperature *venom 10 sumwer hest s companion that if we held this bear up for permitting the nee of the wheel of and winter ould only Ivo degrees mors by the tail that his eyes would drop out. .. foetuue M s fair. OWylan denouttsed than that of Naples, cuwidered to be We put our tread dawn se a fellow d McDevitt foo.... the pulpit se a villiau the wiitatiue of the world. seminar libel'. jest " and *ere about tai "'neve a,..l A murderer. tin Sunday night the —Decembir; 'January and F*brnary— on," wbeu, on closer irtspectieu of his friends of the priest compelled McDevitt the tbermoeieter tenses abut eighty de- I bearship one understood the mystery. to parch out .d town in w blinding snow grass. Spring is warm and pleasant , Be had as much candle appendage as storm, at the tc. ut of a pistol. When with cool nights ; the autumn is mild ; l the great naturalist, Derwin, ascribes, st had reached a secluded spot they and winter's greatest severities are light �t., the higher.cder 4 animal life. We inade him remuee alt his cl.•thiug„t then frosts except 141 the highest places, where wonder if Darwin "mild account for scow gernetime. falls. But iii Jai uary the was out into shreds anti east to the and February occasional bot winds came La,•it or A r*RanAsIRL$ TAIL winds. Tho victim was then ordered to up. 1 t l,c.hl for day, a kneelin the snow and swear that borrow(' • ins a au its stateliness. seed +qMd ills • isr les d the AurMmlian hted- ss ha in its yenta' arta blank or iusWt appears est .f OW; Ne lir talipes ce all ifs a rush byetis w ..a+• d Artoisatae with these .1 the gulliessad ravines of Oghtn • tie wild date pales from the Cape side by side with the .fa.-iike foli- ar, and kai� etas el thonedeses Ohba" ; ferns in endless variety s. gift/antis pro- portion the 'reeks sed Mai the P"� � drde-d rare towers, pinta and MRS ezetie to Americus and requiring a wens climate, are here awn A.uriekieg is per- fection. ar fection. But emerging truss ragas MIA Den souse. almost l.pervious to the hottest beams of an ♦uatralten sunshine, we ase on the lawn bopping about, • number of Kan- garoos, Wallaby*, and other members of that hall} We cannot enumerate the various birds and quadrupeds peculiar w Australia men here, but they are an in- teresting collection. The Kaegann attracts tete attention of the new -comer Notably u.ore than any .f the others These anMeals have thegeuerel appearance of • giant ret, enmetitaes measuring eight or nisei fest from the tip of the ewe to the end of the mel. The furelegs are short and very, little used ; the hindlega are .ometimd three feet hog and are armed with three claws, the middle one exceeding the others in length and strength and is the kangaroo's principal power of defence, while it holds its e nemy with the forelegs, this formidable claw ripe him up as effectually as would a keen -edged bowie -knits But the great diffence between the kangaroo and most other animal is TtM r.. rlsnssrl.11mar 1.8. - T HUGH DUNLOP 1 Irsos Prim sutatta Daren —It r wttfk /ea1M1p d I Ifiom w at..a etas name w..i. "Doi Hp thou weak tees/e are fast ripening is CLwda fur to menial. the wary swam 4ata d a t't�`I'uuvgle, the Anal result Tailor, Mors. Andassom,vie of Mr. Wes. Air d which wnout be doubted, elthoueb a Fashioflabledermal, d this vie, but ferswlyd fetap�arymuseum mall at present Iuu the tie bresehip of Wed Wawaeeak,"w►leb Mileelu.ldtte• int! a te.fieg or 1.1.... task pies at her resides ie ori Moeday thy- Iwdeed, eke straggle Iwo already hot frees as affwtion of the heart. Kr.. t eoalsdslatroe M to be made perinea - Lot Andersen that is bit usual health • few • t►a asoattettiettal runts of oaeh aemaaM bulb►e hes death, sad owiy teat, , set fed - breast, .f a .light pain in kir left 1 previous mist be eriarested .gam hasst, whish ensshoeght W be of a trill- 1 end sua�oseltm+t' 14 =tura Vibe mint the little