HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 7• Bloras of &lissom. To kauw hew to ray what • thaw pee- . . only think u what makes :reg poets d sages ; and tu dere to .ay what • Len only dare to think, ut.kes men artyre or refur:rtws, ur both. God knows wbst steep places lie before w. Hs has provided the "sheer of iron t d braes" for us toout on. They are tit th and buuesty atid faith and courage sod prayer. A car c ousai.nce •il: emit the beef Hou/ And up along the Ll rd road then Ws -Maps board, on which is w•-ttteh us lame bright letters, 'He __Hat walk eth uprightly walkrth surely.' Try to take cheerful air• of divine things Deep ua your Ylelt;lea Look hi the bright u troll as the Jerk side. 1 .. not cherish glia .tsy thoughts. Mist :.I.ctwly is no fn•ud t.. devotion, It b ndera the usefuln o of many. it falls tat un a contented lifelike a drop of ick ti white paper, which is not the ler a .talo became it cornea nu meaning with i'.' Let your soul rove through the G gibs of Scripture as the happy herds through the green pastures, Mr. Spurgeon, the emiuent L,ndun reacher, in a recent sermon is reported to have said, it was the glory of the Moravian that all their meu.6ers wars missionaries ; end such ought to Ie the Flery of every church. Every ting, • omen and child in the ohsrch should take part in th) battle fur Jesus.' Such • glory any church relight well covet. It is within the reach of all. Lot ue go to work in the name and strength of the Lord and ere how soon he will glorify the church by giving it increased pros- perity and enlargement. }tousehota }lints. JZLl.v PMR. -Beat two eggs very care- fully ; add to them half a cupful each of baking molasses and jelly, or burled cider, two cupfuls of water and t sun rather scant tablespe•,nfulls of four. Plac: on the stove, end stir until it boils Enough Dark blue and salmon pink is glee of for two pies Two crush. I the (prettiest combinations for children's Tel Bear Ruwr or Arrut Pt noun...- i eluaks and hats. An excellent pudding is made of tart ap tine of the newest shades of blue is plea stewed, and then put in layers with I known as Suldat blue, which has a light ne cat ken or brutal cruole. While Ig the al •les are still hot, stir eager and a , gresnuh blue ant. little butter to with theiu This shouldBlack velvet jackets, trimmed with 1.s baked fur half an hour.. ;little i gr►y astrachan fur, sre pretty for girls of sweet ,re.uu tea great addition, but ate at: and eight. goal with est any sauce. - [Selected. ( Quilted crimson petticoats, bordered LKNONAt$L.-T.. maks nicely. take a i will fur, ars among the comfortable pound of loaf sugar and reduce to a syrup novelties of the season. an a quart ul water. Add the rind of I Yarrow mohair braid, either red, gilt, the lemons and let stand for an hour ; bronze or silver, is used to trim light remove the rinds and add the strained 7 colored cloth suits. juice of ten lemon. Add another quart Fashionable women dress their hair of water. Apolllnaru is best, and place very high, with putt at the back and it. s bow[ with s egusre of 105 in thecen- icrimped bangs in the front. trs. Cat up a lemon in thin apices and I Dresses of bright plaids are worn over place on the ice. Serve with a piece of 7 plain silk skirts of theredominatim lemon In each glass. This will make a color shown in the plaid. p g good (leant ay. rHh HURON SIGNA1. Fr►11:.;x, i.�.8. 