HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-1-4, Page 7t
Tis Tarta Famelit.m-
them • t'. !i Loom!
Question - What is tit el _ r( red of
our tart(
Aitew.y -Tu put mosey lista the pock•
Ma e/ tie vases OSSUrsrs,
e--- "at w • tariff
A- It 1* a(ax.
t}-- W b.. pays this tax 1
Q-- Who an ib. ceusumera 1
a -AU the people, but chiefly tie
Q-F•er wk--- t:..eflt» this tel lead 1
A --Fur the 6eoeflt of the u:.ufactur-
Q -Who are *tut wauutacturers
A--Mo•ueyed sen and capitalists.
(f- Are they a large or •.mtil part of
the plod/gem
A -A very small put of the people.
Are they the rich or the poor f
A- Most generally the rich.
Q- How is It that so few persons can
get a tat' put on M. many 1
A-16eeahse, as • general thing, they
form Burp eratioae-
Q -1 N
wham aro corporations general -
made up
A- Oorperatwn• err, for the .holt
MY, sande up of the rich, for the pnr-
nose 4 making theseelres richer.
l�-Nha► dm loch impunities. totted
t0 beoeral.•
A Mtosopoli.ts
Q - what aro mttaopolies 1
A--Mon'polsea, or riwgp, are mew who
oustbimg to flt the prim of goals, the
rase ul wages, ani to forestall the emir -
Does the tarts prateet the laho mer,
aid help to pay o/ the 'teetotal debt 1
A --Yes, a tariff, by maims foreign
good. Weer. kms them out d the
ootWry, mad gives our manufacturers a
chases to ..0 their goods at a Mother
Q -i .'t it an a.raulm2, t.. pt a high-
er price tear oar goods
A - Yee, it is an advantage to the
manmr•.rtarwr, but it is t)•. ad.at;tape to
the p.air tale ,is teary- The mos., is
•ak.ri Jut a th. pocr .rail0 pocket and
,s put Int , tM rich nose's pocketbook.
la Utes way the rich become ocher and
the pew tom..stm peerer.
Q - Where duos the tan( tritmey go
•• that teat go into the treasury 1
A- All the mould that tlingas't go i to
tis treasury rues intu the packets of the
Q -Dat if the mmmulacturee gots all
d.een't he divide it with hi.
A- Yen, seasetimam h. dogma The law ref
Wages las to pay the tali(,P bat it dote
,t '.blip manufacturers t.. divide his mn
ovate with th. workmen - and he does
not do et, or thm employees would nut w
oft m:gu cm • Milks. w
Q -if pewtse'tiseiete d..u't want m hot( R
tor the pod of their workmen, nor be-
came ..f their greater love of the claim -
try, nor fes re•enne purposes. what de
they tract it for !
• Tay ey want it for tb.iner:vea
V -Whet kind o1 a tea, then, is iRO
(memo protectionist.' tariff 1
wee se tike Owosso
' Menus-' Demme.h
�.,,m� a and .Ilflthe
time," fres (atter el profitabtd gerl-
owing. 11'hi:e all else is dormant, the
t heap of fertilising material eh•.41.1 be
!growing. AU house .,ours.s should tie
made the 'mot .1. Horses •ho,nld, et
' pusslble, be bedded warp leaves, for the
oak. of the manse pile. If cattle .1
ted oo torn Wiles-, by all meats cut at,
if not for the twos/ of the animals, at
hast tor that of the immuno arrange
to have the chamber slope, and all
kitchem refuse are use411.11 by pigs oe
poultry, go W the pile.
Pertllisino mate -Mak, other than fool
the stable. ate to by had in all large
towns. Who. there. it a brewery, the
spent hope, regarded i• valnahl. u .ta-
ble minute, sLuald 1.e .ecure.l. The
refuse of tanneries rid • kughter houses
vial nuke a valuable .,Jditiw, ti.o the
heap. tt Mm
hero ere are mese elect
re.4 horn, hose, or whalebone, secure
the refu.• and look intothe tattle of
other waste. ..
r lets r shallow buses, are mush used
tut eowtag seeds to be started so hot-
beds, and au which totrauspi*nt young
median"medianMtsr•eh, soap,and other body
from the store, can be bought very
cheap, and each will male, when cu
apart, three or two flats, acco,rd.rg to t
depth of the bus. Three caches is am
ly deep enough for the Rata, and fur
number of uses, tare incises IS sufflriea
-{Dr. Therker tt American Agriceltu
tlat for Janne/17.
