HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 84 THE HURON &GJ4L FR1AY. MA1►CH 7. LA$4. teee A Flea for Dar easim es. W 1. winter's Marta. en prat, sad the erwberth Manse the earth moue with bre, wu weirs ne the n.asvatp birds haste to seek O.. imamate ur Mar years. lesas dSesre the chilling blame had .wept our lis iu1U Wthe y they imoth,ht • sunnier ch/as. Wham they might Sad humanity) from frust And Maser's hardships In a northern home. A•" esamer friends we As Accu, *bout. ad we t No armee that they tu•n..t 'runt us and Sad \9bea toe s u werutu,t of the frust king', votes First syncs ei •n our oars. We w.knWr them The sable rad •least and Me mole. The a1,7 awa awe sad the bub -o -link. And all the little utawbere of the train From southern woaMrlags, moa rejoice to keen Their j.yt.► cantly. In field and wood. Sincerely do we love them, mod our life I. sumer Lima devoid of their sweet song. Aad gentle flitting. to sod tea, would be Mere ..t IM Helmet hr..x. VIM 11ut f•1■ would wo Ogen • kindly tribute to the worth Of we whose Mendell' bean the sharpest ted (/N who rootlike. ms not, mho' the sun Is blotted from our ski and winter storms Howl o'er our fields and round our tenements. Tho' not a few have sought wish hiller words To bring rep.uwb upon our Lille friend. We love the spar:uw, hod wall sing kis praise. nun' all of nature's (harauppxsl1 he rootsln. True to the home he loved' Ih hummer tout.: Hymning Lbs wl•lry Wwteand drifting snow. With sturdy tardlb.rd. he daily .eek. His scent supply of food in friendly rick Or on our street.: and 14 his cheery notes Knows hie etrom" faith in better da)s to Dome. Hie con•taar y nay t r•• • h h M feathered tends; Nay. won itt.ios• .8.1i ns as well that boiit.1 itw� And pj.� se oe.e uuy I. .i- ips hea found &beamd B seerchlsg o'er the earth. but la the spot Where dant :r all our tatter purposes - To Uvea faithful anal * •. upright Ute. "•Puga•oieue." 1. he 1 It'he has better camel Not winter'. storms could drive hum fres. kis hnrae Nor the wort blendltM.entaof southern skies Seduce hum us forsake the scants he love.. He knows h., right& &•d with his li:tie frame Hewed Olin • norther• 1 titer, he deers Whatever foe n.ay rrninrr to mewl. "He killed cock robin •" That it not denied ; Het redbreast i. • ..••t.d tighter. too Aad knowing hitt s, weal. wr truly tear He girl i.noblv In a NKht be furred. "Holy Meme:r r True,but be anstanses no stn Of Sue• gentility. ('!ein his garb Of sober gra), and with his sprightly ways, We roam,( deem boa a repuW ve bind. Beauty le not • univrlal gift To bird dr man - else would we all he fair. The sparrow'. glory I. his mond worth IN other value we shell maks no clam. For as was mid by oo., who loved the bird.. "Are not Nye sparrow. for two farthings sold, And yet not ore- of 110 .n by lied forgotten r If wr .hail r.:. t.•.• lesion taught by him, Of faithfulness. of pluck. of energy. Of dauatteee courage end, par rrrrilrarr, (N constant to hunts and those we lore. Our little friend will n..' Inco lived 1n vain. pl\ANAWK.. Dederick March 1st. 11451. WWI& James Uudd, head sawyer for Mr. Walker, at Unionville, cut 1,864 feet of inch lumber in one hour and twenty minuEes eon Saturday lest. **e'en Sabbath evening last as Messrs. Festers were dnring.hume front Hawes- ville church, the sleigh slipped over the bank near Mr. Hulstend's gate, throw - lag the .tocepante'out. No person sus - tuned serious injury. Leshal6n. A tonaideia:.e quantity 01 grain is Passing through this place from the west a route to Luckn..w which seems to be the leading market round u present. D. Boyd, near yfanberly received $1.04 per bushel fur neT vile it which, we think, is the highest we : we heard of being paid for that article hisyear. We regret to have to ata • th.tjlnttie, youngest daughter of Huh Chambers, who was mentioned in last week's corres- pondence as having recovered from • severe attack of rheumatic fever, had another attack on Wednesday