HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY MARCH 7, 1884: THE HURON SIGNAL Friday Morstag, by Illo- o9D9T , at their Oiler. Worth St the ilismatrei GODKR1C11. ONTARIO. unalledespetenite Lean pens ot me sorrowed OM essmart *the sweetest Auk and owlets Jaii&any ether se per is this peso et enenelaillealeales+has a Lamer Wrest& mes seeetry. Isere the mete* mad uses rellobie Immo& In sett gess, the toremitag Wag ups te the nheve,, • Ilestrchni. MIMS maw= -it Is therefore • toothier.. Tenam.-411J111 la adrizsbnipeetage paid ereed.blishers; fen. If ore en menthe lt sot es, paid. rids will be strictly Rohm or uswearanine.--elebt cent* P• but tor firm lasentee; Wye cuts per line rot mesh subsequent tasernes. Yearly. haMyearl1 and geortetie oesisseete at reduced rates- As=g1MUNT111144.,- We have also • Itret-elass 41.1911wIstrat is eseasettese sad peewee tem tee most comelete eat -it sad boa facilities fer turning eut work la (ledertch.ere prepared heirea. arl of &arty Mutt cannot be Sado beetainsta that them priors that cannot nreamed.- emu 111111BAY, MARCH 7rit, 1884. foOltor toossaiter Ailearmon deelhave le emetieee in that Ake Imager salsa his salary is euppleusented by MO. Now would be • good tune for couneillere El- liott end hie followers to sangegassate the ilesaiirerstup witli the street inspector - shale th• sisausitrehm, and the cellector• ship. The unoenatitutietiality of the traessetion need not *tend is dm way when the "ecemenuess" hese th• matter is hen& _ . Tn. blunder of the Med in charging the decrease in school attendance during 1883 to the fact that owing the (Jevons. Giougumes share of the C. P. R loan teneseline to population, ie shout $30, - SIM. Tan Ottawa licensed victuallers have shown their wedeln by agreeing to tithe ant their lieseass under the Crooks Act. 31. C. CAtautmea bill,to allow • parson charged with a misdemeanor to notify ein his own behalf, was killed in Ca*. gigues on Wedneeley. COOS, who ran as an independent Re- fer/Der in South Oxford, defeated Noxon tlie regular nominee of dm Reform Cue - emotion by 117 votes. A rouurraz of leading catiseas should be formed to look up the cause of the sapid decrease of population in hoderich, and see 11 11 is in our power to remedy gibe matter. - - HON MR. HARDY ;nit the double Alfeneatiee ilisestion in a nutshell when be said :-"If anyone wants the luxury of a Detainee' license they can pay extra for it." Hear, hear. Tan Cluireedis, our warship, eur navy,- --ie te be weld. At C. Canien.n's speech on the tease: was ono ..f the best things of 1),.. Arabi"?' in which it was eletivered. Let us see what the old tub . -will bring.: meet helium authorized two sonei readers, parents did nut want to lie put to the espouse of buyina care books, said so kept their children at home, is oats of the most laughable of the season. The teachers, and others ac.,usinteil with wheel affairs, have hail lots of Inn over the ignonume displeyed by the wiseacre of the Mee. %runs the Liberals are a unit on the license question, the Conservatives are divided. All the Tories in the Luca! House voted for tbeatollowing :- ..laasetech es this House is of opinion that the richt to regulate the liquor tragic by (Ir - •n.. law belonote. under the British Igelfth America Act. crchsairely to the Legislatures of the Provinces. it is not expedient to eerie • scale of duties under the 11...nialoo 1.1casee A0/4 too& which this House believes to be ar- ,..a the jurisdiction of the Dominion Par- liament. This is the most unkind cut )4rJohn has yet received. TODAY Um following question be discumed in the Howie, introduced by CainStra, uf Hunk That, whereas, it was represented last session that the judgment of the Pnvy Council in Reuel vs the Queen showed necessity fur legislation by Parliament ; that in pursuance of said representation the Detninion License Act was passed; that the subsequent judgnient in the Hodes appeal shoes Dominion legislation is not necessary; that the act wee passed under a•miespprebension ; tlutt it is un- desirable to interfere thus ; that the House in cominittes of the whole do cetisisler ehe following resolution :- "Thar the Liquer Licenee Act of 1883 shelled be repealed." During the past month we haee sent out a flambee '.1 amounts, and in some i instance@ have failed to receive replies. Now we want it distinctly understood by all who offil us that we went money, to na,' *isle 'ffs'Ics fey our debn. alit Tess is bow the Ottawa Proo Frees views the Oraage Bill quettim - "But little todepeedesit aseitia may be expect- ed MIN th• (kluge Greed Ludic*, now semion at this city, because some 01 ths landing lees are in Us. euiploy oI the government, while ethers are profs* Waal politiciaus. We are therefore not astonished to Learn that, fur fear ut bumming Sir J01101. it has been propos- ed to &kudos the Ineorpotatice a:. Ottawa and carry it bask to Toronto, there to embarrass Mr. Mem*. Ws weeder what boxiest orsagemen theta off Ibis making the order shuttle -cock fu. Pane PeePoeea." TH