HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 66
Che Poet (Corner,
TM Mr a 1d Tramp.
The pour old trolly.
He paddles to the dan•p.
Tb. frost sad tplcytlmaw,
les • karsales•
Rut he WWI worth a rap.
For he hasn't gut the neve, )cu Ir me,
1a the parks he'll t.Wp.
Tkis poet 014 tramp.
Hugging his ruts and his woe.
Why Is thi. thus
With the pour old cuter
Why. he bash t gut the mine. yea know.
The drys of the legs.
And the crest be begs,
Cant make Ilse heaves below.
Now If be could hot
Or operate In ',tucks.
Rut he ain't goo the nerve. )iiia know.
The poor old tramp
W•u141 like to to a -,Amp
And rob troth I..gh sod Iuw
Hot he hasn't Kut the wit,
Ana he ha-nKot ,he grit.
Anil he hasn't gut the nervy. )ou know.
11. :mail.* he d be a :.•amp.
Thi. poor till tramp.
If he on:) hail a shoes
But he hasn't gut tle wit.
Ana he hasn't got the grit.
And be hasn't gut the nerte. you kn..w.
Wbeu out goes the lamp
tit the used up tramp.
_1ud down he drone helots.
1 he vrrdt. t tome
Fruit, . lichen. in the slums.
W 1.) he t.adn"t g..; the her% e. ) uu know.'
farm ant I&arden.
For ION.
Go out behind the barn, roll up your
ileev., tuck year trousers into your
boots, and looking over your left shtu:d-
er at the poultry -house. iesulre--
That you wont allow the lawatent of
your trousers to wear the paint od the
plow beam.
That you will eat more fruit awl he
That you w.a't sell the best fruit sod
keep the Inferior for your family to sat.
That at all times you will give your
stuck plenty of pure water.
That you will pro►'i.le shelter in suui
mer and w winter.
That you will not feed with a sparing
kaud. 1
Th:.t ym will limey telly the beat
That you wdl change litter frequent-
That you will glue the hogs a chaioe to
be cleanly, and if that dun t sonic., you
will compel then, to be se
That you will provide a variety of
wholesome foot at seasonable times fur
your farm stock.
'chat you will net abuse your horses
and allow their shoulders to remain
s •re.
That you will mo( dose your levees
with all the vile tic,. to the fiendish
Ingenuity of ignorant, superstitious
quacks hes .lei used.
That you will not nuke a cow feast on
corn still.* and lephvIl um a rail fent*
for shelter, rut then wonder why .hs
does not gi%e sulk
That you will hovered &dower peetum
f •r 3 -our hugs.
1ia1 you will not Attlee cockle burrs to
spool the w.o.ol of the sheep or the trance
of the horses.
That you won't fore the swine •e
trek a gruel of tadpoles and med.
That yeti will have an early -garden.
That you will eat more vsgeta!•les Anti
pay fewer doctor's bills
'Mat you will not allow the manure
t,, accumulate in the poultry hollies aur.
iag wittier, but mix it with soil, sand a r
muck in s sheltered plea.
That you will dory 3 c!sirl rm pct••. f
knee around the. garden and yard.
That you Will have a beautiful ho:ii
--;floral New Yorker.
That you won't iaerp a worthless dot, as topes Lee1.,.
That you will be kinder it your w.fe. Jlrssra. 1'. Milburn & Co.
(amity and aagwimtuicra Dete ales, -I can huue.tty rec..m-
That you won't go m uebt. a:ruo! Hagysrd s Yellow 1)il as the boat
reliever of rheumatic pains of all the
That you will be a better fanner than many; specifics .of!•:icd fur sal., and as a
ever before. sufferer fur years I . hate-- tried every
That -yaw will Jive Letter this year kiewn remedy. I remain, respectfully
than in the past. yours, Joss TAYLOR.
That yuu will keep accounts.
2 190 Parliament lt., Toronto.
