HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 7Fun and Ftncj. Tie fuiliaawiiag bill was lately preseat- ed to • fernier la Suseeo : 'Tuheaging ten bare doors and myself *eves hour., lour shilbn ps aad stxpeoce. ' An old bachelor says : 'It a all a.m- seaw to prettied tint love is Wad. 1 never yet loser a mea in love who did Met ire ten time, as mesa& in kir sweet heart as any one else could. 'Who was It that said it ie not good fu • titan to be aloe, 1' asked • Suudsy asbod teacher of his elms. A bright boy answered : 'Daniel, sir, when he was in he lion's den.' • A Philadelphia bride found seventeen 1 U sets of dishes sutueg 'ler wedding pimenta. Her far-seeing floods evident- ly knew that she was going to keep a girl. An eccentric fellow, who lives along- side ..f a gra ,yard, was asked if it was nut an uupl.aaant location. 'No,' said be, 'I never jived places in all my life with a set est neighbotethat minded their own business so Middy as they do. Spinks went luaus the other night seieted with double vision. He sat for sums time with his eleepv gage riveted un llira Spinks, and then complacently remarked -'Wall, 1 declare, if you two don't look •Hough like to be totes.' 'Judge, I desire to be excused from jury service.' `Why,' asked the court Became I an only bear with one ear.' 'Oh, you'll du,' said the judge 'We only bear one side of a • case at a Urea' A jolly old uncle has been relating some incidents of his early life to his nephew. 'Of all the women you ever met, uncle,' says ilio young man, `by which were you the most struck r 'By your aunt, m boy ; by your aunt !' re- plies the old gentleman, dropping his t oloe and fueling the hack of his bead tenderly. A deacon once asked his pastor, 'Did yeti ever think what yea would do if you bad the Duke of W estmiiister s ineomer Ti which the impecunious pastor replied Wall, no : but I hate sometimes wondered what the Duke would d., tf be bad mica' It is it long time shoe we met with such a ready retort. Tendon journal tell. • story of a New York Ludy of wealth who scut for Italian artists to paint pictures to matt* her tarpeta it probably costa lees to get Itelutn pictures to match her carpet. than to get new carpets to match half•: *tures-and economy is wealth. We believe it was • London lady who does ed in warm tints to match her husbso4's ' gg. no -- 'St /FA traveller who had just read on the !post -Dublin. two mike,' thought I Rieke mums of a pairing Irishman by H it's two miles to Dublin, Pat, su▪ er lung will it take to get there r 'Faith,' returned Pat, and if yer he! w slow as ser wits yell get there oda Christmas...•io ,wise! imam; los&'too A girl -tett west is mid to have ravioli; • tiph lineman three times in M many months because he was 'too us* o f a wanderer -he wandered from pole to pole and from 'climb to climb,' and if be should came home he d be so insulate that he'd make one's hair stand on end, and make ttu end of talk among the noitghtwn ' _ A smart UWie girl, daughter of a well- to-do butcher in a township in one of the colonies, seeing a letter lying on the lobby table addressed to her worthy parent. with the letters 'J. P.' after his name, and not knowing the meaning of the initials, asked one of her fathers shopmet to tell her what they meant. Judge of her little ladyship's utter dis- gust when told that the inituals stood for 'Judge ..f P. r A Chicago wholesale house sect out three female drumnuers by way of experi- ment. l lee ed them wore all her samples tea picnic and got lemonade, pie. and grass stains all over them ; another got' mashed on a brakeman and followed him off, and the third reported three new dresses, a lawn -tennis suit, • garden hat, and a Langtry bang in her expense account The house is so well