The ee meaag,
A iort.*mance which wore motive
Australasiain Philadelphia gave the tith-
e: day, was that ul throwing the omens -
rine, their native weapon sod implement
of sport. The btunterawg consisted of
eeseoent-shaped prows of vary bard and
heavy Auetrwliau uuud, and alt of th,
had sharply roweled edges and Cuda,
but were of different curve., some being
nearly straight. The average length was
shout tr.. feet, the width the samenum-
brr of Inches, and their greatest thick-
ness sot w..le, that, half an tuck.
Standinu au the centre of the long lot
bey ..la
( would grasp a boeran,g by the
sed, la furl It orer their herds and let it
go, oboe it would fly with great speed
.w • straight imo for about 2110f.et,th.n
curve upward for half that dratatica gid
guideway In a directly contrary direction,
metal 14 mope perhaps 200 feet behind the
spot from which it had ory,ivaUy been
cam, curve spin, to obs right to left,
sad finally strike 1be ground almost at
the thrower's feet, ►Il the while spinning
round so rapidly as to look like a wheel.
!seemed The uses to take great delight in
the sport, and for half an hour held the
emitvaid mateajsn d the 'netted guests
their memr, sad the horde of howl,
iect .all boy. who had scaled the femme
d run t blockade 14 the gats
Why se from nervous gn
ben you buy t► arenteed e1 M
'Okras drug store. til)
unsay • i• a tag on the say for
A& ad
beeethe few. it w a tax on the pone
torr the beriw6• 4the rich . it is • part.
nasalise Misnames :he •nufact.rer gad(I
the uvevetne.t 1..r the benefit of aide
Q -•-Wergild you lure no tared!
A -1 -ea, i would hale • commit
Mete ors
Q -What e• tonstitutoal lasier1
A -A smwmtstwtional tariff is a tardier
Q � � uld we lay mrg�, a
A -W. should lay our waif on
image, age, silks, /.wets, Me., car
mer/Vady wants, bot .ohndy
' Iles.
Thomas Meatus the oot.dnctor WE,a'1
t>4tamitted suicide at his house near Pon -
Oho, Mich,, tat Saturday, has been in the
ploy of the G. W. R. for hilly 25
earn- While running sir the Sarnia
h he wade Loadun big beadquut-
hut on hairier trsmefenTed to the mala
he t..,ic up his residence in WOW -
sur. c
""'A lad nitn..i Comae, while ■ttempt- G
dug t.. .iti'e scrum the it,tereolonral Q
track, near Petocolfi*wga R. B , on Moto V„
was *truck, ooM00111110.. and (�
Am adleasee
P. Keeler,edr.+ el Ft.
Ie.L, 6msrM.,. writes : 'For the
leant I hare always tr..d Dr. Kim/
Duou•.ry for a.ugle .4 owlet ampase
tthasester, as well eo ter sham. 4. wilier
type. It never fail. In MOM a speedo
ease, My friends t.. whirs 1 1.ay.
sews add it speak 4 ale mastm bipjb
tenor. nava- • bees cared by a d*way
*moth 1 /rare 1..4 for An fetes, 1 eels.
alder it the oily relisWe sod can
for coughs, outdo, eta' 0.11 at AYtisoilgs
Drug Store sad get a Free Trial &elk
Large sale $1.110. (1)
Say brace.
"Rhe ko ws bee roan, and whet' you rstill
And swims
Oen draw you to ben with a east). lratr."i
Bat it wad be beautiful hair to have
such power ; sod beautiful hair oar be
assured by kbe use of l'tnoal.wtw ■s(ta
Rsnawfts. Sold at iOcta. oy J. Wilmot'
ameaseee'. aseeesta'a•e.
Frelu the o.ny e..aiarkabl. .tares
wra,.ttht by mse.g i.Grrg.&s
Cure (rtr�pepeiti In f th. Li4
patios Affection .if the Li�.lrl4 .w/
frogs immense mile of it without m11i ad-
vertising, we ha.. conclude) to
ostensively 00 the market, N• t1 those
who suffer u.a7 have • petft'rt c leu
to G. Ithyns drug store . lil�'I• hIW
bottle free, or the repose
and $1.
Now that there is a - • j'ew for
kidney troubles. half the temps Mist -lied
to these
let oomall
aints hare beeri removed
For be thankful, And to Dr.
Van 1lwret's Kidney Cure' d
praise for having thus rei.orea. a hitherto
0unnd.red fatal disease frost e.r Pate
it was never known to tat. IR.t& by J
1ti' ilrel. !too
PI pie.am. Mesehss
Call .t Geo. Rhyne, drug store read
get a package orf McGregor & Parke'.
