HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 5risk. HURON b1G\AL F1UbAY, 1'x.13. s, I&4 rVH L' (.'.1'. R. (' R A B. ' lb o (..,t eruuwnt is being lea, int..trap, which *ill meddle Ilio c..uou y .11 (' It overt tact h.0 and taunngt ul.a•u.rs 1. 1 ,„:a•I.e. alIt.., . 1.1 wiser. An Independent View a the Question. Tremolo, she ieveeeaaere a life .ad MA Talus few She yteaggle -,tale Osamerl ralm MS s ''slew -a duple rise, of Jes.'rr,. 'tomato \ews.II.drpoabatk (!it kuiv, of the (Inman.. Howie of C..utnu,tts open your alma. n..a, take a blue pencil and uurk a few dates which appear in Kar John A. )I'.duuald's re- solutions re,(arding the C. 1'. 1t_ syn- dicate and the prep.•aed "luau" of 129,- 500,000. Thi. "Joao ' is to be repaid un or be- fore May 1st, 18111. The /7,380,912 tobs'dopesited by the eyed:cats ss part of the security oa which the (toter -,,t based iiauaran- tee of 3 per oent. un $65000,000 C. P. R stuck, falls duo November 7th, 1888, *1,853,912 of this sum Is due to -div, but the government prepares to extend the time w Noyem `ler, 1888. Sir John asks thew ounoess. ns, ac- cording to his resolutions, so that "the L.,,,,;^any be enabled to opse the tris !tom so to 61a by the opting uI 1836." Now let w look haw the llovernment's accounts, pet agreement with the syndi- tate, will stand "in the spring of 1886" if the road be opened frown "sea to sea," as isea promd the "loan" be granted. 1. Tbe original cash subsidy of $76,- ()00,000 will have bio paid to the syn- dicate. 2. The "loan" . $32,500,000 will have been paid to the syndicate, and it will be siva years before it is due. 3. The 25,000,000 acres of land will have been handed over to the syndicate subject to clause 5. 4. The $30,000,000 worth of read built hy the Government will have been hended over to the syndicate. 6, The 117 ,380,912 due the Govern- ment for guaranteeing the 3 per sent. will stall be in the hands of she .vndi- i rate, r 7th two yeah to run. Thi. o.akos a total ..f $84,880,912 of cash subs -des and leans (the unpaid :mar - miter rrcurity cite be cousidertd in viol other Watt except that of a loan,. Besides the above advances iu cash, clause 5 of the resolution leaves us in doubt whether the Government will re- tain the lands granted the syndicate or the proceeds of, their ale. it is left op- tional with the Government, and so far nothing the Ministry dare rive, or coca 'rive, the syndicate has been withheld. This leaves the possibility of $50,000,- 1100 over and above the land grant bonds being realised to the syndioate if their land is worth $3 per acre, and the Gov- ernment tees fit t-. permit of their dis- posal. i ., tt 'G7t7 For the asrancea, am..unting to $30,- 000,000, the Government holds as se- 4unty a it...rttrar, "en the entire proper- ty .-f the company. real and personal.' 