The Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 8..4 _1. xii4.ir L TU HURON SIGNAL MAY. FEL It. lam. ". r .. ); .i GR,EAT BARGAINS FOR CASA OM THE PEOPLE'S STORE, GODERICH A LARC3E I'�CICI OF NEW O�€D. OOMPRIBINO Ready -Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, A FULL LINE OF STAPLE DRY GOODS Which he is prepared to sell Cheaper than the Cheapest for CASH. Good Value Given in Every Line. GRAND C3r-RAMARINGSALE Z THE 8VH8ORIHER I8 A..1.80 oI R A RINCA OWN` THE REMAINDER OF HIS WINTER STOCK AT RAVY DISCOUNT PRICES • OVERCOATS previously sold for $6, $8 and $10, can now be had for $4, $6 and $8 respectively. SIIITING CLOTHS, which ranged from 65c. to $1, have been reduced to from 50c. to 80c., and other goods in proportion. Call and inspect the Goods and Prices whether you buy or not. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS CALL AT "THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Goderich, Feb. 21, 1884. W_ H_ RIDLEY, Corner of Kingston -Bt. and the Square. 1 4 bnsn. The Presbyterians purpose holding a tea -tweeting shortly. Robert Stalker has purchased the lot on which the old school stands, and is building a dwelling thereon. • The Good Templars intend holding an open meeting in their hall on Fnday evening of nett week Mr. Thos. Mc- Gillicuddy of Tug Stora[., will deliver a address. An interesting programme of Susie, etc., has also been prepared Several of our Foresters attended the 'u_pps sd gr avers by the itlyth Court .on .edneevening. Samuel �t has 'leen flirtation; clover Ind part ot this week and nearly all of Porter'ta ffi11. A big turnout is expected at the tea - meeting to -night. On Thursday evening, the 14th inst.. (Vadsntine's day) there was a large gath- ering of young Mks to plan for the pro- posed A genial bachelor from fl .plop was installed as chairman, and he was privileged to see shone of the missives received that day by the fair ones of the Hill. The richest feature of tie glair was the receipt of • valentine rspwnting a patent cradle, which fell to the tet of • peeteateat lewd kaehelts. He was told to consult the magic cup for dir.ctiot.s as to future needs, and the merry puffy joked him about the coming "harvest.' Paramount. One of the most interesting entertain. mania we have had the pleasure of et- a..riltg in this vicinity for some time, virs.; the one held in the union school .ie.ec • on Thursday evening lest, under num sa: spiess of the Farmers' Wreath The chair was ably filled by '� Stader of the (*-der. The .Asst wrier tie the evening was the refresh- ments sowed 'ip by the ladies in an ex, .edbet style, which did very much eseiit W tie wives and daughters of the ftaemin in this ti.. ighborhood. After l use had dome mice to the eata- bles ata- Y j Ss the following per. -seams was Rope through with :-Chairutmet • speech, fol- lowed by singing fawn the . - "R ; a rreei- t•ties entitled "TM Seige e1 . 'ock��e itj 8.f!. Reid : quartette, ,liMtw. W the Farm, nor ; reading frier ,,by Risherd. ; song. "Let the Angelo ji ' ditaia Mur oeh and 1<diti M Value by Andrew Melwllaa ; si obeli ; rib by Alla Merdtah, ' w.Bty ,. fotbswed 17 a speech prof gm O. 1 ____ e : • team solo, O. Ytudeah : sod teems Aniske- a.d "The Ivy Oreaw," by; 1•1=b J. Mamas, •'Sand the filemags• te Harry porton .atill �grr by lllar chars, "Only a Workini; Maf Child_ eOOOi�ppy� g y J Agnew w, !Hilliard mod Ansi. McLellan ; saiw, "The NEW OaMa," by J W. 1110Ip ed Mier the' ,mal votes of ,bash. 4h. asesting was en .