Carbnlic Conte. It a c.wupcted .d Vase-
asshoe, Carbolic Acid and ('erste, and hes
never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches
CJlgrated Sores. R-•°Xh Skin. it eons
sheds au others Oil. Try it b
e.e11 wewttded.
A liberal reward will he pail to eay'•
party who will produce a cy.e of Liver.
Kidney or Stomach coolplaiut that Etas -
tele Bitters will not speedily cure. Breit(
them along, it will oil* you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to care, and yaw
will he well n.wsrdn•i for your trouble
besides. .411 Blood diseases, Be'lioue-
neo, Jaundice, Constip►tinn, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cared_ Satisfac-
tion guarantied ur money retunded
Price only fifty cents pot bottle. For
gale by J. Wilson.
JIYBS 8141118 & got,
, - O
>` o
O �
cf) -<
Bear ••sella
Lnsy people are more to be pitied dine
',masseud. I take It that Lemma V s
ttsease. en IneaesWe dosses I atq-•t#F;
end the plosion .lured with of might as
well pet hianesif down 1.0 the invalidliet
with a corse to -stay resignation. A Melor�
st.tuttoma Iasy mean is worto them a
p,nodlal drunkard, for the latter is et
limes • salol atom, whish the tenser
never is. He rosy hold a politio-n, 011t
he doses it ihroue. eh*riey or mete /rear
hot river by ability, gad all his 'RUN
meadows. least hie elegise to his-jmk
or he .tore, are disegresah.l. eridia0M111
•.f hie weakness. A Lay woman is eves
wort,. than • Way .,an, for, somehow or
other, .he is exported 10 he nett a1N
clean cad Jadestriota under all c NIID•
steams. A lacy wow. home .mal
tow at • eases by say pommy od TVs
*trent The dour yard is weedy,
the fence is dingy and br.kei
doers, the window. are OIrty, and on the
ureide -well, the Laird needs a full sur.Ill o f pot t.. meet the demand
for the hwl.snd e/ .neh a woman.
hare been in their house, dept in their
beds, eaten at their table*, and am .(ill
alive, thanks to a greed conntituti.rn. Ry
r vitae provitti..n of natural selection, a
lazy man sw)dom marries • Ley woman,
and riot eery... If it were not for this,
thene is the telling what the rwssalt would
he In some tame.
A Host..taw tir.atte.
Mrs Mary .t ilailter.,f Tunkluuu• c►,
rooms a eisoted fur six yeah with Asth
ilek and Brnmcbatis, during which time
Die hest physicians could gice no relief.
er life was despaired of, until in last
(ktolnr she procured a bottle ..f D!.
King • New iliteovery, when in.medate
relief was felt. anal by coot; g its use
for a short time she was completely cur-
d, gaining to Ash Mi 11.. in a few
'trial Bottles of this certain cure
Throat and Land Diseases at Jar.
lei •nes i>rug Store. Large Bottle.
Arthur Grundy, brakeman on the (1.
l R. was fatailj.meshed ern Christmas
,lay between two MI al St, Lambert,
Bt.a ea yr t.aa, Oat. 4 188:1.
1 •rte to tail S3om d the great and
sating henefta 1 her. •rmceiv d from Dr.
Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam. I
had dile.w of the ferns for •,ter two
Nara All the doctors !Oriel co.nsider-
•' t: es.. lo, low. A friend reenm-
injj sur When i began
'sktag it i had violent enughany It and
ioaltweel*Nww free p'wlegm : 1,yJ feet and
limbs wore ewallew, and heti. leeway had
full poes*rinn of me The Balsam m-
e" i ell these 'peptone awl made a
e,warplete entre of me. 1 am desirous of
making my ears known
J. La wwow,
• agog Seer
o >NOe�n A V
NO Compay.bia just issued am
Blattelrid treaties, "The Heart of the
OottiMnt," describing the wonderful
dtii of the nix Great States, The book
if beautifully punted, and numerous em
rings .4 histh merit adorn its pages
one sending their name and address
two throe -mut postage sham
WOO receive a ropy Oy retort] mail,
eapint to Primeval Lowell, f Gene
asengcr Agent. Chica*t•• 11114 •t. bt
Iserele.'s Arnica wave.
The remotest medical wonder of the
world. Warrmnted to speedily .etre
Butts, Bruises,Muts,rloets, Rah Rhesus,
Fever Sores, Cancer*, Piles, Chilblains,
Corn, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Shin Eruptions, gualatlteed to cute in
every instance, or money refunded 2bc.
per box. For sale by •1. Wilson. ly.