1The syo-licate is miter u.terest on this .t the rate of nearly a million and a hall dollars per annum. The r..ad satin .t he worked ata profit. The Got eminent recognised this when thea 'made -&he syndicate dented $,,000,- 000 am security that the line would be operated for teu year'. Remember it i. 1881:. The rad is finished. The syndicate is deciding whether they will work the road or throw up the contract. The arguments pre and eon are as follows : When we Ker the $90.000,000 debt paid in 1891 we will have what lands re. main unsold free from Government charge', end we will own the road. If we complete the contract at the ellnlratirm of ten yearn we will get ung $5.000,000 worth of land grant hunds re- leased. On the other hand, if we throw up the whole thing we will not have to pay the Government the $30,000,000 we ow. them. 4, We will not have to pa nearly 11,- 500,000 annual interest on this debt. We will not have to work a line which will lose millions of dollars a year for years to comae We can pocket what margin there is left us from the sale of capital stock and Government advauess, and say we can t operate the line. We can show the Government that we will be ahead 130,000,000 cash, together with the annual loss of operating the road, and nearly $1,5110,000 interest for two years, and $1,146,000 for thaw years louver, if we throw up the sponge. 'then the Government will have to give us a further advance or they will get the whole thing thrown upon their hands. Thie would he adissetrooa mesa for the 4inverntse.l: for it is (ise spring r►( INC and a general election is coming on. There is not the slightest doubt het that in the rejoicings over the °Ample- titm of the mad Parliament, the sates Mirvile Parliament that is now in sewinn at t ottani', will either grant further con- cession. and a great campaign fund he provided to boom the Tories into a re- newed 1e.a.e of power, or else the syndi- cate will be premised an entire gift of the wh...e loan if the (lnvernment is sus- tained. Before granting the "leen" to the ayndieate, lee these facts be impressed on the minds of the members of the House '•f Commons: Every dollar of a bun granted to the 1' P. R. payable after 1886, when the read is to he eomple ed, is a bonoti t., the syndicate not to operate the natl. The proposed loan and e:tensirte as the time Hf paying rhe deposit ea the t 1i.rante.e is an inducement to the natant of $35,000,000 (loans and interest) for the rowans to ynit workine the roach rafnre the 7th .4 Nnremher. 1►N8- -the time when 112,863,912 .f the dole 84- r..rn.s dna. The leans and interest. not indenting .•tneet.icl loss in nr,ernting. ...Hunt to X17,500.000 before 18111, and thee the inducement to quit operating the rad is irothat .mr.,,.t, for the 81.00O.noo er he Rained by working the road for ten veer. will n..t rev the hem of the midi - tonna! fotir years .4 operation,.nd Ihearth fore creed not be een.idors.s This, n1 tws.yio, i. Sol an elk, native review of the satiation in 1Afltl. in the *rent of the completing of the rand. Ant ft is as lain •t be eidIuI nay M wigs.' A joyous partsof young hearts from Benailler, Dunlop, toolunt slut our own burg made the rafter nue with merry laughter au the h.spitable house ..f Mr. Joseph Moray, en FnJay eco Singing, duiciu2 end other amusements were iudul,ted to, end all present rotted OW host and hinter among the boot .4 eetertawera A game of J •a he 'wren 1).0 l..