HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-29, Page 7run einO Fancy.
It is • had day whom an ice armies/
it. lett.
The speech snip is • leiter ui Parlia-
• hone might to gain is weight wben
loi is led.
The teeth blow -An undertaker's ad-
A flowing eown should be made of
watered silk, of amnia
• cold wave -the lapping of • frusen
&hest on the
•Playiag hinikey' --The Gorr that Omens
• terrier over the gardsu
matetapii on • Mortuois .. • emninitted
: 'He had thirteen wives.'
Oirls, this is thy year fa you. When
you give • youug emu slippers, give him
'Birds in their hiLL. mote mires.' If
they didn't agree they would fall out.
Elisineier juke.
!TOM the conibinatiou of leap year and
• sold winter most every girl has chips
on bar baud&
is said that old maids oan write the
beat love tales, bemuse their idea 01 5.,.
ie all lamination.
It is not mach of a compliment after
all to say that a 115I1 el sound. Some
men are 'bathing but sound.
It being leap year, men who advertise
fog repeals should rue cis, caution in
slUn definitely whet they want them
Witt Hs COVIMID Berm Jen& -The
following is Artemis* Ward's deecrikzeu
of why lie matted Betsy Jan.:
were may affectie ties which made me
Winker after Betsy Jane. Her fatber's
far▪ ktr °urn ; their cows and ouns
their thirst at the same spring;
our mares both had Mats on their for. -
heed; the nassales broke out in both
families at nearly the same tun.; our
parade (Betsy Jane's and mine) slept
regulorly every Sunday in them's» mart-
in house, and the neighbors usod to eh
serve, 'How thick the Wards and Nas-
ky* aleIt wea • sublime sight in the
spring of the year to see our several
mothers (Betsy s and mine; with their
'towns aimed that they cosoldn't sile
'en, effeektionately bilios' soap toogether
and 6.1atapein1 their neighbors.
• tom rinse.
Fifteen years of suffering from the
tortures of Dyspepsia is indeed a long
time. A Boras, blacksmith, of Cobourg
was thus afflicted, but it only required
four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters to
completely cure bit.. 2
licioattlIe arrays.
Petroleum, as a foul cn the locomo-
tives ot Remise railways, is mid to be 50
per cent. cheaper than coal or wood.
Steel tubes are found to retain twice
as much magnetism as steel rods, and are
therefore better for permanent marmots.
It is hetet that some of the memo( elec-
tric light are hurtful to vegetation, but
these easy beheld back by transplant
Cartage's of cows and sheep which
have died of contagious disease in France
are dissolved in sulphuric acid, and the
moulting solution is then treated chemi-
celly for the ircsorry of the salts it hirh
ton toe used as manure. Actual trial has
shown that theme is a, profit alt. ur frPUICli
021 every dead sheep.
A profaner in the university of Upsula
ofiers to freeze any person will ol-
maser, depnving them of all appearance
of vitality, and to bring them round
mein at the expiration of twoi yews
without injury. No. one has consented
to the experiment, and it is proposed to
try it on some condemned criminal.
Ifouseholb itints.
There is not much sourishment in
rine without the addition of milk or esp.
Purple tinted hoof haa died a "lateral
Peek yr veal is bed for pear diges-
&rape carrots slightly, as the sweetest
potties is the wares' the atuisce.
Take • thick peeling uff turuips ; 10
the outer portiou is bitter.
Soup costa Mee then whiskey and dues
Imam good.
Never 411.411 1111Attl&CI &brays scrape at
Cabbaos should always be cut across
the gram al..1 Mims ()oolong should be
soaked in salt and water half an houf to
kill the slugs.
Seer. y is u..r.^1 ••j 111041, but
by its poverty, the pickle having robbed
the swot ot 1-• strength.
ktetter pay a little mire for fresh vege-
tables them to take your d lllll er 01'tale
Always boil pudding that contains
You never can err in boiling s pudding
WM an hour over time.
To get the correct Me:. ling of defer
use deuble the quantity of csrrots you do
of turnips.
Sew a piece of red ribbon on one side
of your pudding cloth to distinguish it
from the dish -cloth.