evening last which prove) fatal on Friday mr.rn- ing. The funeral took place nn Monday when the remains sere followed to their resting -place in Pine River cemetery, by • very large ooneolrso of friends and neighbors willing to aid in peerfurming the last rites for her who was • favorite with all. Thie is the third vacancy by death, in the family of Mr. Chambers. Dunstan - An eagle has been seen feasting on a carrion back of E.l. Hannah's farm. Some of our sportsmen tried to capture him, hut "o far are unsuccessful. A. McArthur was appointed Secretary of the West Wawan.ali Fire Insurance Society in the moon of Robert Murray . retired. it will he a source of congratu- lation to the c•mpauy to have secured the service of so efficient a man as Mr. i McArthur. The Fbresters of this sill/en received word from a neighboring Court that said n eighbors would pay thio Court a vet. OUT Foreeten, with their uauel teetotal. ity prepared • sumptuous banquet for their visitors and Dome invited guest* Prem the village But owing t.• the severity of the weather the visitors failed to put in an appearance. This court peas dad 1.. J. eaten to the viands. After .upper captain Mallnugh took the chair. Speeches were made by Messrs. B. J. Crawford, Findlay, I.)••11000,MoKay and others, all showing that this court is in a flourishing condition end that the Order generally is an excel- lent one. Songs were rendered in excellent style by Mysore Nivens,liirein, Bell, Begley and Munro. Dunne the past few days one et our young lads has attracted onnsiderable attention in sporting circles. The person Ooto whom allusion is made is Albert Cooke. Don of John Cnuke of tell village. a He has earned considerable notoriety as • feat skater, and last Monday evening Ike sustained hie reputation in a rnateh tried in Lucknow against Mr. Kerr, of that cheese hung. After the L.0=know raee was decided, timelier match was ar- =Vto some off on Dungannon rink. oid*. Cooke s friends are sanguine of susses. One of our remittent@ received • pair of beautiful canaries as • present one (lay lately. Sud resident task the canaries Looe in a cellarbwex and and praoeeded to cage them sigh/nit taking the pre- eaetiem to pet out the eat. Birdie s tipped through the fingers of the neer, said poesy Tent her suimanes by grabbing the bird. The owner ureases fearful for the safer of hie Mrd and took after pm* at • furious pace "ed for a (ter miestes eat and risen in eie things lively seamed that exam. Tn. Ivan cornered the seismal whirl looked .•itifully up in the swan's face but n.. I. see of pity mete she disenvur. Welting •• e Mood could satisfy the irate reasde..t . ho forthwith pevereded to setter th. •.rains of ie. eat stn the .eirntwnding 1.,raitare. The lived four days eh.. ea adventure, - ° it • . a whet it died the raw, r wished very siaeerely that he ens!, sag that cal to if for the sake of kiln. stein. Po`eriek Township Paa.om•t. -Job■ Sheppard fix the last ars years • reatdeot ut the North- west, is visiting friends and relatives in the tuweeip. He &peaks highly of tie Northwest. Fwoxeii. - Whet Wight have been • serious cave of 1rer.0p and possible am- putation °scarred or, htday last Peter `steep bought sone stuck at a eels near Clluu,u .NI Thursday last. He stepped oto • watering puce un the roadside, getting one foot wet. With the thee- noweter some fifteen degrees below sero the keen from Wpm to bite and • por- tion of uuo Glut was severely frown. House Boanau.