HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 2.8UNDAT EIC1100L8.
ASionthi Otthweettio• dr
the Cionnev Hums IL
IMMO AMendanee ea Delemisse-lireas
- As ansereMana Par
tosehme. ?be lashed shouldp. sad
teeth its ewe Alma sad tSU8La.4
d eiesumelneses remers them hem ow
erhools. a mem tooder lees shoal air
mega be thews. The lesedy ellar amid
always reasembee the Oaths& wheel
• iwillessioe ens With vet 11001,11,11
to Ell EL
Atter sinnisi .and henediettes the
nseeting aimed
The elevesth ammeal senestion of the
Moms & & Amseistios etwomeneed me
Tardy afternoes last, is the Bible
Christian Chink, Mato., Kr. James
'Thompson, preeidest, is the chair.
Devotional nerciess wens eoodeeted
by it's. J. A. Tomball, of Ouderich,
Rev. J. Roes, of ; Mr. & C.
Pickard, of Holmentillo ; and Mr. 8.
Yates, of Goderice.
After the introductory remarks of the
chairman, the following outmentittees were
-Ifonsisistism Constssittse - 8. Yaws,
Godarich ; W. L Newton, Clinton ;
Rev. J. A. Tunibull, Goderich ; C. Soon,
Inter; Rev. A. Z. Smith, Manchester.
Dwaiiimmeriounitter -Rev. James Grey,
Rue. A. Stewart, A H. Manning, and
Rev. J. Kenner, Clinton ; and Mr. T.
Y.aseilboaddy, Goderich.
Reestistioe Cosimitere-Dev. W. Cm.,
Rev. M Mesgrove, and J. C. Stevenson.
Brief verbal report. were made from
• weber of schools in the county, dur-
ing which some Bite hints were thrown
otti in reference to the mansgenient of
that "bad boy" ; also showing a marked
improvement in temperance 'work. The
reports were very *moorages,.
The first regular subject was "The
Model Teacher," intrtduced 17 Rev. J.
Mills, of Seaforth. The model teacher
bass changed heart, humble and child
bks; he learns at the foot of the cross.
How can one teach Jesus unless first M
permission of Christ". likeness The
model teacher will Le firm in enforc-
ing discipline always pructiciag his
teaching. His love for souls
causes greeter diligence is the
work. He can oil/ succeed by love,
for the love oftChrist can penetrate the
coldest heart. He is always punctual.
and in case of necessary absence pro
vides a aultanle supply. He thoroughly
Praise midi power meeting was held
tor the lira hat how, abor whisk the
modes opened with a seriptere noes by
Rev. A. Stewart. sad power by 0. Ted-
ferdlend C. $milL
Thsanesposaigg sametatagrart
was seat gives, with a fise as
to the county et Hero& b. ia the
foremost rank is 8. 8. work, Ad.* re-
port is es follows :-
To the Presidia*, *jeers, and Dileesiss
of NW Elwell& dermal Cessendiers
of the that* ft/ Harms S. S. Agee-
Your meretary has amuck pleasure in
submitting hie anneal report for 1883-84.
Another year of labor in S. 8. work has
been added to tbe es11, and it, record is
closed. Followiag close epos the ono -
teeny celebrations, ow universally held,
it has bees a year 4 Sabbath School
triumphs. Abundant evidence is forth
noting that darn/ the year there has
boon a renewed eseeseration and deeper
Interest in this field of Christias work.
From the returns already received, and
by no mans complete, it appears that
over on hundred and seventy have been
received into the school. Many of the
reports dealers that the work is promis-
ing dierinnnlY, and that there has been a
meth needed revival at energy in the
Sabbath School caws. The outlook in
our country, with • acholarehip of pro-
bably 17,000 and 1,000 t hers and
officers, is one that calls for ihankfulnees
to God, renewed courage, and a deter-
mination to go onward.
It mightact be uninteresting for me
to give the conventios the lataat figures
in connection with the Sabbath School
throughout the world, camptled by the
excellent statistical seems/ 44 ea* In-
ternational 8. 8 Union, and sent to me
in a letter a few days Sao
I utai
Maces. $. and
prepares for Ina work, his whole leas ••
- -
must be pennesstefl - yea, a part of time -
self. Be dews •e..e depend too larvely obi
lesson helps, but first prayerfully assai
carefully studies the context. Ea. Irwin -
D OW la essential to success, and lie can
0011111Millicate the knowledge. *optima.
