The Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 4. w 4' :rat's '" I THE HURON 3IGNAL. FRIDAY FEB. 22, 1884. - THE HURON SIGNAL revs lrrt-rierst� b 114 its., as tear OMe,7twta th Square' eODERIQH, ONTARIO. clad Is despMsied Ie s I parts of the surruua4 ++entry b the earnest malls cad teats.. admiestss It W • larger areata • pay la tb s part of esasery,uri11 iia si tie eaei 1n sUwstest Seamss s.1* pis _bm Mi is la eeeo � �IssrraWang. Jt ptbaathe ppper It It is therefste s sura desirable eeisft.rrrtie(ap wcddttteaTenud� a; SETS. If pay bedew Mx +sociis Mcel ea paid. nib rill watt be elrictly =ares or ADircalleirall.-Ziglit oasts has for et inerwelsa ; these esu per liar to but -- wash subspwt lameUi.. Yearly. half.yawl; eil mai ereamly coalesces at reduced ret .11111111141.-WeMvealsea1retclass 0, t Vooa�eetl&a, cadss ponies the oomN•te out -St aiiii beet beiltuee eat wort 1. Gederiok, are prepared in that Hes at prices that cannot M sad Oaquality that cannot he By -eke way, that was a "risk" se u(s- m.ei advanced by Mr. Baler at the kbit meet* of the awned whoa, is .dress- ing the retainiag of Mr. Campbell, fee stated that Mr. Foot "W wither chs sur child,'' tad fur that raisin abets sue have kis application listened to. How would Mr. Bader like if some use should claim that he should not receive support to his uudertekuyts because be had '.neither chick nor child r' IT was really amusing to bear the in diguaat referenbse orade to the preasmp- tion of Mr. Foot in sending in se appli- cation fur the clerkship Nearly .vers member who spoke against that "mike Olin alluded to the fact that be was • new•c .mer to the t.ewn, and was tot a heavy tax -payer. From the tone used by these gentlemeu one would think they were to the manner born, when, in goad FRIDAY, FEB. 22ao, 1884. faith, only one of them was a native THE DOINGS OF THE COUNCIL. The majority of the town cueacd at election times prate about economy in mutters niuiacipal, but the released, of the year make their cry for economy enb- .srvlent to party. This was demonstrat- ed at the last meeting of the town council when Mr. Wm. Campbell was r. -engaged at a salary of $500 for the awning year. Mr. Elliott,the so celled musicipal econo- mist, voted against the motion, but when spoken to and egged on by the clerk, changed his cote to the squaadenome side. If some man in Uoderich is to get 000 fur performing the duties of town clerk during the year, we would as soca nee Mr. Campbell get that amount u any other man, but this does not change our belief that $500 is too large a salary for Goderich to pay to its clerk, 1e he whom he may. HAD Mr Hued the old iuspeetor been by TUB divisions oaths C. P. R. gssatios Tim have • gay sand festive lief el liar a ghees the aevenmest st•jur itis reline dune at Haastltus, !Mowed!Mowed ars* tweet 4S to Th. mama H. is a puwerfslly hails tie►te4- Hem. 1[a Buns will deliver the um- mise. and •r.mulbin..rt se athlete. On ' TFdew .'sat he shy. an .ahibtti..o .d his at 116 °testi'"' be bald *1 prowess as • boxer se eonepeut n with taws its the 17th March, ander the mus. I Jue Popp, the pagiliat of Toroutu,.t the Mess of 8t Patrick's Sweet, el that city. • grand epees hose. i. the •mbitio s city. el the town, and even be did not mach earieb the town by his pre- sence. Th. rest ..t those who spoke asalese Mr. Foot owed more to the town than the town did to them. The duty of the councillors war to discuss the pro- priety or impropriety of reducing the salary, and not to argue about the per- sonality of the applicant& We know comparatively little about Mr. Foot, but if he is nut mentally, morally and educa- tionally Neal to any of the men wbo spoke against him, we pity his case. While on this question of combining the offices, dose it not strike the casual observer that if three men of experience agree to do a certain amount of work for $aA a year, the public would be better served by the employing of the three men rather than by engaging one mad, with no previous experience, to do the nark at the same salary i How