The Huron Signal, 1884-3-7, Page 2•
.�. w..
lbw ►nsdeed .l the assssy's dad
wasn sweated is the rinsed IRtatlieo..
elstti.l Viehery of the British nu east s---
Troops. Tough Nene were treat. 4,1121 Brittrh
regulars is the /rises that eseenatetd
the eagle goads dip, — were the pith
Seer Mee Bebe seed sees mew lb. with of the army, mahreskag_pertisas el sash
_les seemYe .see .ad tame trees regiessats as Me Md
Highlandeo said
emper s_ttattr..eah s W 1M Mee the gash. Ties ttnety i fusee was aa&ar
W d.was
'Osman est numbered
15010 to OW Gomm Digo.,t-
ed Baker s week or two aro
Thea all the telegraph wires entoeotiea
MaesawJ with Komi& were ant, eat
the emiemries of flew•* Dignassessaiel
in induces* all the tribes is that Its to
rims rad juin him. Cunsequesdy all the
pit lees then were eat e.L1 hogs Memo -
wash, A spy, who anima at B.tkint,
described dome* DgssTM showed
ma more
wed bin
lite fiends than men- bo
the hand of • dead mem, and wanted to
know whether it was the bard of a
Europese or a Torii, elating that the
deed gentleman had many guloses in his
pocket. They told him they eared noth-
ing for the Egyptian Government. The
Mandi, the Tree Prophet, had written
them of his success over Hicks and others
telling them to rim anduin bis. This
they go, for ttfeared no guns
If t died the Mahii promised them
paradise ; if they refused touta him he
would come and kill them all, and they
would then go straight to hell. The
Mandi would come through Egypt. ki 1
all the Egyptians, Turks and Christians;
would overturn the world and put it
tight. Other parts of his fora would
cross he the Redo. and Mecca, would
kill the Sultan of Turkey and take India
-in fact, all the world. Daily Osman
Dana has assembled them- He roads
letter received from the Mandl, exciting
the hearers to the wildest frenzy. They
dans, yell and clamor to attack without
delay. The spy's lde was only sated by
a friendly rebel, who protected him,
having received favors in Suakin at his
hands. He was unable to move from the
tent, but finally escaped on foot.
Tout to rAtaL..
Losidea, Marsh 1.-Denpatehss from
` tehekilet .toee that a battle teed all d.y
yeelmd•J. The rebels fought desperate
toly. and immerse ambers d Nem were
he shot down. The Briteli fought -in aa
84 .Moog smeare and the rebels were beaten
re at every point. Specials to the Tdeynarli
sly the British were everywhere victori-
ous in yesterday's battle.
Tsiakitat, March 1. -Rebels were
found in force with two guns at the old
het three miles from Fort linker. Firing
on both sides rad lasted a lung
The rebels were repulsed after
1,000 were killed. Th. British loss is 10
killed, tad 40 wounded. The Gordon
Highrsders formed the dream square
wits two Gatlin,' guns and one Gardiner
on the right corner, and two Oardiners
and one Gatlin. gun on the left. The
gakh Regiment formed on the right side
of the square, with the Bieck Watch
regiment in the roar. The whole stritt
of the British was lessthan 4,000.
Human acted as scouts. The rebels is
swarms occupied high ground in front
and on the flanks. They retired slowly
m NE
e nglish approached. After an
advance of three miles the earthworks of
the rebels came in sight. The guns were
mounted, and standards *pig. The
British stepped forth as if un holiday
and Highlanders footing cheerily. They
advanced till they were within 800 )ands
Suakin', March ° -The British troops 'stub! cootie to see de tame s,onery of and rusted
sugar mill was standing surrounded by a
h t de rend 'gracefullyretracting its statement it
• Teseeetie Wbe •raw tl lanesw as SSW*
am Rus,
'Yes, sir,' said the Amelia aillirs-
eat% as b ewes hd the bin d lore is
a Pbiaies els, 1 delight is travel
When I was a bei working fur two diger.
• w..$, I had Yr fait what a pend
tthhiuns� . wand be if I W many and
seal travel d ewer the world. I rah
solved thea that if ever I b*ws wish I
week' has theme ad plasm et tits earth.