The discussem of:this topic was taken
part in by Bev. .14toes tirey, Rev. T. M.
Campbell, Stepheo Vale*. Hee. .1. A
Turnbull, T. .NL•i;illicuility. Rev. .1.
Roes, Wm. K vet.. W. J. Clark, Mr.
Duncan, C. Lloyd. D. D. WI;soo, sod
Mr. Kerniglisii. The various pool's
were thoroughly emphasized, in the dis-
cussion, ma credit was 1:i:en to
the principAl Ne..eker 1.4* Ilia 'unshed
treatment of the topw.
"The Benefits of S. t'oni-entions_
am introduced i.v 1:ev. .1, A. Turnbull,
of Goderich. The •;eaker thou./lit the
large attendance antl deep interest to-
day ill sufficient to •how how people ap-
preciate the citiventiuu. ls:, benefit, the
opportunity of hearing addresses on sub-
jects especially adapted to S. /4. work,
2n4, models are held up and pointed to;
3rd. it solves many difficulties; all can
make their difficulties known and help
can ba given by experienx; 4th, it also
kincUes zeal, as we compere points and
fiad that others share like experience:
6th, it has tended to draw the different
denominations together, broken down
the denominational walls, and the fire of
God's love lias more power. A general
discussion followed on the subject, which
proved very interesting.
After singing, the benediction was
pronousced by Rev. T. M. Campbell and
the firet session closed.
- --
aVa.NINu sgasION - Ft RAT I/Al.
This session was held in the C. M
Church, opened at 7.30 o'clock.
After devouonal exercises, the presi-
dent touched on the question' ••IA hat is
our work here ?" We should work as
for eternity, as we are constantly making
an... impression, either for good or bad.
The work &noires upon us to mould
the character of the rising generation.
Tee next subject, "The True Basis of
8. S. Work," by Rev. T. M. Campbell.
The speaker wished to change the title
of this subject, saying that everything
in the S. 8. should be true. We ought
to be able to give authority for our work,
and its methods -as Christians. we must
take our authority from the word of
God. 1st, we hare in this work the
beet interest for the state. The coun-
try's good lies in what can best deo:elope
patriotism. The foundation of the
atientryisit. Christian moons's. • The S.
is the best institutiote to promote
Christian morality; the last Vedge for
boomer. integrity, inoreley The S. S.
must furnish the Men 1-r every position
al lionor and re.isinsitillity in our land
•.W need the echo .; to train up an artnv
of statesmen 1 , not down the greatest
siVil of political . Our hope
et isiin s.elm . oi the Sunday
Thes ia:•• stes the value
off ehuldhoial, nos is •' • to day
for ehildren W.. re.louble every
alkirt to put flit Scho..1 to he
ket rank, •nii lif! :
Subject -"flow to prosnotti tern ier-
It4.730 7.763.111
Canada 3.61111 MAIN
Neefoustilaad, 10 17.1711
tither porticos.1 sir V.3111
Et -Hors England -a Wales . 4.221.222
r4sitiand satee
Ireland =Oa
Norwa).... 7%40,
Hr tipuni
France .,
1:sly -
Portugal -•
Not enumerated
AAT t Persia
Other portion,. .
rklit t
'1 111AVERS. A
() Auvtraha
a oalieslaterids
other portions.
kept isotlitt ethos' sad ammo added imm-
AU the ashoels but see aye seise the
laberentioaal assist el leneme. aed
the whoahold seeiewa.
. The reported Waimea to the wheels
ler the pet veer mewsher ifl ami the
.&&l__ - ..I_ menthenhip trom the
Them are sump leateros ol this •re-
....eitit sill Whew' mieseilinglj ea-
, and sone that a Utile work
=seek impreire The poesibilidee
el die & & is the Mom are buried
ZWs. AU .14 promisee to the
a es* te die @shoot. mod del
at but eseinterwome together
With • renewed 1WOMOIMMI, a .on
theseeithed enerpiztorter meal. sod
mere prayedal year me
be made este lamer 411=pU why,
greater good. There is epo mesa set
szotjeer, the ram guard ids=
not mem where tie •
mats now. The motto ot the 8. 8. MIME
ever be °toward, sad 'dub. it has a par
tinder la the conversation of the
youth', it j01n. hands with the chola In
world for Chen
Respectfully mibatittod,
J. C. Iltnitsissim, Secretary.
2.°11. nen
Liu* men tlittiughout were verv interesting.
