The Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 3zitorimffic-
nls ' rek
A surae.' old man was Hamilton Kirk
-and a amid old man, said them she
had the beat manna .4 ku .wtng,wd rich,
with e daughter.
s • • • •
J. sept, Vaughan was in hie liter* ready
to neat upon his customers. He was a
handsome young man and his mond
e'tarester was good. In fact, he rather
prided himself upon his ne.rality. His
boy was engaged to porting rosy souse
cloths, and he was reading the morning
taper when he heard a step at her Juur,
which opened to admit the volt, balmy
air. He looked up and 1.. -held a pew r,
forlorn-I....Ling min, who seemed bent
beneath the weight of years and int r i-
t w, and who.e gait, was •.;alit and
The old mai asked Le charity
'1 have hulking 4i spare," sold V.tug
Put 1 sin in need, Lind s r Help Inc,
if you can.'
•I fell you I cant.'
And the old utast went 10ay.
Henry Walsh ^leo kept a at•.re iu the
town, and lie was in his place of bust
nem. for he hail rivals in trade, and he
f•,uioi It necessary to attend closely to
his own affairs. Me visayeung and good -
I. -king, and had the Roofs ••f tieing
ge .rwus and opeu-hearted. Ho had
hurt disposed of a customer when the
raged,, way -worn heggmr entered the
lh„ p.
•1'lartty, p1eide'1 the Applicata, trema
Mint upon his staff. •
- want help 1 returned Walsh, ea- I and it may be ►s pure. Are you not
sunning the old fellow from head to !disappointed in him
'No, father -not at all.' She st,nke
las though she felt relieved 111 a measure.
'Well- neat I called upon Henry
• 1 ask not for teeth, Ttti'ht sir.' ; Walsh. His heart u.,.ened in a moment
'Here's • dollar. Will that help; and he three nue uut a dollar. ile was
your !generous, he was warts -hearted -but the
• 1 -es -very much.. 1 ferliem eau an impulse and not a pi Mei.
'Then U. yours ; and see that you! pls. He didn't seem 14. care for my for -
make a gond use of it.' Ana thereup..n 1 irn condition, nor died he betray illy-
the liras ms& retsened t . his work, syosp•tby bayurtd the mora ,lash aas.
Iing tie bsgearto;o when he pleas- gsmemee ti. H. pr. me of the uult
_ _._ haat of eiharity hepe.e.el-haeme., r.
Chimney Stewart was a shoemaker, Hr bsartiswenn, but the het would
ad he not only employed quite a num-
(act aaY bat
if there was aaytbing mere he could do
or him, and when amused that there
him me, hs bade nu gond-bye acid caw
him off.
s s s •
'Well, Myra,' said Hearken Kirk,
taking use .p( his daughter's bmada "I
have been on • mission is • beggar's
'What ' been away in dig.i.e r .a-
ilsimed the girl ea surprise.
'Yes. 1 millet upon Joseph Vaughan,
•. •1 sport Henry Walsh and upon Chaun-
sy Slvw•rt.
'Olt, father ' What must they hove
•Wlty, d.,untl"5 that 1 was what 1 ap-
peared, • peer Lettg.r I went 1.. try
thea, 1.. are what kind ./ s..ula they
hat.). 1 lime bef.•rehand that they were
young linen o1 good characters and that
they were rpt idbt,hu
,nest and .telligent
But I wanted to kuuw more. 1 .'sited
to know what kind of a foundation each
nos had for t hu lo, at and affect iota of
swirliest life ti.. 1 tried them Would
you Oke to Leese the result 1'
'Yes,'• t Myra, .ith a slight
pall..r about the teethe. lop.
'Then hsteu : Yee roust know that
tine psis, wan cider which I ap,,lied
my features, takes in cello with
my ens, sae. sufficient to give emut-atce
w any man of observation That I was not
a drunkard ; w, they could have n., fear
of trusting me on ilia' account. Well -
1 called upon Mr. Vaughan Bron. H.
received me very coldly, and turued me
sway without even bookies to know my
needs He had nothing to spare. Hie di
heart I found to be as Bard as a amond
fact .
'Yes. I ani in need.
