HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-29, Page 14,11
-00 -
1 .l*rvirrid ADVANC
Sew Adrorslesmeam TRIM Wags.
rb Who -Jobe A. Need.
TIMI ter Irl•te.---Mas. Fawn.
Pesket Kaivss--Jolla A. Nafte4
0..s11\asentas for Oash-W. H. Ridley.
titedsuisk anew r Works L•hryasal t Bleck.
v6• g e sad rwidcaus. West
show Beak !Moor"
She People's Column.
1LJ WANTED to lean ot
the tiseithlag bast
awe =Maw.
Ma_lib W. Apto R. MMONS.
CAUTION -ALL by iood agPtARTastaIeEtastlatARE
state for
are drewtrRoderick Douglas le
tater of . Ors
d. Wieser. es. at Co.. er order, at
tledetie& falling dee ea or before the let bay
e1 oetober. 11118, and bearing Interest at 10 per
drat we annum atter div wall paid. The
&\ore tope has been lost ay me. J. .1. 81L
l VAN, agent. 1t111 -/t
COON SILINA. All Made of raw flus,
Wyss and shesgpsbklos bought at SMITH'S
TANNERY. lifsbO.I osis Woe paid.
Oodsrtch. Feb. IIIc h. 1\N. INA 1 m
LI SPAM/II-Prime Buds --Al Strain.
Thetis Mabee' of baring this male.tic and
at*1.cratto bread that lay eggs w large that
ow b.ioie.t ter a m.a1, oast obtain them
tram It. L. WALTOY. Phillips :[arta Factory.
Wssl Orme. 0derlch. Leave roar orders
Daly a wawa number at If R per
14 -All mesas, desirous of obtaialagLtcen.ee
tot theists of Liquefy for the cosmos license
teacart lava their *pplioatba is my bands
es or before the first of April, seat.
/Mimics YATM, License laspecmter.
O odm4ich. Fob. 111IMI. lt>> A
For Sale or to Let.
hrm hews se tett. es the Rh moa.. of
Colborne. aid ooaslstlas et He aerie. soariy
W Meed. 'dal shoot N or It writ ofgood
hodwed. The lot is well teaoe& sad baa ea
it a bora sad Never &Wag1 *ring creek.
YR about Macaw et Mwheot sews.
Mem is elteated ds Wise twat Dederick.
(tthe IL C.atsapear esknas a pod Ravel lead.
FEAOAlf. (L01.w P. 0.a p71 to VPIOW.Isa
That gam. osaais!liaagg of part Bieck ' Y3."
Towesltp d Cdberaa. half a taint from I)en-
coomp SII acmes. es the iboout *00 ores ea road. 8th ireed
with trema ban sad pup oa the prwmlaes
Also wises week runout throksedi it. For
tell paiticolas apply to ALEEY O. gib
Con., Carlow P.O. WOO -0
Lal 140. f. to the Bsyseld cess. township
10oderiek.116 acres. N to W acres cleared art
tree from •aamps -batace well timbered. hos
trout -WO ea Oayseld river and on the Chases
.wail. sad adjoins we Isoorpoeesed village of
Bay; dol. For was erIculars d
cant:Woos of sale supply to ire rillmad
BTON • & ARMOolick ars. It King
tract WUR. B
West Tomos. Or to Joke Morgan
Hotel kapyer, I3s7Ustd. ltt>♦tf
eagerly 1W acres of block lettered in
ter 7th Coaoeafow of the Township of Cot-
ter.. Ab sot 61 or 1o1111 acres aromcllepalreed. bome
aaaad elm. timelier fame [bene. alos d large hams ban
and stauM aro on the pr..MIoes. Fenoea .
Only tour adios hoot US.+rteb by a gem
r.i road. rot particulars apply to JOHN
BRECIC=K tl)fitC. Ooderteh. er to SKAOER
k MORTON. Solicitors. Dederick. 1106
C. SWNsskaJ J. A. Moamar.
L N. Lows. 1911-
lb °Moe writer of the mpeare sad West
stre1, U,derlok. over Bull's bookstore.
mosey to load at lowest rates of Interest.