Weil, Leads a.d lore I am at
Res on my tar el,e�a.[aliam When
.s Amebas titian. .M, nob obs trees'
has M bias kis aisstry, big m it is, is
Me small to k.W
'Yost your cusaty ens • bin sentry.
said bra Freed* agaaiataroe, who sat
opposite to him.
•Big county,' exdaiesed the Aomori -
ma, striking the table with iia hand
'it is the biome couatq in the
'I ve bees there,' said the Freshman
'it is fall d weaderfal sights ; Niagara,
for iastasoe-'
'Netter saw it,' said the Ameriesm :
'never could 6ediim. to visit it.'
'And d. Yosemite Valley,' ourtiotsed
the Frenchman.
Never had a chases to go there,' mid
the American.
'And de Yellowstone Park.'
'Heard lots about it, bat never could
find tiese to visit it'
'And de Mammoth Cave of Kentucky.'
'Blamed if I ever thought of visiting
D. Palisades of de Hudaoe-'
'Whew ! did intend to see them, but
always had w muck to look after you
know, and'—
'And the scenery magnifigus at the
Whit. Monntauts-
'Never could find time to take a trip
up there.'
'Of course you have seen de Thousand
Islands and de rapids of de St. Lawrence
Lake George, ace Champlain and all
dose beautiful places r
'Never had time to visit any of those
places Always/td too much business
t,n hand.'
Daewoo Irma
IitgleMed sada are the fatal Nit that
et ensu S mug a visite bagged paeiNilMy
d reawe, Mae a said we .ott�e ia time
and it is stilly sand by ting tris
sad plmmat vegetable re sily,Htpaed's
Pedant Balsam. dear" bruzabitis
h.1 sons
1t �' Wong Whitson. !
♦ new gory is 6.1-4 of Artemis Wean,
when M•p+ag .s • ins eseShses
red aeon after the war. tan the eon
raaatdt d 'Dew til railroad ssemsasy
anew pamee�g s. give kakis*, tf they
d* se is • r.ap.sgrnl ..anew r The .ua-
duger r,plisJ is tames that hs
so. 'Weill, Arima• went on,
'1h. eswred to ate it would be well to de -
task the sow -sister from the treat 1
the aegis. and l itch it to the tsar d the
Oath Fur you see we are not liable to
overtake a sow, and what's to prevent a
ouw strolling into this car and biting t
peasouper 1'
• cunt Dr Calk loess. elle.
Th. bead healing compound under the
MO is M.Oregor t Parka's Carbolic Gr-
ate There is no .ore bet will suesantb
to its woeder/ul berlieg properties. 1t
is an invaluable draining fur scalds, fes-
terror*, etc, Price 26 ants at G. Eby
ori drug stuffs. b Mees tin".
From the many remarkable curse
wrought by using MoOregor s Speedy
Cure for Indigestion, Coodu-
patioo ao A onion of the liver, and
frons immense sale of it without any id -
reneging, we have concluded to plow it
extensively on the market, so that those
who .ii sr may have a perfect cure. Go
to G. Rhythm' drug store and get a trial
bottle free, or the regular miss at 800.515
and $1. a
• Mtaalaa ..b*b..
The organ d Sir John Maodo°ald in
this city does not take its snubbing with
dignity. It made • great mistake in
charging Mr. Blake with trying to buy
the French Tory vote,u of
—.....sem �..
Fashionable Tailor,
of the rebels' position, to where an old
number of huts, and where a.. shots were exchanged with the enemy,
fort with two guns. The rebels opened when 4,000 rebels holding the town fled.
the battle with shell from a Krupp sun I Oman I1t is encamped eight miles
captured from the Egyptian.- The shell : Yea pet g
paled wide over the square. The next I from herr, and a battle with him is ex -
two shots bunt stow to the British, i peer'' when the British troops return.
wounding several. The rebels maintain- i THE t:KITI.H 14./1:AXB.