-Wm. Townasrd, of the Bayfield eon., had the mieforturne on Friday •fieri on last to have 8u house and nearly all the "oaten"' destroyed by bre. The fire is supposed to have origin- ated from a defective chemise.. The structure was made of cedar lugs. Due utg tree progreee of the tiro one of Mr Townsend'• sons, in endeavoring to lave what he could, was nearly aught by the leaping flames and falling roof. Hie es- dape was narrow. Wu uuderstend there was nu insurance. The lose will be con- siderable. Auburn. The oboir of the Methudist church in- tend giving as entertainment next Fri- day evening, in the church. The meeting of the Bible Society was well attended on Monday evening Rev. Mr. McCueh gave a splendid ad- dress. As two of our residents were returning from Guderich un &•tetchy, they met • runaway team near Joe. Tonality's, which they succeeded in Mopping. On the owner comity up he proved to be Mr. O.Cutmor wh., died the next day at P .rt Albert from exposure. He appear- ed to be quite sober at the time. The msotine hell hi the hall on Fri- day evening was fairly attended. Mr. Jas. Young acted as dimmer. The programme, besides the lecture, includ- ed several re•dings,piecee of inueic,snd a dialogue. The lecturer Mr. T. McGilli- cuddy, trek as his subject, "Temper- ance," and treated it in a very able man- ner, touching on the various evils result - mg from the ter of intoxicating liquor. He paid , t.wt complitlient to bis Audi- ence, by remarking at the dose, that he never addressed a more orderly meeting. On Tuesday evening a stronger visit- ing our village would at once conclude that something unusual was going on. judging from the large numbers of peo- ple morin about. The crowd turned out to attend the annual tea -meeting of the Presbyterian Church. Tea was serv- ed in the hall from 5 to 7 and the wait- er had their handa full during that time attending to the hungry throng, The exeretsee in the church odmnienced about 7.30, Rev. J. Pritchard presiding. The building was filled to overflowing. A long programme was cussed ally car- ried out, the speaker being Revs. J. Hillard and A. E. Smith, representing Auburn, and Revs. J. Gray, Clinton; McLean, Blyth ; and Tomball, Gude rich. The foreigners all gave splendid addresses. Mr. Gleamy of Blyth, gave three readinga,which were well received. Prof. Jones and daughter of Seaforth, supplied the music, which was highly eip- preoiated by all Proceeds 275. A social was held on Wednesday evening. Council met pursuant to adjournment, on Saturday the 23rd of Feb. at school house No. 9. Members all present. The Reeve :n the chair. The clerk be- ing absent, it was moved by Mr. Mal - lough, seconded by Mr. McMurchy that Robert Carrick be appointed clerk for this meeting in the absence .of J. Parke. Carried. The minutes of last meeting were then read and signed. Letters were received trona Hugh Giron and R. Webster. Moved by Mr. Malluugh, seconded by Mr. Clare that Messrs, Griffin and Whitely be appnnt«d by the coun_e' to see Hugh Girvin vett make ar- rangeaente as to the settlement of the road allowance opposite Lot 10, Cun. 2, E D. t'arrild. Moved by Mr. Mc- Murchy, seconded by Mr. le tritely, that the following persona be notified to build wire fence". -Hugh Pntclarl, 38 L R., K. McRae, pt 39 L R., Alex. Moggach. R. E. f,t 41 I. It., Wm. Wiley, N. E. .t 41 L It., R. Walker, S. pt 41 L R., I). Bell, N. pt 41 L R., S. bray, M. X pt 42 L It., D. E. Mclean, E. pt 43 L R., J. Dixpn, N. pt 44 LR , Wm. Pow - el, S. P. 45 L. R.. Janes Brown, 16, Con. 13, D. McD,nald, Lot 10, ase. 10, Duncan McLeod, 8. pt E. }, Lot 10, Cage 10. D. Meldell. 101 10_t 4ow (Sr, Wm. Kempton, pt lot 13; con. 13 J. Nixon, M. pt 9, R. R. 9 and 10, con. 14, E. D., Thos. Harris opposite part ut N. pt 7 and 8, con 4, E D , Roht. Reid, front } 9, onto. 13, E. D. Carried. Moved bt Mr. Whitley, .ecmded by Mr. Mc'..urehv that the security furnish- ed by the treasurer be accepted. Car• tied. Moved by Mr. Whitley, seconded by Mr. MaHouvh that the auditor's re- pert e- prt be accepted Carried. Moved by Mt. Hereby, seconded by Mr Malluugh that the clerk be and is hereby instruct- ed to prepares by-law for next meeting of •ouneil establishing the side marl be- tween lots 6 and 7, nom. 9, E. D., in the phos where the roadway between these Iota now exists. Carried. The follow- ing aosoants were passed Hugh Mc- Ginty, repairing culvert on D. L. con. 4, $1. John Asllivan, statute labor tax