SO 1.212
1.0111 111,5810 w IDNEADAY AFTER:14441N, plum csrai.n.
1501 HIM The renort ..1 the nominAting commit-
tee was presented with the fonowitor
showing: Preeident,D. Tiplady. Clenron;
Vice -Pres.. D. D. Wilsim, Seaforth :
Thos. McGillicuddy, Godench James
Thompson, Clinton ; P. Fisher. VS my.
. ham ; C. Snell, Exeter. Mioute secre•
tary, W. J. Clark. Exeter. Correspond-
ing secretary, J. C. Stevenson. Clintc.n.
Treas. and assoiant cor.-sec.. li.
Manning, Clinton. Executive commit-
' I ljant'346 tee, Wm. M. Gray, Seaforth ; C. Car-
nochan, Egnionville ; W. L Newton. H.
miter, triton , ates, e c ,
and all resident ministers of Seaforth.
. The next convention to be held in the
town of Seaforth, on the second Tuesday
and Wednesday in February, 1885.
Blackboird exercise on the lesson for
the following Sabbath, was given by W.
Bengh, Belgrave. Too much credit
cannot be given him for his lucid expla-
nation and admirable illustrative ability
as a bkekboard manipulator.
The subject "The tracker s prepani-
tion of the lesson" was introduced by
Rev. W. Craig, Clint.., who mid the
constant aid cf the Holy Spirit was ne-
cessary iu this work. '1'11• divine rule is
hem. teaching. The S. 8. is an assist-
ant te the home teaching the teacher
must make his teaching practical and
full of the word of Ged. The lemon brit
be pictured and illustrated, and then
questiens asked; definite and distinct
teaching proves to be most effectual, as
apt illustrations gsin the attention. It
was a good idea to mark down the
thoughts of the lemon as they present
"The claims of the Provincial 8. 8.
Association" were presented by Mr. T.
McGillicuddy, after which Rev. Mr.
Craig pronounced the iierieiliction.
The submit, "Whet tie & thss dim.
ifor tie world." was presented by Rev. J.
Lesser, Mena. The speaker void that,
the S. & wee oelgioated is
tstlibrt. Robert Rakes. the germ ..1/ 11.
The subjoin., "-feraperaises organs-
tioss in oer Sabbath schools," was intro-
duced by C. Lloyd, of Miniboom, who
mid that two great influences are knelt
to bear upon us, and a engirt ie con-
tioselly going os nemesis good &okay&
Our hope for total abstinesce lies with
the boys. Much temptation lies in the
say of sone ot rich parent& Parents do
not see their franchise in favor ot toes -
pounce, nor do they preens, in too
many nose, what they teach they boys
The boys are wanted to fight intinapw-
anise, and only tboy can conmeer. The
question was spoke's to by S. Tates and
Rev. Jas. Grey.
Exemples in Teaching Primary
Clones " was conducted by J. Mitchell,
of Goclerich. The teacher was evidently
at home in his work, and were 6ne hints
were moo as to tionclocting primary
classes. Let the chin feel they are a
separate clear. Appropriate opening
services are necessary, such as the Laird's
prayer, with explanations. Have variety
and simplicity. No partiality should be
shown but kindness and lore must ra-
ved in successful primary class teac sr.
" Examples in Teaching Primary
Classes was illustrated by W. M Gray.
of Seafortli.
The lessee' for the fuilowing Sebbath
was taken op, and proved very Interest-
ing, tact was shown by the teacher in his
work, and an earnest application of the
lesson was given, by inviting personally
the boys to give their heart. to God
The question drawer wss next opened,
and answered by T. C. Pickard and T.
McGillicuddy. Many very practical gees -
non. wet,: put, and the exercises
CtiellUtt particularly ti the county iP
Huron, we mid that it occupies a tore
most place amongst the banner counties,
for the number of its schools, the regu
larity of attendsnce, and tiquipment.
The complete list wilt if possible, be
presented before the convention closes,
an the meantime a few things of note
will be given. The leading schools of
the county are the ft llowing :-
Total No. teach- Average
ers and scholars. atteadanet.
