HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-29, Page 8.'•r+••+�a4 tl: . \tip.: i AninInr Viet Ltlelsi . Tei "17Ta."---St Patrick s de will D. Cum sad John Homan are be celebreted at St. Augu.tuae 'll, •) Dow n• inferior of the oberch, Wawanesb, by high amass, sad a I seas hall painting temper - u.• by Rev. G. It Northgravee The sax deighk.ada .d young people from this section made up the surprise party at the meow, (Jwlerich, last ween. Sana Potter, of Butternut Row, bad his bwgtr .,ut fur a drive on day heat week. 1'be first wheel of 1884 for this section. sheer, toner the leadership ••f Miss Hus- sey, wiU Meet •w the occasion. B. N. K"MAY a1tttlar.i.--(lis Friday strewing neat, the i th of March w enter- tainment .111 be hek+ in the Temperance hall under the auspices of the Union Sunday tiobeul. A number of readings, ramtatiotr, wags, eta, will be given. Several speakers will also be present A lecture on "Good Save the Queen" by Rev. T. 11. Campbell, will be the chief attraction of the evening. The wdmis- sion has been placed at 20c. Zltlgsl•idge. Mies Kate (nthn has returned to her home at Goderich. Dennis Sullivan and sister were bait• ing friends in Wawatnosh. One day last week Mrs. D. Hurley presented her husband with a tine baby boy. An lieu ►us. Wave -IMO. --I ant re- quested by the Kingsbridge dobatine eo ciety to send au invitation fur a debate with the Leeburn club. Come,Leeburn, trot out your orators. ooto0YRIL Doeald McMurchie hu gone to Ne- braska to aw his sou James, who has bees living there for the last two yearn D. Baer lost a tine calf &few days ago. It got fast in the stable and falling nit os head broke its neck. Adam Akam who had his hand stuck with a pitchfork about the middle of December, has not been able to work sines. The revival meetings being hold at Fisher's corner." are in a flourishing state. Several oonvereonaare reported We learn that Janie* Clarke, who lives near Dunlop, had he Dollar bone broken on Saturday last, by his hones running away while he was hauling firewood Petra Font.. -We are glad to learn of the success AL./antes Cottle at the Iluron Poultry Show recently held in Staforth. He won three Mut prises and two se- conds-tire in all. He has some choice birds. Mr. Butt, an uncle of J. H. Elford, visited bun last week. Mr. and Mrs. Woods are visiting at 8. Halstead's, on the Maitland con. Special services are still continued in the Methodist church in this village and Nisch good is being done. • o. Quite s nuiebtr of tee• were employ- eddses weehi'in drawing square timber out of John Dempsy s woods to Clinton, for shipment. Mn. Lubb,of this village, s at present suffering front the effects of a fall .,whish." she received in going down tae steps of. her house. We hope to shortly hear of her recovery. J. N. 11111 has given up business, he having disposed of his stock to his suc- cessor, J. L. l'urtice, who new has p„os- ',session and will attend to the wants of the public. tVe welcome hint to our village. Robs Taylor, of the Huron fivad,who met with the runaway accident some time ago, is, we are happy to state,so far recovered as to be able to le 'around again, but not to perform any work. His beck is still very weak and it will be some time ere be fully recovers from the effect of the accident. • THE H U ICON SIGNAL FRIAY. FEB. 29, l 884. Belfast Mrs. Phillips home and let is this place are sow offered fee Sala Mrs. Joseph Currie left on Thursday last for her home in Wisrton. Mies Watkins, of the vicinity of Clin- ton, is visiting at Geo. M. Kay's. Mies Kate Alton hes returned from visiting friends ear Pine River. Michael Gilmer, of Lane., IS Dell at- tending the Goderich High School Mr. Crosby, uur blacksmith, Is to all appositions doing a good business. Mies Elisa Hackett is visiting her sinter Mrs. C. Barber in W ingham. embaltly. Mr. Powell has removed to Ids farm on the Lake Range, lately occupied by John titnth, now of Whitechurch. A teauteetnig is to be held in the C. P. Church, hue River, on Tuesday evening. March the fourth. A number of reed gentlemen is expected to enter- tain the audience. Music to be furnish• ed by an efficient choir under the leader- ship of Prof. Marshall. A pleasant nine u expected. We are pleased to learn that several of our young people a.