HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-29, Page 61
Che Poet's Corner.
nue Lamle 1%seteea.
Said the are little Woken.
Wish aloes" Wade e.abm :
•00 I wise i meld Sed
A fat Elsie wee= r
Said the neat Ilttle ebleken.
With as odd little shrug .
0 I wise i 'maid Sad
Afalittle bug r
!laid the third little oalekes,
With •sharp little para! :
'•0 I wish I could Sad
Seam aloe yellow meal r
Said a fourth tattle cliches.
With a enas/I sigh of grief :
'•0 i wish I could Sad
A groan little teat"'
Said tae sfth little *hick's.
With a foist little mos. .
"0 I wish I could g.d
A wee thieve! stows •"
"Now, see here," said the mother.
From the green garden reek,
-If you wast any breakfast.
You Duet come and scratch r
lies keening.
I know not what shall befall me.
(sod brings a mist o'er my eyes.
Aral o'er each step In my onward path,
He makes new scenes to rise.
And every joy He steads me
Comes ase sweet surprise.
1 see not a step before me.
As 1 tread the days of the year.
Butthe peat a still In God's keeping.
The future His mercy shall clear.
And whit looks dark i■ the digitiser.
May brighten .a 1 draw near,
for perhaps the dreaded future
Hes leas bitter than 1 think :
The Lord may sweeten the waters
Before 1 stoop tc drink :
Or. if Marsh mutt be Mush.
He will stand beside its briuk.
It may be .le has been wait lag
For the cowing of my feet,
Seine gift u( such rare value,
Some I. so .t rauge:y sweet.
Thai m) ..;w emeses uuly ti ewble.
With the trunks they cannot speak'
Oh. ratfui, bl:snful ignorance
"T1s bleared not to know ;
1t keeps me still In those arms
Which will not let me go.
And huaho my cote to rest
In the huwm that loved my so.
So i gu on not knowing;
1 wuul.i not if 1 mega,
[lather walloag with lied in the dark
Than going alone to the light ;-
Rather welkin,/ with ilim,by faith,
Than walktu4 alone by sight.
My heart s:,rinks hack from trials
t,Vbich the future may disclose.
let I never had a sorrow,
Mut what tut dear Lord chose ;
3ti i shall send the coming tear back.
With the whispered word, "He knows."
enema efr.p.ter Ferree..
Cop. -A slang genu by which police-
men are designated by thieves its large
cities. It urigw.ted lir Nee York, and
was first given to the police fordo under
Fernando Wood, from the t .pper badges
which they wore.
Now is the winter of our diaeuutent. —
The lines,
New le the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by- the son of York.
commence the play of Shek.peare.
"Richard II1, but in the acting version,
according to Cumberland's stage edition
of the tragedy, they de not occur till the
second scene of the first act, where we
read, "The sea of 1-ork.
He that complies against his will.—In
Butler's " H udtbraa, •' part III., may ',se
found the familiar lines :
He that compiles aga,net his wile
leo( his coin opium:. still.
Few quotati..na are more Generally spok-
en incorrectly than this. Alw.ut invari-
ably it is uu,yu'tel thus : "A n,an con-
vinced attalnnt his will."
Neither hsh not !Ilse. t prorert,tal
expression in uno before Dryden's time.
It oocura in the "Musa Delice,e" of
Sir John %fermis and James Smith, and
in other authors ..1 that period. Dry-
den, in hos "Epil.,gue to the Luke of
Guise," has
Ih canned neuters. in their m:Adle way ofsteer-
Are neither Ash nor .lesh, nor gots! red her
Noe whirl, nor tories they . nor this. nor that ;
Nor birds, nor beams; but jn.t a kind of hat :
•tev�t awes
ial, tree to aeilk.r names.
ceWithoty wings. but whiggbh teeth and
Needs must when the Devil tlrivea—
This proverb is of considerable antiquity.
In " .,rah the Huibe ide, Tyd his V.yfe,
and Sir Jhan the Prince," printed in
1633, it is mentioned as a proverb then
current in thefcllowing couplet
There is a proverb which trews now proveth.
He mnet ..dee go that the fly veil dryvuth.
Shakespeare uses it in ••A11 Well That
Enda Well," act 1, sent 3, where the
clown says :
He mast needs go that the dev:l drives.