retention, $4.50; Misdeeds Mefottu d, ekes baud fosse at MaDomald'■ Hill, Kintail, $1&110; 1)o. balance on job, F. It 12 and 13, 80 cents ; James Mur- doch, filling abertmenta with gravel us bridge 18 mile river, $10 ; .lames Hagen, 96 rods wire fence R, R. Sand 4, een. 5,221180 ; James Brown mistake in aeasamnert mels, 93.36 ; Do. salary ea col- lector for 1863, $16 ; Thomas Weather. .1d, surveying & R., 6 and 7. eon 9 and 10, W. D., end R. R, 6 and 7, con. 9 and 10, R. D , total, $12 ; Josses Harlow, author, I$8 ; 1Z,ebt. Cherie*, Do. $8; also 111 each for extra labor. The c,unoil ad• jimmied to meet again .t rase piece, nn Katerday, the It)thApnl. JoneCoosa, Clerk. Horace (lreelsy promised to espouse wonesses rights when a female brought her ship rand ('ape Horn ssfely home. Mn (7apt. Patten, .f Maine, did o while her husband was prostrated with disease. BOOM Mite Qesupma serhaa scuts Mai Jame* McDem•ld, .1 Pauses IIS. wen the gunk of Ms Allam this wash. James Clarke, whose shedYst Was dishrcated through a ruaawmp misdeal, is dutag nicely. Two P•ria,Tn - -A. C. Meedemald has beet. laid up by an attack ammo, but the ministrations of the sigh committee hase helped to bung him us the mond. Their powerful lettooa were also 'mower hal in imparting locomotion N• Martin Finlasd, who bed sprained his leg by a f•11 last week. Port Albert SAD Dur.. -- We regret to red,ed this week Lbs demo of Edward U'Cunwr, when occurred here on Monday lam. Deceseed,whn was • builder, had been to Manchester the day before for a load of brick to build a chimney for a house which he hail cuutracted to erect this spring. The evening sou intensely cold, and it is surmised that he started for home late, was benutubed and fell into • drowsy sleep, from which he newer gained °enviousness. He was buried on Tuesday last. Deceased wee aro intelli- gent yuutyt *run and • good tradesman. His lose will be keenly felt by his widow- ed mother, his sister and brothers, and a large circle of sorrowing friends. Lisburn. John Stewart has been whiling away some of the winter hours by doping in the lake. He has already captured some fine fish, one salmon trout weighing 20 pounds. The first "quilting bee" for 1884 was held last week, and now a popular bache- lor who lives north of the churches sleeps under an extra cn:erlet. The girls thought he •aught not to remain • bache- lor long after this. FAREWELL - .1 gathering of young folks took place at the residence of the Hall family one day last week, by way of a good bye party. The boys are go- ing to Muskoka, and the gathering was • Port of send off before they left for the lakes and hills of the north. A good time was had by all present. A \amigos FeI•••Ars.-- A few days ago, while C. Jefferson and W. Fraser were sawing wood with a long saw, a large stub till between them diving the sew into two parts. The :nen had a close shave, but neither •rare injured in the slightest degree. Later iu the day, while ma4ing ayteenien wedge, Frazer cut his land badly by the axe flipping. Mediad assistance was required to dress the wound. Sabbath arbeel t. meantime. 1 in Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 1884, the mi- n uet S. S. convention of the Dungannon Circuit, Methodist Church of Canada, was held at the Nile. At 10:30 a.m. the pastor of the church took the chair, and the exercises com- menced with singing and prayer. Verbal reports in regard to the state of the wheels represented were first given and were deemed satisfactory. The secretary of the Dungannon .ch•eol re- ported a membership of 95, average at- tendance 68 ; the secretary of the Nib school, scholars lOti aye attendance 414. The advisability .tf taking our own ex- cellent S. S. papers was urged by Bro. McLean and others. Several subjects considered to bo of great importance in regard to S. S. work were taken up and *ley diacessed. The exponence ••f S. e. workers in the prac- tial work 'd the school was forcibly in- troduced by Bre