HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-29, Page 5LICENSE L NW& £>fbotins Quassia emd Sefrale. \ r s new tat s -till. be.11.ut of Gmee•ry Memos t'ew.4 tbootM.s of tate Law. Mr Hardy hes introduced into the Leal Legislature a new limes* epi White Li iat.ettded D. sward the aid pprroviiluns .1 the C.uus J,' Act The lul- us a co.deswt►o.0 .,1 the pnneipal fMturee : - Tbc Beard of 'Aortae Coneeissiuoers is anthoria.d to batt the n n..% bre of houses that are out required t.• stave the tall aca.mmt.datauuarequired torr taverna, as follows :-lu elute of lees (ban lb,- ( 00 p.pulsti of to sore more thee three : cities of between 16.000 ■..d 30,000, nit more than live ; cities of ever 30,000, tot mors than ten ; tames of lees than 6,000, not mess than two, and over 6,000, art mere than thaw. Any tee of more electors of any pull- u•g sub -division any ubleot by psIiUn. er otherwise to the granting .4 my license within .cob sub-livcion. No Bosoms shall be granted to any ap- plicant for remises Dot then under jtame if • siejerity of the duly qualified parlimasetary electors of the wb-divi- sios petition against it on certain ..bjss- time. IQAIrae or MOP YCttpeatt. The gradual abolitwi of grocery limin- ess in provided for by • section enacting that ao shop license' shall be granted to any see who is not now a holder of a Mop lioness. If any other commodity than tobacco, temper$DOe drinks, taps, ta, are sold in such shop in audition to hgiiot the homes shall be void. In any oiiesesid hones cf public en- tmsbn.opima other memf the UNA, or employee The seie of ligeo.e is prohibited onany polling day in parliamentary or mental - pal shallow, a when the Canada Tem - penes, Aet is being voted upon. Redden 90114 the License Act is amended se that the child or master of any one who hes the habit of drinking to excels, as well as the parent. etc., of such personae may give notice in enting, or cams the inspector to give notice t o any persona licetteed to sell liquor not to give er sell to the person with such drinking habit (holy use bar is allowed in a licensed boom acid. ut:Rltad No hotel license can be given to a house without a front entrance separate from that lab the barroom. A peaeky of $30 is provided against betel keeper* rulomng lodging. meals, eta, to travellers, without valid reason for seek nfue•l. Fifty duIlsr a day is the maximum fine for pens informal communisa- tion between any and any un- licensed premises used for public enter- tainment or resort Ail hemmed person who allow+ liquor to be supplied on his premises to any appareotly under 16 years of age, mid being a resident of the premium' er a Iowa fide guest, lodger, or traveller, shall. as welt as the person who supplies lbs lt.'gqour. he liable to • penalty not eres.dint $10 for .very such offence. If a licensee takes or allows liquor to tis tattoo off hit premises to be sold for kis benefit, be will be liable to the mine penalties as if the liquor had been drunk of his owe iireinises. In case .4 a purchaser drinking or al- lowing others to drink on the premises caber* ouch liquor is bought, the seller. if not licensed to sell liquor to L. drink THEIR LAST JOURNIDY. Items Whammies of t.. **reed £tram ageww..,* Pastor ro.e..t•a.rhme of ■owees/e.a ttI. tV ed Moor the t e.M. New Yuan, Feb. 23. -Yesterday onur.i.g the ladies .J DeL oug nerd ton tar uufortuttate ewurades of the Jean- nette expedttioa, were removed trete Hubukeu to the Br.a.klya navy yard, where they were, with the eaeeptiun .4 Jerome Cuthns, placed in the Equipment betiding tl►wlly sitter eleww u cluck the line war formed, a Need .4 uted palace in from, then the been.. contorts - ii / the dead, followed by tastefully trlmmeti mentis beating thr numerous Aural tributes, and a ostri..ce occupied by Mrs. DeL.ug uui .