Spunk. --A colloquial expression, sig-
nifying spirit, fire, courage, mettle, good
humor. it is of Sc,tch origin, and is
now ranch used in some parte of that
country. The following couplet in which
the word appears is from Peter Pinder :
la teat snag little room. where any man of
Would had it a hart matter to get drank.
()n the square Honest, to reform
and est ones living in an honest man-
ner. The expre.tioo is in all probabil-
ity, derived fern the well known Ma -
soak emblem, the square, the symbol of
evenness and rectitude.
"You must keep within the compass
and act upon the apiary with all man-
kind, ter your Masol.ry is hut a deed
letter if you do net hsh twiny perform
its reiterated injunction..'
Neve 1. Sow wink.
MHz McArthur, of Ho *vile, dodge's
she amid not keep bode, .,!'host Hag.
eard's Pe et.ws' Balsam 1' is a remedy
whish the sufferer stay .wfely ho es for
y relief and effsetesnl et, of Coughs,
Bnrwehial, Threat and Lune
7ioablea, 'Aka ntsl.ded era in hope-
less se•ernplien. !
♦t fide skeane of the year there should
be a beide of Peettwis is .v'ty bras,.
It e IellequaYd ler Orris Odds and
V aluabf. eow.fiionie on as Ida -
portant eagjaoR
.w to 4osse. Mew to Aft. said MW es
A guest is • house has it in her power
10 ,treks the inmates exceedingly soave -
fumble, and sometimes withost kauwing
exactly why. Another, with perhaps
not half the lateral gifts of peruse, and
with far less eavaat.R.s, *11a the place
with senshine and readers her
a perpetual source of delight. dif-
Isr.nos lies la just use thing : the first
does not atnsult the happiness and epee
reaisaan of her entertainers ; the seemed
feels that they have rights which she
should reaped, and that it is her duty to
be pleased when they attempt to give
her pleasure.
When an invitation to make a riot M
received, it should be acknowledged at
once, and either refused or accepted. If
the latter, name the time when you will
arrive, and thea be there promptly. If
for any reason that is impossible, notify
your friends by letter or telegram, the
latter if the time is limited. blot to go
is often to put them to a greet deal of
trouble, and if their means are limited,
to • useless expense. Of all things de
not accept an invitation for soul* indefi-
nite time suited to your own conveni-
ence, and then deep down upon them un-
expectedly. it is possible for &uprises
of this kind to be agreeable, but not pro-
bable. i have known instances where
unlooked-for visitors were the cause of
real distress. Make it • rule never to
go anywhere to remain any length o'
tiuee without letting your friends know
of your into:Aion, the probable day and
hour of your arrival, and thus giving
them an opportunity of signifying wheth-
er your presence is desirable or not. You
will, at least, be certain to find them
prepared for your visit, leaving Illi chance
for unpleasant happenings.
Arrived at your ectertainen', the first
thing for you to do, t., by quiet ob.er-
tion, to learn the habits of the household
and accomuiorl ::e yourself to them, no
matter how much they may be at vari-
ance with what you have been accustom-
ed to. Ba prompt at meals. Nothing
annoy. a good housekeeper more than
tr. be kept waiting for a tardy guest, in
whose honor, perh*po, she has prepared
tome nice duh which is spoiling by the
delay. It may also greatly inconve-
nience the host whose business requires
his attention but who does pot deem it
courteous to sit done until you make
your appearance.
Be bright and cheerful and always
ready to be entertained. Enter heartily
into anytbi.r proposed for your plea-
sure, unless it is at variance with ynur
principle, or you has not the physical
strength to endure the necessary fatigue.
In the first case, it will require all of
your taetsnd discretion to decline So u
not to offend. Seek your if estese
privately and tell 'her as delicately as
possible how you feel, and if she is sen-
sible she will accept the situation pleas-
antly. People differ so widely in these
days in their estimate of right and
wrong, that each one must be conient
to let ethers think for themselves and
respect their opinions.
Always express pleasure with any
effort made for your entertainment. It
is inosedinply rude to find fault with any
of the arrangements. Never criticise
the friend of your hest and hostess, but
treat them as if they were yours also.
