HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-2-8, Page 1t11ri ? 'k•
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WHOLIC WV'77 R •tom
IL A tA! iW. Favtw, lecO1LLJCUDi)Y taas
Sew ldase4teiseats Tit. "reek.
c. -ds Juba .t. Bruce.
rtA a sonin4 Jae Yuuag.
Au limns' Report ttolb0rae.
$e w! Annual D. M. Kerry t Co.
B ,a to auiod W. .1. loon.. &Winnw.
"A duel's meant ye. Lakin notes,
Ata faith he'll prent It.
i Asi for the "yuhd Comfort -.or "011vette-
Dentistry. Ostend' cigar
G. C. Robertson has Just re eited • very
- Awe lee of Valentines. 1 hays on bawl ell
cotes of Macrame twine.
i riii and residence. Nut
low Bank ,f Montreal.
The People's Column.
17 11 ANTED to Irani Ike t(n•mithlug bual-
.,.•ss. Apply to W. J. COOK. 14a/tansy City.
N ih. Ifthet
i ,trod, on the Stet January. a purer cow-
. icor ft 'sum of mosey. was found by the flub.
• .her. The owner tan here the same M
• • :aa pnWerty and Wring expense et ad-
. icons, by en ,wrist at Derives store.
!:•[tile LILZIk WiL•SON.
cultists -tent MEN l drew eight) cords
wood W Mr. Kidd'. well. I got the fore
,. to Its.s.ure 1L All he would allow me ea
was size condi and seventy feet, allowing
'y three feet long fur the wood, and only a
tar an.1 • half • coni for it. 1 drew it back
town, •rad sold It for two dollars and ,wen -
five vests a cord. and got full nummure for
That, 1 usa/1er, wee • mess trick, and tt
be emu) proved. 'AMC?! Yul' NU.
ulborne. Jam. S. telt,. 11119 -It
Mix Mullen is visiting friends in Lon-
favorable to the bisyer. two carloads of Valentine's da will fall on Thursday
No. 1 pine, and Nos. 1 ,sad : cedar. ] y
•n to purchasers- JOSEPH K11MD, 0011.
rlatiotsal aaR .corks, Ggderial- 11116.11 Has Payne left f„r Lucitnuw omSatyr-
day last.
Spring fashion wtll soon be upon us, but
rtte that fac4 the winter is net yet past.
a nest -fitting winter or spring suit deal
WI 10 Ware "Our measure a' F. k 1.. Prid-
hsm's. east elde of the square, t;uderich.
Geo. B. itobsuo. taring returned from the
Provincial capital. when b. had been Advo-
cmUng the interests of Huron's photographers.
Ass new seated down is his studio 1, labor in
behalf of all who want first-.-las• Photos taken.
V►La\Ti1Sri. -We know of no ,tetter valets
time to send to your girl we fellow, Qum a
yhoto.traph of yourself. $allows. the photo-
grapber. 1. always up to 'be times in the lat-
est styles. Remember daLLows, Market cor-
n er.
The p: evelence of colds and bronchial affec-
tions at this time of theear turns the tuxes
tion of the thinking public to the nest manner
01 gnarling the throat. Ott your liquors ter
medicinal purpoasn from W. L. Horton'.. and
you will tease to be troubled
'- The Itch of Fel ruery is Cupid's gal• day.
This is leap year. mod the young men has' bet-
ter fly hitch or they will, be winged by some of
the young ladies who are securesg "Cupid's
darts- at %sunder, variety store. They have
t Dae stock of eentimentml and comic velen-
Mow "The cheapest house under the son. -
H. Y Attrill was in town on Monday.
The ice harvest is caw being gathered.
For Sale or to Let. Miss Rife Las returned from her visit
That splendid farm comprising 1100 Miss. S. C. Co..k is i'tsittnd relatives
lets 11 week 15. eek ball of to can. of in strews. viUe.
:a nearly all cleared. end In good state
ItivWon. si acnes In loll wisest. ND Mr. Oelam. nephew of R. %A. Mc Kan- some ex eriencr in Manitoba, and hu
trees is the seamed. Two frame vie, is in town. p Pr
. three frame stables, frame pig pen, to conte out ahead in the Pacttic pro -
hem house. two bit tarns. a good house Mtn. R. B Smith is u Moulresd viper-
r of ; rooms. Poul wells, and • One Carni, 1! week.
.-reek. 6 miles from Hrurwmore ls. sad • Harry Clucas has the contract .,f paint-
,• rroul Htyth, wilt be sold or rented Dr. Whitely has hie office at Lis real- in the three new steamers ",nought out
Me terms. Apply to 1•ATRICK 8
tiod.rich, Out is, -u dente, Elgin street. from England by the Canada Pacific R.
