HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 7_..18 Fancy.
Philia thropis pamtwger in Irish we-
e ant, with nma11 bundle : - " W here's
et trunk, Pat r Phe 4t '.d te do
ofd • trunk t' "Put yew clothes m
"Aa ms go faded r
The pest daps, 'la the 8prieg the
young vase's feasj lightly tures to
thoughts d lows,' but that's a mistime
His tangy histele tares to thought" 4
how snook he'll have to pay hr tailor on
amount in utdsr to get trusted for smith-
s/ sun of eluthe".
'The nay Charlie has ward. d. Do
you know his wife 1 Is she • woman of
any intellniewe 1 la she well inform-
ed r • We 1! informed ! Welk, 1 rbould
say sun She hos b.leaged to the yilMtte
sewing Miele for tea pita sad serer
mesad a meetlag.' '
'The trees will aur *fin to tuna ever
a sew leaf amid sprig, said a rad -eyed
tramp, 'and as I alw•ys'folluw .teras
teachings, I thlak 1 11 wait' And be
sat down in the farmer's kitchen and
wetted uldil the spring d • big dog
'What will you think of year beautiful
wife twenty or thirty years from wow !-
that is the question, amending le Mgr.
Canal It s earl ialy a herd ow.,
eipesially if a fellow bus net one now as
e iasis tor the aomp.t.tioa. I
A misntlfis journal says that 'a pyttd-
de mon does sot receive whet is ponsm•t-
ic or spirituel' A 'peyschm' man doesn't
have mud appetite to receive en7 kind
of fool-psesmatie or spiritual -but
Whim b. recover he should shoot the
man who spells sick, 'pwyschic.'
A Heston j udg.dealared the new stand
ard tits legal, and that very slake hie
daa¢ta' sat up with her young man half
as lour Wer QM then Hasid and her pa
did not dare to ray a word.
1.srisssss gem* was riagurg hid bell
'to grind' ea Brash street, when a young
man called to him and ..ked : 'Say, can
you sharpen eweything r 'Yes, eafery-
%i0 .' Van you sharpen my wits i'
'Your vis 1 V.II, I yogi bot to gn
mad get a now hands and back -spring
pelt in Stmt. 1 whist htj wmetings to
bang en py '
An old friend of Archbishop Whate-
ley, who was with him at Oxford, went,
after many yews absence, to trait him
at the palace, in Dublin. On entering
the grounds he espied an old man dig-
ging despite a pittleas storm of deet. 'I
shall venter* to rebuke the Archbisphop
for this,' said the visswr to himsal ; 'he
should show morel comsideratiom for his
servants.' Presently, on going into the
hoses, he found the decrepit old dieter
was the Archbishop himself.
A little bright you buy, upon bearing
hie father read the story of Joan of Are.
Biorbe of Riisbom.
A room hem with *tasas la
hu" g with thogighta.
Twat Nat man in authiag who has
sat a weele ase in everything.
a bet a renneac., unions it
i t eM�ad as an example.
Qt all ruins, the nun of mana the
saddest to ouotemplate.
Faithfulness and siaeerity are the
ground wort of all goodness
lie who can at all times secrilee pleas
are to duty, approaches sublimity.
Banish the tears mf children. Con-
tinual rain upon the blowout render
them fruitful.
Au ability and an •.ppurtunity w de
du it.
ought to be coons: ered as • (tail to
Character a hither 1 hen intellect. A
grate soul will be str•...g to live as to
Vanity keep persona in favor with
themselves who are out of favor with all
If we hai no faults, we should not
take w much pleasure in noticing them
is othr
The hearts e.1 men are their books ;
everts are their tutors ; great actions are
their eloquence.
Be deaf to the quarrelsome. blind tow
the spurner. and dumb to themis-
chievously inquisitive
We should do everything we can for
others, if only to dissipate the thought
of what they omit to do for us.
Instruction denot prevent waste of
time, or mistakes ; and mistakes them-
selves are often the bed teachers.