• C. Exeter . 119
E. Credit.. . . Sae
• -
• •
Gaeerirtechh 11
Brussels. 275
Pres. Clinton IS
C. 11.Clintou 3311
C. M. Wiughsva .3/0
Pres. Seatorth
As • general rule the average &nett -
dance of the smaller and country schools
is much larger than the others. There
is a large difference in most of the re-
ports between the numbs,. on roll and
the average attendance, and there ap-
pears to be only some four or five schools
that have regular systematic visitation.
One school that deserves special men-
tion is that of Mr. Geo. Baird. er..school
section No. 1, Stanley. This is a union
school, kept up largely by Mr. Baird's
own labors, and held an the school room
where be is engaged as day teacher. If
other teachers could be induced to da the
same thing, in places were there are no
denominskional schools.it weeild help the
cause very greatly, and accoinplish
vast amount of good. Me. Baird* school
numbers EIG teachers and scholars, and
has an average attendance of 64.
Otie of the special features introduced
into the report, for the first time, tfiis
year was the questaon "How much does
your scho mire toward missions.- A
good many school. have given liherally,
and a number require all their funds for
school purposes. The Baptist, S. 8. in
Winghain support, by their own contri-
butions,* native of India, while:attending
school, to prepare himeelf for mission-
ary work. The following schools deserve
special mention for their missionary e'en -
in but ions :
Chabot .
K. Creators
14. Natter
IMO principles in the Mitodsv ('. NI. tiorterieh .
wie allotted no R.•v. Mr. Mc(- ,•!, .,f l'.Thareeslt-wd
Winoraime, bus ()am., t„ Inn not give pritninence to these
Mr, W. L clintoo, t,„,k school, 1.. a spirit of boasting, but with
the hope ,;iat other schools rosy he in -
doted to • -1(.4 rod do likewise.
Besides these amounts. a very large
• has been expended for school pee.
4111 56
. 4:4
Knottr 3115
up the topie. roc,' tilos itaener i• • be-
ta. tom to see than frooperwasar... We
Oft sot directly troubled with intemner-
SON *0 0, *clued., ion 8 t4. wr.brkees
has moth opposition from parents at
lwass, and ttttle time is allowed tor the
Washers' wore. Temperance rolls should
•fim in ow schools. and clews cards to ha
n eat hems for parents to sign. Total '
abollainwe should be a teat of menthol.
• ship. Dandyism, I. ottle ..1 the heat
1° SIM intemperance
• °WM. of 'he school on our
Senior mbetere," hy lies .1. 8..aa, 1,
llrasels. 1s4 ohne', that they eihall re '
Umia pernianautly in the 8. S. Owly mot
Sem- that a door of outman,. no exit.
&beams have no limit es um age- all aires
=2 the Bible, as it. store is
it *0.111. timesindy. Ifemior
thelers ate neeried to III the pleas of
E nos ehnrelin. 11. tioderieL sprat KIM
Pres chore% KS. cilium. "petit 11611
11 chuff* 8. el. Clime.. egret . 7110
M chore. M. Exeter. meat 1411 47
14.1....immi p. tlIntols. Weal ass,
For the first time the Executive Com-
mittee has added to Ilse statistical re-
port a e.'oottin sating all let the nurnher
of pirdueil teetotalers in the different
eeloa.:s 'Prom the returns, it appears
dist th..1-0 are only ribose twenty temper -
mice oritanisstiou in enenection with
the whoeds, but a mach larger number
Wive • *Este roll. without any urinal -
intense In the B. C. flawilay Rebook in
Chinos, a red has been prepared sad
framed, for some years. This hes been
This was attended by the children
from the Model school. and was opened
by aa address (rani Rev Jas. Cray, Chu -
ton, who mid that the Bible gives *0 11..
child the beet of news, via, that God is
love. That bookjillio says, Remember
sea thy Cantor in the days id the
youth, Christ is steins/ every scholar
to love them; every sabolar can do
hosted and earnest work far Christ No
boy can be governed by arbitrary lamas,
but love can 'scare the most wicked.
The speaker clamed by urging the boys
and girls to use their Meows for Jesus.
The next speaker was Mr. T. McGilli-
cuddy, who said that God was knocking
st the door of every child's heart, I'M
waiting fey this welcome "come
Character is formed, little by little, act
by act. Several apt illustrations were
given, and the address presented in a
happy manner.
Rev. A. E Smith, Manchester, was
the next speaker, aod said that woe prin
ciesi thing children ought to observe wee
giving attention to older people. God
sem the actions of all bays and girls ;
children should obey their parents and
teachers, and daily hu.ld op a good
character, which will be a great blessing
in .11 time tit corn-.
