HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-22, Page 1.1 0: • 0: 14(RT{.Y- ESTflat.21M,, i it NEWS INTELLIGEN GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2?, 1884. _- - or w AdvegMealeBm This Weer. MaCeal-T. L Ca.e. New a -S. Moan. Cast. . i J. J. tlalllra:a. Baiialns -W. H. Ridley. Ada,. -H. Arnatrong. Bey N • .4-R. Blmmto.a 4 Dentistry. 141 NICHOL.' ON, LDS, SUIt4IKON p yt OAoe and residence. West Swart oore below Haat of ilestreal. 1751 Gede She People's Column. clot" w WAtiTED-A G01BUY Is I PAl. ANTED to yearn the tIaeml' bast - nem u in tlapiw. Apply to R. 11 ONet / tA!- wOM ' TION -ALL PARTIES ARE \-, be cautioned .punt negotiating a row e• t .-: 17 drawn by Roderick Douglas is •r r J. 0. Wisner. Son t Co.. or order, at ...,..; •. :.. (Wing du.- an or before theat day u, . et.o • r. 103, and beartam Interest 10 per mat. re annum atter des until . The *bore 14 NC bas bowl lost o7 ms. . .SUL- seemLIVAN , see '`VANTED--ONE THOU8AND RA- T (X$.) SKIN$. ASI ktada d row tuna bide, road apsep.k5111 bought at d1dITH'S T(1.id Y.laM poo• >1i1dfaf Ins WIGS FOUR, HATCHING -BLACK 8P.,NISH-Prise Birds -Al Strain. Taos, oestrous of harieg this majestic and a: u ,,.rafts breed that lay eggs so large that o'se is sufficient fora meal. oma obtain them from R. L. WALTON. Phillips' dodo rectory. West street. 0iderich. Leave your orders warty. O.ly a Unshed number at Stepper w don. LICENSE 1NSPSCTOR'S NOTICE. -All person desirous of obiatni.eUceaste tor We sate of Liquors for the ensuing license year. must have their application in my bands on or before the 0I$ of April, next. Uo0. Ice. roBbY 1J . UK License [uslpettor. For Sale or to Let. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - That farm. ooseieuwt of part Block "G.' Tees z0Mp of Cd half s mile from Du lop. situated on the gravel road. nth con.. sol en rtntng te sere. &beat 80 rtes cleared. with trine berm end panto Ira the pr'omise•• Ale, it. For ice seesaw to ALEX. .IIID). ab 'on.. Callow P.O. 11041 LIARS! FOR 8411 OR TO RENT - i' That aplepdid farm eemerisialt =lets 14 sad 15. eesth hell of 7th no.. of Murria nearly al cleared, and in mood state of cultivation. 1e acres in (*1 wheat. 100 bearing tress 111 the orchard. Two trame dire. three fret stable* trams pig ten. hams hon 11omeP, ewe Ing barns, A good hoose (hook/ .f 7 roams. used wells, std a lbw ditw on.k s atUae frees 1*. _..is. and same 46•Issesfpns Blyth. WW be sold or noted .._ --• , ural, Apply to PATRICK YN•!4.Ooderish.OSL ttl!-U Legal. NEWS SEALER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Godertch. C. Swear... Ja. J. A. Mottro#r. E. 71. Lswta 1107 -- to 0. HATES, SOLICITOR is., Otos Doren et moments and West steel. G•,•terlch orer Batters bookstore. money to land at lowest rates of IM.r. t. CARROW A PROUDYO(Y1, BAR T Rxl4TER•sl, Actoream 8oWdeors. ere Oed.elck. J. T. Darrow. W. Proadtoot. 176 r1AMER+ON, HOLT * CAMKRON, Baniebera:vvaderloh and W atiollottors in Q. 0. yt'>•mnroskc.. o£ P. holt O. Cameron, Goderbh. W. Y al`acara. Wtaaham 1761. 3mleaical. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - Let No. k in the Bayfield own township f R oderlah. (B acres. 40 to Se scree cleared std ere. from stamps -balance well timbered. her fro• tats eaBuyavid river snd on the Climes re. 1 sad salukis the incorporated village of s, salukissld For toms -further osrtice*aes std modeles* les* of sale apply to LKITH. KIXO- riTJNE & AEMOU It Solicitors. 18 King tre.•t Wag Tfeoeroopnto- Or to Jolts Morgan Hotel baser. BaySeld. 10141 rY1 E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S., ll . Ont. Physician, Surgeon. A000ache.r. formerly4u. 0411ce-1That Hutchinson, Dunganon. N it tat occupied Dungannon. office Mar *la's hetet. 