The Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 8'1 II E N I I RON SIGNAL FRIAY. FEB. &t4.
hhtatreasa May itis. tw1 the company with "Muldoon, the
Solid Man. -
lifer Tits
an."IIPerTaa Nrm,m ttwnu..'
''The I'resa," was resp.'nded t.. t.y 1).
The wenawpad liar woke fell"b,a Lone wtnter M,gids Sw
iilhcu y of TutcaL at.d Jaunts
Awl rid 4r kla..If •'Now. as 1 •v the t by Mitchell of the yf.u.
WW1 Is always expecte.* to bare his tie) "Tito Ladies," were championed 111
About tatters and Chimes os Candlemas dal'. i J. F. Kubtns..u. : ••
I'll )wt .top ouWde. cud 'Oki' 9orcr tis. ml•
cell : "The Host and and Hostuaa," toss reeputtd-
I'ie grown rusty some I was lard on the shelf.I .d to bttutgly by J. C. Martin, who wise
-to he atrW. bed himself with • mighty yaw s
Ile had very 1it11e of 'ousel.. or brawn. I ple•sal a t•• learn that hetiort& told
For his diet had teen rather duple mud Iter.. the bill had been •predated.
nut he shook wb..i there ...o• and threw open Al Ibis .tag. fast Chita Kaul,ar Robb,
the door.
Thee be stepped to the light, bat his • yes , of Clinton, arose and stated that the
Winked with pun.- Whitton Court intended to give a cern
.\nd he ,nea.'ed once ur twice to char ..p hut'
brain. i t,hmen airy auppet to ' i..t itic brethren
Tibet Irmoh he was ales. Ina Leanne. to take.'sburlly, .iud hoped that the brethren
Thu' the piercing tor made blw ah..trr and present, and the uutsiJers who list anted
shake. •
For the .Wrwr:buds were drifting sera c and in making the present galhenttg • site
high cess would net fail to respond to the
\ad wrathful across the wintry sky . Aud the earth was covered titre -dere .. ith i invitation which he now tuudered them.
The gat !tenni, which was • thoruugh-
ly enjoyable one thr.ugtout, closed
with the singing of "Auld Lanais Syee."
Which the gale kept drtttiag to rod fro.
'rt.e streams were all frown be happen• -•1 to
Like any old toper. lir wasted a drink :
1 ud nu morsel to eat could he an) w herr epi. CIUN TOWN !AT$11148.
Thu' he watched far and wide with a L,riziag _ __ T
. R'by bless me,- be said. -this is too■dcrful Reps* tsrtbe.Nast itO LastitltMMa•
For farting is something that's y•t..e in ray
line. Friday, Feb. let.
Tn^ sale, are a!1 right. end so far as I see. The regular meeting of the tout* cowl-
Tbr nr•wpec,s are ores, way lea el) fur tor.
Nan I found It • pleasant and sunslony day, ell was held this evening. The mom.
'then muter. be sure, wa4 out half L•aed bers all present, the Mayor in the chair.
•wily : The minutes of last weetituf were read
Not liecold, and the sign. of foul ...ether
Mooed. and approved.
.\ud my shadow 1 nowhere can sic ou the ar.Plt T
11.- forgot. the poor fellow. that two mouths' The f.,ilowinte reports ware reeelet
Ma hate lift hire toxo thin a shs•!oaf to •, *LI
Ana a few weeks will cud thin loos w,nli
!'old and storm), Indeed ye.. it s a u I N• 1 . or and
right, 0 r Gentlemen. -1 bane the h .our to submit
Nav• a few brief days will, ferbal•a• tel: the prndituree for the past year, and also my
\Y iib acbrery bran tit return w in) tie,.r.' estimated and actual expenditure in this
And nnnV tI rest.
u , ruin. y...1y *moue: re .
For there. nothing to keep me up lunger, I Relief, leas than estimated, $58 . tire look ll T 1 M d to
wn tfrut• •all-
herrwhh a statement of receipt. anis ex•
Ales Sterling ; No 19, Thos. Pravwiia ;
N. 30, Thoma Corton ; Nu. 31. Isaac
hates ; N.. 32 John M. Buchanan
31.•. 33, Joseph Morris . No. 34, Joseph
Ouldthor .e ; N.., 35, A Buebanaau n
!(u 3* . J McPhee ; No :wi John Wil
son ; No 37, \\'lis McPhee N.. 36,
J.•hu g. ... No 39, Win McIntyre
N.., 40, Jolom McHardv ; No. 4t., lh►tid
el. erlia)t ; No 4-', .I,L.i Horton : N...
43, Dat td lth)au ; N. 44, Wto Clark ;
No. 45, Jawrs Ihtstow ; Nes. 4t. Kensth
Sterns ; No. 47, J.wrpl. Thomson; No
48, Jr.. Ninon ; No. 49. .1311. Sterlin1l ,
No 5U, Wo.. Hosie : No. 51, Thus.