,,s.d a rattling fuelled* with small &ruin- All reports comrne°d the steadiness
One of the Gonion Highlanders was the with which the Itritish troops moved on
int to fall, badly wounded. The Euz- i Tel.. The square in which they advise -
hob advanced steadily. without answer- I ed was never broken.
ing fire till they passel the north face of REEL CLU' K.
the rebel works. Here a piece of shell
The determination and bravery of the
wounded Baker in the face and twenty rebels was *hewn when they were charg-
men were fait. After an echelon of 1,000 t ed by the cavalry, when great numbers
entered Tukar at noon Saturday. A few
Europe when }..0 haven seen g
scenery and de w.,oiers of your own made matters worse by repeating it. It
country ! is not often that a Conservative member
•Because I'w a danged fool. I.11 go stands up in the House and charges the
right home on the nett boat. A man Conservative organ with an attempt at
who bast. • been arty further East than blackmail, as Mr. Ouimet did. The
Swampecutt nor any further West than Meita threat to speak out plainly here -
North Adaues in his own country has no after, when &Beelihd by friends d the
business in Lurope.' party, goes for t•thieg. It is a party
organ and must do the paet� s bidding.
The Lindsay Post says :-"Wanted,at Fur it to By into a pes.on' bemum it is
this printing office, an intelligent, active not to be permitted to slander Mr.Blake
boyto learn the printing trade, To a without its owe friends riming in their
lad who wants to learn a good trade at sats and refuting the sla*deri.ckild'ah.
which he can work winter and summer-[Torento Telegram.
and make full t 'ut- and be free from the
Has tie rood Aaaoetinont of Goode for nil West to Cho* Thos.
'r lF
.d Nobby Bit at a blo �3oe,
• CALL int
—ETTI -H D RC1" N2,,OP.
At the Oldest letablishe{6Moe Btore fa Town,
In Endless Variety,
yards a halt was entered and the met '
threw themselves upon their lacks on tap.usr ...t, ing a Litodituets, as in BASHER'S TmTttloxT. =-`For a
directed to lie down It was noonday ' thr urouu'. and speared the horses ..f otic. r trades, chip is a fair opportunity. Cough, Cold or any Bronchital afecion.
and clear, anal rhes, wind disperas$ the I the tro•..yen se they dashed over them. But, jememhrr, boys. the boy who is "Pectoris," ie m7 opinion, is last Ne
smote a the bre, digcloosing .the f�e'l lr I tired of 'going t.. vote's , and thinks he thing. I have steed it in my legally for
movements. I THE M tEcH To Tu►Alc
- net.% M-aln_i o. not w:.ntcd, TPfe'btyr COteghs for the /oar years
Nuakina M*rch :-Thetuarch to Toku 'get him some- wi}h the s fad
THE RKITi+H ()PINED rIK[ 1 wh.•*e street, wan[ to ,
with guns and �I-trtini rifles, utu*inq the was accumplishedin four hours from Teb. where where he'll be out of mischief and day my opinion of it is that I continue
label fire to rtpt by slacken and almost The Arabs lust 1,100 wen dead an the .;tf tar streets'- Is Lot the boy se need. t.. think still more of that which I bahan
omen At this the bugles again sounded at Teb, besides •runs and other Nur the boy who '•wants• jolt till spring thi..king well of.
an dentate. The troops nose, wheeled munitions. Their whole camp, includ- opens up. Nur the boor who only thinks Geo.KEELManager Ontario Bank,
ung 37., trnta and many camel, was ars..he Il have • good chance to see the shows Ptekerusg•
to the centre of the actuate, and ap-
proached taken. ..nduiun of the tamp show-
the row). works. The rebels The uon comp- tickets for hen vet mighty few Price 25 cents at all druggist. m
vthre to no milit,udf order, but scattered ed that the Arab• relied upon being of them- Nor the bot "who'd as lief A wide Awake OnellWir•
bowl and"th Agri* take advantage' s-mctvrinus- (leu. siesta. ..,.will ,en a try it as anything else. Thew are nutol j- Wilstts ,. always .live W' hit bata-
of the abendaill cover which the ground puri .f tn. Iesrruc.0 o. rtnku r wanted. But a lion who is old enough'. y
afforded. They clung to their position
and deatnop the whale and furtifieation
Admiral Hewitt led the marines in the
attar[ on Teb.
Queen Victoria gent a telegram con-
gratulating the troops on their victory.
Gen. Graham telegraphs : `Tokar
he been relieved. The rebels held the
town since Feb. 16, oppr.miag the garri-
son and inhabitants. The rebels fled to
the mountain. The rebel guns at Teb
were served by Egyptian soldiers
Suakim, March 2. - When Baker
Pasha returned to Trinkitat after the
battle, the soldiers and sailors stationed
there heartily cheered him. He was s,
severely wounded as to be unable to.
tc snit the agog fastidious and th meet ecoaumis Myer
Is sow complete, and I take pleasure in informing m eugomwe that M .. pre:
vials rise have I W set a
There were 2,000 rebels directly in
front, while many hundreds hung around
two sides of the square as the British
moved forward, tiring as they advanced.
