HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 6ima INV v1' the Poet's tomer. The tiled l. Wm 11b.Ner. The seta epee ins of eharch real Oases Matins beet the was. And, Jest oslaWm, the leafless elms Tusead 1s. their wild creed Wathis, the house was dim tied eel. AM std the pester a Ileacs.; Met este sweet ray of t'►rletla• hops Let fall • the-ra>t gleam - Ms sponte of trouble asd of teat k, Of doaM.. sad weer, sad fears, While overhead aha Astsmo rats PW Ulu • Ruud of tears, Oer Hada ware hewed la sullen grief, Our harts ware chilled with pale ; The light of levo seemed quenched Ion'se% Hy Whereass of reds. Thea suddenly • cheerful *amid - A btrd-awte sweet and clear Hess through the hushed awl 6,1ouu,y house, And startled every ea,. There. a:- There. in the shutter, cold a•d wet. Arid ruffled by the storm. A leerily little bled had crept, And nestled to get warm. The .torts beat clos.above its head, And shook its slender perch; Hat these 1t clung. and ehlrp,•d and sung. Against the old grey church. The pastor's , ince grew soft and ea eel. His lied eyes tilled with tears, And. looking up. he spoke of ('brut. And the eternal year.. He spoke of heavies. our happy home. And loved ones guar before . Of all the joys that wait the Weet On yonder shining .bon. Arid still the little Aird sang on. A soh. unconscious strain It only knew that .t ries warm. And sheltered from the rain. of Names. Vanity is the quicksand of reason. - (George Saud. An obedient wife commands her hue - bead. - Beaconsfield. The tear that ti wiped with a little ad - dram may be followed, perhaps by a smile - ( awper. She is calm because site ia the mistress a erlee. Ileo Abase Water. of her subject ; 'tis the secret of self- possession. - (Beeconafield. There is anguish in the recollection that we bare not adacuately appreciat- ed the affections of those we have loved and lost. -[Beaconsfield. average seryl s rig • slew. The seams *sited Islets(• a. w Is wait years. The possible productive lib of a taow a tweet, years. The enter's beet ova is the twenty-third calf of her dam. An Ayrshire or, mutt gave in the ent- ei s presence thirty-seven quarts to mile in tum day with her thirteenth calf, sod at the time she was tau old for her ails to be iodinated by Liar hoots A Jersey new dropped her best calf. now a sine, when she was 19 rears old, and the Cen- tennial prise Jersey tow Nieto was • very old (low then. Now, what a loss there is In wearing out a.es at 8 years ,W ' A now properly oared for is then st her prime, and may compare with a roan at 40 years in that reaped. At such an age • man has twenty years Of viM MS., life at least beton him, and by husbanding his powers, ten year* mon *nay be added. A one may just as well add six years more to her eight, and will beyond • doubt, if she is well used, and still yield a boteir prat to her owner than • four year old cow. Thus the pro- ductive life of a cow may toe actually doubled by good care and usage. But how is this lengthened period ot usetui- ness tv be gained 1 In the first place, longevity is a hereditary characteristic, and crretul selection and breeding ars required to secure it. Then constitu- tional vigor favors it This is secured through breeding and early training. The sound, healthy calf must be well cared for, well fed, and when s t. be- comes a oils the training and care must be continued, and the cow s vital forces well nourished and husbanded. Expose and irregular feeding, nit to ment actual semistarvation during the winter seasons, which is far too common, tend greatly to shorten the useful and produc- tive Life art a cow. It pays better to pre- serve s good cow than to rear a sexond one ; and if one lives sixteen lyeera and has thirteens productive years she will have bees worth tours 1.1 her owner at the end than three cows eiars old have been, for faiths will fully productive years in the o w s life against ten partially productive years to that of the young one's. The instruction received at a mother's knee, and the paternal lessime, together with the pious and sweet souvenirs of the fireside, are never entirely effaced from the soul. - 1 Unload/Oa.. Levu gives no account of 'itself ; ac- knowledges no higher court ; it obeys the summons to no tribunal of reason er conscience, far less of sosial custom of Liman law, as sbo%e custom or human law, above itself.