HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 22,' THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY% FEB. 8, 1884. IN AUSTRALIA. A Graphic Account of our Colony. south bead'is >osrriely(hthou"., from which au eh.Snc light a flashed oyer the ocean fur a distance of twenty- five miles every minute and a halt. The Rival/the harbor is broken ue by wpactuus bays, medal an harbors eta themselves, and by which the very heart 'demean of the star our be reached. In passing up to the wharf on our Istat were this Bota•isal (lattices, adding greatly tease natural basuttn of this haib.., tbes"P seiHrut," a fortified rook or Act its some w• were told from the fact that rtlincreo t. Hi early eoavict days were elas.d there on very short rations until one died se hunger, which nu doubt very forcibly suggested that unpoetcal name. Oo the right the shore is much broken by precipitous nock. heavily In•entled with shrubbery, and the many little bay• with their beautiful villas caused us to conclude that the citizen. of Sydney ars justly proud of "our beautiful barher," as they style it. They claiut that the harbor of "Rio," in Brasil, is the only one in the world that can be favorably compared with their.. Well, it wueven a pleasure to have to .uonuuter the cu- pidity of the unRRr�iw�cipled hotel runner. IMOD mre, and l a remonstrant crowd at every step, we managed t• • escape without having recourse to. the deadly ehcscy of our walking stick. And now we are to Sydney, that Eldorado for which we have severed for • time home, friends and associate.. However, we are thankful we were not sent here, and ID harts Ilea.l.ey t•eMasard be t'.avi c - T e meld Teeter amasses Meretaed - "A Tall Is bit • Yeaims Wild Seals AWrallaa nrwwagers. Tremont. owe Correepoudeat. From Auckland to Sydney, the last stake of our long yuarney, a dtstanoe of 1,200 miles, we completed in about fuur and one half days. The second day we passed through • school of whales, where we counted in a radius of five miles six- teen .pouter. line of these monsters, estimated to be between sixty and eighty feet lout, with a strictly pacific attitude. and quite regardless of his personal safety, came within a few rods of the side of our *easel and amidst an oxen- matiun of terror from those in beard, unveiled hes tinny length end plunged beneath the vand soon put such distance between ht If and us that no fatal result was like! to supervene. Rut our readers must truly be the cmbodi- sent of forbearance and longmufferine to patiently read these disconnected notes on our sea voyage, so we will hasten on that we can go away at any tune without to Australia, and u the land /omens in au imperial decree. The population of sight it might nut be amiss just here to the city and suburbs is about 225,000, give a short sketch of the country., its or more than twice that of Toronto. The early' settlement and progress. streets are very irregularly laid out, The whole of the Tait continent island, narrow and winding. The houses hare which is but one fifth less in extent than all the countries of Europe put together, belongs to the Brunch Crown. It__ was annexed by Captain Cook in 1770. It was so-called by turn on account of its �..t /11""" instance have we seen the supposed resemblance to the configura- tions of the coast of South Wale.. The •cuertcan mansard roof The more colonies in America becoming independ- cochurches, ptarelic designed buildings, :tba substan- tnks and ially closed that uutiy as • built and for the m.41 pert cin- • PENAL 6[TTL%ME'*T I strutted uf sandstone, which is plentiful for British convicts, and led to the select- in the city and suburbs. The usiversity i f A t l th future abode. ; it hall and peat office ate a decidedly old-fashioned appearance, all or nearly all built in the ,i•ILi .TTL. n► AaaT t:HIT.URZ, surmounted by large pottery chininess. ng o us re ti a eta u et , museum, In 1788 a fleet of eleven venni* arrived i the? rreerlmposing edifices. The city - under the command of Captain Phillip t bouts of a number of One parks, Hyde Sodlrteth all teywepela. f tt p f 1 thin great I P k trail y 'tasted th a of ' cues the whored teepee of the Ftanoe- Ch.nese war, and the trice 01 "'Porkers," a dish the oslestial u very fond uf, whit. there • number of