LIQUOR LI(1111-$.10. Tee Towles Tolopeet, au usdepeed- ' eat newspaper, gives the follo•Ing very fair uttersike et, the seuddle 4:sweat by Nit John A. Meolieseed's interferon°. re the matter of liquor licenses. We co e- mend the words to every thuidul Ws make no &pottery for tr sitsferring the following paragraph, which we find credited to the Komi New Yorke, it an exchange, to eur celumn& It hits the situation at Ottawa exactly. "Blackstone claimed monopolies among onuses, being offences epeeist publk tr•da St. far ea applicable to iur condi- tions the Eaglish soininon law was made our common law. Then by this law of tin land, monopolies are crimes. We have come to use the mule tenn to aide the criminal& Was not, is not, the law just I Are not monopolists robbers? They take that which is Dot their own front the people without their congest. This is the definition of robbery. But their crimes are OVell yet greater. They 'have beemne briber& They Guy legisla- tors, judges and executive& They openly boast of their iniquity. They are brazen. Surely we an justified in writing against them. ' Tin Toronto Eeenitee Canadian affects to diebelive that there WWI a "family quarrel" in the Cebiust, ending in Hon. John Castigate. resignation and subse- quent reinstatement. The Toronto Mail announced Mr. Costigan's resignation, and tnade the contemptuous oomment that "ills place will be easily tilled ey a more worthy 111AM Sir tollahn A. Mac- donald acknowledged that his colleague had resigned, but subsequently withdrew resignatiose The EremiNg Canadian the other day quoted without disapprov- a a lengthy article from the Montreal not on this same subject, in which the following suggestive sentences appeared : "Whatever happened, it is certain that lontebody backed down and that It wu ast John Costigan. Sir John cannot at ford to fall out with his Ittltditer of In- Istid Reeenne tiii qlovernment could *II"' /*like "dunning" and would like those net staled de that lit lti9 mid& ti. Mr hoyden's thp.etteChe'lltetfeletiell$ rare deck eamuksell desires us to , • We pay up 4*oem . m. of their, oration atitairond,•ir mait aik out INAS" Proulier, te know thet the *Hee- Wary, tbe „t ee.eileteee Men accord, but when we do wept man : "The whole liquor litelnhe question is simply the outcome of ',Katy twetitty. ktir John Mitoolleueki events tu take the Goatee of the truffle out id the hands of 'that little trent Mr. Mews'... anti 'that nide tyrant Mr. Movie' is detennuied to kola Do to it. In the ovation .1 moot LontDhi. lawyers so well as laymen, Mr. Meru is quite right, the regulatiou of the liquor trahic being simply a teener of peeve. which is entirely vilthin the );Iriedict of the previewed authorities. Th. proposal made to Sir John Mac- donald by Mr. Mowat that the Creeks Act should be allowed te remain in fetes fur a year, and the McCarthy Act Nile over, in order that • test cese could be submitted to the Privy CouLcil in the meantune, Metuld Lave beau accepts& It is clear to all that then will be hope- less confusion if licenses t.. sell liquor are issued by both governments. Theo who take out Dinuinion IICOMmie Will be worried in the courts uy the Ontario authorities and • cue will have to be submitted to the Privy Council in the end. Why put people to all this trou- ble 1 Those who take out licenses now and fit up hotels will feel it to be • great hardship if, by the decision of the Privy Council six months or a year hence, they are deprived of theireiosases and find themselves with stooks of Limier and hotel or saloun fixtures on their hands." TIM (rDA Y ON HON. A. M. ROSS. That genial journalist "Two O'Day," writing te the etesitby arenicle filen the press gallery of the Provincial Legisla- ture, thus refers in his rich Irish style to the Provincial Treasurer's speech in bringing down the budget : - Y az will hey seen the Budgit Speech. Well, yez .bud hey herd it. Ti. only be lieeriu the facts luau figiors given PleietY, be an hole* at hreitforward man, that wan can hev an estelligint reaspri- henshun av the Provinalitil Book-Keepiu all remit:Wind Bank Akount. Misther Thrsasharat Rosie" etaietneut was in clear and :intelligint that he could be aisily follyed an undhentud be ivory wan liesenin to him. Tin not much av • hand at siferin an financeerin meself, but I cud make out Kerne Roes leery tease, ;the Threashurer 1. a galling Lentil.) an so cud- any wan that undherstandaThe Rule av ThZelt, Of *vin the Multiplicashun Tibia There was no sttimpt at mistifi- sambas. Mars wail norll couded. Ira, ,eipme an 'above mord. An if was a Jambe* be found at all, teas tltaleptire over-carefulnees to give intormashan. An thia, yez will he unaided to my, was a fault at the t rite sole. That is the verdict of the , pulilie: That is the Yalta ,ar all , who 1 her.I the Budget Spigot'. east is the awint vartlictsy Llp. Prise. Gallery -the fleet iiitenleint leo v ev Min in the world ileasee...1 be appasetel to fee a candid in- telligint opinion. To lie shure, sum av on Vie Prests 14allery wished to lie. • bit of 'humor. stuck in here sad there at got the rows ai figwort, jist be way at- Lelia the &tithes* out av eft a bit.110 j!lotit Ivitlartt t. Je..0, .......