Ow act of kindness win have mon
influence en the spirits than ell the soft
water baths that were over intruded.
Noing flakes the woe'Id teem eo
spauous as to have friends at a distance.
They make the latitudes and ieogitudes.
Life does not count by years. Som.
suffer a lifetime in a day, .ad so grow
old between the rising and setting d the
A man without ambition is like doajh m
without leaven in it to ane it rise.
orifi awns r.
Hy this lea, clays Carlyle to his
a -111111 , we were getting aetieed by
admit individuals 01 the armtea.y ; and
wets what is ailed "rather 'Meg h. se-
esy." AmWiea flat way my Jane
never had ; but she took H alwye as a
tamthieg Gib/me done to me. and had
her casiowe bib al mlideetisu is it Tv
owl can moiled (tltaoeept what e1 snob
ambition there might be in ase, whit& ;1
hope was not wary mad, these' for ser-
teia it was not quite wanting, either ! )
there was nothing of diem in say el
them : old lady Holland I viewed wee
with overnice, as a kind of hungry._elp,
uamaated wild," looking ever at tae•
with merely eareivoeous views (end al-
-war q.Udioning her Dr. AUss when I
said anything) ; nor was it till years alter
(husband, Allen, eta, all dead) that I
di.ouvtet'od remains of beauty in her, a
pathetic sit option and dtat intru'shed
qualities. I remember at tint si'tht of
the first Lady Ashburton (who was far
from regularly beautiful, but was pro-
bably the Aloof of all thew great ladies)
she said of her to me, "Something in her
like • heathen goddess ' ' which was •
true tending and in a case nut plain at
all, but oftener mistaken than rightly
Bat to her (Mrs. Carlyle) the charm of
such circles was it all times insignificant;
human was what ohs looked at, and
what ahs was in .11 circles. One even-
ing, et Bath House, I saw her in a grand
soiree, softly step up. and (unsoiled, as
she thought, by anybody) kiss the old
Duke elf Wellineten's shoulder ' That
perhaps was one of the prettiest things I
ever saw there. The Duke was thee
very old, god hitched languidly about,
speaking only when spoken to, woe
"wow -wow," which perhaps had little
meaning in it ; he had on his garter
order, his gold -buckle stock, and was
Farm anb 6arben. very clean and trim : but wows making
appearance in certain evening parties,
Hens will lay as well when not in half an hour in each, perhaps hardly
company of the male as warn they are knew what be was doing.
kept together. If eggs are not desired
for hatching it is an advantage to keep
them separate. Wass • EMI win
The want "1 pun and fresh water winter
ac -
"rasa. Fowls Fur bunts and scalds nothing is mon
egg' during the winte
cruet. 'it many ifor the lack of soothing than the white of an egg, which
require a constant supply of water, and may be poured over the wound. It is
with•'et it will not lay. softer as a varnish for a burn that coll-
odion, and being always at hand can be
applied immediately. It u also more
Doling than the Tweet oil and cotton
which was formerly supposed to be the
surest application to allay the smarting
pin. it is the contact with the air
which gives the extreme diae...afort ex-
perienestt fr.nn the ordinary accident of
this kind, and anything that excludes
the air and prevents inflammation ie the
thing to be at once applied. The egg is
considered one of the best of remedies
for deviatory. Beaten up slightly, with
or without sugar. and swallowed at a
gulp, it tends by its emollient qualities
to lessen the inflammation .d the stom-
ach, and intestines, and, by forming a
transient coating on these orytana, 1•, en-
able nature to resume her healthful sway
ever a disesaed body. Two, or at the
most three, eggs per day would be all
that is required in ordinary cases: and
since egg is not merely medicine. but
food as well, the lighter the diet other-
wise and the quieter the patient is kept
the morecertain and rapid is the rec,v-
was gently moved by ber cad trials ; but I Apples may be pruned mow, in fine
when the part was reached where she weather, and perhaps better than in the
was about to b. her'ed to death at the ' spring. when time presses mon. In
stake, the poor little fellow , ould not
contain himself any longer, but sobbing-
ly elinebed his parent's arm, and, with
beg teats tunnies down his plump little
cheeks,. cried But, pa -papa, wb-e
were the veneer r -
A gentlemen, wishing to ,obtain board
for kis wife and family in the country,
was directed to a neat • looking farmhouse
401 kept by an old farmer and his wife. A
brief inspectise satisfied him that the
plate would wit him. 'But now as t..