Boil potatoes with their jackets on.
Haddock is very nice for breakfast.
Carnes are very good for children.
Potatoes should be boded very &toady,
or else the strength will be boiled out of
There is a great deal of nourishment
in cheese -cheese neither too old nor too
Celery and asparagus are exceedingly
good for rheumatics.
A clean oven is an necessary os a clean
stew pan.
Never throw away • scrap 4 fat.
Men employed m open air ought to
eat a good deal od cheese.
There are four teacupfuls of flour 1:1 A
Peas don't boil mellow without the
help of fat ort segue kirol.
Macaroni is very natritious in soup,
as it is mad* of the finest of sheet.
You require very little butchers' meat
the day you have pea soup. as it contains
the same nutriment.
Ne household should no considered
complete without • bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure is the closet.
It is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forma
of kidney diseases. UM J Wilson
There is a good deal of testimony to
prove that birds and insects dimppear
from localities about to be affected with
epidemic disease. More attention sheuld
be paid by medical InOli CO the collection
of meteorological information and collat-
eral data during the prevalence of epode -
mica. It is nearly a virgin field for sci-
Profmnor Fisher, of Munich, has ob-
tained from distilled coal a white crystal-
line powder. width seems to proems many
of the qualities ot quinine, only it assi-
milates more readily with the stomach.
It reaming to be seen whether it is as ef-
fective against malaria, and is lees injuri-
ous in its influence upon: the head and
Professor A. Nantler has been trying
the effect of various manures upon pota-
toes, beets and maize. Superphosphate
and precipitated phoephate were moist
efficacious in increasing the yield of pota-
toes. Precipitated phosphate proved in
every respect more beneficial than the
superplimphate with beet& TM best
crops of maim were raised from hind
treated with the manure of the farm -
On. ▪ dram of carbolic acid, six drops of
oil et lavender, and two and a half 01111 -
cm of olive oil formed the prescription
which proved effectual in destroying a
termitic affection of the mustache of a
gentlemen who matilted Dr. Geo. Thin,
of London, England. The hair had (el -
len out and • sort of baldnegs noeurred
in spots, but after the application of tho
remedy the hair pewee thick and health
fel as before the Parasite* sitse"d it.
A Rare Fleet et Slarkireolliga
r- •
A Marshal of the United Sat*,
bailiwick ousisprehends an important
Southern State, tells a story of a seizure
recently made under the revenue laws
that embraced four kegs of whiskey and
Or. Melte ema ana.
The onesim of the Doininims Gonne-
meat to Turouto mid Mositreal made •
greet mistake elm', they seemed bk.
Blake oftritsirto woks • tawniest own
pam with mush Tories. Toe Med
demean:sod the leader of the Opposition
as $ tninur to his province anti called
hiss all the implement 111111101 it 0041141
think of -and be list is by uo latettle •
short um ole the Omen declared
that by oderusg a direct bribe for the
Freuch vote M. Blake was guilty vi
rank hypocrisy, oorniptim, treachery,
and amend ether sins of • like kind.
The result, it is tutiniaterl, '•was to 'Any
Mr. Blake of every claim ii. hogesty is
political life, of every 'tired of principle,
and to eaposie hins as a miserable trick-
ster, willine to sacrifice every consider.
Mimi of prieciphi and otnisisteacy to the
attainment a office All %hie is very
i-eroic and very grand, hut at the Num
tau'e it is very stupid. Mr Blake has in-
timated that he insole no propositioas to
the Froutili Tories, iii.r did he send any-
body rise to make thew. le addition to
this, there can be no misapprehending
the meaning of the remarks made by
Mr. Ouisure, a prwousetit .;irter of
Sir John, from Quebec, 'Chit gen:len-mu
intimated in the plaits,..t.t to. "1, too the
charges made agoioo. the lapin' • ( tie.
Oppesition were 'entirely (else, stud
Huai ° the attemot of the orris t •mo-
m:date members o.f the Hole: 'AA, ..ti nt
tempt at lilockinall. This is ioretty
strong language f..rone of ter Joto, to -
lowers to use in speakino of two ,.1 Sir
John's organ& Bat it is pr..ti.tb4
no stronger than the oceetion warranted.