SALE OR TOLET.-A FRAME John McLean, painter, left for Port at., and which are lying at Port C"l-
SA E Angleton Treat. FRAME Colborne on Fridaylast borne. He has sent for a number of
UVrooms end Sall. woodshed. stool) Great loantttien of drift -wood are be- hie brethren of tete brush.
erten- •necked with choice fruit' to hauled fetor the beat;Ji
The town clock "stopped shush" e1
Tuesday, hut was wound up abut MN
past eleven, and is now ruuuing with its
old time regularity.
Mrs. A. J. Copeland, of South fiend,
Indiana, returned on Tuesday last, an.1
u the guest .of her relatives Mn. and
the Messes Wilkinson.
W. F. Fu..te, conductor oe the Choral
Union, intends drilling the members in
a cnmber of grand choruses, as a rich I
treat ft r the music loving public. s
The annual meeting of Knox church
will be held on Wednesday evening, the
2Oth int. Some important bunnies is
expected to come before the congrega-
Mir Eliza toucan has executed an ad-
mirable crayon portrait of her brother-
in-law, Joseph Rattenbury, of Clinton,
which reflects great credit upon her as
an artist.
The Presbyterian choir and other town
talent will be present at the tea -meeting
in the Union Presbyterian church (lode
rich township this evening. A good
time is expected.
Miss Christina Cameron, daughter of
the late Hun. M. C. Camerun,died at Sar-
nia on Monday night. Tho deceased
lady wait highly esteemed for kindness of
of heart and Chtlet ian character.
DRAWING CL.i1.. -We understand
that R. Crockett, of Hamilton, intends
opening classes in drawing, and painting
in oil and water colors, in town shortly.
Particulars will be given next week.
CoNSTABi.R's Arrot%T$o. --The filthier -
int immutable. have been app. intent iF--
his honor JudgeToms : --Watson Ainley,
Brussels, Th..i. Martin soil Wm. R.
Bell, (.orris ; Sand. DA%is, Centralia.
Wm. Rutledge, torinetly 1u the en►
ploy of Rees Price. is now un pia way
The Cassaltun, Da , Reporter has the
(ogle: iug peewuoal ntentlum of a for•aer
resideut of (f.derieh : -- John Silver,
Lawrence Bra.' popular c.,ntidentis)
clerk, leaves this week for a throe weeks
trill to venous promlllecit Dounuion
cities, and it is rumored be Rill return
row et, i 'T►RI SUPPIt t The Curry I
Brethen, who recently disposed of their i
interest in the Woodbine h. tel to Mr. 1
Craig, un Friday evening last gave & tare •
well supper to • weldor .•f th.• pr.inin I Tlw Caled..nien modal w• t>..w being
ant re,tdesta of the town. Tbo attend- 1 eottt.eawd for by
Thr 1.1.11 1 mgrs fir the arid. tee.lal.
arca was large. and showed that the t rink
tionabers of thy:
(launch curling rink Th "trot draw"
f riu Washington, D.C., transformed to Messrs. Curry have seccsedett to ip;nln;
double -plated Silver -ware. However, the g..o.1will :oil esteem .•1 thine with I
Ouse will tall. whom they have come in contact. After
The futwral wniew, bold usre the a capital Slipper had been partaken 1.;f, ,
budy of the late James Quigley, of Hul- the tails)* were cleared, and toast, 1
lett, were largely attended en Monday s,npt, and sentiment i%e ante the'
last. Rev. 11. J. Wetter, took part in order ..1 the occasion until after 1
the "wee sma' hour. The singing of
Messrs. Itohtneen and William. added
much to the pleasure of the evening.
The gathering dispwrse.l, after wishing
health, weekh and 4trosirortty b, the
lusts and hostess, with the smiling of
"Auld Lang 5yns.'
llmir. AKn--1Se regret 1.• ore. r.l this
week the (loath of S. H. Detlor, a well.
kui.wn resident Of Godersch, and former-
ly a business loan ,f the town. For the
peat six or seen years Mr. Detltr bad
the ceremonies Miss Cook, organist of
St. Peters' church, lioderich, was also
preesnt. The deceased was a rolative of
the Moen Curry, .4 this place. He
was accidental) killed by a hog riling
unite him one y last week.