R1ST(RI. Attt)rae Solicitors, etc
Ood.rlch. J. T. Ostrow. W. Proadfoot. 176
( 'IA M1CROONrica andW,1 HbOaL T & CAMERON,,
0f rristers, Solicitors la Chancery, Ike -
P. RaY. M. O. Cameron. .M. Gavle►. W L
11ao•n WIagbam. 1751.
riP E. CABS, M. D. , C. M. , M. C. P. S.,
1 • Oat. pyvteen. Surgeon, Accoucheur.
do. Ogee -4'rint formerly occupied by Ili.
HsI.klaaoa) Daoganao.. Night °!flax Mar-
t1a•s hotel. MI-
. SIOUAN, 8vgaoa Accouchesr. etc.. M.
C.P.B.. Osu i°. l ee--The Square. = doors
ism of Wilson's Drug 41.,.. no sun. 11Nt
. IAN. SURGEON, tc.. Graduate of Tor -
O 10 University. Lioeetlate of the Royal Col -
I e of Physicians. Loado.. Boghead. too to..
• P. $ Vat•o. Ogre and residence
Opposite Sellers rilers Hotel. Haa*Utoa street? -
-1--/DBO\. Consoler Rn, Ogee and residence
Brum Street, Wooed door west of Victoria
Street. 1751.
. etas. Surgeon and Acco*cher, Graduate
of Toronto University. OSceoppe ite lamer
•ea a lhmeron's Beak, Lackaow. If not is
*Ice. enquire at the Beak. 17b7.
iJ Poysiclaa.. Sargeons. Accoochers. tc.
ogoe at Dr. Sh.asoa's resl*saoe. near the
gaol Godericb. D. C. SHANNON. J. C. HAMII.-
Tae. 1 1751.
Loans anb insurance.
Qsf100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
1 hmd4-on freehold security. Apply to
O.o. Bwaa.oa. (Dederick.
beautiful brick residence ooeapled by
Rion. sed formerly uc.:upIcd by Mr. S.
ieemaoa, at the heal of Newsate street
'tient to OcIub_r.tar ppsarrtticel.rsCKgl7 to tie owner. J. 11R®EI'NRIDOB.
be satrap- Iledc''••b. OWL
tit toat.rl11 o hies b dol Ilaad Iersbll eoxjeriesce to
the suctlomeering trade. he 1. . • podtlon to
discharge with thorough Mit - ctlon all cam
Widow entrusted to him. Orders., lett ur,
Martin's Hotel. or seat by nasal Wry Hit
3odor{o P. 0.. carefully attended to. JO
ZNt OX.hc)s.aty Ae0tis.ser. 18117-4
sad Agtpratser, interwar to J. C. Currie.
the Poodles Ametteseer. =nee: With Mew
Men. Altace. Leave .den as this ottloe or at
81i y • /lee& Wier* ls myabeam.a. JAS.
PR!!N'r[CE. Aactleaort. 1Mi
▪ o. good Farm or first-class Town Property
•t 8per coat. Aoob to it. RADCLiFFH. 1751
131 tteoaat or Private Funds for taveauneed
u lowest rates ea tint -else Mortgages. Apply
toDARROW a PINK: uroo E.
• ▪ o. Farm and Town Property at lowest in-
terest Mortgages purchased, no t'ommiesioa
charged. C.wvey.olag Fees reasonable.
N. B.-Ilorrowers can obtain money 1n 0aedy
1t title is .awactory.-UAV1t1O\ Jt JOHN
STUN Barristere. hr.. Uodericb. 1751
. Life and Accident Insurance Agent.
R'pressartag first-class Companies. ALeo agent
for the CANADA LITS STOCK INst iia *ca Co.