would anyone do in his own private bum - retained to _c.11ect taxes and inspect the tech in stech sn •vest streets, at a malar: e.i tt3.'4) a year, 51 esu Soot permits have been foolishly proposed in the resolution ••f Messrs- charging Tus Sln:AL with attempting to Cameron and Matched ; and had the two, , ran the town ceuucil on party linea old assessors liven re-elected to office at There el not the leaf ground for it. In their former ularies the cost of running the nutter of the Reevesbip we have the three offices in a very eAizient imine pointed out what we thought to be the ner would he net a Dent higher than the boat course for the eleoton to psrsne, amount which is now paid to nue loan •J but in the election of tows oosucillors Mr. Economical Elliott's omnibus retie we hare at no time indicated who should lotion. Bat, thrn,Hood would not have been made to feel the personal enmity of 1 some of these whet held seat, in the coun- cil Hew was it wbeu the sieecial cent - amities reoommeneied that the "tact* of n ss.esor, collector en t street -inspector be combined ata salary of $300. that eco- nomical councillor. Mr. Elliott, moved that the report he amended by increas- ing the salary to $i30 t The fere;coing question hu been asked by scores of peoik during the past week, aid the construction pet upon the action of the tnemberfrom St. David's ward''. is that it was cut and dried that Mr. Gordon should get the billet, and it was thought the $6O extra should be given so Mr. Campbell could be reimbursed for giving some of his time to the careful revision of the rolls, owing to the fact that Mr. Gordon was a new man at the bellows. If the above be not tie correct answer to the conundrum. we will bo pleased to get a solution from Messrs. Elliott, Campbell, Gordon, or any of their f ri.t.ds. Mr. Butler stated at the council meet- ing, and Mr. Johnston reiterated the statement, that if Mr. Feet ware offered a "better thing' elsewhere than he war getting in Goderich he would immediate- ly throw up hu. position here and go where the better situation was. To which we would reply : Se would Mr. Campbell, and he would be very foolish if he dud not. Mr. Ed. Moore and Mr. Harry E. Johnston, former holden of the office did so, and Mr. Campbell would fallow suit to -morrow if the op- portunity offered ; and nobody with sense would !.lame bion fee dein. en. Mr. I:utier a1s.. said Mr. Font was making money by other means, and had an assured salary from another mour.e, whores. Mr. Cemehe1l was de- pendent to a lark, extent upon what he got (r••n the °ler..• "Bice That wee $ V1e7 1,ioe.entinu•ut:.' arttu•uent, and, as sash, did credit t•• .it- Huti., s kindness of beget ; bot how 11.1 it c•.no almost int medis'ety after soh.-•: a ilio.; •n oats male by Mr. Bingham t...eup Mr. Hoed, an old and tried poledit s..rvnnt, em;•toyed setil the lat of Mt), that Mr. Butler failed t.t remember that Mr. Heed had boon wholly dependent epee the . • he derived fronttbsstreet Mr. Butler evi.'.ently eit•et..led all his milk of human kindness upon Mr. Camp. bell, and had none left for Mr. Hoed. --- Thistalk of the old fogies that a man oho.ld not he.countenanced until after he bee hired a term of years in the town ie mother relic of barbarism. The great ereable in O.derieh is that more new Mond is not coming into the town. We reenllect a year or two ago, that t core eras rine wart on the body p.litie mod to neat up this t.. every new 'rimer. &sem then the "wart" has left the town, and for the town's good. If a few more of the +rocker s weeM follow suit and mew nue take their pi.e.a, Oodsrich would metra ur should not be elected. We defy any Muumuu was sleeted fur North- amploa .rs Tuesde7 last, for the fourth time, by a y iemeased majority. It 1 um undamaged he will take the oath im- mediately. A rowena sapient* fe a hardware .tut. in London on Saturday last canal Me death of three persona The law in reward to thm storing of powder should be enforced all over the °wintry. A. W. Lemma, M. PP. for East Grey, died at his residence, Parkdale, on