That you will _know what your family
expenses are. ]N toeless walk ifs.{ Ow ossa
Tliat yuu will knew what iia eru;i-Wtttterer tatty be said Lin regard to the
frosts, and what it bring, ia. : propensity °f the management of gest
That y.•u will be economical, but cwt Away linos to pro' tae fur the way of•
pemtriow. , accommodations and comfort. can iia .o
sea all
t. the management
That a Will take an interest in the
t d the
public t l.8'1s and the education of pear I Chtesgu•wc' Island at Pacific Railway,
children. or ask u mote familiarly known, "The
- ' Great Rock Island Route." This line
That you won t pasture the highways. has for years been recognized as the best
or allow your neighbor t • do l•i if yuu sinl• oust comf stable route betwese
urn help youtaehf• Chit go end Kansas City and the South-
; That yuu will let tiie boys and girls west, and has been abundantly able on.
hart games, go to parties, have a horse this account to suotmsefully Cope wit its
to ride, and s carriage to ride:in. ifyouu competitors. But not *Mss ed with this
can possibly afford it. success and its already elegasat eyaiplr
That you won't go .t to yuu work 'sent, its managers have caused 10 'be
swearing when the minister co .tee to call, . turned out of its shops at Chime, a
std then sit in the shame three hours to 1 tnagnitivent lite of pining Can which go
..be Bettered by the roan who gets -you to" into immediate service un'•the Kansas
vatyour tisane to what appears to es a , City Line. These tars contain all the
simple contract for the>lgency of s sickle couventences of well furnished ditalieg
grinder. but which happ,ees .to be a roams, are elegant in dedhit and finish,
isry Lute for Ono hundred do!• , and models of the advanced railway art
tan of the day. Within them meals are
That you will keep your tools in the furnished equal to those of anyfiaas
•cry when not in use: I hotel in the land at the luw rate of
will dean thus ode and hens seventy -fire cents. Travellers on this
youP Lne now find en its trains all the coin -
when done using them. ' furca and conveniences- - of tint -chum
, That you will oil the harness twice a hotels. Besides the bust of first-chu
year• coaches there are Parlor Chair Cars.
That you wilt plant only the best . which are free to all passengers holding
varieties and use only the hest imple-'through first•claas tickets, Pullman
meats., Sleeping Cars and (timing Cars.
That you will plant lets and cultivate; This C •nipoany's lines all .•f which ere
MOSS. a ivally well equipped - aso extend to
Council Wuffs and the West, and Min.That yuu will never plant Coin 'ori Despoils and �t YAu1 at.the \.•rtlt-
ground not proved? 1•rep.rbd. • wed.: and the deserved !lotion bestowed
That you will loeein work at the esrli- U',on it by returned travellers oh speak
eat possible semetal le moment. i from experience, make it noted through -
That you will cuhiyate your corn at I oft the land.
feast foot times. We bespeak for the owuera end naan-
That yob will prize the cotupxoet hasp s;ors . f this magnificent R ulwag ample
. returns for their generous provisions for
as the apple of your eye, arta not anew
it to burn its begirt out ..r the rain t•. rite wgncs ;`f the subdue, which is, u has
wash it away. I alreadybeen proven by the patronage
That you will keep the weral's in 'the ettendod 1., this line, quick t • ap re
c:ate an.) pat aim those who proved b
pence c.•rnen cut down like the profits .their Beefs and generons treatment that
Vas fled Belly's Tweeds fllaMars.
I recr.Uect another iuelatee," and the
conductor's face lost its look of indigent
ti.,n and • smile crept over it. •'us wh.ch
1 completely cured • fat, fussy old w•.-
uuan .f her efforts t.. beat her way. She
would invariably tender me either a X710
gold piece or a bill for the sane amount.
We don't veuerally catty enough change
fur such large dpuuwanattons, and it e
happened that 1 was caught half-* doaen
times, I guess she began to think she had
a eft summer's sup, and because a regu-
lar patron of my car. One day 1 tiled
myself. I literally leaded wysslf down
tot the occasion, and laughed about ,t to
;myself as often that my driver wanted t..
know if 1 thought I had meshed the
pretty girl who sat in the corner .11 a
previous tri,•. Well, at the proper corn-
er stood lay shall monument of flesh
waiting my ci•mutg. I stopped the car
with cheerful alacrity, and assisted the
old woman 011 board with such a beam-
ing euntenanio that 1 really feared 1
might give myself away. .Alter she had
fairly nettled herself I started in to col-
lect her fare. She looked up so inno-
cently at me and said : 'Rosily, I have
nothing smaller than this $20 piece' at
the mime time handing ins a shiuiog
.1.4114e -eagle. •W;e11, 1 think I can
change it for you this tris,' says 1, And
i did.