Mosey to lend on Mortgage. either in Town of
Forza Property. In any way to unit the borrow
er. Oiflce-ruo-sulrsi Kat'. block Oodcrich
°,TION KKR Nit the Comity of Hsrus, hay -
lid entered the list. U sow prepared to attend
to aU Orden for Auetloneering. Orders left
at •grs Hegel. Ooderieh. or seat by
speeded eeded to. fL
. the County of Rates. Sales mtteo led
tsear kpert Otbe Comity. Address o to
EAGER & LEWIS, Orrexurs Max -
1 Trx's Horwt. Goderbb. have Private
1n any sums to suit parties wanting loans at
very low raise. 1107 -
Cousmr ov Hrttuo 1 By virtue of a Writ of
TO WIT : ( Fier( Faoi•a. Issued out
et Her Maloof' County Court of the County
of Humes. sad to me directed and delivered
g gthe Leads and Tenements a ALEX-
.AlVi c R MANSON. at the soft of TIMOTHY
T. COLEMAN. I have Maid sad token in
execution all the right. title. Interest, and
equity of marmot/as of the above named els-
fendant, Alexander Mamma la and to Lot IMI
tee. West Frost Street. North side. bei nsgg ane -
half acre In the %'illage of geemamdvale.
County of Bute. and Preview of Ontario.
which Lands sed Tenements I shall offer for
Bale. a say alter, In the Court Howe, la abs
Town of Ooderic. on SATURDAY. the Towtl
day of MAv. 1011. at the hour et twelve et the
clock. Stour.
Sheriff, Dares.
Awehlioe Me of Valuable, Pro pert y.
Under tet bw virtue of • power of male oar
.aimed lea testa.a mortgage dnice the 1Bad
day of hew, A.U. It=mslasd widely will be pro
Aimed at the Moo ofGrew
he soil
byPIANO Auction. at Ms promisee taoWO M
d i , la th dl F my of Here& e. la f be sen M (lode
doh, le the my of
1 n«+h►, the .114 dap .f;Va.rA,1.
at 11 Vde•k aeon, the hlNwteg raluaM& pro
g gy 1I Ley resg neem ars M S1,
re l 00. it the
1l* of iloderdeb. la the
NT IZ lea eierwdsd ow Ow add property. wile\
Is boors as the Goderbe Foesdry. a toe-
woeasy Wow aides roofed with Ravel. sad
reeaNs d s • ■est Ing stun, and weeds\ PW:.
nae ste•e, ehl railed. 6
story frame Markssepth ttti00, a lay
Mn, home buffer shop • trams alias sad
Iwy /tame 1 gkkettaeled. a Mme show neem
dM*gl yurMtslapallikerliad wadNYas mad* known em w
AMt sow y be geepedd the Mttet-
AM et
at \yggssrgeper Hat C•pgseren. ilar-
Mrtleel•r. empty H
♦edsr'a /sUeibm oederls0.
Asettsaeer. Dederlel.
Oedertol. Jan. list Int. 144
Sheriffs Ogce. Ooderick.
Jaau.ry SIst. 1861. i 1918 -May -10
Aa' 1.110 0. 11 in . lika
okla' setas,
Ask fur the "Solid Comfort' er **Olivetti
°Wdettish Maar.
b. say flat March sometimes conies In
110. slob sad goes out rearing like a lion.
At Pillows photo gallery the customers al-
ways come In smiling, &ad go away sattsaet
Good wort will tell.
1t doesn't make a Mt of dlgbreuce to W. L.
Horton, whether the (..ks eat or the Mc-
Carthy act is likely to lead. He has the beat
stuck of wines sad liquor la tow.. and le
bound to give vales for the money
I !'rhe goastlon win be settled to -eight ea to
whether March will come la like • kion or a
lamb. Thegoastioa las already been settled
sato the •sodl.aes of the pictures turned out
by Geo. B. Robson. Um photographer. Thur
is Po doubt that he Is AlIn that line. .61 y
,,. '71 The March winds will Mosel
'Lad we shall have wow.
bet the spring. vernal spring. will soon be
hare. The hoary ulster will be laid by for
soother season, and the sprint overcoat will
be 1. demand. F. a A. Prldhsm the fashdos-
alb tailors, can give beet satisfaction lo that
ONs HcNnaxD AND Ftvrr persons owe Jas.
Menders t Son sums radian him one to sf-
1yollarsd 11 amountleg to over one Dimond
4odan AU account.large and all. will be
seat in on the tat of mall.
March. and we expect a
molly response. We are seising 1n RAW gods
wblols we are buying at short date.. and wi11
mil cheap. The curates' house under the sun.
Lent began on Wednesday last.
The town council wi:1 meet to night.