girl to I These words essbody the first Brawl TAX Aa0OWIMAL rottH for the protection of her young. At the lead alarm the young kangaroos jump into the pouch, and the mother tries to get oat of harm's way. the tail acting as • spring, at every leap enabling her to clear (rum tea to fourteen feet, the young ones meantime peeping out of their retreat to take in the situation. • clique at Ottawa to distnbu. millions But should the chase get too hot for the band with a very tine daughter lately. q mother, we were told by an old kangaroo James Irvine u the happy papa of • attuong themselves. hunter, she plucks one of her young bouncing boy. lonelier Increase to the D` a nut the fact that Sir Charles from its sanctuary and throws it to one population. I Tupper declines to vote ..n the Pacific side, whether dune with the instinct of Railway Loan Bill dins. him a partner MIM l.:afOl:n! McDumagh 1. rlutln¢ 1 saving it or giving herself more freedom friend, at Innes, to the company . and opportunity to escape, • question for How many more are t:tere like him CIGARS. If report l,e true, Mr. Hawkins, our sifting im sutra e I 1 With an outrage like this staring the public in the face is it any wonder that the cry of Halt ! should be heard, or that the representatives of the provinces should put their heads together to de - .no no todeg swore woo i Gown of principle of the eomstitutis y nue he rrshi at her illness until she child rwtetaed how rapidly furlLeag ander t p at dirtier time whim alio dimensioned Mrs. the Hou. Edward Blake. Anderson lying om the bed apparently litesless. Medial aid was "wen sumtaeo- od, but to ne avail es the vital spark bad Iowa fully two bouts before she was die - We have reached a puler an the history of the country when old party limes asset disablse w form new combustions is the presence of new dangers, new *- covered. Mr. Anderson was visiting owes. now necessities. Did ties WOW friends in Kinloss at the time and knew dive way, old snmrttes most be forgot nothing of his sad saictios tail word was . ten, old frieudehtpa,too, must be broken, brought to biro by one d the neighbors. If Deed he, that the right may tri- umph and the country be saved from the clutches of an oligarchy. Under the pulicv of centralisation pur- sued by Sir John Maxi 'oald di.esutent has been eswendered, uneasiness has be- come chronic, the future hes become The death has cast a gloom over the whole community as the deceased was widely known and highly respected by all. The funeral Wednesday last mesons of the largest that ever wended its way to the Kitties' cemetery. - (Sentinel. dark. A wild spirit of wore ewe pro has taken puesessiou of those whose conser- vative instincts should otherwise have William Scott, of this neighborhood, roade them the saving class in the State. has gone to Dakufa to join his two elder brothers who hare been then for sous years. We wish hien success. George Snell, blacksmith of this place, u about to remove to Londesborough, where his father has purchased him • house and lot with • very commodious shop for the blacksmith and waggon making business. Mr. Snell was well liked as • workman here, sad although sorry he is about to leave us we hope he will do well in his new home. D. Mo - Leen, late of the firm of D d• M. Mc- Lean, of Lucknow, take his plane as blacksmith. We hope he will be as suc- cessful as Mr. Snell has boon. lira Neil Mcleod presented her hue Bombastic rhetoric on dump and in par- liament has been followed by fantastic legislation that hie ruined public credit on the woolly markets t.1 the world and cast grave suspicion un the honor and honest of the Canadian government. A oo debt has been oiled upon the poor and weak provinces of the east to build railways through mountains which man never did and never can inhabit. Public men talk of the expenditure of millions of honey as children do of seats in the holidays. This madness must end. The reign of common sense mud be restored. The provinces must no 1 be drained of their rssoureea, robbed of their rights, in order to enable WAST STRIC ICT, Has the Finest Assortment of Goods for Fall Wear to Choose Proem IT You WAST . Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price, l'ALt. u� 91J G -g I� U-hTLOP_ BOOTS AND SHOES M At the Oldest E.tablishe t"h"at Store in Town, In Endless Variety, to suit the most fastidious and Ib mod economic buyer MY WINTER STOCK Is now complete, and I take pleasure in iufcriving my customers that •t 00 pre; viow vitae have 1 had such a Large & Varied Stock • As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Pries it is a positive fact that no such value in foot weer can be got elsewhere. CUSTO WORK of every grade etill receives my prompt and artful attention, and will be mad/ an the most approved styles by first-class workmen, end of the very best material obtainable. E_ IO -VT N= 1•T . as iwb dirt. ya causing little bear, in the same wayse he t lien in Corning.gain He g of iii the l never ar uo we "mime fen thu went in the human complied, and has n ,t been seen since. La t(O t'1 D, xLEEI'1', 1>1w.L[N.'R family. Next canoe the birdcages, I it is feared that he perished. His that cannot be easily shaken nit. The laughing-jsicllasess. more -pork., mag- i hermumeter at different times this aro- pars, cockatoos, parrots, native com- ma has registered as hi;la as illi' an the plosions, lyre -birds, wild turkeys, and made, and we hare just read the report item an inland town where the minimum for the last week has been 104' in the dude. But with these exceptions we can speak very favorably ..f the Austra- lian climate. We will ondeevor to give the reader genie idea of the principal holiday resorts in and around Sydney, whose incomes, rLLA*t to PARTIRM. rowing and yachting regattas, cricket, !womanising and like pastimes take the piece of skating carnival, curling, sleigh - mg parties, and the many other health- ful and iavigorating pleasures of the Canadian holiday season. Botany is one of the principal places of attraction. It is Mx miles from the city and has its well kept gardens. and in fact all the surroundings necessary to make the ex- cursionist enjoy his outing. The historic ground whereon Captsiu Cook first set foot is marked by a brass tablet, and near it is the column in memory of Mon- sieur de la Parries", the French explorer who was on the ,int of annexing .tus- emus are among the varieties indigenous to Australia. The emu is the largest biped found on the a,utinent, end with the wild tursey is now almost confined to the inland plains. Snakes are far too plentiful .outside the gardens to neces- sitate their being kept on exhibition. There are five different families in New South N'ales, leas DLATH-ADDLR •RD Y1LLOw MUSK being considered by far the meet danger- ous, their bite frequently proving fatal inside • half an hour. As we stroll along, we soon find at our feet a little land -hocked nook of the sea where we can prn.trute ourselves un the grass end for • time give up the tiresome task of interesting ourselves with three or four long Latin words giving the names of the shrubs and planta, and the locality whence they have been brought, It may be said that of all drawbacks to public perks. the distance from the mass of the population is the greatest. But the gardens of Sydney aro within easy reach of every street of Sydney and the popu- trala to la belle France, but found he! Iuus town of Wooloomooloo. But many was tco late. Tins is the most historical I of the citizens spend their holidays out spot in Australia -the plans where civi.i- of the city ; a favorite resort being found tstion first planted its ensign on the coon- in the summer hotels among tittent, known t, the Chinese in 1619, TIM •toes MoonTAtwa, rsen by the Dutch in 1606, and known to the tap•nuh even earlier. declared British by Got: in 1770, and sacred to the French through Peruu.e s efforts to annex iL Frum B,.tany we might go to His north of the city end cross to Manly Burch. Paul Bey. Chowder flay, (loin tart and • sere of other beautiful spots where nature alw.iys appears in full-t.ws array. A SAIL ARM. -VDTS% RUMOR M • hvrorite relief naught by the citizens hes the worry ant turmoil t./ business. and which, if the excursionists were dis- posed t.. coast 5:•..