'W.'i hew much du you want ?'
her .•f workmen in wa:.0 'Ss
he had quite a store. and sold a great
limey sh•.es in retail. He was Sanas
three or four -and -twenty : was very lair
L..•kung, and had the reputation of being
cue of the meat steady and milli/emu,
IIIIM•d s.teaawie
The beet Wird ielatI••.,. consist ..t •
perfect carcelatl.w of hwkhy, shat du,J
v -pure blood and pn.per coo:dation may
t• established in the oyster.' by the use
of that grand blond punier, Burdock
Bled Batters. 2
It is related that un • reeewt visit of
the Igmp.r .r William to • needle factory
the borer that r, the workiattm•a
whose business it is to boils the ay.. io
these needles asked for a hair free, the
mo sreb'i head. It was readily given
and with • smile. He placed it at u:seie
under the bursae Lslaehioe, made a hole
in it with the greaten care, furnished u
with a thread and then banded the sin-
gular needle to the sstonished ling.
Loafs Joao, No,, Sept , IA, 1879,
i have been uaiug Hop Bitters, and
have received great benefit from them
for liver complaint* and malarial fever
They are superior to all other medicine*.
1'. M. Bauxite.
Tate Lasast,rambiemw fflltl r.
i u London, Litt., lately; two well -
(honied wen entered the shop of • :ash
ieu.ble traoeauwau mud asked to see the
chief of the eistaWisliweut, whine they
privately informed that they were de-
tectives from Scotland Pard. The' men
•hail that fro.' information received they
hue.. that two swell women would drive
u,, to the shop un a breughaw and order
drapery 1.. a large amount, paying for this
sone with a forged check for INV, bear-
ing the name .4 a well knewu tobls
mon. It would, however, be necessary,
Yu order to pn,t.erly coiiviot the women,
to allow them to carry the goods off with
them and take the change of the check.
But in order that they should nut escape
the detectives were to hall. a fuust m
with a fast hots to follow the bone/haul
and take the ladies into custody. The
officers took their stand behind the
a,ul-ter ; the ladies cute, ordered the
goods, and tendered the check. They
received the change and goods, and..
drove off. The detectives immediately
followed in their hang out with the fast
hone. The tradesman a it.11 waiting
for the woven?..
' " "" i'lUGH DUNLOP,
The Iwai•tiea are • acid
water, to obtain purityof the skin ,
whileJor boils, blotches. obstante hum
ors and impurities ef the blond, Burdock Tailor
•• l
Bleed Bitters is the best of all purlh• :E€.,sIiiori.i,b1e Tai lor,
ors. 9
from the Liver and Kidneys ars ful-
ly half the &Ackue... 1)r. Csssur.'s Stom-
ach Bitten stimulates both Liver and
Kidneys and insures este agoluat disease:
at is not an alcoholic stimulant. III large
bottles at 50aata. m
Why suffer from nervous prostration.
when you can buy a guaranteed cure at
Wilson drug store. 1i
CI!iu at.tara. - A name well known iu
onuecti with the Hair Renewer, which
restores grey hair to its natural oiler by
• few weeks use. Sold at Su cants pre
bottle by Jame Wilson. 4m
es. 1.1fe ear rwerrleet weakened by N•
reser. tiebULar and Madrrar...
The Gres` Genian Iutigurator is the
only specific her impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or aides, no natter how
shattered the system niay be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will resters, the test functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per i..:, •,i lone* for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent ..n rocript .4 price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheer), Tided.),
1)hie, side rout for Unitwl State.. Cir-
culars and testinn.uials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole anent f. r
rich .)I8
At this season of the year theresheuld
bea bottle .4 l'ect..ria 11, every house.
it is unequalled for t'ougha C.edds and
Hoarseness, is pleasant, a 1uiUy safe f..r
ehtidren. Price i:o cents at al drug- i
gee. in
to L1/leatre Tribute.
