HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 5fUlt HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH ,7 1864 5 EGYPTIAN NEWS. • Alter the Battle of Friday. ifs Arab Rests Ile Tremble nett tea ever. Lesvos., )larch 3.- Diepatehes from the striae a the late battle say that frees the .most. taken Ixla.utrre M.ua signifi- cant informative is awing obtained in re- gard to the anuses .4 the rte. o.lt against quem rule. One active told a eor- rsslr.ndeot timet the rebel., es wan nada iwritalde by the grirwlutd tyranny of the Kaediv,es tax adlarture. The peo- had ao quarrel with the English. tsde..d it appears Irons the statements by utter prisoners that the rebels were nut aware that they were to meat the British suldiers until they sew the white fame of their opponents approaching. They titou murmured against their chiefs fur concealing the truth, but were none the less determined to fight to death against renewed subjection to their o le. i un. Loewe', March a - -The Times states that the Government telegraphed orders hat night (Sunday) for (kn. Graham to retreat immediately from Tokar and pre - ms" send the British troops back to Lotboe, March 3.- Then were great rejoicings at Tokar when the British en tared. The enemy acknowledged that 1,500 of their men were killed. Eminent, !larch 3. -El Maedi has forbidden the sheikh. on the White Nile and Blue Nile to advance to Khar- toum, or to revoke hostilities. Four stile hitherto hosheikhs have submitted to Gordon. Three moldier. of the old garrison et El Obeid nave arrived hen sad report xnat misery at El Obeid that sl Msbdi feces the tribesmen and inhabitants, and that a reign of terror g=uts. El Maedi has stored up all the rifles, saying that they belong to the Egyptian Government, and he will de- liver them to its representatives. EI Mardi received Gordon's letter, nasivagt hint the Sultan of Hurdofan, with .ottf- Me- of delight. He gave t1.. messenger eh.. brought the letter a robe ud.,,bAor. 1kf.•re the British renew the upon I.,e rebels Onion. Ingo* will be offered • conference. Of the 5,000 rebels who tied from Tokar whtn the British entered on Saturday and joined Oman Digni, only 1,000 of them are Soudan. esu, being fanatic. sot from Jortlofan and Dieter. If Osman Diana refuses to strnesdit it is expected that the rest ..t the tribes under the Sheiks tfTh express a deers to come to Dela . The ambassadors of • all the powers have been instrated to compliment the British Government open Gon. 11srh-V Weeny. Loewe., Msrr44. - 4lth$lpgh the mar- • gqtris rd HittMgt%w dandls.ihat General OtahaIn had been oeddrrd to return tc Trinkitat,' some official advices from +'= `z..l6raite .a7 that Gee. licephen/ion has directed Gas. Ortthael►,tehaie tbeAroops embark at 'frinkitat and return tu Sua- kin at the later is the best base for ,,perati•.ut. Graham letriug a battalion to garrison Fort baker will order the troop* to w:tbark Thursday Operations against theratet Digue will not extend beyond Tanranieh. Sir Evelyn Baring advisee the government t.. hi a limit 10 the action ..f the troops et. the Red Sea. Seven hundred nen, t:. men and chil- dren have arrived at Suakin" fro.' Tuker. The rebels mutilated the British dead that fill into their hands. (Osman Dig- tna has sworn tot give battle. Lieut. Lloyd, brother .4 Ciiford Lloyd. under