(*.hnstlaw ; N... 52, Wu . ltrtadfiy , No.
SSI, W to Shields . N. .. 54. ltadert
Quaid . No. is, Jas. VI'ata..n ; No. :.G,
John Walters ; No. 57. Ww Treble .
No. 56, ‘‘.iii. Junes . No. 59. John
Stewart ; No. 60. J. Mcl.srty ; No. 61.
M. (YMaru : N.,. t::, A. Dat tdsen : No.
63, Theo. Kelley. Pouu..leepers : -
Peter 11'uher,.J.eepIt Morns. Charles
Y,. (ia.rg
e Morris, Andrew Bennett,
Prdwrt i'n, Jas. Jordon, and J.
Liu Ater Fence Viewers .Ioeeph
Goldthorpe. A. McNeil, A, Sande. J. linMorro, Jaa. 31eCraeken, '%lllet Patter,
Peter Fisher, John Snyder, t'harlw
Elsley, JoMi Shaw, R. Viotti.
Horten, Jas. Howatt, Thos. Robertson
ana Gurdon Young. The handily of the
ctwuc.l to 41r. M. malt ter the hos of his
horse was disr..sae.tand a44111.trferru.1t.
nett Meet:114, Tile auditors report was
laid before the emitted, showing a
In►ce in the treasurers hands. Mot -ed
and ascended that the repot be aa'ept-
ed and that it be banded ap for publica-
tieu. Parried._ The monied
=4.00 witch for their services. The
eil then edjourne,l.
And wenn spring primaDrys-Les again will prriatl month!) statement f .r January. The
1 w Thankful enough, aunt 1.11 bastes:.•oro*pecti%e accounts cera as follows : bw, d..
wt. JO XGI'i'1l =crimp.
The Mee. All.... and Harper,rais•ioa. ti•Illeeiseas ..s.. Net .Mr
soft In takingary collectors of the Methodist thumb,
were .•ut a llectuig laweek. t kt
lea alta, Fuh. 11. Au incident oosum
a .d this s,..ruing which stows tbst the
Mrs. Joseph l'urne, of Winston,
v'stuug friends w tins vie )'. i petulancy of old age is rapidly creeping
The sacrament of the Lord's suitor on Sir J .hu itlaclouald. Mr. Nonluay,
was administered in the Zion Methodist acro ti &hied by the Manitoba members
and meut'.ers of the legi.lature is MAUI -
WWI nnw is town, waited on Sir
this nor le to urge the chime
of Maud %Viten Mr. Nor-
,.u.y Lroh.s.-t that the guvern-
meat a ouW /maid 1 over t ra rub
church by the Rev. C. ilsntliltuu ..0
Sunday last.
Auction ode of Ales. Stewarts house b
an jut took place here ono da)' 11.1 lie lands Gt Manitoba, stir John
wail, firs. Dattd.•
rn is as the purchasemuchIsaid au much had leen given. the Com -
tar. ediart I'acitic railway and to assist other
John :Iia)• has disposal of his proper- , railways that it was scarcely worth while
ty !fere to James %%'eller. I heudin,; over the balance. Mr.Norquay
B. P ter has hewn offered a Farr price then said Manitoba would demand a
for hie property here, but o• far has not cash remuneration for the Iaad. At
scceprrd this Sir Jelin became infuriated, and
tie... Wtis,.n, of Dakota, retutued dashing Nun1uay s manifesto, which he
home om a vett kit Saturday night. held in Itis his lord, ou the door, stamp-
iletLodist liabMth school ons "`I "s' it opal fumed •best the uttice, el -
The ho s last Sunday on •titoui ne citedly exclaiming that it was dishonest
ylaarteriy .resets bettg bell a! the to wake such w dwiand. He told Mr.
lnngwy that hos had already broken
Nine fail. with the government, ter tto had
t.rotut..d last year when he obtained
$45, 000 from the v,overtuuent in leu of
the lauds not to cum track fur three
years. Some rather high wends eusueil,
but Senator Sutherland poured oil on
i th.• troubled waters and lair .huhu cooled
The skating nnl here is well patronlx-
ed'rew. A grand earns al toot place
last night.
The Foresters liege intend Its. tug
their annuat sapper Fri lay night neat,
8th Inst.
A car.. was Weld in the court house
before P. M. Ma]It+ti jb, last Saturday,
Defendant had the plrivilsgo of paying
one dollar and costs for indulging in a
hat role a few n'eutn.e. previously.
Mrs. Carrie, wife of Rev. J. Carrie, of
this village, returned from a suit anion!
Ler friends in L.imdon.W%'e are pleased it.
state that a luarkrd impn,vement iia her
know: partment, $l(I) . election, iI$ , c tiii.t! We regret to leas:. Jae. tiral:a!u, ! health has takes place during her twit.