Titen,n 1'. Keat.r,edtt'r of Ft. W-.yne
Ind., f: •: ft., writes : 'For the part lite
years i havealwaysused Dr. King's New
Discovery for coughs of most severe
character, as weal as ter th••se o1 a milder
type, it never fails to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whole I have re-
commended it speak of it in same high
terms. Having been cured by it .1 every
cough 1 hare had for five years, 1 con-
sider it the only reliable and sure cure
for toughs, odds, etc.' Carl at Wilsons
Drug Store sod get a Free Trial Settle.
large size $1.00.. 12.j
• Trenton, N. J.: an. 30. -The house,
after • stormy adopted a taAolu-
sfr Was Tie rlr.iasu. I tion instructing the \repreartitatieea .4
A,00ae a}-dy sub tbenLbt b.rco eretai favor tariff fuavenue vee 1it-
' ed t., ths e nus-sacy- Ju Nnu.u1wLtbs-
eols•1 dairies gave bar the right to be governnient, and so as to glop
diaagrwtable was present a few nights house protecrio:t without fost,,ering M
not ed nncch testing by blast and ; inn at a party, during whicl quartets W" lies
In short. such a hart would
Vose s between husband and wife were dis-
h* apt to prove a spendthrift in its attic- cussed. "I think," said a•i unmarried
rises. Whatthink y'w' Are yon din- older sots who era present, ,`• that the
app,inted 1' proper thing is for the husband to have
And alyra whispered :
young men .1 the village, but his charge- f 'Nett leaned upon Chauncey Stewart.
=iter for _•enerosity did not stand so nigh 1 found him with his sleeves rolled up and thus settle the smoking question
,•:.,•ug his follows as did that of Henry and hard at work. He greeted me forever." "1 would knock the ci{ar out
Walsh. kindly and I asked him fur chanty. He ! of your mouth," interrupted the belle.
t'hauncy was in his (runt shop. peek-. studied nue for my Inks awhile, and 1 •• Do you know, i don't think you will
rig h:s t,cots, when an old beggar -ties
'A - -4. .ed day sir,' said t'.• shoem•tf•t
stepping his work. Ltlrrsses of Tensserstarr
•.A go....1 Horning 10 you. fair air,' send we away empty handed. lie la a nevertail,na cause .1 disease. At 4 law Rase••
mid the old man, in weak. trembling learned that 1 head not broken fast, and this season .4 :he year neuralgia. tenth•
ache, and a host of similar diseases are We have made arrangements to club
taw... 'I don't sant to trouble you -I I he took we to Itis hulne, and his mother rampant. The great question, then. le Tun SIGNAL with city papers at the rates
it out at once, and thus avoid quarrels
for the future. i would light a cigar in
the carriage after the wedding breakfast,
sought to learn how he could best hell' he there'" quietly remarked the elder
ate. He did not offer me money, for he *„n
ennfeseed he had little H. spare yet he _ __ . _ __ _-
would divide his last dollar ere he would
A Iteswarkable [waifs.
Mrs Mary A. Deiley,ef Tunkhantuwk,
1'a.,was allfittvd for six years with Athh-
nta and Hrunchtto, during which tim'
the hest physicians could give no relief.
Her life was despaired of, until in last
October she pr•.cured a bottle of It,.
King a New Discovery, when immediate .
relief was felt. and by continuing its use
for a short time elle was c.Ympletely cur-
ed. yaininq 11. flesh :r0 Ib.. in a few
Free Trial Bottles of this certain cute
of all Throat acd Lung Diseases at Jas.
Wilson's Drug Store. Large•
Has the Finest Assortment of Gaels for Fall Wearw to Choo.Frotu.
A Nc bey Suit at a Reasonable Price,
At the durst Establishedlhoe St••ro ,n Town,
In Endless variety
to suit t1 most f.utnlioua and th most econ•.t11ic buyer
Is u.•w ,vmplete• arid I take pleasure in tui.-rn Ing uoy east •1111 that at no prey
01sta one. have 1 hared such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. 1 Ilea,. raised the Standen! .1 I.'islet) 01:.1 L. erred the Price an
it is a positive fact that no such value in f.. t seer can lee dot sloes here
of eiery atrade-still reeeitei n prompt and .;ireful attention, and will be nad.ttry
in the meat approved styles by firstclassw. rknien. end
of the wry hest metered oainable.