Wednesday last, after a short illness. He was a Conservative in politics, and was looked upon as extat of the leading Opposition members. Hoa. Joss Cosnoee's resignation and subsequent reiestatemsnt within the 44 hours is the talk of the ooantry. At one time during the week it looked u if the whole Cabinet was going to pieces, but the family quarrels appear to be patched up fur a time. Ms. Caasnox, of Heron, has pushed forward bis bill rsl•ting te'evidenoe in criminal cases with not • little vigor and with a great dui of ability, mays the London Advertiser. He was vigorously attacked by Mr. Wood, by Mr. Landry, by Nr. Chapleau and Sir John Mac- donald, but it nevertheless received 86 to 81 votes, so that Mr. Cameron is like- ly to succeed 111 carrying it thr.u;•h the House of Commons Tus French Cas•dian Tory prase is • onut on the C. P. R. lean. Le Cisme- diet. has roma out against it, and Le Monde, 'of :•I ontres', the leading Tory organ, says : "The more we examine the documents relative to the Pacific Railway and the explanations given, the more extraordinary and unjustifiable the measures appear. These gentleman •b- . olutely wish the 'country to make their future without having to unfold their arras-' show mn article b in which — ons t•. y the election of et teem ouuncilk,r has been urged from anything like a party staple Wit. We hey+ made it a point always to vote for the but man for tows euwnciltor, independent of polities. Our vote hes already been given for several Tories in Goderich. We again deny that we leave ever •dvecated the elective of any t ,wa councillor for party purpdses, or ol•poeed the return of any good macs Let those who say otherwise give us in- staucs .4 NEW NATION. It would seem as if the facetious Robillard is tie harbinger of a band of French-Canadians who are yet to make themselves felt in Ontario politics. At leant that is the view taken of the matter by Le Canada, • Conservative paper printed in the French language, and published at Ottawa. Speaking of Mr. Robillard's speech, it says :- "The French speech is finite an event. It may not he repnrted aeon, Mit a day will Norm when on r language will jf nist by resounding in the Ispisfatire halls at Tor - unto. The same will occur in the halls of the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia legislatures. M. Robillard is but the proem sor of a numerous French phalanx. At this hour we could elect four or five French members if our element was leas divided. Our numbers give us this right. We ought even to have a senator of our origin to represent the hundred thousand French Canadians "1 Ontario. Thus nomination cannot be retuned to us very lone. That which is not possible to day will 1* very easy in soca mpli.hment in r •ate years hence, perhaps even at the next provincial elections- The following fbfures have an eloquent significance : In 1650 we counted 211,4I7 French Cana- dians in Ontario ; 1860, 38,287 ; in 1870 75,385 and in 1800102,743. This wield my that before many decades ofesus there will be several hundreds of thous- ands .if French in the most English pro- vince of the confederation. The French tide risen farm Quebec toward the went ; net Piing cin stop it." Mr. Robillard's breaking into French in the ch.mber of the Ontario Legisla- ture was cut into the shade by the doughy member for North Bruce wind- img op • reply to the Frenchman with a sentence of guttural f•I•telic He esu away above the reporters. Ws load In the telegraphic dispatches the ether dry that Baron D'Ersec.wrt had beret robbed of hie eaves, while .n his e,•; to attend the merling of the Hou.vBreeds, and would, therefure- tint he ..'�.y.'U"�.• ►r' take part in the delil.rra- %ions .4 that budy until the hest raiment was restored, ..r a sew set was .el.tainetl. We are net much in far.•+ of the peer age hosinees, and e.• didn't sympathies with F:..r•'n 1) Eyn.