satisfied with the result of the experiment that it will sot repeat it An Aamien who bud been to Europe' mad was telling a friend who knew he was a liar, about his trip acmes the At - Untie, ad how, on shout the 25th of the month, 'they entered a swarm of locu.ta, maths locusts carried sway every ditch of maths off the ship.' The listener' kinked tluo.ghtful a moment, and then mail, hesitatingly : 'Yea, I euesa we met the game swarm of locusts the next day, the 26th. s locust had en a pair of camvma��1amt� ' the first liar went around a coe•ttttidldeked himself. Words of Wisdom. A Med dental he bolter than rads grant. A day t.. some goon lousier than e year that a moue. A good este reales a stout heart .ad a strung arm. 1 blunt edge will .umetirnm do what a sharp edge will no& A foul say maks murrey, but it re- gains a smart mau to spend it. A man as he manages himself may die old at 30 or young at 80. Diegoe yeast tears have tonsure. Aad tiess be wens net scads will la tisateattoes showiest Ob, let Mean fall) T Their cadence Y rhetorical. l'bn.haw. He who emigrates to a cave of the mountain to ..cape from sir, finds the devil • naturslilud eitiwu there already. High position. are Ilse the summits of high steep rucks ; eaglt»aud reptiles &loos can reach them. --(Madame Necktie. Be ad always use writs Intent. Wt let tby thoughts he easy and uubent : When our salads' eye are diseoga,ed sad tree, They Hearer. farther and dislaetly see. --Sir J. Denhaltn. Sinai the well-known victory over the bore by the tortoise, the descendants of the tortoise think themselves wirales of .peed. -{Mune E.:.henbach. The best ere accused of ezaluaiveners. It would be more to say, tl•ey separate as oil from water, as children from old people, without lave or hatred in the matter, each seeking his like.-fEmer- . on. Falsehood is in a hurry : it may 1e at any moment detected and punished ; truth is calm, sorsa, ; its judgment is uo high ; its King cometh out of the chamb- ers of eternity. -{Dr. Joseph Parker. A poor man resembles a tiddler, whose music, though liked, is not much prais- ed, because he lives by it ; while a gen- tleman performer, though the most err tehed scraper alive, throws the au- dience into raptures.-[Ouldsmith. There is no royal road to learning. Plodding is • common word. It is plain and homely and it is significant of sturdy labor. It carne. with it a degree of slowness, but assures ultimate certainty. Emerson says : "The wet to make the world better is by reforming ruather one, then there is surely one leas villain in the world. FJend, comae thou like a friend. And whether bright thy Mee, Or dim with clouds we cannot oompeeb We'll hold out pa seat heads. each is k4 Aad treat thee to the end. The keepers of whiskey saloons and dram shops produce nothing, donut earn anything, but support themselves and families, if they have any, on the teen- iestof others. It would be better for t unt to supoort such vendors M � • Irrolic drinks and their families in 411sesss, by direct taxation, if they will than to psrM t theta to sup- patt Iber.elies and families by mak 1 £ls.iR� portion d_ pour ' a if not crrr� �'�!. o� ot1�Te•I►let mane. Three thiega to dos -think, lire, sod - act Throe things to govern -- temper, temgue and conduct. Three things to cherish -virtue, good- ness and wisdom. Three things to lore-couraie, geatls- Rsae and affection. Three thintcs to contend for -honor, country and friends. Three things to hate -cruelty, arro- gance and ingratitude. Three things to admire -intellect, dyg- nitt an] gracefulness. three things to hies-oodislity, god - nee' and cheerfulness. Three thir,z. to delight in-heauty, franknem aid freedom. Throe things to avoid -idleness, lo- quacity and flippant jesting. Threw