1:. iso.4 Fashion's Fancies. Black is este.kively worse. Muffs Iie%e increase) w arae Oita wuat- ar New veils match the color of the beg, - net. Striped velvets will be fas.b:uaal.le 1111w111 - Gray in all shades is the must fashion able outer. The tlmalJ .I button is the tom/ ►lj - lieh f..r dreaaw. Rubies are the most fashionable ;swots at present. Vely large bows of ribbon ane plra.d ou all tops. Crushed orange is nue of the newest shades of yellow. The hwtda••mest tail. • made suits are trimmed with fur, Eosrgetwut rings made entirely of sapphires are the latent. Kilt plaiting' of dress akirts are Made fuller than heretofore, Little boys, little aliases, school girls and ladies all wear Jerseys. Blouse vests ..f satin are seen on the newest beelines and jack'''. Natural beaver is the most populaa fur fur trimming children's Garments. Tinsel threads are seen in the hand- somest chenille fringes fur trimmings. Rich mixed )plaids are the must lopu lar of materials for children's costumes. The palest colon in 1 menden, otto- mans and satins are imported for even- ing dresses. Black colored. stockings are more worn than the unbleached ltsibrigla•us on striped ones. A dainty moque for the little gi('l is of deep blue velvet, bordered with swans- down. The pointed velvet girdle, thickly studded with jet, is seen on a great many of the new drs.ses. ITAI.IAN Cecile -Take a porcelainFancy buckles are in great demand for trimming hats and dresses ; the most lined saucepan put in it a mut of milk, popular ora are of steel. one ounce of booked isinglass, half • stick of vanilla and six ouneae of loaf sugar. I As necklaces are considered jetty, Boil slowly. stirring until the songless f those Ladies who have handsome one* is dissolved ; strain and when a littlecoel convert thein now into bracelets. mix in a pint of rich cream. Beat,ressy belts for little girls are of lesth- thoroughly until it thickens, then pour I er ..r velvet, with fancy l•uc'iles in front int,, tlie ni.arida and freeze. and bows of nbboo ia the back. ADFLciblt Pot -ND CACI. --Thu is made Dregs of wine color and pale pink are among the newest combinations cf colon for hats moil evening dresses. ing the whites and yolks separately, one The Jerseys of pale colors are becum- iw,und of p i.wderei sugar, and a half i.g ',ovular 1-r evening wear ; white and ground of best butter, and ten ounces of pale blue ono.:uo espeeiaily liked. without soda and will keep nice and fresh for over a week. Take eight eggs, beat - flour. Mi: theo•itghly and lake sane hour er more ; flavor with a nutmeg. MAII.a of Mixon. -These are dainty little dishes imitable for New Yesr tables One cup 01 sour milk and tine of sweet milk, and put together, and heat until the cure is set, then etr*In of the mule, rub the curd thoroughly in a Mrainer.mdd one tablespoonful .f melted butter to the curd, also one cup of white powder id guitar -candy, four well -beaten erg yolks and the juice and and of one tem• Black .r Kiang" aro correct the only ton. Take little pans and line with ric:m kind car children to wetholyexcept when paste, then till with this mister*: bake fr.m ten to fifteen minutes. the droves .e plaid, then plaid wo.,lleu stockings may be worn. LADT Flthree -Beat the yolks of - Brad ribbons are sawn on all child - four eggs with shies uu Bea t h of hoes ren.s hats and tied under the chin, p»" - sed rately an sugar. dal the whoa it. over the ears. On largo hats the peas - separately Ovate and add, and thenawa ngil! s, eticet is very picturesque. revs water ; loans all for a few minutes, then put in a paper fennel and squeeze The newest cashmeres for evening out into the shape of fingers on paper , w ear are in the mast delrste shades, which has been sprinkled with powdered such as shrimp pink, Nile greets, shyer sugar. Sprinkle a little of the sugar gray, pale blue and sapphire. over the fingers and after letting them Some of the new vest" tutendel to inn - stand for