„up,,,i e Iv r..i, tio4f3oi accounts, wa want those who niceivir air.0, iechair, Orem teopt+retand-thet we .i,lotet write .14,1'. itr. Gordon. Toe motion a ceenc4lorithr9 4-*nd pay postage on theininiere- eguteetem teteneee 0, benefit hic, eor. : ly for the fun of. the -thing. We wntit e • , Ann awl not tee town clerk. ,, the r.ereni.ripsot the dens to respond It ewe. "Witem is pononaily intend - Drama the nest week news has come ea fer every man and woman who has hum Africa of the success of British areas received a "dun" from us, an.1 also for agaiest the followers of tho false prophet its the •Soudaii, but what particular good isgeing to result:. from it we cannot see at present. In the Language 111 the poem of the German grsaidfather and his grand- chtikkeis : "It was the English. ' Casper cried. "Mat this Anent fight dal win. "Mat what irt..rt came of it, id last r quoth 1111.1- Peterk • -WWI. *at I cannot ten." 'moth he; 'lint `tune • famoaswkitory.' A FINIATS letter from a Coin-aerrative friend at Ottawa to the editor of the Moncton Transcript, after referring to other issittees, adda incidentally, "I sin against Ibis C. P.R. grab of 1130,000,000. The ipsesminient wime near being defeat- ed (and it still be their death yet !) Que- bec gets millions as a bribe. tee eis seendaleue." Anil there are great many Consersonivee, the Tronarrip( Ern, these wet. may receive "duns.' in the future. - - 1. ( .ioadies Cotuservatisei condemn- ing in .tr. ng terms Sir Jelues franchise bill, which it styles "a new attempt to - wank ceotralization and encroachment." lc says "we invite our confreres "rim have at heart the autonomy of the province to study this bill destined to take from us the power of causing our- selves to be represented .1 0110.. as we wish to be, and to plasm the electoral lists of the tenantry in the hands of federal Akers." Speaking of the sys- tem a revisieg barristers it way.: "The electors of a whole county or district may be at the mercy of a imaa who is an utter stranger to thus, and who will not be in a positing to judge properly of the RISCO of A great Mtn, Irtili Catholic* IS "even to tlie Conservative Goeernweeter 10P044. 'reaseni otreors, necausi John Costigan is a ineenher of it." Ir would seem as if the Preinier,4 Bpi Dominion us ready to back down on th,e liquor license flotation. The Toronto. retelni 01 <1 (I ndspendwnt) says John illoes not seem to be so stare of his grounti on the liquor license question ail he was before the recent decision of dies Privy Council iu the Hodge Mae. Mr. Hodge has been telling the hotel -keepers of Ottawa that after having an interview with Sir John, his advice to the craft is te nice out licenses under both govern- ments in order to be safe -a piece of ad- vice which we may be sure the Ontario government would hot give. Mr. Mow- at has too much confidence in his right todeal with the subject to recommend any such plan as that. The opinion of II. Hoed*, one of Sir John's Quebec sepporters, ie that the Demi govern- ment has no right to interfere in the matter. Titio also seems to be the view ei Conservative lawyers and judges in in New Brunswick who feel just the making up of the lista." diamond diffetelties which artie in the this' provT2bas The Aingston Notri, (Toryenlee Mr. Montt to stand same wow about it. "firm- 10 1)4. right of the pretence to - 1 Sia Loonara Tilley in his budget IT valid «woo es if a temperance re viral is nude! rt . the temperance lodge int this town. A !lumber of the lesehree ie is claimed. clued the petition for • sabion a'ailo.igh there was • by. law passed Amor years ago with their • approval airet:itiiiiir: saloon.. It eon -mow be in onter for the licensed v nodal - rises to run with a stiiveeription to pay ..tf the .erist im the .tompar- woe* halt. Sosnelsedy &heel.] stir up the Jams Tetipetance w oh it ;ono ptile. \ _ !Plow, that the Sen.:Jim*. has been 'illetuded the "il,‘Olit).(••40, it emelt be rellerit the riw It Lima to edrucate the -fur- 111111Wrinotensimi -41111.4 r‘elal from Wing- beee Go.,rri• r!!4* ty,yeelicate is tie vf la • position to "a 14-1-: eXtef•aione, awl paws- isrion .4, :re e444 .4 11111. ; Way emote it•re • .iet :w.