The enlle:ti.rn siiii.unted to 916.66,
after which Rev. .11.1in Cray diamiesed
with the benediction.
slauttost--e. N. tirratis.
A telegram of greeting inns tbe seri-
rotary of the Proviscisl seenciation, with
seriptnre text, Col, chap. iii, verses
and 16, was received, and • witable re-
ply seat by the presideat to Orme Ones-
ty 8. 8. Asemeisties, thew in emelne.
ne Snootiness of the praident sleet
followed, awl be mode a in timely lin
marks ie Wenn, te 8. S. not, awl
the assonants et the hemmed pidgin
adiesie fend es far bask se lisraelinli
weer& Margie Ladies asi• do .01 01,
totadas Wel Riven to the Addy's.
• inamy promieent possum holare the
dims lhare theemeeed 8 othwele.
The S. IL exists an the wield over. Tho
inimiratery Sods it • peed ansilliery is
his *irk. 11 tee been div01y Most le
=to ielinseet bilornoldAy. Orattiar
is Wag gives W provide mate
enitelde roams ter the & S. liareses
sheeld bows their shathee with them st
441111thine anise. The S. S. he
promoted Bible stay, early eseeessise,
ineeelity and Winks edesailos. h hos
basely aided the wiesiseary seamy. end
thee nook ter pettier down
5*.. *14 and evil. The address hem ho
ginning te mid wes of a very Amen&
and saran ebanalor, sad Ikea iota
e rode to the speaker.
Collectise. $13.111.
Resehrtimis el theake were tondered
Ib. inhabitents el Clinton tor their kind-
lier. and hoepitality in entertainlei the
'sambas et the eceeention, to the rail-
road employ tor reilesed mess, to the
trustees ot three churches tor the use et
the ammo, to the Iasi and enmities
oettess, aad to the oaken tor their
valuable wireless dark, pest year;
to the pessons who haienudesed and
spoken to sub*se, and last4, but sot
keel, to the their tor disk easel -
lent earwigs ot wog.
Farewell addiremes were mew by Rev.
Jet Grey, Boy. A. Stewart, Dr. Mil -
hams, 1'. C. Piskari, mid J. 0. Steven-
It was resolved that if the tends wens
sallkisit, the sem of $10 be forwarded
to the Somstairr of the Provincial Amm-
oniac, mad alio that the liecetive
Onamittes be empowered to make what
arrangements they may deem proper
shoot seseting Mr. Itedwan, Proviaelal
& & Seereftry, in mimeses W Miami*
mention in dWierent parts et the =Z.
The benediction, by Rev. W.
elosed the services of one of the mos
eseendul conventions ever hold in Aa-
ron omity.
The prss. 11 greatly indebted ea Mr.
W. J. ot Exeter, the exceedingly
able minute moretary of the association,
for his valuable assistance in the getting
up 4 the above report.
• Lew game.
Fifteen years et suffering from the
torterss al Dyepopsia is indeed a long
time. A Bares, blaclunnith, 01
was thee abated, but it only
four bottles of Burdock Blood Ditties to
completely cure him. 2
- Lowe JACK, Mo., Sept., 14, 1879,
I have been oniag Hop Bitters, and
have received great bone& •froes them
for liver complaints and malarial fever.
They are superior 1. 511 other medicines.
P. IL Ban,.
vw We air Vesesliess mealtime& by as.
eagle DeMlatir and neadanelleis.
The Greed German Iurigorator is the
only specific for Unpotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfalases,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great Gonna
Remedy will restore the hest function
per box, six boxes far$6.O Sold by
all druggists Sent on receipt of pries.
=Lpaid, by J. Cheney, Toledo,
e reset for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent him. Sold
by Geo. Rayne', sole agent for Gods -
rich Sin :
At this meson of the year then should
be a bottle of Pectotis in every hems
It is unequalled fer Coughs Colds aad
Hoarseness, is *want, equally safe for
children. Price 26 cents at all drug
vista. m
One incident of Governor Robinien's
first day in the gubernatorial chair ef
Massachusetts 16111 serve to show the
good New England sense that has served
hitn so well thus far in life. He was
asked why he did oot make his son his
private secretary, and replied with mon-
▪ rable feeling: "Became I think too
much of my boy to set trim riding on top
of a bubble; he must prepare for boner -
able week in ; beaded, my family
are not going to be fitted out with IS -
IlymNI nista Llabenina
Is the only instantaneous relief ter NM -
rag* Headache, Toothache, etc. Bob-
bing • few drops briskly is all thst is
needed. No taking nauseous siedisines
for weeks, bet rine minute's application
removes all pain and will qtnirtg. 26
e the great
value 01 Kram's Fluid
cents per bottle at George yew' dreg
A Illemartiaber nseape.