Miss Annie Hiucks left for Turmto on
Tuesday last
The public school a oar.' will meet un
Monday next.
Mn. W. Sw.flieid vi.ited P..rt C•.: -
borne last week.
Capt. MIchitoslr re -timed 10 his home
in Detroit tact week.
Lueknow Iwai Wingghaw seven shots
at curling on Monday.
Miss Carey, of L.ndu:t Eger, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. `..e,orge Quick.
?services were held on Ash Wednesdsa
in St. Peter'. and St. Geur4e's churches.
By the storm lest week alrwt >R200
worth of nets were destroyed tot the ice.
Mrs Hamilton,daugbter-7o Dr. Hamil-
ton, of Cornwall, is visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. John Wanless are in
town the guests of Mr. and Mra. Joseph
Revival services are bring conducted
ui stilly 111 the North strew Metbod:at
)Lias McMahoa bee been co:ruted to
the house for • coup'.c of we.&s, a
severe cold.
tt! 50,000 ' e LOAN AT 0 PZR
are prepared to leas mosey at 1 per eea& pay-
able half yearly. ea
ria Ono -claw therm sessrity.
Agents for the Tomato General Oo'y.
Misers. CAnsxow. Hm.T t Careworn have
also • large eaoeet of *a$e toads to las
en gree -.lees farm
Oodericb. Oct. 1. 1Ml. 1111-11
Doentiow License Ineracross. -Mr.
Henry Perkins, of Gerrie, has been ap-
pointed chief Inspector for the County
of Huron, and John Kelly, Yf Blrrtb,
sub -inspector for South Huron ; Willies
Elli inn,
Wingham, for East Huron ; and
H. W. Ball, Ooderich, for West Huron.
Excaaatos ro CLINTON. -The I. 0.
O.F. Lodge have chattered a train for a
visit to their Clinton brethren on Tees-
d .a(• next. The train will leave Gode-
rich at 5 p. m., and return at 12 o'clock.
The fare fur the trip will be 65c. Any
person wishing to go eau purchase tick-
ets for the evening's trip.
ENTgsTAINXLNT.-The Young Peo-
ple's Sucie:y of the M. E Church, will
give their second musical and literary
ac'.ertainwe.nt iu the !octet -et twin 0.n
Tuesday evening hest. A very attrac-
tive programme is .tore I. There will
be nu addnuwioa fee, ry .: silver col-
lection will be taken u p.
••Our Little Ones and Nursery.' for
March proves conclusiv'ly, that tk.se
in charge of that periodical know what
u wanted in the line of children's litera-
ture. It is truly a good investment for
families where there are small children.
Terms 11.50 a year, post paid. Address
Russell Publiahiug Co. Boston.
The board of License Commissioners
met last week at Wingbam and Gerrie.
The Isar.' was composed of Judge Doyle
and Mr ('•oroyn, Warden Gibson not W-
ine present. After appointment of in-
spectors, the Board adjourned tn Gude-
rich wherea meeting waa held on Tuesday
at which meeting resolutions were adopt-
ed fur the strict enf..rceweut of the Du-
mieinn Act.
Tatum -Hanks. MLN. -We bete read
or beam of three -bat .led wen, teen with
a right hand, a left baud and a little &-
kiiel hood; and au 1•...kintg over our sub-
scriptiui lot we thiuk we recognize some
of these brethren by the labels attached
to their mime.. We sitsl be most happy
to reduce their number by receiving and
crediting their renewal subscriptions
within the next few weeks.
C. W. Andrews has been admitted In- 1
to partnership in the bran of R B.
Smith & Co.
Donald C. Strachan and Findlay M.:-
Pherson have purchased the schooner
Midland Rover.
Miss Mary Dutton, ..f Stratford, is
spending a few days with her sister, Mrs.
T. McGillicuddy.
Cayley Hamilton has returned from a 1
trip to Cornwall, where he visited his
brother, the doctor.
Messrs. Dere and George Fisher left
town on Tuesday p. m. with a consign-
ment of horses for Chicago.
The Misses Wilkinson will attend the
openings in their line, of the wholesale
houses at Toronto next week.
Ain. Wilson Salkeld. and her mother
Mrs. McLeod, left for Toronto on Men -
day to choose her spring good..