The qn:stion may very properly be ask-
ed what reliance min no placed upon the ,
utteramee of partiom twined* when
they do not hesitate to misreoresent
their political opponents an the way that
these two journals have done. But
there is another question to he consider-
ed, and it is t)us. If Mr Wake is the
traitor and the miscreant that these jure.
isahl declared him to be for merely being
suspected of offering to buy the French
vote, what sort of* person is Sir John
Madonald for patiim
ntflibribe to retaiti
it 1-{Turonto Te
• Stessailast Scan Iliankind.
Ira theme times when oisr newspapers
are doodad with patent medicine Adver-
tisements, it is gratifying v. know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver inactive, or :meal debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can be had for only fifty cents a bottle
qf James Wilson. [21
11111411 lbe Neon_
Dr. N. B. Richardson, of London, the
noted physician, says he was recently
able to cenvey a considerable amount of
conviction to last intelligent 'chola. by a
simple experiment. Tbe scholar was
' ng the praise& of the 'Ruddy Bum-
ying he could not arthrotigh
y without it, when Dr. Richardson
said to him :-
4%1511 you be suough to feel ay,
puke as I stand b.r3J..
Hit did so. 1mint ititaredelly;
one okeg 4 water. When , the uguati erhat doom it eaf r 4., .„,,,,
tp.ttce was published for the owners. ir Toir Roe. sari imere'itf'y
the property to come forward and de- rthen eat down in a chair and &Med
temi tin, 5105 proomstiriga there wok o him 10 teient 11 Wile- Het did so, and
proanot reopie.w so far :es whiskey" els said. 'Your pal..e hs von, .b.arts to
concerned, hut the unfortunate nutlet seventy.'
of 114N/11, jetro could tinol no. one to put I then lay drown on the leunzet ater
lit 1111 vitt. pealfettear, 1:111X-0111. lestaff. gaiter ..seitii oee .- ',..L.,, 4, . ,.. , . ' -
Lows J•ce, Mo., Sept.. 14. 1872,
I have been Using Hop Bitters, and
have received great benefit from them
for liver complaints and malarial fever
They are superior to all other medicines.
P. M. Winsom. .
spittts were wrestled front the clutches '1E'Ill'ynnu rake' it -agake 7o •
01 tho while the Judge was tillidg Hoi replied, 'W1.3., its only ,mitt -four ;
WU the order to restore it to itv wailers, what an estnionlinari- Vino.
the %larded spoke up aud asitl :---`Thia 1 then said, •Wi.en you Sio down at
setto* the whiskey case all right, your night. that is the way tai:ure joes roar
h . be. what ani I to do with this heart root. You know oothino about it,
keit of water r 'Sell it.' responded the but that heating urzoo is resting to. that
Jude,: brietle as he handed over the extent, and when yi.0 reckon it lop, it iv
authority to -dispose 4 this also. 'But, a great deal of rest. because in lying
Jul?.'. who. i,, die thunder do y..0 sup- dewn the heart is duino ten strokes lees
pose I can find the Sotto of - t•o hid
ons key of water r 'That's all right,'
said the Judge. You go, ahead, do y..ur
duty, and put the propertt up at au. -
trio You'll find bidder*. Some lone
of these rteitiosmi old citizens here will
buy it as a curiosity. It grill be regard -
a minute. Multiply that by sixty and it
is six hundred multiply it by eight
hours, and within a fractioni it is five
throsand strekes differelit : and as the
heart is throwing six ounces 4 blond at
every stroke, it makes a difference nf
thirty thousand ounees of lifting during
ra by them as e piece of brio-a-hrac, to 1 the night.
be placed in their parlors,' i 'Whim I lie down at nicht without any
_ alcohol, that is tile rest my heert gets.