``, soul l;.rbraid was lruuly eo»t..I,,d. Dunlop esu reprvwute.l by Joe Mt, weed, anti the host championed Gerbraul. Each wet eii .parted by per- inea, tlarbrunl w. a two out of three games, and was awarded the palm I..deMets Merle ere. Dominica. Yob 7, 1111. Wlesat, �t Pattp�i H�, busk........... •.. N • $i i• htrttsat. tier l t► htsh.z�.,.., 1 IS • 1 11 !lour. •Darrel. M too . kwe►... 1i Pas. buk .................. 9 � M : M Ts Barley. • hash s e e s 1 M •• Potatoes • bar'! saw .. .. • N • e at Hay, i ss.... 7 N • 0 0 Better• • 1.... MILD.dos. Iti�iiiLiil : :: s If w 0 0 �fi p� ....u. 1 11 to 11 fief` ,'•u .; t torn e es or i •70 ete w o feel .... ........... 0 -' 170 )se tM Ides s.. s so " 0 00 oto Ifs 600 610 It AT THE CASH STOKE THERE IS CHEAP Crockery & Glassware, ii 00 a S. Lamps, 8tc. WARRANTED. The Canadian Paoific Co. $ C O L BORNE LAND REC3ZTL♦ TIOlsT8 The t o -at pe slur taaAs from the tt.u.y 8aM ►lawtt She M1. tins► and is tiwtiero BROTH E R S 5..41.., at peke* rtteginS arca $2.50 PRA ACRE upwards, will. . , ,.titles,.rowstring cuitt.atr,.a A rebate for .alit. e.nse .1 from 111.0 M thILS0 p. ' , rel a wnl..4; W I.ri .arid fur the land. &lowed on renal.oiaditlJae The cuckoo", a: . ...i I,.:'.. ..hoer .,....lntunaof settievrnt or cultivation. THE RESERVED S/Y'T (t) S along the Yate Line, i. r., the us d numbered lteet•one within tree a.k•'.1 Ike Italia a), our now *Serial for sale on a4 eul.,euus trans, to parties prrMr'd to u:4vrtakr t!,r.r lammed' ale rultr..tlon. TERMS OF PAYMENT : I'uroba.en ala pay one-sixth to rash, sad the Meaner he ere .tm,u.,1 ins a'u:ents, with imitates' at 81X PER t'11011T, per annua. sayable asmivarc Portia pure6n.iur wltkeut twndhiuos or 4.alt.rseiin, will receive a bier:.. C'unvvf &nee at tine of purchase. It pyse.t is made la NIL Payments may be nab la LAND tatANT HO) Ln4. whrh will. ei•repiert at 1.-n err trwe. pronouns on their par value and accrued interest. nen, /hulas. u b,- obta:..,t: t,o sp. pUeatloo .t the Bask to Montreal. Mtrartml - w at au or its ag.acies. run PRICES sad c'Ul,DITIIONIi Olt SALKt and atl laturtuadoo with respect w 51., 4.11f - dime of Land*, apply to JOHN M. Mcai.d TATIeit. Laud l' nruwer, %ru ntipst. lty eider Huard.efthe uard. l'HARLE1!MIN b: ATiat, �..i .u•. 1.127-3.n - _ OLERING SALE Stoves, 1 �.i. W GYi .�.►7 151a.tedi. �TtiTa�l.re, ria.xiCST GOC arz, Wall Paper, Teweller-sr.. (Close Cuts fbr Cash Pri 3es. - -. SA U J DE:E 0 T %Vest Street, next thaw to the I'•• -•Ga r ' T Canned A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CAN NED,GOO DS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call! H. OLD THE (IRO('E•:li, The Square, Jan. 3. lest. t.ioderich. 924 PROF. I. J. DEOALLE8, Who .i now Teigl ill-„ be MI tie Towns la 0a leets. wt gen as AI: ADRMY at VICTORIA HALL, GODEAICH, 'Monday, Jan. 14, 1884 rem DANCING, SWEEDISH MOVEMENTS, PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, ENTERING AIiD LEAVING A Room, SITTING STANDING, WALKING, BOWING, PRESE' T i N' . ET• '. Every Monday, 4 & 7:30 p.m, Tamil -SLIPS f.r a raakt.nente lD masa and 1 Sww.l mettle.. Iadleq 03.0, All parti. ,ilar« o: tali .c.l rat tl r .A 'bion Ilulel l:odrrirh. Jan. Ii.$L. ire IfIre AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. 