the terms, he said. 'Waal,' drawled
the farmer, 'yogi have six children r
•Yes, sir.' The std man reflected a few
meosele and then renamed : -'Lest
year I took Whine% at half-price. Do
you see them ler trees and berry bush -
1 Waal.them I will charge full
cutting off lame limbs, the cat should be COMING with moo paint to preserve
it from water.
A f n.at . proof vegetable kenos ie de
scribed se made with walls lb inchesspatethsck, double boarded, the sp.between
the boards being tilled with sawdust.
The ceiling is also boarded, , with about
I• inches of sawdust between the boards
According wKm Prof. Sheldon, .4 E -
land, cheese factories hew not mace
themselves a bowling idoses. over then.
A few creaories have made out to
'struggle nl..ng, but it is evtdest the Emt-
lish farmer does not take kindly to
Mulching is f.iily as beneficial fur resp
es year and blackberries as for straw-
yfor the 'ors, an4 throw in berries. yet few seem to thick Mo. your
fyournd r wife ayourself for nothin'.' the mulching , et gaud stable
A Cavaco Ila oox'e Season. C Mn'.re tbe wilt mak. ea exrmnemt
1° growth, and the crop of fruit he greatly
improved in nee and quality.
The eggs f -•r hatching at this mown
should he collected etften Kereme cold
is very hilarious to them, and many a
failure to hatch tamJ be traced to neglect
is this respect. When the broods are
a resect oecesiaa, not far front PEs y,
a worthy deacon had been selected to
peemot a robe to the minister. The
chunk woe ersn,ded, and the recipient
stood at the foot of the pulpit surround-
ed W the members of his family. Aund
same the committee mitered � rho nests the heshould have warm
yi nn5arehd .r the riga, headed tions in t,e sunlight.
tij daaoon bane[ rho gift in ba • e=x. w Corer the lour near the rat bole with
• layer of eauetie potassa. When the
rets walk on this it makes their feet
sore ; thew they lick with their tongues
which make their mouth soca, and the
result is that they when the legality net
alone, but they appear to tell all the rats
in the neighborhood about it, and even-
tually the homes is entirely abandoned
by them.
A Mass chusefta gardener plows vsiy
deep for averages, manures plentifully,
and plants in furrows eight loathes deep,
gradually filling up level as the plants
grow. Rowe should be four feet apart,
and plants from is to 90 inches. =tk
Witted arms. Oa reaching the pulpit a
Mad was mode, bet never a word cense
frees the demean, dews whew brow the
paspintien rolled in gnat drops He
woe w a dm, but a touch from one of
the committee brought him back to
sesfithieg lite a sealizi ng sense of his
and be stammered out, as he
tie robe to the minister -'Mr.
Broom, here', the goon.'
meat ('.e1lve.
If os ear frees pain in the region of
the irregular bow-
els, faintness,keeiek�ei
gear enmesh, variable
bad taste in the mouth and
..low eomplaion yeliver amd biliary setting brings in a full crop earner, but
ml ung are seriously alfhowd. and Bur- thinner setting gives quite MI gcod re -
mond Bettors is ow peons and sults in the long run A bed is in per-
fection from A to 12 yearn old. The
fourth y'ear's growth will be of fall
market size. bet the third will give a
medium crop a medium sized stalks.