--[4ilertol. A Sheri Chapter es Earners. "The styles of barbers' pules have 'changed considerably an tl i last tow years," said an old sign pain aryesterday afternoon. "I remember t1. • time very well when you never new a..ything but tlm old rod and white stripe* s.>rt, but naw -a -days they paint them all sorts of colon.. See then, for instance," and he pointed to the corner of the shop where stood a small pole resplendent in gold end black, "That pole is for a shop on Ridge ave - nus," he continued, '•Amid was ordered by a adored man, who and he wanted something 'that would catch the eye ub the least °boort in' of mankind.' About a month ago 1 sent one out painted blue and covered with gilt stars. It went somewhere on North Second street, and oust the barber X23 ; but as a rule, they dont pay more than 16 or $8 for a good - sited red and white pule done up in the bestblestle." "Barbers' poles, ' said the boas knight of the razor in a leading down -town shop, "art an institution several hun trod years old, and in former times barbers acted as surgeons, and the twisted red and white ribbons are symbolical of the wind- ing of a strip of linen about a bleeding arm. The ex.stence of barbers as professors of the healing art in England can he tread as far pack as the reign of &1 - ward IV. in 1461, when they were first incorporated, and from then till the reign of Henry VIIi, when they were united with the surgeons, until the time of George II, when they ceased to be anything but barbers as we now under- stand the terns. In the latter reign an OA waW1 passed, from the preamble of which it is learned that not until then had the discovery been made that the tusineos or trade of a barter Was `ifrft- to and independent ..f the practice • surgery," and it therefore proceeds 0) dfesolve the connection between the two bodies, and they h.ve been separated •ver since, but it was a long time before the barbers gave up capping and leech- ingse a part of their work. Now and Ikea a harbor will yet be found who ear• ries on the ancient branch of his profes- sion. SEM Meyer Tbaa Melee. It isafoot that Alone' Hnwe,nf Tweed, bad • fever sore that athicted him for thirty-five years. Six I>'.tues of Bur- dock urdock Blood Bitten cured him, which be eoeaiders aiinew' a nuncio. it was but the natural result of the remedy restor- ing pore blood and perfect secretion. 2 At soirees atCairo. Monday an Italian tbdbb•t unfurled an Italian Mag. An llrtglieh officer walked into the arena and seised it amid great excitement. The acrobat snot reeovered his Bag, and wav- ed it triumphantly, wheat he was struck by • F..ttchman. A melee ensued. Kindly some English officers t►anag.d to esparate the tmmhatante snit calmed the tumult. Th. Italian Consul demanded s.ti•factio n for the insult to his flag ft is boiled that the affair will be amiably CtfpayRsa - A name well known in euisesliea with the Hair Renewer,whick tyUsue grey hair to its amoral color by a flew weeks wee. kohl at 50 rents per bottle by James Wilma. 2m OMMr's Little Liver Pills will positive- ly eano doh heeInite cad provost w t. IMO. This is taut talk bet truth. OM pin• dims Tobe had of all d Iewfiffis s. Rea adwwtisonant, The extent to which water mingles with lx,die.. Apparently solid is wonder- ful. •,The glittering opal, which beeety wean as au ornament, is only flint and water. The slowcapped summits of Snowdon and Iden .Naris have many millions of tone of water in a solidified form. In every plaster of Paris statue which an Italianeycarries through our streets fur sale, then is one pound of water to every four pounds of chalk. The air we breathe contains five grains of water to each cubic font of its buck. ?ha pots - toes and turnip. which are boiled for our dinner have, in there raw state, the one 75 per cent. the other 90 per gent. of water. If a roan weighing 10 stone were squeezed fiat in a hydraulic press, 61 stone of water would run out, and only 2i stone of dry residue remain. A man is, chemically speaking, forty- five pounds of carbon and nitrogen, dif fusel through tire and half pailfuls of water. In plants we find water thus mingling no lees wonderfully. A sunflower evaporate% one and a quarter pints ot water • day and a cab- bage about the same quantity. A wheat plant exhales