•en Pealsiaseil (; 1.41 brsisc)4 P. R Tb. .ur o rosy i he looked ernu tt sem, uplisbe,1 fart tan summer, tel.! rhe MI 1 •1 1 . I • tt • alto yeti to stop the.e. Ahura' Will DOI b• long tipis, , , issue license& i speech, to show that proeperity prevailed ! _ I io the land, pointed to the fact thee the , THE Toronto Telegram, an ludepen- , I , amount of money in the poet office I dent paper, wire in favor of the C. P. R. savings bank had largely increased over grab, but isnot quite satisfied with the : former years. Sir Leonard., 1.48ton li position of the High dommiu ..... er ; would have been insich stronger had he Alinister of Railways. It says: -"It was , not /tonight down *his as evidence 11 a grut mistake for Sir Charles Tupper 1 good times. Why, if there *one thin , to place himself in the position of re - imere than another that !hows that lejepteeteg te hem, „, aer a p„tat,„„tt distrust of the financial standing 01 the' passed to amble him to sit and vote in 1 banks antl business iedustries obtains, &is pi„,,,, in th„ Hour,. jj in dant *het it is the fact that se ranch capital has 14. had no right to vote he had no ibeen obseell at small Internet maw richt to speak. pit be hae been tehine , IGurernmental security, rather than have prominent pert in the defeats* all through I i it invested for ordinary purposes of Ilse session. If an amendment to the i trade. Every dellar locked up at small sot which wures the independence a I interest instead ot being in rapid citeu• parliament was necessary in order to i • • . I ion is an injury to t e e 11.f the • Dominion. Toe motion el lb* teen (toenail on the heftier by-law proves that a solid tem - le looks as if the Boman Calbelic 1 attain to secret rwietier The Tomato !Presbytery remotely tient oist a eeriness( questions to the sessions, and the fol.ow mg erupts ww• reeeire.1 to the :el. nneot i..n ,to 7,1 .corider b*!raneeo in lir eon.. of hclar n nor ! Among osee••• s et • t hoes ration I is mina. tip• Mine, isictfell,.•ship. freemasonry add 'smell- Inedrilly among arnewieW 4 arta' ThM there is much roma, 1.-r the ! eborrt es to complain no thought/to man I, son aerobe Wore half the 404”,,,f sonl klatly pot limn church Wine that is eltruoied into the week of the verifies oievet soeietess, die termer wield nee 4. de (OM lei MIMS enable Mir Charles to both positions at the same time, it shoult1 have been made al the time he was appeinted and not Wt until the mischief had been done. Hotter still, if Sir Charles w•nted the pelt len ef High C 'ssiener he sheuld 1..."1" L's•r•Ilkm • ADDINDEIL_II ARTIOLliS *hell ir'" "I" 1" Ill" 1141 "W ePtaimee Li . the ether trifles light as me weieh gest !Them are aleRie eeele"ie eele34e ell I ego' ut frees the peas ef leen more pee. the aurepaper trade who behove tbe$ i hestieus than 1 The eel**, gzeinat es. Imre a auseion, and that initiates is. ke ' Om snot* unifru'llOuld".• but Ileethtelea I ,,, enlighten thrir fen,. he.lillueorte,c.t.u.e.1 ;4i:whittle.: 11..4, htion,lerfii4loyt ne;:du: ing's Thte. l'e°P/6 Isess811Y ssim elefp . a• t.• reniareeol they the ieseetitig of my ttioihdaireiopo)dthetubi...00nubetrotton wtholl_itiph.oleolaLiointersroaysweiT.: ort..riak:t.o.:17. .....:1..j,.:::".1.1::,4 lareely iii. take rictption to the post 44. athistijille liaLlrill aht,u1.1 be eiven with • medal "I" and contend Olaf. the tdito1440Prwiacenwill. stead. Sometimes they c oirt the WWI. and sometimes when they think they do. la" "IsidonMinlilic::::1:1,,l'i,I;I:ti.rari,11:111:11,Y, ii."1441711°.:aatullgitsii:i::Ills;741eursierjlledirirdYbitSt:u0n;- they &el. Ti. them the tunes 1.11..iglitailmin ;14...7ir al.r.:84"il i,./ eotilnitutink, &kw 'rally "out of pint," an.1 they al • are the skilful ..nes who can set tlitnip to tutvinaira:11::::::::::..ulteve" 1 1:::::doetat lies rights. They contend that ...attire du bil":1;,pli.dumuPlakTrvm eltruurifut:littiiiputeiveylipa.: tat';in‘aihneddd;diripmaav.." not add spice enough to their week- ly batches, and believe that thee, if allowed space, roil(' h iiiiiino• matters in ibis respect. The s Are not shidnat"ulesyreeiratu ael... italls:::. hsosei:4 wiithwtivIrei,nio: lacling in theory, but, as a rule, tiosv are terribly behindliand Ai DraCtiC1,1 yoadartwliclo":‘ lii",t :111,1 "n"."5,114.1 '1"..s. thobuyt amoeba!! work. Now. after belie: baueered se most to death ey several of Geer ...: ' e^d mit the tweet "h"ei Keefe to gay, fish, we have determined to ;411.4 A csolutua or snore of our space at any tene to • representative specainen .4 the rine lifiniti, and having amongst nut acquaintances one named Addenda, we have determined that he shall lis, • e-a*torial charge of that portion of TSB SIONal. Addenda, we would say oy way of introduct. , ts staid old todo-w, lees being who does his rascality so that not given to levity and unseemly jocose- all nat7 'eh; 'end 644" h15 nut atm" teeth nese, but solid and steady "rebel, and raitaeatetlE-ert.'s,:tit'eetiliiyia"ar:et, apuvaituw tattegoodhTP°0-ez. in good repute.with his neighbors. His ' ample to the community at large, while writings may not be accepteble te seem the open rascal ts odious to the public of our readers, but we presume ot hers anawillusebuoPrteascjinstrtullectreliitt. 1,81111"icidonti.clusifliivetl; 1:rnivili' (isidli Wrimuseillgals• .w4srlhrikaint:.‘inithrallaili" lintYbl prove that when a inan of wisdom' in- ii7torld)tashertia ittiesodnutheisn:nhaiplie,asodwhens fw"dinthilli tegrity and ripe literary pert,. such as Addenda undoubtedly is,) fails, it w,ere, ; lbyfeacr :lunge willtlleDothYPIrrieritl:ehtildgivmssy ception to editorial ability to ?sae iseet folly for eveq soldlepate wli , takes el. • • 1t4/041 example of wiekedaess kept under ,...e .. ...,.I reed ef 'week. And after thus deliver- restbildrieuiannt, awl tleurirhing miglady : grey vaele.