things to wish for --health, friends and a contented spirit. '1 twee things te' cultivate -gad looks, ;tied friends and gond humor. If room* M with low and dr pressed .pigj/s, loin r f appetite. (moral debility, disordered blood, Weak consti- tution. he dMehe, or any deems of • bil- ious nature*, by all means procure • D..f- tle of Electric Bittern You will be sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new Life; strews/gm and activity will return ; pain and usry will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise Eleetrlo Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [81 Tike TMr$es. a.IKrsahloaa There an, however, cams in which thirtewt has no terrors whatever. Who- ever heard an anxious creditor reform thirteen dollars on a bill that was der him 1 Was ever an heir know to refuse • thirteen fhnwesed legacy on even the thirteenth of the month I Did anyone ever refute, the gift of a corner lot on • shred numbered thirteen I We can con- ceive Zeeland and Englishmen regarding thirteen as unlucky, hot why Americans should so Look upon it es nut ou clear. The numhev of the colons e. was thirteen. Thirteen !:lite+ formed the Union. and there were thirteen stare on the first flag. Pretty grind lees has followed all .d thee*. -{New York Journal. emirs$ enema aarve- Th. greatest tneeliesl wonder ter the world. Warrant e speedilyeweee Berns, Ihrume .tea, cert, halt Rhona. Fever Amos, Clearers, Piles, (7hi1M•iti., Cann, Tatter. Obappad Hands, and all Rkm inrptiest, gtnms.teod tot mut in every inetswes, o. imesieg refunded. '26e. per box. Pit lisle lee l• Wilmer. lye Clothes/ Wisdom. One actor does not make a play. Out of the wolfs lair into the tiger's mouth. Prevention is better than cure. Better a to my dug than a deal lion. As the tai, is bent the trees inclin- ed. When the cat's away the rats play. It is the unexpected which always happens. Oxen till the fields, and rats eat the coot. Deal with the faults of others as gent- ly as with your own. A man thinks he knows, but a woman kelvin better. No medicine is as goad se a meddling doctor. No needle is sharp at bout ends. Straight trees are felled first Only imbeciles watt credit for the achievements of their anoestra. Better a dog and peace than a man in war. Don't break a ver for • shy .t ant Everyone Irises a above to the tumbl- ing walL You an t chop a thing as round as you am pare 1t He who rides • tiger cannot dis- mount. Politeness before force. Don't make dumplings it • teapot. Doa't take a polo -az to kill • fowl. Mossy makes a blind man see. A near Neighbor is better than • dis- tant Nation. Wonsan share &inanity better than prosperity. A Msudr.s M all u.ahlod. Ir these times when our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine adver- ti.ementa, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly stir you' If you are halitous, blond out of order, liver inactive, or central debilitated, titre is nothing in the world that will epee you .n quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a Mestato all mankind, and eau be had for only fifty sots a holds of James Wd sus. [1:) From the Liver aad Kid.sys arias ful- ly half the aiebsem Dr. annals finen- aeh Bitten slim fates both Ling sad Kidneys and Wiseman** spirt dismiss; k is net an sleoholis stim•Ytmt, 1lf. knot bottles at Wessell. es £711. ilLltON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH .7 18454 • itoasehole Stints. Sad -berg poison ---oil of sassafras. Eats and wise avoid ebkri& e1 lime. Viaegar wWl remove lila from seepage. Olean wares combs with • broom tuft. Wormwood ur pennyroyal will drive out ants. Yalta of lemon will take Maitre tram leery kaivM Picea •em;.:aur gum user your silver to keep it bright. Salt, if applied imluedi•tety, will