•rl•..r rrlativee of dao.ewd. After the.- washed 100 esteem, the '234d ole;:•.... ot, the titch Regiment, a r'gular ♦rn., s.a1:a11•...4 200 men, chi. dicers of ti.e..rwy mud n.. :y. Then cause Tali I71VITED t.Ceere in carr.ap., strong them bees.` iii hop Potter, the British t;.,ttwl-General, M r. Quinn, President Rutter, of the New York Central Railroad, John H. Stariu, and liartiner G. Howlau 1, who repro - milted James Gordon Bennett. Throe were followed by the Police commission. ers, ommimitw- ers, Brooklyn Common Cuutx il. Brooklyn supervisors, Committee of taw New York Board of Aldermen -Mayon Eden• and Low, Judge Adt-oeue, General king, Osesior warner, Miller, the chiefs of the Naval Berme, Major Oen. Hancock and Secretary of War Lincoln, the Russian Minister and Consul -General. Postmas- ter -General Gresbnm,tieeretary Chandler and Commodore Upshnr. The different societies followed in columna of four. Among them were the Memorial Com- mittees of the Grand Army of the Re- public aim Farra.uc post, 0. A. R., the New York Hew!4 Club, Committee of Grammar School No. 1, PV1'a TROCSA.t6 . Es5rJta of the Ancient Order of Hibernian•. Aa the mournful procession paired through New York and Brooklyn minute guns were fired, and bells were tolled. Man, buildings were draped in mourning, and en the ships in the harbor were decent - nous of w:.e. A t the nary yard. ss the hearses were driven past the Lyceum building towards the Equipment building the marine escort halted and saluted the remains. TILE LAe? IAD LITE•. Leet evening the body of Jerome Col- lins was taken in charge by the Sixty - Ninth Regiment, escorted to this city. and placd in the arescury of the regi- ment upon a eatafalgne draped with the "Union Jack" and surrounded by a pro- fess display of floral designs This morning his body was taken to St. Mitrhael'. Cathedral, where a requiem Mese was mid. Afterwards the remains were placed on the steamer City of Chi- cago, to be conveyed to their last resting place in Ireland. The funeral of DeLong and the others took place this morning to the Church td Holy Trinity, ebere an appropriate ser- vice was held. During du. windstorm at Walkerton on Thursday Mat. ihonly after dinner a young man named David hest ass killed on the our.kirt, r f Walkertot. by the blowing oven of a barn door. He was loading peas. whenthe door blew shut, and struck hitt, ..n the head with such (OLIO)1(NIC BRA *4. Rare Just received • lame eoweinemisat et Cottons. Cutu.sede., Ducks. ('heck Shirt - hare and Tweeds at tower prion thea ever. Call sad ere them Ile sore aid see their Factory Cottons before baying. tiedrrlch. Yeb. lith, lit. aRZ<3AT BARGAINS FOR GASH 1 W_ H_ RIDLEY, Of THE PEOPLE'S ifi'ORK. OOOKRiCi1. is now otrning out A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS -C^^/YPR1ilNG-- READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS A 8'ULL LZME OW BT PJ LE DRY 03OOD6, Which he is prepared to sell Cheaper than the cheapest for CASH. Good Value is every Liu. 