*tae b MSA " corer Homo.t y • ...hq r. .t11 t•eeeted for their buw r he i.,e '• oui; hazels tbM frets Won Mica. John Shaw visited the Forest City on business last week. There was • oonsiderable influx of mail matter at the post Aloe last week, as valentines were numerous. The recipi- ents were merry over their missives. S. B. Williams and B K. Allen vts:te.l the bright little spot known as P..rter Hill last week. [They stay that the for- mer left a big ()tinier o1 Lis heart behind him on the 14th. Sc..te •.' a for the Porter's Hill maidens. j Tth. The Rsrinr paid its vale lictory to Blyth last Friday. It ha, now gone to N'ingham, and will in future Ix known as the Winghani f i heti. 131yk1i u n.•w without a paper. N. B. Mallur7 left t..wtt • `.f.,.,,_.,y to attend a session of the A. 0. U. W. at Guelph. He is a delegate of the Blyth branch of that order. F. Metcalfe attended a session ot the Royal Tempters of Temperance at Ham- ilton last week. He reports times in the city as being dull. unbar*. John Chiebvlei end Joules Foley, wjlb a cargo of precious freight, en joyeds s pleasant drive to Henry Young's, Gode- rich ',township, where, with friends al- ready asseesbled, a happy time was .pent in a social hop. John Linklater u now drawing the stone for the foundation of the new barn he intends building during the summer. Our township fathers have flung the mantle of pound -keeper over the should- ers of Janes Liinklater for 1884, and the trying functions of pathmaster falls to the lot of James and John Horton. The latter is also mustered amongst the fence - viewers. S. B. Williams, of Dunlop, attended the S. S. eionvsutios at Clinton as repre- sentative of the Presbyterian 8. 8. of this place. and Rives s pleaaigg account of its workings W. Stilling visited friends at Puttee's Hill last week. Tuners. -Our mem. Deolop should stop bowing about lambs. A ewe belong- ing to D.W. MMManoa,of Lakcvww farm, Rave birth to three Iambs on the 14th instant, and alt ase thriving. Our farm- ers c-...1 atwr s get • batter Aggro for sheep from the bttebers thaw ms our sank" corrin, any day of the weak. 's motiesd the ebeerfel o McAllister, who ieafter a vY seg tl e 'mina Banes.* of emend years a • II The Toronto News (Independent) rmaking oa the modes question say. : Any ma who hes traveled much- no the great railway lines, asst kept hie eyes and ears open, now. that there is a modes. '• Loses Island City. Feb 18. -'M negro. Rsgg, who eamp.d last evening. was eoaataed in . cell at the MOM hellos here He Hinson .w as the jail- or was his medicine he epos Mrs, him and after • deepest* strangle resehed the emrYor. Here e: -Mani )pe Bele. win sit lett S • nBtseaewili �an- • dN1 and d firem a mead .- mpg, komme, t� eir spans eatg�mIds Maks w Zhu timgmad edn lily fell twmnti flat to the you* and net kiss SMB ria TH8 WORLD OVER. '*Rev. Dr. Wilson was tendered'' pub- lic reception at Kingston last week. and presented with a purse of 9800. The petition against rhe celur:1 ..1 I. .1. i ,.ul.l, M.PP. f• r North t 'wan... has been dismissed Aiiietivan flacon imported int•. France ie to be •ubje t., official inspect' at p ,rte •.t entry. A Philadelphia firm was tined J100 for publishing an advertisement ritnilsr to a I...atA a stamp. A convention has helm called to inset a• .Vintttpet; ,•n Match 5. to coroQuer Provincial t;rievae c.•.. There is .uteu.-• •' .:nt.nent in the Nord').' est over •'.e 1.10.ure .,f :h. mis. sion .4 the Pr,.+iuc:•1 •,ele_.ers to t)t t tea. The vote in Beane.% le .