Thousands bear witness to the WS.
tire costive powers of the O*ZAT Gila -
MAN Ilnwotaro*, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
*to, awl all diseases that arise from eelf-
alma@ or overtaxed brain, fleetly ending
in (xensumptiiae, insanity sad a promo
tam grave Rohl by all druargi.ta, or
wiD be sent free on reosipt of 01.00 par
brat, or tri: hemi. for 08. Adbwaa F. J.
Cwswav, Tnleln, ()him, sole agent for
the rioted Stats. Send for car -Aar
5!sd le.timnninh of germine ewes. (teo.
$//yeas, Goderich.
A atarUsag Msteyer7•
Wm. Johneem, of Huron, Disk. , writes
that hie wife had h.esn trtublesi with
saute Reone•hitis Inc many years, and that
ala remedies tried rave n( pernianeut re
lied, until he precured a brittle of Dr,
King'. Nee t)teertrery for (wan nmp4inwt
Coughs and tolls, whieth had a maga&
else. reei� presses/ a permanent eerie
It is g aranteed t., core all cellae.• et
T4trnat, Lungs or 14nnehial Tubes.
Trial loathe free at J. Wil.en's dreg
store. Largs seas 01.00. (5)
Agents for McClary s Faxon
' re fist, Ph. ti mot Pi. meanest are
.ms riladwl by Ile \ ..., Buro.'s
4..7 Ca.w Rolla in *11 .4 Kid-
ney Lh..ase is.4itains:4 af-or • he diem,
dee trent your Dreogio emit you Dirk
Toe wren'. $..JIlr) Cure. 3eW by J.
Walk i7!drtcli :rt'
An oasts W sh.. desert as u.. brighter
1 t.. th. wandering Anth than . bottle
kr Via IllwlM. Kduuy ('urs is G,
iafetl* n *offerer feint Kidney
tirseaast Lie alrerfrot , 0esti ve and
Mir by J Watson odhuich
- (et-.
Its Ma Mumma atmeisimese. sod IW irises
i'htires, to Nerve i•wu, a Phu.-
�te t based upon ScieutiA.
• Formulated by Plhdwor Austin,
U. of Bust.u+t, Maas., cures Pulmon-
ary l'•Awwpti..s, Sick Headache, Ner-
oast*Attacks, Vert Oa., sod Neu
ail oast* dimmer 14 the human
gam P1cw flhatiue is not a M.deciue,
hid a )<eMnMt, because it contains ,tu
O or Miaeeal Poloist., Opiates,
If fid• said no Sttntuiautm, Out .
and Gastric Eletueutta
it eriiiiify feed. A single bottle
to *olivine.- All Drugxi.ts
01.00 per bottle. h.wus' &
ilmle Is for the Dwainunl,
M East Toronto.
d�ie k .1. ..r wooer yauat► warier
iutleowlos ' Sr sub's rasa,
Bright's Diew.so, Dropsy, atone
lR Ibrin.ys and Kander, old Iifaw
Herdse of the Kidneys, leave the body
spa the adisuui.trattutl .f 1)r. Van Be
roe's Kidney (••ore. 80M by J .
Rehm R. Vert, Hamilton, soya : r
Olt gr+r's Spasry Curr for Dyspepsia and!
iwdigestine is sheaf. .t fifty times th
prams asked for n. I an a comino eia
mast, and travel continually, and woul
ea more think of leering home withoutfl
bottle of MoOregor. Speedy Cure in myl
valise than I would of leaving my testa
at baste and going on foot." Free trig;
bottles at 0. Rhymes drug store. Reg*
Air miss 50 cIa, and 0t- a
D. gloderlch Branch..
I„�l.,ra jr•r.
Allows laiere.t depeeite. litic lett...
of oredlt and etre f aisetyjl. l.as.b
le tall aeras of thew l ! ITM
Pe1.l lip (4 47,
lltt41ltg lles, c`
ei Ala
& Y+t.at.►s
Mi*b. (t0• s(LammDoi £nglo dl
*.t.bll.Led Ind
11ARTEDIt1. Its, ('O'Y, of IfRan 'Mac /pomp'
k:.tahlu.hrj tate.
'RR.", w tai ab...r"ret (1411••41. 1 •
th' sat rata a b DOR A t t` HOItTti4l •
OA .11..1
Wires to WW1 toer tent- 4
Odder' -h 11104.
Ab f 'a
N♦ Vl5 St
Awa•clll• -
ACh liOtt
Pr.Nden( - 4.,X. WN MealAHrKlit
General.lruaaper, - W. A. ,.a.ar.o..