4RAND CLEARING. SALE ----The subscriber is also clearing off the - Remainder of His Winter Stock at Heavy Discount Prices. ) OVEKCOATS p evtouMy sold for at and ole, can now be had for {t M a.d p respectively. SUITING CLOTHS. which from 66c toil, Mae been red to trodi sec. to Stk. sad other goods Is Cal and Marmot the Goods end Peres whether you hot or not. IP' YOU WANT HAROAINS CALL AT "THE PEOPLrn STORE. Godericb, Feb. IL 1181. W_ H_ RIX)I T , Cor. Ki.pto.eL dad *mare. JOHN A. NAFTEL. CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUJM. Jost received. an assortment of ROBBERS' CHOICEST POCKET KNIVES QUALITY AND STYLE "A No. L" The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND R VI.tA TIONS. The Ostaitsusd saw Mods wtthle th. •0Uw•i Dalt alma Me mai. 1c.., and 1. Ralithoe I3edlohi. at prises rsaalas trust Sean PER ACRE apwoed% whit a dills a reentries edUvelies. A memo tar enklvailea of tree WAR to What p.r sem areedlag le MW paid he its Mail, allowed es esreal. esadiiosw The coopeay alae eat, Lma4s wldha.t estsdttless MILIOneeet.e e44ilvatho. THE RESERVED SECTIO.''' Moog tits Lula Lae, I. e.. the odd numbered Meatier* withlta em anile of *he N .Uwsy. ars mw erred for mile ea adteataacow ter... to parties prepared 1. .de.+eke their laanedl- ate curl ratios TERMS OF PAYMENT : Purchasers may pay nsrdxtt Is cash. and the Assess In live ann. 1 in &meats, with Merest at SIX PICK CENT. per aa.ea pe!.We la advance. Parties parobs+lsg without ooaditioa or cultivation. will receive • heed oe Caere) ease at Ouse of purchase. if peyoast le .rade in 1.11. Payments may be made la LAND ORANT HONDA. which will br •r-'rp•• I et torts rear cent. premium u. their par value and accrued interest. Three tarred& tan tot• o' taints on ay- ptfuatlert at the Haab of biloatreel llnettwl : or e1 am of its •ireaelss. 1011PKIt'1Gtmon OONIHTIoNsorSALL awl information with •e. t to the pur- cha r of Lands, apply to JOHN H. 11,TA V ISO Land l'otneneelooer. WINO rep. By oder at the Hoard. l'll.\It1.KS IrICI%ICWATICret.8e rettry 110,3•• CLEARING SALE sto-vres7 TinWexe, Plated. War.'r^e, re z .c T C-codo, Te'cxrE.' is m 3T'. Close Cuts fbr Cash Pr' ons. S.A.TTNDE P S and f; t::> West Street, next door to the P•. --t Of New Mantle C1:ths A Great Ba.rga.in J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Colored Velveteens IN BROWN, BLUE, SLATE ANI) STRAWBERRY, AT J. C. DETLCR & CO'S J alltnfl lire Kuw'll `(`L OFFEtt{ailed/d to ie DECIDED BARGAINS iiiaryikim 10/101017affictifillrill REA L ,,, :.. ' SITS Alts IN THE TOWN OV GODERICH. AT THE Jnaapen.•fresh ] L FDIC ika4 HALL_ violence that he walk kill.rl instantly. Best wnu s ..tn le thirty tear* of romipmewtdMuss lemetRui Pregame ate. on the prewissa, shall he liable to a AT THE-- jj In Boquet8 and Hanging $sellers_ penalty of not more than $20 fur the first oFiuoe and art more than ibo fora Dried Grasses and Everlasting Flowers second or subsequent :.1g_.._ S The purchaser who drinks or causes CA S SSTORE A Choice Lot of Hyacinth• and other Flower Bulbs (some of them just any orae to drink on the premises to in bud in Hyacinth Glasses), very suitable for Xmas Pt'etsenta which • whop or wholesale license is rated is liable to a penalty of WO. 3 when not otherwise provided, a third conviction for Sunday selling operates as THERE IS CHEAP a forfi4tore of license, and a diagoalifica- Choice Perfumer%' of all kind., Bottled