Tuesday last was Shrove Teseday, and
the festive "dap-isck" found its way to
many a table at the evening meal.
Mrs Marden, wits of the pastor of the
M. E. Church, will occupy the pulpit of
that church on Sunday evening next.
Point Farm was merry un Tuesday
night haat.- Several parties from town
having assembled with music and danc-
A grand skating carnival, with races,
will be held in the Goderi:h skating
rink !text week. It wilt be a byf thing
on ice.
Miss Nellie Vanderlip is is the Horst
City, haring been called there 1. by the
indisposition of her sister-in-isw,Krs. F.
We regret to learn that Mn. Stitt has
been quite ill since the death of her
brother, R. H. Detlor, but is very much
better this week.
The office of the inland Revenue de•
pertinent is now located over Rhynes'
dreg store, in the norms formerly owe -
by Mr. W. H. Ridley.
Archibald Dewar, for many years Pro-
vincial School Inspector of North Huron,
died os Tuesday after a long and p•tatut
illness. He was much esteemed by a to make • provision for their families
very wide circle of friends when they -the victims of mom. attritive -
A. Kent, foreman of the harbor dinary casualty -are rendered incapable
mill, leaves to -day (Friday) for Montreal
where he will remain for .cmetime.while
this mill is Ming changed to the roller
system. We wish him s happy time.
Nowa STttsro Msrxont.r Centen.-
The anniversary sermons of the •bet.
church will be held next Sunday. The
Rev. Mr Brier, late of the Metropnli-
COAT Rai .-Cotrra•eeiag March
Id, the Grand Trunk Railway will Memo
tickets to Manitoba act North West ;
also British Colombia by the all rail
route, at greatly reduced rates Amm-
oniate are being made to ran threigh
special settlers' trains, of which due no-
tice will he given. All infurnation •e to,
fares, motes, Qac., se., cheerfully fur-
nished. A large supply of valuable mapo
/sides, *a, always on hand. and mailed
to •n addrres free of charge. Tickets
int 1st all parts of Great Britain by the
Allen or Oxnard lit et, the latter sailing
from New York. Prepaid certificates
issued at greatly reduced rates M ps0S0Ots
wishing to bring their friends from the
old eoeatry. Por ticked and all Mier -
motion apply to H. Armstrong, tows
dad .gess, G. T. R , afro agent 01. N.
W. telegraph company, Goderioi.. Mr.
A. also rends ninny orders by telegraph
between the prineipsl telegraph offices in
Canada and the United States
A lecture will be given in St. Mich -
eel's it. 1-'.' ebnroh, Islyth, on the even-
ing of Sunday, Marek 16th by Rev. G.
R. Nortbgreres Subject -"Life and
Labors of SL Patrick." Father North•
graves recently gave a capital lecture in
Goderich and if bus effort .on the 16th
will compare favorably with his lecture
on the last
on. the
le of
Blyth have undoubtedly
a treat in atore
fur them.
The Cn•okston ;D..; Chooni4- aays :--
"An item from from this paper has made
a false impression. Morris Bros., arc
nut in the saloon business, but have
simply mored their palace jewelry store
to a place formerly occupied by s saloon.
There don't seem to be any loud call for
more saloons here, and when there is
such demand it is not likely to be filled
by Morris Box., who are doing well
enough in their legitimate business"
Ccs.uNu. -A game at curling was
p eyed here on Ti:esday last between two
rinks from Seafcrth and two belonging
resulted in the suc
by six shots, as fol
to Goderich, which
osis of the outsiders
lows :-
A. Young,
D. D. Wilson,
T hood,
Capt. McGregor,
R. Common. A. McD. Allan,
J. Lyons, skip --23 E. Martin,skip-
J. Laidlaw, W. T. Welsh,
A. Wilson, A. Colborne,
J. A. Wilson, M. Hutchison,
0. Pattnn,skip-24 T. D.ncey, skip -21
The teameeting under the auspices of
Lucknow Methodist church is said to
have been one of the most successful yet
held in that village. The attendance
was large, and the programme was an
excellent one. The north street Metho-
dist church choir. of Goderich, drove the
entire distance, (22 Miles) and judging
by the following reference to their work
in the 4M*timi. , they were fully appreciat-
ed : - "The musical portion of the enter-
tainment was furnished by the choir of
the tlnderkh Methodist Ohnt+eh, =der
the able leadership of Mr. Halls, and a
greater treat was rarely enjeyd by tate
at wits of Luck now. Besides the several
anthems, choruses, etc, by the choir,
Mr. Henderson, their powerful bast,
singer, rendered a couple of solos in •
highly satisfactory manner for which he
was loudly snored."