Ther, s nu n. ws a atirrirsg but aha '+ this 1 chttntber. and .Mace equine**, f!t► ; t.rint- ' while A. 1. Disler was ¢dung to tM
heart $> Maitland t $U' Jr . is tote how• from an attack- of t,l- i
1 three weeks the beghsing •t Leat !sit to f 1 tan tan I
1 dteamiog of. d!d the mor l: c .mr to my ing,
-2 : - sit cisme cry,
-amt market, Pi; itiau[sntx, •15: atria! "tl1f skating risk lett Friday evrllingg hualippp-
the C. 6T. church
watering, $64 : municipalI iii n the Ice uppuatb ,
That. indeed. is lou bad: but 1 may as wen e• - ; and was badly hart. . He is able to Ito
go. _ q • f?161 ;and interest al' - The ter., fun!- nand again now.
Trw sebpsaland id wasIWI AlatisWtnDew• lowing sewers slightly exceeded tit we Our .tial architect entertaiueJ a
y , y' Stephen Irwin wishes us to state that
wow; innately: Z es, 30c; piedie w rka
souther of our young bilks ata 'nodal ,
Nut 1'u turn in. and stand it as wen at t cite. • • The expenditure under -the stove h'P ou,. fay evening of last week. f we were wrwlq in saying that his trotting
An : IT boy no to.,.,uj like that creature
enumerated accounts was toes ff lees otaty was down to `2.30. He says that
^Tisa loop Otto es_ tea
I dwallJnaf : thin ria deep when 1 can. to be than rettnate I I beg to steno f Ise %Iai ?ie McPhail, of Puttee• Hill, was
sure. ■ trim the hooks to be a week. A
balance till due or unaci'ottr►ted or of
I,kaaaut gathering of her Old ntus:cal
the taxes bis the council and.ut entered, friends was held on Wednesday evening.
but upon caller the attention .d the her brothers Stirling and .tragus being
clerk to tt :.attar, he could not firm in i presentst,,,..'X s -'latter san4 "Half Fast
the minutes of the council that any s k tt Te_'• iy rolliekin st ie, causing much
.flit ad' .v . „minion-.
Pater. ADAKNON, mirth. .Our %e totem said . [F
Town Treas. i minded him et the eerfew heft
i hamlet, as all tie lights are put no
The seston's report showed there i' ten o'cloeii there.
THE FORESTERS. had been nine interutents sitter last re• 1
- port- sin intuit& and three -infanta, - .
The reed. rt of the tire cetnitaffy-aitiare i
1 »e,yllrr■lary Itamgsrl A) 1 ear( 4edr• CetTld. A %V.tnetzoi To AoEnTa.--=[est week
rlrb t». at. i Large llIeedarrr au* t•t)7f7tt'' 1 aTio'.. lune of our local machine agents left a
a 1'Ir•.aat Timis f fdr the .ewia>; machine for trial at .one of the
For that's no more than fair when a fellow is there Pp•ars f tie guest of Yrs. Allen Isar
S.. he ed. sad coating a glance alt amend.
lie ravished trade sight in his bonus under.
And there.'settiya:eepius. bill pals the dull
- - Ted -spring -dime t .•nett with ifs sunslnae
and dowers:
And the simple faith of one rodent friend
May cheer those who sigh for the w.uter's
From John Curry. app yuK farttter'a houses. The farmer seeing the
purities of tits warden. ,.w saint hint about it. Tire
t an Tuesday erecting, nn answer to 'n, From. W. F. Fut't ••tering to perform I tnsn lis town
vitatione issued by Court liuderich No. the distils of Wwu clerk for =3'10 per an. t gent nit f fee it ftl ledtnt ra Chere. r and! said
32, visiting brethren to the number of
eighty attended the meeting held in
their ri oms .,v-er Tits Seoceo office.
Courts "Pride of the West," L..udea-
num. ' L i• t to a, u.e g ag
From secretary- of . E centennial ! that if the machine was at hu house
celebration. , when he went home he w..ulii smash it.
retttlt.o• ' True t, hie menace, the farmer went
l f„ ;'Lome, and ending the machino there
wood, Holmesvrlts, and i.eumdler. remwt.,rt of lases. granted. threw a out the door esti =noshed B.nuuiler, went represented. After the From Brown A B ,nd, ptopnetor! Plana' %%t>', wd1 foot the hill '
usual routine business of the ...Dun dur• (ifoderich Soap Co., asltng for exemp-
ing which four new members were pro- tion of taxes for ire years.
posed. an address of weic"mto was deli- Moved by job/mode seconded by
%erld by Bro. Alex. Saunders, who, on Murney, that the factory be exempt for
behalf of the etbeers and members of five years, and that s't ylaw lie prepar-
hivrough, "Maple Leaf," Clinton, "SeT- Frotn'Mrtna Temperance.esu► T
tial d it t.,
•J. R. Perdue, of P..rt [Lei•:, has
o Ftoned out tit Myth. He is a ttroluste
of Ontario Veterinary collage.