This while you are a guest with them.
but meeting afterwards elsewhere, and
you can use your wen pleasure *5out
continuing the ac.quaintanre if you have
any sro•.t reason for not wishing to do
s', which tr sometime. p .•.ihl,•. it may
sometimes happen that m their zeal to
make you?' If1A}' 7tltre nehle.ywtr hast +d►d
hostess may propose some plan that you
knew will Iw a tax upon their Purse which
can ill le afforded. It is very easy to
tinei some excure for declining this cour-
tesy without hurting their feelings or
wounding their ;wide. if, hnwever,they
insist, accept frankly oo.I show your
gratification. Never be guilty of hint.
ing that you would like to go to what
y..0 know will cost nmoney, hut leave it
to your entertainers to discover whet l.er
you are anxious to go or not
tine thing which young ladies, and
some 'older ..nes, tee, sae guilty of
is that of keeping their own r•e.m in dis-
order, and *leo of leaving their posses-
sions ly.ng around in sitting room and
parlor. This is often the source of the
greatest annoyance to the hostess. She
may have a pride in the appearance of
her house which is thus constantly
wounded Keep your belongings in
your own room, no 'utter how unneces-
sary it may appear. Yee are then upon
the safe rile, and you may he pretty sum
that your care in this respect will he ap-
Be careful not to make your visit teen
long a one. It is better to go before
your welcome has begun to weer then to
wait until it is tattered aril torn. Many
peoples hrspitable desires g.. tar beyond
their mean.. Again, your presence may
he the cense of year hostess putting
forth exertions to give you pleasure far
beyond hes strength. The time will
come, should you proton, your stay,
when she will crow excessively weary,
and no matter bow mach .he may have
welcomed your corning. .he will he
equally glad of your departure 11,
however, yon have been gentle, knedly"
enurten.a, thoughtful fern the pleasure et
others, and ready to be please.' yourself,
and finish gear duties as a guest by tak-
ing a .ease`able delartnm your next
coming will he cordially urged and sager.
ly anticipated.
One thing more. in malty. very seamy
households, a skeleton hides away in the
closet. Should it by any chance oats
forth daring year visit, never by word er
lank let the nseids world learn of yuer
ktiowledlqp of its etidenee. Yoe len
s..eptd beepittality, and yes are bound
in lesser behead isviohbh emy tease
whisk Haw ter have seese into your
Ts Wry_ this is to pisr
thief,est a pia a
al die self -roped
seef . Ina -
knows what they bias
thee., net by eatenthe, but y se
epsa hes of year rein, of the kindest
whit► yen resolved, e( the send quali-
ties of year e1M. 't.ire,., that rune shall
dare is your presser to question or to
areae sasMsaseaa.
Tilers is always great eitereareat in
case of amides raiders and injury.
Every use should be prepared for an
entergeney.�� a Yellow Oil is
the reliable fri sd to ansa ; it as for in-
ternal and external ass, miring Bern.,
Scalds, Bruises, La.sius. %roep, Sore
Threat, Rheumatism and pendia elfin -
twos and wounds. 2
Abort tineas-MWsd tsps.
The portrait of William Henry Smith,
General agent of the A...— -'ed Press,
racially appeared in one of the Eastern
amenzlnes, and was copied into the Comm
eerctal Gamete of Cincinnati. It called
to the mind of the writer the time whets
Mr. Smith first came to Cincinnati, fr,ta
a farm in Champaign County, Ohiu, He
was an intelligent cuuutry youth. nein
had scquind a knuwleeige of phono-
graphy by utean. of $ p ,o r instruction
book and his own ambition to poises' a
power of usefulness not to the hands of
every one alar. With this magic key,
and the spirit of enterprise it Inspired
e ithiu his soul, he souu found his way
into the editorial sanctum of the Gazette
Alice ; it secured him the position of
Private Secretary t.. Guveruor Bayes ; It
led to his election as Secretary 01 State,
sad his appointment by tM President as
Collector of Customs in Cbio.go ; and
now, in the consolidative of the Western
and in
. Press Associations, he has
been called to New York to take ue..elal
charge of its atlair., on a salary that he
never dreamed .,f when sttdyin; ph'•n„
graphy 1n hu humble e.uutry house.