17o other ecmplwsta are to iseidloes In their eh leek as tkoes stieetly IM throat and Image : sow so trilled with by the majority of enterer. TM ordinary sough or sold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or saegwdose esp0ure, is sites but the beginning of a fatal sickness. ATM's (:scut P&rtt111.AL hen wenn proven its eSwry lea tarty years• light wit8 throat and lung diseases, sad should be takes Is all eases without delay. A ?m001. Ocwan Coved. " Is 1551 i took p tsverebad terriblen�esoMd,',bleb¢*flleeeeted nay � rigid wlthost sleep. 0. 40eoors pea ase up. 1 tried A!u'S Cwssiv PeirTo.AL. which relieved my lungs, holeeed sleep, and afforded ass Me rest .tssmry for therm -every of m7 et by the continued me M the Pict -TORS Laps . meet cure wee .ffeeemd. I amt sow 0 years W4, tta.4 hearty, sed am satisfied your ('nate rrl.Atave4 me. no. Ars rataaaoT.ss." aee►lyaass, Vt.. July too, lass. Creep. - ♦ ittetheee TrtNes. "While la the mentry mat y ntoor little boy,, three Teat* old, was tares � � m 1*tics. seemed w tit he meld die from ,trsw�. u Om of the family w•gemed the w of AT's Camay P.rro.Ah a bottle of whets was al- ways kept Is taw hews. This was tried is sewn and fregsewt Ansa, sod to oar delight to Mathes batt an boar abs little patient was breathing ad. 117 The An.u,r sad that the Cpl sane ParToa3l. had ....,I sty dada re life. Caa yoe wosOur rat ear gratitude? floiserwl yaws. O.tiwRT.' 110 Woo I1elk il. •w Tewb, May tt, Mie. " I Ie.. mad Armee Casa*T Pi(TO.A L is aq fondly for 'Orfila years, sad es acs hesi,t�a,t.e. roughs perosou ee ns P w rem ab1.ffeetaedy for Boughs anNagswithers. over tried. A..5. CSAss. lake Vrystal, Mie., Nardi 13. 1101. .,1 wffered toe eight yen from RrenrNtb sad site. t.erjleg many.sdlie wnF no 1' wail .rued By tie mesad aura's Cerise cion a .10601P11L.10601P11•leer.." 0y1000, Aprt15. u«e. „ 1 esensA rilneee he puha of Area's Casae PacereksL. M1Mvlwg se 1 the Dist but IM its ..gy�mm 1 samasd ley d -.e. b.,. Algid tram Imp lrt..Msa E. 0Lonos." I'almlbee, Tessa. April 0, IOC. N. else• etas .ffastioe of the threat or nap swift, wW 1 manna be pw*t1y re1N►•d by the Me et ATI.'► Casae receosAL, mad It Mil Maw sem Asa the Amen r silt a0rsdf beye.fl the .1.0et of weeNdaa. ►.!19.1.0 .y Or. J. C. Ayer 1 Co., Lowell, Meme •cl: by all DrtagMr. Chicken 2 tb Tins, Pigs Feet " (corn Beef " ' Tongrue. " " Mackerel (in Tolnatoe sauce.) Salmon (extra quality,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sarilines (French), Peaches (American), Blueberries, 4, Tomatoes, 3 Its* tins, -.Green Peas (French', Green Beans, '• Green Corn (American), French Mushroom, Potted Chichen, Ham k Tongue. �luwtard and Ginger is 1 lb }argil, CHAS A. NAIRN. S ivare, God inch. •Ian. 23. 1814. 1 a uo TO 1(;HT-'s FOR A SHAVE, HAIR(ITT, SHAMPOO, OR 1)YE. TWODOORS MAST or P.0 13111:y XMAS GOOD$ --XMA .S GOODS AT THE MEDIC .L H13 11.1.,_ J oven. n Ores., consu-to• .. i -- I .. . .Li I'I -, . ARE: GIVING CREAT BARGAINS - IN Ladies Jackets, J ; Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Overcoatings, And Tweeds. Colborne Brothers. New MantIiJIoths A CFresi,t 'Bargain at J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Colored Velveteens IN BROWN. 