An old ted in hard to kilt, but constant
and late 'fatting op to Amor:. with sub-
sequent esltivatice, will do B.
certain remedy. i
-Fire' elm potato growers say that omt•
ling the potato intended for planting,
"',ia/owing two yes to seek pie, etas
two or three weeks before pleating, and
spreading out upon .Sark barn floor or
my similar Soot where they will have a
elates to sprout from ono to two intim
will add to their sadism* in maturing
seem toe weeks. Tb.yehosid be moist -
red two or thew times a week miler -
Maly, with rather warm water. In plant -
oat they ghadd be Isevsr.d withn
over two irobGs of sail. If a moderate
quality of very early potatoes to dc•ired
Its potatoes can be est es erggested and
inw e
A tdwe s.
Everyone has Lithertn imagined, says
the tall Mall (park, that the Eakino
were enormous
diminutive less, with enorm
appetites, and most travellers lave
brought back reports that they were tot
particularly truthful or hospitable Bete melees these have been completely
upset by Dr. John Rae's Lorton at the
hotbsdt with
them 4/.tit ./V. b
tt� Ik. vex ISanu'. [qday
Oma V ray ossa. Au elderly lady
miens this beer Aaa11 uoi.b, N. S who
twentybad ealihred trees slpains ead by J Nilsen J. t~beak �i-
An Oasis Is the desert ie no brighter
light to the waaderi g Arab than • bottle
of lir. Vsa 1 ani'. Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate warm Item
Dimmed. 1t in • parfait, positive
�l cora Hold by J. Mhos
ire see lisdiesid feeaessean. are all warm
M may era wa.
Phoephawle, or Nerve lou, • Pbos-
t bated upon 8oientiM
it:, Formulated by Professor Austin,
I[. D. of Boston, Maga , our.. Pulsew-
ary Oo..satpbun, thek Heed/ache, Net}
vow Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting dismiss. of the human
system. Ph sphatine is not a Midst:We,
but a Natnmeut, because it contain no
Vegetable or Mineral Pointon, Opiates,
Nbreaks, and no Stimulants, but sem
ly the Phosphatic and (Jannc Elements
found in our daily food. A single butte
is sal/Wont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. lowest' e&
Co., vile agents ' for the Dominion,
63 Front Street Kest Toronto
As the teats et winter vanish under
the caloric inlu.'ws .of the sun's rays,
so does Wight's Disease, Dropsy, stone
lathe Kidneys aid Bladder, and Indent;
enation et the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administrate on:of 1)r. Van Bu
ren's Kid.ey Cure. Meld by J. Wilson.
John B. Vert, Hainilton, says : "Mc-
Or.gor's 8peety Cure for Dyspepsia and
Indigesti'w is cheap at fifty limes the
price asked for it. I tem a commercial
MN, and travel a.utinu.Uy, and would
no more think of baring home without a
battle of Hdiregor's Speedy Cure in uny
wallies than I would of leaving fay trice
at home ail going on toot." Fre., trial
betties at O. Rbynas drug store Regui-
lar else 't(1 eta. and $1. •
very tltght London biota Aion. He distinctly
'towering cif sell, and plaited est as n denied
their t the breliee dappetites any
the Eakin%)
OO�Gd larger than chess of ether and se
for their maM ak Wit. they really
seem te
Aram Dr. Rae .aero, Goes
tM aperieRM et both kiwi( .ed
others, that the Eskimo are was*'giiv+en
to rare inception, bion, t me the "bMb.nds
of one wife ;' aid. what M mere remark-
able, the ma sever beat the weesan and
.ad the woo* sane beet the ekildxee.
And, lastly, Dr. Roe declares them to be
"most treilltal Ilslahes" so well as
rr rsie obervwtt
Melrewe 's sea.dv ctms.