1501• JB. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY- B . SI0.0.1 Burnous Tke Square. depn LootC.P., Wilson's Otos- flat Est of Wtlso&'. Drug Stere, up stain. 1 G R McDONAUH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN, SURGEON. tc.. Graduate or Tor- onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col - of etolaaa. London. England. to., tc.. S.Outario. Office and roaldeace Opposite tte Bail Hotel, Hamilton street. (404• erob 171440 i1R McLBAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - 1l OXON. Coroner kc. Office and remittance Bruce Street. second door west of !le Tol Sheet Li G. MACKID, kL D., PHYSI- . ciao. Surgeon and Acooucber. °redraf of Toronto University. OOSeeopposite ( roc t Cameron's Bank, Lmctkaow. 11 Od e>aos eaotire at Ike Bash. 1/W. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Parables* Surgeons, A0000:hers, te. office at Dr. dbanncn's residence, near the gaol Oodertoh. G. C. Su.XNOX, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1761. L'ARM FOR SALE -BEING *HI L easterly 110 acres of block lettered ` tb. 7th Concession of the Township of Col- borne. About 15 or 90 &mss are etMglne,d.teh mowing timber ooaskes el f,p irasse he. out rima A frames house.. _ tram .o l stable are on t Isss. 1 jgg15 --- et,,:7 four miles frost b • to JOHN Tsai rued. For Dpeerdoulan apply HRE(tKENPIDOL Dederick. or to SSAGRR 4 MORTON. 008014or* Godertoh. IAN Loans ana insurance. ABOUT HOME. J A. roosts WWI has jest d a lair Moore TIM Stu or W. .1 - Aa --.- The St. Oeurgi s chute► Sander A Mies nmesig ye. t•kla' motes. Am' faith bell print lt..j assortment of Rodgers' celebrated poc observes that the irvedieet man after a school entertainment, given in aid oft 5 et -knives, of finest quality and style. local newspaper is the one who is toe library fund on Tuesday evening last Mr. Crockett, the artist, is of opinion mean to subscribe. ' He is always in was a soon. In spite of the wet that it pals to advertise in Tui 810NAL. w•nti for the taint papier, r, and it is not I weather Alla muddy streets, the school ltig two minutes an the owner's premises till room was tilled with tau audience us. ad the nuo-subecriber pounces upon it a.d and your(, why, 11eew414 thoroughiy to. Dever lets up till the last hoe as real. enjoythe programme. The children Hu hist act u usually to east it aside the unday school came well to the frust with the reuunk that he c ,a:1 make a will• rcoatattons,aud tootling& Where dl x;? did so well it u hard to particularities ,res but we csun,t refrain frost praising ter tl`' reading of Miss L. W11141.11 Her Pelee - lion was from the "Courtship of Miles Stamdikb," and she aequittd bend f *, admirable. Boo also did another Miss . Williams, the daughter of J. H. Wit- ^` Hams. Nis Wynn rendered her songs with her usual ability. and Mrs Judos Toms was very happy in her song sed "Caudle Lecture." The Rines children, as usual, took a pr•oatinent part. The eldest hoy Ind two capital chorus WOW, •+ "Tho .11 folks at h• -.no" and Old Black Joe." F •r the last song he wee got rep in "ye ...i nigger color and cos- tume." But the cru 'min* piece of the evening was the peatomtme "Vileins and his Dinah," sun/ by Mies Wynn, setonl in character by four children Masters Smith, Parsons, Elwood, and little Miss Elwood. The meting of these children showed much careful training, TRX TOMOS. His drawing class already- numbers 17. Aok ter e "Solid Comtort'gor "Oltreetso The town dock ran down on Muoday peeerteh ersitar. morning last. About eleven o'clock it Then b su psealutt7 .boat 0. B. Rot- soy "handapiked." sod set .