•conrt in his hoes of garments, and particularly when we re e.dketwl that the ventleman who was masquerading with the hifalutin• name au none other Than Alfred Tennyson, whose verse wei hoes learned to love te- ams, e-a see of the democratic east meat there- in asp -reined, boat wh., has to recently gone bask on his rowed. We wonder what the ..Id man wow thinks .f '•Hewe•er 11 hm 11 sea■ to .mit 'tis oat, mob% to he KIM hearts ale sumer sae.neys� Awl elespls (kith taaa raw+!. Tut. Toronto Telegram views the de- mands of the Quehec Tories with alarm. Theeditor weds up an article en the subject by exclaiming : - "Sir Etienne Tache used to, say that the last shot tired in defence "f British connection oiled be fired by a Frmucit•Crttadian. He might have added that the last dollar taken front the (blend treasury would be taker' by the same p•tsiotic indivi- dnal- THE Ottawa Free Pres is keeping an interesting fact before the public. And it is thus :-"Quebec started even with Ontario at coufederation. N•.w after seventeen yeah Quebec is in debt $19,000,000. Ontario iso nu debt and a surplus of $5,000,000. Quebec has been governed by Tories, Ontario by Libe.-ala Quebec has taken Sir John by the throat and demands better terms ; Ontario wants nothing but to be lot alone. Thew are bare facts, but they contain volumes for the consideration of the people." Tag bill introduced into the Ontario Legislature by the Hon. A. M. Roes, re- specting Noxious weeds, extends the operation of the Act respecting thistles. Municipal Council.' may without peti- tion appoint an inspector to secure the destruction of weeds, and must de so if fifty landholders petition that such ap- pointment he made. The Inspector's duty shall be to have thistles cut when they are not destroyed after due notice giren, and the c,st is to he assessed against the owner of the land. Squire Hanna, who tried the Weekes' case, is nor being handled in a not very gingerly manner by the London Free Press and the T•.rn.nt . Mail, simply be- cause ho would not allow the two organs to misrepresent his views se expressed in his decision on the case. What makes the cue mere interesting is the fact that 'Squire Hanna is • pronounced Ce nser- vative. So far the 'Squire has the btg e nd of the stick, and the organs are tee mak ins/ much headway. `Penmen of M. 0. Camer.n'e speech on the C.P. R. reeoluti"ts, the Glebe z,.rrespmdent ays : - "Mr. M. C. Came - eon's two. hours' Adman after rec.w was certainly an able effort, and bloodied the Tories with foal for mental reflect; for some time to acme. The manner in which he espetsed the fraudulent and hyp..critical character of Tory preten• . teens 1.. "prtendism" male even the Finance Minister wince. Qtto4ing frena the speeches of bis John, Sir Leman!. and Sir Charles in 1478 and 1879, he preyed tet thea.. 1ettkmeu who naw pose.' se patriot& aMl Undertook to fea- ture the Oppesition,had themselves done their utnnat to decry and dieeredit their eowntry and to aggravate the then iterat- ing depression for the, petty- I..rpwoes of snakier a point against their political op- ponents. Mr. Osmen,n thorn•eahly et - peel the unreliability of oajesiatisse and prehensile put leeward by the Minister of Railways by soupasf.g them with his statements of IMO eta 111$1.' The skid came was ahead is the lest r•oued, but at the cause of the third wse "knocked silly," in tie elegant phraseo- lap of the P. R. Stewart should either retire foam public pugilistic perform- ances ur r.stgs his 'coition .d chief of police in Haimikom. IT mow tares oat that ',Christopher W. Booting, the nta.aglmg dtrecter of the Mad, •ud Lawyer Meek, bis wditit• r, Briding that Mow•t a najurity w.,uld net water, and decay at the bidding of the Tory organ, attempted to bribes number of private members oa the Liberal side, se that a Coalition Uuv.rument could be formed, with Meredith premier. The members approached proved unpurcha'.- able, and let the cat out of the bag. The Med is jest now prating about bribery, and we ask that journal to publish Bunt- ing's experience in cot necti.n with its other ubeervationa. Wary Treenera We have receive.' decussate eapesisg the grievances cad setting forth tae re- dress remitted trout the tuIl.