How the County Jail is Filled.
sew • "allea r Myesaor law neves
gatorsasasea sea Thee releasers Ma-
si•.• after iaN--0 Few Ward /sew
•sr Inhuman C..My fNarlll.so The
4.11 Tamed tea• an Ue.Ptsal mod Any.
lain for aasaae--A Masr•rr to Wawa
( 00001.
-sea's labusasaity to now
Yokes countless thousands mourn.'
Toa SIGNAL has on mere than one oc-
casion directed the attentive of the pub-
lic to the fact that Huron county jail
was of late years being put to a use for
which it was nut originally intended.
Instead of being solely used as a plate
for the incarceration of cruwwala who
were expiating offencesagainst the laws of
the land, itis now wade to de service as
an hospital, a lunatic asylum, and •
county tour house. For some year put
the question of establishing an indus-
trial farm or house of refuge in the
county has been brought up in the coun-
cil, but on every occasion it has been
voted down, or "choked oil.'' Why the
reeves from the rural municipalities will
persist in keeping their eon Awed to the
cry of suffering humanity and their eyes
shut to the necessity for a county house
.1 refuee for the aged and incapable indi.
gents of Hun,n is wmethtug we cannot
understand. Tin StaNAL knows every
member of the enunty couueil per-
sonally, and we know that there is not •
nun in the:whole fifty who is raturally
•, hard-hearted that be would tut be
willing to lessen the woe and misery that
obtain amongst the pour of Huron.
But, despite this fact, v, hen the question
of shaking suitable provision fur the
toady ones comes up at the council
meeting the "nays" are largely in th
majority. This should not be, and we
hope to see the question taken up again
and thoroughly ventilated, so that defi-
nite action may he taken by the cuuaty
council at its neat meeting.
With this end in view a reporter ..1
THE. SIGNAl., having heard that the jail
inmates were composed largely of per-
sons who were not criminals in anywise*
••f the term, but who bad been conimitt-
ed to jail because no suitable place for
their maintenance existed in the county,
paid • visit to the "Bsatile," and took a
run through the wards During his
viwt he learned that Ashfield, Howick,
Stephen, Grey, Clinton, Seaforth, Brus-
sels and Exeter were represented in the
jail by unfortunate persons who had
been guilty of no crime for which they
should be made the wmpanwus of male-
factors. They were in every instance
aged and helpless, invalid or weak-mind-
ed. And yet many of the county coun-
cillors were willing that thew poor
creature. should pass the remainder of
their days in the continuo jail of the
county. It is a shame and disgrace that
this thing should continue longer. These
poor people cannot possibly get the prop-
er attention in jail that they would re-
ceive in a hospital or house 01 refuge.
The jail officials have of late been over-
worked caring be the sick and afflicted.
and it the county ounnell does not take
some steps to improve the existing state
of affairs, the assistance et the Govern-
ment must be called in tc remedy the
The accommodation for inmates con-
sists of four wards, each ward having
three cella -thus giving room for twelve
prisoners. Whet. the inmates exceed
that number, "shakedowns" in the halls
of the wards have to be made for all over
the number specified. Two of the wards
are upstairs, and two are un the lower
Accw*Nri WILL 0ousta. -Stational
prove that .0e Gat ..f •very ten persons
menta with an aexikhant• Tbsy occur in
every conceivable form, and when leapt
expected, at all times and places, and to
all claws, tr,m the gentleman to the
laborer. To enable the provident ler
payment of a comparatively email sum
of doing ere, Is one of the chief objects of
accident insomnia. Therefore, dm 'c-
adent policies of the Citizens Accident
Iasnranee Company are by far the most
eoeopeusetiag, the met liberal and the
most free of oneditions of those offered
by any enmpany to the public in Obraelal
and which a eomparirm will closely es -
tan church, will preach both morning Iahti.h. The rates for a yearly pokey,
stool evening, insaring the holder (or 11000, ranges
John Salkeld, formerly of Stratford, fr.". $5 per tknesaad and upward•. ac.