-going again. o nes studio. and that is fist lea can get u kind of a picture there, from • small card photo to • crayon portrait. Thee ars some young men who oktect to v.tesnse.. bet so one win have thelgblcst bosh ttoa to get a need gulag amrtag We it lou want to pet t 004.40 .04 ge to F. & A. m a At this time of for al kinds of waaare ot.t If• yen eay proper er 1 ea wast s flrsablass photo. 70* seed oal7 W o upoa it. Sallow*. t photographer. noels you will be suited.The tam elin t phad re- signed bis tpoosItion as hrit Hon. J1tl•Lter .1 Island Rev - ea didn't "Sect the Vastlty of the liquors sold W. L. Horton. He willcohttune to keep best at his store is t Albion hook. Jae Saunders t Son. are 1n receipt this week. of seven cases of pressed tinware. which they aro going to sell p o of mUkpans. wash bowls. pudding dishes, mace pass. palls dc. Dost buy from padd- Ctw Usher the he BuM WA Sun. s '! Cheapest Ho gt300,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 419 • 'ASLRitON HOLT 50CAMERO , D o ick. ONEY TO LiND. -PRIVATE tends --on freehold as catty. A y to swati.e e& Ooderteh. $60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tIV on good harm or lestet se Town Pomeroy eroy • t Spar out. Andy to 8. RADCLIFF& 1751 ONEY TO LEND. -A .LARGE ss. amount e Funds f sosent been rates ea acetoinesMAM4 toGARROW a PROUDIFOOT. 2O,OI1O PRIVATg FUNDS TO LEND VP ea Feral aid T.'wt Primmer in- beaLrbn Net. rgedConveyancingFeesrerroiable. .1 11. -Borrowers -can obtain mens to cooday B tine is sstbactery.-DAVISON & JOHN STON Barriers. tc.. Dederick. 1751 r OR SALE OR TO B.RNT.-THAT beautiful and brick yroccupied b 1°Z. hJ Mr.Rke.aad formerly orc b7 sr n- liticomeoo, at the head of NOW001.0 street. •session vies 1n October. For r' mosey to the owner J. BRECK IDOK. low legate shoot node-iek. • i00. He who is wise, will advertise. Carriages were out ons Wdneslay. Mies Tina McDougall has returned. Mies Fannie Hutchison is at Mon- treal. Albert Carey has returned from Win- nipeg. Charles H. Girvin has returned from Michigan. Miss Beek has returned from her visit at Toronto. Ij Miss Kam O'Rourke has returned from Detroit. Mrs HafryCuwtma returned to Exeter on Saturday. Henry E. Johnston and wife were is town last week. We regret to learn that James McNair u again laid up. A. M. Polley has returned from Mon- treal and Ottawa Alex. Morton is visiting friends in Galt and Dundas. F. Moyer, of Winnipeg, is visiting relatives in town. Dr. Verooe, of Seaforth, has gone south for h* health. The Memrs. Curry have taken up their reeidsnoe on West -at. Lotto& Danny, barrister, of Seaforth, w.& in town this week. James Grahame artist, is spending the winter at Washington. Further improvements are being made in the harbor mill. Capt. Charles McIntosh, is paying his annual visit to friends in town. T. M. Elliott, of Dakota, is visiting relatives in and arcund Ooderich. Mrs. James Saunders, we are happy to learn, is in a fair way of recovery. Z. Tones has a large display of oats and willing twine south side of Went et. Mrs. A. Bogie, of 8heopardton, was the guest ..f Mrs. R. Sallow. lad week. Miss Ada Fisher, of Colborne, is one of the pupils of the St. Thomas college. Edward O'Rourke is at Port Arthur, in the employ of A. E. 31cGregor & Co. Mise Ellen Ralph, of the .tmberley public school was to town 00 Saturday. The thaw on Tuesday rapid of the season. It e ing. Mrs. James Mitchell, w learn, is ill of inf anima ti.m. RRADCLIFF', FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Ivan Representing gnte%P fbvaCovvn for the CANADA Ltvs thorn Ixatntaitcs Co. Money to lead on Mortgage. either 1v Tows es Tana Property, le w way to nit the borrow er. Othmeomeetahm :sVs block Oodselek EALER & LEW1S, OrroarTs Moa- k/rnes Homo. Dederick. have private FUNDS TO LZND. la any same to salt parties wast CODass. at s very low rate 1HEtmf'e BALE COUNTY or Htlno$t 1 By virtue of a Writ of yetsyr : t noel Taoism honed. out of Her s County Court of the County of Harms. to me directed and delivered .ostant the bads and Tenements of ALKX- .uctioneering ANDER MANSO` . at the suit d TIMPTHY Smooth, we regre T. COI AN, 1 have seised and bites la been nodes radical treat _ execution all the ULM interest, sad OF LANDS. The Spring show of the West hiding loner paper himself of Huron Agricultural society will be Carmen AYrtvssa/TY.