sure- ly prevent Ink stains_ Wash whitewashed walla with viewer N. rake paper stick. Freese house pleats will revive if sprtualmt with camphor water. Tobacco tea will kill worms in dower - pots cod is also good fur the plant. Water as hot as can be taken is exc.l- leut in cue ..f nausea and vomiting Rub your stovepipe with linseed oil, keep iu • dry place, acrd it will tut rust. A little milk in the water in which you aro washine your dishes is much nicer than soap. For damp closets and cellars, put *hal- kw dishes ..f uuslacled lune, and Jaatge often. Do nut always keep your piano or or- gan closed if you watt the keys to re- main whits. For house plants : Put a piece .4 raw beef in the bottom of the put before you put the dirt in. A cup of but water taker just after rising and before retiring is a sure cure for a mitigation. Cure for chilblains ; Tak.' a pair of large sized stockings and put Into each nearly • quart est wheat flour, wet the feet thoroughly and dry thein well, then put on the stockings, squeezing the flour around so as to entirely cover oke foal (it will be necessary to wear a very lame pair of .hoes or slippers.) The stock- ings must be kept ou might and day for • week, at the and of which time the chilblains will have dried away and ceas- ed to be troublesome Stour Buttrr.--Using fur a ;Nide some vase that is larger at the centre than at the top and bottom ; cut a paper patten that shall be at least two feet high and of good proportion. Cut form stout pasteboard live sections like pat- tern ; cover them on one side with (grey cretonne and on the .cher with turkey red, uverhanding the edges neatly. Sew the five neetiuma together overhand, and you have a handsome Japanese vice fur scraps. Cotton eattine and blue allsaia may be used in place of cretonne and turkey red. . =sgaar =IN Worse-Baoor/ Homes, -With seine twine, crotchet or tie a band of macrame lace eight inches long and two inches wide ; line it with a strip of bliss satin ribbon. Take a white wood pique that measures eight inches acmes. Fasten the bawd across the centre of tt% plaque (make small boles quite near thele dge and sew through), put • handsome satin keg •t each end of the Land ; sire a ei►1wonand bnw'to suspend it by.�, ;0111 HAwessalnusr CLIC. -Three e1 tithe of a yard of wine -colored plush or velvet, lino with pink satin, plaiting a thin sbest of perfumed cotton between. Fold so the two ends will meet within two inches at the centre, sad tie opposite corners with mein ribbon. It may be decorated with ribbon embroidery or painted. A Pix Cuaoio>A. -Which is very hand- some and delicate is of blue satin with a bunch of sweet peas painted on it ; around the edge of the cushion is a pleat- ing of heavy bine satin ribbon. It is pleated in double box pleats very close together them around the cushion white white inc. is laid with the plain edge tasked down between the pleating and the cushion. A RswARn-Of one dozeu "Teascit- sY" to any one sending the best four line rhyme 1s. "TRA$**RY," the retterkable little item for the Teeth and Bat... Ask your druggest ir ad.lreu. 'Why shouldamr.i whose hl.... is warm witbun Sit ke his grandaine cut it alabaster! Or let his hair grow rusty, sestet and thin. When "Ostia Lattaelle Ewell willmak. g.ruw the faster. For sale by J. Wil- son 2m Aba.ds.ed ser Tow. The case of George McKay against the tug J. P. Clark was heard in the United Staten District Court by JudgeBrown on Saturday. The plaintiff was the owner of the h.rge Treat Early last fall the barge, lumber laden, wet bound down from Bey City in tow of the tug Clark. Just after they had rounded Peint au Bargees the tow line parted, and, it is clamed, the tug ountinued on her curse without anattempt to mover the barye The Treat