•wing pew Nerra Soria, deetandt•g better lirwis. Prince Edward Island, desmmdieg fel- Stunt art tering of nuleeu- New Ikuu.wick, denmading settle sweat of uutstandine einem. Quebec, demanding better terms- Ontan.., reunite; federal sumach saute Manitoba. deme .ding ale attain of m••uopuly, the right to charter railways reductius of the tang etc. The Nash weal Territories 'nekton( lead taw reform and representetees art Parliament. British Columbia, against dieallowauw of railway charters, and pretests aga.'ust the Campbell setttemeu . Verily?faodonal.ite tyranny is atn•etg hreakent. --.(.t)ttswe Free Press ix advocating the rediotinn in the number of the County Council members the Collingwond Enterprise says : -- "On so momentous a question it is a certain- ty that • great deal of discussion will take place, and the ball can be opened nose too moon- It is conceded by all that we are too nisch governed and too expensively in the matter of County Councils, and we believe the people of Ontario ale prepared to welcome any fair scheme of relief-" We oertainly agree with our antemp..rary that the agitation can be started none ton soon, and would urge upon every municipality Hb take it up. "Lugs" McIatyvs,(a.dled because of bis penchant for keyhole reporting) the reporter of the London Peer Press who wrote up the alleged interview with Squire Hanna, is now anxious to make an affidavit that his report was correct in every particular. We don't doubt "Leg's" ability to swear to any state- ment he eves made, be it of sever so Munchausen • complexion, for making affidavits is a way young Tories have nowadays of getting cot of ugly serapes. But we would inform Mr. "Lugs" Mc- Intyre, of the London Free Press, that a young Torry named Weekes, el pott- ing subdivision No 3, township of Cara - doe, county of Middlesex, undertook to make afda•it to a statement that was untrue, and drew up..0 himself and his friends, a park of ovulate. For this reason we would want "Lugs' to keep out of the affidavit business. It isn't a healthy oocupativa If be has doubts on the subject we would refer hist to Messrs. Jas. Weeks' and W. R. Mere- dith, who had a copartnership in that line during the West Middlesex election. Tory •'rrrrssa" as ntg•wa. Sir John gave his Iofowers the wink and "Patriotism" has been the shout of every Government speaker. The Commons Chamber has heard more about patriotism within the last few weeks than it ever did before. But it is • poor kind of patriotism. It is patriotism for revenue only, The "patriots" are the 'nen who have been filling the public offices with their relati vea The "patriots" are the men who have filled or expert to till their pockets with the people's etch. The "patriots" are those who are not reapsctablm enough to claim any other virtss. In the same sense Boss Tweed was a „patriot '• Boss Tweed built sewers, and straight- ened the street• of New York, and was enterpriaine. lie spent millions, but when he waif accused of squandering the city's stoney he claimed to he • patriot. fio said he was pr,vwltng for the Ware of the greet metropolis of the New R orad; that he was makmtg a great future passi- ble. But Bose Tweed died in prison. His "patriotism" didlt t excuse his dishon- esty. For Bum Tweed and his heelers ti stand up and 'Mute his p.rwocut..n wee nunnl enough, but the p.nmewution was net thereby put on the defensive. -[Tor- onto News A f.Mats tow. O)rrawa, Feb. 17-- 1ir Charlie Topper and Mr. Chaplesn had • row at the cab- inet council meeting Saturday. Mr- Chapleau accused Air Charles Tupper of bringing the c..untry inte its proposal un- certain financial peitien, and took him to task fear hus railway policy. Sir Charlie said he had dine the best M 'amid under the circumstances, hut inti- mated that this would he his last erosion in parlament. Mr. Chnplean asked him to re.ugn at ones TM matter was stneothed over by Sir John. t lest to amen++. Leine -at, Dak., Feb. 19 -Three out of door stage. dee hese yesterday have not been heard from. it is believe. the driven