There is plenty of room, and still
greater opportunities developitw, for
just such boys, all over the country.
fLe practical usefulness of phonography
in all government offices, railroad, and
wear manufacturing and commercial
oompanies, is only beginning to be ale
predated ; aril those young men of the
present generation who are smart enough
to prepare themselves fur this attractive
and profitable service, will, in future
yeats, be considered the "lucky fellows"
whom Dame Fortune has made her
favorites. When the tact is, all that the
boy needs to do is to purchase the latest
and hist self -instructor in Shorthapd,
say the "Eclecci.: )tame of Pheho
One valasble Iareve d Dr. Lath
▪ aRt.aa• Plarantw to take, sSprayad all varieties al
warms, tare worm 4.01.ded, rat be sale -
U ettpdbd by it, 'lobus mosses to
bank sad Hmkernies dregs. 2
Ream% old stsw,.s
Needs we advertising when ores intro.
aced. Every bottle sold Hells hundreds
of .Akers by doing all and more than r -
pp�►ee.aeeaat.d for `�
earis, Tuuthaebe,
llurtiaahe, eta It nemeses wily pain
instantly quick as flesh. Toy i' •is' you
will may it w well mimed Fluid I lel,'tang.
Ort a 25 out bottle at O. Rhyme' drug
.tore. h
Cured twee.
Any reader troubled with Dve'tjends,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint
etc., should can at Otto. Rhynes' drug
store sad secure a free trial bottle of
lleOrettoi s Speedy Cure at once whish
will convince you of the merits .J the
medicine. It cams permanently where
all ether medicines have faile.i. As a
blood purifier it has no equal Remem-
ber, it costa nothing t.. try it. Re. ular
size, fifty reuse and nue dollar. a
Oeste lensurtans sa/desle.
Mrs. Helen I'hartiz, No. 331 i'ayten
St., Chicago., 111., in now in her sixty-
eighth year, and states that she has ,ut-
tered with Consumption f..r about ten
years, was treated by nine physieiens,all
of them pronouncing her case hopeless.
She had Riven up all hope of over rectov-
ering. Seven teethe .4 Dr. Kings New
Discovery for C.xtsumptien comp'etely
cured her. Doubting ..nes, please dr..p
her a postal and satisfy yeurselve.. Call
et .1. Wilsons dru; store and ,pet a free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing% load the testi
elinins in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a lee.le
and relieve yourself of all those distres•-
tna; pains. Veer Druggeet con tell you
all about it Se:3 by J lt-ils.ei Go ,•mesh!
The we of Pill., Sslta,Castor Oil, Ac..
and ether nauseous, griping Cathartic
is unneceem.rv, as a pleasant substitute
is found in Dr. l'ars.,n. Bitters. which
act as a Cathartic without gnpuer or
causing nausea. A!1 druggists Pall it
50 menta a b)ttie.
A11 Nervous Debility cure.l•ky the use
.4 Dr. E. C. West's Nene and Brain
Treatment. tite advertisement elsewhere
S..ld at t' i1«.re's drug store. ,Ib,
graphy," of which the well-kuuwu and ` as Ammer Wanted.
accomplished western reporter, Elias Can may nue bring us a cane of Kidney
Longley, of Cincinnai, Ohio, is the or Inver Complaint that Electric Bitters
author. Seventy -tire =mute will procure will not speedily carr ! 11 u say they
a copy. canuot, as thousands of uses already
If troubled with constipated bowels,
never neglect it, or the system beowees4'
elegized, the secretions dried up and the
system poisoned with foul gases. Bur-
dock Blood Bitten cure .onstipation by
unlocking the secretivas and regulating
the glandular system. 2
petwauently cured and who are .lady re
commending Electric Bitten, *ill prove.
ftlht's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
r ..n$ urinary ee lipiaint ynickly cured.
They purify the bused, regulate the how-
els, and act directly •.n the .liseaeed
parts. Every b..ttle guaranteed. For
vale at 50c. a tweeds by .1. %%'risen. ilj:
nett Nereus feted.
.��.� Are you troubled with Salt Itheum,
Call at Gen. Rhynai drug skies and; Rough Skia, Pimples er ('ankev'Sore.
got a package of McGregor it Parke's' if s,, go at once to Gee. I'.hyuas Drug
Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of Vase- Store and •'et a p.ack:t.-, ,1 McGr.t.or K
line, Carbolic Acid and Cerrito, and has : Parke's Cerb.,lic Cerite Price 23 cents.
never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches It was never Isnot. t. t.. riii. b
Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It cures
when all others fail. T it. 1,
ry A %tan ing Of
A Tilers sada,.