"1 reached down in a pocket whets
there was a go.el sized leather bag. ut.-
tied the string, and held it upside down
ower het lip. 'There,' I said, as the
e .stents jingled d•.wnward, 'you'll find
Fist 1.901, in that pile, 1 guess -your ex -
el chance. 1 ih " says she, 'I beluw%e I
hive a nickel in my pocket bw.k.' 'All
r:1ht : you'd better kap it, or else 111
tales it for some .•f the other fares you
ore rice.' At fiat she was deposed to
make A row, but 1 was so perfectly inde-
pendent, and the passengers were all t
laughing, that tidally she took her hand-
kerchief, mad. • sack, and tied up all
the money she could, filled her purse, ;
her pockets, and then hand a reapoctah'e i
little pile to shovel iuto\her hard -two
You may thick I int swing this, but
a man ob., works on a princely salator
Ihas no inducement to he for a few paltry
petrifies,- said the innocent •loo•king eon -
doctor. as he Jerked the bell cord and
took .•n a dude, starting the car again w
quickly as to land the misrepresentation
of humanity into the lap of a spinster
who sat iuthe farther corner.-lChicag,i
runt had farming. they are devote' i•o its comforta&ld wel-
That when you are 't.il1c1 out to work fare. .. • .
an the rads yon will go willingly and
labor as lwc. •mss rtt honest Ulan. Almost every pill contains calomel sad
That you wont plant a tree and then ' other mineral compounds. Dr. Canon's
let it die for lack of-Mtt'ntion., I Stonisch Bitten is purely vegertsble and
That u w •nt let the rabbits and takes the place of s11 other purgatives.
-Wale ti..-yruawtf'.nrhard tree4. --o-lede e
That you won't neglect to manure the
orchard as you do other crops. 1 q mete• stNeey vow.
That you will grub cut a tree as son . From the many renaarkarrle curie
as it dies and put another in its place wrought by using Mc(}regor's Speedy
thy nwltuli11fg er fall. lure fur Dyspepsia, indigestion, Coma'.
That you will, put the ashes around tion mid Affection.a the Liver. and
the ••.*.hard trees' (r•,m infinense sale 'fit without any rel•
That yolk will never plash another tree i ettlsing, we have concluded t.; place it
n lun.l nut underdnined, if it needs
extensively on the market, so that those
1 who suffer may hare a perfect cure,- 1...
That you will prune "ken n the to O. Rhynes' dru; store Mel gets trial
not aw it and Fryer the In thea W „ I bottle free, or the Taoular size at ii0 cents
K• �. , and at. a
wax or paint.
That you won't let a travelling t A Itexssa'u Ts*TIIoey. - For a
o illi a brook of w ,nderfully colored plates (tough, C..14 or any Bmnchical ffrcion.
take yr.11 in. "Pe•!totia," in my ,opiaint:, is Inst the
Tbat you will not make a male pasture , thing. I have use 1 it in my family for
t the orchard. loughs and Colds for the past foot hiss
That you will keep a register r of tl • with the most anvaried est -,-Pau, and to-
; rens you i,lsnt. day my oP1010n .1 it it that f e •n1 mite
That you will attend go, d h••rt'cult ma' to think still more of thy. which 1 boom
,ncettngs. thinking well of.
That you will make the berry path Otto. Kew, Manager rtntntie Bank,
win• as large as it is. PickerinL.
Tbnt you will cultivate the inspher- I Price?><�ents at ill druggists. w
rl... WW 1 tllewsetMl.
That you won't Int the weeds hide the A liberal reward will be ptiid to any
blackberries. party who gill nee a ase of Liver,
That you will reset the strawberry
kidney re. Strtrhat•h complaint that Mee-
That you will keep the .lead canes nut
of the currants
That you win ii a the gra` es a War
e'.yatiog trellis than the earth.
That you will send for'ap« imrns .4 all tion guaranteed or mor.er refunded
the feral Journals, care ally .- rnpare Pries. only fifty tents 'pet Ira fie F.
them, stud--+ullescril a for the t. sal. lo J. Willes. ,
l� l
TM,aaua&. say Se.
T. W. .\itkins, Girard. Kan., writes:
'I never hesitate to rec•tnmend your
Electric Bitten to my co.stomen, they
give entre satisfaction and are .rapid
sellers. Electric Bitten are the purest
and hest medic.ne known and will posi-
tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
NO family can afford to be without them
They will save hundreds of dollars in
duct.•rs bills everyry year, sold at Wets.
a bottle icy J. Wilson. (31
A Mesh Make W. as easperer.
meows eameesses.