Hetherington, and ex- cellent remarks were nude by Brethren J. Echlin and .1. McLean. Bra,J. Pent- land next introduced an enquiry as to the object moire at, and the kind of teaching best adapted t., s"cere it. He properly mid that God's glory and utwtu of salvation were the great objects, and Bre. Caswell thought that clear, earnest, affectiotmte teaching would secure these, with God's b:esiug. Bro. J. Tiffin next called attention to the benefit to be derived frees S. S. teaching. He mid it benefits Hume who have n.. other training at home, benefits the teachers. the church, and community at large. Gowl pointe on this "abject were made by others. Time .1 adjournment haring arrived words of welc,me t.. the members of the cttvention were kindly spoken by Breth- ren James Dustoe and J. Cantelon. Afternoon session opened at 1:30 with devotional exercises. The next subject, How to pn.mnln, temperance principles in the wheel, was strfy MtrodAiiidtbk Stet. J. Eliht1n His pusition was that all M 8, teachers should be total abstainers, and, should impress the minds of the @cholera with the mag- nitude and awful character of intemper- ance, and that churches and R. schools should do their utmost, irrespective of party, to have men is the high places of gorerument, who would go dead against the evil. Forcible remarks on this fruit - fell theme from Brethren Tiffin. Hether- ington, Itaihe,Cantel,n and Morris mad* its discussion very interesting Nett in order came the question. introduced eat - neatly by Bro. McLean, How to increase the spirituality and efficiency of our R.S. °reaniation. Excellent remarks were thrown nut on this important enquiry, that it is hoped will have a grind practi- cal effect through the year. Bro. reinder.on then in well put ro- marks called attention to the beet way to be taken by the teacher to prepare the lesion. Remarks were male that we trust will hear good frutt The chairman next treated on the question : How to increase the attend- ance at the seborea, and the hem way to win their attention when there. Several pians were proposed considered judieioes andI pr.ctieal. Rxesdleat oddnesss& were given to the children by brothers Hmhenngtnn, Lean and Bridsas. Evening . 1o. opened at 7 with ds - retinue .,cremes, and reeding of nmim- aka Bet. J. Zeldin then intrdee.d • vital whjeer : The stains of the R le open the wane siholere He sod they •Meath est • grind emample, he wady to ready to answer gesetines readily and &i-reet- ly, to Bp Hetheeiagtse thought they had mash to loam alts they grew up ; sod that the 8, 8. shodd lank to them ler its tler.hsn. Dao. MkLsaa thought IBM that gratesde fur pent services gratui- tously rendered them should biud them to the wheel The seal subject was The reaps/nat bihity laid epos teachers to do their beet in their great work. Admirable remarks were made u.. ibis subject by boo. John Dunes aad W. Bailee. 8,o. McLsau then spoke well on The eneouragema•t teacher have to labor faithfully in this great wutk. Taithful *mens is oert.iw u( a rich reward. The chairman then bruugbt before the ouute•ttion the question of, 11..w shall parents be br.aight to feel • pr..pir in- terest in S.S. work. Hassid the queenen implied teat as • whole they did not, but that they ought to ;tend that something needed to be done to wt them interest- ed. He suggested that parent@ be in- vited to attend the school. To so lame- nt and benefit the childreu, that patents would notice it Te get thew to pray fora Waling en their children when at ssbool, and to give liberally fur its sup - puri. It was then resolved that • contention be held next year at Dungan uou. The choir of the church waa iu attend- ance and greatly sided the work l.y their beautiful perces spier sang. The contention was pronounced • success, and much gad is anticipated as the result of it. noble work. -(Cox. OOMMUNIOATIONS. We de not hold ourselves reap:m..41e fur the opinions of our Corresp ndenta. Cwtrtbu- ten tc this