HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 55S anti 1 al I files OI, I Jew Sae .Waage NE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, FEB. z2, 1&4 GlIiPOUKR 1111061011. Ltsndoa. Ont., Line t.s Terrible Ooonrta'1 .. Time Ilse Melee Wti seDemee As leseWsmare. are nNeWeltrMf i.ww A quantity of powder stored ret the ' ,pee (tet of Hobla, O.iwrwe A Hobbs' w auIeseie harelip * vitalist. .vitt es- pl. tied this tore too s u t.. meud•,us lone, biting the sir et sleeks and delves, .cul sbakiug .(bet bedtimes fix • 1.leot1: mewed. The Wildlife where the exh:oswu took place was owe of the l i.,t in the city .ltd was located on kid mond street, three doors mirth tit Yc.t k skeet. eet. Taw three ewer fiats are tuu.ed and all the stook end the aloes is the lower flats have been damaged W a large . meet. The premises took lire, Ice rtlu.g the adjaosnt wbuleuale b es, but the dames were extinguished by the ere brigade. Donald Smith, a este u,t eau easpluyed ou third fiat. an foue.d deed .Stec two hours' search. His body was frightfully mangled and burned. Frank Shaw, be..k-keeper, and Percy Ise., ..rr epooding clerk, who were alio upstairs, were ternbly lu)nred. Thant injuries are oonsidertdl fatal. Then were several narrow escapes. The two wuuadsd men were rescued with creat difficulty. The first lose heavily. The n..DLou..iva appears to have p uered- al to streak. In owe plana the r_dieg anted tug would be quite apparent, white a lee yank distance Mere would be Appere0A4 ly r..t mischief dime. J. h. ll.wuerrou. ut Cl•reoos street, .beat heed see titsete.red yestardav by a IWN$ee" brie:.i, la pr.wresetng favvrabfy lad will weever. Rev. T. L Wilkiu.uo, formerly u( Acton, has b.cniu• an editor, .tui is working for the tioutt Aet iu Nurfele. He el meideatlj very ea,efuly t.( his per son. Al tbotttfb s [rood toast hr M u.( maims to gu to Heaven jest yet. Hasoe be slakes the tuUowiest auuuuucement throatha organ :i -"It L very impor- tant tt the editor's health should be protected tied preserved dem* this oampsigni, a• match Mea lame bed upas hu.buu1J.•.e It i to •t stew t•.atueetwi that per...,...." r it..... t .s ever might will .w W it t-ent be i. pr •• vied with a well-w.rwul r...w.1..1 • ss oil -aired bed. He is accost stood te tLssu at h.".w, and the upptwlta .ecce work uDtuld uu.oatt.f." Those who limit slept in the dark awl deadly "si are bedroom" of sense busses must admit the good esu'. fears are well-grounded. Aad then temperance pimple will agree with the reverend editor's practice, and bold • warm and well ventilated bedroom '.utter than •Abut Scotch" for a night me. CAUJsa OF TOC axrLOs oe isto the ignition of about twen- ty p wood of gunpowder, which was kept in the fourth .tore of the building fur tel of filing small ma when requited by cuetemen in smaller quan- tities than a kat. Yuen what mu be learned it is feared that the *aphelion was °maiooed by employees of the firm, who in older to enjoy a smoke bad left the office and aese dad to the kap. These were Pcrsy Ince, the ahurthaud writer, and Frauk Shaw, the aesistwt bww,k- keel'er They met there Donald Smith, the ch k wbu had charge of the .tock iu the fiat and that is alt that eau Le as- certain, 41 of their age, as doi the latter 11 Walter Helm, a west respected citizen of Hagwesville, «emitted suicide ..n Monday evening about eves, o'clock. by sbtsr oeting hiulf through the head.ei Death must have been Instantaneua, as he was foubd a short time afterwards life being extinct. Why he should Irate committed such a rash sat is not known, - AT THE CASH STORE THERE IS CIIEAP Crockery & (}lusweze 7 deed et:d tate other two are ire seriously iojart.d a. to be beyond hutre of recere- �� &c tit at came the hurling of the front Vee oftwo .f tel storeys into the street, sc- oovetF anted by • terrific noise which re- semLled the explosion of a steam boiler, and which was beard for miles around. The buildings adjoining Robttaun, Lit- tle t Ca's and buns i Lewis' waat.PADLY aBATTta&D, ted Barges the street, the entire length of a block, every vestate of glass was shed to piens. The firemen were quickly on band but their efforts were ,ppatently misdirected and when they did get to work a length of hose burst and retarded their exertions. In the manakin, the three men named pre- viously were burning to death among the debris in the fourth storey, and a few 1 croons rho ventured on the roofs tt thr atfjeasnt buildings could hear die tittle the miss of the men who were t $tti!IIVba alms. Finally, twt gametes Ater the fire started, Ince s body wee recovered, and in twenty minutes more Shaw was extricated from the debris. Bath weee more dead than slice. Smith's body had not been found at 11.80, but it is not poesibte that he could suffice, is the best was terrific. Ines s legs were burned off, t.. etr.•ut the ankle. His eyes were burned badly, and the clothing wee gone in [nasty place+•. Be and Shaw wete taken to the I Genera. hospital. The building was owned by the fine. but the insurance, if I any, cannot be ascertained at present. The shack produced a decided sensation throughout the city. Percy Iime, one of the men injured by the explosion, died at 3 p.m. The loss sustained by Hobbs, Osborne & Hobbs is estimated at $40,000 or $60,- 000, hnt their stock was insured for $63,500, the building for $12.000, and fixture' $2.500. were dam - Other stores on the street aged to the extent of amounts varying from $500 to $2,500• The exptoeson was heard eleven miles away. An in- 9te.t began to night on the bodyof DoosW Smith, one of the two killed. The deposition of Frank Shaw, the sur- viving urviving victim, hovering between life and death at the beepitd. was taken. Percy Inas, Donald Smith, F. 8. Smith and Shaw were on the fatal tint together. F. S. Smith wee thrown down the stairs, bet the other three K I�caught. with was comparing tel some in a canister, and Shaw [beaks he stirred the explosive on a board with a match, the next instant came the crash, and Shaw turned a .os.eew•Ult and fell. doubled uremia the debris. The inquest has been adjourn- ed till Thursday. Hobbs, Osborne S Hobbs claim they had less than twenty-five poandsof pew - der in the sloes. TOR THIRD DISTR. Aftev 3 o'eleok on Tuesday Frank Shaw gradually sank, and death took plata .bout 6:30 p.m. The strength and vitality which he at first displayed were fietitiene and could not withstand the terrible shade and injuries which he had sustained. Tit rower' Qt'arrnow. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call! G COLBORNE MIDS. Mace jute rsoetvesd . Mime caaalgwwpes.t ot (hasten., Oostende', Duel.. (Leek Shire lags and Tweeds to lower priers tr,.a ever. WI sad sem thea Be etre and see their Factory ('oSlo.w before buying. Godertch. Fcb. 11th. ltpl Canned Goods.l WARRANTED. HOLD THE The Square, Jas. 1. ItIl. GROCER, Goderleh. W air AYER'S dafr Vigor Chicken 2 Ib Tires, Pigs Feet " " Corn Beef " " Tongue " " Mackerel (in Toniatoe sauce,) Salmon (extra quality,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (American). Blueberries. Tomatoes, 3 lbs tins, Green Peas (French),; GreenGreen Corn (American), French Mushroom, Potted Chichen, Hain & Tongue. Mustard and Ginger in 1 lb jars, CHAS A. NAIRN. Square, Godaraah, Jan. 23,1884. 