-The North Mid in Oodench on Thursday. AprilSt. Methodist church simitoweary will W 1 M Priscilla Fidler, of Goderich, is The Ronev. SWundam. y week the 2nd o March. rig the guest of Rev. GBgslate pastor of the . W. Andrews and Metropolitan church,, Toronto, will Indy, for C& few weeks-(StratM,y, preach both morning and evening at the .Agin usual hours. It has been decided both 8. Sloane, the seed.man, is out with bythe trustees, and ladies of the emigre - his spring announcement. If you want mitten to do without the ouetomary tea- eiseis real his advertisement iu another meeting.and ask the congregation tc give column•the equivalent by collection., A number of Got:erich gentlemen will The semi-muuthly meting of th e take part in the programme at the L k lace un Friday crew PresbyterianH. S. 8. took teameetiug at Porter's 1' Hill this evening. ing and as is usual with these entertain - Allan & Andrews, butchers, have sold menta, preyed a success. The following out to Steve Andrews. This leaves two pn,gramme was presented :-Opening sndn chorus, Misses Miller and Tighe, a butcher shops in town. No meat is to Meseta Hogarth and Pentland; reading, be .old on credit. Miss May Walker ; ,eadueq, Loftus Mc - Circulars, bill -heads, letter -heads, Breen ; quartette, Miss.. Yates, Thump - Maws, etc., got up in neat style sod at .on, 'Ward sud Thompn:n ; tecitatiou, low rates Get your printing done at Tea Sweat. office. A ooncert was held in the M. E. Charh, on Friday, under the auspices of the Young People's Literary Society of that denomination. Will Wright, formerly of Brussels. but now of the North West territory, spent a day or two in town this week. He was the greet of Capt. Dancey. J. T. Johnston, rq.reaeutin_ Miler S Richards, type -Rounders, gave to a call en Wednesday. "Josh' was at one time running the Brant Union. Mr. Brown, who succeeds the late 8. H. Dotlor as Inland Revenue of icer at Goderich, is a son of Adan Brown, the wholesale merchant of Hamilton. Dr. Holmes. the new County Treasur- er, has, wu understand, purchased the house at present occupied by the Ameri- can Consul, and wili move into it in the fall. J. S. Morro, . f tWeepun. Wis., for- merly of Ooderioh, is in town visiting relatives and friends. He reports busm- Ib.. as being brisk in the section form whence he Domes. Honore Hotats.-A few days since Mr. John McMillan, reeve of Hallett, sold a two-year old Canadian mare for the sum of $380. Who says it does not pay to raise good stuck was the most peat the sleigh - e are sorry to tory rheutna- JOHN KNOT DERMAL AUC- • TIONEER and Lead Tal.: star. (ioderich. oat. Harms bad meet/tem` , experience In aeleAbc•notwesering trader. heIsar5e wide ermegn a i a t position c to as sfactb,n all coin - ' missions entreated M him. eNder's leh at Ng 1 re's Hotel. K b7 mail to sty address. Oodsrtch P. O:. t au aded to. JOHN 10041 JAIIEB PRENTICE, AUCTIO:CZER, .sd A ineceseor se J. 0. Carrie. rhe Feegle. Io ser. Ofil.e: With Alex. McD. Allan Lease orders at this adios or at s Beak store 1n es7 absence.IJAB. PR ICK A.etto•eer. JAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC- TIONERR for the Cowley of Harem. llag t i SAA is new prep•redto ONosnood Mit 00010 ► or seed 71 1. se. 1 HHW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the pager of Hes... !tales attended lama part of Re County. Address to Aed.r40k P. 0. 