set mil to get back from the shore to secure more sea room, but soon became disabled in the rough .es which was rimming and drifted to the Canadian shore near Goderich, where she went to crHer cargo was nearly all saved. suit is brought to recover damages as well as the value of the barge. which is plated at 113,000. Considerable inter- est is manifested in the ease, es it will teat the right of a tea, propeller or Mom barge to aba:elon easy part of her tow in a storm. Ups. Speaker Arend vacating the chair in the Commons the whole House rose, and filing peat shark hands with hint. As he was leaving the House he was loadly cheered. The Parnellit.. 8141 net eballeop the division onithe vote .f thanks to the Speaker, but withdrew in a body from the House. i limbeth Meadows, aged 16, who re- sides at Mount Pleasant, near Brant - fort, died from taking landsman' in mi. - take as ltd.... Tesbem,. Theron P. Keetor,edit,r .4 Ft. %V dyne Ind.. Gamete, write.: 'For the past fiv. years i hate always .sed Dr. King's New Discovery fur soughs of meat severe character, as well u tow them oda milder type. it never fails to effect • speedy trite, My friends to whom i have re- eumm.nded it .peak of it in same high terms. Hanagg been cared by it .4 every ooegh i have W for Eve years. i writ - eider it the real reliable sad sere care her errnglts, colds, ski.' Oen at W ile n's Dreg Wirers sad gut s Frim Trial }kettle_ Large Was $1.011. new tidRrtlr Iw..M.as weafkwad M Iia ease. Tasha llfy nae Inimepa1«.. Th. Great Osmosis luvyporator is the only .penins fur impotency, nervous de- bility, universal las it.d., f.wgstfutle.s., pain in embank ur .ids•, no matter bow shattered the system may be Irma ra- cemes of say kuad, the (hot Garman Remedy will rest..n the '•es functions and ..esn health and It.ppttasaa 11.00 per hoz, MI boas. for $A.00. Sold by all dr s Wisp bent .m receipt of prior, porta;.. paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Oho, rule rgvht Ito United States ()e- mbus and testimonials sent fres. Sold by Geo. Rtynm, stile agent for ()ude- rioh 3m To the Uad/esl h+sessss.. reJ alt whom at may misers. Pbwphatiae, or Nene I'u, a Phos- ement bawd uponoxnSciemtifie Formulated by Professor Austin, M- D. of Huston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting disease' of the Mimeo system. Phuephatine is not a Medicine. but • Nutriment, because it contains uu Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, (► Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simpl ly the Phosphatic and (hrtric Elements found! in our daily food. A single bottle is audition& to convince. All Druggists sell it. 11.00 per bottle. Lowest. & Cc., sole agent. for the Do -onion, 56 Fnult Sleet !':.s' Toronto As for frosts "1 wore, vanish under the caloric indigence or the sun's rays, NO does Rright't• Iluteo u, Dropsy. .tone in the Kidneys aid Bladder, and IntLaut cation .4 the Kidneys, l..ve the body upon the .fministration:of Dr. Van Ilu renis Kidney Ogre. `odd by J. Wilson, 2tn John It. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc Gregor's Spee. y Cure for Dyspep.i:► and Indigestion is cheap et fife times the price asked for it. 1 am a Newt span, and travel continually, and would no pore think ..f loaving home witln•uta h the of Mrd:res(ur's gpeedv Cute ::e iny valise than I would of leaving ort tram at home and !going .on foot." Fre, trial h ottlea et 0. Rhyoas drug store. Regu- lar size 50 ces..uid ltd. a The eine ke .i Thing s. Reeved is Kram. Fluid Light Y for Seri: -sl AI Headache, Toothache, tote. It..• .1••.- blister or.diatv►lor ghee ■'cin : repo -• one applioiitit.n to luiguli al[ Icor ria ally without using any greasy urs. tit or tarrying your head in a IS oeti r lee for weeks. Try it 25 cent bottle fees Geo. 