(tain . _ED.] sismanem:oe • inglieuesif &wean waited, that I might It is customary when one take up the cud.gels on behalf of custom inahes h.• 1 tow to the public am tires appearing ir Ie. *genial the 1131"cr110. I did not. bow- . Bo ever, ptiun to maopinioe ' journal et note, ..ch u is Tee Kraus, take exce SIGNAL). thst the emanation fr„ni the I resPectilla th. hYP°cri"' thewil" pen of him who comes forward should 1 ki.ow full welt it is not the orthodox opn. And, although I have though be addressed to the edit... of thelou I I upon the matter since Burma' departure, 'in which the.,erticle appears. I take a i 1 very different eke, and, therefore yet I am omistrained to prefer the hypo - will I _ _ i ee":ee. , rite, who endeavers to hide his badness but rather a i,1, not address Cleo acreeds to Os 1 inecrihe iii tejtett. t under the el.ak uf goodness, rathee Gee people, for whose enlightenmeet , y itte 1. euchwk. wc*1 attn:engintirt"hidbei. nghia cenaditna Mad " Itel written.' It weft pre&oeiption goy I be- ---t adneecen - -r ' h- iii--- -itadmik- ' ----trT think"' • part to attetnpt to edify, morn . or nteree- neieee. in nei ieeee-- .b, -I .„___-----' amps* the mighty minds that mhibit 11-eitee-P-i-e-'"-r ell -...71. ,R,......"IF ReW "'"'''' torte! tripod. Of cestirse, present ben- i . 11,14 elk ill the bodies that recline in the editorial.' ---- It- agree tr"1" -""`""'e ; this pent, if they reason it oat. easy chair,or whose legi bestride the edi- ? ADDENDA. fruits lively to sween," as the ociusien warrants. Beene, wh„ iires onion In the west ward, dropped into isty etuey the other day and disturbed my meditations, by ettollitor the benefits of hypocrisy to society lot large. Said he : Why, inr, odarest the hypocrite with the shame - pany is 'always leicepted : but I hie* known gentlemen who, having been fad - urea at ditch -digging, wood-choppiug, tinkenng and tailortrig, soldiering and tailoring blacksmithing aed whiteemith- ing, wheel -building and crockery -break- - ing, have after the hey-dey of youth had pissed and the mild maturity of middle - age had come upon them, made gnawer - Gault across the chasm which keeps aloof the editorial mind from that of persons of mere common clay, and hare essayed to climb high the literary eminent& I an free to admit they dc not• climb very high, but then their intentions were to do so, and I saw the other day in one of the journals that "a man's success or failure in life is not ik be julght by Ow ups and downs I which are hie portion, hist by the intentions that prompted hiin in hie 44 d rtak. " Me John sad the stews. One tlf the French Tory papers, in speaking its tniud in regard to thecharge 114.1 the Bleus were censpirators, re - !minds Sir John Macdonald that the present is 120.t the tirst time that he has had to give in when Bleu pressure wee brought to hear. and that it will proba- bly not be the last. It recalls the inter- esting fact thee when Sir George Cartier was in England, he warned Sur John that he would return to Canada by the first steamer and denounce him to the people it he did not cease his attempts to convert the federal compact into a legislative union Sir George tneer that Quebec would hold the balance of power if the federal system were adopted. There is no doubt as to Sir John's pre- ference being etill for a legislative union, 11system which could only be brought about by extinguishing the provincial Impaleturee. Quebec seen* to be deter- mined that Sir John shall abandon his policy of centralization, and that the first step in that direction shall be the repeal of tie Dominion License Act. n • ings. Of course I take ex- Tne Democratic Convention tn noun- ' nate a candidate fur the ptesidevicy of the United States will take plass at Chi- cago July 814. An interval of Gee weeks will elsue between the Lentocrat- ic convention and that of the Republi- cans, the latter having been summoned to useet at Chicago on June 3. Mat:NITS 10 MIMING. -111 IMMO that the introduction of magnets into tho great grain mills of the West has fulfilled the highest expectations of those Iebe e.mplained of wire io wheat. Nut only have the !magnets captured all the skay peen t.f iron ds an thus removed the last and only ohjectioa urged against wire -binding harvesters, but they have revealed the singular fact, that el Hie scraps of iten and steel that end thor way to the mills mixed with the wheat, fully one half are something besides pieces of wire, and a laroer proportion of these me of ouch a nature ais to be *Teem more dangerous to will machinery. The magnets gather everythmg of this kind with unerring certainty, copt ion to that 10n1 of thought, as Literary Nottees. I to many oaten of the kind that o EGYPTI tcN NEWS. After the Battle of Friday. The herb true Ibelfroolidie molt US their. Lemnos', Morph &- Dispatches from the mete ef tke lase battle say that foes the sends token