Goderich Branch.
Itoss, - - - - MAllAciii.
allowed ♦n dee.slt•. Orate, uu
neep.l Tuwaa ante t'ilirs a• Canada
rftala sod the rotted states. tonea
Mete Farmer. o5 Notes,,: w111. one.
nderaers. wit) oo.t neortgepr. 1751
%VKi 1
--Ti..leaesu.k,of warts
ore st.uwlly rubbed
:. t.. -!r , u-tma.., /freer
1.trgr.3 1. teens
..1 health' errand
*1.5.1, t••••i:•• uy and torn at't.t i turfs l{ae11•
t'•i..c true -ed c
aby ex. -rem* vI ,•: ►-I.d,m
a hlslealmea..and..U4...a.., 11at (ol
lues a. a •c,: ucc. r of i4 I!-_, I tile, O. Wv , f . n
erg} . 1.... .1 menisci, w Dorsal Islipadv.
pals n th.• 4...1, coulter.« .1 t:.i. n•.1 -n .w -
two .1.1 age and atr other db....-. that
Mad to tumblaan
tumble ur r..nrnmi I'or mai ■ pr.!ea-
ture era. e.
Mend for cireplan. vi :th, r..eimoolni. tree by
mall. The INt,N:in ITat to sold at fl per
boa. ur six box,-. for 5S, 14 all drug„ t. •. or
wttt Ir sent free my mail, vecuerty vested, on
B?Ig Fad N »sgaprr iD t'mada ! rr nrw .f prise bTT adJltgdpp
11 re. Q.:12./.EEKLiE�. cr•'.ntt,..
Mule .1 : eat poiGoderlch r
Ir, fivim.nit Vit.. Teitc3r, onto
- -8 Pbo.i-EB_ - -
ti afl the Neta
Url.art nesnnjj��
•u.tursl fr.- Arent.
uniting. •'''-•"��
resort. t „tum::.Aker
runs) Hwnut** ,ic
'e are alwers 6* the look
chewers. to h
• :.' a e'ara eel....
t+,t..aad i.. lane be
nr.a.ag1thy : tt•e«e who do
o =pro. a their upp• rttrau
Ithtr' :....i _u to obverts,. 1\ r eller a area
- !u foss),. nrv. tt waat mer. wo-
MK'yL•y. and tis to -work fur un in their
••moi' eletlis. Ai.7et. eenowns,'work pro
perlcitryn, t Le Orr Wei, - Tie boa.. -e wi►1
1•t'? Meer t' an a e t to 4* t rdtt*J,r; eta►. IL:
(si1%..owe. furl... I • it Ira r, s our a l .. e.-
ilagt 1. 14. f.• tr ai.r nue+ r: 16414,01 )• 1" • •n
geode yuct r bele tfui• to tl.r wort..:' mile
stylPe'... torte -ate fall infwlt.at.rn and -
altetatorasu.vtleat}:• tr.e. Adair. rtv.w
frog' 4 ('e,. l'oetiaad. 4 ••w r
Jut rig Ting for tie Fes,
nil slot.acrd the paper well b, (unapt.
teyeti o January IN, IDM. •
p.rtw.dn•ta(a .!• •t. hrer •. or7rehfl.tberet i
.i 1ci,.. Send tar Proriwesi
Wary Arraday Prom Portland
FEW ritLwn •NP 1 ILMLQ'or
scat t. De January. 1M41. Ten
$500.00 Reward.
*''e %'Epley tie
Liver ('t- .i.' •so
c•• n.aaid our ata tare
rN l she m 1N. k 14t..ew.
1M111tftit}!y'1h ,wok -r: e t t a i.. e.. 15 we
tte•t VET •. cif* Ll%er}'i11s,
mitt., der 1' a•t strlo lie t.splt.d with.
a:t •.sty
'Ask. and art cr (ail fo
(e •a''.' tter.,
seer Cont. et. Large Hoses,
t:. r " y Y iR . 16 stein. ler rale by a
Oro -w••' , f.•w.-- ,• • ,. erfelts ard Unita.
ta7.• T'r resi,- am
•: r.rid .id- by
N7tt.7i r .'4, E.:T t:n!As, l I h".11 3takers,
el:a.d �• if:Lt.'1", Xa.t, T "t.lu, (4.t. Free
i teal gnckaue pend _5 s ba:. /re -rove" on ret elpt
of a rent essip,
Vier este et WILMS* SI.Iet STOOL
Dory Satarday from Halifax
Tee Snomer 810 RorTi • o ASP FAWN
Winter .lrrangements.