1;L!"E SLATE AND STRAW'bERR%',-- aT _ J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Wanted to be Known I E. OFFER THE FoLLOWIPO DEOJDED BARGAINS THAT Ynl' CAN GET CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOBACCO, CIGARS, 4c Demean, and Foreign emits. Oysters of t he Best Brands. Fresh and "limbed Salt Water Fish in season, A full assortment of W kinds of Nuts. esseen nerved 1. [very Style Ree.lrsd. I('E ('RRL.4M?4 fN-Yee.n►A-. Floral Desisns. Wreaths. (tremae., Bouquets. rte., made to order. Pl.werlse Mums 4.r.tlettahles 1. wow.. -AT- �. BINGHAM'S RIE9Tal.1:71721iNT, Cent House Square, l.oderith, net Bre. 11. 1.83. Mash IN THE TOWN OP OOI►F.ItlrH. I. A Corner Lim INo. la on N-cet street, clog• in the square, r,7aa•M. 2. Lot 10, ear the Park, t ery pleasant sit- u*tion. with view of lake. eoneprising suh- atantially built 1 story brick house. with stable. fruit trees. S.•.. thS.eer.M. 3. Three Fast street. with half n aced. on beanow "leder rent at 4100.00 a t ear, Se.0M.M. 1. Lot on tank of River. near the station. i *70.M. The.. properties era• 1I really wont. aii,tnboutyveeeb 1m:otah•mosd are„ttbmruftnrbrsodn10•lt.w priers. .Apply to SEAGEIt Barri acre. t;oderich. 1 Ooderich, wept. tab. Ifl1s. IetLtr Now is the time to Subscribe for Dried Grasses and Evcx ' stir f- Fillowarerz The Signal ---Only $1.50 a year. In Boquets and Hang::ig A Choice Lot of Hyaeint}, anti other Flower TWA*. t •• hen. in bud in Hyacinth (ilasev), very ental;. Star S�_;u� �': •ri1{tl Alae s fupline of-rar•.y.at.; a..4 TOILET ARTICLES AND ;IEQUISIT-c. Choice Perfumery of all kinds, E3ottled ..r in hulk. F./at"emit Bottles. etc.. etc. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Dry. gist. MEDICAL HALL, t3'.)L J✓RICf3_ FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MIS S CERA 3 MILLINER, C+OD:a RICH. MY FAiL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED. and all the Leading Styles are ('an•fnlly Stmlie•,I. An Inspection is Respectfully Invited - JOHN A. NAFTEL, Cheap Hardware Emporium. =02.1.06.G.'37 Ci -00(5.0- e Chicago House, 0-0E'ER.ICH. The Le. ding Millinery Establishment of the County, PLUSH itlltl►;. VELVET`, i PLUMES, KIBB1►N8, i LACES Tile Ingest anal Item Assorted stock in the County to Meese P .oft, a$ Miss 'W" 's, Chicago wase. l:ttern•-h. Nov. Wb.INtl. 1A11 - M 1 11 �lla�rd Vale, ALL0A044,a,Welland Vale, Burrell's, e � Simpson Me ` and thSimpsoni 4.i��. � �C� .Simpson Axe. PULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS %IAN( F.tt'Tt'R1:15 Jay R. H. SMITH & CO. Socce.n.r to J. F'1.1NT - - Aiee-- ILPLE LEAF LANCE, _ "-M� C3 s I'receizts" Head Quarters for Steel Barb Pence Witt) GI'TLERY, Special Lines, CARVERS 1s FORKS, New Style's, H: AL CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS (W Ill)\\'ARE CARVERS k FORKS, French Cook, CARVERS k FORKS, Ovine, BREAD PLATES k KNIVES• p'COI11E AND SEE F(►R Y(►I'Rf4ELF. POCKET KNIVES k RAZORS, Excellent Valne. BUTTER DISHES k KNIVES, SiLVER ('RITET STANDS. D w mo PLATED KNIVES, FORKS k SPOONS, )NS, *�.l NEVADA SILVER FORKS k SPOONS, the name' throughout. MCKENZ.IE' CHILDREN S SETS OF THREE k•• (aIL1REN'8 KNIVEiS k FORKff.l v7l9Q&P x.&RDwws3 Iflw)"4e01t10, BOYS' SLEIGHS, A(71F. RICA TER. !! COURT HOUSE M(li'ARE, - . --- QdpQgCI, ONTARIO. :ems,,•. Eke., Etc, Etc. 01•01r, Utah 111111.