department moat tondos them- selves to publtc questions. wok be brief. Meaner ams. To the Editor. of The Huron signal Diets Sia, -During last week a track of very handsome birds, altogether new to this locality, came and helmet fcr quite • time ou 1a mountain ash near my house. Their plumage was neat beauti- ful -bright starlet breast and heads, ex- ceedingly plump in build, and in many respects resembling the English hull. Aimee As they are a most welcome and interesting addition to our scanty fath- ered tribe, perhaga SUMO of your re tiers could tell sweet they are. J. J. W. The Point Farm, March 4, 1884. Crippling the sir rertby Act. In order to still further nulify the Do- minion license law the Provitacialguveru- ment, 0 is understood, will intr,duce A bill to regulate the fees to he paid f..r any liquor license taken out under the Do- minion law. That law ;McCarthy bill expressly de dates that 0111.11y Baena. issued under it the Provincial legislature may iwpxse a tax or fee for Provincial or muuicipal purposes (sea 92 B. N. A. act) ; and the same McCarthy law also provides that the person entitled to license under it mist first show that Itahas paid any such fee that the Provincial legislature may have seen fit to impose ; the Provincial legislature will therefore he asked to en- act that the fees on licenses issued under the said Dominion license law shall hes : On tavern, saloon ur shop licenses in cities $300 Do in towns 250 On tavern or shop licenses in ad- ages. 150 Do in townships. 180 On each wholesale license... . 350 On cash vessel 250 Each transfer 20 While the Province 6Eee the duties, it dies eo without preptdice in its tauten• tion that the right to legislate In respect of thew licenses is o.uferred upon the Provincial Ica jislattires exclusively. But for fear that the Dumiuion law may be held to he valid this uteoantiunary meas- ure is taken. It is Ake the intention of the govern- ment t.. increase the fees for licensee taken nut under the Provincial law, though it is not Itkely that they will bit rnutcli m..r• than half ..f the *hove fig- , OTOS. t COUNTY NEWS. Cw11.4 trust ear Loral isebaa•es- lames But.rr, u loo fell asleep in a shed near • twittery" !vetoer u upper and lower Win:thin' last week, anti had his feet ec severely (note). had to have ..ne of them amputated by Dr. Bethune. Captain Keine, reeve .1 Borrie, has bought a 50 acre he from Jas. Leech ad• joining the one he hought from Mr. Johnston Deme time ago. Wm. Dano, .1 Gerrie, hoe bought Jae. McOill's property. The latter intentfs to gas to Iifauitoba. Thome& Carter has leen c.wamttted tct g aol by Lucknow magistrates on &charge of @teatime fire dollars from Williva K il- D tn, 1.1 Belfast. Mr. Jas. Picked of Exeter las in his stables, a steer which weighs 2,800 pounds and has sold it f..r 10 ccs. per Ib, live weight, nuking a total sem of *289.00 A yowng man named Roht. Taft, of 8saforth, forgot • nuts for 112. against Mr. John Gould and govt it cashed. He paid the mount ..f the note and other small debts and was allowed to ge On the evening of the 224 ult., at the residence of Mr. Jackson, on the 10th don., the Rev. Mr. Scanlon of the Bel. grave thrmi was made the recipient of • well -filial purse. M the Rnck Chureh enoerregation. A ManuAN'• Ducal: --Th s. Fair, a farrier who resides near Gerrie, came tomb village one day last week,and after partaking f of that which intoxi- eatea, +e. homewards, hut upon coming to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway track, guided his hooses in that dirsmine sod crossed no lees than six cattle -guards and culverts, but the horses get down in the}oennd bridge, and re shined theta until resistance arrived, when two ernes pieces of the bridge were sowed and the horses extricated. We regret to have to record the deatb o f Jcsis McRrlee, of the Bele Liebe, Hallett, on the morning of the 27th elf He was one of the pioneers of this see - tion, having setthd hese ever 40 