The reales, armed with',p.ars and huge,
cross -hilted swords, rose .,rtrithin 200
yards of the advancing lines and rushed
against the British at breakneck speed,
The rebels fell right and left, though
some of the brave fellows reached within
Eye paces of the square. They only fell
back soddenly when they were forced.
Having cleared the ground in front with
their Martini rifles, the British attacked
the fort Col. Burnaby was the first to fs..cb teweyerer •lea la the A'""'•meant the parapet, firing a double -bar. glee woiw.
ruled shot -span into the enemy. Around —
the works the rebels fought with ruinous Canada has furnished the American
energy, and northwest with quite a number of news-
paper men, among whom are J ore h
Wheelock, the talented editor of the St.
Paul Pioneer -Prean, who is a "Blue-
nose ;" Col. Stevens, agricultural editor
of the Minneapolis Farmer's Tribune ;
Prof. W. R. Dohbyn. editor of The Min-
nebahan ; S. Merin. editor and proper
ter of the Minnesota Methodist ; W. B.
MacDougal, editor and pmpnetor of the
Northwest Trade List ; A. C. Jordan,
editors' staff Minneapolis Tribune ; the
Jaffray Brna, J. P., R. M., and E. 0., Two „f his ribs were broken, and he was
of the Canadian Lon ,editor lad'', on bis lois ebereldero Ito
Long Prtiru Hilal ; W. E. Mac�ettzle. is now confined to his bed in a vs in -
proprietor St. Hilaire Spectator -all in my Pl
Minnesota In Dakota the following
scnbes hail from the land of the maple
Tors ua[uu GAY[ w -.Y leaf ; J. S. Saul; editor and proprietor
tad bolted outright. Gatling guns and Jamestown Daily Capital ; George W.
Martini rifles had caused great havoc Winship, editor and proprietor Grand
there. The British pursued the rebels as Feels Herald ; 1. H. Brock, assistant
they fell bask and advanced as far as the editor Grand Forks Herald ; M. N. and
fresh water well..•1 Teti, where the rebs R. H. Young, Pembina Pioneer -Express;
made their last vaned. Sheikhs. who ad- Mr. Upham. News and Times. Grafton
sassed empty tt or i d to show that they
bore domed liar*, were stricken down
with bayonet thrusts. The Highlanders
11 the next esitheork. cap'uring
1IitM guns. At the end of Lour h cars
.dteous lighting the ftriti.h gained 1..4.-
lestion of the nolo' eamt• •.1 hut' and
wogs. The avalry on the richt flank eminently ..mal and highlyeducated
ob•,gd the retiring rebels, who did not the Mt Cloud Times. Monticello Times,
States eminently
Maine. Rhode )eland and New
bars, bet wet the trooper* trio. n•oie and Like City Graphic, all in Minnes ta, Hs.hire thele has been of late one
earn them. giving b'ow Inc blow. err C*t, relians- (l,andian American. mq,
divorce to every ten marriages. The two
A erLtxn1D DI.PAT or HEROtvu Th.- T •runto .\-.ora says : -it is at - m•.at counties mimiessewite in-
waa mde by threemounted rebels They flounced that twee James Dumprrton creased their divorcees, iu ten years, fifty
rsadotly maintained their ground , Smith has protested against the return per cent. faster than their mammas. in
ti Muiu the shtick of two cavalry changes of Mr Lyon for Algoma. The grounds Chicago. Louisville and Connecticut, the
ftj Use third charms they were cut down, fur protest umbrae, every manner of ratio is smrtwwhat lower, but in Rats
but est before they had killed several ernes known to we hinted at in the elee- . Francisco and iuu chanties in • nzmher
MSS and wounded Col. Barrow with tion law, and the chanter aro levelled "f States cat is as Into. as 1 to h.
their rpssta Th. enemy retired sullen- chiefly a.ainet Messrs. Mowat, Pardee, ! - . - • - _ . _
ly, awl is eoa..gaene. the British kept Hardy and Yuuna. Thom is ,m• nom. Tbar.a•g, oar es.