COLOaLated AND COM -A young girl But when eon taks p.m wine or grug
deeply reorettet that she was so odorless you do not allow that rest, for the in -
and cold. Her face was tom white, and fluency of alcohol is to increase the num-
ber hands and feet felt as though the bur a strokes, and instead of getting this
blood did 0.4 circulate Atter ..ne bot- rest yom put on something like fifteen
tle of Hop Bitters had been taken she thousand extra Menke', aiel the result is
TO. NMI hoar
The hest proof 4 the great poiwer 4
Poison's Nerviline over every kind of
yain is ohtnined by the nee 4 • 10 cent
ttlei. moires no. puffing;
every beide tells ita own story It can-
not tail, for it is • emotionalism (lf tIse
meet powoolul pain anhotiting remedies
known tn merlical science Nerviline is
nieuely Awful in externvl or interned
pane 'fry the groat rimy...1y. Ten eent
bottles: et Wilson's Arno more Largo
bottles muy 25 rient.
was the neiest and healthiest girl in the
town, with it vivacity end cheerfulness of
mind gratifying to her friends..
Or o Life fer rameitleas Weakesed ely 04-
...a., Debility and nemiession.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specitic for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, fo.reetfulness,
ip je, the back or sides, no rnatter how
shattaW t. system ma Y he front Mi-
meses of any kind, the Great Oennah
Remedy will restore the ' et functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six boxes for $15.00. Sold hy
all druggists Sent on receipt of price,
ixwitago paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent tor United Statea. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Oen. Ittnymis, sole agent for God. -
rich 3*:
In the history of medicines no preps
ration hes received such universal outn-
risendation low the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kr:-
my diseases, as Dr. Van Buren s Rooney
Cure Its action in these distressing
oomplaints is simply woriderful. Sold
557J. Wilson. 2m
• istersites *mayors.
Wm. Johnson, of Huron. Dak., writes
!that hie wife had been troubled with
laves Bronchitis formally years, and that
' ah remedies (vied aye no permanent Pa •
1 114, '..,til be procured a bnttle of Dr.
Kine' New Disonvery for Consumption,
I Omaha sad which had & Merited
imbue and prodimed a permanent care.
It tot j• santeed to cure all dies.... 4
, Throat. Lungs ow Bronchial Tubes.
Trial bottles fres M J. Wilsort's drug
I store ILeree Moo $1.00. at)
you rise up very seedy and unfit for the
neat day's work till you have taken •
little more of the ruddy buinper which
you say is the soul of man below.'
A Itsw.utti-Of one dozen "nasal.
ay" to any on* sending the best four line
rhyme on "Tiellialit," the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and P-stIo. Ask
your dreamt or address.
elle0ALID511. - A name well known in
ovienction with the Hair Renewerrwhieh
Tova grey hair to its natural color by
a few welts nee. Sold at 60 meal per
bottle by James Wikon. ffin
Almost merry pill aositains mimed son
I other mineral esenpoenda 1)r Carson's
I Sliemeeli Ibliters is timely vegetable awl
Salta OM flip of (Abet pureatives
I talogresig.i NEL is
-L--- .--M14.-
Illeamealide mieners.
Fanners is washieg shown, hiallhanooll
stoma driving, said others ie like ow
trepatioes are greatly exposed to mita
Osie 4 those also R. J. Brows, of bit.
Osermi, N. ti He caught a aware sold
w hile stream driving, whtch in a short
Mae brought ore eielit sweats, suukm
oheet mid *very syuiptou 4 deep-seated
euneseeptioa. Medium« brought so re-
lief until Ihr. Wit.i.us Puluimary Cherry
flatemo was tried. It mad hien. This
Dr. Ware's PuMummy Cherry Balsam
is the kiag of remedies fur thrust eel
huig disease&
Te lb* Sedleal Froato•ams. siod •11 abase
115 way maven.