•.:rd every indention in by Darwin in his " Muralist's Voyage," Port J.cks.,n a ..: 1 nee esitate • trip of Moutat Victoria district, "Govett's over one hon. 1•,• : ',aiw 1: the northern Leap" and "Th. Fish River Caves." part .4 the cozy... to the water's edge, The Hawskesbury river also affords sons* are the Botanical kwr.lees. which we of the grandest specimens of Ae.tralmn visited often .funny t!... l...ii.lay reason, and which, for beauty and r.nety of Sowers and plants Isom all cense., can- can* be torp.s e.l They are appn.ached an svenne shubwl by the broad leaved onion bay fig. which yield a crateful shade in the summer 'menthe This tree far* New South Welshmen. has the habit of foneinY anal Pio.ts,clus D. E Moe. tars of which hang /norm the Inwer bran- ' "hes, but unlike its relative the Indian Mayan, it does not send ,tuwn three anuses Trees. shoots so take ro..t sgaio. Chose t.. Sb. I Neglected colds ere the Mal traps that "sumer. ga. 1s the go lary o1 Bne arta, 1 ensnare nasi a victim heyund possibility a distance of about eighty miles west of Sydney. To reach these mountain fast- nesses, • harrier almost like • Chinese well presented itself to the pioneers of the country when constructing their first railway. But hy means of a '•Mig- rag" going from side to side in short distances on the face .4 the mountain the ascent was rendered comparatively aasy. Here most of the land is dill 'the forest primeval," and ...me fine mountain scenery presenteiteelf. Among the principal attractions are the "Weath- erboard" district, spoken very hichly of scenery, to be met with in New Seuth Wales. Such aro some ..1 the attrae- tions in and around Sydney which help so well to put in the h..liday season and "where the monotony of the busy ncity 111..m -•g the steady -cuing, .natter u wisse a proAtahle en tileagi.t half day talaht M spent in I.n.ktne through a fine men of Printings and statuary. Oleo IN THE ..A&*LN* we realise what it is 10 err !r•.•':,••4 lar ember tM tors •1 a tr./Oast alrt mini tropism! land. Qroispe •4 l.pruh."s- goatee. naw atettales euasid.red the primer .4 .rueset, mail in is the ..oily inetsntaseoes relief be Neu- terastins bemuse .d tete mtny uses they rilgii, iltadachr T.edh•ehe, etc. Rub. setts in the east: the .end firs .4 f.ebo nine a few .Ing.. briskly s ell 'het is always looked neon es an mall em .4 the mailed N.. taking imageries meth eiwes Deity by tF. Hardens. hesause,rhsy say, fee weeks, hide one minute's .pplicatinn VkaMts suss horn under .aIle : majestic removes all pain afNi will prove the greet Werfolk island nines, very symmetrical i vele. .4 Krum'. Fluid Lightning. 11$ is form. • hot b w plant in northern emits per bottle st (leer Rhyne: dreg Attnerisa and Europ., belt kens sesrtah• dean. b oaf twos. aka a coed or a.ugh in time end it 1. vastly e..nqueriwd hr that safe SIM ple.aant .retain" r°ine.ty.Hagyard's Pert..rw; Itelsain. tOhms*. hi ,i.chitie .n4 pulm..nan• e,.mplemits „•rnrrwlly wean yiel.t 1.. uta heeling inAmener 2 friends cow vengeance. The sheriff hes arrested the perms who meanited McDevitt McDevitt reached New Lezim.ton to -day. He was heavily armed. A warrant is out for Rev. Father IP B..ylan. The forces and sentiment are pretty evenly divided be tweet, the twoamen. Trouble is feared between the church people and those not members. • reverter aversorbrre. Wherever introduced Hagyard's Yel- low Oil finds friends. It is the old reli- able household remedy for external and internal use in .11 aches, pains, lameness and soreness of the human flesh. A. L Gen, • prominent druggist of Belleville, n ye : ' It is a great favorite here, end has a good sale. 2 t er miens •dsstrer. `Do you notice how attentively that gentleman has been watching me for the loot half hour r said one young lady to smother at an evening party is New York. 