HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 4pillremelwamieninnsio
very hies; . N Met
at Weir ll�se,�es'talet
of tL. ee tries
AMI MWeepailybpil le all parts or sae sv»usd
eg soarer f w tie earl trot awls sad era, a�
lag gwsietal eiselsslun it hos s tamer, renis
es mesa any Mbar newspaper in this pan ul
the .ouat rya d . V one of tbe rai seal. seamiest
and row relishesournals la Oaearts
•••ae• as it dose, the fore-eotirfesseattale
sad bang a atditmr to the above, a ems-a•las.
Wally sad Orsu da• paper it V iisrebre a
meet desirable arf..rtbfae awdiuer.
Tiara -Si MI in advance postage p,...&e
a ubll.hers. Ilt.Ts, Id `Were Mx weenth.
41. tt set so pale. Th7s rule win be Marne
KATia OF Anvr =lgbt (-eats pe
L .for Orel laser los; rents or line fee
hsubseemenl Iesertiea. early.lulf yearly
Quarterly c oatratm es redwood rates.
Jos l'eguTlev.- W. bole alms era class
Jobbing depart 'tient la ooaseetton. mut pewee.
ape for uwst complete set -/t sed brat fa/''tilos
Or turning out work in Oedema. prepared
to do business in that Wield Plass that calm a
be beaten, and of • Quality that cannot be
s recessed.- Teresa Cask
FRIDAY, TER. 8111. 1864.
amemeawsr ...e tier. .
''tut Twwb stoning One tilt A ori
AdMae io.: e•naunent nn the mwKnlfiuut I
(c,MIf A'ING VOWNOPF1('sa. , 'hs aeoslollt of tite burning el
A motion was ltruesgl.t 1 •reard by llltailoal tae -palace e.unds wo,derfolly
Meears. Elliott arld Nid,ula.u, at th. like a Mad editor,' on Mowat. Like
last useetiag of the town leaned, which Mowed, it won't go, .I1k.u.h it will du
we du ,..t a;•pn•v. sit. It a• sought bro euIv. the House before h• do..,
the r•esulutiuu referred tont) amino* the
p.eithoas of street impactor, assessor and
collector, so that the tilling et the throe
came by else individual will effect a
saving to the neer. Tu our 'Mud, it
would be quite puesible to ratites.e the
pautiuu .1 adlector with that of one of
the aeseesun, best whose • tau could be
found posssssed of the necessary geali6•
rehtiuns for the suotateful accomplish -
meat of the three i.usiuow-.tryst a.-
•pector, Rammer and ce'lector - at a
small salary, is Ino,ree than we can say at
the present writing. The no.ver and
seconder of the resolution are men of
fair parts, acd average well alongside of
.•titer men ; yet we do not hesitate to
say that neither one of then' la qualified '
to tale the triune office. The commit -1
tee to which the Matter was reform/ are
in favor of the combining of the offices,
but we will make bold to state with re
geed to the members of the committee
that no man of them is qualified to
efficiently discharge the duties of the
combined offices - and to so saying we
are not disparaging by any means the
abilities of any ,.1 the members. I'nder
such circumstance we de not hesitate to
'tate that the cheese•'srino relics &dcq-
tated by Mr. Elliott and the committee
to which the motion was r•!o%rred will. it
tarried out, be an injury to the town.
are other wars of eewaouiising
with.•ut imparing the effic.ent working
1 of public officials by imposing too many
denier upon them, amt we hops to see
Idle ''penny a:se and pound foojiah"
ANCl'T T110.PIE •• !.ANT IV( ►HIPS."
Uur lard contemporary last week pub-
lished rduetially ,n article which it was i
pleased t.. call, "A I'arting word on the
Treasurership,' and endeavored therein
to misrepresent the position takeu by
Tutt Sw6AL an rear 1 to the illegal at-
tempt 4• dismiss Hon. A. M. Rows front
the county treasurership by the mori-
bund council t f 1883 at the December
Meeting. It will require a large number
of "last word* for our c..t:temperary tt,
establish its contention.
!\'hat we have stat..' all along, and
what we still adhere to u
1 That the action of the county
council of ISM .n attempting to dismiss
Hun Mr. Koss at the December meet-
ing was illus'.