secretary of the interior at Cairn, will prevent Queen Vieta,ris with the stand- ard captured st Tokar. The British have ,uried 2300 rebel dead around Teb. An Egyptian gunner from Tidier says he and seven Others were dragged to Teb 1..serve the rebel guns. Gee. Gordon believes the slavery question will settle Welt within a year by a rising of the slates. The British cleated the villages near Tokar and resovotfed the net of the guns and rifles takes hem Baker Pasha's army by the rash. Osman Diems weenie in Fr'iday's battle. LINED WITH LUCRE. An WA WORMS Wb. Kept her weary 1a retmtiar rl.ews. Duper and •'bases Ia11a11ewa. New Yoaa, Meech 3. -Tie 8 -Slaty 4.1awtwntee IureetUeatr.eg adulteration w teal to -day ecatatued Dr. Marto.. a ehm,.i.t, eta.., dents"; the pet' ye.r, has t$re.'tested. uttela the three's. •.. of the Stat • It..srJ ..f 110'.Ith, awvr.sl fa.•t,wiee where imitation c!IeeN N eaa.ic. in (Nee factory iu Orange county it was baud Met the cheese made a.nsisted principal- ly of pure land, the constituent tooling,* Wing 73 per out. of laid to 23 par cent butter. The lard timid was r r.i.-rml at a temperature acareeli hiihar than 61..4 heat. The witless,* .:rel nue thunk the temperature eopl..ywl attIh..euj u• ,lo steer germs of atuw*l life. Dr Lore tsauti..t that out of 30 .autpl.• .4 what was w.ld how as von. homer, ot.l.• 111 were centime. The peach buds tlrouuh..ut Ontario hare been c.•wpletel) .lealr.yrd by IL. went se. ere weather, not harine been in err y g.. -d condition before the cold snap. Glederieh market.. Oouuuca. Manch 6. 1334. WFb.at. IFalli t► buei........... 11 OD • lel le Wheat. (Stems' • bush. ...... 100 .. 1 116 flow. • barrel.... ...... ........ + to e In 030 a 31 0 e6 M 73 010 N X 040 0 (d eta a 00 e11 w is 0 19 es 91 0 11 11 Shorts. 1 cwt .................:: 090 0 1 os Bran. w cwt. 0 70 0 e (atop. •cwt .................... eo 1 70 goat ............... 3 50Witemains .ao ....... ... 5 5 :. {000 0M 1 I l 00 610 • t)uah ................... etas . ..............::::.. Sem New Clover Seed TIMOTHY SEED, SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, AND ALL RINDS OF MANGOLD & TURNIP SEED TOtillITHER WITH - GARDEN SEEDS ,OF EVERY VARIETY, FOR BALE AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, .. tCornnf . 'Hamilton and VicfoFia etireet* Glo(Ielrich• Then died in Bees Center the other day an old maiden lady named Isabella Maws*. She was the but of a family - ef four, two brothers and two inters, whir elan from Sentiand to Esau: Center holy yeses ago. When her death was assseaesd throughout Peas: Center the wine town was ago! l d to know what she was worth. She had lived closely, held very little communication with her ledgtbours, ar d was suppneed to bare all ler money phos the huger, The exee- Wen pivtteied tu take as Inteniory of the house. They foetid nothing unusual till they came to her room. They ••ani &hoovered in the drawers some parses full of hill.. in bar trunk they found bills pinned t.. the lining of her dress sleeves. In all they get nearly $1700 in bills. They four • test containing $1168 in gald, mostly English sovereigns. Whilst this aeanh was Koine on, Mr. Powrie was sitting aro the bed, and pet- ting his hand d..wn he felt some lumps of something in the bed tick, which old filled with chaff. Taking ...it his pnelet knife, he