goats proceeded w amok. • butatucsl inspection of hue b.ek t. In a few minutes be tneted out, sad beholding the spectacle uttered .ectad Chinese etwbwu atlwe (doubtless oath for publimienei to these matter -et - tact Salop) Sad the air gllrw thick wit► pineal! -of bricks sad edger missiles. alto btdsg tbtrdy ..eost•e�g ri to desist, the gent. Tlease& end tido debit paced a vote et though* n. a Cbisamaa, (asne en- Intents) n- bas '.) who so thutlg?.tte famished then% with rwfresbmeuts. The local p. - per was called inte requisition shortly afterwards as a substitute fur glees in a uuulber of tl e neighboring windows And speaking of •ouruuAx r•ratu our humble opinion i., with a very few exceptioles, they make • poor substitute fur ghee. They throw little light on any suL- fect of ituportance. We ha v• be- ore us a sixteen .a� a daily, twelve pages taken up with land sales, auc- tioneer's repos and other advertise - anent", the remaining four filled with dry psrlia►u.ntary debates, "Our Fureign Letter, ' uninteresting leaden un the new "Land lull" now behest. the House. They aeldem treat their readers to "A Blood curdling Murder," "A Sensation in High Life," "A Bold Burglary,* "Another Sea Serpent Seen," or • "Breach of Promise ; Five Thousand Damages,: as our Am.rieen papers set before their astonished and ere clew readers. Why this state ..f the ex- before here we know not, tout we hey often thouzht it must be owing to the inability of the Australian editor to get up at- tractive copy. And now u this leaves us (6th De- cember we are reminded of the ap- proaching Christmas and new Year s festivities, and which, ere this meets the eye in print, shall have passed away with those of other by,gone years. We e will conclade.with the wish that of • pru..rous Sad glad new year may dawn e on Ti 1+1arrae-Sad its many readers. D. E. M, -C. or to aun'e•se o co onhztug ar , ceil •t , with ten are unknown land. Six of these vessels , forty acres, the Ibmaite--one hundred carried 757 convicts, among whom wen land thirty-eight acres, and the Bot - 192 women and 18 children ; a detach- : :weed (einem., s11 are enine�r laid out mart of marines cotleistina ut 250 officets and d display an immense eo..Iectiou 'of and men, fond of these beingam _- *comes, exuticv runu deco. To these h patitid Lis their-itte*G-41107111Preer reserve of Six swell the tide .•t immigration. Three hundred acres winch promises to be made *tore -ships brought cattle, bones, steep, .lime pule. The citizens, like the pen- ttuata and pig.. seeds and plants. The t ppllee-ut Auckland, seem to be widely dif- first landing was effected at;f termer from the Americans in their man- J0TAyIT BAT, Herr end appoearence. and are far mere • no called by Captain Cook en,t►ot:vunt of Atglicitsed than their sister colonists, the the variety ef: Aowen &ion. This bey to l c'nadiap*. Th•-ir spee.h hes the a fine sheet of water us utiles south of ,-e•*.t'zr„stsmits-o► Tut. ••a fucsv, where Sydney now stands. 'hut tin well meter six«j with the 'h'' where -not place ch..sen here was f•'und utterly un- „perry. Timer are friendly and oblig- wwbk fur a erttlement, .lying to the' uta, and if they find out y.0 are an Am - swampy `and un!leeithy 'otters of the erica%►. which den -i take lotus, they try neighborhood, and in a few day. the to make pot feel as much at home *s whole party was intake -red to the m'ore Very ittle distinction is made promising shores •f "Sydney Core,a , wren the Comedians and .:air cousins part of Port Jackson. one of the finest rom natural harbors in the world, Seal which Iffs ons the line 1.. favi ancone comingeAmerica is a "Y•nler' in the eyes While every one is liable to suffer at times with indigestion, n.. matter bow well preser:•ed their dental oogans may have been, there cannot be found to -day one whom, teeth are decayed, broken off, and out of corder generally. that doss not suffer cr•ntinully with "heartburn' or sou►e of the multifarious gastric troubles incident to such a condition of the ural cavity. Persons having no teeth, or those whose teeth have been neglected and allowed to become diseased, are unable to masticate their fond properly, which is deficiently mixed with stiirs (a tory essential auxiliary in the digestion of solid substances.