Mr. teams*, the loyal adviser ret the
manly crona hears us out in that cs i-
"A Vona Iron Hut•., ' sends the hid -
WC mg comment upon the Mos p..eterter :
la HLleani'. day 't was t►ei�hht• a freak
(Al nature ear se ass le ai
yoltry of silt• town choes•parers thrown
out by the eountal at its nett meeting.
.2•• That the then who Voted to east
1.Y_IT S
dishonor upon an ofd an I faithful public "STE.41. - _ -
servant, without c..::se. should be taught' The drraand'by the C. P. R. Fyadi-
a salutary lesson. tear for :• loan' 44 S22,600,009. in sd-
The pe-plu tel.* w cwt in that poo :..: option to the vast sums already banded
by }.a, anti bene six out of the s.x t•••.:, ''ver to that insatiate company, is.•ough
tnent.ers wM. levee an the pore.•h shoe ..t•. taake all thoughtful and patriotic men
ink of January.
conudrr. Where is it Ring to d
t3) That Hon. A. M. Rue to( -.,hid 6i. We all temelaber that whoa the
Liberal 'press and the Liberal leaden in
allowed the .pot,. liege of rraigt.ine, its art : th1 C'u one ,tueetioned the financiallu
b000rable anoer at the Januar- meet- '
tng, and should receive the Thanks .,{;state•'eras'.1 the company at itsnice. ptiltn,
the council for hie faithful ssrvia'ea far the Premier of the Dominion said. and
the pest quarter of a century. the Tory press sawed end again,
in this we were ale. borne out by the that the Syndiate wwasa concern. with
mtlli.,.ital nieatu Where has the muney
saloon of the council who not only ac- ‘oris
corded their .4d treasurer the privilege 7'heerndiategobbled up the C.V R..
of retiring at the time when it best suit -
him; but Alward unanimously the foga- the T. G. & B., fru it esu wealthy. It
owing eul.'Riatic tilut.on planned or grabbed at other branches,
far it was wealthy. The sec .red syndi-
Moved by Mr. Tbompson. that ticaps. it. b thanks of his rouncill he • ate offered to put rep a tut of cash as
tendered to Hon. A. M. Rao ter no. ..hl.wad 'security for bnildinee the read, but it
,Iatlsfactory manner is, w bi(-h brims discharg-
rd the duties of treasurer d..rine hu long was declared to be poor while the Gov-
-term of Dace, mad aim that we extend our !
.on4rstelations to hiss lathe new and higher erttmeut Syndicate was wealthy.
mace which he is now called to ell as treasu-
rer of the Province of ltntario-('arried.
Thus ter every ac.,ntention of ours oomes, an impudent Lezesr. demanding
apainat the wrongtul appointment of Mr.
Holmes by the coPuby council of 1883 I mosey. 1t must have it, for the Govern-
ment is in its power. The Syndicate is
has ben confirmed • by the crests that not gong to lose money. The presi•
i dem could not afford to sell out the
fstaewed. A. far hack u'Dee 41st, we' $600 (i.0(► palace he built with the peo-
etated tbat Mr. Halm, was stet ttw•wtsr- � plus rene'v'e} handed him by the Tory
er by virtue of his apliointmmt by tie
oomnsil rat I8f13, etsd could not take li House of Cummins.
charge of the treasurers office until he l The Syndicate agreed t.. build the
was duly sleeted to the mattes by th. i road for rhat was thought by fair judges
comity council of 1884. This statement
was als., bprne out by the action sit tM
council at tbe January meeting. •
Now that Mr. Hoehn.s has received
the appointment, however. we purpose
giving fun a fair trial, and bop" that
hu conduct of tbe yip will be more
honorable than the ,'mass to which bei
resorted to get the position.
As t" the advice of nut contemporary
concerning; the ,runner in which we,
shouldtreat the new incumbent, we
would just state that we have had the
Th.i h.v. M r a U/swt asst rrU,.
TN. Loudon Adwrfiwr cleverly quotes
the leader of the Opp.sitiuu against him-
self : "We cannot suppress bribery by
were legislation, tut must .levees the
people," declares Mr. Meredith. • •
• • • •That declaratto, Is ti.. at rung,'
protested Mr. Weeks. "That's all
right," responded Mr. Meredith, "you
sign it, and I will see you through.'
Tun Chisage later -(Dawn says the
ground h..g is a better weather prophet
than'-,uuur, A kraal poet this week
give ear readers the resu:: 'of the ani-
mal's experlenne on l'andletuas Day,
1884. it is a weather pn'phecy in
rhyme, the ground hog furnishing the
prophecy and the pet the rhyme. The
latter modestly desires us not to give his
to be an exorbitant price. They have
spent vast sums on princely private resi-
dences, buying up other roads etc.. and
now come to the Commons for more
money. The Government should deal
with them nn business terms.