five minutes hake to a light p ow* Jerseys are made of tan•oolored brown in a moderate oven ; fasten to kid, or they may 1• of white cloth with ;tether with • little white of an egg. rows of gilt braid urer them. Black la -e semis are worn in Many pretty ways ; one is to twist the acid tamely around the neck, and then throw ail over the left shoulder and pin it there with a gold -headed pin. It is styli.:, to war the f in suspended from the some by a ribbon, and when green this way aro called Portia fans_ - Lao . are need In every possible man- lier, and the .•Ider the lam and the quainter the pattern the greater value is set upon 11. Plush i. ,./aiming favor -sea trimming Some ..f the most • egant costumes late- ly made by Worth are trimmed with plush. • sh•sob io MI. I hear yes baa'. bests Pennsylvania oil regions, Rees on Change to a friend. 'Yes, i tried it • while.' 'How long were ynu there r 'About • month.' 'Did you sink a well 1' '01,. yes.' '111( w deep did you go 1' 'Clear down to the bottom of my p.'cket-hark.' 'sth, did you strike anything r i• En Bow Jerseys of white and cream color are very fashiocabl• for evening war. Sometimes they are braided with gold or red brand. but generally they are worn lain with a ruche of crepe passe gather- ed around the neck and sleeves. Plain white linen ceiling and pretty lace pine are popular among school Idyl., and a moat deal of attention is paid to the selection of the pin. Silver owls, hugs, daggers, rakes, race horses, tennis bats and scrolls are among the de - 'Yes, I sirs tk the railroad for a pass Is 111••• and signe- and got it, nr i d be in that country 7st• . Hata made of the dtr.e material and `ornamented by • hied ora bordering of far, .re also fashionable Theon hats, in Pfu'Tt.Tarr Hocaes or Woessur.- I the round ea .h.pe. aro manufcctur• Pr tetenta 4o, not sufficiently utilise their large and eo.tly houses of pmblie f.4 `y the girlsthemselves and inch girl worship Many of them are .open (oily takes aribo e.n pride in making hen. A t k and h 1 forgirl who eann(tt mak. her 050 every day worn w1 the a issue carried mu the hand Haindsoine skating a• tomes ure in de- mand et present, Ow of the prettiest sults shown w of red aeleet trimmed with chinchilla fur. The skirt u 1.1.10, with a `order of chinchilla .r-uud the battles ; the poiouarss ut velvet re dm.. t.. the Imes, and u also bordered with fur : the hat i • .rade of red velvet and bordered at :, fur. Plainer skattug suits an of •tare colored •.r black cloth, trimmed with less expensive fur. rre4.r ie Ile. Great. The tea who really foetid. d Ia11•rty of thought in (teru.any was Frederick the Great In the history of his race then is no character more attractive, for there u noue re human. His idea was not the narrow idea of Aruiiuius, nor the national passion of Luther ; it was the idea and eta passiuu of human- ity. The crowned philosopher, persecu- ted by the great, assailed by Russians, Tartan, Croats, Hungarians, Fr.u,ch- men, abandoned by friends awl allies, he yet resoled a power an the center ••f (lernany which was destined t.. le in re.pect of liberty of thought what the Orange and England were in respect of political liberty. If he had mo other glory, it would be enure th that lie broke down that reduubt, the terrible power .d Austria, the (loliath of Absolutism, the terror of the nations, the enemy of Wil- liam Tell, the assassin of Padilla, the executioner ..f Juhn Huss. the poisoner of the Latin noes ; that power of Aus- tria which, had it triumphed, would have burned to the marrow of our bole.. traduced our conscience tat ashes, and made of Europe what it made of Spain, a desert. He opened the frontier o