` a;id therefore, this heel. being carried intothe stomach with- out proper tritur.ti•,n and it alir••tien, impose double duty up..n TI►e gastric apparatus — that of, inaatication enol d emotion. Again, pine's. teeth 'erre fur Node - rent of particles .'f food which are re- 1 - Advo ee • towns Lena. And thou remember, buy sin, you have to work. Whether yuu handle a pick or • a'eu, a wheelbarrow .0 • set of books, digging ditches or editing a paper, ringing au auctiuu bell air writing (unary things, you must work. 1( you k,uk round. sun, you will see the men who are crest able to live the rest of their dap without work are the men who work the hardest. D..u't ice afraid of hilliug yourself with uver-wort ay. It is beyond yonr power to do that, ou the sunny side of thirty They die some- timee, hat it's because they quit work at 7 p. no. and don't get home until 2 a. no Its the Intone) that kills, my sun. The work gives you an appetite fur yuur meals, it loud. stolidity to your Slumbers• it gives you a perfect and grateful ap- preciation of a holiday. There are young wen who do no work, my sun ; but the world is nut proud of them. It dues not know their names, even ; tt simply .peaks of thew as odd r.-and-so's buy.. Nobody lilss them ; the great busy world doesn't know they are there. So find out what you want to be and do. my sun, anal take off your coot and make • dust in the world. The busier yuu are the lees deviltry you will be apt to Vet into, the sweeter will be you: sleep, the brighter and happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with yeu. —[ Burdett.. &nerd. Taw Seleseltbeitlebellwelm mos. The evils of the high -heeled hoots or shows are due to the fact that it is an asseutielly badly titung article. It is made in defiance of the relation which it ought to bear to the anatomy of the feet and to the direction in which the pres- sure of the lady weight falls upuu th. latter. Hence the peculiarly cramped walk of ladies of the present day. 1uy tate may observe thecut.apaenoes oQ the 'ad ,'ancx1 mint net,' neatly under the iustap, and the increased height of heel, in the tubstitution of a forward inctua- If there was more puek...in the world there wculd be fewer hungry, half cloth- ed, homeless, suffering children, fewer broken down, diswppointed rued and women ; leas need of almshouses, houses of correction, and homes for the friend - les. Push towns a lift Loa neighbor in trouble. lush tumuli a lift fur your- self out of the slough of despond and shiftlessness, out of treubka, real er fancied. Push never hurts anyte.dy. The harder the push the better if it is given to the richt direction. Always push up hill—few people need a push to get duwn hill. Dunt be afraid of your musalee and sinews, they were given you to use. Don't be efreid of your hands ; they were meant [fur service. Don't be afraid of what your companions may say ; dent be afraid of your conscience --it will never reproach you for a good deed done; but push with all your hart, might and soul, whenever you see any- thing or anybody that will be better ter iesiond, long. strnnr, olotermined push. Pdtth ' It is just the word for the grand clear niarritn: of Life ; it is just the word for the strong anus and young harts ; it is just the word for a -x,•rld that is hill -- nut tiacoi.rasl•-_err vii le red by or. of the Australians. They Iwai a %eery twined in and :tb.o.t eiw "We..' o...t:t•Lr—cot nook es'Ihi• i. If Anybody is is any Cook owing to the narrow entrance e- mentation is set upFriends, did you high regard for American talent, Awueri• y trouble, and seu ace it, dont stand hack; can inventions, and AnIer1011111 institu- tions o1 any kind Anything wonderful or novel b attributed directly to the ec- centricities uf American genies. Ftom the patent Ay -trap in the the shop win- ceitrini; him as to its size. %hen all were bended the number amounted to 1,0610 persons, 2ti" having died on the seven mortbs voyage. A canvas tent was erected for the governor in the woods, and a largo circle wan drawn as a limit to the intro:ions uf the natives, who, after the floridly of the appearance of the newcomers had worn off, began to be very troublesome. Thus was the nucleus of one of the most important of the British colonies. For a number of years the embryo 'eltlement experienc- ed many difficulties and hardship, principally through the scarcity of par visi.