Phospdatine, or Nerve bow, • Phos-
Kleent based upon limentifi•
, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Masa, cores Pulmon-
ary Cousuiriptem, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertige and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatuse is not • Medicine.
bio a Nutriment, because It ountains nu
Vagemble or Mineral Poise -ins, Opiates,
Nizeutios, and no Stimulants, but situp,
ly the Phosphatic end Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
authmunt to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Low WIN &
CC., sole agents for the Dominion,
55 Enna Street East Toronto.
As the tome: ot winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the sons rays,
so doe• Bright's Ihse...... 'Inipay, stone
in the Kidneys and ttladder, sitil Intiam
motions if the Kidney., I...Ave lit l• 1••• ly
upon the adaninistratiwi; i 1)r. Van lin
ren s Kidney 0.ir... soot by J. W. dam'.
Johu Ft. Vert, Ilawit .n, says : "Mc -
°restore Sperey Cure tor Dyspepsia% -awl
Indigestion is eheap st fifty times die
price asked for O. 1 am a
Mali and travel °minimally, 41,41
no more think 4 leavieg home W 11041t
Kittle • if McGreonr's Speedy Cute no My
valise than I wouhl tot learner my l.-oui
at house awl menu ou foot." Frno. trial
bottles at G. Rhyme' lrue sem& Reve-
ler sun 50 cts. awl el. a
to, Igasckem Tures eta toren'
Is Kranie F1.iidLielnuing fey Neurolgia
Hadache, Tointhach-, etc. It do.. roe
blister or 'hoodoo 1 I*. s.tiis ; reolniro out
one application to imineh all pain me:m-
alty without using any greasy
or carrying your heed in poultice for
weeks. Try *25 ornt bottle from Geo.
Rhyme. drumrist. 16
03.0.00 Reward
For any Testinuinials recommending
MeGfeffor'sy Cure for Dyspepsia,
Indioestion.:etIveness, Heedacheetc..
that are we genuine; none of which are
from periods intim .1:hates or thousandi
of miles sogar -4o4.issa persons in awl
around HaruiltonTnnt. _We give trial
bottles free of cost, so that you mown
be deceived by puechasing • worthlewiar-
ticle, but know its value before buyieng
Trial bottles and testilnoniale
MO. Rhynas' drug store. -
Car arei•VwdliViasaes.
Toothand NeureIgia oegfictois-
'Oak igliooto att.! tidau.SPOtantlY. *bilk
ghippent, pad tuickiolOanplientionjuiewn,
.Why inffer with Tootfiasher Negiehria
Headache, Itheutruitism, Lambing°, Seim:
tics, Foos o.r Acute Poing of any
kipdoe lien yeu coin go ro Ge'. Menai
drug *Owe and get perfect and-ien
famous cure for 25 cents. Ask for
Kram's Fluid Lightning.
041•1744, • • • #11,160,619.
svarLuit - • - Am+.
Goderich Branch.
GLASS - - - - Merrayer.
Allows interest ea amosits. Drees. tete.
se credit sad eirealar mum issued. payab
la all purls of the world. 'flit.
Peed up Capita., - 06,000,000.
Rest, - $1.400,000.
President - ftuV. Wit Mehl -VITEN
Uweeral Atanever. - W. - .• 6.41 ••
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROWS, - - - hiLtem.aa.
laterest allowed on deposits. Drafts oa •
utitesearciacipal Towns and Cities oanada
aroma and the L'aited Mates, bough
aad sold.
Advent...ao rename oa Nona, with moo
mote *adamant. without noingage. 1723
Chrystal & Black.
New 31011.Elts and SALT l'ANS manoffse
tured on shortest notice.
.UI Viet. et Rewiring executed soder the
personal supervision of Use Proprietors who
Procticol Workmen.
I 5 lox rti711
, .1 A.• •.• ie... at lionic hy the in
a. ,...../...1,54...,......e.,.....,....pit• 1.. ....
ate. lien. vi o
lesiiniefe boa be
'Amen. bo,..aad girl wanted i cry
o tier, , . work for 'is. Now la flte thee. rola
. en siork to •pnr.• thee, or Aire yellt whok.
iiin ...the bu-.n..... Nt. title r bail/NOP Will
Psi 5...1 heroic so WCII NO one oast fall to
ma: • eisorrionts rev. by engliffiliat at 011//..