To Ph'H.No1. TsAeu►.tt..--Durintf the
put week we have received a number of
'monthly school reports of standing of
@cholera in rural schools. So many of
these reports are coining in that we have
decided to omit theme for 1884. tt'e are
Willing to publish a list of these pro t- been in the Gurernns,ant employ as an
ed at the Midsummer and Christmas ex- tulanl re%rnue ulfisrr, and r.+ a e.u.e•
•urinations, but cannot find rwnn for .Tuen00 nail not Liken the saute active
the monthly reports. A number of interest in public ani civic matters as he
teachers will tie disappointed this week, had done formerly. A c.•u{•le of years
but o1.r space forbids the app•arauc1 of &t•o he contracted a severe col.l w titch
e monthly reports. Ise e• open a lungs, never CHORAL 1-110N. -The Choral t' ' him until his death. fast s,n.mer, ac -
the h I s and net left
is now in good, working order, under the I companiod l,y lea brother J. C. ho cross -
leadership of Profesw•r Foot. It is ed the ocean in the hope that the trip
floe cry that intending nleutbeno, whoo would be of benefit to has health, but
have not already uurolled their tomes, the unprucniuent which Matt fora time
should attend on Monday eta g next, apparent was only .of a temporary nature,
st 7 4 i ••'cl..eka The f ws are, fr •wts•at and he gradually failed Aiwa/ Tuee4y
Al 12 nights. fig for gentlemen, 50c. for Lim when his spirit uitht'dltht. The
ladles, music 2:oc. The practices are duceaa01 was well thought of by all who
held in (be shoat r, ou ..f St. Ge,.rgu'e kucw' Gn,i, dttd was of a retiring dlargely •
anion. The (where!, which was largely
attetsded, 10.,111 p + teem the residence
The cerewoaly .1 ''F►leastng this can- of Jar. J. t DetJor, South street am
to British Colulrhia. •'Rill" has had dies - at St. Peters for the Feast of the Thursday afternoon at 3.:10 o'clucg. De-
sol at • bargainea. . Apply to SIRS, '
on the premotsttr ure Dessemtter Miu 1fiadshaw, •.f Stratford, u ills
1017-3t. guest .1.f Mn. l;eo, Evans.
BALE --LOT NUMBER 42:11 IN Mrs. Lucius Carey has returned hem
towa_sl Omierich. for -apartiri)ers vision; her sons at Winnipeg.
r.. Uoderieh. ►yell"WWI'NN , Miss Sure Payne is spending a couple
LL FARM OR MARKET GAR- of weeks among friends in Lucknow.
'N for sale. The •hese property M ' !.sloe To:ama is in town arranging fur
ome "'ilea Ibc rnariet "mire' beiat the manufacture of a number of net.
t AJtiCROf+i. HOLT rt l
urificitiun was celebrated on Sunday ceased hilaeo a wife and four children W
last. The candles were distributed mount his loss•
among the con,iregation and lit at the Already arrangements are being made
Gwpsl Elevation awl cumuiuninn service,
which had a %cry beautiful and solemn with the -Slicers who arca t•. commend 1 the
effect. A pop•al nuncio (roto His Holi-
large Lake Superior nrelmc,f It run.
nes* Leo XII was read on the efficacy of
tone tlw 11 c.1 that ommanded drag hof coming Beattysea,-
and his exhortation to the faith -
fol to bit fervent. sem as 1olie as•- 1'nited Empire, Captato
Robertson . Quebec. CA!-tain Symes :
I )ntari•,, Captain %e•Iin-i Janes
Itiethnnan, who .1.1riuz the last seaman
was tint urate of the t►nt trio, will cell-
The l'nk,katou, Da , L,tel paper RUNNING THE GAMUT. -The last hatch
est m follows of tau (:. loitsl L h .ys : "f sclo,ol teachers sent out from Huron
Thu salastn ort tiecond titrrrt, fr,nner{y Model schools had some strange fellows
recopied n . win. one is Min; repair- in it. One of these tyro, who teaches in rwauJ the .hylas tL •cowing sAasan, attd
td and refitted Fy the Moms lira., a northern township, has been giving his ho is mow en1tItC iI'.:n ah:pp•ul1( a carg , o1
with a t iew to its immediate tenancy. • experieunes to ai fellu•e teacher, and ha pwlsd hoc at Kul_'a Jo ek, sn as to be
One hundred and seventy -hie ,Lour i5racuoe with the ''r.i" shows that ito real] fur n start uume.liately on the
has a dash of the .1d titre "moister' In upenlnit of uavi.atlun. It is reported
and coins of t!ie cart.i%•al edition of the his c.unpNsitien. He first attempted tr that C.ptatn 11eMsugh, fate of the lira
Montreal •it.,.• have been sold, and the •
enforce authority by the aid 1 the ruler;y, „, is to e,mmasd the Campana, of
lot A eoncesslon Mind
townwntp, presses are still running. A sin•.rular Mit he tried a walking stick, then a
Int ti score of ppdd geMen genu. - W. Megew of British C.,lumbia was 11s feature of the pnhlieetion is that it con- birch, (ullnwed by the heluint of a the Collingw..od line. Captain Ander-
a it a good frame h euro and barn with ern takes a.tiltttattd of arm 4 the new C.
nreniracos. Good orchard of warted town ,.`lir week, the guest .if his parrots. tains nn n trertiaementa. F••r stile •t. thrashing machine. This letter instru- p. R steamer, Capt.' M.soro has also
Appy to OttoOlx'., K. It ; tr .1ep0 Ogilvie, of Montreal. was in , imnm' . . men, .1 punishment gave way to a pair secured one, and Capt. Foot., . f /)well
lawatitten 't town last week looking after mill re- I The eleietiih annual convention of the of taws, but the latest weapon of hie Sound, late.tns.stot of the streamer Enter.