}SON very velushle feature..) Dr. Low'.
Pleasant % Vert.. Sprue u. that it is high•
ly agreeable to take, mud .11 varieties of
worms, faire storm included, osis he safe-
ly ravelled by it, without recourse t..
harsh sod sickrorng drug*
cram: Plead LytMaleg
?(weals rte a.Ivertsane when once intro -
Owed. Kvery bottle sold sells hundred*
Of .others by doing all and more than re-
presented for Neuralgia, Toothache,
llwa•twchu, etc. 11 r nes any Iain
instantly quick w dash. Try it and you
will say it is well named Fluid 1 igh tt.
(bet a 25 cent bottle at ll. /thyme' drug
Cured Prey. *
Any reader troubled with
Cu.tiveness, Headache, Liver 4'omp int
etc.. should call at lir... Rhynes' drug
store sod secure a free trial bottle of
M,.t:reeor's Speedy Cure at owe which
till Curia ince you of the merits of lite
metiicitse. 1t curse permanently where
all other medicines have felled. As a
hh•...1 purifier it has no equal Itcwrm-
her, It costa uuthiuu to try it. Regular
sire, fifty cents aria .•nr dollar. a
%Ise repartee..aN/eree.
Mrs. Helen Pilaf via. No. 331 ihsyt.uu
St., Chicago, 111., a now in her sixty- j
eighth year, and states that she has suf-
fered with l'onaumpti..n for about tan
years, was treated by nine pliyaicians,all
of them pronouncing her cue hopeless.
She had t(i%ws up ill hope of ever recov-
ering. Seven bottles of lir. King's New
!hats very for Consumption completely
cured her. I)oubhu,l ones, please dn.
her a tratal and satisfy yourselves. fall
at .I, Wilim s drug st •le mud get A free
trial bottle. (1
Seeing is believin,. Read the trail
moutals to the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Iturens Kidney Cute, then buy a Wile
and relieve yourself of all those distree--
in� fair... Your Drugcest can tell you
all about it. Suid Iv J Wilson Go irnchl
The use of Pills, Salls,Csstor Oil, &c.,
and .other nauseous, griping Cathartic's
is unnecessary, es a pleasant substitute
as found in I». Carson's Bitters. winch
act u a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea. All druggists sell it
50 cents a bottle.
All Nervous Debidit_y,Furud_by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's }sere and !train
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug store. 2b
AO la.WIr Masted:
Con any one bring us a case of Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Battens
;tits not speedily cure 4 We say they
caun. t. as thousands of Callen already
permanently cured and who are daily re
commending Electric Bitten, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Welk Back,
..r an urinary complaint quickly cured.
1 They }verify the blond, tettu4tr the Fr.w-
els. and setj directly on the diseased
parte Every bottle guaranteed. Fur
' We at 50c. a bottle by .1. Wilson. 11):
eau abeam dared.
Extensive Premises and Sp!endid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
g..u.l aea,r11rieal of KlRiaeq Ilad rWri., 11ll•!ag ItWW aa4 I -actor rurnilure, fUCh u 1 ,
Irltss, ('dolt. shalt. ease noel wood .eate.io, ('apbuards, Ik•d elewb, Ilutrrrsa•e. ty.slb. taaa.
Lounges. ,sofa.. What -Nein. Lurking (:lames.
N. H. complete moot tweed of Coatis and Sl.nru.ts a:w ■) s ..0 hand also Hearers t. r 1.r.
et rsaruu.blr rate .
Are you troubled wits Balt Rheum,
Rough $kin, Pimples .K Canker 113ora
of so, go at once to Geo.. Rhynai Drug
( Store and get a package .1 McGregor a�
Parks s Carbolic Cerate Price 25 cents. 1
It was never known to fail b
>t beautiful star cunni. .4 Wit.- /Cory, -
tine second emperor of the nasus. ••f i;er-
t.say, away back in olden tmth.dic'.
times, eleventh ceutury tieing a. most
f holy man, and beconuin;; drain Oa to Neel
!smote snore perfect life than he c• •to:rived wa
possible in the ('iatr.etie::s .•f a court, he
fes•:gra, like many ..t1:rr Cres! l'atho
tic kings and some s torts;t, p nti foe to
leave Itis throne ant :•try hinter:: In e
monastery. 'Rep: firing secretly t • t1..