If this vast sum of money is ••paned."
w• can saver enforce payment unless by
taking the road. If the road doe. ant
pay the 1lyndinfe it will n..t pay the
..ea/The talk about hurrying forward the
building of the road Is a blind. The
company want cash. They must hent
acquaintance 44 'that gemieman{ernenr_- the "loan." And it Is likely the tint of
ly eleven years. and baying rubbed his many lana
fur bot'! way.. don'ts need any advice if they annot build the line as they
upon the sul.lect from the editor of the first agreed 10 do, let them step aside,
alar, who naw. a t.otal'stranger to the forfeit their costly possessions. and let
Dna tre.ity _, a.jt, w months . and laud beat/a/NV take up the
ap" I work.
When we want to adopt *new cele of we atio.„d the timely warning l.f a
journalistic ethics we sill not take pat- cot.te.up•,rary : --
tern in•w sheaf.,,. Again, we ask the House of Commune
t.. remember that it is stultifying itself
when it holds a bond of $5,000,000 from
the Syndicate that the nail shall be
epeatd for ten years, tw then turn
around and place the Syndicate in a
position where it would le 537,500,000
better off by throwing up the contact as
seen as it has posserainn 4.1 all the land,
sets si.ties, and loans, which will be on
the completion of the w .rk. In this way
the L'tla'Ice .1 8�t2 6110,000 stand* as an
in•Ince:rent t.. the company for the
1. • r •...,tent .d the work as soot as the
last a lend.
Sig McNeal. CAITwatoUT has 1itei
notice that on Thursday nest he will
mane • ree.,luti ata to the effect that the
bine to the Excha•1:e hank was made at
• bier when tlrit Li•ttt *that esu ember -
meted, le the Finance Ministers know•
l.d,i. and :!eat it was mespwediett. inas-
rauch es it eh wl.l not !ave been *drape.
ad ape the security of a member oil the
Tat leader of the Ontario opposition
may feel grateful that
Quebec, if we accept the
the Ottawa F,:e Pres,
has come out solid u
usurpation. Lt
the Address he defended the Dominion
usurpation in the matter .4 provincial
railways. He even suggested • new piece
of Dominitm aggression by proposing
that tbe board of health should ; taken
In charge by the federal gerernntent.
Were a party leader t•. act that way its
Quebec he would les pelted with rotten
�'. 1a. i.7 ( 1 • A-11('11 EV..
Ta►. T.a.aet.• '• u•.v., esu one of
those indepei..:e•.t' yap.ets that squinted
violently its '.a •.r...t: h •1 the N. I'.
and ;ere 11.e t.u•.ti •fits T•ly editor
genie. 4 i,.pi. g 1... : i.:r donees from its
cid truing of tat. o mre•rcial •'b■.m'
°wing to tL io.+....�« nixie. it is mow
backing down glee -fully ran the N. i'.
puestt.na. Hear it :
hatevtr news the pr.ltticlaha mat
have about the a.untty a itresterlty, awl
however conflicting these Brea as they
happen to he these of Reformers and
Cratsservatives, tn.•y bra iso pen.,u can
misinterpret the meeetene of the smile
kitobees which are l.eie 8 set in
eeriness cities in the province uphen
everybody has plenty .•f work to .o and
wags@ are forthcoming. there is mo need
of soup hasher). (tat :at present wruk
ler the labourtng men 1e sot plentiful.
not wares r•e�. 111 5..11,4* d..'s. •4
labour matters are arty dull. and tkoue
isas been s red.wtion ill the r*teof wage?
Perhaps the eta -sato. which is shoal
approaching. way roe A ratite! of all
lands of trade, b.k .e most too admitted
that the outlook at preset.* is not a pair -
titularly cheerful en., sad dee fart that
seep kitchens have again b.e.,*. neces-
sary harmonuea but poorly with the
en.e coloured views given espeemiuq 10
by ap.etle..1 the N. P."
Tus O1tawd Fret Press says "it ap.
pears b. be accepted u a tlnaiety that
this is Kir Charles Topper's last session.