in a hundred and seventy- two days about one hundred thousand grains of water. An acre of growing wheat, on this cal- culation, draws and passes out about ten tons of water per day. The sap of plants is the medium through which this mass of fluid is con- veyed. It forms a delicate pump, by which the watery particles run with the rapidity of a swift stream. By the action of the sap various properties may be communicated to the growing plant. Timber in France is, for instance, dyed by various colon being mixed with water and poured over the root of the tree. Dahlias are also colored by a similai pro- cess A Favorite Everywhere. Wherever introduced Iiagyard's Yel- low Oil finds friend& It is the old reli- able household remedy for external and internal use in all aches, pains, lameness and soreness of the human flesh. A L Often, • prominent druggist «f Belleville, says . "It is a great favorite here, and has a good ale. 2 Many farmer's wives and daughters have as instinctive senses of beauty in re- gard to the adornment of their homes, yet feel that their income is too limited io llo anything. But if they will lank around for what nature will freely supply they will he surprised at the transforma- tion which can to easily wnuugqht in rooms theft before seemed dull and plain. Ferns gathered in summer, and leaves in autumn,and pinned ..n tate walls in irregu r snrsys, beginning at the c.r- nice, look very graceful. let white tar- leton, meting eighteen or twenty oena a yard, be cut in stripes about half a yard wide and tacked over parlor and sitting room windows for lambsequins. O. these pin some brilliant autumn leaves scattered hen and these carelessly, with {perhaps • border of ferns, and you will be astonished at the fairy-like appearance presented. 1 remember gathari..g great quantities of ferns while staying one summer at • New England rural hoots, and the satirical remark of the farmer, that "he wished he could turn all the Philadelphia .atlas loose int.) his field and have them Lull up all the 'brakes.' But even this practical man was impeees- ed by the arrangement above described. Mesas weenmssy. Many hundred recommendations simi- lar in rib rester In the on. ween below WIS. been received, and `the proof of the great value of Poison s !,ierviiiine as a pain remedy.it. Arwou L -We hereby rs tif7 that we have used Nerviltne in .sr fami- lies, and have found is a meat reliable remedy fee cramps in the etomwh, assn for headache, cad e.tentelly for rheu- matic pants. No bow aboeld be whb- oet this invaluable remedy. -Leta Omit, Humes Omt,a, J. P. Hwy a 10 mot sample bottle M James Wibme's drag atom. Large bottle * thew. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAI;C'H 1, 1884. TM ~el term. The ce.F'.iet that Villard news too big • mass le eadmet•d die details et railroad matsagemeat, fled that he really never kaew aaytttiag of tragus. Trams- a>utioestal outside of makiag mortgages, b -►rigs to Iliad the ease of an Oho road. 1t had president atter president, and each one asked his feet on the Ake leak and let her rip. She had ripped until the direotore finally gut t•.grt er and decided that the right man must be found pretty arm or the road mart go to the walL They were consulting in a room looking nut int.' the paasear.r de- pot A trail tame In eighteen minutes behind time, and the true dispatcher booted the conductor out of the door, Bred the engineer out of another, and ria the fireman ender a freight trtsia. He thea backed the train out, and was • ming back from the yards when the directors met him, and one of them asked : 'Mr. Thomas, can you accept the pre- sidency of the road I' 'Watt • minute,' was the reply, and the man shunted three oars, cuffed a switchman, drone two loafers out of the yard, and returned and said : •Why, yes, I suppose so ; and the first thing I shall do is to tire yen all out of hors Dunt let me see you around here for sig months.' Int • year the road esu paying a divi- dend. Seel Watt. Why suffer • single moment when you can get immediate relief fruss internal or external pain by the use of Poison's Nerviline, the great pain cure 1 Nervi - line has never been known to fail. Tri a 10 cent sample bottle. You will find it just as reoommended. Neuralgia, toothache, cramps, headache, and all similar complaints disappear as if