prom -woe sorts &Minh - cut it.forwatiou is being obtained In to- Cipttiln rule. Oise moire told a cor- n. the mune, of the re% ol t against reepteident that the rebel...to nes meth inevitrible by the 9riudiss4 tyranny of dr Reedit**s tax oelleetors. The p. p1,hut ago quarrel with the English. Isdeed it appears liege the statements by other prisoners that the rebels were nut aware that they were es meat the British soldiers until they saw the white Laos, of their opponent& approach ing. They thou neennured against their chiefs for concealing the truth, but were nom the has determined to fight to death against renewed subjection t., their unreason Lowitos, March 3. - -The Times states that the Government telegraphed orders lest night (Sunday) for Oen. Graham to retreat iinusediately (rens Tokar and pre - rto send the British troops back to and bon, March 3.- There were great rejullsings at Tokar when the British en- tered. The enemy acknowledged that MOO of their men were killed. Bees/0cm, March 3.-E1 Mahdi has forbidden the sheathe on the White Nile and Blue Nile to advance to Khar- toum, or to Knuth° hostilities. Four hitherto health sheikhs have submitted to Gorden. Throe soldiers ol the old /arras= of El Obeid nave arrived here, and report great meant at El Obeid ; that XI Makidi fears the tribesmen and inhabitants, and that a reign of terror azista L Malidi has stored up all the saying that they belong to ta• Egyptian Government, and he will de- liver them to its representative& El Mahdi received Otirdone letter, naming hini the Sultan of Hordofen, with eseg Cie. nf delight. He gave Ow messenger tele. brought tbe latter a rube of etelectre llefere the British renew die upon the rebels Osman Digo* will be offered • conference. 1)1 0*. 5,000 rebels who tled from Tukar whin the British entered en Saturday and joined Osman Mamie only 100001 them are Soudan - time being fanatics sent from Jordoran sad Duke If Omnan Diana refuses t• oarrootaii it is ezpected that the rest 4,1' the tribes under the Sheiks ent express a dear* to come to tense. The ambeasaders of • all the powers have been instructed to compliment the British Government upon GemQu- ._ i- 1,0..0,,M.arr4 4. - theiwah the mar- tiWnilliditistigHfu dandle -that General A I had been ordimid to metre to Trinkitat, some °theist advices from- ' " Cake say that G. Stephenson hes MI- • directed hen. Graham -imitate thelroops instal at Trial:eat said return to Su- iten as the la:ter is the beat hue for eperat eat& Graham leavitie a battalion to garrison Fort Baker will order the troops, 1» ineleire Thursdae Opentitins against Osman Dieula will not extend beyond Teneusieh. Sir Evelyn Bering advises the government tt. fix a lilUit tO the action of the tr.weos net the Red Sea.. Seven hundred men, Ir. men and chil- dren have arrived at Sualcim frier Tither. The rebels mutilated the British dead that fell int,. their hands. thiman Dig - Ina has sworn to. give battle. Lieut. Lloyd, broiler elated Lloyd. under secretary el the intoner at Cairo, will present Qtteeti Victeris with the stand- ard captured et Tokar. The British have Ovried 2300 rebel dtool around Tele An Egyptian gunner frern Tienr sqs he and seven others were dragged to Tub to serve the rebel guns Oen. Gorden believes the slavery q ustinn will settle Woolf. within a year by a rising 01 0*. *laves. The British cleared the villages near Toner and recovered the net of the guns and rifles taken from Baker Pasha's army by the retels. Osman Dianna waenet ha Friday's battle. Maculae for Jan peas for current coin nowadays, and lite; in,,'"ce ay•ar ./1 er.. 1.14 nM" contend that a man's intentious storee-r number. et - es an b.c41- are net the gauge by which his The March number of this Magazine life's work should be rested. poi, tn. centaine four handsemely illustrated stance, take the case. of three ineb,conti- ticles-A critical cper on Lord Lytton Groceries amid Uglier. is Tommie. We understand that the (intern Gorsertinetst is disposed to deal liberal- ly with the growers *the are to be depriv- of their lioeuses, and that the by-law separatin g the sale 61 that Are wet from t)4. sale or groceri,.. that are dry will not emu', lido operation before the first„dif August, three months licen- se.. ben.trranted (non the first of 3(4).oy. Some of the tempenance people are of opinion that this would lit extnndino the time to an unnecessary 1. •1. but 11must be born* ill mind that serious loss would be ineurowl by all grocers who were unales to get ri ef their stocks be - h by law me nib, operation. Some of the grocers intend to give ap the Iro,otry business and sell nothing bat liquor. where.. others purpose giving up li the piot and confining their attention te groceries. m en eredith Prefinterir Reynar, dential clerks in three large business with copious tmotations from hispoeme firms, who wish to get on In the week], and tine portrait ; a sketch of St. John's, A way opens up e. all three of these Newenandland, and of the Cod-fisb • dy ' clerks