bet now of Moose Jaw, Manitoba, and cording to liminess or nacupatton emgag-
bride,ot St. Mary's,are new the gem= of
the Messrs. Halkeld, Byfield toed, and
will leave fur their new home in the
ed in Railway aeeident tickets, 1b costa
ter single journey and 25 cents for re.
tern journey, insuring the balder for
ae •wect in Marsh gin emus of death, or 115 per week
during total diesMetnent and $5 per
We tegTN tn•,jearn that on. day last week daring partial disablement. A fol
week Mrs. Rob' J..hOskns. who lives *m eggpfy of thew tickets always on hand
the .Doer d Welliagtnn sad Q"bee end an eel be had frown the undersign
West&, dipped nn the ..e neer her get° d, who wil give all information requir
sed broke heir wrist. Aeoidente of this ad Mend fes (timelier. H. Armstrong
satiny h.,* been quite cusses"n thw ticket agent, 0 T. R., Neem Cititwns ins
winter. (,sea., accident dep•rteseet.
rt= pleat ser
There are four unfortunate ereatwr,
uone ',f whcu► are in. jail fur offenses
wasn't the Seale.
Old "Billy Kelly;" of Brussels
about fiftyears of age, of weak intel-
ligence, thou of sturdy proportions. Hie
is able and willingto pay for hie keep by
labor He shoulnot be in jail, for be
is not a criminal.
McKinney, • venerable than how
Howick, was sitting in the ward with
Kelly. His offeuce consists in that Ise
80 years of age, and had either to be
supported by his township or !mgt to
In the same wand is Thos Devine,
from Seaforth, aged 80, who, is also s
inmate of the jail and the &asocial* of
criminals because he is old, feeble and
The fourth innate is Joseph Millan,
of Stephen, who is in the criminal's cell
when 6e should he in an hospital or in-
sane asylum. In the
rgtYtis' wase.
there aro two women for vagrancy
One la a young woman, and the other ss
middle -aged. The feet of the latter
were Indty frozen last winter, and they
hare of late become painfully sore again.
Her caro is another which .b oubi be
sent to an hospital
No the matter all .round stands is
this shape : Out of 14 inmates in the
C100111011 jail we find the crines to be as
follows :
1 sick with cancer.
1 blind.
2 orer,80 years of ale.
1 over 64 years, and on crutches.
1 with hands 1rosen,
3 weak -winded.
1 an idiot suffering from erysipelas.
1 a woman with frozen feet.
3 prisoners who deserve to be is jail
When leaving, the reporter was in-
formed by the jailor that he and the
turnkey had. in addition to their other
duties, to take turns at night watching
in the ward occupied by Moosehead,
sick with erysipelas, and Burgess, wear-
ing; away with cancer in the leg. Their
official duties did not require the pigs!
sittings, but in the cause of hutsaeity
they had been constrained to *caapi the
additional burdens for the matte .d the
pour incapable* who had been fumed
upon them.
Through carelessly neglecting tc tole
his horses while delivering meat in tome
the other day, Joe Tewsley, of Colborne,
sustained a loss by his team running
away, it juringg lie sleigh and semehiaa
two large panes of glass in Rhyme's dnig
store. noes runaways don't pay.
Co tcasT AND L.i rUat.-A sassed seg•
cart stool lecture will be bold in SA. Pet-
er's church on the evening of tits 1Ta0
inst. The lecture will be delivered by
Rev. W. It. Harris P. P. ,ELT., e1 New-
market. The ret. lecturer is lcokrd
0000 l being 000 0( the most talented
of Canadian platform speakers. Furth-
er particulars will be given nett week.
SKATING Mama. -The race between
Stevens and Maguire did not came off,
Steven's friends objecting tad)* 'weight'
of the Goderichskater. Charley Dutuugh
waa then picked upon by the GOderiob
men, and the contest cams off in the
Clinton ring Tuesday. Stevens was the
heavier of the two by live ponds, whisk
esu not objected to by our fellows. Then
was a big turn out to witness the race,
The judges were J. Carrie and John Cal-
lender. Referee, Ferran, of Clinton.