0111 equity of redes Pendant. Alexander Manson. Is and to ilogot 11.1 Om West Frost Street, North 'kir. one- heti acre. In the dr County of Huns and sinew of Ontario. whish Lands ane To thernts I shall offer for Court House. In We Tale, at m _race. on BAT4'snar. the TaxTs Tows e(eebb• day 0[ MAv, ttel. at the hoar of twelve of the soon. RORER? CHADORS Misr& baron. Sherir.OMee.Ooderlch. Mq•N Jarman BIM. 1184. PUon of the above named de- time. Mrs. Douglass, from ing her cousin, Alma G. Seat -at. Oi.vt i .i s ere being transferred from FOUNDRY FOR SALR 1/ Asetion Kele of Valuable Property. Under sal by vines ce • power of sale elm Alned 1qq a ee In dated the fed slay of M*J , A.D. OMIL and whk,a w111 he pro cb7ereal at *F.o time of ado. t here will he este knows is the OOodderSob YoePladic tndari7t a the To n d Osie. rick. in Me County of Hero*. w Tuesday, the 4R day of Moana, A.P. 11R4, at it ri clock netts. the following valuable pro- perty temel7 : --fres tumult numbers el sad si 1n flee Tows 0 O.tde ieh. to t °meaty d Hems. There e te oa thea.s14 property, whish 4 known as tie Dederick Ieuwdry. a tow p d1 roofed with grand. end one r i cry stent, ahlnttlr ,.aur xwhkitss rsM. a ono shoe, home b{wottentlth shs . • wwPs tYei Mime bailor oboe. • from. awes egM ulnasveo/r •ttaehed. • frame show rases 1 iwd esetersi eesdlti•ns made tricorn nn the 01V.4eeMfay W, tsepected at the et- et a= pt. Hes.* a easessms. Ban O perg.•lare apply to OA111:11OE, BOLT R rAKERON, ?and w'a .antleirers. Ga4.rtah. JOHN KNOX, A twosomes. (1..5.,1.1.. oast 1150.1' $5A AI I TO LOAN ATO Pit WV CRYT. THE TORONTO ORNRRAL TRUSTS 01717 an prepared to loan .oney.11 per emit.. pay- able holt yearly. on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, ea fhrselass asset srourlty. Apply IA»MRRON. HOLT a CAMERON. Bangers.. (oderlch. meats for the Toronto General Trusts Co'1. ens* hare my ••• bars.. ae'HOLT ett private` funds to lean en /ret -oleos tern seearity. O.derbh. O.0. 4, ILIO. 1141-tt t to learn, has meet ger some Oregon, is visit - C. Robertson, the Falls oReserve to Platt's sawmill in town. e'.etrM Fee elm ■eras. The oldest for the medal is at ss end, and M. Huta sieim is now the proud pis aasatr of i0. The following is the reenit of the hater draws : ax. worn [MAW Martin 14 Waterm 4 Horton 11 Miller 9 M,dnrlmene 13 (7i Mums 10 Heed 8. Humber 7 Atlee 14 McGregor 13 Hwtehienn a bye wars deity. Horton 10 Allen 6 Martin 11 Maloolmnon 9 Hutchison 15 Hostel 9 /MAL BMA W. Martin 91 Marton 7 ['fetishism a hy. rr11t res wsnAi_ ' Hntchiku 12 M*rtle g Miss Edith Wiggins; reading, Mise 11134- eaugin Rubinson ; rinn much praise Canu•ot he given to ealtue, H. 1. 8tranx :' Mir O. McMioking who uudertaok the work of getting up this pantomime- TuwarJs the end of the evening the Rev. J. Walters, who conducted the enter- tainment, called upon the Von Anti - last wank, for the u ewe uf ttsktug ar dofamost c,n to give a recititi•in and A wing. pullwhich he did out cordially. This ac- rso;;emetits for the spring and fall shows cdmperiimenta were "'toyed by Mr. During the last four yearsExeter has en- Fusin'organist of t:u•. church. andby toyed the pretence of the fall show, bort M. ,Toho Elwu.ad The entetbuu.uunt noteithat;indin,; this tilts directors of that ' was brought , s .los. by the 'Cueing of neighborhood made strenuous efforts tea{ the National Anthem. Mr. Watters have it again brat were outvoted, and stated from tlad 'os nalpit on Sunday la therefore it will ire held at 8ewfunth the that he required $25 for the 8. 