ripped np.n the tick, and at men dire in with his hand. he would bring act small bundles of silver tied up in ergs. cotton bogs and stockings, Iriieh were (long Mtn a mullet, and when they f nieheNd they had as much money as a Inas enuld lift. The Makin este brought to the villain. the next day. and the con- tent*. in tells, goba and ether, am..unted to ala.nt PI.00. They ale. found eee- tificates ..t neem•) invested in Domini*, storks, Pert "Mee seeing bank dips, bank books showing deposits in Dated. eavine h•nka In alt aha was worth te the etaifftlbort nod .4 PIb.(pi0. Ti. Mew Nee halal'. ,t ell the rem - hers of this family ere a onnntwl for by the fast that many twat. they ds' peened rummy in • Detroit hank, whish failed, sant they hat it ell. A eosMs, John McEwen. and hie a tie, who,. reeatlt- ly were from $eotlaad, anti who took etre of the told lady net11 eh* died, sa s is fav all tie wealth. WIT•11ARES D -g fullylly ` De.od stryou Vegeta e �I1:now pwb . aad win be ed So JOHN. A. BRUCE & CO., Bed (Bowes% fat.11ten. Colada. AT THE CASH STORE. THERE IS ('IIEAP Crockery & Glassware, I4n113a, &ce A • FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap artid Good. Give Him a Call ! G.H.OLD THE GROCER, The Square, Jam. 3. 1101. Godeeieh 021- 11 00 TO KNIGHT'S FORA SHAVE HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. OF ,P.0 GODBRWCH BOILER WORTS Revs Sent resolved a large stook of BASS t lin STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS & ENGINES In alt Pine and Boilers Heinern tlbnrtewt NoticeIfni anises . tieowl-•Mslasw- sew week � ww0men CHRYSTAL it BLU M, Warks mar O. T. K. Stades, OoAe004. Feb. al, NIL 111M COLBORNE BRANS. Have jade received a large ee.ap-e.t of Cottee•. Cetbeades, I)sektt await Shira- i load and Tweets" at ewer genome them ever. Cell sad tee than Iltb. 1811 Ile sae and see their Foolery Canonsbefore buying. t..wlrricb. Feb. MONTREAL . "LTawr The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND 31.31:3c TTI.,.A TIONS_ Tie Ceaspaay eau. Made wltbla the Railway Belt aloes the s.•1■ ll.s. and V flo.therw Ilsaltoba. at prices selling fres. $2.50 PER AORE upwards, with o.adltlea• requiring cultl,a.tot, A rebate for cultivation of hats 1111.1a M Ont 20 per ern., according to pricepaid Ste ti. Mad. allowed ea c naln wudtttaw. The cuwlmuy alas alar Dada wlthost esedtti eas settlement ur cultlwatles. THE RESER VEI. EC 7'IO.NS along the (lain Line, t. r.. thenad ■embrred inveri.uewitbi•. one mile of the RWwer,asset, steered fur isle ea ad►.aisgeuw terms. le )excise prepa.ed w undertake their laarasdl- ate a•uitt atluu. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Purehasees may pay ode-eiui in cash, .rid the halaute in Ar• annual ladaisxesla, with interest at SIX Pelt ("ENT. per amount. pat aIl. to Mltanee. Parties pwrha.iag without e'undnlowe of calthallum, will rasa• • Doled of Cwvtq- awe at Getout purchase, if polemist U made is full. Payments may he made In i.AND GRANT i t)XI*4. whl; h will be accepted at tem pee cea premium on their par value and socrer.t iatere.l. The.. l.•sde can be obtained: Mar, pla ation at the Rank of Montreal. Rommel : ur ac sty of it s sttauoies. FUR PRIt•0,.1 and CONDITIONS (W SALE dad all tatty:..alion with aped to 13.,, ehase. of Lands, apply to JOHN 11. MtcrAVIS'f. I..nd Commit..loner. Winnipeg. Be A,aae i of the Hoard. ('.1 1. .1041)I41NKWATER, t)ecretarl -sin CLEARING SALE Stoves, 151,ted .