•na ; several of the cements were hanged for stealing food from their mon favored fellows. The land in the int - seediest. neiahto,rh,..od 01 the settlement would yield nothing ; a farm was then started et l'arrainatte. fifteen miles dis- tant, and .eon their hervests began to be bountiful. The early hist.ry of the coley is fraught with the records of crime. Murder, r oldoery, and incen- diaries were of common occurrence. Convict ships arrived frequently, and up to the year IeeX1, thirty -serer vessels arrived and the e.ttiviet ptpulati'-n numbered 5,000. one theueend of these \beinz females. In Mar -h. 11404. A $ TINV Took PI.A'•L assong the eateries, but it was put down by the soldiery and the leaden with tawny' others were hanged. Iii 1µ410, when- the copulation had increased to over one hundred thousand, one fourth nearly of this cumber being convicts, a .tom i4 with - 211,01064 a n. bsati rrired in fort Jackson. but a great public meeting being Galled nit Circular Quay, end r' strewn" end indig- nant were the protests against their laadiapl, that the eloyernor and Hoene sathonties rescindet the reg ulatioua allowing tttn.port *icon land their convict'. So from that to the present the colonists fare nut Leets troubled by the influx of the o(fdeournt:te of humani- t)) in l$'il tee weathers' pert of New South Wales separated in -1 Ioecnmr a distinct colony under the name of Vic toric. The sante year smirks the rile ovrRT moo••o. in Australia by an American near Ba t- nest, which fanned the reentry intoi tame of feverish exciteinrnt end dis- organised the whole frauwwurk .4 society for two of three year.. Sydnor, St/ called after Viscount Heaney, by blue time was repoily bee. g *n imp orient cityCloth f•et•.ries, distilleries, eager refneries, tanneries, (••undriea, *rid ive- duatries of ■l1 kinds. were nous and flourishing. A university *A4 l•ndnwed, • railway line c•.ustruele.l, a mint ..tab fished, and the gre..twst b.a.n to the colonists almost this time was the perm/ of the Constitutions' Act by which the great rodeo's' principle• '.f resprnathle government were eaoc«Is'I P,-. sperity continues unabated, slid the Australian colonies to day may ler' ranked next to Canada as the most Aouri.hinrt .t Her Majesty's p'wwou..n• And M•w 1 • ne turn te our t,e.el. A. we entered 1'•at Jacket.," we could not hr Lit lw favor - slily ianuressed With the appeaiawes 1:1 everything a. saw. TNT attraTtoC of a is • delightful rine, shoat as ntde from the entranee t•' the harbor The en Za w» Ifl about half • mile wide, and on beim wd.nti- im s • wtpp Pp en the rase. A "trimmer wi 1 he sur- term gar cbilkeslas, eetituraee apo. I valae of gram's Fluid Lightning. 2 • prima l in +iiia: t!te,.ntlyin,t .ify NM /tithe the fore: tor 10 or 15 minutest �" Denis • dow to the, electrc light In Macycuame lighthouse, is a standing proof tN the "Yankee's'. fertile brain. And, of course, any person arming from Canada is supposed to be personally acquainted with Ilanlan. We witnessed his tri- umphal entry into Tnrontn after one.vf his successful pulls, we have seen him exercising himself on Tonnes fay, and we have studied up his record pretty well, se we are ready for any emergen- ce. \\-e give a short sketch of a city reporter's terzu law wren A cANabt*'i on Heiden, as it • red in one of the I Nay' more that that; in all tt►K.uths appeared where there are tartar -covered and ale - city papers a short time ago. caying teeth. there are millions of 1. • He was a Canadian, and tallel very pdtefir.rea ?nscrvtle.e (microscopic para - fest. sites), which are also carried into the ale ever thick of it. those whose teeth are' ush • if ;here is iinythtng rood beim rotten and r.tting, that your mouths are p' - g register oeapeolsi And this putrescent done in arty place where you happen to wetter Is caiveyed into the stomach res. bs, push : tinuelly with the saliva, and caneequent- 1 aces au irritation of the list Y 1ng membrane, which is the wont and net uneommon form of dyspepsia. whish is imppuueesn1bletocure (nee even with the 995. - 999.999 patent medicines now in the market i. until the dental organs have ..3est received proper attention. Indeed. canes of dyspepsia of years' standing hate been permanently cured by judicious at- tention -to the oral c City, and without medicinal agent too any extent; when, on the contrary, all the medicines that eau be given will not effect a cure until the cause is removed.