'thy nes. druegist. h osmosis Deward For any Testimonials .reooenmendingg McGretrors Speedy Core for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cot twelves*, Ifeadache,etc.. that are not genuine ; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles away. but from persona in and around Hamilton, Ont. We rive trial bottles free of est, w. that you cannot be deceived by pttrchaeing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials !given;free at O, Rhynes' drug store. a Kramer *lead IlLitglealag. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as gash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheapest and quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia Headache, Rheumatism, Lumhago, Sola: tica, Sore Throat ur Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to Gen. Rhyne drug store and get a perfect and instan- taneous cure for 25 cents. Ask for Kram's Fluid Lightning. b Three are Solid Farts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity of the fiver, Biliousnes Jaundice, Con,tipatiton, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organa, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bdtle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty rents • bottle by J. Wilson. [4] A We aavt.d rreseno Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchina.o., Kan , saved he life by a simple Triol Bottle .4 Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption. which caused him to procure a largo bottle. thatcompletelycored him, when Doctors, cha age of climate and' everything else had failed. .kdlttne, Bronchttix, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lungdiseases, at is ruaranteed to cure. TolBottles at J Witsen's dote store. Large rite 1l. (l; GENUINE LI I Vet � ►,_ SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRI:. TTY having bora sppmated meet of the above menhlse, bogs to willed the email public pale r• stage...ad will soppy mack.nee on liberal ter,,.. Try the Genuine Singer. Redden.Timor* street, goer iter M. R (:hug. S. klerierleb. Geier,* Oen la. Irl, - Nl1 as Asito N Banking BANK OF MONTREAL Od PIT AL aURPLUJ, - •1r,uW,pt • •m,(ue. Goderich Branch. D. OLAss - - - - Mowugev. Allows interest ea depdta, 11raA., tette, of credit sad egv.n�ss .em llasered. web la all partite( the lweeld. CANADIAN BANK OFOOMMERC1 Pouf up Capita,, *6,000,000. Rest, - - *1,400,000. President - Ns. \' WN MCJVABTJU( Oelsenet Neeepar, - W. A. .... suer. Goderich Branch. A. M. 110811, - - - - MArAt,sa. Interest allowed ea deposits Drafts on a oke principal Towne and Cities in Canada Great Britain end the United States. bough sad .old. Adreneeeto Farmereon Noes. wilt. oneo more endorsers. without nwrtetatre. 173* A weel . tide at home 1) Il r iu du,lrwn.. first business how be torr the public. t •i dr not tot .d .••'. We • dl start 'Ott. kuru. w u .nen. boils and girl wanted s.cry n t, r• ' .work for aa, ...n is the stone. Yea .au n.,rt u. .par.• titre or vitt. ,,...1 nh.•Ir time to the butane.... No olh. r b.os.i.rs alt pay you nearly so well. No one ewe fail to make enormous pay, by endearing at once. Cosily outfit and terns free. Monro lead* fast, easily. and honorably. Address lova ! Co...t wrists.. Malas AiAAAN LINT, Il YAL MAiL $TEAMSHIP1 L1V ERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-GL.W O Every Thursday From Portland. Ivory Saturday from Halifax Tux SEA Rot i g Tu ASO Fant. ULAN I). e l'EEU, COMFORT AND SAFE1'. L'NNURPASSED. Wi:.•tt r *lrrl,,fieit en>'h: SAILINOB-W IIL LING. LONDONDERRY & LIVERPt►(►L. SARDINIAN, Ilion, PotmA�n, Feb: litib, RMALiFAX, Mar. 1st. CICASSIAN. from Ih om orrt.'