'Doo you mean that handsome man neer the Pian.. r 'lea' 'Well, now that you speak of it, he dives seem eninewhet interested in you. 'He certainly does, i declare,' contin- ued the young lady gaily. 'I believe he has fallen in hove with me. Isn't it de- lightfully romantic 1 A few moments later she was talking with her hostess when, as an opportunity preeeoted itself, she carelessly remark- ed - 'My dear Mrs. 1t., pray toll me who that quiet but very dtatingoe looking eentleinen is near the piano/ I do not remember of ever seeing him before. 'Probably not,' replied the lady, 'hut he is quits well known in New York's beat society. He is • detective.' Freemen's Worm Powders derstr.oy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. m • Naseesm.s Cesr. For several months J. B. Les Brissay suffered greatly from a severe coal. It was distinguished by a harsh coouvh and g reat hoarseness. Hes breathing was eo !shored that he fearwh urffiocation,atld he w.. watched continually lest Ming alone and without assistance he might choke. This was several years ago. Nue whet gave hien relief after several remedies bad been tried Dr. Wilson's Cherry Balsain cured him cowpletely and he grew perfectly well. It cures ell threat and lung diseases A Iteaune'a Tu.rttlnwr - For ■ Couch, Cold .or any I3r•n,ebtral a•'ferien. "Porter*" ie my opinion, , ne plat the that 1 have Merl 1t to my family for (oil he and 0.44. for the ped f..nr years we'h the nowt unversed ancleeaa. end to- day my atom Ni .4 it i. that 1 ....intim** t.. thunk atoll arse .1 that which 1 het.aa thi..tint well rd. Goo. Kiss, Manager u,ntt-r.. Hank, Picketing. Pride >a testa at ell drwgrl.ta - as De. Low'. PLaasawT W. llTstrtr.— As ugne.ltle, ado and elfest.al remedy w n"a"ve all bob of teeesa. s CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC vise meas. whereby an end may bo put THE BEST ASSOR NT IN TOWN- to.o monstrous a state of affairs 1 Bat the struggle fur the rescue of the country from the [rasp of these c,rmer- A full line of all the LeadingPatent Medicines -always kept on hand ants cannot be protracted. The mea p The are plundering the public are old. (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) The load of iniquity upon them la heart'. It is • patent fad that they cannot Let - - ' . . long. Their yearsand their sins forbid r any hope in their continuance much G E Z , -: t further in the places they have degree .1. Therrf •re the time it ripe, and we BLASE'S 'C� sag ane njoicr t.. tech the title rising against a • them. The Liberal c•rstautmnal tarty is now ;a feet. It is led by Edward Blake B and the .lay of victory n not for off. For rnugh conditions nt the Shia, Shampooing the head. Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases, ase Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m Mamie. sail slates.ea Call at Gee. Rhynas' drug store and ret a package of McGregor & Parks's Carbolic Cerste. It iscompc°edof Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. b In the history .4 medicines no preps ration has received such universal com- mendatiuu for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases. es Dr. Van Buren's Kioney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply ' wonderful. Sold by J. ito'il.n. 2m ■elorer.r-. *greedy carr. From the many remarkable cures wrought hy using McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, C..rleti- patinn and Affection .of the Liver, and from immense sale of it without any ad- vertising. we have concluded to place it extensively on the market, m that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go to G. Rhyna. drag store and get it trial battle fres, or the regular size at 50 cents and $l. a A threat asae.