f his kingdom. the gates of his palace, the arms of his friendship, to all who had any thought, who worked for an idea - [Erniliu Caatelar tricemnawe. , ten only two servfcee of one and • half hours each. hat is voted u,wlees in school an so - That wa.uld be only one hundred znd cosy' lusty hours in • t'e'ar. Dunng all these Fur trimmings are arranged in many long home except for a wedding. lune ways Reveal of the new cloth dresses rel, or reeasi, nal .arrive. the building here p .inteil fur plastrons reaching low stan.b closed. --(New York Observer. ^n the bust. Velvet skirts hare a sin- gis wi•le brinier round the fent, while Pittahurv, Pa., .ian 90. -The losg cloth skirts have three or four narrower strike of window -glass workers is at •n rows of Astrachan ammo the front and end after seven 'menthe idleness The terns at which work was remelted lampe 1y favor the workmen. who will he paid fist year as wages until April i.1 wear. (7ommon of fashion fee street Mbese ea weal ss.esa.s assess ehn.s with lwvtad Ines •.el k.w, Etat 1.11 et (ase. Rh]nes' drug stere and I.1. sure kewmwting golfs ptapwlwr. Alh- ret a (+ackags of Mcllrog..r R Park. s Catholic ("wrote. It iscompcmed f Voss - line. Carbolic Aad end (esti, and has never fa/1.d to renin.* Pimples, Blotches 1'Ie.r•te4 Some, Ree Skin. it mores side breadths, and a wide now round the whole skirt. Pointed .bras have gone entirely out Mesita *15(1. Don't go to bed with cold feet. Don t stand on hut air registers. Don't he on the left side too much. Don't inhale but air or fumes of any acid. Steeply isirrtculuus Is • i cage say of the educt of Dr. Veit I: "en • Kidney Cure ur say caar. An eine!, lady snide thin (Dn.. D , elle had suffered from p.auir n., ti.c tack 1 r twenty years. Sold by J. •\ t:a..0 Gd. nch. 'lin Au Oasis in the desert s u.' brighter light t.i the wandenua ,Arab Mali a bottle • O, t",eu Byyrerl•s tielt..'y twee t, t.. the ..,rfurtuuste sufferer from Kidney Disse. It is • perfect, I..citi. a and permanent cure. told by J. Wilson (lederich 2m Ts dr lMMef b.gesee a vel ire" whams mer sasses: - - Pltwphatuir, or *erre h•wu, +. Phos- phate Element baled tltpot, zscieutttie Facts, Formulated by Pr.fwr'r Austin, M. 1). oI Ll.rtou, Mess., cures 1•:ahnen- ary Consumption, tuck Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phu.phatine is not • Alt deeine. bu• to Nutriment, because it c',utaius no Vegetable ur !liueral l'.,Iwns, t►pietes Ntra,tics, and no Stimulants. but strop, ly the Phosphatic and Uartric Elements found in our daily food. -A single bottle is sunici ont to ceuvinoe. All Druggist' sell it. f!L.0U per bottle. i,owex?: it • wale agents f .r the Min,imou, 54 Front Street Etat 'L.'ronts. As the Ir••slr •.t a Hoer yenta,* Ysuer the caloric influence ••f the nlo'. ray., so does Bright'- Disease. Dropsy. atone in the Kidueys and Bladder, and Tnflam; mation of the Kidueys, leave the body upon the aduiiutsipitou ,,f Dr. Vaal Ito ren's Kidney C'm Sold by J. Willem. 2m John R. Pert, Hamilton, says : "Mc- Grntpets Specie, Cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion is cheap At fifty times the price asked for it. 1 amu a commercial man, Hind travel continually, and would no inure think of leavit.,; home whit .uta bottle of McOrelea s f4Kpeetly (sults is my valise than I would o1 leaving uiy two, at home and goins; on fo .t." Free trial bottles at G. Rhynes• drug store. Regu- lar alae 50 eta. and :1. a The,eseke.t TMag e. Ineeterd I. Kraut's Fluid Lightning for Nenr:t'._ia Headache, Tu'dlua:he. etc. It dor. not blister or discolor the skin ; solitaire tint one application to banish all path ui:utic• ally wuhout using esti {yeas Roamed or carryin your head in a poultice for Don't lie on your back to leap from weeks Try a 25 cent bottle from neo. souring. tihyna.