SARIIATIAN(. tram Po.rroAgo, ''or, *i.,
HAIAFAX, Den tat
SARDINIAN, from POKTLA:D, Dec. Ileb,
HALIFAX, Dee. tare.
* MCAttBIAN. fm PPaTLax4 1eee. t .
HALIFAX. Dec. lith.
POLY?4K81AN, hear l'o,.TLAxn, Dec. !Orb.
tl_RUFAX, Dec. and.
PARISIAN. tree" Ibntwwo. Des. 17th,
MAURAX, Dee. Ilii,
PEH*TvtA7(. from 1%mm-env, Jaa. Ind,
SALIVA X. Jan. Sib.
SAJtMATIAN. hem I'osteLarlk Jab. 10th.
H A I,tP' A X, Jan. 17th.
S ARDINIAN. from P n'rt.Awn, Jan. 171111.
ilAlirAX, Jab. IIIA.
Pan..,.,,,.o wishing to embark at Portland
will hmaretledlrrb\ da Nowadays. .1 ITo'cleek.
AJLJ The last bruin ria Halifax with the ?fails
load Pease were leaves Cuderieb every 1t'rt1-
oweelay, at 1 o'clerk.
he1es'eenserwlsblegobring their friends e Breda rend
set rem the Old country.
Pie 'tickets and all information, apply to
Ticket Agent.
Oaimtair lis.. IJkod. I113I.
Old 'IrIod' Cooking Sto,es
pore et tine utepdrd to by experienced ret -
men On shortest notice.
*.end band ature. Taken t. Exchange.
'Th. Cheapest flume Peder the Sum'
Nest street, vert to Poet (/flee.
Oo4erfeh. Sept:40 I.
*PIA 4.
Harpies Bazar.
Haat esef.l
sees. t r the
Its ' e this mewl
Harper's Magazine
Harpy M.g.:i.u• begins it• sixty -64p
vel.e"e with the December Number. it lathe
tome nllernteeef periodical in Amerl-
ea .i, siwnya fully nhre•e1 of the
tie"mo ha ki treatment of sookirM* of current
swish and iwdsugrial .• :creel. end at ways ad-
.. ...te5r IM, M.ndar4 of Itt, miry. ry, aM lelc, and
weehanicalexee•llenee. A.ieay11.*ttrarliom
fer tt. ave: a new err'. by N'rtf-tall
IILat�t. ill.•trsted by A;wr: v: a rem eoTel ty
R P. Rear_ Uhutr:tr.•.1 forty'!; by Ur'• -o% an
Mous.,' • errrl"tlre tn5.ersted rareni by
Oaemea if, Ite.viat'as, h•5 eau P. 3tIILLwr. ( .
S. ria to.ax, .eft •.lbrr, t bistori
hint trot .•mriey
W. 1L naw.Lei,rnaa.ttfS lf%!e,
ethe nag Q6
14,4„,,,,t, oursal FLAM B'S P'1RIODICJ,I&
omega sad most lith: M I paterw.l.•et
. applenlenta and nnrpr a tkaa slam./
M. worth man) f the of lootervelp.
Dom its Illuetrat nes of art needlework are
m the hest so es. i
hewn literary .ad arta-
tie ever/?. are eft
tihlgNe.t Its Mortis,
poems. •nd 'mays are the Americas
and 'European authors, Ire art pic-
ture. *mold till portfolinw, had t \Mea es'
cuts ars the meet alums s( to to Ist's
Journal in A aerial. el Wild M.q7
Iles are pbstsed for OM:
Per Teri
,, ,t1 •
HARi'ER'i4 TOL 'NG PHOppJ . , 1 M
Our Year 1St Numbers).... el M
P.saapr /eve M t'(1
.4lR..ha or (sumach.
fa the MN
tb.Volnn.as.rfthe /s.Aar begin with Use
Pews Nombre tor Ma reach year. Wb..
ao time is mentimed• It will (r •nderetond
mat the a.barrib r wishes to seehnteaen with
tho •nmbvr next after the nrriIof oiler.
The Wf rem,' Airiest rolnmiM //hr�r,'.
lllmzar, Ie mat oink binding. w be .sure w
stall, postage amid. oe ,Mdes-
peweo •,Wood t doey d wxer&
ewe •elks, pre velum* err M tppr•rr enigma.
(.'Orth case' ter rook velem..1b"u�ilpaM•*1. (.r
heeding. wit be saint by mail. potg• oma r•
ewerof ort ever*
aewtltten• Monti he made 1y Piet owe*
Order or Utah. to avoid ohmage elf
(sstW apepe.• ere air M ropy Ws_ fedboaritior
I wta1yMi:saisewt Oar ',pram infer ar Hearse s
RA MICR & enters .lgw T .