years ago. Deecsesd was a member of levee and respected family, and his death will use raoen.ed nest naly by hie relatives het by • very late* erode of (nenda He learns • widow and visee rhildrea, grown ▪ p W kegs ttsw d. daughters, tw.i d 8. Rama, formerly a reeve from Ib % toeseh.p .,f McKillop, but whit is me I residues( in the vicinity of (iri•wtdd, Mandeb.., I'M a 1,000 acre farm then. He cropped 175 acne lad year. He o wed Red Fete wheat and bel a y►aW of 3d bushels to the acre which he gold at (trisw.dd fur 130 wets a bushel. Mr. Hauuah wi11 crop about 300 acres this oomiiiup spring. He is Warden of Bran - dun meaty and reeve of the municipali- ty of Whit•he•d. N•aw,w Macara -Jas. Wallis, of the tat stn., leo cowl, wowed with his life tut tlaturdey, whilst creasing the me- nsal/Jack from MoOarva's salt well at einem. After throwing elf This load of wood, he started up teas. and just as his horse l;ot on the track, be heard Dome men yelling. and luoking up saw the train about twenty feet from him. The horses made • bound and cleared the track, but Mr Wallis was thrown vio- lently forward along with brukeo parts of the sleigh. Although badly bruised he was not seriously injured. London, Feb. 96. -Shortly alter 1 o'clrick this nw,rniog an .xpl•sioui occur- red in the clock -room at the Victoria Railway 8tatein Imre. The explosive agent was undoubtedly dynawite. A lar a portion of the roof was bL.wn of and neatly all the glass -work 111 the station destroyed Seven nem were sent to the hospital with severe injuries. Ex- tensive damage was done t.• surrounding propel ty. Ere, . ('•KVA.-O•UTtvt-L A!t1, r.ty ruNr ran. --elf • thorough t•owledge of the natu- rot law, watch -g7poovern the opera:.nue ut digestion and nutrition. and by a can•tul •pplicati.u..4 the Sae properties of wrll- sele•ct.d Coca,. Mr. IOW lou provided our breakfast ta4ic• with • delicately 1avound beverage wk.c• . may wive as many heavy daggers bills. 1t s by the judicious use of ouch article«of . ••1 that • constitution may be gradually b:.. up until strong enough to resat ever) tett t.to theorise. Hu.drrd« of subtle m•Ld. , are floating around us ready to attack wherever there ia a weak ant. We may't•uape man) • fatal shaft by keepiag ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properlynonrtabed frame.- -(sell &venire Oaaette.-ade simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in Packets and Tl t• 1tlb. and Ib.). by Grocers. labelled - "Jelled Erre & Co.. Homeopathic l'hembee, Loudon Nag." Loans ant) insurance. *500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO NP CAMERON HOLT & CAMYRON. Oode •ick. 1736. \f(ONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE Lu. faad.-os freehold security. Apply to Om. Swansea. Dederick. 117eem. rik50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ea pod Farm or Srst-class Town Property •1 9 per cent. .toms to IL RADCLIFFE. 1751 fONEI' TO LEND. -A LARGE jj amonat of Private Funds for investment at lowest meson fret -class Mortg.grs. Apply to°ARROW & PROUDFOO'1'. $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND �v ooy�ai Farm and Town Property m lowest 1a- tere.t. Mortgages purchased, no ('ommirfon charged Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if 11tie is tatstsctary._DAVISON & JOHN (TON Barristers. ko.. Oodericb. 1751 R. RADCLIFFE, FIRE,_ hlkalf.I1'E, Lite and Accident insurance Agent. R.prds rating firstclamCompanies. Also agent for the CASAD• Lira &rose INet•Rawca Co. Money to lead on Mortgage• either in Town of Ferro Property. in any way to suit the borrow er. Osco-(uaeWnt Ray. block Oodertcb EAGER & LEWIS, ()rr,terre Mare kJ TIN." HOT[*., (ioderich, hire ur:vate FUNDS TO Lr:Xis, in any tum. PO Stilt Uw lt pare. .. . r . ! •Tea, at very ow rates. 1i.•: Auctioll:eering JOHN KNOS GTNBRAL AI'C- e Ti ee:En and trod v aluat.er. t;oderich, Ont. Haring had .x,nstdershte exp• shone is the auctioneering trade. he Is le a yuition to discharge w:tb thorough satlefaction all coni - entrusted to hie,. Order's lett at Martin's Hotel. or Sent by mail to niy address, Ooderteb P.O.. carefully &'tended to. JOHN ZNOR County Auctioneer. 