•e rAPS - Did he know Riolan 1 mentary canal• and, it may be. producesWell, he ought to senile : 1f then lather unplicate'l and Genius diseases, was anyone in the world who could lay the origin of many of which are now claim to knowing .Hanlan he was the unknown., man. ....,. Resr.ltsef. --e�'gone,' for it was better before titan after marriage. She certainly was not He was a man of heart as wells* brain. Fur every once 1 think of ht. "sine in the hands of an angry God,' 1 think1 twice of that neer rare and beauteous passage in which he describes Sarah Pier relent, his deetined wife, at the age "f 1 f.wrieen. Dentes '•Yeti Nuuva has hardly anything momystical : "They i omatl-tbeeeds a 'roues body atp-New Hewett who is beloved 41 that Oreat Being who hakes all rules the world, and that rs there art� certain se•eoss Lo which t►u (heat mg, in sume way rat other, als•pp.l■tai, t'ue wade RSseese.laae. A drama in real life oeewtwed one day last week in the busy town of Trenton, 1 which, though containing many humor nus features, is not without its pathos. 1 The guests were duly invited and the festivities provided for in the way of mast goose, etc., cakes and pies anal things at the house of the bride -tri -be. The 'groom -to --be, arrived from • neigh- boring county, only to learn by a hasti- ly -scrawled note from his 'levee that .he had 'left with the intent of not being wed. The guests. however, assembled to eat the good things. and the would-be groom was psrsueded to join the party. He wade • heroic and philosophical speech at table, saying he was glad she Did Le think Laycock would have any Joaaltlw sdward's chance against Basilan 1 Yes—about as much chance as the H'rheumatism against a streak of lightning anlan was a half alligator ; all these fell• wa who+ live on the lakes are. They spend nearly all their time on the water. For eight months in the year the water is frozen. at that rate, we said. Canadian "colter" haven't se much *hence for practicing et the Aentralism- @cullers have ? Pshaw ' the Canadians break a way for their boats through the ice with an axe, and then make better time thanshe Australian in open water. Did it freeze hard in Canada f Well he didn't know if we would call it haul, hut you could hear it freezing. Well we did cell that hard hard to. "wallow. Why, that was nothing. All the rowh the winter they quarried for fish. Theme tisk quarries in Lake Ontario are one of the greatest tonnes of revenue to the Canadian tloternment. At this *faze the rep.rter seemed t.' have news enough, and he cut his inter- some short - we d'•n t vouch Ga the eeenracy of either I',-• interviewer er iuh•rvieee I. The g.'o..les are great epe.rtr.r• me t. mid !1:44. + •-r.scinK, cr:.k et, foothill, al i beet race.: wean to o:cupy a great deal of their time and anent ten. No oioubt the wife for him, as her conduct showed. The approving guests. one and ail, then graciously presented him with all the pretty and valuable presents intended four the ',ride, and in turn stave the hostess a small purse of money to pay the 91POW% of the feint, .sd the company dispersed. the intended groom doubtless a Badder, if not a wiser than. --,Trenton Counter. comes to her and BIM her mind with • el- ceedktg sweat deltight, - and that she hardly cares for anything except t. • medi tate un Him. She has a singular purity in her •fbtotionu ; is most just and coneci- ,utious in all I could not persuade her t» do nnythutg wr,.ng ornnful if s'• -i wouldg•e Iteral Suet yon v receipt t' The justice will hove to settle this world, lest she should ' Ifrnd thin It is A stn.ular fact.' says a Na lee Great Brine. She i. of os. w.00lcrfelP that'' 'Let him.' And now for weeks calmness, aweetnese, .n•1144.1r.•1111l buns ; ;trail' ifleflt, 'etas weare indebted to the justice has vainly tatters seeking law ha manifested himself to her wind. +fruit. 