FOR ti ALE- Ps pet 1.g warfare is a rawhide. 't -e
County of Huron ti. S. Aesocietien Will1 ,ntic
count that a live three weeka expert-
Gourat.' it LEGAL TORR. -- A t:o Ica`
rich "limp 1.1 the law- has handed us in
the following :--"%%'e are pleased to re-
cord the success of Mears. McPhillips.
Best and Campion at the recent law ex-
aminations. 5.1.. McPhillips, considiw-
. 1.e.'nva.o r,.sw
Lot No. S, ►,. ehr Itay •: t con. township Mrs Cilarler Qtaek, of Chicago. is in be held m Ciultou en Tuesday and \1 ed.
erFeh.»s«ee.. /e to 50• eeatlearedal+d'town, the guest of Mrs Lawrence, her i nada$ next. Fare and a third tickets
from stomps -tosses well timbered, frac
rote on net Atli river and on the Clinton i sister. ; will be issued to visitors. Every Sunday
504 adjoin the incorp.wnted vine..• . • school in the Comte should be repreae•t-
W. Yor terms furtncr particular•. A R. doodah left fdr 1.1 th..ea! ou Time ? •rhe pr„cramine is an attraetite
menace tale spry to LEITH. KIND 1 Jay, to take in some „f the si;hts „f the •
• ext it, Snitchers. 1s Iain • i one.
r Wee Torots►o. Or ea John xnrtan earnirel' The response too our rooms for lock
pa ker'wr, Hayfield.
t Mia Attrill ami Master"Bob' ami sulscriptions, ate. to be Laid up was
AI:M FOR SALE -BEING THE! ed at their Csnad.in homestead en' well ariewerwd donne the week. Re• in the amount of time he gallantly de-
eaaterla 1l acres ofbloacklettered "r.'in Se'urday Iho. that those of our honest but q
;t:, l' ✓ireripun of the Township a e.i. hope l I voted to the fair ones of the town, is de.
r. A'" eat rS urge acres 1.[t ••tearr.l. '{ 'tt;ipe I •1 imam A. :iiulubah. of Port .Arthur, (forgetful sub+cnbcra who are still in serving of the greatest prune. Mr.
w oyf timti.•r sesame or maple, iara l readied 4 ..tench, . r; , tt'uul['.e{[, a01 i arrear will curve in as ar.,n as P•. 1e Best has passed the examination for sali-
1 .•fur a triune house. •targe Fences
Sara Friday last. I and p -iv us. "Many a mice's makes a I citor without an oral. n one who has
• .Imir a: • , t the premises. y a gooeooi
.c toiwf mll.e fedora l3wrrich h a goo. lye. Al1ul Heist, of FonthJl, is the truest muckds. I had anything to do with Ir. Rett has
road. For o.rtievtars apply to 7uHN 1 „g Alex •Sounder. I Mrs. Norrnin \loT`ermott, f,rrierlyof ' nothing bur praise for his thorough style
ErKKSI'tisGk,uoderoai,ortuat:AtsBR f her liege
1t1'►RTuv a,ti'ity...Ii.lerich Lest $lies Ida Wilkinson has returned from Goderich, made the heart o of doing business. and wherever he may
add, will, it is said, hare o.mmtnd of
another of the new steamers. We nray
0hotttty begin to 1.,.k f .r at,nnolnnce of
marine news.-($arni.s it/weever.
Fresco' in, MAt.'OLat HRtit. -On
was .nails last week, au,' nearly ell the
rat. s have :sad 11 out. Each ',slayer uses
three atones at 11 endo. the playing
fir the medal has be.r:t wit/teed by an
iutereated crowd .ef ..ld cur:sr. nod raw
hods, and Was atubtasruly contested by
sever -Woof the defextod 0101. Allan and
Pn,uJlo,at weed $ tic at the last std, but
the former won on the '•,:4y ..t-• The
tame between IHntchison seal Daiscey
was u.,t rt keen as Was eLpestwl. 'rho
following b the result o1 the .*race play-
ed ou the brat draw .
It. Mash... t7-gIhrt
l' A. Hatnker 11 pp Adasso• .. . Ie
l .Hatchtann 11 1•. le. Isemoy 7
A.McI)..(ll n It W. 1'rcouotl.wt .11
W. It M:11••r 11 1). l'. Strw..hau. ., e
R. Gibbons 11
J. t111wppherl 7 ;
x. Mcl l regor 11 •1. Qsll r . N1
T. Hund tl •' Vit'. T. It•elah. 6
The second draw will aeon W trade
and contested, and the winners wtll,be
pitted aeattut each .other unto "us Sol
remain., ant, will roeutca tLe euvettid
Preto- unior club hu been enameis:i ,'and,
play is grim „0 every after non and
night. At nights the rink is illuminated
brilliantly, and those unable. to he pres-
ent by daylight have an opportunity of-
indulgino in the "r.arine game' after
business h. urs.