/V Parr -�
HARPISTS WS/MIX 1'5' rw!•�., .•• M
KARI Mtee Y01'Nfl oUtiPLK....... ,. 1
One Year WI Membe•rs,.
J•esMpe Pere to on wb•rr(fer• /s the Girl•
ali Mere* . (tewndn,
Tb. relumee at th, WNwp stn, begin pith the
trb. for le and 1*-rmh
.rrof i4rh year.
mMinM'flme tw r w.•t.e4. et wit be moder-
ator! that 'he •uh.eriler wishes to begin vont'
the amrewn, 7 nether
Tastier P1g$,t meta.." of liar -pr.'s Moen
Wee 1. neat '1M* Nadia( w111 be sent by
c,,b pslpatd, on rewriter alit 1.) per volume.
(leer.. /nr ?iodine
rents each by
ammo pe.tM_td
hides to ffwrp aev +le //.e.• ainr A 1phab•tk•al.
Alytirwl..nifC1aw.ined. far k'nhtmt•.I tom
lechers•. from Jnne j4sn. to /nor, min,Mir
• /Os. 11:, N tri a +nes
Rrn.ltaanrea 41.04 he made hr root "rhos
Mea.yOrder or Don to •toff .-hare•. of foul
Normfroperr ere nM In imp" (Ab m1•erfioi
.S,W e•RAna( (. r.rj•*'re.• order o/ H ,.t•rie k
RA *P1ck .(• RROTpf ICRP, New Yak.
r..H. IIM Is •wrepin• oy,
and Aare before err df
rms. bine mighty and rah
Ilene Imre behind to conquer
ohm. >]71• week in yanrncan
town Oa roll two. 710 risk everything
W OW (MpNah.see teed. Ws wIrl fur■teh
meae•erythlwq. Many are making fortune.
ia nese se omit as norm.. awl Ory. and
Mk. ee"he - t=y. Roeder. if rot wast
'thigh f�aIeu1•r.r. to R. Hit greet :rr
. Perdu
II t.t� Lo�.1. ', " - Health is dealt
- ---1
Chrystal & Black.
'Ne•(♦ROID.ERS and SALT PANS mantifac
Rfored on shortest nutter.
piilltag executed under the
rim of the Proprletcr• who
P-'a4trco/ Workmen.
P. O. 103 1781
week'lade a• home by the e
dg.rtoo•. Rest bns(wese now be'
fore the pgbile. Capita •ot seed !
e,l. We 1 start you. Nen. wo
men, faire girl wanted very i
where to work (ore.• is the time, You I
can work in •loon' tire. or rive mer,: whnie
time to Ihu busies.. No other 'icemen* *111
pay you nearly w welt. No ant •:.i. :ail 70,
maks enormo,u pn v, by .'ig.gjn,t a• once.
('uatiy .stet and tents* pre.•. Man.•. rga.l..
fast. easily, and honorably. M?En..101'5 !
('o...A,wusta. Maine
E. - -: Z'i(ES8, D/ZI/NE88,
J ' D10E.
L :t3fPt/t4
De. 0. C. Wire's NL-nrx 4 ce 5151, - TaFAT
MUST, a gwara.teed specific fir Hi*
t'op.ulsior,,, }its, Nrft'uuaNeuralgia
rte. int
-* e. Serrour l'!bl'tratlon mitred by the
mea of aiuo of or tobacco. b &wha Men -
tat iteprer .n. Softrrlt g of the Sr'�p result
/matin 17Ml h[t. at lad:'p}. to n•islrr, dc-eas
and d.-.1. Premature t:icl ore. ltarrenness.
Lon 1t) ow or la either 'tx. i r.105415 ens) low, es
Bind Speru,atnrrhn a. caned by over•t jrrt.,•n
of the hrain. self-abuse re orer_tnduitc, neh
One box -.mill cure revolt case«. Each lea eon
Paine one month',, to limner. (Igoe dollar &b..
ar six boxes for five d0loosinent by melt pie ,
paid on retrrtp (•f tui. e. W.- ic!uirswle.. sigh
x.. to acre any • rmr-. N- lib . acre err?, r re-
mised ey w fur six boles, aerompatied n mth
fire dollar«, we a itl orad the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the n.ouey it the
treatment doe, not effeet a cure. 06erantee, "no' -
issued only by JAML$i 1111Laiii, wile author-
Me.# attest 1...' Gu,',-rj,-h, 00?. JOHN t' *t lira
a cur -nee pe..prietor*. Toronto Ont.