• organiziov it 1. t). G. T. Lodge in the Meridian Temple. hate perpetua. Manic). Our engineer is making a local reputa- tion u a crayon artist. Mrs. Headsmen, of Goderttb, was visiting friends here last week. The young lady who arrived at Jaynes Tobin's last wen will become $ perma- nent resident We are not without municipal honors, Robert Quaid having been appointed pathmastar, and John Shaw fenceviewer for the year. The "Snip" -Alex. McLaren, of the saline uill&ge, has taken up his residence hen, and will open a tailor shop. He will shakily make an official suit of dark bluster our constables summer wear. 1 1112011111-DKTBCTITB. Sow a Hamilton ••Speotator At - 1■■ le my. The evideses of t!w rr■eppaartt�err Iib. enstnble and D. B. 14=, , pentameter, was taken, sad Martin was eusaattted for trial The postmaster l teSttde l that Martie had bees io the ha - 1 tut of garb lettere addressed to W. L taohe Nabbed a Blyth Owned. Martin dues not bear s per - Dealer in "Queer." ocularly good reputation locally, and many have thought home time bask that j he was the "gown' person, for the mat- ter has beep an upon secret around there , Ina Iuag time. It es freely stated that other are mixed up with bin. Neither 1 eoeaterfeit eaoon, MX ctreulata were found nI his premises when the constable !res Use Leedom hes Pres made search. He took Nis .aamanatioo Fur setae time past it has been known cuuuy• and didn't some the slightest bit A t arfaa d wharf Dees wee MMea e. IWe1nti Mw. to the Poet l)fhee Inspector u( this dieworried st the serious charge. He Mat - trice that an Individual in Blyth was on. ed an the hotel mom that he bad been aged in "crooked work,,' more especial- carrying this on for a year sad a -half. t, in the issuance ..f euunterfeit bills,I He said be gut American greekack. and Canadian and American The n■sbu photo graphed the faces u( Canadian bin* of letters pining through the mails to au that the difference was imposihle to the address of "W. A. Garland" was so detect, unless a backer by chance streak large that the attention of the postal two with smiler numbers. authorities was called to the tact, and et- nem the Ilamlltue spectator. forts were made with the view of captor- It is believed that Martin has no court- ing the "craok ' and his oompwloos. torten ntuuey at all. and that his game beset the P. ll. In- all eine • has net. nothing but ehnwd plying on human gullibility. Hie scheme was a simple nue. It required nothing but a foul to work on mod make a victim of. 1f a man went to Blyth to see him he would produce his negative and (.lobe item and owl off his yaru The difficulties which>, ng Spector were w numerous that he was forced to relinquish the search for a time, and since then his departmental duties have prevented him from paying that m- utation to the fraud which the extent 4.1 the operations demanded. A Hamilton Spectator reporter, who was shown one about nut bnugang any usual., with hnu, of the circulars of Garland, has been en- benne of the suspicion of people in gaged in workiug up the case, and ou that locality. Then he would ask his Monday night succeeded in ferreting out I intended yenta to leave acn me moey the "fake." The Ent intimation he with bile acid be would fucwari the acquire of the game was the perusal of ' counterfeit goods in a day or two. if the folluwing circular, in the hands of the fellow was fool enough to do it, he Mr. George Lee, of Hamilton :- would whistle for the stuff He could D&AII 81&.