I)0 -w N I N G- -
J full line of all the Leading Patent Me.licinttr3 alwar4 kept. on hand
(Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) -
-eek a IOC, aid such es yon can prepared sae a good meal Then Ise to had the quickest, surest, and moat given l,rlow :-
afi. r i to • poor, nerdy cane 1 .e uta. I learned that 1 wanted to go to t1'-, eutono "col remedy. Poison's 11erv,lme S,gMI and Daily World . ...$3.50
Chauncey Stewart ran his eye over the and he harnessed up Ins horows and sent exactly tills theca requirements. It Is Weekly Globe .. 3. .ri
_ prompt, efficient, and most ec,nominal, Mail '' ^-
.dd nun's form and then mid . me ..n myway. Such $ hent is not .nl 2.25
7 fur i exceeds in power every known re- Advertiser .. 2.25
'1 neust first know what help you true and warm, but it may be relied upon ' needy, and is as cheap as inferior arti-
need, ay good or, and then 1 can the iu the hour of need. its impulses are cies. A lOcent sample bottle will give
A.'tete twat. Nslmfst-
better judge of my ability to help you.
Are 1 •,u penniless r
governed by principle, and its duties are
only circumtdlftbed by the byundsr:es .1
humanity. It cannot become bankrupt,
because its issues are sure to lie upheld
by a permanent fund of sense and res-
ann. What think you, my darling f'
But Myra made n.. reply. She :ewer-
: ed her head and trembled violently.
every portion a chance to teat it. Largs
bottles only 25 cents. Bola at J. Wil-
son &
J. Wilson is always alive to his busi-
ness, and sparse no pains to secure the
111.AIE:S BLOCK, Till:. `t:I.‘1tEJ
Wg t, snnou'tee Haile Public that they have opened business in the al liters
in the store IMely occupied by Horses Heston. Hat ing purchased a large aid
well assorted stock of bring avid beats ter Ganda at cleat figures, we are determine
ro give the Public the benefit.
}.'Please call and eaimine our g.•ods ieforeperehaaine elewt.rre
_>ti'Reutemher (he place, nest doer to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
t 'Cnstutii work will teosiee our special attenti.:n.
)1111 -Niue but the beat of wattle! used and first -dabs a/01mi n employed.
jt!'Reruring neatly d. • ' .-n the shortest notice
(ioderii$, 3 ar,eh fl 1897. DOWNING & W E D D U F
'A11 tbs money I have in my pocket•is .- beet of every article in his. line. He has' ` - ----
f'ncle Abe was rend ft 'possum. hav-
ing g g caught one he of his wife Dinah to
cook it forhimand requested that it should
be placed in the cupboard until morning.
The favor was granted. and ('ncle Abe
'.No-' lay down tefore a log fire and went to
'Nell- you shall go with me and get 'Can't you answer inc ' Ah --tears : .seep. His von Mose, coming in late,
a .:netting to eat, and then we can see What, precious one, have 1 hit ve near -
what further can he done ly 1 Had your heart alresdy singled
'Rut i would not tret:ble yon, kind that one out
s,r.' And Myra whispered:
•It is n., trouble. I can furnish you '1 m.
with feed more readily than 1 can with 'Well, well, well," returned the old
money ; though G.wl knows I would net ,man. 'i con not sorry for the puna I
send a worthy sufferer away empty -hand• have taken, for it has proved to me that
(NI if i divided my past dollar. dot the heart .,f my child is in the right
come, my home is not far off.' place, and its instinct. are true and
Thus saying Chauncey led the way safe.'
fn.m the sbop and the old tan followed- i course of time Joseph Vaughan ask -
The kbttw s. soon retcl`i`dt and ed for the hand o1 Myra Kirk. Antrim
the y-.uth introduced his companion t . refused. Then Henry Walsh tried his
his widowed mother, who teetered him ' fortune, and he, tee, was sent away din.
kindly, and at once ptoceeded to set a appointed. At length, Chauncey Stew-
ed mantis! breakfast before him. art, when he saw that she still remained
While the beggar was eating, Chauncey i free, tremblingly told her of his love,
Wei to find out hew he could best help 1 and ere he had left her had net only
hm. I been assured that his loco was returned,
'Ilave you an] friends in thio regiai 1- but her curious old father had frankly
given his consent to the prep aced
a poor pittance which i have begged this
too mpg.' the only certain cure known for (un-
secured the agency for thecelehrate•.Dr
King's New Diao lorry for ('•.usunlption.I T$ E PEOPLE'S STORE
'Hose lou breksn your fast this
he . asnrn fend ate it, laid the ho
got t p ries
down at Uncle Ahe's head, smeared the
n1•1 man's face and hands with grease,
end went to bed. The f.11owtng morn-
ing Uncle Abeawoke and asked Dinah;
"What's dat 'p, seine'"
"in de cupl.ard," which she explored
and found 1t miming.
