HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-1-4, Page 3SOUTD-i tJRON
♦We ar...h hp the tsemtzer tiller dsavi-
1 ow tMeltew et rise Teri reM4 T1s
t titter sonde Theme se r.rsmaied e ■ the
Ilealloseli, Dec. ?7.-Nuutinatiun was
kind in the Teton Hall here to -day for
the purpose el selestleg candidates fur
the reptesentstiun of !South Huron in
the Destinies' House of Commons. Mr.
Jaime, .Lickewt. 4 Godorn•b, restorer.
acted es r.turi.►uy .•thcer. The. ruling
meow! Ibe following electoral divis-
ions : Tuckera.oith, $I. 'ey, Swirorth,
McKillop, Hay, Hullest and hayfield
The Cowrvative elutuest was compete-
uttely abs.ue from the numinatiwa, sod
rue was idiot au the tuwn,the loyal-
ty and unanimity 4 the Liberal ranks
Ieudering ab opposition a hopeless waste
.,f energy.
•er Rheh.ed far•wiatb,
upon beisg introduced to the audience,
rine forward tumid a rouses.* nand of
af'p'eit1e- Hs esti severed yeera had
MN sad sina he last had the honor of
delis sing the electors in this pleat, and
It woe with no redeem, pleasure that he
slain appeared before thew t., thank
them fir having ehwea hue as their te-
prrintetive, and that, tor,, without up-
t..o otwn, a privilege which slid not often
fall to the 44 of ane.uhers of Parlianeyt.
Although he was .ell aware Owe the Re-
formers of Human. always dei their duty
nobly, be thought thanes were due the
Cu.eerylMvis for mot marring randy this
plehs•nt holiday mama by intruduoiug
any opposition Laughter and cheers.
Zits be had been tesder.al the no nine -
tires i ib• convention.
1111P0MTAVT A!tD sl.zutrl, z i, avert%
h ill transpired in the Province, v:z : the
bye -elections, which had resulted in sen
teimia4 the Government of Mr. Mowat.
Ho considered it most fortunate for On
rano (Cheers). It was out Mr. Mere-
dith, he said, but the Ottawa Cabinet,
who hal decided, fur mamas beet known
to themme:vas, that Mr. Mow.[ must go.
But Mr. Molest, he was glad tee say
again had not gone yet. All true friends
.,t Ontario must rejoice in the result by
.hich the Pr..vince would he permitted
',elicit/ably, fairly and indepbelently to
MARACA ism owe sordes.
and upend her own money. Mr. Mowat
had triumphed in spite of a conspirraaccyy,
the depth and the import of wisest mould
scarcely be conceived. Patting on, iSir
Riehald aid he would seek to take
sway no privileges from the Province of
geebee, hut he could not stand by and
see that Province dictate to Ontario
He spoke from air iJ1e rumor when he
serf.! that
load been entered into between Sit John
Macdonald and Maass Carapleau and
Mummer', by which Ontario leas tees to
receive the bene& of the boundary award
znle s Quebec got ,oars eompeneating
ep ievaleut. He said that no other Pro-
%ince heti attempted to make such an
unnameable dem•ad, and the compact
referred to was of the m• •• iwpruper and
dangerous ohmmeter. _.s this view of
th•, ease it was o..deaJ well for Ontario
Ow the head* of Mr. Mowat bad been
.ustun d. Sir Richard than alluded to
the warning* whish Mr. Mackenzie and
himself had given the electors ut this
riding five years ata as to the canes.
'Iueaew (bat would fellow if Sir John
Maeduoald was restored to power. They
had pointed oat that extravagance would
be introduced, and
Tea moan Or ONTARIO IROPA 111Ixa6,
Uand so it had paned. Today the peo-
ple irate face to face with the very evil
then pr .dicted. Bir John's Government
had increased the public expenditure
froom *23,500.000 to $31,600,000, an in-
crease a *7,500,000 aver that „ 1 Mr.
Mackenzie, and 18,000,000 more than
they themselves boasted they would re-
quire. The ' general taxation of the
country bad been *welled from $22,600,-
000 to 136,400,000. $o much for
voNtaarattrs r teens e
on that boors. (Apples's.) But this
was not all Other eviler Md been foist -
.•1 upon the people of the Dosaiiios. A
dangerous blow had best surest at the
r.pre.ststative principle of out institu-
tion in what had come to be knows as
the Gerrymander, a mee*are in which
Sir John and his obedient bwcktng in the
House brad prov.ed.d to
one of their most proeious privileges.
Ser Reehard than posed out the gross
"buses introduced by the party at pres-
ent In pewee by bringing oornIpt ingu-
es le beer 111100 the electorate Th
Conservative majority in the Hoes had
refused te give their sanction to a bill,
the design of which was to aainfaia
elective peity,by forbidding public atm -
tractors from meddling in the eleetiona
it was easy to see the aim of flag John's
!.,Miry itt this direction. He (sir Rich-
ard) asked if then (neld be any dente
but what large mime were oontribeted by
these political favorites and Government
contractors tot the purpose 4
('Ok1CTTINe TIM RLm•1'Aa.
•d the Losnininn. This was a charge
that could not he bruughi seminal 1[r.