Up their *Waft for a Long time after the M. nnmissinn, the petitioner doe. not { T. W- Aitkins, (irsrd, Kwrites
Heinen d the day had hoer, decided. claim that Mr. Plummer is entitled to •1 mover hesitate to reonntaeerat yolk
lb. seeds taker. inns Baker Praha Lbw most That Nits stake matters on- Eteenri. Hitters toi hay, they
wero, t a Mtge measure recovered- pleasant fir Mr. Plummer and Mr. rove enure .Mistmeti.•n and are rapid
MOS aamws ernes. KILLED. Meredith's amp followers, wire tappers sellers' tleetris Bitter• are the parent
Ie.mdM Musk '1 -t Megan. ,r and letter weaken" Deaperton knows lead hest medicine kers., and will pogo.
ewnugh i have th t end .of the dine tir•lrver. tidmiely and twee wontplsiaw
e the war
(hies states that four ete1„R P.tiiy thebleed and n.g.We the bawds
.1 the English form were killed. n. d.tA1 tit warranted at St. Mary's in felgil ale Word so hs wiMnot taws
ispeseer orreQ~ w°w"1161*. fleapits'. Wiaapen. e. the lath, 1 They will ewe o.sdrti 1 della, la,
1 ilex dltpatwh fees Oen. Graham Albert Hwtgtta., aged !3, turtn.rly 1 M
dser'a bilge .�e7 yew WE age Mae.
steles aim tawi.M woman. Erm�,B, a balls by J. Wilts (I)
1411•[A r.i
talk place. At last the British gained
pomeesien of the fort. They captured
two Krupp guns at once turned them
spinet the enemy, but the Arabs still
eosuaf.d every inch. They wou'4 not
submit t.i be driven ofi They could
only be killed. The British next direct-
ed their attention to an old sugar mill -
.. brick building containing an iron bed-
ew. This they stormed, and succeeded
is aish,dgging 200 rebels, who hoped the
fort and chained hum every opening.
At 10 o'clock. after an hour of intense
fighting -
to see and active enough to do something
toward er-rning his support and picking
up atrde for the future can come right
along if he s the stuff. if he isn't -well,
th-ere are openings always coming up in
the rag business."
Club 5.te..
We hare unade arrangements to club
Tint SIGNAL with city papers at the rata
given below
ani Daily World
Weekly (;1ob. 2.25
Mail . 2.25
" Advertiser .. 2.25
Crumbed by ebe rase.
A little son of John Spinks, Toronto,
had his foot crushed by a G. T. R. express
train some time ago. Two doctors at-
tended him without benefit, rad ampu-
tation was proposed, but Harvard's Y el -
low Oil was tned,whieh effected a speedy
cure. even removing all stiffness of the
joint. 2
Wm. Donaghy, at one time of the
Goderich Mar, excise officer at Walker's
distillery, met with a serious accident
the other day He was pulling on a
lever on a pair of stales, when it broke,
and he fell backward. down a pair of
stairs, a distance of seven or eight feet•
ful and critical condition.
At this season of the year there should
be a bottle of Peet iia in every house.
it is unequalled ter Coughs Colds and
Hoarseness, is pleasant, equally safe for
children. Price 25 cents at all drug.
gists m
The Governor of Rhode Island in his
Mr, Duffy, Herald, Grafton. The pro- resort• to the Legislature, says that the
prietur ..f the Billings, Montana, frost, increase in proportion of divorcee to
J. D. Matheson, is an old Ontario jour marriages, in the State. 1. abrinsely
pallet, and the Herald of the same cite a starling, and rseommn.nds, as a check to
in the hounds of another Canuck, Mr.
Devine, and still another, 3. P. Panton,
is telegraph editor ..t the Daily Miner,
Butte. The editors and proprietors of
the growing evil, that testitnuny in di-
vorce trials be heard in open cnurt. The
New England Divorce Reform League
states et its circular that so the three
I.* ,
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have Diad the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Prise an
itis a polities feet tbM so such value in foot wear era be got elsewhere
new, and spares no pains to secure the
bat of every article in his line. He has
sec'ired the agency for the celebretedDr
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
the only certain cure known for Con-
sumption, Coughs, Cold. Hoarseness,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, er any
affection of the Throat and Lung. Sold
on a positive guarantee. Trial battles
tree. Regular sins $L00. (3)
During the windstorm .t Walkerton
on Thursday last. shortly after dinner a
young man named David Best was killed
on the outskirts r Walkerton by the of a barn door. He was
loading per, when the door blew shot,
and struck him on the bead with such
violence that he was killed instantly.