Nothing, It is said, will oreroorne hie de-
termination t.. retire from the minter,
in the apring.
he la not in
fallowing from
"Mr. Meredith
an advocate of
speech of Mr. Make ia'•reply t.. Kir
Charles 'Tupper", plus /..r the l'1- 1' R. aMpalla to the Ontario 0
+aatb00,00u grab "Mr. Bolo's spi b + )(lout w Cali
was • masterpiece. 1t was replete with f ..• ,_.....: , i MI`.�.�
goal natured sarcasm, and no is) la. pals I
of it can do it )ostler. as without but his , way ss TeeN. nee; M
s�ernesw 1 Mt 4a.t wet f.
own words:eau convey a lair tw,prwra,n Moines.
of hie able reply t, Kir Charles Tolliver,
which was made under very daub -sats 1 ILe first diruiou of the view
every/ eel,
ov'e'n- - -
IIM@ewls sea sees
r t \r Oar
Ps Mae; of W st Sumc•,e, c..nyuls-
ed the Local House the other night when
he gave�an account of the trickery of the
Dominion Government its c onnectioa
with the proposed Barrie post -educe.
He said that just before the Dominion
elections, elaborate plans of the new
building were displayed in a big window.
The Conservatives won, and then the
-plana were taken lnwn, and hold in re-
serve to d,. auty at the Provincial else -
ti •n. When that came ea, they were
swain run up. He Mfr. Phelps was
elected. sod down they went. He wastu
ueat.d, and again they went up, slot
not only that, but they began diving
foundations for the new imst-office. He
was re-elected. The plans went down,
and the diving was abandoned. The
Tories worked this public works dodge
with more success in Kent.
taw circus ata/tem Tupper, duties
a I L g ialature tuck place tea Tuesday eight,
the delivery ..l los .pose, i, app.ure.l to
be very tatl.tued. Thu I. rNto:thing uli-
uswl with him. H. air, L.•kl l very ; the hendeou•e majunty I 1 12, ba»ldre
the Speaker. Tbe ours.' resented coir
vilify the l;overulueut war watslnie.l Ly
unhappy while listening to Mate.
Tants is mischief afloat in the !■•lite
cal world of Canada in the days that are
now apes us. It is always a sure sign
that the T. ry Government has dirty
linen to wash when the party times be -
anew studded with Government waver -
bode twits. Such being the case, we
would eel .-'.r render•. 1.' glance at the
rolutnue sit the Tory .Meets throughout
the land. The advertising pages of
every Tory paper are now beginning to
glisten with fat government "ads," and
the editorial columns srealready bristling
with defensive articles of the got ernment
railway policy. The Tory press thn.ugb-
out the land are accepting the thirty
pieces of silver, and are reedy to go on
be al ..f the count to tie
stitueaicws are e'tiwcted t•, stat fuuher
increase the ruajornty.
The twaddle of the .U.,.l ab,ot the
1,Got ernmret out hatlug • majority has
been rms." to be the sillies' stun and
the ■vial Tory trewspiepwn, wiaicbi take
Iall their inspiration fr•iu, that tiia'nda-
ctous alert, will new ew hoe 'variants')
their organ has Jed tem missy. Tut
1611.15•L its• N.Irtlly plowed the (i -...III-
.. r n -
'tient s majority at $ round duattn. It e
never conceded leas thee 10, and we
have claimed a passible 1b on a full
Vole. ffiuuth Oxford, now unrepreeeut-
ed, u sure Reform, and Muskoka la
doubtfuL Leaving Muslaok• out,' arts{
oouutiug the Speaaer, the Government
will be 14 stronger than its eppenenta
The debate on the address was a pro-
tracted one. The Liberals had the bet
fV1bmine ersrfe ila1tiw
list -�wt1•g . • 1
+e Lsoase.
'Phe Chatham 1t,.,.
,✓r (loco the folio.
nye ieterwdltt,l easach .1 lac pr.cerl,,,
,m that town .•u th. ere,,,, „1 t1"• c'.+
1it.,, . --As th. sew• c.,,•a, m {euro t'5
diff�nait p.11uapp blas+• the er.sd he
to gather un Klieg MMI, Lit a
sant when Lit • •e
sass 1,., losig.t any d•.pl., ate.ut IS %
ll.u)th s rlrai..u, the faits, ,.! Ionians; .1
lurches *of horded by to., or three eve -
ia nits which Mr. K.vivth en4 • 1...,t
hi. supp,.rtrr ,era• •role.', tt..y garret ••h
Kant street bushier until ihey we..,
h•.arse U•1 their trturn severalaperi.rs
addieseod the es.m.1 from the h'Ivo.ry 4
the itu.lu, '1,,.,se. Mr. 44,,:li app.(
ed 14.1..re the pe.e.le for the neat to„
&arcs the co.up.(.c u. a..d 1.1..me.11',i, •a
h .w 111 Jia ttic) w'�•1. 1.1.1e'rt.d to !al ..,
and tar..mise I that if the Ref•.ro1en a .