and ;Assessors hare perished is the blisasrd• The Elleredale meek was fennel half -way between Lwmnere and Yankton, tensed beaus .ide op and the driver (flood in a house two miles (he- lmet, holy femme. He had no peewee gent M. J. Bauder* started with • lady p•..oager tram Lmnaoere at thallium Ogee at the eaten and has net eau heel heard fr,nt it is believed both perish- ed. Seareh parties esu looking for I here in all d beef pea Ito tiding. Rivas J•meatnww such, and the worm is lams• .d. AN IWDZ PI$D*$T Qirt as. maw lad greened a. mda.se r pas, ellea w lit, John. N. 1.. Feb. 1L —Th. slope ..t lis John raison to on es the bobs* bussed setmted by elle De.s Jos Igoe la4evo.et * tet, el which be is a t nher es- ufMi.ti ua the gr•utd that sister tee oily chaster the sole right t.. as... Near lie.m..e was vested in the latter, sed that aU toasts that have bort pared by the Bread Legislature wbs•gtwut w thee bare reweguised the ri.fbts oo.te.'med iN the +barter. the ..uly were*. . ea Lees. ei lbs am•.este to he oha.ge.1 for lioness. The cumusen el.rk, tete .4 the sinew leey.ia in the Pr..vi,.oe, 0..twi.l. that the ohsrtmrett'ttrl 1.f e1-. iiL to the eitiaem. of Kt. Jebel, and .lat.rf 11.y 18, 17183, el.srly ...toted tie I.awng ul hquur (.emacs is the baud* .4 the mayor and tw.rt.e•.'idty .1 the city •. St. Juba This charter, said the clerk, gives peso. liar privatize. over the rest .4 the Do ♦ alestAitoi tes.rs �s�Mawa mist. �i. Fee instance, la !Iso matter of our herb°. th. uety a.rp•reti na and not the Denauti N. 't'verement ere ,rites sole c••atrul .•f it- P•.. situ.!.'.4 liscraved much interest. 'rho other two ,uembers r.t Ulm Rosa,+ Want aro ttans ot1n4 the neeeseery busm.w to eatery est tis law. It •ppean the pig is a power in Cola - dies' se well as American politic.. A Sherbrooke paper settee with considera- ble pride that the Li.utenaot-Governor bad to apologise to the Hon. J. O. Kele oataon before the latter would comment f.. be sworn in as Treatorer. The toy to this ie, that when Mr. Robertson was Treasurer before, be had some misunder- standing with the Lieutenant -Governor on a little natter of pigs, which resulted k»m w.- bounced doom his portfolio- is Honor's private pigs kept at the public expense had coat the province a sweet penny. One day bis Heuer approached Treasurer Robertson on the subject of a Brussels carpet for bus put sty. That war tan tench. Mr. Robertson kicked, and the story runs that the Lieutenant -Governor retatliated so effectively that Mr. Bele orisonin consequence lost his official heed. The apology now makes a case id "piece with honor" an far u Mr. Rob- ertson u conversed, Thus another crisis in Quebec polities haa t»es tided over. -[0t tawa Frew Press. Adaha Adieu s been taken a,....et the re- turning eater art the . Soutane,' D..oiniue election for mal,int +attar ballots in seek a w thatthey .w eld b. in the Treasurer throwing up ur g r""OgDiiil in ease ui s re•eeust H wilmm.. rn• +:+erred Naard . m.psrtur. True friends of the volunteer forties will regret she depsrturu el (:enrr.dl Laud, whose bluff, r.ldlerl). crititisui, tempered by praise where it c,md hon- e stly be given, was beginning to retire a spirit of healthy emulation in the force, whish bade fair to restore it to something like its efficiency in the days of Fenian raids. The officers who beslobbered every battalion with indescriminate praise and Battered the most inefficient by as- suring them that they are • trifle ahead of the regulars, disgusted good men with the service, and reduced the force to an armed mob, coedit to the taxpayer, bot of no real use.-[Orillia Picket. mewl or • Greet mr.s... The nation in whish for belt hie life- time Wendell Phillips was a social out- cast and political Iahmwlite will gene- rally and sincerely deplore bis lose. He lived long enough to live down the old hatred, to Gonquer mut only the ad- miration of his old -foes -that he always had,'but to ossactoier also their respect and +fish their .Mestioe. And yet ke lived too long for hie own fame. If Mr- Pb$lips h•d passed away, like Lincoln, at the very ck'ee of the contest which Browned tM triumph of his life, be would have stood far higher in the esteem art posterity thee is now possible. Up to that time lets career had been ons brilliant, magnificent struggle for human freedom. 