Probably the n..st navel and yet 1.y
no means new d...loe was that perpetrat-
ed just a yetir a, • upt.n a grocer at the
owner of Washington and Eleventh
streets On February 1 1883, two
young men hurriedly entered the store
of John H. Yen Doblen, one carryiug.a
silk hat and the ether a hi th crown
Physiciai. , are ..ft. i. ::....tom.
workable .1;..,. rt ire. P., • h.et r i. ,; ih .
King's Ne. Lt.*:,oe;s n•r ('o„.0 •.,etre,
and all Tl.r n sued 1.,11,{.tions,•s se.:.t;Iy
curing pat.ro'• ;„at they ir.v, el.' i' up.
to die. 14 ,t.., • un_ r i,.' ,, t., i i•alite 1 ..•11
sense of .1.:: .it,'' !tut:ie int, ram
ener:t. •d !,-..%-,,.•1e: ll .1.•., ..r1 .. tr-
sultibq it: i t -:re•:• of nor best l'r.l•.
Chans t..,ng it• ads their practice. 1 rine
bottles free a:.!. Wilson s Drug :v.,re,
Derby, besides the ones they had on the r Regular sue el If). .1)
heads. As they entered they were
lauzhing and talking in a lively manner,
and approaching the gree: said they
*antra t'o dect,i,' :1 h,'t a• to which hat
would hold the gr.•err .on•ultitc ..f m-
iaow*. They expre...-1 their willingness
to pay for the hello saes, well.• he sol !.t
keep it if he de.:re•l after the .iecisom
was declared. The grocer filled tl a silk
hat first and handed it to one of the 'nen
to hold while he filk.l the other. While!
in a eoosopini pnstute in tilling the so-- I
and hit the silk hat with its contents
es. forced over the gro'cer's heed, the
sticky fluid completely enveloping bit'
heed, awl rendering him. for the time,
totally Wind and helpless. Before he;
codtd fully Malta his p•rttte n the tsar•
with the parting salutation of "Stick to
it. old man,' made Coed their escape.
When he had freed his eyee and washed
his face he found that hie money -drawer
had been robbed of .275. --(New York
Kram'. Fluid L(abtalee
is the only instantaneous relief leer Neu-
raleia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Ruh -
bins a few firma briskly as all that is
needed. No taking nelseous medicines)
for weeks, hut one minute's application
remove all pain and will prove the gent
value of Knife's Fluid Lightning. 23
cents per teeny at Ges.rge Rhyne.' dru`
store. b
From the Liver and Kidneys arise ful-
ly half the sieknem Dr. Carsnn's S'om-
sch Bitten 'dinedates both Liver and
Kidneys and insure' one against dhea.e;
it is not an aleoh.lie stimulant. in large ,
bottle. at 50cents. nn
bete, elve 8s.
if ynu are suffering with low and do -
premed 'pinta, leesrf appetite, general
debility, disordered blond, weak ametf-
tution, headache. or any disew of a bil-
ious nature, by all means premiere a bot -
U. of Elestrie Hitters. You will be ger-
priesd to see the rbgd improvement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return ;
pair and ei try will cease, and hens
forth you will mires in the praise of
*ketals Biiestz Sold at fifty seats a
botch by J. Wises. (e j
Rssaass•• Asst.. swim
The stented •wild wonder ea the
wield. Wws..$ed toc—
Hens, Beiss,Oub,Ulese, ear',
Fever Butts, Oen---.. P1).., AYbisiaa.
Ores, Tatter, Mapped Rani. and all
r--$ i1
Int Prim cuss Of
0s. coos. '
a1 -tic
�a Tis tad all Luric
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stedte
Hamilton Street, Ciodesrlch
:utasSuess sts„'=
bjes. Chants
�ro_eaas .Merd leJ+eeds.s r
I 5.. Was. Latakia.
N. a—A eeepiste area seat a Oodles and 1Mre.e always's head .la. Nresess M ter
es reaseaakte trate .