�druvgist. h Don't at in less than two hours after bathing. Don't eat the smallest morsel unless hungry, if well. Don't start • day's work without eat- ing • good breakfast. Dont take long walks when the stomach isentir.ly empty. Don't forget to take a drink of pure water before breakfast. Don't jump out of bed immed:a'ely on wakening in the morning. Don't strain you eyes by reeling un an empty stomach or when i11. Don't fill the gash with swot, sugar or anything else to arrest the hemorrhege when you out yourself, but bring the parts together with strips of adhesive plaster. Re Mewl rr.p.ae 1. 'tend for the Felder taker. Well, wife, I'm half dead to -night,' groaned Mr. Blum, as he came to from work at six ..'click. 'Ah, indeed. my dear ;--Th.it a what you aid last night. You was half dead prat ni;ht :• 'And half dead t.. -night t' ---- •Yes.' 'Then, my dear. 1'11 Fend .••tt (tar the undertaker to corn.• find take your mean. are and make arraugente rets f 'r tie funeral ' What do you mean shouted Blum is amazement 'Whr, my dear, half .lad last night and half dead to -night makes two halves, guff two halves make a who'e one, so you must be entirely dead now, and we can't keep you, you know. 'Well," remarked Mr. B. weedy, 'I feel some better now. Suppose we don t send for the undertaker.' moor skin slippers ere worn for evening wear is pvJ.r'eseem to these swede of satin The toes are always .,ntwnideved nr ornamented in son. manner A pinky device it 10 edam there with a when all others fail. Try it b tiny bench el the sat.. OeweTs that are And the babies ' Little bundles of blue cloaks, fleecy white clocks, warm crimson cloaks, indescnhle bundles of shawia Hied wraps and hoods and .wsara.._e w .. .. - down, shapeless and' motionless, until the car starts, the door is shut to with to bang like • Mississippi shot gun, and the unwrapping proems begins, and baby crawls nut of his curesus, a fluffy tuft of crinkled hair ; a fat. dimpled fist ; then a plump taco, rosy with the kisses of Jack !'rat ; • pair of big. round, wnnd.ring eyes, and a dancing head that goer swinging around on that little crease that passes for a baby's neck, while the baby takes in the whole car and begins at -once to make friends with the ugliest and beahfulleat •nan ha can see, and buries the poor fellow nnder mountains of con- fusion by calling him "Papa" --(Bur- dett.. *15.ea Reward For any Testimonials recousmenduig Mc(:revor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia.. Indigestion, C•rtiveness, Headache,etc., that are not genuine ; none of which from ale - from persons in the States or thousands of miles away, but from persons in and around Hamilton, Ont- We give trial bottles free of cost, s, that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles an testim canis given free at O. Rhynas' drug store. • etrwsw•. 11.1.1 ugbt■tea. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheapest and quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Kris: tics,.rc Thr.at ..r Acute Pains ..f say kind when you can ge to Gen. Rhynes' drug store and get a perfect --end instan- taneous cure for 25 cent_ Ask for Kraos'il Fluid Lightning. b These ase *.W Farts. The best blood punster and system re - gelatum ever within the reach of tree. humanit .' truly is Electric Bit- ten. inactivity of the Liver, Biliouanee Jaundice, C..Itstipig itit. Weak Kidneys. eel any disease of the winery organs, Of 'whoever rwiusnw an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They so•t surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire Mtiafection or money reiudIm' . Sold act fifty rents a bottle by J. Wiliem. (4j A 0.111r savlag reeve./. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchins.en, Kan i saved hit life by a simple Trial Bettie of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Cun- sumptisn, which cau.ed him to procure a large bottle, that completely c•tred him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. .Asthma, Brtrchitia. Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diastases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. W ileen's drue stone. large air til a (1). A clock was set goiug at Brussels which continued to go for nine months, and bad not run down when last heard of An up draught is obtained in a shaft by ex- posing it to the sen. This dnueht turns a fan. which winds up the weight of the dock until if teaches the top it then works • brake which store the fan until the weight hes irons down 'a little when the fan is free t.. resnn.n.enee. Thousands hear witness to the posi- tive ecratire powers of the (°RRA? ORw- rsr ier10nw1Tne, the only remedy that has prored itself • specific for general debility. seminal weakness, impotency, eke., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed Main, finally ending In conamrmpthm, insanity and a teems - tore Imre efold hy all dtu%egtete, Of will he sent free on receipt of S1.(10 per hos, Or six hoses for ell Address Comm, T„ iedn, Ohio, aspe agent for the Vetted States. Send for si e-xlsr and testimonials of genuine mires. Gee. Rhymes. (L elerich. Sha GENUINE Banking ,DAVM IIY MONT1tEAL. CA PIT AL, Ort,a,p,rsv.. 8UBPLUX, - e. u,.•,.a.. Goderich Branch. I). (JL 4 - • - - .1Iaaay.. Allows lutetaat .n deposit.. Drafts. letlr- of credit and circular notes *.sued. payah In all parts of taws world. 1781. CANADIAN BANK orCOMMJRC fete( up (',.Pots., - 6d,000,001/. last , - - •I, j00,(SWO, Prea.Jear - ;soap WM A1tNIA11TRI( General JJoauyer, - W. A.....a.anet. Goderich Branch. A. M. ItOSs, - - - blavaa.aw Interns allowed wt deposits. Drafts as u the psineipal Towns st/ot t he 4Oesse. Great Itritaiu snot the United Slates, bough and sold. Alta.,. sato Faruset.un Nolte. trill, ere., more t-udursere. w nitwit mmttgege. 17fa GODERTH BOILER WORKS. Ohrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and KALT1WELI. MEN New IBO1I lItts and SALT PAN.: n.-t..ufa. lured on shortest no's... All 'kinds of Repairing a xtrut.d molar the personat supervision of the Propria t • - Mho •sur. 11118CRAl(CIt CARI►, BRITISH AM. CCIY, Tow.."t 3,tabltalis lag PH(ENIX INtl. t'o"..l-L. m.ioc 1.ngland)- Itatablishes1 1710. ■AlCTreOlt fi INS. CO'V. of I'•e I, t 5• Coni kMabluhed Ia1l Risks taken u. (Le atut .,..,ppe at elan, l/!'' the lowest rel.. hy HOR Soli IIOItT0r. The u..deru 1. alio .lppraln-t a CANADA PER. LOAN sct.:4AVINGS! i. Tonus To. Money to Loan on Ors • la s securtt-, 7 to 8 per Cent 1•hareHORah.t s I. , Owlet" •t Se pt. 10. IOM. •TIWttM•dsoftryeY It1 ee uowllrr ..(1.. of Ih.•ir , teslas, llve•a .ulng.d bsppinesw inti health roKurad b1 t1..• tow ref theertat GERMAN INVIGORATOR! akk-b rrrtnvel) and peru•ar.a•nl ) a ore r Wi- =ry hewed by est. Nee el easy kind.) al 4reakwes., Head at;.WMnes that fol low a.aere nee. roftttl(-.A1me. a.1...sof.•a e y, Goo of uw miry, 111 fteraal Duran ude, 1a-t2,e it stL .5I.. i- nC_x.laroo. prenta rrr.4,t silk, sued uesn) usher do. gee that bol to iem..ltyor corer n.)•tion mita a ;Tra•nu- titre gra. e. Head for circular. with I. atttnental. fere by "boa. 1. The /ATOCw6 %Toot is rola at 11 per ben or tag boars for tt& 1.1 ala druggtate. or will be sent free m) mail. w. rue,1) ,waled. on receipt of pr.. e, M add..',ring F. J. eHg'\t:Y. bra..ut, 107 Summit h:i.,�nledo. Ohio 0w...YS`�.. este Awns for O.