rested king *tau he wouli coati. torr, 1
for the third time. Kevrrtl others a!•.
spoke, and a geuvra! f.•lici: loom eat a -
Marine 1'.• .• troy port •.1 tri perfor
mace, • cr. w' t...t h,.d 1,e.•., fat ,sarin; .:•
front of the Kenktss H was evens o1•..h
the street it. a Ludy, Ai:4 c..m,merrced ..
hail of missiles at t he R iso er 01, 'e.am ts't
Int a few pans. of ,Mass bofure
mold to pr4rente•i, atter which th-y
posted off10 juju fhb pro c•,t.11.
A large Joinder of itefor ,,ors met or
their Committee Penns during the even
ins and Ji.ctumd t1ae result and the
means taken t• secure it. They are u •t
in the lest disheartened, and feel the:
they have reason 1.. 1e proud ..f the gal
lent struggle they male t.. redeem K +ret
with the y ry e of it on the question of Prentice' rights from the thraWou o f Tury corruption.
syndicate. The Opposition had too much the apo
1 pearanoe of men tatklni against the Public Seems' guard seetasig,
Tat Woodstock .alrnfiuetlier•ier haw 1 people's best interests to :court, much
evidently made a clues examination of sympathy. The Ad;,,DLtratton knew 1
the minute cf Huron County Council, it had the ...appeal of the House and the
es it 41405 tersely and ti.. ' !lady rrnrineI. The Tories attemped ti ride
sums u the of the it lar broth the Fdural and Provincial hurtles,
p I reR° and were thrown. The division occur-
: dismiir•! and subsequent vindication of red on the following q.tetiun
the late treasurer Lir. Meredith moved an amendment
"Col It,ea, the new provincial trees- seconded la. Hon. A. Morris, that the
alter, was dismissed from his •.Mee of following words be added to the siath
Sexes last February the bowl of the
Ma,/ and ita journalistic satellites Inas
been "Jlewat must go." "Wait until the
House meets,- "Tone first division will
settle him,.' &c., &c., rest iutnwrwws N•11,
we had the first dirision, and we Sad
that ")l.wat won't go." and a eajority
I of 12 say so. During
i eex.leetiea ampeign
to, and Fre. Pr.*. .1
lists purporting t..
strength of the I'n,r
the Wet Middle -
OW .Vo 1 of T. •rnn-
Lundon. published
give the relative
Metal Government
and the Opposition. If any one of our
sanguine Tory friends fasted the list in
his hat for future reference we ask him
to take off his hat and read the Mail's
list in the light of the recent divisions in
tea House .1 Assembly at Toronto.
Mowat won't go ; he has been through
the woods tot. often 1.. be scared by !hwa
hooting of owls. Let 'e:n hoot ; but
Mowat will keep ..n in the even tenor of
Die way. They will have to get a new
prophet an the alai/ ; the old one doesn't
catch on to tWutore worth a cent.
Tan Weeks' perjury case before the
Magistrate hu ba.n'diititid,alidli'deciaSew
en the r;nesu..n will be given on Satur-
day next. What that division will be
we are not t'. a position to state, but we
do say that throughout the invest( ate s
W. It. Stared ith, the would-be Prsn ier
of Ontario, has occupied the most ha -
1 radiating position that ever fell to the lot
' of a public roan in Canada. The evi-
dence before the magistrate shows that
W. 1t. \leredtth drew tip the affidavit
which !Weeks was Celtics(' to entre, and
when Weeks objected tnmaking affidavit
to the truth ..f the declaration, en the
ground that ",t was t... strong, we are
iafurmed that the scruples of the guile=
less young man were overruled by W R.