Returning. Dinah inquired: " Abe
when did you oat dat 'possum? Dar a de
bones At year heal, yer face smells lit
Pneau•n a1.1 yet* hare's are greasy."
"Maybe 1 diel eat dot 'pusaut 1 hut if
did it did me less good don any 'pos-
I eweraut."
Jay In [very Dreg.
1 This may be truly said of Poison's
li(erviline, the greatest pain remedy of
the age. It hrings comfort to the weary
sufferer when failure toss attended the
use •1 every kw.wii remedy. Nervihne
is an absolute cure for all kinds of pain,
internal, external, 10 local. Purchase a
10 cent sample bottle and try this great
ht asked. I match
sunip tion. Cou$hs, Colds. Hoarseness,
1.5)11. KIN . r.,': :+TItEIT AND Tfllt$o1Jt•A tiiODER1CN-
Asthaa, Hay ever Bronchitis, er any ,,.•p I, / a pts e
affects n .f the Threat and Lungs. Sold S 1.kitS ad.e ? Ir • Pit . Yeo&
00 a positive gt:arautee. Trial bottles l
free. Regular size $1.00. 3
for the working . lase send tette.
for {anima.. and we will mail foe 1
vase, • royal. valuable box of nam- ,
M Vtia/ple goods that wilt put yob in the
way of Leaking more mosey la a few days than
you ever required.
ptea*blr al any I.nalne.s. No See Them, 1 V/zct/ ewe You 11''7n/ to Bill. t: r Not
capital sired. We will start yon. You can ( 1
work all t e time or in spare time only. The
worn le universally llo tArt ea to both the Miss, READY-MADE OV ERO'QA T S *5 TO : t2.-
liming and old. 1 ou asn raaUseera Doss Ms, -
M {. every btotli w. we all e t want weak W} TT- R i F .
i .no. era tea baniLirvm, we snake this eepaeal- 1
1,•I. 1 ober : to all who are not well satfatted we
. will neral ill to pay fns the trouble of writing
j us. )'all partfr.,hire directions, ct'•..sent free. J.lz .1 5:. l'1..-11'- Wind. ATANI'.
Rortnnee will he maA• by those a ho give their npdericb. om.1. let.
whole time to the work. Great *tiC Mea abee-
ty vers. foes'' Ashy -- - -. - - -.+
1rt'sus k Co.. No thud. Maine. Het
1.1 Suite fox $12-50-
15 Suits fox 1-1
18 Suits for 1f
• t:
PL 4 i\7.1r6 MILL ,PHIL 0 NOBLE,
F 4 %Itl.l4Hl11D Ills. I
Buchanan,Lawson s Robinson' Has
remedy, NerlI!Ine, neves pain cure, v e.. r4 n lis H+
, Don t forget the name at .1. W than s
'1 think i have,. replied the old man.
'if 1 could nese money enough 1.. pay
my fare in the stage 1 might reach
•1 might find a better way than that.'
e iggested Stewart. ' 1 shall not use my
horses to -day, and i could have you tak-
en ten or fifteen miles ..n your way with-
out any expense to myself. f can easily
tint a boy who will be glad to dnre tall
the sale .1 a ride'
And so the sboer:.aker went on, trying
to find oat what the old awl o most
praising needs were, that he might meat
them with the most ase and readiness
Finally the beggar said that it he could
Loa carried t.. the adjoining town ho
thought he should find friends there who
would knew him.