Lost %Vedues 1..y the third series ei
pamiy reA.1.11os s,.s held in the temper -
Court Cioderich, expressed the pleasure pd at nest meting. ants hall. 1; was a success tinatuoiliy
it afonled theist t.. greet au many Forest From .W. C. $wit',t, :taking b. Lase 'red otherrise. The admission fee was
en, and invited them when the busiltem dog tax reunttee. Granted. small, being only 5 ,ta. 1f.• proceeds
of the court wits over to adjourn to Brun. From Jai. Vivol., ailing to $10.
John Martini, where suutethi nv lad meemeut taken oft Filed. >;..;
been teed to refresh and entertain f A number of icons 'rens indigent
p T timaireo.ealeie_• ,r 1,remision of taxa, •
woe presented, and, on motion -.remise- Ilrs. Horton Ina ilia: R. E. Brown
ed. - visited friends in Lucknew last week.
A.:covert, Tinrssaui L -The quarter jest closed
has been a successful one for -i: O. Ci. T.
N. 213. Forty menul-era are now en-
rolled,' eight hating joine.f during the
quarter. A fist -at surtdds in the
ands of the treasurer, and it is proposed
to point the inside of the hall. and adorn
agora of the R., company will receives the walls with iniin.. caper,. - .►n .•
deputation from the municipality "f the will clad 1te rented, with a vieo to
town ,,1 0odorich nest %%elnesdny ur ultimate purchsie. A we'd •proerawnie
Thursday. with a view o1 c•atstdeeing is resented every !tight. In theabsence
the advisability on the part of the own- ofethe L P., Bro. Linklater installed
y of continuing their rod from some the f'.11owing ot11v^_er. at the last meet•
them, he address was respieu la.L.1. .
by Bros. Woodman, c( Lundeab orough,
Hale, of Clinton. Buns and Lawrence,
-..f $olmwiville, and Alex. Robertson, of
Benwiller, who all expressed their pleas
L sb t.,
ore at lainpresent is owls • ..E l'ourt ' •A number of -accounts were presented,
t: b and referred to finance committee.
(:oderieh. After some stews and recite- Moved by -Cameros, seconded by F.
tions, the court adjourned. J..rdaa, that the clerk be in.tructed to
A complimentary banquet t.. the visit- telegraph to 3(r. Drinkwater. secretary
ing brethren was green at the Colborne of the C P and enquire if the1man-
huts,l after the clime of the Court ►uert•
ing. At lU ....clock p. m. , the chair was
taken by tuay..r Horton, and the vice.
chair Ly reeve F. W. Johutou. After
a aumptuuue repast. hal been partaken
of, the tables were cloared, and , a pro-
grammte of -toasts was submitted', heel -
opened a td& a umnbsr of songs and re-
citations. The toasts and realautsw I del
tante in the following order •
p the toe n d Galerieh and if • tut:
consisting of the mayor. B :: (' ( '1.wa)., Bre.
end Molars. Ise. Butler, the Ctuttowr; W• 2'= Sister Edith Horton;
tory answer be recetvad, that a iso. •Io1w Norco:,, W. C. T .nester
% TR W H
T'pe Queen The national anthem. '1st er and second,', and any other W A• 'i ; Bro. ,1.sepa li.retfwrtit•-- . .
The lievcrnt.r Gefm•rwl etn; "Fair lumber who, choose to go, los bed Sister E. Horton, W. F. te. Boo S. B.
Canada,' b • J. F. jtobitrann. , - to interview the company 1.• endeavor to Williams, W. M : Sister Eitel., !'.,wan,
.J elet induce them to build the road referred W. D. M : cuter .qua:ui 1r1t.1 user. I.
The Sister Sowiaties--F. 11", ul u 0; Bro. W. Frazer, O. li : Sister E.
for the Oddfellows, and Jua-"'#week for to, it being understood that the depute -
the Masons. - --- - •lii.u• pay their own espet:ses. Carried. Jepj "n• W. R. H. s . Sister Mary
Stn' Lv J. I I Luttrell, with banjo Mr. Campton drew the attention of Mc ants., W. L 11. S ; Bro. it, E.
Song t -- Bmwn, P. %V'. C. T : The progrsn:meq
aca,i'llsalu.nsat; - •-- _____,tit .vout_sil to the triol ^ml4,.."- t
"Thr '%liipp..flritell," en the month indigent cireumstancei.
organ, by John ttl.ry. Motel and seconded that die matter ducted similarly t. Hi 1. S, S of f;.,je-
"Our Forest Hoole, • was the next be left in the hands o1 31r. Nairn. Cu -
The W. S. toil, act as editor for
toast, and was ably responted to by slid. , this term.
Bros. Simmons, Crabb, McIntyre and Mr. Cameron read advertoom,•nt .-. .