!'HE 8T004CN,
of Mimeo a.a.ln *0*1
KiocayOR & aT
`!:-ijUORN E CO.e'r"'+raino.
01000:FOR IT
Raving the NIlnxmat • u. A•1.•nr• ;•i t•< . h, pip
teeny over ell other.. a,yS after tlonpand• Of
testa of the nwrt rompli.•atrel soft ..-,j
amts w -e engirt And. we 'feel /atolls/ in Wirt.log to forfeit Owe Thonean.1 ender. for awe
ear of onwaf.a. ('1114.. 00" throat I n41*4,1 *
heancm•*.. br..erh its. .awa.sptu-n in ftp
earl .'*g.-.. whooping ...oath. and all .iisr.a
of Ike throat amid Inwgw. except :without, for
which__wr only claim relict. that re*V
wnh e•w'• I'mei Ar171•. when 1a1en arrwrd
bag to dlrwenlem. trample bottle.. t7 and Se
.mai.. large bottler one do1Iver. Il• motto
erupt..•-, only 1n blur. Meld hr all dr ire*
.r arm by ex nes re•erl of pr'., fft1INj
c. 'or a ! .(re. RI and King( •• vee' 1 sow,
Tnenwro, tint staid at J 114 IN IR hits,
Mom ftrrlerIeh iii
4r.. pk-a.cnt In tats (cntain theft orns
fl'lptire. :s a rare, sura, and era
Irorrwrer .•r .reel. In Children or 4 -
POR 1884.
�w� (th Ib. egret.' of I*t•1 Tile N'InyMm AUt$ lI&It ACh 4%. 10:10.1 1.iksu 4_ji-ill appear
sew gm?! t.nfirnrrrl form. tell new type,
mord"prem , ter -n• vr' plates. on a nrw Web -
*woes*. oes*( of • i.4..«t domino.- While its
1".1•+1144r ' Lrl,rrtmonts will be (.m.
iwu rt, nrMr vigor n .II he observable through-
om. (ably Int per unworn. B.lawre of 11*7
/err ro new wtbw :-.1., re.,
"1'sjit'14t.t1't ILIAI.L'KRY."--Our pag11(�n.;nm
Inc ION lea ha.de,; cane r -permed /look 1M 1'w -
traits, w at. lllrmnatNN..r*r; ce5tainiwt for
'-"----'ugrbrn4 o'1ihaytsQphs.In neo robes.
v4 : Iter .114Sety Quern viten• : HI. e:seet
Wiwi the (evernn.-tlaowy,I Otero eta of tans
4••war. • Rr-Son. W. E. u1.4.tane: Item. Y -d-
a' .r-1 kite ;sir Julio 4. 3taceor.ald : lion.
Igoe r Newt ; Holl' Ater, Mork. ret , : and
Cheater o Arthur. )'ieaident of 1 . r. An
4eac•t"t and e.1:Metir.. rnanrc•nt i.: U-. par -
its. hie,. mho. of earth purists• R c I11I:rlier.l
A b wespb/r*l eket. h of each'
hyasredeye' tenseexp .hg tpslrrn.•'
Prig mil, Me extra, or OLIO % erg:
adbserlhiere MT hare
ehn.y ,. -Hong ..io II.AL1 i1
Rr, ori:.- - two wen-kyy..an form.r t•remtam*
In heere eine+. on payment of 711e. eddh lore
.1. or Otis la all. (,alp one nor. cheat et -
L. I)Aiir tD\•irnreup, costa:ntng she
ewmiplIt. stMrlYlht peappwaa• mit. fes mid Md (or
d+r,. c eircot, derv. i.osU.a,
t4al,-irrtl1arion re.d h week of l•tt}l Axd
1l'rr,•I v 1Dr-e,rvs•yw.. iv e.'a.y,,1.7rs
lel..\Lents w..nlot rPerya.:e. 5
raAa•d.• prltt*7*tb.• 01.551 wlr.k.aehal'et%►i1)
;f.••ter• 'end pert card fee Mr,ilffeara, he- "4
'Ieste•re.1 set easte Wear rt.k. AIkbeS_.
A5*nt'aw1NRR„ P0i><1rr%t. euaa.,
a l,ntrr. i►h
fD Oder.
t, 'pit row. Anrt9
miwwt! (5 i75* 45 ksn.l 'eau nr pmt
.cam.• m t {e,i.wM hM
1.s•MI I were 1 Sidney
fhb tall
(ie eerie*,
(apuat rwem'rw4.
eat. or..h,,-