Best was a angle man thirty years of
A Gym* tisseevery
That is daily bringing toy to the bones
of thousands by saving many of their
dear ones from an early grove. Truly is
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Cod. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in
the Throat, Pain in Side and Chat, or
any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a
positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot-
obtles free at J. Wilson's Drag Stant Large
size 111.00. (6)
A all has been aimed for a mass eon-
vetition of people interested in all indus-
trial interests of the tinned States to be
held in Chicago May 21st.
•mem'* nom usataaing
Is the only instantaneous relied for"Ne.-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, .to. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, bot one minute's applie tion
removes all pain and will prove thereat
value of Kraut's Fluid Lightaing. 25
cents per bottle at George Ebyooi drug
storm. b
Two coaches of a Denver bound Colo-
rado Central train were blown front the
track in the vicinity of
Two ladies were slightly bermed.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce a case of Neer,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that 11..-
inc Bitten will not speedily stow- Bring
them along, it will ones you aotlisr for
the medicine if it tails to euro, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides. A11 Blood dieser,,, Bilious•
nags. Jaundice. Constipatisr, lad Rene
nil debility are quickly shared. $Midae-
tion gura.teed .w mossy rehmtted
Price only fifty eo.a per bottle. !hitt
sale by J. Wilson.
Tbowsaads bear witness te the }ors-,
tits ecrative powers of the Ossa* Ont.
aka Ievrooasroa, Chep .allyy remedy
debe'Ihy, ewnisall has permed itself week �gamma
ere. , sail all ammo tie stirs falwm eta
abuse or overtaxed binin, isslly saJtag
in eensnrnpaais, insanity aid a piens-
Mei east.. Veld by .5 elresttitt., er
will be sen/ Gus en reetipt of $1* per
bra, ow sit looses ler $S Midas
Owner, Tale, OMI. ado Via tor
the MAW stetio had tee algeblr
owl h Mynah 0 d goodee tis. O«
every rade dill receives my prompt and careful attention, sad will b. We tri,
in the mod approved styles by Wet -rhes workings, rad
of the very best material obtainable -
E_ D0 -VT N I N G --
A full line of alehe ,Letading Patent Medicine e:always kept on hand
(Abjltt'eiags Prescriptions a Bsity.) .
W@C ia-t asp
Big L. •anomie* to the Public that thehave opened business fa the above Star
in the store Istey oaopiad by Horace Newton. Maria" purchased a barge and
well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are due[sits
to giro the Public tbs.-bereet.
fa -Plasm call and examine our goods before pe cbaatng elsewhere.
jtlRemember the plass, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
,Custom work will receive our spacial attention.
.po/'•Neos bet the bed of material used and first -chem workmen employ d.
. 'Rmpairing neatly done on the shortest notice
Ooderieb, Marsh ll 1882, DOWNING & W EDDUF
REMO v ED_ 0
3ld3t334.CIW T TAILOR,
Has Removed to Hamilton -8t., Near the Square, Godstioh
Oants' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prioam
m TZARS FirneetmC1. ai.Tfms< A arwti*.TT. rnarecr row *ARAM .
Mae rs.srfiI ATTtta.t. TO. MOTS Tai Ae1./Oa $
,.. ivy,. •c.
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
ineet;/nl eiders. see at prteathe d zsws. maelirreemars.assellanal eM them ler
The Lilesi Haig 1, Pans aid P
AT 1317T E W
naeofa.rOilians M
Sark, Doors & Blinds
maims m aid. HOMO M
Lumber, Lata, Nautili)*
sad beIt.11 smolartal at overt asaenetbn.
UUSS. ,g 1111 t Miff
ar Ogees pronspgr erosible i..
Beiesbh. Aur IMIL IMO
Eye, Ear and Throat
gam. •sees. T.r.mse..M•.
sialtsaem� M4a•�-
lb Lit f i Bury Mk
Tums M MIL