by ma- gic when Nerviline is used. Large bot- tles 25 cents. Test bottles 10 cents, at J. Wilson's. .t taw P1 .store tessrt. new proposition has just tome to the surface,which'wiil be of considerable interest to the people of Niagara. It is said that the United Sates War Dopar - anent prop..ees to discontinue the military station at Fort Porter, near Buffalo, and other military poets in that neighbor- hood, and concentrate twelve companies at Fort Niagara, near Youngstown, N. Y. This will bring with it a regimental band and a large number of officers and their families thus materially helping to make the place a pleasure resort. This being oonsumated It t. proposed to build a large hotel at the mouth of the river close to Fort Niagara, and to run • rail- way line (rum it to the site of the propos- ed new bridge at Lewiston, and thus make an attractive pleasure resort with an .ss; access by rail from all surround- ing points. •It is eaicL4bet no less per- sonages than Secretaif of War Lincoln. C3eners.Sheridan, and other high officials have been enlisted in the sahsEN, which so far promisee to be suoomssfst. What It did Isr ea Sid Lally. C.wntx-roe Syayio:r, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1878. G INT4 -A number of people had been using your Bitten here and with narked effect. in one case, a lady over seventy years had been sick for yean,and for the past ten years has not been able to be around half the time. About six months ago she got enfeeble she was helpless. Her old remedies, or physicians, being of ne avail, 1 sent to Deposit, forty-five miles away, and got a bottle of Hop Bit- ten. it improved her so she was able to dress herself and walk about the house. %%'hen she had taken the sewed bottle she was able to take ore of her own room and walk out to her neighbor'% and has improved all the time since. My wife and children also have derived great benefit from their use. W. R. Har.Awiy, Agt. 1'. 5. Ex. Co.. Fee Au Acs. The aged, debilitated and Miss will Gad rueewed rigor and strength by tak- iag B.rdiesk She41 Bitters. The yeses hasteeinll to early decoy ■W also find iia this revitalizing hum a remedy =worth tryWt. aeemti Mod mamas.. Needs m advertising whey Otto. Intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and iotye than re- ppresented for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, eta It marvel any lain instantly quick as tlaah. Try it and you will ss it is well nomad 'fluid Ligh g. 25 Get a ant bottle et G. Rhynes' drug store. Cured Free. Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint eta, should all at Geo. Rhytai drug store end secure • free trial bottle of McGregors Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits of the medicine. It sures permanently share all .other medicines have failed. As a blood purifier it has no arcual. !leusem- ber, it costs nothing t.. try it. Reenter sire. fifty cents and one dollar. e Mae relyalrbas asidesie. Mrs. Helen Pharvu, No. 331 D.•t•ron St., Chicago, 111., is uuw in her sixty- eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Consumption for about tell years, was treated by tune physic' ans,ail of them pronouncing her case hopeless. She had given up all hope of ever rso.r- ering. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption eumpletely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her • postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug store and get a free trial bottle. (I' Seeing is believing. Read the testi monials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing Calls. Your Druggest turn tell you all about it. Sold by J Wil...., (iu.iencho, 2m The use of Pills, S•lts,Castur Oil, &c., midi other nauseous., griping Cathartic's is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute u found in Dr. Canon's Bitters. which act as a Cathartic without gripine or causing nausea. Ml druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle. Ml Nervous Debility cared,hy the use .4 Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug st. re. :ole Tice ladles. towed. Regina, N. W. T. Feb. 26. -Yellow Calf and the ringleadees cf the Indian trembles are on their way to Regina in the custody of the Aloun;ed Police. A stormy scene ensued on the arrest of Yellow Calf. Rifles were drawn on the police, with threats of eh .otin•2-ase i brave, in fact, was jest in the act ..t' ■h..otlnt; at Major Herchmer, and but for the prompt interference of ..ne art the men would have killed that ,tIB.r. Had h. done a, • general massacre +told hate followed. The settlers are still tory much excited, Ind the Indians are lulet. elpMhera and COMM E. Il, Rumeli, of St. Therese, P. 4, had an attack''o.f diphtheria which wait sum -vested by a eongh. This cough is described as 'dreadtial,' nettled on hie lungs. For months his sufferii.gs from it were intense, in fart, until he began wing IIs. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam. The Bales'■ alined his nerves put an end to his cwgh, and rostered him to perfect health. The active ot Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balani on the nerves is very remarkable. The consumptive is calmed and strengthened by it and put 'm • fair way to reessery. Pimples aid tllhsMlaSs Call at tie... Rhynai drug stove and get a package of 'Me(Ieegor & Perko s Carbolic Caste. i1 is composed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Caste, seed hoe never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, itongh Skin. it cares when all others tail. Try it b In the history d medicines no peeps ration has remitted such usiragesl moo mendatiou for the all...tatioo it afford% and the parmaamot sura it effects iR kid- ney diseases, m Dr. Van limen'. Eine, Cure. Its adios in those dirt*esa1s amplaints is simply wouderfol. Sold by J. Wilma. ?in a amreMes Moeeove r. Wm. Jobe nes, of Hereat, lyak. , writes that his wife bad been trr*nbled with mime Rrwoehitis far many years, and that all remedies trija dno p� t re 111, ..Mr SOOSIMirrrry • it Ds. King's Ifiaw for Cnesetaption Omits ma Odds, whish W • maRieal e asel. awtl pwdeeed a perwtaaewt mere. lh i jusmakied to ewe all dimmer of y1wn�agl ar Srewebml Telma. Tt>ial bot/Lse flue art J. Wilsee's dreg view is ga alit. (1) st..s,aw otw As *sewer flailed. Con any one bring us a case of Kidney or Lett Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure i We say they taniiot, as thousands ..f cases already permanently cured and who are daily re commending Electric Bitten. will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, \V.-ak Back, urina 'r They any he blond, regulate complaintquickly bow- els, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed(. For mile at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. 11j: Sett Rhein rowed. Are you troubled witb Salt Rheum, Rdugh Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; If so, go at once to Cleo. Rhynsi Drug Store and get a package -of McGregor & Parki s Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known t.. fail. b . A Semilil■g Eitecevery. Physician's are often startled b; ee- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realise their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Pitlai- ciana using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson a Drur Store. Regular size $1.00. (4) 1 brewiLsows .....1'..• t } FOR THE CUR=" 1" S. COLDS. �SCIIITIS and al LQ COMPLAINTaand di'S'g Aek_LIEF of PEah ER�RSSONS t agt C NSiJIr1F'TION�f J. w BRAYLEt PROPRIETOR • MONTREAL - SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. 2 SWISS 8O.A.P No. 1. SW ISS SOAP No. 2. SWISS SOAP Ngo.. as Swee y 5* QmMayreTEeest ZURICR.1MITZERUNO, wheat Mss, lMw.�* rm t A• Masefaelee0laOwwaesler T he Hw%�GoC11.0.1 Extensive Promises and Splendid tIew Stock. TF CABINET' - MAKER ND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Ocderich A gaud sae h as Ts Ides. (hairs har cane and weed eenst •, Cupboards, HeRoom d+dissdw MParlor ailroom. 'Ws.h-etaads I.uusgre. Sofas. their, Leaking (1lwre. Y. H. A uoasplete mesa'meal of Coln and Shrouds lila aye on hand else Hearses for Nr a reseotiaWe rate . Pict ere Entwine •specialty.