Ireligious h•,use.,f (4. Vannes. in e'er,
dun, he'.et,-ged m.itp:asi•tn as a p•stelisnt
Ahkot I.:cl.ard solemnly asfrtiit,'e 1 a:+
his moult* to chat ter. aid calling tl
royal al pliwant totem. Irian, (Ieu4Atsdt' 1 w
Y' s tons •.t authority : '.Are y u rtt.'.y to
obey to on ttitil death • '1 aur, atswei..i
iHeiry. 'And 1 herby •receive y•
c,atinutd tl.eaalibiot, 'int.. the u•.I,;b..i
of my religious. I will answer f. r the .
ealvata.e of your soul if you pr'n.ire to
NMI rap i"eiij.,in up m
'i -wean- obedience.; ante't!te.h
t g,
'Theo. rejoined the abb•tt, 'it is my
will that you resume the government of
the tierinan cmpir•• We kt.ese the
sryuel ••f tlr.s story,
tn.- lilt fere will not sgeelily erre. Bring
'loon.!, it will cost you nothing 1.r
t rne.licros ij it fails to cure, and ion
MI toe well rewsr,leol (4. your trouble
isseid.s. All Itlo.r1 diapameti. Bihmse.
sees, .Isundtcr, ('.nstipatinn, and gen. -
ral debility are eluirkly Care 1. Sehsfa. -
Pity HIE 1401.a D-Pevert
with perfect health is rather to be chose.)
than richer and dyspepsia. Try the
Magic else:t eferebtfsr 1■ Ole of Fo' t sir
e? HEALTH. --
!leve" LIN Ie.
1f you are Bufferin; with low and de
pressed spirits. loss . f appetite. general
debility, dis•nlered bla.ud. weal. c eMti-
hrton, headache, or any disease of a lnic 1
1-.ee nature. by all means 1 nicer" A mit. _
tie of Electric Bitten. Y• a will be tut SOAP. SOAP. SOAP 130AP,
priwi t•' see the mien' improvement Mat _- • _
y the inspired wtt.l
A wtmrflaag 54s
Phyaaciarr's are .-ft,:. s: it: :e.I i. ...
nutrkahle discoveries. The feet that 1st.
IKan3e New 1ul.coiety the 1'ol.sum,' t:oi..
surd all Throat owl 1.42.4 dfseea.es is.i.l:y
1"tietfr.that they tett- arI:re)
t-. •Ile. a st;',111iiii them to realize th• :.
se: ---e ..no
lis''. ..•1 rana:inr int '`..
t. . t ti[los a•iudretft:l tiled wry. t. -
. •-hit•: i:.,1. • f ur best Phl•st-
c.•• •,;• . ,t o. tl,rtr lomcticr. Trial
h :• i free at J. Wilson • lit :;. Stunt.
Regular si 1.0). 4)
Dr,W Ns
eRtNCHMS and all LUN
e 6/,1SPAof PERSAdvanced aaONee otter
Pietur.. Frames; • sperialt).- A call wlk•.Ir4.. - 1;31
Deng the Creat Central Lino..ft0,4. 10 travelers, by reason of its unr•vai°d geo-
graphical positron, the shortest and Met route between this (haat. Northeast ant
Southoast, and :tie West, Northwest and Southwest.
It is etotaly and mitten true, that Its eenneot(Ons are an of the principal lines
of road between the Atlantic and the Pa• 0C.
.w its main fine and branches it reaches Chinago, Joliet. Pearl]. Ottawa,
1.a Salle, Cenoseo, Moline and Rock island, in 111113is 1 Da.enport. Museatlne,
Washington. Keokuk, Knoe.ine. Oslwloosa. Palette' M Des Molnea, West Liberty,
10w■ City. Atlantic. Avoca, Audubon. Harlan. Outhrie Center and Counoll Stuffs,
M lows 1 Oalatln, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas Ott,, M MN.o.,4. and Leaven-
worth and Atchison in Kansas. and the hundreds of cltlei, .Ilra{es and towns
Interrnediaws. The
As it is familiarly called, offers t3 travekws an the ad.aetspa and eOrn?Orta
Incident to* smooth trae s, safe bridges, Union Depots at se connecting points.
Past tsprses Trains, immigr ted of 00MMoosous. WELL VENTILATED, MULL
latest desansd and Aawdsenoet PWC[ SLUUP1N0 CARL, and D1N1NO CARS
that ars acknowledged by press arc: people t0 be the nINEST 0.IN UPOII ANY
ROAD IN TME COUNTRY, and in wh'c4 superb.* omits are reeved to travelers at
rhe low rate of SEVENTY -PI\ al LENTS EACH.