•n rile (1i tan+. Tea.l.eranee Act resulted in the defeat of the prohibition by -1:.w by a majority of four. A Mm ll..ttashe l...1 Hati.;t .0. sea• poisoned by wipinz, he: face . ith a l;an.1- kerchief upon which rat !,.limn had been spillet. A royal owmmiasion Inas been appoint- ed to enquire into the condition of the dwellings of the poor in the United' Kingdom. • R. J. Dawson, of Clinton, defeated Sandford Milia, of Guelph in s hv.t•mile skate at th- latter place Mont(ay night. Time, ..`0 minutes, 49 seconds. Elia. Ling, formed,/a resident ref Freeport, Ill., b u been ynched in C010 - redo. He pretends+ to be a physician and prescribed medicine which killed i man. Ric:.ar•l McKee, of the 14th con. of McKil!.,p, recently sold • very One throughbred Durham bull calf to R. Johnston, East Wwanoxh, for th. sum of $109. Mrs. Angelique Cutnlan died at Cape Belli, N. B., on the Gth inst.. at the ape of 106 years, ono month and sit days. She was undoubtedly the oldest inhabi- tant of the Maritime Province*. Enthusiastic Scott Aet meetings were held in East Zona on Friday night, and at Norwich on Monday night, at both of which all present unanimously pledged themselves to support the Act. Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, M.PP., of Stratford, and Prof. J. B. Harris, the well-known cheese man, leave for Scot- land in a couple of weeks. The latter goes in the c.pacity of instruct .r iu the Scottish dais -s. The fine of two hundred dollars remit - 17 imposed ...1 a :Ilethodist utiuister .4 Halifax, N.1., for performing the mar- riage ceremony in the absence of the re- quisite license, was yesterday paid to the prosecuting at'ur..sy. t tit Thursday of list week Alex. Craw - 1 •r 1, jr . had tie misfortune t.. badly cat 1.4 f•. .t whil.. •orkutg in the woods u• rt i of t:orriu. lie will be laid up by Coe •e-ciueot, alt!.•.:.lh the wound is out rons..leraa dui:.en,ns .•tie. ti.ru lull' •1 Nortbcote a sort and osier, met, der..d Cie National C.wtaervutive 1-,:i . , r'. r'.t.•'...•.•eaaion .un eeeeent of 1.. ,.1 Randolph Churchill's elertiot,o as !,resident. thus unbolting his succession to the .e.idedhip ..f the Conservative lin AY. 11 i • Excellency the GGoverttur-General, in acknowledging his thanks to the Mayr and citizens of Montreal for the h,•auitablu reception accorded hiss and Lady Lanaduwue ou their visit to the caniival, generously sent a cheque for fie.' hundred dollars for the poor of the city 0 i *Ada);morning • eolowrtd man named Jo6o onad was Mrnd by op* *wine of No. 8 expires eargeg net M Pius Bridge, near Chatham. The un- fortunate man was hurledtro•rtbs.trse- tun upon the solid ice below, • diatas.s of twenty-five feet, and stlietg open his had was instantly killed. G. H M. Johnson, a distinguished and highly respected Mohawk Chid, diad at his residence, Chiebwoud, near Onondaga last evening. Deceased was & recognised leader in all things pertain- ing to the welfare of the tin baticela- dians, and his cunnd will be greedy mimed by them. He was 0 jests of The Brantford C .()sal as Monday night resolved to seers* tie .enWenl oiler of Mr. J. H. Stratford to present the corporation with a Aospitel *Wing and grounds. The aid of the site slid buildings, which wi I be empletely equipped with every modern bit the comfort of invalids, is at $18,00X1. The will of Ool. Hurt, a millionaire lumberman, of Rtteoomwa.s a.., Ilii. has diaslesed that he W 1 bi • of 0,000 to Caroline Brune, maw of *biter sa Ward, and similar ameentaM Illi Perkins and J4.k Mingo East was a lover of humor. and owned an oa- tm literature. library + mai*madmai*of hamere 0.,plychian, diKitty ed MeaWeems, day afier silted Wass. The body was ph sed ins vault 1M�gnlirlabr . monk* sensed wideness of knelt* ea the glass el Miss oilm.er'. seen The b.iry w.s removed and ef- fork made to restore the body. hut lifeb- oat a-.