- .t call 1(110'14C Col WHO M YMAOQUARITf0 wfTN TNT TOf HAT T S COUNTRY. WD.' tilt lY (s1ArNMNO TWA CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND if& PACIFIC R'V, Soles the Creat C.Otv*i Lin, adores to travelers, by remote of tie unrivaled MO - graphical emotion, tM shortest and best ,sute between the .ala. Northeast mu Southeast. and the West. Northwest and Southwest. it Is morsel, and strieti, tri, that en earnestness Me Mot the principal Tines of rood between the Atlanta, and the Pasted. Ila Its main Hee and branches 0 rem0aa OIIIrf.RO. d.Met. Deena. Ottawa. tit eau., Oeneseo, Moline and Rook blend, le Mewls Oeeawport. Mwsentine. Washington. Keokuk. Knoxville. Oenabosa, raM•MI1, OM MMnM. West Liberty Iowa Otte, Atlantic, Avoca. Audubon. Marta*. Outrie Oes eep sod Osuees taut(•. In lows t C.latie. Trenton. Oamero* end Kansas My. M MSMourt. and Leaven- worth and As.ruson in Kansas. mad the imadleade et eittsu. MNelses ata town Intermediate. Tl1• "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As it le taverna,* tilled. oilers 53 trawlers M the asearssages and oom/brts macs. nt to a smooth Muth. oaks widow. Salon Demme et M de*neott*s 'WNW. Feet ammo' Trams. esw .weed of QOMMOOSOttg. WILL VlMTRATLW. tfll(LL HEATED. FINELY UPIIOLS71fi0 wed LLROANT DAY 0041011110 1 ;a Hee of tier MOST MACMIF/CENT NORTOR iIOLININO MAID OARS ante r bola; PULLMAM'e latest Malemed and Isendsom'et PIKAOli SL1EP11110 OARS, aid OMii.O CAM that are acsnowisdgsd by pram amt: people 00 Ire the MOW 115,11 upon AMY ROAM IN TNT COUNTRY. and In whbis WOereor meds era ..resits wotwlsre ai the tow rate of ETVIDITY-11%E t.iNT$ (ACM. roma TRAUMA cads way between OMIOA00 wed the IMININGURI wren. TWO TRAMS soon why between OIt10AO0 and MIMM(APOLIR and ST. PAUL. eta the amour ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Mew and Diner Line. via Semen a*d Kanttahse. Inas roomette been opened. between MnOrt (sews. tl0hm rid. Cincinnati. indianepWb end La Papett. end Oounell RiuOs. gt. Pant. Minneapolis and interrnedatep0Mts. AH Through Passengers Darned on Fast Express Trains. For mere detailed leto,n.atloe. see Maps amid raisers. Isaiah rimy be oadMa-d. as well as Tickets, at as principal Twain Otliee. in the United Mates and Oersl0. or fe R. R. CABLE, R. ST. JOHK, Vlss-Prss't a Osn'I Manager. ONO T'k't • Pw'r Ag'\ CHICAGO. 11 0 CURE Birk Hssdaebv est relieve all the armletss loaf. drat to • h 11ov suite of the seek as 1)ls. t.•e.., lr+tn , Divested'.. Dlwnas ernea�1s., Re. Paid in the Bide, LWhile tbdr met remsi*� sine sueusse has hes Mews la caring SICK Readarbe.yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are .quarry vsla1*1. N a g eseipadaa, bite tinag eyd prealso entive caereel all disorders (4. sIsttS.Ilaek, Mlm.10. tbse liver mad regstme the bowels. ora if theeealy carat HEAD Ache Ihey meld bestowed priceless to those *she as5.t from the ith esssleg weepl"'t; bot forta- salely there psdrissedo•e witted herr, and those wheelies try them will lied Mese Ione ppl1lls s sle- able la se a y ways that they will sot b. willies tittle wtt0b*tItr Est an., all ski heed ACHE lathe Mee ot vo many 11res that here is where se nuke mer ethers do great boast.. Oar pills;, care It wad ot Carter's little Leet Pin. tea re-- • - t 1 sod very nosy to take. One er two pills . .. • down They are strictly vegetable sod do ...e r- pip tie seetthhemt by vials at their SS eau ves setios 'ti $1. l by draggles everywhere. er gest by iota CARTER BIRDICINE CO., now York Oita. cabeeatea up- r., elk r w ' seer t oar i s awl 'Laaaa PRINCIPAL.+LINE •sinuitt had an para 0 lees, .measle& 11r insert. Lan - e m. New Mateo, Artaues, M Texas teas sad 1 tie adu1. +JY RE$T ( and 1tn- to a,. J..wpa, teat... Top•4 Desi- j`g sue calfs. Gal- , ,wee. CHICACA- 0 Y Beer has nentee uta - MI•arswtM sed et. Pas. easeohid Nati s.gy theasd m Palmist lis the WetCe *•tnW a tie `*nett to se clews at meet KANSAS CITY Au eseaecttes made 1■ reap [napes.. Thiesat T1edu , b ill Trf a. .rid ren nem flat 1rsrs,tse • r tasty, lenegr .4 a die An (/` 'mom. Isfonastien isms 4rea Tarr. aa., pay .•e. %'�� eh.•e.fs •r �'..-� .., t 8 8 SOAP. SWAP. SOAP. SOAP. - badarleb, Ns$. U. 11111, IND OSYawres after tale biat with we MI. se ars •a bad■4 sear may wet b• reassibir seaiits.n� send ew Prink Se sus .r i5 POTTE't. FFECrA1 W.e(Lt . ia/ ;otter .t , .': 1,1reee-. 0»' F"-. A,e c;, I rze._., ill. a-wtP_ '.510. Canadian Pass. Ag t, Tornio, Ont np(, B. JonewroH,t Tick,' Agent, °oder& A PR1,i L.s a Mandesmere mew -rte►- - tls- away sartbiagn werbwsw . sMN serw AtemeWren. tOn. A . Saye peplos "She karma bar mea, sad wb.s yes mot sod wear. Oltr dtaw you te her with a skirls hair. " 11IM 1it meet he beautiful hair to have sash power ; cad beautiful hair oat be ensured by theism, of Cnra.t.sne Harr itte rwg,l, eta at 80 eta. by J. W ilr-- • 4 01