SW Ogle HIrIIr1cs 11
A cievetJv writter-t ; e •• i a:legs. that
the ..o -palace at Montreal L• of Owen dr
strayed by tire was retteotly i.unliehe•t by
the Detroit Fr.t' Prat, ti.• well -worked
:wt was the detail, wad s. interesttu{
were the particulars, that ext heat sight
twiny of the gullible ani were aught.
Rcltection, is must tames, showed the ab-
surdity of the newspaper article, and
those who hail been taken in j••ined
in the laugh which was rowed at that(
ex peime. •
15'e have in tioleri,ei, however, .orae
;entleu►nti who adheres to his original
unpresslon that the ite•palaou was is -
styled by tire. ' A friend of his who •
lead Ie.tnted that he Will hugged the.. •""
lusoon 1•. his b. a om, meetinghitii'Iit the
$ei nary, at once proceeduti._tu_disihOr
his mind of the hallucination. and _after
advancing every plea lie cont.) think ilii
crcluded fiy asking.
"How in the world r,r?.l 11611 toe ptl
ace born down. -,
",Well," replied the -elettever in the
burnin•.t of icy Mui1din;4 "i roo►1 id the
papers the other day about a skatin;j
rink twang burnt up,' and if It is p•.wibh-
tor i skating rink to h.. n: Nig•wlly can't
it likewise he pnsiiilt_ I•.sr_Tpoq_j RVIR44_.
to hwr,..ln,••., r'
in the near of laughter that ensued
the enlighten.- 1•Ut the tt•H1nectinrl of
the arieinai ext.
rreads7 . 4 arrival...
Wednesday, J.tnuiry :loth. James Heals,
The sk.eing carnival on Tuuslay uvou•
ing, ni the Arcade skataug rink, was
pretty web attended by skaters in cos-
tume, hat the uuusiaer ..f spa„ tetets pre-
sent was not large. The L.11owtng wore
as g the masluers • -
(itau-N. Vanderhp,$A::.enc, ; 11. S.
Smith, Grace Darling ; A. Campbell,
actress ; Annie Straiton, ballet ,girl , M.
Elliott, house maid ; Edith McDermott,
country bride , 4laud Start, country
bri luuu%it , Eva Wilkinson, at day
break , Hatttu Wtlkmein. Spanish
ady ; Miry Nicholson, Uipay , Hen.
Polley, Queen of flswcra , Elba i'latt,
sunliowor : Flo Mcletosll, .1.1 woman ;
role Kirk tirade, I'Atharinu of Arragr' ;
Ada McKay, house maid ; K. Weather
std, starlight : --- Weatherall , Queen
' of Hower, Hattie smith, tennis player
-,tarry Arnold. torso- ; t .Bert
Wilkinens. Knight .44th, 17 ...slit try ;
Lin.lasy Elwtaud,siren-o-Jildtar.1 !Slit
f paign, 1'n -1e Rama. ; Ch Lu tion . rH•
r., left (indericb for T•,herrn- ray, to
ring to li.derich the rent -tins .4 his
hrother Malcolm, drowned on the
schooner Explorer in September last.
1 -pen atriving at Wiarton, Mr Heal"
was met by di.cnuragnig tenurka as t,
the pwait.iltty of reaching the spot where
the hody lied been temporarily Levied,
but a plucky driveracc.mpaut,w! him, and
together they plunged int., the wild re-
gion fortnine the north end of the panin-
T R ° LP )
OR 1 R TBENT i ca
THAT i er •dent visit to Seef„rth. hied glad the other de
ay by prenting , chance to cast his lot we can only eay sub. At T,ohermoray they met the maw
Z.1 with er hru
Ivau'IfG1 hetet r••., Ion,:e occupied by Mrs Jame* Saunders, we r• ,,,e, ,, him a sat • _ The tittle strap Til
:_ ni derstand, st..el 3rd on the list of tiles' went together to the place wrhere st 'tad
(:u'1 speed him. Mreine-pion, we un- wbu pati found the body, and the tart]
1' 1' f aero'' o' nod bT SIr • h b health f late
pmtabe i1•a•' E! Logan u s rad
n been
in pvo.•r ea .r titickn •; g'ram's dredge No. 1, Shull- I who were called G. the bar. Well done,
t..mr.pw. 1.1 the hard d wear streetbeen dspra.lted. They found that noth-
• i s few
ek. Ica a wintering. I Roseau's.. .1In t), night ..f the Z(;th..f remains were place -1 in the aleieli, acrd
Oftnti n.