1'exrs ago when the excavate ' • Brig Ttae. Fifteen years of suffering from the tortures . f I)yepep.ta is indeed a lung time. A Burns, blacksmith, o1 rebourg was thus afflicted, but it only requited four betties of Burdock Blom Bitten for cumplett-ly cure him. 2 1 nee voice all weer thehail '_�� up (roan 'nether', that says, "My daughters are sat feeble' and sad, loath u,• ,e,„„t,h all nut of breath and life et the least ea ort ion. What eau we d.. for thea, The sneer is amp:• and full of h,.p- (hie to four wok. use of H„i. Bitters will make them healthy, n caro sprightly, ped cheerful. . The dreaaeet Se sliate t'ee.eeese to • preparation of enrt .lie and, veiehrne and .erste called klaalregur .t b'tuke Carbone Conte. It will etre aur dose, cut, bursa '.r bruise when all -.tber Ior,- pone tloons fail Ca11 at D. Rhynes dee; store, and get a reclaim. 27o cents a awl It CoS111 tion of the body, and a trio suggestive in .why diouli au.an wn,'se bl,,,.a a ("Ann a measure .f the stumbling gait, for the witb•u upright carriage and the free and grime- Sit k. k..raods:re cut in alabaster!, fol .tcingiuK nee 'mem natural to the 1 I.1 bin bair,trow rusty-, spat anal thin. oleo 'Cltt:ALKlot*aNLwaa willnul. legs in walking, The beet, or shoe, in Levet tb„ (aster Fur sale by J. Wil. order that it may not shift Jot the foot, yon 2m which hes lust much of its usual t•ur- • ter M roe.. mares. nor. chase of direct downward pressure, inset • The Aunt healing o.wup.un.lunder the hold it firmly, and even tightly, mud in Mn is leciOneer,1 Parke'► Cart, ticerr- (articular it is reoeesarily constructed on a"• There is aro sorebut will wecunnio as to hold with undue firmness just above :::•118n o its wtand.rful halin” properties It• u an :valuable dressing foe scalds. (es- tertop. elle. Pnoe 25 cents at O. liliv nsi drsl(store. h In the history of mode Hoes no, prei.a ration has received such universal even - nsendatiow for the alleviation it etf.ord+, and the permanent cute it effects iia kid near diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kiuney Cure. Its acto'n in these dtatrtwtu, cutuplainta u simply wonderful. Sol i by .1, WMis.•u. gni the back of the heel. With some per sons, perhaps, uo inconvenience results, with others who have tine skins chiding u readily produced. This is in itself a trifle,.but it may nevertheleia he the dight l.egiuning of graver troubles. Probably there u no practitioner faar'y long acquainted with town practice who cannot ,rill a case or cane art which extensive inflammation of the leg with- out abscess formation has followed even such • slight abrasion, and the exciting cause when looked for war discovered in the patient'. shoe. There hare been even instances, fortunately ran, but still occasional, where abscesses arising round some neglected trifle of this Lind have ended fatally. These are facts which minnow bre denied, and should net 1e overlooked. --(London Lancet. Children &elset.ed With T.heeee, lit nue of the schools of Brooklyn buy thirteen years, naturally very quick VW bright, was found to be groin daU .sd Mf.L His face w.. -asd E.li.d nervous twitching. He was obliged to gust echoed. Inquiry showed that he had bec' me a confirmed smoker of cigarettes. to hen asked why he did not give it up, he shed tears and said that he had often tried but could not. The growth of this habit is inaidiow,aud its effects ruinous. The eyes, the brain. the nervous system, the memory, the power of application, are all impared by it. 'It's nothing but cigarette' is real- ly 'it is nothing but poison. German and French physicians have recently protested against it. And a c'nventien of Sunday and secular teachers was re- cently held in Ec land to check it. It was presided ever by an eminent sureeen of • Royal Eye Infirmary, who sated that many diseases of the eye were directly caused by it. Perents, save your children from this vice, if possible: Do not allow them to deceive you. In future years they will rise up and bless you foo restraining them. est as a a. CLARTsa 1l. ki%0.. IBS,. tbcmd*c en -} pMokr of.lek ►eadathe` Itastajgia, thiele trouble, for years in the milt terrible and excruciating us&n atm No medicine er d,.ctor could give inc relief ••r cure -anti! I used Hop B., - ten. 'The first bottle Neerly cured me ; The second made we as well and strong as when a child. •Aad. 1 havebeen eat W this day.' a i My H uabia - was as NavibdTse iwusty years with a serious •Kidney, liner asd urinary somplltint. 