C....1, ortill &lift trnn. free. Money tease
fast. Caen,. and houorabir. Address Tara at
Co.. Anweita. Maine
1113UT1Ill AIL COY.Tuaturro- Zambians
PlitiNIX INS. CO'T, of LoMPOO Itesithiadil.-
Itstablished 171*
H ARTFORD UM vf 1/1.anevosts Orme
Rieke takea in Are above Orat-ciassoHls.
the loose( rates by 11011 tCI HORT'CIII.
CA.NADA PER. LOAN alio SPAtifirtibll
The lisailenggned alai A
Memos to loos es lkst-r haw soconti,
?Io • per Coatteener* moderate.
°odor' See& IE la&
Tboriamowlsof groves
are usually robbed
of their ictini..lives
ow! health
endowed. larr=
by the woe of themes&
which positively and prrausaeal y eureeM.:
ry 'caused by exceeree of say
al elcakacai, and 110 -
low as a argon.. e of St If -Ahura as lose ad ea -
boo of mentor) ushers& lareitufle.
pain in the boa k dimness,' of vision. peas -
tete old age. mid snooty other diereses that
lead to Moan it y or reueitinpl lee sad • pressor
*111'e grave.
Send for etreularb w itt, t. it !minutiae free by
mail. The 1311111:41*.iTert is sold at 111 per
bolt. six boxes or Pa, in all drUltifteee. at
Will be sent free my mail. ereurrly seeded. oft
receipt of prim. 115 'dunk
F. J. Cif EN It rrg
187 Summit Ift., Toledo. Okla
Ugo. Ruts AM.
Sas Agent for liedmich
wislopk. are always on t he look
out for olionces to increase
cow wtallihdballe 'abo do
thell Huse be
11144 improve their oppotton
Ries remain le poverty. We offer • gess
chauct, to make nom... We want men. tee-
nier 1.0* and girl.1 to'ark for us in their
''al he Metes. Rnyon... so do the work pro-
per') 'Mei the first start. The business will
P5) aore thou telt Mica en:wary wages. Illg-
raign:sIve outfit furnished fn r. No one who IS -
tail. to make woo.) entail). You
gevote your %hole Ito, • o • 1 I' elf
tour gam norm 1•• .....•1 motion
alio oid M nee. • • • . A. drama AVIS
lindi 4.1: I ..niat 4 .164
We .111 ps 11 • nil. • • rierori t Dr=
Liver cool. ; ••.• • 11.1,111. u• i 5.t.
I Ilidilp.01{4.14. ....el i ... or 1 114151
C1111110/ • 111re 41•14C LIN I r
When tl.i • ere •tri.
• ) ar.• r.: slit‘t Deter foil to
„.. • -a.' to•••, :.r. ' •.r I 5.4.t. of . Large hozea
oni-ci Ye" sade by all
-t- . • ..tti.:tt frit to and dolts -
6 Tlo grow . it abuts. tortill only by
1' ri'LsT A . "11.1. 1411 Nakerk,
el ..n.' si: k ins .:*. I.,,4. Tot..etn. (kat. be.
tr.:A 1.8, .e• • !) oat wei-aot eu
et a 3 real rInisir.
gee 'may NI It IlLadffelli bite
floor Wire Send Feria.
The best blood purifier an.1 system re-
gul der ever placed within the reach o.t
suffering !melanin', truly is Electric Bit-
ter.. Inactivity a the Liver. Biliousnes
Jaundice, Ceentipation, Weak Kitirey.,
or any disease of the nririary memo. o.r
whoever require' an appetiser, tonic (,r
wild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the best and only effendi' mire
known. They act surely and otoliekly,
every bnttle ouaranteed give entire
satiefact inn or money refundeo. id
fifty mete s bottle by J. Wilson). 01
- _
A LIMP Maytag Feesent.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchins'. ,
saved his life lay a simple Trial Bottle
Dr. King's New Discovery, 1..r 411-
sumpti.m. which caused him t.. procure
a largo bottle that oompletely cured him,
when Doctors, cha oft+ od climate and
everything else had felled. .1stliges,
anti all Throat itnd Lung dieemses°711:41;
Bronchitia. Hoersenees. Severe C
ruaranteal to cure. Trial Bottles at J
Wilsen's drue store. Large size $1. (1);
k. t W Kair'ty N v g A111111 Mame Titasit
tallENT:a Atteranleed levier for Hysteria. Dia
threes. (*oil% 11181101.. I. its. Nervous Neuralgia
Headache. N. Is one Prostration cooped *5110uise of alcohol or tobacco. Wokefulness.