SU -tided. These gentlemen in turn wire work company at Windsor sod
1explained h benefi 1 ed f Moved a •cvnded by %Ir• Johtut to
that banevolen:e was the principal plank cane with the company. Carried. m• nth.
in the Foresters' plantform, Moved byElliott, seconded by Nichol- '
Son b %Ire. isamotAe -The (ut. son, that te advisability of comhtoing % literary society hag freers organized
"The -Manufacturing interests,'' were etrabtinsptetor in one person ata salary meetings are held how 3 P. 4 on Friday
replied to in good style by M. Hutchi• of $550, be cunsiosred. Refone.l to ns ^sat!s P TheJas.
K r!tl ur, Vice Pres
nos, (ioderich, and Jesse (iledhill, of spacial cummitte•. _ 1 •
Rerlmtlter.---------* -The-evened then ;trip. e, , ; .4ltsert Downs? See. Lucy Hoare ; •I'
Guitar solo; J. D. Littrell. ' %•.n. McHrien ; Editor, Dixon Stalker.:
by I CounciNore, Jennie Habkirk, .Band
ty Salkeld, Minnie Farrow.
duly the tat enc from
' , The Preehytentrs intend h lain/ a
rnemhrnhip in rho Court, end proved that the etc:. Le instructed to eumtmuitt tea mtwtigg.,mettmedlfr,ng th.prt,ient
g y n the cion of eulleetor, arssss,r ana by the pupils • f'he public school. The
!tong, "Fivenel.ek in the morning," I Colborne. 1
A R Hebilursow' -
-The VisitingBrethren," teasaa. Quigiy. formerly ..1 Anhwei. and
replied l'nt•xt•R MrsT1Ne+.- Ti -The mnnictpal'
to at some length by Past Right Worthy council of Colborne met in the Tp. hall •"fl of 'las. Qu►zI.y, sr. • w IIvm1I h..
High Chief Ringer Peter Intl ., . 1 !'lin- on Friday l.t. Feb. 'R4 Present. ""'t with a wdd,•u doth nowhile w .skerin
ina saw mill wt lire den, law week. , H
tie .f the oldie td Foresters in .;le,lhtll and Charles Meues, . conned- I a1,mt1 oath others WNW engage.. w akid-
tun, who .talo a traq.h,c ace. unt of the .Anthony Allan. 1)al•titv Reeve, Jas. A. i4 •
Canals from the time of the severnnee ' i ra Minutes . f 1st meeting read and `lung 1.o w end at
while ende•oring t.. get
with the United States Order. 11. n
en adopted. The following penins were 'tut the nog of a ndling bent. slimed
lered of some length into this Irenev,.di1 was crushed by the h►1(. He hied a
gt appointed pathma+ten, etc. NiNo 1. D. little over an hour. The deceased was
lent working ..f the isMatetion, and (tear ; No. 2. D. McMurchpe ; No, 3 F.
speaking from experien-e, mid he knew Bravo. No. 4, Nathan Johns : No. 41nearly '.1 jrrare oId. Th. c►tpose was
"f no sorted y where greater K were Edward o m o'
brought 4' ('hnlen and boned n the
wren the members than from the ( order ti. Jame Snyder ; No. 7, Thomas (lake ; Ilnilett Catbohc ee etary.
f Foresters. No. P, ,lohnathan Miller ; No. R Jattsec • Bre►. Jaa Yorng, L D., iastalla' flys
Fin 11.11, of Clinton, brought down • Long ; No. 9, George Church ; No. 10, ; foUowing as oileras for Manila! Temple
the house with a couple ..f comic dm It. McKinnon ; No. 11, A. Sands ; Nn. iso 34 4 1. 0. 0. T. for the preset,:
1 icor • and :vas followe 1 by Bro. James . 12, John Halliday ; No. 13, Wm. ('u1Gn- : putter
Thompson, .f t.'af•.rtt, with a hrace'rtn ; No. 13i, R. Walter. jr., : No. 14, N•. t' T.. Ale.. McKenzie ; P. W. ('
h t benefits w flood : N. W. H II.; N.i e
.'f rollicking Irish ditties R %%•alters tats No ie C woken T • Rickard Mho: W V. T., Belie
"Court Selwnod" of 11 imescille, was No. I6, Neil Meeerrie : N.. 17. Mar Yuck ' W • S. • John Smith ; W. T., W
tepBati to by Brno. Dern. nnd Law 1IIen : No. DA, R. INrachan . No. 19, D.?Wilr•n ; W. L lt.. Phtr.beil. Smith:
nee E.Iward Strarban ; No. 20, Tlum. cove. W. IL o Uwe Story : W. C„ Rev. A. S
gout,: Re,. A A Rennet , ins , No. 21, Wm. Fagan, eon..:
"Orlin Itenmiller' was replied to 1 y A Rohetlutvin : Nn 23, %-m Wailer
ankh ; W. I. G., Manch Beadle , W O
O., John Wilson ; *. A. ft , Bella Hab-
il-rot lin'•artston and Jaynes (tl.wlhiii Nr. 24, Wm Synunri,n : No. L':,, ,lob. kirk ; w R. H. S. Wm i'attereen ;
J. le Rnhtusnnn by roiliest gave "life Syn.incton ; \o :to. ,L,hn p; hertenn: W. T.. H. S., Beat ROSS: D. 14 , Alice
Bodes'. TW$• .. nnd no an r0 rot/ favor 1 N :':. •t tits 4 •iiti . No. 2R, (lark.
ohs can easily Ito the mile in 2 minutes.