'Pronounced by iioeton's best pbyi-, In Mak • lead. .1. Kennedy, dealer in drugs. dc. , Dixie. Ontario, recommends Hagyard's Pectoral Baleen to his'cust,raers,tt hav- ing cured his wife ,of a bad cough. It s the safest and surest remedy for ell Throat and Lung troubles, such as Aathrna, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and most pectoral complaints. 2 a Nevel t'elseetles. This is the question that troubles • French justice of the peace : A drover and a butcher in the market, adjusting their acconnts, went to • tavern t naeth- er. Turing the meal the butcher took front his pocket a bank note of one hun- dred francs value, wherewith to pay the drover, but in handing it over, let it fall in •dish of gravy. He snatched it out, and holding it between • thumb and forefinger, waved it to and fro to dry it. The drover's dog, accepting this move - meat as• friendly invitation, and liking et the saturated note, made e spring at it and swallowed it The butcher was furious. 'thee me my near.' he demanded ; 'kill the dug and open him 'Not by • groat sight,' re- plied the drover ; 'my dug u worth more than a hundred franes.' 'Then I ewe you nothing : your dig has collected for you before witnesses'' 'My dog is net imy cashier ; and besides, where is your wvolence especially atter this et eat (dead ( nmpcn o , e great nn ustry n canning ,.r precedent fur such a ,ass, and the .ns p ult. will uometunre go about Ir•"n place were pout hegi inln_, a party of Cinein- townsmen have been on the vergs of a t,o place, singing sweetly and teem. t.,' 'ethane feted an what had been a pantry riot over it again and again. -- [Albany ler a!-e*Ven pro.d joy Sad pplea•hrc, and : of a 11..11114.man a,. ,y jars of pr+eerre figs. ioe .lontnal. no nue lei .sus for .'hat. 4h. bees t.. its I Char was "Pena and they were found to mono, walking in the fedds and groves,(bs fresh and g"" investigation show. ami mere+ to have urns. onsr�. jnvicable I. :at the hgr had been put into the jars alwatt talkg inwith her.- are flurried ' N�,I a heated state. and then waled with beam'. Slw/d uesinil.s Is the only Instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub - if Hanlan t i ild decide t e visit the I this dear rid at setentren, sad of their line:. The hint wee taken, and the neat nine a few daps briskly u an that u „ i. i I tannin was introduced men thA arm.. but the olds wont 1 be el mach 'R came Aaron Burr IHS s p e ri1ef MAgaxme I fur weeks but nate minute's laeathes his favor that lefty menet' cturrtp bends os.. _• eat th that in `""Ile in Fvmp»u 20 removes all pain and well ave thegrw*t a•lony h w old meet with a hasty we. n blessed rna,n. in the mewed ttaseratton. • needed. No taking nataenne medicines h niteol litotes, the process iters mad (""entry townie to see the is water as hot as can he bane , then 1.11:,..Y.\r Sian. .,puo•TS aptly !deep's -41's follow (hl, and • cure isc+atin. Yellow (til caro. Bhrimet• which, we w. re told beloag'to two "so in lent. Neuralgia, Deafness, L. n. new. and ' particular. het when they get too 'sumer l•ai:e een.relly : and internally cerci' bekMae 's Armies Salve. per bottle •t ieorge Rhynes drug eters. b ane te ma\w it health,' foe clothes 1anee, V.d•b, H .rr Thnrit, ('r.np, Aathrn.. and t ;,.•milt n: allrchnhr. 2 as-lretiine,, ps.ert. '1'.•r neat. or any who other .h..1411110 r. rho police are tubi off (o shed thew without regard No bouawheld sheet.' not .onnei.lerut 1..ensi.r eel. N'. laugh«d very hari,Iy n'mplrte without a le.ttle of Dr. Van a short time wit, at ai .a,r(;hnswan s ex. Buren a Kidney rare as el the closet pia. The viol Chinaman left Ala ht es the '."l, rwm.•.1y that will positively, ware., a locket .4 °abbsda and "iter Pt's. tly and premplly cure all forma vegetables, '•n the strait aliens he went "l kadi•y .11•1 0004. Wali by J Wilson 2m ant•. a c•onplan..t esbuet Seeker's to du The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily rare Rurns, Itruisev,('ut..l'Iceis, Halt Rheum, Fever Ruses, Veneers, Piles, ('hilhlaine, Coen., Tetter, (upped Hands, and all Skin Brnotions, gua,anteed te care in every instance, or money refunded fie. per hoz For sale M .1 Wil«on. ly. A Rew•en Of one dorm" "Tussca- aT to any one wending. the beret four line rhyme en " the reatrksble little g�sum for the Teeth and P.