+erieh pooh. are ales) s on the look sal fair ,honer* to increase their. anmluts.ard n. time be come w,ahtn : those who 10 no tepee. I' their opportwn isles r,•eiaiu in poverty. \yr older a "fres chows. to make mosey. We 'want men. wo- men. boys .54 girls to work for us in their own tw•at;lles Anyone t *Le work pro- per))' from the drat Man. TI.. buena to will pay noire Ilan ten 1,tara uMli•ary wag... Ki Wile i vutft furnish. free. No tole who en- dawts falls to make homey te) :dly. You can g.1.1.• your v. hot. tune to 11.e wok. • r only your .pare e.toaent- Full it:forrn.tlou and all slant to m,.•cro•ar) ,fel•.•. Aaldtrr $t17 war ♦ (' ,. 1't.rttaad. - practical Workmen. $600.00 •.Boward. P. O. Box 103 I7R711 A seek . lade at Lima• to the 1s uariou.. Rot Main... now be ore the piddle. Capita not r., vd ed. We will start you. Wen. wo hien. boys and girl wanted very where to work Wr u.. Now is the time. Too can work in .rare time, or rive your whole time to the hualweis. NO other business will tray you nearly so well. No one can fall to take enormotu }ay-. by engaging al once. Verrill outfit, and tertius free. 31aruey hued* boa. easily. and honorably. -Address pct a .P Co.. Auzuata. Maine ALLAN Ll N E _ 14*1 ROYAL }HAIL STEAMSHIP - LIVERPU01.-LONDONDERRY-f;LA-'.• ret • Byre Thursday From Portland. • Every Saturday from Halir INGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Harlin bees .ppnlnt«) meat of the above marble*. )sees t6Msllett the weal pulake pa- r.ygto• sad will supply waeblaww eH liberal Try the genuine Singer. We will pay the alio%4' r, oat,* for any acre ;.aver ('..umplane!. 1l),p•p..5 : 1 Hcaittiebe. Induration. l'w,rltpat#•n tar t calmuterre,�iib\\ra'> Vali'wt1. ivar ' w1 ...tithe rt. ,Lieu- lir. atria 1l) uu pled wit • They.r,• purely Vegetable. canal 1..ort fell to nit r sat i -teat law'. Sugar /'awl. a. I.. armee lNses, ouratatn.t,g 3i 1'i(1*....rDlr. for .ale by an 1►rutr,r t+ II. Marc of .uunlem(til. red lmlta- tion-. The g••nuin. 11.an tido. tut• d only by Ju11N c. t% },1T . 1 u . •'Te. p .SI NI and si l::ng -t. L'e't, Tun.M., Oct. ileo tr:a! pa. kie..• sent t) tsar:. pr. pr. i.t 0a receipt of a : rely/ Han p, L _ Per elate at 141L31S% * s.se a1 RI. Heath. is Weals' Tut . HumTH.T SRA MATE, To .t]I' Fame E N 11 L A N 1) SPEED, C.t)MFtIRT AND SAFETY 't^.CSI'r PASSED. R•stdwses: Vinleria street, near the M [. chapel.. INwle teh Oedertek. Des 11, 1.11111. Ifiel km Winter .lrrantgellt.ents.. MAILINGS -MAIL 1.1N11. LONDONDERRY & LIV ERPt►OL. SARMATIAN. froom PORTLAND.'Key. Sib-. HALErAX. Ike. lat. SARDINIAN, from !town, ivn. ileo. 6th, iIAI.IFAX. Dec.Rb. CiRCASSIAN. from PoarrtAxo, Ike•. 13th.. HALIFAX. ileo. 13th. PO1.1(NBSIAN, from Pont LAMP. Dee. HALIFAX, 1)ec. 9154. PARISIAN. from IbRrt.•sD. gee,. •IALiY.1,X. Dee. Tleh. Pleat-ViAN. from IbterLA*D, Jan HALIFAX. Jan. rah. NAH\i.ATiAN. from l'ntlrmi.,, .ran H \I.iF-AX. Jaen. 1_•th. SAiRi1INIAN. from H.ALIr.AA. Jan. 1ath. Pa.aeiseera wiabina to ,ml ark at Portland wi6leays(od.•rl,h.rn ru.alay-,at l',,lteek. The iug train vie Halifax pith it Malta awl Psi ee .g.•as leave. f i..el,ri'h err:t\'ed- neada). a' 12'.,Iw-k. Prep .54.•en;brute issued at Re'a'l) rich:, sal rates 10 sir w', a wlahing to bring tt..i• fe:,nd. out from the . id reentre. Por 1 `clot. ;and all Information. am'v t. ii. All MS'r GoNC, Tick. t Agent, Oodertrl!. Goderlcb. Nov. ?'hd. 1883. 