It is with pleasure we make lb: corrse-
•eiseat mails' bare.
A five mile skating race came off un
.day night at the St. Thomas rink be-
tween Miller of Fingal and Burns of
Port Stanley. The terata of the match
were : Miller was to give Burns tire lap s
i:t five n.iles. So confident was Miller
, of success that Heenan like, he thought
lneeotrld afford to play whit his antagon-
il✓it a little, and at tl.a commencement
pelt enlivens or less airs by skating back-
wards. He soon repented of his folly,
and when 3+j miles were passed found
he had to put on • spurt, When four
stiles hid ped .Miller found himself a
lap behind and worked away at a terrific
este- But .s likewise gest tlowu to itis
work, and the tallest scratching ou ice
ever witnessed in Si. Thomas was put 1*.
The cteers'he.oante wild and deafening -
and n• rwitheandinc the almost super
num to 'bxerioni of 31ilier he iaile,i t..
.make the re•luirel, sir fiber ..1 laps, and
when the live tittle; ode fleeter d he
had ,only gained (oar a:.-• a 1 atf tai„ .•1
Bon', the fatter withoug the racy by
half a hap. Miller has matched with
Paulsen, the Norww.rati t.. J)kate_1N. H. Moreover. can obtain mt+lCT in os.
t1t title a•tWactory.-nACttiUST & 1(lt!(!(
P. T. Rarnym, the great advertiser,
suede lite will and then prarduual his
aaer..l white elephant from Siam. Eng -
heti authonties at once dividea anti ping,
relied as t.. dm genuineness of lite ani-
mal as a white elephant, and 13aruum
laughed wl.ile the free advertising went
on. But a leiter from the Siame.e
minister saying that the existence ,•f
sexed elephants. •shite or black, is w►-
knuwm it. Stam p :1 an inglorious end to
the straggle and t.. H.trnum'a scheme.
Erre ■ Cocoa. -0aH ell' 1. AND Coatroom
!Nu. '•Hy' a thorough knowledge of the natu-
ral taws shlrh govern the operations of
ion and nutrition. and by a careful
app! •atinn of the tine properties of well -
',lee Cocoa. Mr Epps has provided our
breakfast tables with • deikately flavoured
bet erage which may save us many heat y
doctors' bills. 11 in by the Judiclous use of
such.rtictesof diet that a constitution may
be gradually built up until strong en., to
resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
a( subtle maladies are gloating arovad w
ready to attack wherever there Is a weak
ppooint. We may escape many + fatal shaft by
ten►ltut ourselves well tortined with `{pure
blood sad • pmtwertr nonrisbeit frame.- - flied'
9rrrie• (Jozettr. suede simply with boiling
water or milk. bold only in Packets ana
Tins 141b. and Ib.L by (lrucers, labelled
i ri'a t t'o., Homeopathic Chemists.
Loans ana insurance.
Qi300,iDpp Ti) LOAN. APPLY TO
feats --es freehold eseartty. Apply to
Geo. Swamies.0alerich. t).
iI" 50,000 PRIVATE FCNblet Ti) LEND
V' on good Farm or ant<Mas Town I tepe et;
-t tpercent. Aoely to R. ItAI)CLIV 1781
a. ammo d Private Fonda for iasestmeat
st (owe,! rains os. tlrMclaosMortgages. Apply
to O.i It ROW & PROP DtrUOT.
J0,0f0 PRIVATE FL'NDS TO LEND▪ •on Ism and Town Property at lowest Se-
serest. Mortimer* pan Weed. no CesimYdab
chancel. t'uaveyencing Yet, reasonable.
miles .tor $i0t 11 a side. tfla snatch lis STOyi Hoertatets. g_. Roderick, teat
come off on either. St. Th•.titas or Lon
don ire.
The Imp+.r1N rartwm..a •tlba d.
i.o!et,,!t, Feb. 5. -- Parliatseut ;opened
to -day. The tp *wen's site's -eh announces
the continuance of friendly relations with
alt foreign, pore's. Correlipolidencr
with France-. relative te Midagsacar. Lau
t,•rnanated s'. rs to confirm cordial tin
derstan.line between the two countries.
in c4mitut.dtiott ,witb tit" President et the
I cited S=1tes 1 C•,n1,.tlsalun has ;been nit
'notated, and is now sitting n:. Pans, t.
discus& the rnculatien of the Newfound
land fisheries, A., agreement wit% P••rt
ural reap«:tint the Congo. and adjacent
territory has been lowed.