~ a.rPr, TewEllerT,,,T_ Closo Cuts for Cash Prices. BARB WIRE /\ FENCING. S A -CT N D+ t R S ..t..l c Q 3." Fret Petr again at Iasi Provincial Show. Prise awarded for Wire as sold ou the Spool-oot tel the tease. Veil largely tiled on all the pnctpp asdl railway linea of the Omission.}'ur sae by J MN A. WAFT&L. Cheap 'Hardware Emporium. Ooderlch. GREAT 33A.R0rAINS FOR C.A. W_ -_ RIDZ,E-ar- (I: :171: l'FU!1.1•:- STORE. OODERICH, is new opealsg out A LARGE AND WELL ,ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW 1,:• ►ODS ±1- C'O1MPRInINO-- READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS .A. i.iieT1il Olt` BTAPlail DRS aoor 8, Which be i. prentrekte set! Cheaper than the cheapest for CASH. (loud Vale ,, r) line. c+RPvim NS AL Colored Velveteen. Remainder of His Anter Stocrat H vy Discount Prices, O\'g it OATMprVyous1y .odd for tin and 110. con now be had for it. 11111 and n•sp..t t o el) . I'I.1Des t'1Rrits. which from kc tor. have been reduced to from 1k. to NOM. acid io (ll and lespeti the Goode and Flier,s whtetherou test buy or F BARGAIN'S. CALL AT -TIRE 1' PEOPLE'SSTO1tE. '.O.ileeicb, deb, 10 , W_ IRIDL1DY, Cor., Kingston-st. and Square. %Vest Street, next door ti. tl .' 1 '`voice. ew Mantle flioths; A Great B J. C. DETLOF. G'S JOHN A. NAFTEL. .,,;,CREAP HARDWARE EMPORI'TMe Just received. an assortment of '-":*-'101111118' CHOICEST POCKET KNIVES QUALITY, AND STYLE "A No. 1." AT THS 1►���IOAL HALL_ «.r - • .:n. a tr s i roasiaa sat of those beautiful Prussian 'Dried- Cr:.: 3" alnd Everlasting Flavors In Boc) rets and Hanging Baskets. A ('voice :A•! i l •.'.i:ini,as and other Flower Bulbs (some of them just is bu.I in I1 ::t int1. Glasses), ver suitable for Xnias Presents. t .o a full line of Fane, and Useful TOILET :l i iCLES AND REQUISITES. Choice Pe futner,Y of all kin,Is, Bottled or in Bulk. Fancy Prrfu'n. Bottles. etc.. etc. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, SGYI4DICa►L •QT -T-. C3O1DERICH_ . (:r , 7.e L'ores et al MIE AL map Es AfllJgwante1tatel'r s 'eiteof theU.B. It ts the t, .rt •r. 1(andsemest and mrd i.eok ever sold for Vegetable Sicilian airless than twice or price. f ue faded menial ! "�" book In Aaarket. Im..w•-ts.• )masts to agent& Ali t.td•lggeat *pie w ..t it..t ree. Ad r ebe•ss g EWER e�rtm� a ewwe.aht ag mt. Tertrw tree. Address 40aWty Boos Co.. Penland. Halm. mCi ellen Ftti�i year ' ersagg Canned . Goods. WARRANTED. Chicken 2 lb Tia., Pigs Feet " " Corn Beef " " Tongue " '- Mackerel (in Tomat e genre.) Salmon (extra quality,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (Americas). Blueberries. Tomatoes, 3 les tins, Green Peas (French). Green Retort, Green Corn (American). French Mnahrootui, Potted Chichen, Ham At Tonne Mn.tard anti Ginger in 1 Th Jars, was t:se and prepsratloa perfectly adapted to earn diereses of the sash, sad the ant r aeoestful re- tAowe of Wad or gray hair to 11s Lateral eo:or, gresti. and youthful beauty. It u. had matte t»itat.vs, bat .tees have so full) stet all the r. qulKRNnta 'methal fne the proper truncate e.1 the beitawl scalp. l: ALL•a tIA to RCN SWIM 1... et.s.iity grown in baser, awl spread Its face trot rte. f.t .er to ;T -r qt a...er ef to:e probe. Its :tn- pas..:1.k-'. faeces eta lee t::.:ttil'd to