1The Canadian Pacific Railway 0o. I AND 1 GLTL.A TION." The Comma•/ ear 5.54. welkin aha Banway Wet ateag We twain Ila.. and 1e 111•0112S riantwha at pelves raagisg $2.50 PER AORE upwards, with omiditleas Meet. cultivat's. A rebate fur eeklsIIl.a vatioe ur Mr1111.13 N O&M weir were. a000rdtas to prise Nit seer . feud. Allowed on certain c—dltlow. Tim company sass utlbr buds wltkoat settlement or oultl%atlw. THE RESERVED EZ) SECTIONS along the Main Use. . e.. the Gad numbered eleetteaetelNle opoRailwadie theiry, maim ark" far rte ea .deestageuue terms. to parties preW et . lesmedi- ate culuvatkr. TERMS OF PAYMENT : Purchasers easy pay oe•'etzIk la cask. and the balance 1a dye caecal t—ta' sale, with lat•teot at SIX PIR[ CYI,T. per annum pee:able in tdva•oe. Parties perolse1•g without ooadltbee of uelttvation. will reoetme • Deed et Ou.ver- a.ee at tree of purchase. if pity est M made i. Payments may be made in LAND URANT BONDS. which will 1.. accepted at Ma par centpremium on their par raise and accrued enierrst. Th..e Weeds can be obtained oa $P plkation at the Bask of Meetrsal. llIu.ir .al : or at any of Its agencies. FOR f it Lands. and CONDITIONSto JOHH. Y(TA\'its 1 Bail lend information with Wtn 1pKrespect b It �eMr the chase of ardda, apply t ott,1e,d, C111Ht.Fet Uttt`sh:\VeTlilt. Secretalletary. t.& T.1 L::1GH7"S roil .t SHA'i I:, • LAI RCVT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.O Maty CLEARING SALE Stoves, Plated Ware, �'ars.0 r Goods, • Wall Paper, Tewellersr. Close Cuts fbr Cash Prices. SA -u NDERS -id SON Rest Street, next door to the Voest Ullic•. New Mantle Cloths A Great Bargain at J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. (Colored Velveteens IN BROWN, BLUE, SLATE ANI) STRAWBERRY, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. 'anted to to Kuoi!8 OFFER THE FOLLOVPIIt() . '� THAT YOU CAN GET UI tDECIDED BARGAINS 1 CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOBACCO, CIGARS, 4-c l Domatefe and Tont cralta veers it the Best Breeds Fedi seseoe. A full assortment of all kited. of Nate. *yeller. Served is were "SYS' Required. (creek end Smoked it Water I(•s ('ftEA'-" tV •B{u,V "Ural Deelgns. Wreathe. ('rorere. nuasgoele. eta. made W order. ►t•werlw$ from& 4 iepUMes an aeaaaw. XMAS GOOD- GOODS �II AT rxrx-37Eadf3DIE�AIr ?ALL_ i Jest open. • treats cemskra aeut of thew• Mae:Jul pi Mihir Dried Grasses and wc�: 'w ` • ' IIov ere In Boquets and I- anF Stip, Ui a.I3l:E�ta. A Choice Lot of Hyacinths anti otiter }:..w••+ i' -t is. t ,note , . ::.• :Lk _in, —AT -- E. BINGHAM'S in bud in Hyacinth Glasiws,l, vorti Hl:i(tl :. :• r 't-..:., I':,.._l:fa REBTAIIRIl,NT, C. t House Squared. Dederick. Ont Also a ran tine or Fear/esti 1'«144 : „,. 20, hits. Nadirs. RE.A T 1 ESTATE i)5 VIZ TOWN OP OODiltICH. (L1. A Cirrose Lot (Na irIIIe on West attest. et tel tin est rlt, 2. Lot 1111, ae•r° r 15. Park, very pleasant nit - imam. wit,, view a lake, e.aptititi sub- stantially built 2 story brick hem. with stable. fruit trees. Rc.. 1.eaa.M. 1 Three and • half lots steeply as erre). on Past street. with brick Irosadry. now ander rent at ile0.00 • year. `Lessee. 4. let on bank of River. near the Macke. Owes. These properties are realty wail hush tore money. but most be sold b ekes net Iia E.t.te. an.i are therefore aimed at the shave prtexe. Apvlr to SEAGER�& LEWD ni tem Oodertel. Rept. lith. 11*3. t,le41 TOILET ARTICLES AN l• :al: •i't [!.11.1 ' . • Bottles, et.t., Choice Perfumery of all kinds, I3•�::i.w+ "+ ='1 '��'�• ,heChicago House, • F. JORDAN, Chemi.nt The Lead Millinery Establishment of the County, GODERIOH. restores. with tel glass and Maser of meth, reete or gray baht to • •ater.l, rtee brows color, or .seep Meek, se may be desired. By its am light or eel Mair way et d♦rte.rd, this lsk tb> sed baldness onee tlosgb not •tunes• It assess failing of the hair, and intimidates • .-irk owl rick !y growth to vigor. __]t prevents and cnrs,sewrf and dandralt.sod hes)* e..rly.very :bees. peculiar 4e the scalp. As Ladies' Hair Denudes. Lid \'mon is aatgnalled: it .detains iw Ismer o11 nor dye, renders tis lair 'oft. glory, re: valve In atrwaraate, sad Imparts a delicate, ::presable, .wd 1ra:lag perfume. it was reported last evening that mend cit. 