•t«. Ask your flrugg.st ..r adding& • Owed Blls.svery That is daily bringing in, to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ores (rent an early grace Truly is Dr. King s new Discovery for C.onsumy- tion, Conchs, Colds. Aathina, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Lose of Voice. Tickling in the Tbn.t. Pais is Rile and Ghat, or any disease of the Threat and. Image, a creative curve Ota renteed. Trial Pot- ties free at J. Wile/on.. Drag Rhee. Large Hiss 01.O0. (6) 'Intmr&I$e ' &even bottles of y, sur bitten cured him, and 1 know of the 'Lives .d eight perm,u.' In wy neighborhood that have been saved by your Littera. And many more are using them wub great beneht. They alta et Do miracles •' - las Mrs. E D. Slack. DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER Leathu Ulldeflaor, f AND Has on land now the LARat.T *TOM of First - Class Furniture la the County, and as !wow purchase for esti. will not be undersold by any one. I offer Tapestry carpet Lounges, from $).O upwanls. Whatnots, good. from 'Lao op. Hew 1M, k ('lairs. from Tec. up. and evert thing else in the same prop••rtion, AT THE Uhl) S TANI) Between 11., Pool voice k Hank of Montreal. t3ODERICZi- Oct. 1$- h. 11Kt. 1013- wanted for The Lives of al the Presidents of the C.R. It is the Largest. Haad.oe.est and best book ever sold fog leas than twfue our price. The fastest eellin,,,v book in America. Immense profits to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Anyone ran be avrIK • suec.s,fal agent. Terms free. Addre•• HAL.LETT BOOK tan.. Portland. Malar. 111l.- "JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. Own. Crrt.h's Hlro'•k, Kingston M., Oede rich. flans and specifications drawn correct ly Carpenter': pla terer'sland mason's work measured and valued. AYER'S Sarsaparilla etc.. Raewnratlem. Yearalata, Rheumatic Oeet, atle•neral Debility. Catarrh. and al dasreders ceased by • thla and Impoverished, es- ...nrupted..nadnton of Ike blood; .:psalm the blood-pmrnns from the system, eariehing and renewing the blood, and restoring Its stud- Wag inat-Wag power. During ■ long period of unparalleled ssefoI- .Mt, Avra', BAr•rAatts,A bas Meta it. porton a,leptatlos to the ears of all diseases originating in poor blood ands weakened vitality. It N a highly ranc.wtrased aatrer* of /a res- pvilla sad ether Meed-p.rffylleg( meas. e.nmblaer with ledide et Telemeum ewe Ir... and to the settee. meet reliable, and most economical blood -purifier and hood -food tilt esu be used. laSsmnaatery Rheeuaallsm Cured. • " At ries ea aA►ARIL[.• it.. eared vibe of the Inaammatnry Rheumatism, with which 1 bees ssIered fur man years. W. H. Nonni - Durham, urhaai, la., March *. rch 2, 1142. " Algin years.dt• I had an outset of Rheuma- Ilam w, Mvere that I ...mid not mows from the bed, or trees, without help. 1 tried s.,.,$1 reswukse without mseh If any ren.f, until 1 toot ATO'. .A AIL. A, by the use of two bottles of whish 1 was e„mpsetely rand. D hate not been troubled with the NbeemaWa. oleos. Have geld Lirlsrgs gtmuUtis of your $AR$APAaIIJ.•, sod n retains its wonderful pnpslarfty. The NNW notable encs It has elected In this vicinity mgt vine* me that 0 Is the beet blood merlons ever offeree to the pebble. L.. T. Hasa." lher .t., a.chland, Yam., May 13, Isle. "TAN Mani 1 was on weak trawl ssa•ral de- MIIty that 1 tuned not walk without hep rot - Mwta g the advt... of a Intend, 1 eo.reeewd taking ATra • *aasarAaitt A and Mires 1 he. ad ed three batiks 1 felt am sell as I ev.rdtd la my Itfe. 1 hove ten et wort now for two MINI ths. W daub your 11 Lea th. errateet skid melesia.1s. the weed. Janie •rwAaa." M w'esa ad ht., Hew Tak, July If, tam. Ave.'s Aar uAan.u.. Germ am.gah nod all Seiregallows C.mpla/sea. 1Lvyslpabs, les gems. Rlagwwren. •sete*e.. *era.. IMAM, Tumeee, and Leapt lees el the tibia. It elem. the *lest of all Impurities, stdsdig•sttsa, gums. Yes the artlnn of tha bows%, and thus n nnees •salltr sad ehreagtiene the whets ggssm. WV Dr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowoll, Miisg. 0.ld by all res, 5.. price 01. OM MOO* IN Q f• h jl ri sl u f. th le ed at be he ti> th oat ye =decd .1•: en .•i toll ani ..4 ne be m a', ♦a A• w 111 ,e C fr lar t 1,1 k 401. 11 1: li Ii e r 1 1 1