8. lib - coming fall, end the spring show will berary .rho concert yielded $V, for which as wont at Bruoe6eld. he traders to the kind friends his heart TLLsso'orID.-A Grand Truuk freight felt theaks. train was aids tracked at Shakespeare 'ni Tuesday in order to allow a westbound train to cross. Owing to the negligence of mime of the oti4cido, the switch was misplaced, so that trains from the tooiu ' Tums IlrGetre,.74eder/ee. tcbr t line ran on to the siding. A weal- .d Against the Mates "%haler. bound freight approached at a rapid rate, and before the mistake wee discovered crashed into the caboose of the side- tracked train. Three cars were tele- scoped and several derailed. Four or five head of cattle were kilted outright. The train hands fortuustety escaped withoet injunl solo Miss Caldwell. Sot,TR RIDIXn Aoltli'i'try SAL So- ci Ty. -A meeting of the directors of the South Riding Agricultural Society, took place at Kippen on Wednesday of 8111V N'8 "STUMP." • Captain Lane May. one of the best known ship owners on the lakes, died at his residence in London 00 Monday last. He was 63 years of age. and leaves a widow, three sons and fire daughters. The Ooderich debating society will hold an open debate on the subject of "Annexation," in their room over Tax SIGNAL (Mee on the evening of Thurs- day next, Jan. 28th. The ladies are in. sited. Dawson, the skater, on Friday bad another tial agarnat fire Balt 111e0, or similar tens as the contest which took place here the previous Tuesday. The Cltntunian was a winner of the five miles by tee laps. A large number of our subscribers paid up their back suhecriptioas during the week. We will be mach obliged to those dill in arrear wit.' will do the thoughtful and honest thine during the coming week. The Montreal Herald has also issued a carnival number. Aside from its inter- estiog illustrations, the graphic reports of the games, sports, etc., no fully gives. mike it a valuable souvenir. It sells for 26 oetite a number. -11P1er Herd Laddie"lepi yiesi heekeea .t Besforth, and will remain there until Tuesday. John Mason, ex -reeve of Hallett, who has been pretrated for some time, is re- covering. Job printing in all its branches neatly, promptly and cheaply done at Tag Sio- MAL o4cs. James Tu.•k the well-knawn hotel - keeper of Cranbrook, townehio of Grey, died last week. A. Sande, of Saltfnrd, gave a taste party on Friday evening last, with s fine supply of music. Mrs. Ala. Watson Ma been confined to the house for some weeks with an attack of bronchitis Thomas Saunders intends spending a few weeks at the parental home before returning to Emersim. Miss Smith, of New Mexico, sister of John Smit'., baker. Kingston stent, is on a visit to her brother. Mims Kate Morris and Miss Nellie Giese returned frost their holiday visit to Kincardine this week. Dr. 11. M. Ryerson, aarist and oculist, will be at the Wisdom. hotel, Stratford, to -sorrow, for oon.sltation. Mrs. Copeland and Miss Maggie Wil- kinson spent a few days. gas (ween et the Mimes Fisher. Kincardine. Mrs Capt Oib.M hes bees .peediss a few weeks at Wileg►sm, lb* gau55 ne Mr. and Mrs Eked of that pin. The dorm nn Theeekay night eneeeedoil in detaching a pact of tile wan frees the tipper portion of the gable end of the Albion 11,4.1. Forten.tely ao tM wee iujored by the felting debris. The opening entertainment given by the Young People's Society of the M. E. church last Friday evening war a most successful one. The following was the programme presented : Opening chorus, members ; reading, Mn Morden : glee, members ; tableaux. Early at the Cors ; duet. Messrs. Henderson and Storey : reading, H. Swat : duet, the Misses EILrd ; recitatiop, Mise Saunders ; duet, .,met and urrtn reading, J. Mitchell ; song. A. $. Hen- derson ; glee ; address, Rev. J. P. Mor- den ; duet, Mimes Henning and Rusk ; nolo, clarionet. Mr Parser ; reading, Mrs. Morden ; wntt. Miss Martin. Rev. J. A. Turnbull occupied the chair. Exeter has the honor of giving the largest collections to the 8.8. conven- tion. That town rained $60 last year by the three plate ellections ; Clinton this year gave $40. Seaforth will have the a,nv ration next year. snd ought .iqt IN_ Rsoecnote or WAusa.