Mrs Mary A. Deiney,of Tenthannoirk,
Pe.,was &Dieted for six years with Asth-
ma and Bronchitis, during which fiat,
the best physicians weld give no rebid.
Her life was despaired of, until is het
October she procured a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery, when inmediste
relief was felt, and by continuing its nee
for a short time she was completely aw-
ed, 'minima in flesh 60 fltia. in a few
Free Trial Bottles of this certain one
of all Throat nil Lung Diners at Jos.
Wilson's Orog Stem Large Bottles
91.00 (4)
nab assers.
W• bare made ansingentonb to slab
Tee Smut with city papers st the raise
riven below :-
81501 and Dai/ Wand • • • USG
" Weekly Globe . . 2.96
" AdVattiasd... 8.25
• Mao *we Ilbrengese-
J. Wilson is always all,, to Me Mae&
nem, and spree we pine be severe the
*0.1 .4 every snide ie hie flee. Ile hes
secured the agency kw the esiehratedDr
Zing's New Dieseeery tor Ommuniptien.
the °sly eertein mire knows ter Ow-
arrilia, tal&Oside.
w, 111-...ML.lia. or say
eased= Threat sad Lew UM
as a positive pesethen Wel highs
how &why is $1.411. (11)
Nviel .
Fashionable Tailor,
vv.icerr Err FiLlE Err, "
Has es nook Assodamiot Ooodo for Fall Wow to Maas Now
is Tali wain.
idifobb y Suit at a Reasonable Price, ,
IEETTG-11 °ALLT3tal 1\TLOP..
At the Oldest Ilishlished:Shoe More in Town.
In Endless variety.
te mit the meet teetidioes and eb most tiethende lawyer
le now ample amid I take phases. ia informing eetheseen that at no pree
view ohne have I hod mob a
Large & Varied Stock
As Mpuusa..L I hew raised the Slandard et Qeality and Lowered the Frith and
*15. paddve hot that no seal value iti toot weer are be p4 elsvollese•
el *Twisted* still resolves my prompt and earetel attestiee, mad will lie m14el.
in the SAM apgroved styles by liret-eless workmen, tad
ot the very beet matesial obtainahlo
_ 13 0 -W- 1\1- 1 1\1 -
• full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines:always kept ea hand
(PhysIdans Prescriptions a Specialty.)
IDo-gccrza.ixac dz
Beg 14 announce to the Public that they have opened besineas in the above Dtter •
in *a store Iseely occupied by Home Newton. ipaviiig perehesed a lege sad
well snorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods aTclose ligurce, wit an getaimilla
to aim the Public the:bused&
011101 SALES / SELL MIMI IMIL BE NI itorro
jetr•Plesse mil lad examine our goods bekirepurchaeing ehowhere.
Reassesber the plains, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
per -Custom work wdl receive our spinal attentirm.
istr•Nese bet the *0.1 01 material used and tirst-clees workmen emploled-
"a-Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice
Ood..*0b,hueh9 iggi. DOWNING & WEDDUF
0014. Suitstrcl?e to Order. .11t Cliaraateed.,
2.4 S-o...tte for $12.50-
16 Butts fox
le Setnita fox 1.6
See Them, Whether You Want to Buy or No
"c;17- _
Oallortel. 056. 1. MIL
P II T_J 01•TOM M,
Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, MAW&
--lAND WILL mums oe MAIM 17314-
9uU' Ming in Fulionable Wks it Lout P011,
Mt IMAM rumassors. enr1111411 • MPSMAIIMIN 1111111111., flVillUlaAIPTIRIIIN
Ari llesivain a11 Papper.
*4.thee w ries web sae (nil= teems eit Wm%10 eie Star" ream NW
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
11••-undiskma-g simic..tbz=z=mitzrztacianow 900 815 "
Sprig ald Fas
Ater 13171E9LIC11.914
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