Contra)• t :.11 precedent, and to the
disu>-y of tto, fors».. the*ddrese in reply
to the s:oeech ►a. adopted, and debate
l ■tsersity t'NealMatiw
List there be ,ate t'niversity for the
wit teProvince. called. say, the Cuiver
artttyy\,t,.iletarltt. bet all the odtlying
e files eniedical eehools and law faeul
ties 1'Yepresented in due proportion on
the Senate of that ,.1. uiversity. Let no
appointment of professor be made with
tout the nomination, suggestion. er con -
C 001 ii eualOottate , . A■ lir. Patten
truly remarks:"N•, considerable num-
ber of pimple in this country prefer a
system free fun the presiding influence
of religion. ' And a Senate s, c nstit ut
ed might wifely, we think, be 'unlisted
with the duty of prevent ing the intrusion
of sceptical or agnostic professors, and
of ntomnating only such as would be ac-
ceehible to the Christian Churche+ of
the community. --; Dr. '%'ithntw in Meth-
odist Magazine for February.
TM shay ass. ,a "aril/low
Certain Conservative papers are very
atad-beenewo Mr. -lsfakaways soup kit-
chens luso been started in different
parts of the aruutry. Mr. Blake did
this only to show that such indas`rieu
were not pr.spxmru under Liberal rule
only. and Mvrauve they were quoted when
he teas a Minister ae stridence* of had
geeefttment and bad times, The Tories
dent like their .,wn arguments when
they act like a bnnmerang.-(K.ngeton
Tat there is great distress in all the
manufacturing cities in the Dominion is
toe patent t.. be dented even by the Tory
organs. But they try to break the force
of it by saying that there is distress also
in Free Trade countries. What of that I
The Tory argument was that ditr•em was
inevitable under Free Trade, but. time
Protection would gine full work to every •
one at fair wages. it has not done so.
The best the Tories can my nnw is that
Protection is no warm than lens Trade.
Et en this is untrue.
Mr. Sat.derenn, auperinteedest of the
work of capturing elephants for the
Iiovernment in Bengal. nays he ran sup -
p% scores of elephants like the one ex-
hibited by Barnum, and even superior to
it, at the rate of £17:. each.
Lite and Accident Insurance Agent.
It'•presentitig a rwtdas■Comp•nier. Manages*
for the CANADA Lira STOCK Itst•$Aa('Z Co..
Monty to teed on Mortgage, either in Town of
Farm Property. te my way to suit the burrow
er. Veloe-(wteelairs) Kav's block l:ttdrrith
CtE.kt0ER h LENTS, Orr,ttITr.' M
1171n v'4 Nora►., l;oderirh, hate titivate
to see sums to suit pntilrs wanting lows. at
tset tow rates. ter-
" k it' " Tl) LOAN Al' C PER
see pr'.'pered to loan money at t percent -pay-
able holf 'early, arly, uw
nn dr•r--Iw farm stotirity,-Z1}
Apot) to
1 .\MFIhtX. IIOLTIlarret t ('.tMF.IfoN.
.\ern t a ft,r !lie (i
e Toronto es.ral Trusts Co.y.
Measn. t' A►l■IVON. OLT & ('**&*ON have
oho a large amount of private tees to loan
on etae, unity.
Oodericb. Oct. t, 1113 1111-tf
Miction :Ia1e of iraleabl. J'eo prfy.
"'oder an 1 by cirtuc of • power of sale con-
tained In w certain mortgage, dated tine mod
day of May. A.ti. POW and which will he pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will he sold
by t'ubnr Auction, at tris prirbitetw known as
the Uolerieh Foundry. in the Town of (lode
rich• in the County of Heron. on
Twrd" y, fit, RA tiny of March, .4. f). 1&+4,
at 12o'clo.-k noon. tltr following valtisjte pen-
t'sperty. namely : I.ota Inanleg numbers i0. 11:
Il and +M. in the Town of (io.lcrich• in the
Comely of Huron.
There in erected on the said protw'•'. . '.tel
is known a. the G.alerirh Foundr wo-
stnry awns building. roofed w.h a- nod
necopird as a finishing 'shop and a .,.el. q,. Is
one story atone. nhingie rooted. finial: ing -hop.
is one story frame Maeknmith shop. a one
* tory frame boiler ahnp. • frame oft, .• and
ton store room* attached. a frame aline roves
and pattern shop.
Term* and conditiosis made known on the
day of *ale, gi
The title drools May be r C at tie'ef•
fee of 4 • to.R1,w. COLT ♦R Carr..►*. Soh
sisters Itteierirb.
For further particulars sppty to
Vendor's Solicitors. Ooderich,
or to
Auctioneer. Goderich.