From the many remarkable curse
Gmuesli tisrAy using Menregov s 8
ferIndigestion, mall
ad A eetioe of the Liver, mad
froee imms.e sale of it without any ad-
vert**, we have eoaelnded to plum it
e=tenetvely ea the market, so that theme
who mike meg here a perfect cera (Io,
to 0. Rhyne( dreg store and get a triol
bathe free, or the rsgslsr eke at tit wets
and $1. a
hospital est
bees estephried at semi of over i62,000,
mad is a ategaiiimint atrsster &
Almost away ]tri eeelaine cal mel anal
suise Mem/ d
Dr. Cssnse's
IriemmMOM i purely veflohhis aod
Mies the1*.1 ed ell e►thar purgatives.
Ie large $' )S coot es
Tae flaseag•t Tates es Served
Is Krain's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia
Headache, Toothache, etc. It d.ee not
blister or discolor the ..iiu ; to luta 1.111
ON application to bantah all pato '.1•.YIO-
ally without using any greasy li.•inieat
or cerryiog your head in a poultice for
weeks. 'Try a 95 rust bottle from Geo.
Rhynes. drarrtist. h
B caking
LU SURPLUS.. •- - -- - isstl
Goderich Branch.
D. GLASS Mdsayer.
Allows tntesreeses gegeni a Drafts, tette.
el meat sad eine YrtlrLietea Ieaae/
a dl farts of the
V Pond tip (brie.., - ,6,O00,O00.
Meet, - _ - il,jW,Ouv.
Preside/ • boot'. WM k..M4ZTIF
(7seer•/ Ala.ttuyer, M. n.-...s.�wo..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAdatt-
latwest allowed ea d..eealta. ()rafts o• a
the priadaal Towles awl Cities in taaa.L
Orsat sad the Exalted States. bough
sad sou.
Advaao,eto Faraway oil Natea with oneo
mora endorsors. without mortgage. 1761
Chrystal & Black.
rasa- inneema
For any Testimonials reeotnmendinu
tlicGreeoi s Speedy Cure f.or Dyspepsia,
isod aeration . C•Nati yeomen, Headache, etc..
that are not Ironmtte ; none of which aro
from persons in the States or thousands
of miles aunty. but from persons in and
around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial
bottles free of cost, so that you cannot
be deceived by purchasing a worthless ar-
ticle. but know its value before buying.
Trial bottles and testimonials given free
at O. Rhynes' Cruv store. a
knm'e r1etdlLIsatateg.
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
flash, relieves any pin instantly, the
ebespen and quickest application known.
Whv suffer with T. .ahaehe, Neuralgia
Headache. Rhe atom. Lnmlago. 864
tica, sore Throat Acme Paine ..f any
kind when yea can yo t.• Geo. Rhyne%
drug store sad vet a ,seriect and instan-
taneous cure f..r '..t estate. Ask fur
Kram's Fluid Li,htninsr. b
Tiber are ram Esse,.
The hest blood purifier and system re-
ungulator ever placed within Ih.' reach .4
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ters. inactivity of the Liver, Biliownee
.lsundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys,
..r any disease of the urinary organa. .r
whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or
mild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the beet and .only certain cure
known. They act surely anJ quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money refunded. et..l.i at
fifty estate a bottle by J. Wilson. [4]
Way a nen was Reframed a 1wised Maass
A bat Swisher in ate of the hat factor-
ies here applied fee . passion, and in kis
application stated that on •counnt of
disease contracted in the army he Gould
not do more than half work.
One day then appeared in his sheep a
Ione, lank indiwidusl in • long, lank
ulster, who took an interest in hat -mak-
ing. He was especially pleased with the
finishing. He game aronnd to where
our friend was at work, and after watch-
ing his motions a moment, said :-
'Are you new at the business ''
'New ! What sakes you think I'm
now r hastily asked our friend.
'Nothing, said ear long, lank man
pleeaattly, 'only that i thought you
didn't work se fast as the others '
'Fast as the others r gasped oar
friend. 'I bet $6,' he added with a
spirit, 'that 1 can finch more hats the
any other men in the shop.'
A few days later the rapid hat finisher.
received word that his applie.tion for a
pension had been refused.