So Chauncey went nut and harnessed
his heroes, and readily found a faithful
boy whe, would drive ever and come hack
with the team. He asked the old man
Ayers Hair Vigor premnt.ethe4rowth,' 'JIHF. ART (►F i'IUli,1) iviNO LIFF.
consists In nnd.r.tan.l.nngg the misewtlal
and improves tlw beauty of the hair. it conditions ow whish the fact .pf 81.. depends.
imparts ern attradire appearance.a de• I Rut to roonnotrn.t 1t,0 hu,aan system *iter 11
stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, l \\ ' s A FH 1 of
heroine phf.i,aIty Acm ii alis ed by disesee.
lig tful and lasting pertttene. While it I. really to tisane a naw h!in;i. Yet,ttbat this
be Aon• i. Ira hl. et ar-tual demnnKry-
and adds elegance to luxuriance, its in- tics. nr. e• rs nnip t,.1 x r i
I'ho.phaet and 1'all,r/a. by •{ding the• Aytes-
gredlent. are harmlees and its effect. aro ' the prneas. ,and furnishing the elrm.nt. ret
e nduring - and thus i. proves itself to bw
boo..m.iarle. amt nerve, p•rfert• the awlml-
Vt ion of food awl nr•pl te ostial hmant of
Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Ooderich
..\\1. U11.I. 11 1 -\I -It ..1' \I \kV: 11'
Sash, Doors t hlru(1% Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices.►n• It ALL Rhin+ er
Lu.ntber, Lath, Shi,f41e41
and builder's material of .t-.ry d... r,Dtoun.
assn\111eed.r. prom p•I1 n•,,•r•1• d rn
1)od.•rtoIt .1 nit. 2. 1'163. 1102 I r
at once the best and cheapest article for ' the throes . morbid predicts and humors ar, __ _
toilet tine. remered amps
the blond, cad a healthy prn-
wA elf asp t.• viii •
deer Reran Thee. twrr s prorwr of handing Ise the feeble ,-on.t 1
The writer is Mr. W. t ►. Lathen of 'noon.
Plympton, N. M. i comtneeeed cough- --
ingg and raising blood last spring and cnn-
w lted two dHct..n and took their meth
erns of re Ir set up. which gradual) restores
• vll nes t cr=ane, according to n
eines. hnt .ehtained no relief. i was
greatly alarmed ; the more nn becauae all
my father's family diel of ennsumptinn
1 ane naw well. I was cured h Dr.
Wilson a Pulmonary Cherry Balsam.
flood tsattmony reply given There are
hundreds like it. in all cams of coughs,
cold. and threat diseases and lung (be-
twses, including asthma, br..neh,tts an•f
all their tribe, Dr Wilann'a Pulmorary
Cherry Balsam is invaluable.
• asar/t5., altreseey.
Win. Johnson, of Huron, i1~ak., writes
that his wife had been ironhled with
acute Bronchitis for many years, and that
ali remedies tried trate no permanent re
lief, until he precured a battle of it,.
King a New Discovery for C..neumption,
*•Hugh* and Colds, which had • magical
affect, and peerdueed a permanent cure.
It i• guaranteed to cure all diereses .1
Throat, Lungs or Bronchial Tulles
Trial Mettles free at J. Wilson's drug
store. Large stun $1.00. (ii)
Ei'e, Ear and Tkroal.
se It line terl:alitt t. tarp1ILT1. riasena IIT 4.1 to ISJVBA
omega* rowr?L% tit verso IS. N•T► 105 twn0Ra•
Art Pesigns io Wall Papper
alt. s'sareb etre.$. 1M.•Ie. •s1.. Now is the (1me .t , WI eiah ane nr Inn Mee - monis •' home, to are Potter. room rover
1.. n. ('. 1' . 1.. R. ('. A. .. lertnrer nn the
Lye. Isar and tenon, n i ( Medical 1 rel 20000
bur. Toronto, and Anrgeoto he• )len ter Eye
awe (ar Insrmary, late t ltn:.-al .\+.,.ren•
Royal Il hthalmsp
le. Hoital al'..,R.1.1.. and
Central Ipr.ndnn Throat anti rat' Hoop,' .1 man IMaot./ail e..l..n. and .1t r.,. {r+. than •,.•r,
be roaawltwA atP L inferior K••'•1.. 1 a I •eel •,- • IL. m (bey
11.• Lac over
oils of the Latest
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