or i tion for obtaining a homes for two years I Any =lammed plaas when a sign, bar, bottles, or larks are displayed in such a mamma as to intimate that aluor is sold thee, or that tiers is "tore liquor on the premiss• than is reasonably re- quired by the resideeta, is to be conclud- ed to be a place when liquors are un- lawfully sold. A FULL LINE OF GAB ZXPLOSION. A leo a full lite of Pettey and Useful TOILET ARTICLES AND REQUISITES. n BulkFool, t• P, rft:nt. thereafter. rockery & Glassware, Lampe, &c. The Irish .f Emmert. • .es i. Termite Toronto, Feb. 26. -A terrific explosion wetted in ilia Bank of Commerce this morning shortly after d o'clock, when the clerks had just eomatenoed work, George Shaw, manager, proceeded to open the vault, and struck • metMb to enable him to see more freely, when a sheet of flame shot up. There was • loud espinsien, Shaw being lifted from his feet and thrown a distance of twenty feet, and was severely injured about the head and face. Twelve clerks, seated at their desks. were itrOCi6D sown 1.1E1 MSS Mtn, sed Puns, paying teller, was standing twit* window on Yours street, was through the window into the street sad pptteck.d op insensible and bloodier. Heavy plaster retried down in ihowen : ceilings and guards were twisted off, counters and flying pieces o< inflicted innumerable cats on the bewildered clerks Every window in the lower part of the building was blown out. The iron doors of the vault were slmest twisted off the hitless. Everything was c.,nfasien. aid the wildest rumors got albet of burgla- ry, eta The hank was soon besieged with mt+t.imers and others to sacertai. TER MUM 11 appears the plumbers ween at week on Setnelay. and «ithet throngs their neglect or that ..f the clerks, • jet is tate vault bad helm left 611,.4 avid theta. hese ..espinw sinew *losing week Saturday. The shock was felt V • 'id.ewhle stemma' in the loselity. re•tN5Ms of the week seetaiked ted 1 Damage .overtly estimated e $1,600 N. 96,000. TE■ rwJCieto Timm teemed •M : aniislar, monies.-: ewer : Folia, teller, seswrely ; Deem' el.r► A. Mill, rnsnaM'"-' GROCERIES AND CANNOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call! G.H.OLD THE GROCER, The Square. Jan. 1t. teed. Bottle., etc., etc. F. JORDAN, Chemist an Druggist, be DZO.A.L. HALL. irk- JL I =_- TOILICCO, CIG4RS, cirvi L A Cerner hot ;Ko-: 330 on Went Aim* DemsRiemid Fruits. elope to the Square, tU1lee,e of the Bele Brands. i Lot MI. near the Pare. very pleasant 10 - Fwd. and inneMdwater nil in Knox. ratio., with view oeftrorLahr, competitor sub- A t0YattNenM•( of sit ease et Neta. stable, ry I tr,' 1 • Orrick how, wit stable, trait tn c.., •a.. Lase aw peers. I.rvsd to Elveey arty* Eeewbed• 3. Throe an.t • hall tote Ineerty aa amyl, on ICI CREAMS IN NE.4140N. int street. with Aria•! Y,.rndry, nsw ceder roma Designs. Wrenths, ('teases. 8oitgtsets, rent at $100.110 a year. .f 1ree.-M• eta meads to order. I. Lot on hates of elver, near the atten. FMwrveng alerts a )then.*. In views.. "1'41.- -5T - E. BINGHAM'S RESTAU RANT, Corot House Square, Ooderich. Out Dec. 10. 1083. 11i3m. Three prop.-rtfea are really wale meek more Rooney.not most be sold to chess Birt the Eaate. Arad .re therefor., .