•ery That is daily bringing toy to the hooves of thousan.is by saving many of their dear eines bane an early grave, Truly is T. King'. new'Ili.c..•ery f..'. Oonsnmp- 1 &SHOES, =14o-vmirsg cSt " 7\re dca u p Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Yisr' in the store lately occupied by Horace Dlewton. Having purchased s large mei well assorted dock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine t.o give the Public the:benefit. ,...re -AIMS1 QUICK SILKS & SIALTI PROFITS WILL BE 0118 i6TTOt pr Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. 11141 -Remember tho place, nett door to .1. Wilson's Drug Store. lCuetom work will receive our special attootion. atl-None but the bed of material used and Grid -class workmen vaptio ed. per Repairing neatly dome on the shortest notic. DOWNING & WEDDUF Goderich, March 9 1882. • RE1610VEI3_ PHILO NOBLE, IdERCI ANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St, Near the Square, Goderich --IAND WiLL PURSUIH OR MAKE L'Pt-- 8enta' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lomat Pte; N TZAR* rltl'alta*CV. CI'1TtnC • SPECIALTY. r irate INT {teAKEITITa, saaQa rl•NPTLT ATTAIN/IUD M NOTE Tia Aaallaa t PHILO NOBLZ, 1Al[ILTON�TIL11'P, GODERICH. co._ l tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, I S disease of the Threat and Luna Y e s will piner Hay Fever. Lou. of Voice, Tickling in I f Bot - the Thnmt. Pain in Side and Chest, or wLUMP.e pisitire Corp. Gnaranteeri Trial Bot - ties free et. 1. Wilene's Drug Store. Large size 81 00. (v) g Now ia the thine. a you wish ore or twe ales mate at bene` to see Pet/.Ps ream pnser He has ever 2° hn • b t* I` ` an 20 000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Buren's without w ta. , of Dr. Vent Bonn's Kidney Ours u tri the closet. it i. the .only remedy that will po.ttioely, Beautiful colors. sad at priceslees than very winch laterite goods. tall .d rtes thea SW p.er,nanerotly end promptly cure all forms an It* boat .Iso• 1• town. end Bust be sold. ef kidney disease,. Sold by J Wilson So dtwtfeMatdThe La1s1 Paail P1s. sad Fashions urb.olic aceti iaasl n � 1-� f 2 The Lrs.Ise1 is a peeper -teem of ' e and comm. called Mealr,,p r & Parke's ('•thole Collate. it will cure any sore cat. burn or bruise when all other pre- , Ar BU'FILAR R'$ partitions fail ('all at (l. Rhynes rug 1 store, and get a i cksgo. 215 cents i. all 1 t301»!!2lZ:78e it coots. b A lemert.bes a.esp,. Mr. Mary A. Tasiley.of Tnnkhennock, P. ,was afflicted ler sit years with Asth- ma end BrnrtM,itis, during whoeh time the heat physicians a otel.l give no relief. Her life was despaired nl, until in lest Oen-ober .he procured a bottle .d Dr. King's New Ihse,very, when immediate relief was telt, and by e..ntinniier its see for a short tram she wee completely ear- ed, minis* in flesh i10 Iba in • few stenetba Free Trial Rattles of this certain cure of all Throat and lens Disease. at Jsa n tiros'. leant Stemfl Bottles *1.00 !PLANING MILL RATABLMMHED iit Buchanan,Lawson i Robinson w A}rt'r1. T1 -Rae} 04 Sash, Doors & Blinds ntAtsta ten ALL atwwe ee Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ml teepee's sourest of every d••r'•tsttsa icasui rv.mjj g tF[CNITT. etrAn Ord.,, teempter atteeld to. OM.teh, Ar.,i. L ttW, 1Ne.ty Eye, Ear and Throat DR. RYERSON • f gig. pensee "sees, �.esse. ells {. l••*ra •. �' 8a 1 te Ms4sesei,rtt� {Eafc,t,� shut a H tote reef THE 1/INDSOR HOTEL 1111TP. A'iai'OAD, Ili Last Salvia! of Beery Iao1 nese rib. RRL ( tem noel hs• his hots tell Ane Sul the affal hie