-Ws 05111sr. stand Mr. Hickson has sant for repre- sentatives of the train mon on the differ• est divisions of the O.T. R. , to discos. the proposed reduction of wages The deputation will leave for Montreal in • se g•. dicing years ID pen„ and comGw4 He day or two. --(Stratford Beacon. engine. ,tial chat, rendin t'vided etc-, and a capital luncheon was pro took ao active port in public affairs. He Biot wnok we gaoled a paragraph fmm Inc ail. Mr. and Met Turn*•"t' stand was . consistent member and yyeerrtm fJes Crookston I firnnide that Messrs ?. High in. the regard Os. the i ieb•.ni am- supporter of the Church of 'I'ng4 a, and Dano Morrie, formerly of this town g„sgato, and their visite si•wm to be mod .lel. hteu to entertain its ministers, had leased and moved into •building re• looked forward to with ples■ttn by the' as well, indeed, as others at hie home. cantly occupied as •saloon. They fide er folks of the church. The at- I Ry his uprightness in Inc eie•linge he lifted up the edifice and purpose carrying mance must have been • •ver ante• wont the c.ntidemce and esteem of act on 11 business in it hereafter. 'f the hehail ba ' see relations.. "T,IAT'a TAN WAY TO Do Ir !"- In- stead of hanging a heavy lip, and draw- Loo SrstP> mg a poor mouth about the slack times, q,•o understand the chatters(* het 111. rr some of his Ridley .4 in P one's accepted, and that the race will Caine off menn are doing H. H. Ridlej of the "People • t .,act Store," iolnviting his customers to cone to his platen e l business, and reap the onh harvest in bargains which are eoing there He doesn't stand behind the counter waiting for chance to send in a customer, but he give• a wide-awake invitation in black and white on out eigth page, s„ that he who runs slay read. In private life one likes to get a written or printed invitation from eine s friend, and it is so in business rotenone. Invite your customers to, come and see you. and they will come. The boasting* of the Clinton papers over the skating abilities of younglem Stevens, of that town, had grown so ttrs- IMMO that last week a challenge wise sent en behalf of an unknown Goderich boy to Clinton, offering to race Stereos on the lioderich rink. This week the fol- lowing reply was received from the Clio - ton glider :- Curroe, Feb. 19, 1881. Oairre -I received your card datedthe loth. In answer would say I acsspt your ►'cballentte'' to skate any boy who is younger anti smaller than myself, .ad who Pt s resident of the town of °o de - rich. The rice is to be for five (6) wiles on the Clinton skatingrink, for tweedy - rive ($>h5r) dollars a sie. I have thisday deposited the SIM of ten dollars .a for- feit with W. H. Cooper, of Clinton, ea stakeholder. The date of race to be find after match is made. Now, come on with your money and man and we will be with you. Yours, waiting an an- Ilrrrstss PAeT%. -On Tuesday °ven- in* a large number of the frien Is of Rev. .7. A. Toreil.oll, peineipsily yang pen - pie. fmm Leeburn drove into town, and took p.meescion of the Manse. They brought with them a large supply of pro- visions, and the larder and oat -bin of the pastor was feller &fieri then before their arrival. The evening was spent in on urs. ay - The Guderich skater is TommyMo. 