rows ;rewtr r. errpwr• 1c Miss 111^1 1t s Iie ng a tom. chiynn, where Mr. McDermott (\cd.
t 10 t+i • ws•r J. pglLtt`i:ENttilalK, M R t h
r oia with her osier, n st eIi uq, ing had been disturbed. Tenderly the
.-$coir Aeret ft..l%Fi r
Mr. Jenkins, uadher of the late MimsNovember gut a stranger in town was the homeward tinve was begun. They
1►netihtnaerl'. 'Twenty-two incites •.1 snow fell lsmt Rhoda Jenkins, left on Friday last for I induce.l to accompany two 'min nlrn, reached Warton nn Katunlay afternoon, ,
9 mouth, a.nmg ou tweet] -two days out alanitota, can receiving a tdegnm with
` - 1 tai th. thirty-one. the serious .4 her (laughter's illness I
J,t,hour in Lower tt mKhten and a
'Waited respectively teesirmo nwelel Price) havinz made the journey in les. than
111\ I-Yt)g GES,:ilAL ACC -
PI Ithreedaya. Mr. HerJe speaks feelingly
Tttivt:Eft and Lon,' t••luatur. Gederkh: )fin A!ico Platt left Imo week to suit Death had immediately followed the an- few Noun witer the stranger *mired 6e and gratefully of the kindness shown
F t,. R•ria1, kW( cunsulombhl itighfi_Ot T Aster, hint Hyslop, of ,Forest,• who Ilwllncemfll'!t. end the sorrowing mother i Was robbed of Fdt. 1.w bank wises b.fpwih t pini by the potpie of W IArt tl sol 1 thou.
.r an. uonrrriwR erode r,• Is Al • pts. t nn '1! is in delicate health. eduld not ipe with iter daughter is, her
or with some silver •u.1 a gold watch ' who direet-d him to the lonely spot
hargc with thorough
h sstieh rder' ►l; clot
e.i I i order's left at i A M Polley and Mn Yollet• are tak• last mnmsui'• (ter .. ,n►mrttint the theft the young I whore the t,.rdy lay. Twelve INali« of
In.,MN I. rn1[aat to
1 m- -
' the Wirt-tr.; acmes of the winter In renewing his sulwcriplior• for 1884, r.bloen fled for the 1' ti Mu after tar- dn.wne•l p••mna pmid thrnrg!► Wiar
Motrin'.. lintel or sent 1.y mail to my add
i o ink. l'. t codes errruded tn. Jett ung in
sink. Cosaq Asrtleaeer. 1!•t -t carnival in aio,nttsoli J. W. Garr], of Chicago, writes us :-- eying for a short time returned to Wing- ton this winter. The romp o of rtil 1
- - -- Mrs. Turnhk:1, wife ••f Rev, J. A. I '•i thought I could stet alongwithout ham .•n Tuesi ty, and were aerated. •color Male reached G•,.lerich on llnnday
AM1Er+ !'IigSTiCE, AI CT(' >\EER, Turnbull is rule teaching the primary your hope+% getting so many other dallier The cast came hdnrr *Toren Neelmds Biter i ooll• and the funeral t 7k place
• en I .tppnieer, •u• c+n•,•- to J. t'. Currie. and wee lists, buf i find i cannot. I and Ulckaon with what result we hers from his ah -'r . res, cote ou Tuesday.
t .{h. Aorttun•v-. .rT.•• With Ales. Class in Knox church. ' The patl•1..•a:rn were youths et about
•'• U. Allan. 1..•mreordrrsat this oAlce.srat Joe Fisher has er.tered into a wrtutx• must say that it seems more natural to not learned. ?Timmons is w printer, and I
shook tluwr In mT •Menetis. JAB. ' ( me to get THE SlitsAt. on Monday at was formerly en the staff .f the Tomes, I the .ain't a;•• as the deceased ,Tisch
1: it tt tnetbuerr 10111 ship with John Knox in the livery stable dinner, than dinner itself and Price is a t..h. rer 1t was reperte.l • synat`j,eathy !'is Leon e1;.ri•.eed for Mr.
bttstneaa n
- Vtottons-et.
I AMES BAILEY. LICENSED AUC•' ,/n Sunday rex: at the C. M. church
• TIt1NEF1'ft for the County of Hurn. her•
.•ntcred the list, i, now prepared to attend : the love feast will lie celebrated and the
• e1! device, for AuetiourerliI. Orden left' cotrn:uttisn lertitm held.
.t Heiler's 8,ae1. (loderk h. or sent byball.
I'-mmptly attended to. en- A miscellaneous Int of articles will he
[ W. ItiLL, AUCTIONEER FIIR sold mods$. by Shenth's ale, rat the
foundry, at one ,• clock, p.m.