Pieter hwetaq a sysclalty.— A call .t.Iie.tr.t I7*1
Skiing the Went Control Lir..s sweets tot travail', a reasons at 1!. vnrt,N.d Misr
grannie -1i eosetlan, tate sieortest and beet route between tree Rant. Nartlsaatie ser
Southeast. and the West. Northwest and Southwest.
It u literally and etrlottr tram that its oorsneeslens are .a of the prledval ante
of road between too Atlantis and the 0aellle.
Of its main mate and brumes, It reaches 0ldrege, dells!, Imams. Cleans,
4a lithe. Oeneseoe Mohs and Rook Wend. M Moots 1 Delniasort, Maasesea.
Washingsen. Reeauk. Knerele, Oaka,oss. Fair4M L Ors Me'wes, West .
Iowa dubh
City, Attlee,. Avoca. Audubon. *hafts. OutlineOuster aide oawnw ,
in lora.; Oesann, Traction. Oanseron and Kann City. In. 'Sr..L-I, and
worth ase Mattison in Kaneda. and the Istwndrda? d 0.511, .rlbgs1 and tenme -+
intermediate. The -
A• It N fawslnarlf mailed, offers to travelers as the advantages and esenrMte
incident to a smooth trate. safe
bridges. linins Oevos at as
Fart Ispre.. Trainss oowlooaad et 000111100804,111. MISLL Vt11'TILA�
NIATID. RIMtiy u5MOL$TaRra vat ILTOAMT RAT ENMOISR1 a ane d the.
!asset designed and hinds inset i*LAO0 SLIIIIFIR Ym0 1�'
gnat are by press and people to be the 0i 11111 'tYtM
ROAD aw TIM 00UNTIFfand in esteem repealer amen are served fie Ma eq teels!. r•' -
e low rate of SZVWTT-I1%1 LINTS LAOS. do
TMRtt TRAM seep way between OINOA00 .ad 5e MMI0OURI n1VLR.
TWO TRANS fres way between 0N1OA00 and NIMMLAIOLIS and ST. iA11t.
1te the emote
A now and Direst Line. es lio.eaa dna Kankakee. Iee rees.tly been ewewed.
between Newsom sews, SieMnond, Oinemnatl, MManceeie .ad La Fayette
end Courson Stv0le. St. Paul. MMn.apona and Mmerwedet.,»lets.
All Through Passengers carried on Fast twee, Trues.
For more detailed information. see Nape and FMtNrs, wkiek may be obtelwea. as
err es Tickets. at an principal Tinker °Mom in the Ratted States and Darted., or m.
V,e-iven't t Genii Manager. peen Tht't t 0' s'r Age*
turf T{: a.1., h, sad relieve all the t ro,hiu iPtt.
d - .t o a b.t:ova mute of the system. ouch as De-
e o-.., Hasan, Dreweiate,, thMara.after..�sst2i�ff
1'a n In e aids, A.s
Aa Whit. their nee r':21rt
obi. sutures hes bees shown sit curing
Rradeeie,yrt Cartw'at-kre new Pi11..,, equally
valuate e a Cesetf/.gja., e.rfog sed perruius
Ian seasylag ..espei.t, wait.!bey also ren ct
all d..ord.rs er the ateeneb. elements the liver
sad r.•galete the bawds. Zara If thry only cared
deb./they would healmost priceless 10 thee who
..gar fro/ this dtttieselag r —'-p14 -' ; bet farts -
safely their godson deal set end book those
who earn try teem will Sad these little pine vale -
able is se seely ways Set they will met be waste
to do without saes. Dat atter ell.kk heed
lathe hese of es any lies Ord Mee Is arm, we
sec aear
e ens tester , oar pias oars n tete
Carter's Little Lm MIN are "- .. •,.E awl
They• sissy.5 .aiati1 re�jstSM~oad do 40i aadem
punter bj their pestle teethe please wb•
la vials : 'erg.
bydregiets..rye:seats::t by
Now York Oltty.
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mss. *4, Ms , Admea et 4
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Tie ai8ORTlt*T, QLICKt1T est
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Sodomite .,mead as
� ashes/
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at dumas d trerit.
AN uessdlsss Nada
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Tire Huron, Annb_Cn'v
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'see Imam bar 1Nme and shears owl
lea roar.
Ofin www ye. M her eft a iF1. 17'-
iBet it - _ (•• irawlitsl bdr b_
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