Gn.ierieh• Jan. She. URI. Meat
l:ot•.ry or NynexBy virtueof a Writ of
TWIT I Tian ranch& beard net
of Her Majesty's Chanty court of the (bunt
e.f llnrne. and to me directed anal delivered
sonnet the Landis and Teawwrnts nt A LCX
A\DER MANSION, at the suit of TIMOTHY
T. COI.EMAN. 1 have seised and taken do
mention all the right, title, interest, and
equity .i redemption of the above named de-
?Pedant. AMetaadwr Manse. da awl In Led stn
ten. West Freed Street, North side, twiner ono
half were. In the Villas. of EgmrmAvlii.
roomy nt Helene and Provjnee Ontario
whfrh lands and Tenwwieeds 1 shall offer for
Stale. at my office, In the Court linseed the
Tnwn wf I naleriet. nn RAT1•wfAr. the -revrw
day of MAY. IMt. at the Mbar of tweive nr the
rock. enrol.
sheriff, flarba.
Sheriff's omee. Haiseerb. 1
J■seary slot. INN. IaaMay le
wales.. dyspepsia, timeshare. Mee
la's, kaissy ttuts.e. beer cont.
1444t, a.t.t ether .!,watts
rnslebes 1!..• b'.- 1 "so l ptitMmwe
.• dein ...1.• w .....test. 1 `w
c•.eyy. 8_. T. y a bot:.
es the nn:y 0 to p.epsratkat t kee
I o,t out. cvn•r the teeth. ant was
D.401102 headache or ttiastir.'atiotte
seethes trust 1.r.-pa:atfwH'. ,
S 1.
Ladies and all sufferer, frown nee
yelia, hysteria. an ►nay •1 e•int-
yyfltiiawe t
Jan. 101 b. 1y>I. 11Y.Jw
Tovusip ofollioni
earthy eeandal year froaa January 3s.,. 16n..
to Tebrnsry 1•t. 1iet.
To l's■t on hand last audit $ 10 ::
,. Nen r,a:d.•t.t,rtdlr.- w. 1.0 (n
ttalanee Lictnse for VOL. i0 s•
Trees were Nese cashed.. art I,...
.. .. 7.0 NU
Clergy itnserre rend 10 +•
Tavern Laverne fur let: lel : •
Clerk from sale of cemetery
lots.. . - -.u
, .
lfr.aa sear • Note t -ached,.. We In
' Peter Fritter. pound keepers
PhSetesuirviw J. 1•. Ores..:' S m
I'on.ctoe. Roll of I'StJ. 9:J7 ': •
i'lerk frum sale of cemetery
lute.• ., IS inNon-resident eolce.tieen...4 -s.
Total • - -VISA ra
PaY114 RUN Tal.. -
By Casts 4a4,.ad.. ....... ... • 111 r'
•. County a•
- haat• sad Bridges. 90.M t'
\\-.r.• fences,... •. 361 'n
t'harity,. 111•.
,dories- Ile
M.4 "ilasseaUS Ite11M1J3.; i
notal Shies t«:
7tia: 1:rceipts.
1'.t_ im•ots
lin hand . .... 1143 et
We. awl •'a. 1. of u., the uretersigaed audi
ton of the To•vn.hip of Colborne for the year
1411. do hereby certify' this fns gnlnlr It,
he corro,-t in every particular, o1 the Heuelpt'
and Payiaeats of the said Township, as ap
pearl by the Treasurer's hooka and roicber
produced. for the year eenllag 31st day of Jan
ears. A.1) heel.
Mated thio first day of February. 11e1.
1)O.IALD cMCR(LIn i A'"nano.
Our Descriptive Priced 4.taloque. besot
felly Iliessesfed, oesesisilsig all aeitann er in
formation tor tb. *ove ad cultivation tN
vegetables. Flowers. Field lints. Ibtatoea
ete., Is now published, sad will be made 1 tree
to all applicants.
-it?h1H YRi1 A. BRUCE fi Ci ► ,
Amore. Ilamilton. Canada.
ill be mail. roma
gato ab
assn u( Ir1ti year wit srdark.g
It contains i iu.tnt.ons, pn e*. ti.wriMlem
directions for planting al V. -torah", aft rtewee
Setda, Plants.. et, anralaabte
Q N. FERRY CO. o.•.
a•a week at btaSat.
e.. outfit tree. Pay
OQ.hwnlntwl) wore. No rink. Capital not
required 'testier. if you want / which prranna of either res. ►tieaR
or old. ran make great pay all they
work, with absolute r.rtalety. the for 1,
partieulare to H Hammer d• Co.. Ported.
t i Oalrrieb. I. A. MrrRTnrR..
('.lsgaetm JR. 14Wags.pp-
One. eorawr of the .ay
maitre and
strut, 0 , lerie► ever B-- of Interest money intend Si lowest (tow
RI'TERB. ♦ rte
Onderich. J T. narrow. W rnndf of 175
Raev1stsra._Solk+itwn In ('hawerry h.
"Jlerlchand WIagbam M. (''oe. QoC P Hatt, M. O. l arm,, rioderieh 17N.
Ma masa. %-lowboy.