The men started off nicely, but when
about ten yards forward, the Chatoa
skater fell, and • foul was claimed after
Donagh had gone over two lags. After
considerable chin music, th. men got of
again, when a closely contested rtes war
indulged in, Stemma winning by shoeet
a lap, in 22 minutes and 36 second&
Dunagh's friends claim that he was net
fairly treated in the tatter of the Bret-
start. Donath has challengted Ste
to another race for Ave, eight eat mit
miles for 1322E a aide, to be skated M
Ooderich. If Stevens cannot get bash-
ing for this match, J. C. Harrison will
oast a purse of 1110 to :be winner of a
race .0 Guderich We. fair play being r
sured the Clinton glider.
into which the reporter was shown was
on the ground thr,r. On entering, •
terrible stench was noticed, of a sicken-
ing nature. This offensive odor, he was
informed, wag caused by a cancer or
other incurable sore on the lee ' 'me .d
the aged inmates. An effort I. less
made to have the sufferer, (whole name
is William Burgess, and who came from
the township ..1 Grey,) removal to an
hospital, but so far without_ success.
Until recently Burgess ha0i en assisted
and attended to by • halt -witted lad
named Johnny Moosehead, fmm Exeter,
but pier Johnny has leen stricken down
with erysipelas in the head, sod hes now
I to be attended t.. by the ofMci•ts of the
jail. Moosehead has heen tenantable%
in jail for ovet two years, jut because
he is a prior, week -minded fellow. He,
I like poor Burges, is in the felon's cell
I because he is an unfortunate.
Poor old McLean aged 77 years, and
! originally from tleeforth, is the third ..c-
eapant eat this ward. His encase coiesists
in that he is old, and Shad, and for
these heinous misdess earns he rs sem-
polled to spend hie deefining years to a
pail whish was Wilt fox m•lefactots. In
TWO gereare w►RD
then were three prisoners, and two aa-
fortunate -one se Miertel Ryan, from
1 dpeforth, who had hie hands froom in
. the h.eginuittg of Feb , and was sleet to
ail instead of to u hospital, the other
- is named Picket, seed 114 years, frees
, 1Clinton, who is ineare.,.asd Nooses, hie
is helplessly lama end has to we crotches
ter puerile* of I..eo0ntine. In
A. 0. U. W. PRL'tg*f'AT,ON. - Tule
following we clip from the Tomato Mail:
-"At the sassuon of the Greed Lod= a
onmmitte., consisting of Peet Gassed
Master Hedgerow, M.P.P.. P. D. D.0.11.
Irving, and P.M. W. Woltz, were ap-
pointed t.. purchase a suitable testimon-
ial and present it to the retiring Owed
Master, Bro. J. R. Miller. Accordingly
Br.. Miller was yesterday presented by
bin.. Hedgerow, ..n behalf of the Greed
Ledge, with a handsome, hoary silver,
tee service, from Wells Bros. &Co. The
•M is comp e. d 0A eight meow. and com-
press • inseam•. tray, 2 tea-pots, we=
4.s., saggar spoon, cream and cruet Weed -
fully designed and ornamented with paha
trees and birds. The centre of the tray
bears the following inscription :-"Pre-
saged t.. J. Robertson Miller by the
(band Lodge, A. 0. U. W., of Ontario,
es a slight token of reaps= for a,reiees
an Grand Maser for the year ISIS -A"
The affair tes.k place is woof *heparin=
.o( the Hawn Hoose. Bro. Miller geode
a asst reply, thanking the twethren. Ho -
sides the committee there were p.+.•M
among others. Bros. P. M.W. Oo11sNr
O M. Stammer, Dr WiddiI.W, M
P. ,14.- Gibsnn, M P.P., Dr. Pdimd.
U.W.G.M., F. G. Inwood, P.D.QMK,
II. Marriot. M.P. P., F. G. Attu, P.11
Rob Teak, terreesUa reenthet of lkws-
ask, is taking Mid of tie AtReriest
betel in that tiillettl,