Meredith saying, '•oh, never uuud that,
1111 se y. u th,voug;h. During the past
ntou,tli or ret •el -k• ee have wmet••eed
the spectacle of a Tend. r .'f a great I..Irti-
cal party eiidearerltig t.• 'litchi from jus-
tice a man whet* hi• L.1.1 indwc•6 to com-
mit perjury, although In past years the
cleanlintee .1 his record had Leen kis
proudest boast ti,-rks lifts {men purred
lis be A ,ate. roe•..,' 1,1!o., ..f 1.,: con-
ceit and ,::valor .tn:n.1:iv, 1..1 tV L
Meredith has horn shown to 1•e • man
who was perfectly w'''ine that a i-'1,,1
cal .dhereet should become entangled in
the meshes of the I.. rather than an
opportunity sli..uld 1-. 1,..t of It ".g acr-
rupt political patty o ,ll . fan unfortunate
pneitiaan. As hetwp•n Weeks and Mere-
dith the pe.ti.n of th• latter a the least
,n'ab's. W.A. scut throughout like
a Toad . and Meredith's actions have been
anything but these w( an up.naht man.
county treasurer by the county council paragraph . And we dein to assure
of Huron, which last year was strengly your Honor .f our unabated loyalty and
co to ..v -
Conservative. This year the new couu uhdem • In tele federal system ' E F
cil annulled the action of its predecessor ' ernntcnt under which we live. and while
and II ed CuI It to resign A we rre••gnise the feet that in w .rkin.out
that system differences have arisen and
will neeessanly are as t, the respective
limits of the federal and Provincialuris-
diction, we feel assured that these differ-
ences may be adjusted by the exercise of
a spirit of moderato,n and conciliation 112
the diecusaiun of thew, and failing an
agreement bang come to, the tomtitution
provides ample means for their speedy
and peaceful .ettlement : and we are of
opinion that while we should firmly
maintain the right of Provincial Legisla-
tures to regulate the traffic in intoxtat-
ing linuors as they have heretofore, steps
should at once be taken with a view to
the immediate reference of the question
of the coustltutionality of the Dominion
license act, and its effect, if any, upon
the laws of the Province reg.tlatung traffic
in intoxicating liquors, for determination
by a proper per lewal tribunal haring author-
ity finally to determine the matter in
This was promptly met by the fol-
lowing :
Hon. A 44. Hardy moved au amend-
ment to the amendment, seconded by
Hun. Mr. Fraser• that all after the first
word "That" in the amendment be emit-
ted. and instead thereof, there be sub-
stituted the following : "there be add-
ed to the sixth paragraph of the reeolu
tion the words following, and we hasten
to assure your Honor that we believe it
ea. be the duty of the Government to
take all necessary steps to firmly main-
tain the constitutional and legislative
rights of the Province to regulate and
control the liquor traffic. --
When the yeas and nays were called,
the Opposition were found to be in a
hopeless minority. The fll•'wing is the
division teat :-
Yeas. - Mssaa. Awrey. Hedgerow.
Balfour. Balla,tync, Baxter, ill.zard,
Caldwell, Casacaden, Chisholm, Dowling,
Drury. Dryden, Ferris, Fraser, Freeman,
(Mean Huron), Gilles, Gould,Gaham,
Hater, Harcourt, Hardy, Hart. la,dlaw,
Lyon. McCrsney, McIntyre, McKenzie,
McLaughlin, McMahon. Master', Morin,
Mowat. Murray, 4)'C'ennor, Pardee,
Phelps, Rayside, Roes (Huron,, Roes
Middlesex • Sills. Snider, Waters, Wid-
ditield, Young -46.
Nits M. --Messrs. Bsakervrlle, Blythe,
Brereton. Broder, Caruegie, Clancy,
Clark. (Tortito , Creighton, Denison,
Ernatinger. Frcuch, Gay, Hudson,
Kerr. Lender. Lees, McGhee. McKay,
Meredith. Merrick, Metcalfe, Monk,
Morgan, Morrie. Mulholland, Prestos,
Robdlard, Roe. Ross 'Cornwall„ Whgs;-
W 1 oft Wood - 33.
Pelee Gib..m of Hamilton' U►Ittb
Kearns of Halton, Bishop of S,utl, Hu -
run with Fell of North Victoria.
Astiver -Mr. Neel') of Linea).