Ni the famous
A New and Direct Line. vie tlleneca and Kankakee. has reeentiy been opened.
between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Payette.
end Council Stuffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points.
Aft ThrOuah Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains.
For more detailed Infmmenon • see Maps and Folders. which maybe °eta. sed, as
wen as Tickets, at all pine.pal Ticket Offices so the United {tat.. and Canada, or o
Vies-Pree't a Cen'I Manager, cowl T'k't A hss'r Ag"
n tE
IVE�t 111111
fret ftcadaeh, sad Mkt. a:::!. :-".` ...ncl-
dr .t to a Warm seas of t1e s start• seed u Uu-
siwe•.s, Semis. Deawri� -s, Distress Mer n:rraagg
P54. to the Sid►, C. White their wo.0 murk-'
sewerelle•tuts Mee *bow is ant one
R-adartw.yet c'arter'.f.ittle Liver Pus ore musky
s a1e1.1,le is Coast arta' find prevestrag
this ansey iag eon t..IY. Duty rotreet
ell disord',s tke s�. A Nhtwlate the It M.,
sad r ,u1 O. bereft.Les U they us:y cured
Arhs trey would beamine pnseker to Mose who
eaR v frons the distresses complaint L. Liu foot
aster tele gsadssssetass cwt fed ken. and t Mose
who ewe try these will Sad Uwe little olio r a4. -
able la se ataag ways Ikat tkey w 111 sot be warm(
Milo 'tithed tbee. but after all f4k h•.4
is the base of rte many lives that her. • u here we
make our' peat bout. Oar films cur- it •trout--
uth.-ra do sot.
r arter'a Lathe Lvov P111s s. tmey • tie
very easy to take Ose or two pills ma. a dant
They aro strictly vegetable sad do ant gr'• of
porge, bat btheir gentle action plea all
so thew. lie .els at 13 sesta: II we her 1. flat/
by druggists everywhere, or *sat y sada
New 'Perk Oita.
Ise eriO3TL-f. attl• CYrT .rid
A.d a!t +' , IIKST bn. to ,a.
Poluts Is 1•.wsT•p-as- :wv1
xeLrastsNl.aourf,Csa-,jl �, 1os. ... Gel -
Ms. New Metfeo, Srftoas �J
too. sad Tena*
11 C, G2r CIO
`kis newt. w ...sy,•n.r r .. %chit
Le* iriarepwis time M. Peel
�.tlnna'- •rid s
t-• ^.e ,•e. direst
Culverts, =
y e.raetted to
be the east.�.Ippe�
tblhltait�tir *' P.4 I fe•
.:t *lasses of bevel.
Tickets 1 1a r h
ce:ebrsted Luse
sae ,u •1 ewers
the t•A.
A14 cosset -.loss made
la tot
De pia
and yaw MO
aW rr1r..iag a
:..tart. morel
•.1 1 dls•
• .sleds
sheet RM. - •-1
Far . eta r epos. -
etr I •4,,.+Kn t • -
t 1 POTTER. I 4., .. 4 otesu.
as 1i.. r.-.,•r.I re.. . Wu.,•,;e• •• • flirt
Lhleac•..3.1. • -o - •lir
will 1•.11.'w : .w oil i . 1
life: strength and activity will return ;
in and misery will trade, and /flosses- 1
forth you will rej.ace in tfie praise .d'
Electric Beton Sold at 01 touts a'
bottle by .1. Wilsrm. (R�
l Odessa.Ia all tsawhlad,
it these time. when •cur news, alts
are flooded with patent niedtcin, adrrr-
tisfnteMa, it is gratifying t•• kn. w a hat
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11 yaw are l.ilions, 41..41 . tit of .order,
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They are a hlesssng to all mankind, and
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• I 'ante e• m*n•th.•inrd hr the
r.. nnnm) w..%p f'nmpawy, °f
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• Amine. timere and Italy.
Ittennf*e'nred to Canada only by
o The Huron Soap Co y
90411P. SOAP. SOAP. 80AP.
lieisrkh. Peel. 11. treo. 1fiR
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Torono, Oat
►o• B. Jonxitros,
Ticket Agent, (ioliereh
Send Mx ceets for wow.
sad receive tree. a m fly bas
goods which will help yon
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Says Dryden
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