The long, lank man in the long lank
ulster was • detective in the inept/ of
the pension bureau.
sed idled Olistlesger lb Thrhe s
Cabobe Ceuta N oil earn say sore,
est, berm er Weisel SIMS se alma
peretions fan Cad et 41Hylw
stere, std gat a yeeiosge.Ins
: t etk
i eats.
Two boys eating their dinner, one said,
I would rather have something other than
Ude The other mid, This is better titan
New IBO1LSti8 and BALT PANS m.autae
lured o0 ahottset notice.
All *kinds of Itep•lrlag executed under the
personal supervision of
100 1
115111101* A0e OOri, Terre` >•atMW
r11(axt 1150. 017Y. et Lentos' aagtsadie
�y Iit
000'2. et Reneroaa Cone
1M leweet We. by HO ACS HOR O
TtJ�d.etbtiM V also Agesesi Or1y1
!t♦A r LOAN wasAVINl1IS 0
Mee.* se Lea ea 0tet-cles- sseen r.
to per Ned -
c'u ottAcmienat
A.lsr'sb Sept It IoM.
ere aannall
tat their vtri ..(hes
aluwd hr.lt reviwes l
by the tins of thaws.*
width rtmtivety and penman( at 7 curl
eeesns0 losuerd b) eaa+we. of try )
Mm1aa1 wra►aeea, and all dis,.se• lk•t
low sea sequence of Mel( Abuse. as leas at 's -
em, tom ul Inc mtor7 . ut i% reed lessetude.
eon la the back. dl,usv.r of c11.0.
tune* ape, .sd army other dteraesa 1601
toad t.laaastty or consumption an.1 • prewar
tura mate.
Bead for circulars w111 1. atl,noal.M bee by
salt_ The m ismer item is weld .t 1111 vem
box. or six boxes for M. by all dr es
will be peat tree my mail. ,rcurel7 sealed. Oa
receipt of price, by adder -mini.
F. J. CRUX XV. 1►rywrUt.
del Summit t1t, T..lede. Oki*
Ura Me Meat tar Ooderich
WIsEppople are always ole the loch
out for chane* to I.eae.se
*belt esrntnp.•ed It. time ifs
come wealthy ; those who do
leo mono* their opporlo
Itis neons Is poverty. We olttr a Etta
chance to snake motet. We want *wen, we.
teen. buys and girls to work for us 1a tame
on tonalities. Asyoar vas de the work dee.
peri) from the mrst start. Tl.e tads -.e will
pay MOD. than len Omea ordinary wagt& as-
Lwow%r outlet furnah.d tae. Nu ewe a be en-
dngts fall., to mak* to. my rapiuly. Tun
devote yoar *bid, time ,o it 0.4 k. or
u 1 tmafw
the Proprietors who font spare t .-s4)' nt 1 u
alI that Is tin r.►s..ry .�t t row. A1.111,10o 3311X
..,N .r(' ,..,flet. a.o.-----
rgctrccl Workmen.
P. 0. (tog 1(11
l week . um* at Lowe 11 the la
duetrtou.. Hest bu.iaesa now Le
fere the Public. Capita not neo d
cd. We *111 start yogi. ]len. wo
tae.. boys •ad girl wanted very
wjgie is work for OR. Now 1s the trine. Yoe
.as work in spare time, or rive yid* whole
utas to the business. No other business will
pay you nearly we well. No one ran fail to
make enormous pay, by engaging at mice.
Costly outfit add terse free. Money made
fast. rainy. sad honorably. Address TRtle e!
Co.. A weistta. Maine
A ( 5*' Nota, Prewwt.
Hr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan ,
saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle ..i
Dr. King's New Disoovery, for Con-
sumption, which caused him to procure
• large bottle, that completely cured him,
when Doctors, cha'os'e of climate and
everything else had failed. _tithing'.
Bronchitis. Hoarseness. Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lang diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
Wilew's drug store. Largo rias $1. (1).
Every Thursday From Portland.
Every Saturday from Halifax
Ter Somerton NEA Roots TO AXIL Faux*
$5C;).CC Rev. G.