A second attempt was made on the
Government phalanx .•n the following
line :
Hon. Mr. Morns moved, secendsd by
Mr. Lauder, the amendment to paragraph
eight, that while we observe your ho,or's
advisers have abandoned their determin-
at:on to take and retain possession by
force ..f the deputed territory, we regret
your Honor has been advised to assent
to terms for a partal settlement of the
boundary gnestion far less favorable ti.'
this province than were formerly offered
by the Federal authorities, and refused
by Ontario, and we are of opinion that
no arrangement will be satisfactory to
the people of this province which does
not foresid. for the settlement '.f the
northerly as well as the westerly b .un
Bary, and for • final and handing decis-
ion as to the validity 1 the claim of the
Dominion to ownership of the roil of the
Mr. Harcourt moved In amendment to
the atnenrlment tl.at all after the first
word, "that," in the amendment be
struck out, and there to substituted the
f.11owinl • "That there he added te par-
agraph number eight of the anginal mo-
tion throe words, and meanwhile believ-
ing the territory in dispute rightfully he-
lot pe to and forms poet of Ontario, we
confidently await the decision of the
Privy Council in favor of eke Province."
The patriotic stared taken b We Gov-
ernment was again mediated by a tote all
4b 1" 33.
resolution was famed thanking Mr.
Res. for his pastaif thful services to the
interests of the county, and congratulat-
ing him on his appoiatinent to the high-
er and niers honorable position of Pro-
vincial Trwasrer. The county council-
lors of the peat year have been made to
feel the influence of public opinion in
Tie [fail Ir,.vasiesser its • aewvhlsg.
Martin J. (:renin has already won the
reputation of being the most colossal and
reckless liar on the t'a,.adi.n'presa So
bed is ISIS reputation for truthfulness
that no unsupte.rted editorial statement
..f the .11.u/ will be atrepted in any quar-
ter. His latest uupudeut falsehre'd was
promptly nailed by the 1 hltarie premier
on Tuesday night in the House.
'ihe 1l..i1 that mor hail • para-
graph as follows . '•A rumor has been
current for several day. and not without
fem,datien, that Mr. Mowat bas express-
ed a dewire to retire from the Cabinet.
The matter has been under the consid-
eration of his colleagues. Mr. Pardee
has been named es his succear,r."
Mr. Mowat said there were probably
as many murepresentatlens in the para-
graph as there were sentences. He had
never eapreseed • desire to withdraw
from the Cabinet, as the writer mid, and
he had no such maim. He had ressnu
to know that there was never a time
when he enjoyed the confidence of his
colleagues. and the Liberal party in the
House and out of the House, more com-
pletely than he did at the present time.
Aa long as he continued to enjoy that
c nfidence, s, long would he continue to
hold the position. The paragraph rent
un t.. say that the matter has been "un-
der the consideration of Is. colleagues."
This was entirely false. Mr. Pardee was
timed as his successor, which was also
tale. He Moped that Mr. I'ardee would
an. day occupy the place he now occu-
pied, and that the other members of the
Cabinet might also advance to the tint
position. but at the present tuns neither
Mr. Pardee nor any other person had
been named as a candidate for the tint
posit In the Cabinet. The paragraph
proceeds "The rnmor has been cur-
rent for several days.. He never heard
of such a•rumsr, avid he had been unable
to discover any person on this side of the
House who hail heard of such a rumor.
He had no 4oubt that it existed only in
Moe s.wtbe.of ileum wh • lied pilrann44eul
and t el the paragraph.
The lentil was received with loud and
pr•longrl cheers.
.r eierstlme flex.
Myth. Feb. 5, 1884.
21e. Kerr,.(- -Nape answer following
questions in your Kniest.: -
(1. What Is t' aunty Tre.wrer'esalary
per year t
(2.; What Is the salary of the Provin-
cial Treasurer
(1.) 81,200.
(2.) *4 414x►.
The IJreet N ••M•Nr Teems."
The Canadian Ltb.erals. not captivated
by the grand financial schemes of the
I 'present Government, will opiree to tho
I last the pr opened new loan to the Canada
IPacific Railroad. The chances are that
the (:orerhisomt will carry the day in
Parliament, but It remains to be Mien
what price Canadian 5 per rents will
.vommand in the market, for Domit.ion
finances are not in the hest p.esthl• core
Anion Canadian secnnti wrskened
when the t;• .,rnment plan for a new
Loan was ■n 1 Uetroi. Ton •
Clew N welt he wwhee.
A pretty strong Iobhy is now to epee -
stoat to aid the Government in paesuwg
the C. 1'. R loan. This would seem to
Indicate that there is balking r.ssewhere
in the MlmsterutJ tanks.. A 4oi.efee
Itaper says 5260,000 N in the Lobby he he
plastid where it will du at st pawl. -401-
lairs Fre. Press.