.e,, Mar. nth, HALIFAX- Mar. nth, POLY .e' k;.l.t \ , from Poen-moo Mar. Mk NAMPA X. Mar. 13th. PERL'VIAK, n. l' iro.»ITLAxn, )lar. letb. HA (X. Mar. ?Ind. CASPIAN tour PORTLAND. Man h E7th. HALIFAX. Mer. Nath. SARMATiAN. from l'o rrt.axn, April 3rd HALIFAX. AprU Soh. SARDINIAN. from Poa'n .a..n. ApU Rlth. HALIFAX. April lith. PARISIAN treat PORTLAND. April Iah, A.L HIFA X. April 1lth, CiRCASSIAN. trues 1oirr.see. April lith. HALIFAX, April POLYNESIAN. Iron Ponrg.Axn, May 1st, HALIFAX. May art. Passengers wishing to yemtark .at Vnrttttrtd wi titan train ie �HalQa: itrltl the Neild. . hd Passengers leaves Ooderkh every R'ed- aesofay, ld at oaflIAu'twclk. Prepaete I.sned at greatly reduced rotes to persons wishing to bring their friends oat from the Md Country, For '1 icket. tot all information. apply to 11. AR]IBTRONO Ticket Agent. Goderel Ooderich. Nov. Eked. 1883. The People's Livery I •bUAANCE CARL'. taITI�RR Ali OO'Y, Toronto- Rrisblshe PMICIEIX INS. CITY, efloanow Raglaadi- Established 17t1. MAK MORD INn. ('O'1'. 1 Haarruap CAMS k&.blWwd 4Y. Rotas taken In the shovrtlnt-+•laws • Ibe lowest rats by HORACE HOIST. The undersigned a also Appraiser Z CANADA PIER. 1,0Ar Asir SA VINUt) To.uiTu. Mosley to Lasa ea Ina-. lame emeriti. T to 5 per Coat --Charges moderate. HURaCR HOK:sl Odder' -h Sept, It lila. IIOEEEV Thoured.otgra vee aro minuolly robbed of their , Ledses, Urea prolosgcd. happiness anti health restored by tte sue of I►egnst GERMAN INVIGORATOR which {weanrly end permanent 7 eereeller emcees t, aused by sitcom.. of stair MeetJ dat aes.al Tmemesa, sad all diseases that fo1- luw as a sequence ot Self -Abuse, as love of r.- eri), her est memory. uclvets.l 1•e.itada. pan in 11.e hock. dimness of vales. preps lure old acre. and meat other 41....e that laced w .:ism l,It) or u,usunipttoa.ad a prema- ture grab e. Send for circulars w lib t. stlnuelals tree by ttsail. 7'he 1%SP:.t.ema in sold at fB per box, or Mx boxes for $A, 1,1 all dr.ggfdn, ilf w ill he scut free my mail. securely waled, en receipt of price. by addressing F. J. CHENEY, Itrugglat, 1ST Saatmlt St.. Toledo, Ohba Ole., MIT?, A.. Sole Meat for Oaderlrh IS people ere alw•) son the look ont for ebances to increase their rnrnings.and 1r. tine ba come wealthy ; those who do no mproee their opportun hien rre.atn in poverty. 1tie offer a gtta stoic. t• to make tion. 1 . It r want men, wo- men. I..y+ *i,d g.ris t.. wort for un in lbe.r own 1.. .lilies. Any • can do the work pro- perly (eons tbe first start. The business will Is.) more than ten lino •.,r.:;oar) wages. Ki- a n.ite u..tflt furnished fn -r. Nu one who en- .I*g.. Gil- In make mune) rapidly. Von can gcrute ) our whole tine' to ole w.,rk, ur on nor .pare memento. 11.11 Ibfw 0.61 4011 and An that'. r•.•.nury..vift.r. Au.,r,sstsTlx w.N .r (' 1 ..ilia! .1. ]tau t - $5CO.00 Rem �.Ytd. We will pay the abuts rewire 1.. at) case Liner Complaint. IO rprpale, t , : Headache, ittdig siuu h, Coastipat M r t . t; w cannot cure with Wears Y ; .'.Lh I H. i Pt*. when the direction* are at e. . • I i .t. with; They are purely Vegetable. end u , . i tell Is c:'. r sail. ••, tion Muer Coat. e. I d». 1`owtp, c'.utainu.,, :at PSIS... 'cola. 1 , . 'ase W •Ti IMtgq;b.R. Dewar,' of e.ni t, tfr11r et d OM, Thr g� m�isers toAIDDe.• n,e. JOHN ('. WIEST k tit,, '1`r Illi 1 SI aid Et King tat. l a... 1'r,•. n tn, Qs.. tial package seht ti ns.: i :. t e:., it Of a asst .tamp. Four ROMP at (1 tf inei i'r Y tee elPIMIlly Health Wulf - 'Mr 0 Tor I)k E. C. wk's Native AAD BRAIN tl.eT, a guaranteed spreige for Hysteria, einem. Punt unions. Fite. tion oto Ne Heodarhe, Nervous prostration caused is -_ DAR of aktoobol or tobacco. Wakefulness, en- tal ikpr'esalos, scheming of the 11raln, regale: isgin Insanity and leading to maery,4 tad drJ*w. Premature 1)M .,Age. ""ddaarn Limed/ Power in eithersez, itvolmlary LOOM and