'ten who had been handling powder were yesterday engaged in n► dndhg their .sock to the amount requir- ed law. A gentleman its apsskinr to .a �, I.,. regretter hazarded the state - want [fiat he believed there were dealers who were in the habit M having hund- reds -1 pounds in their stores He had heard it alleged that in one sae a man had as meth on hand at one thee as 800 Mr. Robe. un, of Robinson, little Co., save he has been in beanie's for !7 ears in this eity end never wfisred else by fire yet, until this aspireion, sad he eir,e.n't know whether to prn.w.wlee it Are or ant. At all events, he rays his less is em ipareti.eh trills*. end eseetly in the glee hese. The glomera are beefier a busy dee. and the' demand for *ices mei putty is almost enpv+e±ewlenterd , in Cro.eyn's (Hook, had rear shattered. Mr. C. P. mecums ay leisr ememenees fall ag 1, yea : •• Ire fall m I Memo nearly MM. sat. spa In •iso rt r,.l r„ ,,, a *tole of As awe Item \'sun ut whim stppel the fettle( of the balms, and s sew growth. 1 have maw a tell bred of hair sweetie vig vin..,-. enol .a e•wvleeed that hat for the moot your i.rep.r.tM. I emu el have been eetin•ly Mid• J. W. bowel,.,.eputeter of the M. -Artier (Ohio) tnvwerer• say.: AYRM" Beta Vsooa Is a mod .teen at pragmatism for tk• Mir. 1 mesa at tel fence ay ems sap s•••. les eve prommis p wee hal. as/ met- n dist ]tet lbw V Hstt• M wka. tie� within o g to wtm o ta11eA is glue vales ,.,fatsMt.a" Now is the time to 5:.bi Now is the time to S :..b& rib Ma. Amen FAs1leAitw� g4sMllimier st0yee.l . weltam malia• ted •• FAlr 1.w F 1>• ., ,t. a. MS: Mew writ.s hem dew sty Mir Mpg silvery Atbe rea's which fleecing Ing 1'•t• lova s bare M Avows Hna V,00a,ANA �f^�_•asd- inatiotaie an agemirsoote of tor of enreetehle eneweeeseasereals whir Sues le orators, severs. sod In beet every the es or of the piddle .•' MRs. O. A Puswerr, I5 54, i from yssr- Two t, te1,,,,*nal„ ' tel liayy hair rams ef. Mem �s�, endef1 was fort grwMg a Ora wee( Argo RAn:iena the ao raq_lat�s� �.�ed tail • •s gee -w* _...ST. ebb=II45......irru=i4sAstysad Is ertw . s l asell. Is dilaty�' 15eldeo sewNva, lee w it •smtdms �ss•de++hag." WebewlgdNk0Mike Malliatideb TM" LA TIM& IS IMOw• Mal eediatarig dohN the think eglk�d rvdt. e11 Or. J. 0. Ayer ,II O. , Laws, Moo. • Sail • t- gnY b i DesngAs. n P1.I BIRDS, -' ter VELVETS, The Signal ---Only $1. '�' 3 ;;� = �r• PLUMES, RIBBONS, I LACES The Let ;:est and Hest Assorted Stock in the County to Choose From, at FRENCH AND AMERICAc S-1 v' LES - -Lies Wilk�nnson'Et, - Chicago Eouseg (t,wltrieh. Nor. nth. INC. IOW MISS MILL1 TEt,r, C+ODE:RIOH. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I8 FULLY ASSORTED. and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Stndifel. Az Inspection is Respecttally Invited. JOHN A. NAFTEL Oheap Hardware Emporium_ mac Preeerits 1883 -..AXES ---1883. Weiland Vale, •. AAD/.4,, Welland Vale, Burrell's, . = 1 Burrells, and the and the Simpson Axe. Simpson Axe. FULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS CUTLERY. Special Liners, CARVER.q it FORKS, New Styles, CARVERS $k FORKS. French Cook, CARVERS & FORKS. Game, BREAD PLATES & KNIVES, POCKET KNiVES A RAZORS, Excellent Valle. BUTTER DISHES A KNIVES, SILVER CRUET STANDS, PLATED KNIVES, FORKS A SPOONS, NEVADA SiLVER FORKS A SPOONS, the same throughout. C$ILDREN S SETS OF THRF.R, CHILDREN'S KNIYIi A FORKS. BOYS' SLEIOHS ACME SKATES, Eta, Eta, Etc111101arales 1.1. NANCFACTU'HEh IIl- R. H. SM ITH &CO. Nutevror to J. FLINT IAPLE LEIF LIECE. Heald Quarters for Steel Barb Fence Win CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE,. iLCOME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. R. W. MCKEN Zi E'S' COURT ROUSE SQUARE, .sdad .0.t. a un. 0ODRRICH, ONTARIC.