11- the County of Itnrtn Lar. au.-ndeA
n aey past el tie ('ones,.. Address confer* to tt•m •Craig fpia week t.N.k praoeasion
alerlei P. 0, • of the We.adbune Hotel, having purchas-
ed the interest of Curry Bras.
A. Itrottgh, of Too/into, is in town, the
-•-- - guest •.1 pia Msrther-in-law, D. McDon-
a. WRII'ILY. M D., •ti., PBI-- old, clerk of the Surrogate 1'oort.
• •' g1. a A ac~ M' Harr Uonagh, Toni Dark. and (is..
t'on Drug
-The It 44411 . * a 3t ' 7
I:amt s Drtig stere. Ile n, Lsgt Bleck left for Port Colborne, to augment
Cluteibe force of paint brush wielders.
,1 R IkDOPMAUH. M.D., ate et io - M. Kelman Mann, of St. Paul, hart)
x. IAN. AU1MiWeet ilei. f the to of (.w- i
111!10 U.srerehy. i.Mertlatr of ,A.- Royal t'•.1- been in town foto some weeks. He is
t ei Ph ele•latr, l.nedon. England• tr.. to • 1 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Ache.
> C. 1'.11 , cheerio. °Aire and residence
Valley's Hotel. Hamilton erre!. nod Oran •
I1' e1 .J Walla.:@, jeweller, o1 Lucknow,
jIto Mt•LEAlir PHYSICIAN. BUR ''vas to town on Sunday last. He re•
UPA1N. Ceewnwr Rr. Mice and residence tat matters all O.K. in the Sepoy vii •
Prime Wrest, seese4 deer new of t letnriS I Mgr.
ili I+trvrst. . -- Its1. W. H Skimmings left for Port Col -
G. MACRID, M. D., PHYSI ( born. on Tuesday morning. li,derich
Pixromium. -An entertainment under here yesterday that the prisoner Price Il ani l h:a fanny, the on••rot , .pc -
ora t ie n crit but
f tl bd 1 as1u1 boon rh up meow their N Vander!' [[ A l
int of aotlday, Feb. lit, when a series of states that such .s not the ease. and that 4ereiyenlent I weld ; M. IFawrlten.
I .ntrenl tramp ; Prat& Traon.:l , now
' buy . Dick l; imer.n. hieyder ; Il i wool
1'as re, 'art, me player ; Reels Smith
t'hlnww ; Toni. t'11tratton, hegxtr ,wry
t iew. Me1'ollongl., h.cyc:oar . .1 oak Mc
1 i•olloueli, liehernt.an : Kern Roo', fishes
1 man ; Alex. McBride, nest IIAelt ; W• kt
IBlack, piiuter.
The fell..wing took part in flit Icy
ladle dance
Goo., .i. irnhnr e . ili•sae n ;
curring tivu eolith* after the .' . using
the auspices of St. George s church will had escaped 1 way t (;rN) h
II K 1 M K
., the , t . o u i an. i , A. 'ant;otoell ; A. t emath-
be held in the school house on the even- the c,ostehle who coonductedthem there.
m 1 • rim.. Herron and Aceneeher. Greif mle
df Tomato t•alverglty. Ogle? opposite rawer
-ea & (7aw,erow•e Herak, l.sckaow. It wet is
one*. enquire at the Rank. 111111.
AMILTON.1•1•••'fhanurrn•Jeeelebeft hte
en*Ue4.rtof,. n. ('.11 swe'vt. 1 C Moen.-
r.v 1;51.
IS rapidly increarne tits census of 1'nrt
The young people • anciety of the M
E. church are preparing •n excellent
peogrsean)e for at entertaintnent to he
hoer nn rridsy 'famine Feh 111 Par-
ar-ticu:artnos, week No admission fee.
pantomime will be pren_.....l. The tri- , they are both now in jail at Goderich.
eesdtngs w1 be in crape with 1.i >f- • -,
ing and recital rasa. The prectee • well i Frrnight us
H.oy.. -111 tt i kinwn ; ft L•..;.1., . F.
■nth •eiwt Literary ,soetety. TrauncL, !( t.0 I.
will t red n t Advance The prlauners w111 be , , i a
Indere Juke Toms for trial l These wet a lir.re stenL►•tcr':,t the p itaw,isd,
be applied to the library (land. .1 large! on Saturday, at 11 a m. mrrun%r of the Moth School Literary
keenly ..nte•ted "literary content ' at the ,
attendee a I5 requested. PARI..+. S411 1A11.. The parlor s.•.:1al Society on Friday evening. The si
WA. tr "%Vivi rtraan i' - Th• people' which was held at the rt- Lienee of 11r. were pretty 14enly balances', .Anil were
f the regu.n lying bet ween tiheppardten '.e... Achewen, on TGes.lay evenint. un' admirably Itaudlud by the captains, Miss
tea the Nile are still puraled over sex der the aulptc•,s of the North Rtrect Alalgie t::tn,ernn sr.4 Mew 8e•11r Wsl
alleged ease of witchcraft which occurred Meth•di•t ehurctt,waa weal sttended,sud' lions Toeme.11oy "It•nassi' woo ea -
fifteen years ago. An old woman at that !the pr.gramme, which was a goo,.' mpe, (N`c ialiy ....II received. The cluirmais,
time came to the farm of Samuel Morris, happily rerrdere.l,snd utidactorymavery H. 1. gran . K. A., after careful jedt-
to get some apples. She desired a hag p ..