7'e silt pro ti.r ..lin••, h oar+' • . ,.ung Sew
Liver t'.amgla.nt. 1.•1 rrig.. r 41 4.. seethe.
ladip'ieoo. l'rwat.f..t rt .1. 1 : dint 1ASO we
ce.tw..ar.•atthi•.1'.',r• ,1J•lh.rf1Us,
whew t l.e d;rr. t into so.. irk 1;1 A. r.pht d • ill.
?her ere p"•''.)' V• getable. nod bee• r tail to
g... x11.1.- ' •.-ot• 144,44r( rat..'. 1 arse Bonn
c.etaln*" :.. ten., is 1v M.. tow sale by alt
meow, 11. w nn .d c oast4 n hardl d latlt.-
*towr. lie go -"tee. otokutieteent toy bL
JOHN 4'. w} 't' it 1 1, . .11 r 11li et ,t.
131 ,uu! A: Stew el. *.n.s. 1.1.11.. t'e1. Pres
teat pas Lege wet by ti a: mai se e:. receive
of a 3 rind 11111111!•.
Fee este a/ Wiitemrs a L' m s wISN.
Health is Wealte
Irift! "le .11'I•Irlr_it 111(1hel...
t tt.fVflta-tt t •t.. ,vv.
9.ttt)I.ITIAN. from I1ntrtA7tI'. Not. fat&.
11 tl.h5'AX. Dar. 10.
SARDINIAN. Imm 1'ott?L&Yt, 1,,.. et►,
/I.tLiFAX. Dec. wh.
C1!t('tfPIAN. from ponvt.Air. Dec. t31h.
IIAI.i,AX. fres. Pith.
l's NW' AN. from R'u?La'ln, Dr.. _'oche
HALIFAX.tier. Woo.
P.iHUNAN. from PORTLAND, !T... :711b.
'IALIJs'.1X. tae.•. Wt.
l'E':1't1AN. from 1'nart.A.ln. Jan. 3rd,
IlAldr.tt. Jon. 1:h.
SAR*IATIAN. from I'owTLA 1n. Jun. 1016.
HALIRAX. Jan. nth.
t'r'INiAN. tram i 0U1LA(cu. Jan. 171h.
!IALI'AX, Jap. 11111b.
I'ts.eagrrs wiphiatto embark at I'or''nrd
burr (o.dsrich. on Taredays. at It.i ct.s-k.
The last train ria Halifax with the Palle
a.,' 1'assena^rs leaves (yo•terich every WM-
n•'-div. .t 1'oi•lork.
Pre'or•tl0eatr issued at greatly reduced
rates t.. aorto.,.• wishing to bring their leen&
on, from 1►.• Old Connery.
For ticket,. and all information, apply 10
Ticket Agent.
Gnvlerlrh. Nov. Mad. 111111.
r.M lire 1s sweep �t f u y.
sosom hang before yrs sub
11..I ave behind hey and ash
Hine leave behind to a'romgaer
' time. pall a week in your own
town. In oaten tree. No risk. F.verythlai
new. ('appal not reoulre.. We will furnish
von ererythteet. )Zany are making Mrtune.
Ladies make as meta se wee. and bogs and
girls make greet pay. Reader. it you went
Weems at which yea can make creel pay all
the me, write for p rtlegihf to H. HALtn'rT
Well Reward d.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will products • caw of Liver,
Kidney or Rtom•ch complaint that Elec-
tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring
Ems .Ian, it will end yoe nothing Int
the stdssiae if it hile to erre, sad yen
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides All Blood dimness. Bilimi--
meean Josndies. Cenetipati, sod=
ral debilky me quietly eared.
dee gesninteed refunded
Trio only fifty eget. per
bete& Per
mho by J. Wiliam. ii]
Two ekildnen, looking throne% colored
glome; see said. The world Is bine. The
Stier said, It is bright.