'suire, who has an excellent record Inc. young 'on, and it a probable that "Loo" will got left. The late easseel Ralson. We regret to have to reoord the death of another of the pioneers of Godsrieh township, Samuel Holmes. He west horn in Count Kilkenny.Ireland March &b, 1808, and had therefore reacted his 26th year. He emigrated to Canada, along with others of the odd residents to 1930, and after staying shoot eyed in Streets - .151., caste to ties Morn tremto.waish was then being opened up. end settled oa.Ms farm at Holroesvil1e, which has shim been his honer, where after gears of,toil and endurance of the hardship. eXNsmea ti• the early settlers of this country, lee gained a competency, and spent his de- w . the jewellery • Tie 75)0071 pad•x.nd ha w:. pts tel with .hum •e .tv A horse owned by H. Martin, of sat- vtaisun a justly welcome, and made Iiia h.renved widow and faddy mourn ford and driven by Wet MoDunpn,rsa every one feel at home. The Lisburn the loss rf n fond anal affeoNwtate hem - away on Thursday hot, and knocked people are to he congratulated on thel hold and father. His 1.4 illness was down a lad named Robert Bridgett. enec.a of the affair. TM boy woes picked ep was found to The anniversary of St. Valentine's by be inseraible, but came to quickly, and sane snd gone, and bid• fair t.. 1113 a M now sane the noose for his adventure.nstnral death before the world , r owe J. H. Sineleir,-only non of Id. Honor Bouch older it has ceased ales est wb.J- Jedge Sinclair, of Hamilton, formerly of Dederick, received word that a scientific article of his own at anatomy had been 'accepted by the Cen:ery company f..r pnUieatioo in their famous magmas. )Ir. Rinekair is staid to be a clever and rtdng toning mss, with literary talents of • high order. Fns About en o'eke* on Wader day fouling a fire broke out in Morton's eareioi shop, be: was disenvered to be un its Tho alarm was eonndd, and tate rugine brioght Dot, but the &wags were .shdttsd by pails of water. The tlsetegs doge web dight. A gale egg blowing at the time, and had the Sashes mode meek more headway Won being discovered a greet erns*agwtloe wesld likely have resulted. painhl, but borne with tistitnde, and through the whole he had a strong pre- sentment that his tine 1501 was drawing to a close During the last slay or two of hiss Meurer he sank very rspiJly, and ly to he what it once was, and is now died on the afternoon ,.f Huturday the seised open by few other than those who! 11th instant, in great peace and ?stioie- .eek to gratify their humor or their mal- login the a•surenee of • gli rions itaiad- lea it it pointed nut That mon renews tality, On T.tesdyy m large number meet of the r&tontines. *n3 their seed' .MPrabled to ply their law tribute of wed is a wrrility. The pries of the Alli I respect The Rev. Mr. Craig waded - ed comic valentine being only w eetnt oriart the service at the hood. after whish two, sed the content* adapted t., tM the Andy was interred in the t)oderiele sender's extreme capacity for meantime. cemetery by the Rev. Arohdeacen Ile the meanest wan can afford to vent kis wood spleen en every woi nsintance whom he He lesi,.c a widow, six sorra and fat dislikes. The malien ea women, too, dlanghtyn, ,.me ,.f the latter beteg Men. ern take advantage of the occasion to' 1l. Rhsr,nan, .o( Clinton. The farm vont her spite Evidently MC Valets- I latelylies been andel the maasge u M tine hes I. o nerwted and will anon he hoes.ie Hole er & m AMM kap inputted the limbo of f wgotten thing beset this day comes the postal carnes 510 !ann ag in Manitoba, will sell nut theres not he frond string the mourn*?*- - 1 mod amid in the inns( 'asst of the [Er. homestead. --4 igen Sm. I ±