(!seed d the above prfere Appl: 10 SEAGER & LEWIS, Thai ri term, Godes**. Ood.rlch, Sept. 11th. 1863 Ifletr The Chicago House, GODFRICH. The Leading Iillinery Establishment of the County, PLfSIHE3, I BIRDS, VELVETS, l'Ll P M Es, RIBBONS, I LACER The Largest and Best Amok.] Stock in the County to CI.,.rr Fent, at Miss Wilkinsoa'a, - Chicago House. AYER'S PILLS. A large provertfoe of w Memo Mish.eme Mom ..*ertsg moult from mrellealliant Of the .lsreseh, bowels, aid limr. Ansi CATnasrae Fria set Meetly mod them wpne, tree are ,gmlaly desiped so ..re tar Rousso mend by their eiraagemmst, *•tudl s OweniMeetea. M i loillmeN••, ny.p.pedn, eeadnehs. Etyema- esmin el Int 3 "meta mor o Wry, clod $ ►ed d cera alrsab, for all of kr isdat sg T a wash they area Ode, tars, p1u/tsf. mrd tlMssaas Q Rmree dlR r3e tulle. les5y The ea*slit w d them hes by YY eVWe O. emlart pipers in molar prams., Mews mmissata►y the mwlm.hms in which they are Canned held by the steal pefmdo.. These Pw.t.are .omposadd or Mgetabla tat - Renee only, and are absolutely free from esiemel er any .then lafsriom lair dirt. • dlew.e- from H..darbe writes i ' AT.n's Parts .nts ienee.rt,sebaaotre eeonmolp• aadn hweIbnryw1arab•aIsar d tMboh.n.amesce,• aiosdtvieaMdreteGOOdC. PreisitiSl1 ib.y0534s .tbeW 1.mresy.edr ..setlosh.sddns ID. physic I isms .ver mead. tt e s pMwre err se mash la their praise, and I always de s whoa .toast W. .tP 'S[,, or W. L Pare at Bra' • Prankila St., RI.bs.nd, Va., Jane r IoM. ' i boor used Acmes Pow 1■y« Ne► ~am ea reeen...ded b rased Goderich WARRANTED 00 TO KNIGHT'S Fon A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO. OR DYE. tied noes saw oft too .sant st home. M.M melt tree. 1°•f esseleser ewe a vise see Reader, H ren wart nem t.er•.n••11 for t$tarer r• reele ,sit the time titer a me tall rtb . Chicken t I* Tire+, Pip Feet " " Corn Beef " .. Tongue .. .` Mackerel (in Tomatoe trance.) Salmon (extra t1u silit .) Lobster, Mackerel. Sardines (French), Peaches (American). Blueberries. Tomatoes, 3 the tins, Green Pea. (French), Green Beans, Green Corn (American), Frosieh Knehrnona, Potted Chieben, Ham A Tonicve. Mmitard anti Ginger in 1 R► ,lank, CHAS A. NAIRN. Spasm (1t,dertek, Jas. 23, 102d. k w *ow to call to 6e8688.1 th. drersd to.matt We e••n.taatly k..p there co tad et oar toms end prim Mem es $ osaot sds1mil eenrenal*fa-U7 reedietn. PeltoleYTstnrat thsy ate IwvalsdM. J. T. Hans.' wleo•fit, Toms, Jose 11, I. The RM. Timm S. 17A$U,WR whams hem /Mesh, clays: Fes ems rams pest I have been ttt> l eo.stlp•timn, front tali, 1. I en er thththM_eee t remir. nm..MA11e.1nws $ soMob, iek'nnonvwIm.eeae. meal some atones I hzi:eteates Area's rum.ham the maim 1ej ham may n poem] Waith.-' ATtea's OAtr.Antle MAO sorrel ingdmi. lbs st vee bow*, a talose the appal* .id dyestlse, mid y tush premed and thwcta .rtes she atm and Moue to the wide pbesai es~r' ►alt►. nwn 57 Dr. L O. Ayer 1 Co., Lowell, Mees. ttdd by .0 Dr.eriRe. mitV zattiseutroi tome` innswow Ayar''s Sarsaparilla. cheiE i ee mi..e 3: ow•sMaolr.Er!"+Mreaf sales wer>rsssidrt KdB blase ea 1111 Ooderlcb. Nov. itk.11 1883 -AXES ---1883. Welland Vale, Burrells, and the Simpson Axe. 14 elland Vale, Burrell is, and the Simpson Axe. PULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS MANUFACTURED B\ R. H.SMITH &CO. Neere.nor to J. FLINT IAPLE UM UNE. 4'4 Heard Quarters for Steel Barb Foto "fire CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HAitl)VYARE. p'COME AND BEE FOR YOURSELF R. W. MCKEN.'ZIE'S 0:21>11A - =J.1111t7111liA7tiT e COURT ROUSE SQUARE, eisreim. Ort d. 11a 1:10131e Or?AAK). a