. •w,r..,�a...�,...._�...,.
The regular meeting of the Board was
held on Monday evening. All the mem
hen were present. The (minutes ,.1
erertotis meeting were read and confirm
ed, after a rather exciting pe a at ani
1•etweeu Messrs. lwane„n and mutter.
The re's rt of t Enibury, principal
• f the Po1.!.c Sch.•-d., was read, showing
.he t„t..1 number en sch..nl Holl ill..
.avenue attendance 5'M;.
The statement .f receipts and expen-
diture for 1873 was read, showing a total
I rap r•ndtture of d'Ti 554 63 A balance
of $262 99 remains on hand.
A, account was re..i from F. gums! h.
1 lumber, etc., 84.94.
Messrs. Buchanan, Butler and Swan -
atm were respectively added to the con-
tingent. scb.wil management, and finance
The contingent committee was in-
structed to euguire es t/ the partieabili-
ty of making another exit to St. Pat -
I rick'. school, as a guard against serious .
c•nsequenees in ease of fire.
The Kemp then adjourned.
aimed of atgh attest Trousers.
Feb. 6. 1884.
The board ..f high school trustees met
to -day pursuant to statute. Present -
Rev. Dr. [-r., Dr. Taylor, and Mr. Wd•>o
prams, the clerk in the chair.
Moved by Dr. Taylor, seconded by
Mr. Williams, that Mr Wm. Kay be
selected chairman of the beard for the
current year. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Williams, seeonded by
Dr. Taylor, that Ree Dr. Inc be chair-
man pro tem, as Mr. Kay was prevented
from being present through illness.
The minute@ of the last meeting of the
board were read and approved.
Report of the secretary -treasurer was
read, showing that the receipts for the
school for the current year were
54,15.'.50 and the expenditare 83.816.01.
leaving a balance in hand.of 8366.49.
Tasestaise•r ttmaT.
Treasurer, in account 'with Getlerich
High School, 1883.
atat'ZI TII.
Rale:ce from Iter.... ... ..... $ 571 53
Legislative t
]tet sal eras' 101 if
Town grant..
1'ounty grant . ... ells K
later Examination Kebste..... ...._.
18115.5 30
Teachers' bpalance.
Repair .
lasursaoe ...... ...........
Iretworelsslesl Otesry eery
.8333 00
is ;r,
a (0
100 00
880 b
Ile le
]ta e1
.4106 MO
Moved by Dr. Taylor, seconded by
Mr. Williams, that the treasurer's state-
ment be adopted and published in the
local papers. Carried.
Mooed by Dr. Taylor, seconded by
Rev. Dr. Fre, that thechairman,Mtw.rs.
Williams. Jordan and the secretary be
appointed a committee of management
with power to act in Improving the
grounds by planting trees, &e, "Carried.
ereintre l•tr roe 181118.
No. on Resister for the yetfr---' 141
Average attendance, / �f........... 116
Matriculated in Toronto 1'elversity.... 1
Passed law tbdety. 1
Obtained second-class certificate/ 5
tiled '• u
i■terrariwe " It
UTATlwnow roe 1884.
No. os Register for January . ... IM
Average atasasoit, for January.-......... 116
No. on Register. Jamey. Int . .. 111
A verse attendance" 1410 11
Preparing for Tutees Caivere , sa
ty•zstY MOM -
cubit* lm 1884 or 1/M
Ditto for Victoria l'slremit, ,...
Law Nocbety.
" aeeoad-class extuesie tieh.
Srnd'T1ng Omsk . Lite ..
Peer -h
Of the 130 on Register for Jai. ,
36 are from other municipalities.
On motion the hoard adjourned.
wafter resale t'seMwM.
Baker Pasha h.. rust with a serious
defeat. Hiker had 3,600 men and was
advancing when atttacked His lessee
in killed and wounded number 2.000
even Baker with the remnant of his
force saunmetl.d in reaching Trinkitat,
where the 'unbent Ranger r lying.
Baker Intends to proceed unmediat ly to
Ruakim in the Ranger
Ca,ro, Feb 6 The Khedive has re
mired • telegram from Baker, reporting
kis defeat near Taker. His losses were
2000 sen, four Krupp minnows and two
datliraga The Tnrke and EarepfMM
Iesgkt will.