- My confidential shiest gave me ' de nothing ; be uuuld get Do satafacttun your name. be said you was a Man of /0'W- , or rerun, ao any way, because, as lir. mow and in a position to handle our 04.101N3 in safety. !time have made • mistake du us iso Martin truly observed, the men who m harm and let the atter drop. Never try to ' bought the looney wasequally liable w injure • mwho is willies to Drone himself with the Seller, and would not move your Mend. The articles we deal in are i ous'ss.d Twu'aof the Dominion of Canada.i against bite for fear of convicting hue- ose'u and swo'a United Stets Treasury ! salt This view a the case is borne out note.• ►IVL$ end Tata of the Bank of Mon- mat and Commerce. They are fur •rer7 by information that carte to the rep.rter. practical purpose as good as the genuine arts- •� cle. and there is not three experts In Canada who can detect them. The bu.iseee is perfect - Some time ago a young man in orunto sent him $10 for the $100 sample A Sall has been Weed for • teens ous- ennue of people interested in all indite - trial interests mf the United l!dtates to be Mkt in Cb.esg.o May 2l.t Two enchea of • Deaver hound Colo- rado Coatsl train were blown from the track is the vanity ..1 Gnngpetown Two ladies were alightly burned trees 1 oco*.-t)aaT■rt'L Aso t'oIninei- i!ru. - "By a thorough awowle4ae ut the matu- red law• wbaub ,tiers Ibe oper.tiuea of dlavetluc sad maritime. aid b a careful ro • prIn.atlua .of the due properties of wen- 'el..,twd Coosa, Mr. Lippe der provided our breakfast tables with a dslMstdy savoured bc,enure which a save as many beau, d.store bills. It u br the Jtdu•Mw use of such.rticlreof diet that • usastltutiom may he gradually belt up aattI strews eaouugsb to r•etst every teade.ey to dunes.. Hundreds of subtle maladies are aunties around us ready to arta. it wherever there is a week t. We way .-.tees many s fatal ai.ah by Fte* ourselves well fortified with pured and a properly nourished frame.' -{Y ra ttirrvior Ouse/tr. Made simply withla water or milk. Sold oil In t'a.-kbetior. a T4 ylh Aad Ib.:, by (lunars. I*MII.d "James Prr. & t;o.. Hos.m .pathic Chemists. Leaden Pas." Mita. At Lansdowne (ansa. Deslwp, ea the lite lent., the wtte ..f James Tobin t f a daughter. In Oodertch. on Thursday. ?le Inst.. the wife of Wm. Brophy. d.eon. la Auburn, on tae IMh inst.. the wile of Jas. Nixon. to • daughter. n shamus. •)a Peb,h.. by the ger. J. Caswell. Aatsael dnt10tt H. itattbrw. of the NUL to Mile Mars Jane Hasty. of % aw.ee.►. ata. In Goderirb. on Naturdap. February 33rd. 1361• Thome". sound son of Miebeel Serino. aged 3 year. and eaves maalae. esedereea ■M7ees. Ooesueu. Feb. 1*, 1666. Wheat. I Fall' a b.:. b. ......... Sq ta Wheat. ldprineitto 1 '•tisk. 1 1e /lour. I berrrl.. i •e Oat le bash Pea& p bush el Barley. p bush ..a Potatoes Y busk ue n i0 :iier. i �... ::......... a ie Ifalt ti dos. lenpwoawr:' o is gm!! >M0 70 11 orte p cwt .............. 0 WO ly safe. but like aU other large paying space- Martin packed a cheap door lock in a tin 'atoms mot exactly legitimate -I package and sent it by express to the Wood.... ,...................... - Sit We will deliver the s to you exnenr- Made.. ....•.:. Sip •µ,r, and we you 'army out of town before young fellow C. 0. D., h10. The young etupees me.......... •• ... • _ •' c, se asking you for one cent. ( man took at out, and a doer -knob worth Haas tett tett... tett a W If you are willing to engage in the business 1 olv :00 cents, eat cat ham j'h►. Lan u a write to one- and 1 will lead yen full parties- J Davis, 1 the constable, u Lato price and bow you n And we. aures t' Yours. confident tally. W. A. OAr - SULPHUR IRON BITTERS will air. overseen', tosrtbas, t, lodes,mer brio dewsCOWkeel se ptaui;, awl other wasting dusaesa SULPHUR IRON BITTERS .orir!ea t!oe N•..1 e..-1 'marines the 'velem; clic*w a:e.e•. lash .f •.iqi y. 4.