tad lapreosion. Softening of tie Brain. monk:
OKLA' 4winiI, and lead:no to intern . deafly
AIM liquidate lilt. Asa. liarreeness, •
Ls.. ott 1otWrr fat itherWCLIDC01111111LIICY LOOMS
and Hpoirmatorricam..ase by ever-excetioa
the -brays., aelfolhuar overondnorence.
Oise hos tHIT'euse reenit easel. Koch box coo
tains one month'', treatment. One (Lollar& box
orflx boxem for five dollars ; sent by mall pre
d on recelp, of price. We guarantee Ho
les to rare any case. With each order m-
onied by us tor sit boxes. acconmazied with
five dollars, ye* will send tbe purchaser our
writteu guacant. c MeV(' the meaty If uss
treatinent'doni not e a cure. Guarantee
booed only h. JAISLII son monist_
Med agent for Onderieb. (Int . JOHN C WRIST
jk CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto Ont.
That 1)40th/els Mew- u1110 mat dormer -
011. dinette'''. and a n sweetie (veal Omuta
amis.( children, lea fs • arls"ch 0f14.
dem.. and that ill 11045.Y "40.4 ore
py 'veriest* atin inla ft *1 15 • 5
Atte that 14 • cert4in and atm, ...Ire low
Oil • (Ian stool mast nelvtilt dteealat should
be hal ',lain* and nano.- ie. 'deal by
er,ry loony. roe . n -.ed. A COW.
fialgeAtiOil I. much more ...sooty checked al the
beginling than atter e vo. gognot metiers, .
S. o 5, with this di...1 keen ni•-dicior sut
hand -and do nio wait ' ie few, Lar. Ouch
a mrdiniuse is offer...1 the otohlie in HIER-
A NI WS DI OFITHE 1: I aad CHOC P Isom -
Et O. Wr are %dr ortaehereet that it
anaWer It a porpoo.„ Lel"" Fal"t haw° WORM POWDERS.
been taken .• It rte. Dominion ot Caned&
and -re •nti mance taken that oinwir will hal-
rare ore kindly si.• worths** tarn 10 Otte
this r,•tos dr trial. Teatillivetletle, Li:a:elate
and t 'eat tootles sent ou aretving
odorees -v. ett LA MM. Zurich P.O.
Ter Stele at EEO. Ittiltlito: eras memo
Gioderteb. Oat.
July so iset isato 2
'Why should a man whose blood is warm
Sit ke his grandsire out in alabaster t
Or let his hair grow rusty, want and thin.
When "ClOOALMallaftNitsrltlt willmake
g row the faster. For aide by J. Wil-
son 2m
Am Ildttoes 1,10046,.
Theron P. Reatereditor 4 Ft. Woyee
Ind., Gazette, write.: 'For the peat fire
years! have always useid Dr. King's New
Discovery for ameba of most severe
character, se well as tor tholes Itf• milder
type. It Fmk to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whom I have re-
commended it speak of it in same high
terms. Having been cured by it 4 evilly
cough I have had for five seem I eon -
miler it the only reliable and sure me
for combs. cents, Me.' Call at
1Drug Store and ret a Free Trial Bottle.