--_ The flare is gushed .tell the Minas limp- )-Tbho bopderymwas w�az- mined time 'bridges, deed and by th in e ens Mrs. Scrum Lassoo, charged with poisoning John Ovild, was found guilty et murder in the Ikea degree at liege - gun, Miok. Her husband awaits trial on the setts. (Mild was sixty gears of tyre and a farm to Mr.. L.noo on condition that rte should tarnish him a house during We. 8e died suddenly on 4ugnat 1st, and a past sour*ta disetos- ed death by a Aub of "&.nth ort Itab." The crime was imputed to the Larsuns. lit a relent lector* Mr. Walker. ILD , claimed that__ 1the bieysle was one ..f the most wonderful intenrnlsa ..f imides„em tines. It was a great temperance re- former, because it was impossible for a own ti tide his bicycle if he was otheewiell than Sober. It was • great mduoslitrsal reformer, because it enabled persons to go frees one end of the country to the ether in a fortnight M little expense, and spend their hell - days In a reseos•ble sad rational man- ner The Pruahyte isa Records Winnipeg correspondent writes that the &Men eievaoees are bumming formidable It atoms, dirsetl , oar missionaries Whatever in parties may my. it is net political. In Tuttle Mountain disteiet-a large regime- -many of the have Maid to es -'We would wile y eoetr ibnt. for shwa* porpoise bid we base not a dollar.' The fumes sl- ier that their Firmness arise from .soh amiss as t6.ii-:- -Laid Talky mistakes, by which torr-nWwr e� actual a.tt1w ; on implements : MOSS- complainte have a monopoly et Oako, Feb. 1A. -El ed the circumcision of ma be umed is treses. FFrrom fear of Ma surrounded Visitors are permitted ea all fours, •ad res at eoesider hb priests amilaymana d a position.A was have Memom missive meta* frnst the Ch straw hulpoidgiie the Slate eta f Hair seem albvkera, b the army or sold to 0. ..tit was reesndv made by G. It. Mfg Dallis ter t fasts Onandfw i}lirtb.a.w, hereby • RIO pin ism Irmo es be =ewhielt woes et P. 0. Allen's ahs was eeeviN.i respeatdreg W. Ica/ weak be the relit 1mm hie anisimmina wie tis elleMe m not one Casts were sated the advantage Mimesis" duty Milkers' griev- certaia paellas Brain a.rkst." 'has d pakten i.t rihcr- LI 1....hdi with 1 astir tarda appes•oh cal must monis Christie min. : nen, two in • most de - priest and a mans They and dwell apart latter live in and are dee- sod > 4 fletindny at the tionvistior Disko. against verWkt$ • Asir the ease we well h a amine ware* mod ether reel to Me Maims of blase ia a b the wisdom stem Dedde Xaying advertise 1moved Me e.evMlen and with Ib eines la net statute, asst that rte runes but of skill i ce,.•-tliri"4* groats. t■ • the tock teat., the was of Mr. wea. JrftraiOw ere eta MM. la tetl. Qllkwt wet If yews. Mb. ALLAN LINE ov ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP/* LIYitPOOL-IA)KDOSDi1RY-QLA80011 Entry ThuMedfly Prom Portland. Brea Mirky from iblifu ?ins 8otoSrear Sas Boots ft Alin Free ENGLAND. SPEW, OOMtORT AND SAPIni UNSURP Winter 4rrangementa. BAIL -1AAIL Una LONDONDERRY dt LIVERPOOL. 11'atrrt'nn. SW __ CIRC �tx .afRPdert4a. 7kr. POLYN rnlAANt PttUN: first ems Paimese, nor. ask A. hwre n. -- *Oh. m ttA;RI fl4N, 1r 1 BARD PA CIRC POL 81 ANA tree. ANIS Well. MINOR • B=it"Set d •x a te •�wia1,ezileaftetii! d.t.T" f� f F.r the l]M to Mewl= a 'r 7lskes. asid� apply M 11. AeMarkk. an. all. Ma New Clover Seed TIMOTHY SEED, imp SEED PEAS, WIIRAT' OATS AND BARLEY, BUCLWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE. AID ALL KIWDB OF YANOOLD ass TURNIP BZW 01011111110111 WIT'S GARDEN SEEDS 01' EVERY VARIETY, TOR &ALS AT SAMUEL SLOANE' SEED Si'ORE. • r... , tr esse