-. •Try a Let.:-•. sUL�h!1R !ROi'J BITTERS e$ 110 d 1 17 A J 60 n' t''.e car�y nrm 110"4"1"n"'n "bat r 0 7t r'• t Galt d the teeth. goal Mil • 0 30 "Aamiss beadache or osastiretieso 0 td •• other Iwo p icl•ata:10 a• n e tie 0 I* 0 Wo 12 o06 1711 1Oe le • 4 S se ere a ORUM BOILER J011.1 l authority for the truth of this Story. G Barth P. O. Another instance is worth telling. A An effort was made to Itr.cure Inform•- dew days ago a young luau went to Blyth Have Just revel, et a Isere shock of then from Itlyth in revanl to Garland,Itb. •reLmg Martin went up to meand put up at the Commercial hotel. In - BRASS= IRON but very little was known apparently. in Irelation to the "crook," who was thought •Atm. hen he tame down shortly to have a ,nfederatea. The Spector"( re- afterwards he flourished a roll of bills in STEAM'IFITTIPIGS run -- porter hit upon the plats of sending de- the bet, and spent agood deal of mousy. j J OILERS & ENGINES coy letters to Garland, and, in the lang- i The young man kept his room closely more of the street, he "didn't tumble to j and left on the early morning train eard the racket," but wrote a couple of ane- south The constable had h of it ern in which he are instructions as to He followed haw, searched him thorough- I Oatlew, presumed that Martin got the young i bogus money was enjoined W use a +fellow to put up, promising to send on g lyand found no bogus money. it is ' how he should act when he arrived at y Blyth, .*tc., etc. The sender after the The trustees of 8. R. No. 3, have en -1 gaffed.Ales_'Wat.on as assistant teacher for the remainder of the year. � -W. are gid to learn that Mw gre i Tewsley, who bas been ill fix obs last few weeks, is recovering. _ _ ��°� Morris, the newly electdd as- 4wor ., starting Apt en his roundel insf daya 6iS::2 nes SOLD. -Mr. Blew, of the !Rh i black -bordered envelope, not to sigh his the queer in a day on r two, which bears name, but to use the numeral "48" as a signature. We wall let the reporter tell words -- Cp to the last few months he has been out t e idea that he had no bogus money an -1 merely traded on credulous human - how he entrap[ed the fellow is iia own sty. "The rwpprter hardly knew what to Poor ; since then be has blo.momed forth brake of the 'mun comication. He' was as a mooned bursts and hio,f otus tender pretty 'well satisfied from the general the loving rays • the Junes■D. He has tone of it, that the man had no bad furnished his house handsomely, got in a con. of Colborne, Sold his faint of ;:o mueey and that his sole idea was to work acres to his neighbor, Owes. Junes j the $10 racket. When he got the money Alex. Young has purchased another he would let the sender whistle for short -born Durham bull calf from T. I tin sealed package, and as express in - Roes, of East Wawanosh. The animal sanctions were given not to register the took neutral first prizes at the shows j letter, even if the queer money did come last fall. for the 810 sent, he would be no nearer what he wanted than before. It was al- together probable, he thtinght, that if he went up to Blyth, 'Garland would fall to show up and his time and 'storey in going up would be spent on the finding of • fine, big mare's nest. But this was Lochalsh. We are pleased to note that Miens Eliza and Lottie Chambers have recoved from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. j ceasethe only way he mw .l getting at the J Cameron leaves this Dlace this week an at all. There was just a chance • for Knoxville, Iowa. He 'takes with e might show up, aha ne tmalgnt Auburn. him an entire horse, purchased from it better to take that chance than give John Gentles, of Kincardine. • • ..r the thing up nth o►ether. if the letter Aad 1 tendId i been A committee from the county council, with an engineer from Toronto, examin- ed the piers of the bridge last Fnday, in view of the erection of • new bridge next spring. We lost two families by removal from our village on Monday. Jos. Lawson goes to Clinton and Walter King to Blyth. The Auburn house changed hands last week, Mr. Nicholson disposing of the Property to Jos. Fisher, of God.rich. p The new owner takes ossesaion March 20th. Price paid, $4,000.On Monday evening the regular snow] meeting of the foible Society will be held i■ the Church of Envleud. Rev. li