t» speculate. One ef them hes LaBruseys Adventures on the Pam - no funds of his own, and is thereby dm paper on the Mammoth Cave, Kentnekli pee of Reath America ; and a &including • tetred from taking hold of what reins to on lieteleumely Mutilated. An adequate be • golderi opportunity ; the second sermon by the late Dr. Punshon, on "Character Building," never before ups the funds of his einpltyers, is sue - printed, will be read with deep interest. easeful and pay. the amount back, all Dr Carle, Superintendent of the Toone without the knowledge of his superego ; to Asylum for the Insane, enetributee the third also appropriates the fluids 011 an important article on •'Heredity,” those whom he serves. with the intention l'"traing e'ith yriee ettlrlifeetime the specultioter of repyin meting the mental, moral, anti ph ag, out am in which , he enaen.being „f the ram Bishop gaged toms out • failure, he is un- able to cover up his tracks in the ledger by making return of that which he ap- propriated, and is thereupon brought to court, tried, convicted and sentenced te T the convicted man for being a thief ; thel t • penitentiary. The werid censure. he April number will have Gully illustrated articles on Pictureswie New perenen sentimene prevaik in the town. Wlee..le. pie...rem of licensing a saloon a,.. „mei., la 10..0 at a memuer Lmowpw, ifamh 1. -Th. beet a mao Long watihti wee successful in the tronsact- w„,.„,„,, aid, mayoral telt cab Brunswick ; en the lonther Moeussent ak ingWeel. a license. It eliminated at dot th.t. like tha in.iiman.. bird. ?tic sharacter of the American peetand dwelt • man of no part& Instance after in- mterevi • craitnbutee los concluding article "Christian Unity," whkh is reviewed in detail by the editor. His Hoene Jodie Dean and Principal Grant will, in early flambee*, contribute articles on this' im- portant subject. t : 04 was ratassi in faro of grant b110•Itki• 11110 of the coancillore th.t the 11 .111 1 11 !cr •.a.siosa only one voice oil the contrary it is as 1 lain as a pikistag ("train -ills made a speech eulteriring the , en the relinement, which. wee the chief ' stance like unto) these vatic!' I have Numbers from artlitinAlli. Judged it. he a smart man ; the toihniet, for whatever may be wild to fellow was unvei/r1 this morning. 1 thre :onset man is hooked upon as being twelve engravings of the Land of Fire - and further pictures of Newfoundland, andi Charles cantert b.. in two places al Ille ehnirnej er ef this illustrious man He chairmen of the liceriee commission ,In • twine tune, or properly diectsseas the referred In a feeling manner to the pre- crop op daily, sod who amongst der the 11kCarthy act had told hirn th it iintira of important losSiti"ris dilemma wow* a Longfellow's datighters and 't the" *ha read mY au'rda, a• rivet( bees, MAIM/ an. nien- „ 10*544 ry can still be day that the • •nliiiiesieuers wool.1 not „dot a ow coati A ....mat himovi..r ha.,1 Meninter lowell. Mr Lowell also made can Put his hand on his heart and se h AI the residence of the le- Rt.% prowl by any Matriebnons 5.10(111 esi hy the 4...n council (b,t 1 Ilt•y ka.I alneely planned teat their work, and I I I f red wi h h • won taro it nit* e t y an) nelson of the eouseol. We don't 4,,. w whirl her the choir -men spoke so decidedly as wee announced al the ennui! nimotine, but lee dui, eertainly weet it1I1 far. There is a strong pubis* sientimeal in Goeierwh. •nd IhnosEhntit lb* ."'"0717) 44 Heron thnt meet hearkened unto by n vinuntietonioni it the Ileeartley Att. i heirs made, Anil an snienauseed to the nee a waters which commercial this tiet, which will have ei be retroactive, ground into white ne unclean spirit • ill siisply he • bucket of white -wash." mead ever enter, In entelesion he re- _ _ _ _. . _ tomel the tribute tit his eminiory. thus • NM •9•11, peicing his memon.1 between the hosts At Choweer and Dryden, in the name .4 A lever majority may he aw Mal • gee American pimple itatille of dingle to Sim party in pager • h in whoch h 41P." sa bringfelloW ea • small majority. es hue just buts de- Dr. Reshaedeon, nf englatsd, says that sorenetreled at Ottawa. Mr Mowat .11 peohatily not have &sty more dialculty in levities alter Lis useirwity of teAvs or thirteen than Sir John Masilellidel basin %Wow after his majority doprosty. whim the an is &yam the driner k*mem alanh.4 es tenet • This mity he on in I Ingiend, iso this wintry 41. when Omdrinker ie &Test that lie graves Muted the meet. bas not thought with the nuijority. dee- t;jfaja4hill Amos ea Arch/roma Elwood, ea Mier M pit* the beautiful application f the gem et Mrs. neXt_ Ihsea;k.) et eedeeleh. tilitregtino. ell the Wit ineiher. LDTIOD WITTI WORM. Ais Old Wens= Wbe Kept her mosey in 'I Marrr and rivers hositoidere. -- , Niter YOlta, Menet 3. -The Ittesiste Onnisnittoe lurteitnnalogg adullvration in I feud tuellay •esisoluee Dr. Martel. a 'i eholoiet. vile., ilering the pot' you, him I haveal.:atist. 