M.vlaa baso eeMnted "goat d
tans . bums to asiIr t do uagi•1
twapa fixe' wt3 awWy Achim. ea
iffy tyle Genuine Mum
WMnes: VbIwY► asretrf, ser Me M. L
oedwM _ tea is Maar lea ha
1).. K. C. War* Voir BIrsu: Tiley
ewer, a guaraataM .4 ser if'stet ts, . ear
miaow ('eavaineaa. nu. Nereems Nee tie„,.
Headache. Serious Prostration canoed -
ase of alcohol or tobacco. 11'aketelaec
cal tbpeession. estnening of the Beata
lag In losanit" and leading to ml
and death, i'trmaturc Old Age I
[taring the lamest eo.fldeaoe In its super
malty over saltabors. aad atter theinsede at
teats of the west eemplte•ted serene
more we could And. we feel J 1n east -
leg to forfrtt One Thousand Ion for IMF
ease of eomgha, Muds. were throat, inflnen.t
hoorsrnees. bronchitis. consumption In Its
early .••gasu whooping sough. awe' all diseases
of the throat and longs. exesid asthma for
which we pelt claim relief, that we cal sen
wok West's Cough arrwp when taken RoweIng to directions. ii.mpie bottles, le and 110
rents : large bottle, o.. dollar. G•.uiat
wrapper,. amity amityyla Ma . Bolgdt by all ddr. JD�GH•I�/.
C. VRER elem. CO., n .ad Q Seb.lrsel feet,
Toronto.at JAS. WILSON'S • Ooderieh
LaeofPowtrisestbereea.Invei►: - +w
•se' Spernstorrl inti, calered 67 etre <s wt.. -
t.. -of the brain. eel( -abuse or ocet4o4tlgenw.
One bap -sill cure r. coat cases. Each We gee
taloa one stunt Ws treat meat. Wits doUara be:
or six boxes tor tile dollars ; sent by mall pre
paid en rnrip "t poet, We Ktrnntee xis
boxes to cote say rase. WIth with order re-
ceived by tor ler six buses. aeeoaspasl.d with
Eve dollar,. win will send the p.n•hsser .51
ewyi,tenpucreul.c t.. refund Orr tanory II tan
trt'atmew:t does r44 cabal a cure. 1; Lariats,
Issued only h; dings' W,Lae. sole anther
ire, agent fo.Oaderirh.Ont. JOH?: t' W
ft l'O.. sole I:ore eters. Toronto OM.
Vick's Floral ChM,
M sew is an saS or IM
Seamed Ptems.f/Mwers w Vegeta
.e. teas. 5.ee baa allawfwinews.1
htrutt erlowoes, Plante tat asrtabl s,
rNfor growing. it is Madame
ler the (ester Wade or • Holiday
Fiend on your note and Pea OI line addrerR
with hew amts. sad 1 will send you t
t.Fath. This st• natit patadwIeth _g$404lavwan
wtterweads Wier seeds deduct the
t. are Sae ato IM Waged
S eeds .WelVOWiheoaw1 Gram will toll how to get
Vistas r1.ww oma eniegaisie weave. re
)m1 Rogr.vlaea.
'Colored raper rovers' 11AD 1a rN
In Dermas or Refresh ,e _.`r
• Iltwe est5 1a.s{ats nape taw
Pape. • Colored Plate in every 05$ Tsar
vv Prier /i samiss
teat M ins .ret• . 1 trial
JJM[1 1 iM • '
r.71: MATS
Am pleasant to Mks. Castala their ed
Purgative. 1s • sate, n.rs, wad ear
dtwde7w •t warm 1s Ch0drescin
O.':"p(PelA, DROPSY, .
HZ' ART SUR.11, DRi I1f88
Sod every goeiea ei Nampa
A.sordrred Ln EVER, K►O01. 0 :1t
T. MILBURN K irk,, "'"" q
AGENT:: a , seta. t .Yarn' Sts
(`Gelsal sea • t red. J A. se Lea t t'..
sal grew 1742