Alse,n tatorrhrea. caused by over•ezertils of the brain. .elf -abuse or over-tadalSan.ar I One box will cure recent oases. Fact bezeme tabus one moot hie treatment. One dollar a bog 1 or six bones for Inc dollars : sent by mall pee mod on receipt of price. M e goaraatee dz boxes to cure any case. With eacb order j (deed by us for six bones, accompahird with tt Inc dollar. we will send the purchaser . written guarantee to refund the mouey H the ' treatment does not (Mkt a care. O_ breed only by JAMES WIPJlsr sole bed agent for Ooderich, Ont. JOHN C t CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto Oat. J. Pe FISHER & JOHN 11OI Having purchased the Livery business of Jno. E Swarts, Mrmerty cowed tri itobert Kerr, solicit a share of public petrin.ge. They guartni'e satisfaction to a11. and offer The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRICES. CALL AND SES U$ --Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Oaierteb. Oodertch, Feb. Iltb. Ilri1. laf.dm S .•n . life is swore • r ay, tool dare helm, : t 0 dl .•ometht.g a.; Lt, ai.d rub Me. lime ve behind 't o eon g ser time. Ma week in your..wn town. Ii outfit -free. No rink. Eier)thinergg new. Capital not r,nn1ved. We w111 furnish roe everytbine Many are nuking f'•rtune. (wrd�ie. to*ke aasanisch aa nun. stet t.nys and j bets inose at wii �i if tar west 7a can make great pec all the time. write Mi psrtteularr to H. I1*LL :t'r *Co. Portia. Ma) $1000 FORFEIT Having the ntmo.t cnnMrnee in it. *epee Writ, over all others. and after thousands of testa of the rfteAt eotnpliretevl and severe". eases we could find. we feel Iastl$ed in arer- ing to forfeit One Thomem.d I1,Bara for any ease of .•.nrtha.. •'' wee 'homeIntlu,am •e hearene.., 8,.: ehuis. . oreumptirn in its earl) .tag,-., who ..ink cough. and all diseases of the Ihi'n.t and Innen. .'*rept asthma, for whkh we onlyclaim relief, that we rant care with Wears Coyish Syrnp. when taken accord lag to dlreetlona. Sample bottles. E3 and :la Dents; large bottles nor dollar. Cieewlne wrapper. only In Wine. Sold by all druorlath or sent by einem* en receipt of price. JOHN C. wilful' Au V)., al and 13 King street Rad. Tomato, Ont. Sad .t JAM. W I i *ON'S Drag Stere OodeMe5 1415- Qick's Floral Guide Ike lam is ea Rbwa.i sash .r Ile mase. eal.red PI.*ee.4P1.wrn nod iegrtMetes, sad mare leo late IHu.Iraste.e of the eh.1•eal Flowers. Meritand ripe tahle.a, and ntreeteee for grow ing. Itis hasdrome ewoneh f,w the ('ester teak or a Holiday Present. Seed as your maws god lint Helier eddr.na wlrb Mee emus. and 1 .111 end you n ropy, psMagr paid. TI Is is not quarter of IM teed, tl M print,sl in tetth 1ngli.h anal 4;.rrsen. 1f Lo. etterwarls order ners dello. t the to -►e d 4 ('a Needs are see ON.I 1. World tt The FLna*r fano, will 1.11 hew to got aa+ g row them. •Ielo's F'Iswev sod raye.sa . cowmen. 1111 P anes, a Colored plates. Ma p. terrarinrow M newt! In reaper e.v.rw. Sl.as Is detest cloth, is (shorn nr Kottlidi Itle3's ifflomeotee1 T♦e.l 7 (goosnos. 1'sRm w Cohered Viola lessetiory . o..bcr said masa •.e ) isg w, Ings Prier e1 to a rear Fye Cwpte. (..r t1*M. MpMrnrn !(ember rat Mr igen cont• : a trial oa.M011 for f♦ sesta. Z.&itIMO VIc=, Rocr.a.mt, N 7 H AGYAR EIS CURES R1-4EUMATIVM FREE WORM POWDER;. Aso plaseast to tabs. Oa iala task Intl Purgativeis a sate. ears. tad ot.11 easaweve of worms la Chllisa s _ WILL CURE OR REUEVE UUO18NES3, DIZZINESS, C ' '' ..7IA, DROPSY, 1 .. ' ✓TION, FLUTTERING ' '.V1 (. OF THE MEANT; lir- 1 ►1 Y1:1TELAS ACIDITY Of Roo -J RNEU.rJ, 8NE STOMACH, 11► i'"ARTRURN, OMiPM 04 I., ADAOHE.. AT'd row! s�s� oOf THE SKIN, d serd .d UVK� gee •Owen• ORT T. MILBURN & !d glia•• Olimot AGEN1S eat w.rkdne.elj.i::a',oltyl�i ( Quarewkes.ireJa . heteti sr . 1 (e 11111111eeee li�rt