1157-tf 4ME.i PRENTiCE,AUCTIONEER, el and Anprat,er. euecew.,r to J. C. Currie. ibe People's Auctioneer. Office : With Alex. M.D.Albeit Lesi a oedees at this Mice or at $heppppmer�.f�'e Book Store in my abataor. JA:+. PRENTICE. Auctioneer. Hui 1.1 W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR • • the County of Huron. Sale. attended F year. Are you Drowsy, dull and out of tents t Are you bilious, muscat cd add mads sit k by the thought of food ? 1s U►c•rc a dull, drag. ring Iain 1n } cur r,tiht s:dS? Uo )our boweb wi lenly get sora without any app -re 1t cause? Are the whites of your tars ti:l;'e11 wi:'t) *.:tow l Is your t.i::1 w .n, clint•-.iy ,ail lap,erct lnrcad? 1:4.:1 your n outh tae& that.'/ in Lha taorni^;f, :•re y Itra!:t'ci Do )1•.1 !.. • i:..w.,; 1• Ar.:) 1 :.'e i e•:. r? 41:i )L'1 . CC! at l.:•e• ,? I : )d..t 1,••f+inEf and r:. •••t•14, t? II tile urine 1 . 1 ,. •1.•n• I ? :bre you II11' half i•fI•t.l setae s Art is r• yo;rr. 'I 1.-• : l.ov t ' vuu:rsisc you is that your i . order and tit •.:. immcdia'J-- - Isom 11: rrEa- 1 . 1 1 as nothing el c i t of medicine c.:. re • ens coma rev 111 1 . r:xt •'• r.14 Regulated, stimu''a: : ^ t •'! made to do its proper,. � it a proper manner by !;•-•.1.1tt::t AND Isom BITTERS tic liver will resume its natural !um. - bons, and all the above symp- toms will disappear and be forgotten. But do not neglect them. Use the remedy at once. Sold everywhere, price 5o cents. SOLD BY Jin. Ietb. lel tars fere The Saegntillep PIS. FARME Desirousofof °Maleing Plows of the aket. wake. twiny Nes. SRX 40 and 10. eau be tun he• ntsI with the same by apple:stlos nth* Foundry, Goderiah. Repair. of an the above plows can Mese be ob- tained m the same plane. PLOWS & REPAIRS %ILI. a'6 !.t o AT A Reduction of 25 Per Cent. in any part of the County. Address. orders to nor. Lista published last y t:oderMb P.O. flues Apply to C4. HUMBER, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. -- rot ere or Humes . He virtue et • Writ of To err : i Fleet Facias (rued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the c bunt soft Huron. and to me directed and delivered andE MANSitted the ONt the snit oTIMOTHY 1 have seised end taken ► e,eeatlim all Ede tient, tine. Interest_ putty et redemption of the above named P- T. COLEMAN fend•nt, Alexsadrr Manson, In and to Lot (Ie ten. Wast Front Attest, North side at:: one hall acre In the Village of F�moudrylle. County of Herne and Roams. of Oatern which Lends and Tenements 1 shall DOW for fiat•. at myJ este, 1. Lbs Court honer. In the Town sf Oodesrlcb. on Mennen. v. the Term day of MAT. Mi. at the hoar cif to ' • of the clerk. noon. ROBERT GIR;.Og, nerd... Harsh. html.11y-N tll.erirs Mice, Ooderich. January flat, lest. Meesghty Agent, Ooderieb. Oorlerich.Basch «h. tall Hi • DANIEL GORDON, x: 6IIETIIUER % y AN[r Leadin Uudenator, �2Ila"on hand nowthe L1$4;g.T S S4- First - Class Farriiiisre In the (amity. and as I now purchase fee sash.. 40 will not he n.detnold by any n.e. I ager Tapestrtyy Carpet Lounges. from Oak upward. Whatnots, &.rel. from MAI& Ileo Hoek Chairs, from tic_ rep, aideleg‘• art thing else Is the "MOW smear 1sm, AT THE OLD STAND iletwese the Poet Oates & Reek of Montreal, C6'OD�RIpg Oet. lath. Itis 1111. ABSTRACT RECEIPTS ADD EXPENDITURES FOR THE TOWN OF GODERit$, FOR TEEM Z A 1888_ --_- a1CQ1aTn. Balmier. from ISM Noe Resident Imola INdslie articled* Llcesse.. Taxes rime' 001= • Public IXPKNDITURR& - tlrherbta dab 9 oob H County flare fee pair Eloetiaige areL Cassel dtrwhss ems tliiailgaml„ kla[rant. •� w •• •• ••' std Domiaingt D•1 ♦•••• t l"lp.1 I atm •0110•••••••••••• �fyes ••• ••_cam ••••.••• `MR Public Wry Flee Bonadery Bills Dierounted Icswest aerie Sworn a•serlek. Marek ala Ulla O MNI R B. W. HALL, W. R. ROBERTSON, 1 Al nrT(111R 0