but ..w t pa'ie. 11r eer..e rill //.m nJ' ;i, )1r...:H.. Thee 0eota .muss labor often brew .e:r: Hamlet the maim of orders fem. remote e•,.sutries, wiser, .ler ban mower nide as effort for Its introduction. The w for a Sheet thea of 11 ..u•s HAUS Orme-wen wrndr.f.11y le.provr• the psno.al tppsartuee. It cleaners tie testy from all lea purities. ewes alt humor., fever. end dryness see Niue prevents haldnaer. It ethn.latra tn. weakened grad.. and unable' them to peak for. ward alas and vleorow growth. Tbc .Recta of S1. ..flee are saw .rsa.inal, like there of aloe ilea ereprrMMea.,but rumen • Mcg 1.a.e, wile& arta flume a natter d economy. CHAS A. NAIRN. igenve, Ooderwh, Jam. 23, 111104. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FON TRU WHISKERS R'11 Assay rue heard to A t mural brown, of ►.►a++L ve Eared. It praeweer a p.r•maaent c..ka that will wet wish away. r easwtas of a 11.111 peepsretaw, it Is applied enthuse trouble. MRIMSRV!) ItT B. P. HALL A CO., Naahua, N.H. held h, all flail.. Is Msdk•taaa POR ALL Tine POAMS or Mefelee s. tte/emrl•1. sod Used Disorders. the hist remedy, heiroase Do awes Ayer's Sarsaparilla. PIM yasDeeplbttil.atab.S ,N. =66' e. "`tees. Pay • ors a rhh. Capital set 11.adsv, If you wawa we.e • el& me mine glut pay alt the teither hee they west. Trak oarsmen. Welts for fell to •tame ! Aa, Pretkuul 4 • IN BROWN, BLUE, SLAT;. ANI) :".,; NVB ERKY, ' € AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S -A ¶aiited to he Kiioii THAT POO- CAN o,T CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, �;r' TOBACCO, CIG./IRS,, RS, Ore, l Domtitle and Fotelgn Fruits. Feat of alar Best Brands. Fresh and Smoked t Water Fish in, lesson, A fall assortment at all kinds of \uta. *year. nerved 1■ Every Mile Required. ICE ('BEAMS IV SEASON. Floral Designs, Wreaths, Crosses. bouquet.. etc., made un onicr. Ftewert.g teams a vegetable. in Mensa. Z. ?LINO -HAM'S RI'3TATT RANT, Coat House Square. (.oderich, Out Dec. 10, Inds. 1922-3m. W E OFFER THE ?mamma - DECIDED BARGAIN REAL ESTAT :S TIU; TOWN OE OODERICH 1. A ('onto; Lot (No. 1d) on West s Dear U. the square. 111n0a.00, 3. Int 106. near the Part. Teri pleasant cation. with n few of Lake. comprtdng staatially built : story brick boats, stable, fruit tura, tc., $I.MRN. 3. Three and a half lotto Iaerly an aert. Fant street. with brtek Foundry, sow rent at e100A0 a year. 1111,41011.011. 4. Lot on hank of Raver, near the $MM. These properties are really w. .tb more pone} but muse he MSM to close estate, and aro therefore offered at uw prices. Apply to SEAGER & LEWI$. Barri ter., God erich. Sept. 31th. 1883. 1:' . tt The Chicago House G.'ODIRICH. Tie L°ailing ITillinery Establi8l:nw1:t of the ('nn PL ;;1i ES, B11tDS, VELVETS, PLUMPS, RIBBONS, Lola; The largest and Best Amite.] Stook in the ('aunty t.. Choose Twee" M Miss Wlllaasou'e, Ooderleh. Nee. Ilk ace. Chicago 1883---AXES-188: iv e«am v ale, Burrells, and the Simpson Axe. 04y,0 Welland l Burrell`'. and t4W Simpson .4x FULL LINE OP CROCUT Shalt; MANUFACTURED Bit R.H.SMITtI&CO. Seeeseemete J. FLiiT IAPLE LEAF LANCE. End Quarters for Steel Barb Fence ':1 ama CATTLE CHAINS ANi) ALL KINDS OF HARDW'.1t £'COME ANi) SEE FOR YOURSELF. • R. W. M(1)KEN Z I r4 , .' ' ...,.... .1..r- ..,.. O T1sB.&P aA2e1o1107AieZl ST011aln., ('OURT HOUSE SQUARE, OODKAICH, ON'' Oe4.il k r>ta t, till.