srtieular. The chair was ccupieal h}' n.ent, awarded the palm to the n.le led
jut from • favorite tree, but her rattiest Rev. T. M. 1'amehell in a genial mew by Miss WI11t.tma The se,.re •t,wnl b5
was denied, and she was told that she neo. Tlyi followint is the programme • to :.i. T,. er •gramme wt. as fol -
would have to take from..meether tree. ' Dnett, piano and violin, Prof. I)ePs ldry Lowe.
The 44 woman seemed mush (limp and A. 11. Henderson ; rlcitwte..n. Mr. Miss ('amrton s at le. tl.... Murray.
pointed ; sml honking at the tree mutter -McKibben ; solo, Mr. Wtlbams ; read „„1,' ; MAW F: tt'116an.+. resiling , Mien
ad something in Irish. From that e I into Mr. Strang ; solo, Mn. Duekham ; K.thleen 8411. reeltatien : Miss Tighe.
(tor twelve yeah the tree bion no fruit. dttett. Mr. and Mrs Rothwell ; reading, sol„ ; Mr McKshhnn, rwrling . Mw M.
it had been the Fest bearer in the arch- Rev. Mr. Campbell ; ado, Mis• Wynn :. Camerm. recitation ; .',erns, "Rouge
old, but the cures was upon it. Thew 1 doett r.n m nth organs, A. B. Hereicr r. , ' MI•.es Merrsy, Tiehe. (nal! ar..l
years age the old woman dial, and to the • son and .1 Story ; recitation, Mita K ! Mr. 1',ntlan•I
astioniehtumit of the owner of the tree, Roll ; dustt, Messrs Williams anti Iteth- 1 Miss 1'• ilium a s,.lm. Mus F'! - 11••,
The f.dlowut. tear I 4-'4 rail lin
'truant .,►Ladles - - 1.t Ja.. '►n'kbnde,
es Vaw.Ieriy• llentleirsfr - 1st 1f.
limn*. 411'1 11. Arra 1,1 14,, 1d
1'..Waltnn. (ltd -E IsI'ia'; 'i' •air,
11st 1'. fii•unttatas . end 1 is tau.I
--".."- •*
' Maty te.t5415n
41 l,s Stdbewt .t Jury
i- Feb- 1 W t
i (;Dart ..paged at I i u'e k ck a. rn by
Bullard • 1..•Guuleak-•Action 1• c work
and clearing ilarwi'oa twee al I'am
dolt -
peon .Ptd 1"/%111.5, 1 f ;'. : lhonlat.s.l
for 311.
solos'. u Mirsitio .1r'.on !.r tr'epasr
Id, NO. •ml Ilwusi.• rovertsd. Dabney
and ('smpiolt for 1.1? . ria:now Aryl Oar
h,A (•.r draft-
!t w a N tri.
r IAa ...magus. ee ehr tla hist . b
the lie Ih 1 ,e. tf• lua,..l Alolamd.erJoin
ts ilea J.ann ten r• -•end daughter
Mr, Meg.
't ehr rr,Aens,..if rue h -tote • father ties-
a/AMe raw rMsMIw..f a the eel. Mr nand
""` 4
it Mee the ',Mewing year one apple well ; *.b,, Mia llamph"II ; plan.. w•In, i tea, spin ; Miss Mtr►ng• rea.iontc ; Moa
the first frnit for a d eon years lost Mir Fish : ado, Mr. Font ; recitation, se Wolliam. reseeniion , Hiae R 5.1 1).,
summer it yielded twn, and new that the ? Miss Williams ; *do. A R. Henderr•'n ; omit solo : Mr, Etogerth. reading N.aa
curse is lama of it, the neighbors aro instrumental solo. Prof. DePendry ; lfln H ,rton. recitation eh .,u1.. "Mee
I•twkini for an nM time yield. The affair I solo, Mina Smooth it,., IFA were roe- ()sir item, ' Misses. Morton. Ilnrr• !. M.;
fe the talk of the townshifn, and we give i lited. The emoting elneeI with thelD.rm••'t, Miller, fl(hn•.n, nrol M.1ars
t as told to us 1 national nnthem and the bent••licti..n. Hogarth and Timely Wright
Sir P. N. Potter. of Whitww.d dM
IMrthal•le. eldest damgbmrt
.•1 1.4'.. r/MIhi11