'Dict poo, he amid not keep quiet, and coalai loot find themes worthy his matchless el.quenoe and sucrase. All his life an agitator, silence was im- possible to him, yet he could not con- tinue his egitatioe without what he was accustomed to call • "Came." And so he floundered about for a Cause. Once he thought he had it in green -backs ; again in trades unionism ; once in wo- man's rights and then in fighting the Chinese. Hitt last years brought hint many strange comrades and no added honor- But hie gnat anti -slavery work makes his place in history sure and high; his courage and interity will always be the pride of his countrymen ; he leaves a &pet'ege name, end dues not leave his steal in oratory in England or Atari a -[N. Y. Tribune. A Vanes res Alive. A fish dealer down in Saltnerille. Ohio, says that he received a box of fro - sen fish from Cleveland during the re- cent blivard- They were .o hard and brittle that they had to be handle.) with care to keepE, them from break- ing in pieces. He sold one to an QM lady, who took it home and pet it in a bucket of cold water t,t thaw sot gradual!). During the night she heard something splashing and flopping around the kitchen. Supposing it was the cat trying to get the 6.h, she jumped net of bed, seised the broom, and broke for the some. There was no cat visib'e, but the fish was making the water By in every direction. As near as mold be learned, thew fish kao been lain out in the Bold two nights before being packed in boxes, and had been out of the water more than two weeks. A Wanarao a - Henrietta Boman left her home in Collingwood cis weeks ago with • hired nun named Evan& A private detective f-tund Henrietta on Monday in • house ..f ill -fames in Torsntn. and notified her relatives, who took her home this after noon. She n ntet yet 17. Evans desert ed h.r after he had squandered 1380, stolen by her from her mother. A war rant is out fur Evan.' arrest A onevewtion has been called to meet at eam no March 6 to ess4Nw pre- ins grimaces Reese o ossa.-A$ATtsvi ewe Cnrer.nre Hee. - "Ny • thorough knowledge of the weir ral Mese whk9u govern the operations .f diapt1ea and . l Use, •ad W • of t a +•dere of the rt usaesrpiu our (hoeOr. ap•, Yp•_ kis preytdel ser breakfast tables with • dstteately caromed heere,nae whisk true r many Lear deeterw, bills ft le the f edkrises r e l y *ash srtlelwief dist tematotetiee way M grtwleelllr bwitt snarl e btle inaketlat ors Zjen edesi&Mt to atter* *Boss lea tg ++sues la �suo•a41au Ir. may emus limey bed dafwral tlarttlied by siNte ware esu nahm a pwalt�k atrliows 7lss lath. Awe .1St Kb ,d ,fhlefes erre. kbelled aM... ^ a StJLPHUR Alin IRON BITTERS . 'len • .' • • eft a. benothume woo v. y •'.t. .', Now ears - • .- a:a.r emetic dromic Ler.IMO aiiLrNUR ‘.4. IKON BITTERS ravishes tete Moot out poem t S aims auk energy. • r SULPHUR ! BON BITERS es ' . '-0 it ei pre:engem that . cots r t e'i. fhe teeth. awl will t • 4 swat headaci •e of coorreipat»s5 •c 0:66-tI.•.:1 i s.it:adore+ wL. SULPHUR LEON 31T1'ERS N ado . • .a:. • e. r, e. e • f«.rs are 1 1 SOZD BY F_J'Q=QST Js..lati.l-iE. SRELIABLE SEEDS Our I»uevtptire Prised ('etalagoa baastl- telly Mounted. ooat.481ag all .eawouery 1.t lorgnettes fur the ware.' fel cttjtivatt.a se yew sum y}.w flail R• ria. • after Now Mehrd• s win he to JOHN A. 11*00E A CO. need tageg me +osmcs i. dined& The People's Livery J. P. NEB A JOHN DOI, H avtag nop eke v.• ••e. y bemoess.1 Jew Y nwaets hem eb ownw,i 1.. Sphere) • eolith • share td pe'.1.e n.•r•esde ��sr seentatee s•thalietI.. to Wt. se t we�vFerr The Finest Riga AT IttA OWAml.s Palt'RA CA Al ata 06-Opp.Mts Aeillefeek, dab. 14ib, use. MOMS, aglt arse. $fifii:,:ter4pribcaro.rei. rM.k.(�a�Ms�o- ,fnewwteuR Mei neve eil+e+a _� e47:-.7.1.1: : e tw,i. ....t -, ...Ye- t. •