1e.. F:. /'. Wirer',. NRmtt•t. stn flu VN Taxer RIO. T awnntor.l specific for 11 sir c Hirer.., l0uvulsMms. Vita. Nervousrt Neur~irlitgta Heade...he. Ncrveua Prostration canto .1 by the use of al•-ohol or tobacco. Wakeful:le .. Men - tat Ie•pn...ion. Softening of the Brain. result ing-iu lt:.anit; and lead;.,* to miser% decay death. Premature 0M1 Age. Itarrenneee, of 1'o suer in either se x, Involuntary Lomat and "; . rutalorrho H. caused by over-exertion of the brain, self shone ur orer-inelulgrare. One hos will ewe recent eases.. Farb boa con tains one moot h'e treatment. One dollar a box or six boxes for ft) e dollar.: spent by mall pre paid on reeefp• of price. We guarantee six boxes to run an) cast•. With nae is order re - eel. 1'11 11) us fur sic boars, arcumpa*ieel with ar.• dollar.. we 5111 fiend the Tun -bower am written guarantee to refund the money If the 'Feet went doe. not effect • cure. uwrentee Weed only In lI�pa 411wJloi. Artie author time agent for(I.wlerieh. tat. JOHN e' WEST "*rt, tote Tronrlrtor.. Toronto Ont. 27th, 3rd. IMh. Iah. RES not. life is sweep, , ey Ind Aare before you afil something internee and sub lime leave. behind to conquer time, pias w week in your own town 1s outfit free. No rtak. Krerything sew, I'apilat wet woolrsd. /)V. to.i"1 taming. you everything. Many are making fortune. Ladies make as much as men. and ).oys and *x0.1. make Keret par. Reader. if you want hnsinesa at which you ran make great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. lI.i.LCM .t eo. Poi -than Mal $1000 FORFEIT Raving 11oe ntmnst eonddenee in Its super larity .o er x11 other. and after thousand. of test. of the none( enmpll,- t.,1 and severer, roma yrs (mold Ond we feel justified in offJ•t- lag to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any eaa.• of rn•r4i...•nida, wore tl•r.rrt. Influenza lear.cncv. bronwlI*,'. cnnanmption in Dr earl) stage's, w hnoMng cough. and all diera.n of the threat and longs. .crept asthma. for which we only claim relief. that we eon', cure with Wear. Cough eisrup, when taken a. • nM ing to directions. Sample bottle.. 2k and 10 cents, largo• bottle.. one dollar. Genuine wrappers only In 1itne. Mull h alt drurg5Mat orient be express 4o nw'ipt of price. JOHN C. %V Y.ST It CO. M and 13 Ring street Feat. Toronto. Ont. Noll at JAR. WILOON'at Drug Store.Ooderlch lsn- Vick's Floral Maids FREZMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ars pl. tomtit to take ( onto., their own Purgative is • safe, sure. end .Iw . daeereyer '.f worms, io Children or •I,.' Far Issas to as Ploginit Saab .I US raw.,1 O.e.r d Ptm...1 wha een sod fe s.aa5a. sod swore thee recti 1115MM/.os of tete choices( Flower.. I rant. and Vegetables. a•d DI I. torr few growing I t o 1awAMme ewo.g► for the center Ishle or a Holiday Primmat. (tend on rover Hoene and Peet Omer address with ter .,-,..•, and 1 wtlf woo you s omit. pesetas Mid TRU Is no. gnart.r of its raga t 1. printed Iw Arab Itngllah and Dorman. td ae aherwardo order anal, dee set the Iasi a .da .r. alae M/ fa gibewaver! �.e ria w u. firma roil 101 bow to gat aid grow them Tb1' PIaw5 std ♦.gea.bl. aterdea. I1R ragas. t Colored Pates. Ms Rsweav1n . R1R le tents in roper covers . Ii.as la ela.as11 .kith in Asrunaa or raalleb •lot • m.rarweed Dee51y sbaptt04.. peg... • colored Plato is every somber ami ps., gee Rwgr. 1 FT• 111.11 • rim? f'er1•a for 5�MNpel.se. Number rat for boo .awe 1 trial espies Mr 8 aemna s J A BL ltd PI Roraima,.rel Y ir,. WILL CURE $!LIOUSNESA DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION. J.' UNDHCE. ERrSt, L-LA3. OR REUEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, ENE STONACM, HEARTBURN, ORtNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And eery 'poseR* of sgaas�e� arias treat dlerdred L.OWOLb ogle .1.0()OST AOK T. ■1480RN & aa, PrceiVernria,4 AGENTS Wsu.t 4. Mig ""' w' Wolk 1'nwae•nl .em paerm Capital required. Jamba I,., RCo. lea tM1 'teems. lot: i EMIR