'sneer tee dirreflou .4 the Suit . it..sed .4 tle,.11 h. austral emeriti*. where inetetien Owen as sisade. la one factory In Orange teener it wee ftesiel that tise cheese suede consisted principal- ly ef pure lard, the euratituent portion. being 73 per out. .ll..4 to 23 pi r cent of butter, lhe lard timed 114.11 Mr* i 0•101 et a temperature marvel, higher then blond heat The *4mm, i'.i.l not tlisiik the temperature eraployed anIti.,..euf t,. ile• strov germs of annual life. Dr. I....ve S0144164 that out of 20 oomph • ef what wail soft him iis pun. tooter, obly sit were eenuine. The poach buds throu.itona °rout° have leen complete') destroyed by 1.• Want ere weather, net leaven! been ver y geed cenditien before the cold snap. nedisimen Markets. Ooomucs. March 6. 1/54. 111711eat. boah. . 11 00 51 le Wheat. (Springi IP bush. ...... 1 09 .4 1 116 Iflour, • barrel. 00 'ft se 010 ta 31 potatteto.1.1114,busbusha now_ 50 am oa bush ......... 101 01 710 9 au . • h.. • In w Client.............,. • dos. isuesseed1)....•. .. 119 ... • 11 a . Bran. cyst . • II) .............. ea Nom • • • OS 71 10 4‘ 01 25 New Clover Seed TIMOTHY SEED, SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, AND ALL KINDS OF MANGOLD & TURNIP SEED TOWHER WITH - GARDEN SEEDS .OF EVERY VARIETY, Which h A LA REA FOR SALE AT SAMUEL SLOAN E'S SEED. -STORE, Corn!, 4111F 'Hamilton andOderic Ciiteria , 49"Ilaiied rbstkeno. 11)211011ESEEllj ts sow et= andldwill be thecaaseVitiots.0=rnAt Spell applicants. JOHN A. BRUCE It CO., Seed Growers. Hanithae. eased& AT TIIF CASE STORE. THERE IS CHEAP Crockery & Glassware, A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED_ GOODS. Cheap ar‘d Good. Give Him a Call ! roentiler Plates. There died in Rases Center the other G OLD • day an old maiden lady named Isabella Maws*. 8be was the lest of • family THE GROCER, .- el four, two brothers and two sisters, mho ease* fame &Wand to Fara Center fatly years ago. When ber death was announced throughout Basso Center the , whom town was agog to know what she I wee worth. Sin had lived closely, held eery little communication with her I neighbours, ard was suppneed to have all j bsr looney ebotti the Immo. The etec- I titers pmcsad•d to take 111 laseniory of the house. They hound nothing unusual I till they came to her room. They ..nn diecinvered in the drawen some purses full of 1,illa In her trunk they found bills pinned to the lining of her dress sleeves In all they got nearly $1700 in bills. They found a bee containing $868 in old, mostly English nevereigns. Whilst this smirch was going on, Mr. Pewees was sitting on the bed, and pnt- ting his bond down he felt some 'tunes a something in the bed tkk, which wadi filled with chaff. Taking nut his pneket knife, his ripped the tick, antl at every dive in with he hen& he would bring out small bundles of silver tied op cetton bags and stocking., witith I were Bang into a 'tooth's, and when they finished they had as much money es a sese could lift. The Musket wae Arose& to the rifler, the next day. end the con- test& in hills, geed and sever, amennted to ale.nt P4200 They eke found cer- tificate, of money ineutod in Dominion Meeks, Pest "An saving hank ahps, bank bonne *hoeing deposits in Detroit saving bank& In all she was wereh 1. the neighborhood .4 $ I bee*. nil inner like balling .1118 the mous- here of this family ere neenuntml for by Om feet that inany vests ago they de- posited moiney in • Detroit hank, whieb faded, and th•y hat it ell A mourn, John MoRwan, end hie lit tie, who rroarg. fuse Stwitionii. and whe took asro of the old lady nettl *he dted, mate is atm all tie wealth. of thought which I have quoted above? 'To the matter I will add nothing fun's*, than to soy that good opinions and trite saying, an not •Iways what they appear to. be st first blueh. T.4 ths public I would sav that I am net satiate. wit the workings of the press at all tepee and as I have beim allovsol by the editor leech spoor rat) earn 0, weepy, when me mold prompts toe to elite, 1 remiliter of the late r. Daniel KeestLiy, U. A, label to tralluie v., • 1.18.01 fr the 271h ult.. at the reoldesea of Um. bride's parents, by the in.. es. 1. norew. Joshes A lila, of the tewaehlp of f ollterne. 40 Hies Elin.hrli Asa Walton of the vinare slor Lostiesheetisagii. OMR I• 0n4er44s. 1Pr1lay, r. nand anlaseut. youmvot imas Mearee. sem Treats it mem ti In reel albsel, es "satiny. March lad. Edward frt wineter. mei as resew The Square, „-- Goderieh Jan. 3. ISM. 4,4) 00 r0 KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAM POO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS Aka, pp.,P.0 MINCH BOLLIX WORD Aire ;aid resolved • hum reek of BRASS t IRON STEIN FITTINGS BOILERS EliGINES I� Balt Pau old Boiler' Illath ea Illirmiest Settee Kati arbiellarot smdfressiss we a= resolve memo* CHRYBTAL to BLACK, warm astir ST, 25. 3--.-.. Gods/Ash. Feb. II INK INF C3}-] Rema OTIneell -gadget :Orli 11 A C:oi in TC chriice AGE ibgn beet In .1 Ali I:H.4U eeme a se HALLITT demean fieres. 51s C ('hi Pigit Corr Toni Marl Saki Lobo Marl Sat.! Pear Blot Tom Ores Gr Fre, Poii M ne CH fkor