Large sire $1.00. (2)
not. lite is sweep • i oy,
and dare before u di
eimeitigig mighty and sub
515.' 10/1T. PIChInd to conquer
time. list a week in yourown
warn lit outfit free. No risk. Everything
new. Capital not eeotilrell. We IS Ill furnish
ou everythine. Maoy am making fortunr.
llaidies nuke aa notch a. men. •nd boys arid
girls Make great pay. Reader. If you want
.55.'e. &* which von ran make 'treat pay all
the time. wrjte for muoiculan to R. it *outer
,e Co. Portien Mal
piesuout to sake. Colitadn
Purgative. 1. • mfr., sure, and
alleememar.at unarms in Quoins
their ow*
or A-
11,,e the ntmoat c,.nadence Its It. super
lord y oi other... •nd after mono:ow. a
tests of the ettett comp:iraied and Severe/
two we cOnld find. feel lowland in °0.'t -
Ing to forfett (Pa,- "ra..a..and Dollars fnr any
caw. of ...mob.. .,ore throat. mammal
hoarse.. ea... hruhch it ie. conann. pt ion in its
me, wag, .4-hoon5 e nigh. anti ell lemma*
of *hu' throat and Ions". eicept asthma, for
which we mile ela,no rellet that we ran', core
with weir. cone!. Arena. when taken accord
OW to titre, I5.n. temple bottle& ID and 50
; larkir bottle* one dnItar. Genuine
wrappers only In bine. aold Air all Arninviate,
or *emit hv eat,ea• 05 een*, of wire. JOIN
r.vilest 4'(11.. 51 slid el King street Emit,
Toronto, Ont. Sold J AS. WILSON'S Porno
Store GoderIch
wheeees Onatisnood Elixir of Pb.
libelee sad Oaissays remarks how esesteetly
aad quickly oweirenwiti 4 Me appall* Mg
facill.y of Aistestioa rcsolt haw !tram Heel
Is thy wators. sage of imiepreparattemwtdish
expiates why It 51 5. extranedirary in rester-
kee the times sonstitutios. said itarnsavit
the vital powers- Ry Mtcarilig51. p011.01
Milemilatto•01 toed NO formation 01pore
tiss Maritime 01the Greene and thasess
M amesteMal& tb• gars. reed* hy Allassas rts•
patriot. OM MOsta romittlait team latiatal
phreemI *sorties seeptiet. and ail tbe funs -
Roes of the booty sestaime tit a vigorous ere -
Ames. The aellat et Ow Pillar 516. isq
=parEctly sal It Iss==rof Er zetirs, is aup.
=et. sperseded seem 01 15*. shove
. begs to seam tarn marl public p•S-
samsea, sad will empty machismo on liberal
the Gellilifle Binger.
Besibliseee Victoria ea
arseak.l. soar Use M. Z.
Up IL mei as
'Pick's Floral Chaile
'HE srn V VA
I' - 417r41?P.7j, DR 11E88
a.i.A0AOHE, OF THE MN, 0
141 cowl smear" or Ilsrase arIel.- ft•--ot
si•softesstml t .VC111. 1001=liftto•As...11.
MOWS/111 011
T. MILBURN "Nitrn%tirta
gam 55 5. Itestoist Mama .1 510 rows, $
illatoortl Plops orlrlowers mod Veseematies.
sod mere teen sem ineasneme. ot the
...Dolmen flowers. Manta sad vmessisies. and
I Mecum for grooisi. it is headroom. mosigh
for he Center tehle or a Holiday Prettiest.
Send nn your name and Peed (Mee solalrosk
with les amts. woe 1 • 111 scrod eon • cope,
wafts* paki. This is not rintoter nf os wet.
116. pewee in both Iroglleh and orrman ff
ei.iiiiitterwanie order aeo.ladeanct the 10 eat.
11r1.011.ti.at•Ilit. will tell hove to get sag
'is *roes aro 510 Meet IN Me World t
grew thera.
Iftlear's Iltswor sad seacsabso come., gm
rages. 6 Colonel Main. MO Emma v Ingo. For
es swum to raper rovers, ; $llm is eiestont
ANN. In Mamas. or Ittiollsh.
IllOsoftrated likureelloaj
Pages. $ Oelorerl Mete ile every riembse
mosey hew Fitivevinge. Pelee 10. Pm,
P5,. Copts* far lia re. I/Oregon' gegoaso
met ter sea meta :2 wet °mom ter Ilimosite.•
Roomimit. Y
E N1 ' aa' 4. "Ig tit floo.'"
/emstinol An,
I 'opttot reetaired„ J vans' Lea &
"I" • 40110,446. I .5.,