Macheati.. (Apelaw). if anything
was to he aid it was that Mr. Maekw•
t1e had serrata the pr,ple only tee well
to suit his opponents ---e feet which the
eleeton were surely and rapidly midis -
mg. Had the ad•tes aed policy el the
lab Rrforea Government been felbwed
oat then would not to -day be heard the
near w1TTWRrmem AND ma ealrfaaamtme
..f the farmers of th. Northwest, and
Manitoba would have been the Enemy
fertiliser for the Gelds of Dakota sad
Kiseseeta. Rlrewhesre tbrungin.t the
���appeseist. He est .ditagei si evils
LAHMAT AR. Laine realearOtine
� slow froshowed m Qlan
TH4 : U3011 NON
oda to tie Urged $tate Is atmsequeua'w
Nutwtthataudin1 the mei elssSii n prom-
ises of the Cuneer.atives, the exodus
from ell parts 4 Canada hes tooreased W
some 76,000 or 80,0W a year. He put -
peed duise all in his power to enforce
the views of thepeople un this question,
and to prevent lbs cosh. asad fl.,.er of
oar errantry frontgoing t.. eurtch the
retries 4 the Unit ed urates. He pw.t-
ed out that the shameful
latittAniopt slit W rya eaewi fseah&
is the Northwest was tapping the very
life of that farad and tended t., the de-
struction o1 out reterementatigro institu-
tions. He n'erred at some length to the
snwinr array .4 so-called obarges that
Isis *memento have been brtogieg against
him. Amens the first was one to the
effect that he .as • militias' Josiah.
(Laughter.) He w..uid retry Way that he
might c..rsoat to lie under the Impute,-
tiru providing his enemies would d.. as
the people of Nineveh of old had done
aaritan or T.s1a sett. urnmes.
(L. tor.) If lair John himself would
only Nara t., de well he would not ask
hien in bis old tyle to go to the trouble
and pain of repenting in sackcloth and
ash.a (Laughter and applause u) H.
shoo so been charged with being au tau
pot War Minister of Finance because,
forsooth, he had refused to play the
cat's pew W contractors and Knowing
eorporrt.oas or •to scatter the public
fonds and petromos with a lavish hand.
It was easy, he said, for a public custo-
dian to ben..,.. popular in that way, I.ut
the people of this country demanded
something better of their representatives
H. referred to the
votress or A•CSW
Which Cons.r•att•. papers and orators
had heaped upon his head in the past,
and were evidently preparing to do
again. He read the following aoureag
list of personal epithets selected during
three months prior to January 21, 1878,
from the Mail and a few .1 the tare
proponent C.wservative papers and
pamphlets ty which he had berm attack -
•d. The list was di :ideal into adjec-
tives apd autstatitives, and alight prune
sada' to the Ma,l and save et the trod•
bio of heating up old teems of abuse or
coining new ones :
AIV ICT! Vitt.
He had been described as unjust, unfair,
unstenerou., unpriaclpled, unkind, un-
grateful, efltemperod, illinannered, •in-
ductive, reckless, implacable, indecent,
foul-iaouthed, hemline, deeeourteous,
ouwardly, obstinate, sett -willed, conceit-
ed, brazen -faced, egotistical, deceitful,
pluitng, pedantic. ungenerous, artful,
outrageous, churlish, silly, weak, change-
able, vacillating, insolent, impertinent,
brutal, braggart, deapscabk, revolting,
adintie, a.irolent, igitorant, contempti-
ble, cruel, cantankerous, presuming,
erafty, Phariaaital, flippant, affecte
rulx'r, Inas.
He had also been compered to a Nero,
Caligula, Miawb.r, Hertel, Pontius
Pilate, Judas, Lagnw, Bakal, Beelzebub,
Jonah, General Starvation, Moloch,
1llschur.Ui, Junius, Wtlsw, Jedits JeQ-
ries, mastodon, k io sun, jailbird, est -
rich, misanthrope, Pr.-Adamite Trey,
footed Tory, demagogue, champion bully,
Benedict Arnold, hypocrite, felon, male-
factor, Jamas, an apostate, traitor, bung-
ler, ruttou stick, Timon, Caliben, Shy -
Luck, doctrinaire, doth, irredeemable
ruffian, scavenger, aristocrat, lunatic.
It had further been recommended that
thenest tem* he appeared before a public
audience be abo..ld be
R.cei -red with a few brickbats.
That he should be tarred and feather -
That he should be t ,toed in a Wan-
That he should be made run tbegaunt
At interval, as [Sir Richard paused to
draw breath while reading the above, his
audience burst into repeated roars of
laughter. He said it put hem in mind of
a statement once made by Sir Chita 13s•
gut, who Wideman to the oomelu•ton that
cars ut the first requisites of a Caaadias
statesman was to bares hide as thick as
that of • rhinoceros in order to stand the
abuse to which be would be subjected.
Whether he ,the speaker) was provided
with such armor as thin he would not say,
but he would say that -no amount of bard
oases would deter him from
Cw taaaIyo TRW $NZ*I1t9 Or CANADA
or exposing public wrong -doing whenev-
er it came before his notice. (Applause).
He took up the charge that the Reform
party are now without a platf•irm, aD 1
that the Reform leaders are unable to
raise any real issmes for the consideration
of the people. He doubted that there
had ever been graver and more import-
ant queetioas before the people than theme
bow raised. No hems ! There liy be-
fore them the great wort of reforming •
paean of unjust taxation ; freeing the
Northwest from the trammels of an op-
pressive monopoly ; the securing of
for the people ; preventing the twee ex-
trav�agaaues characteristic of the present
SceatDoesi.os Government cannot
;storming t0! ilarlersyompeollie 1 13*. •o [bat it arrant eppoee iia theto the declared will of the people , front
er defending
r tovf ICtal. mamas ;
maintaining the principle, of Couturier
ati.n4 preventing the public funds from
being squandered for eerrvpt pm poets
by a rreklem Government ; mourns for
the residents of Manitoba and the A' urth-
trest stowm better peeetion the.: that of
sorb to a ()ablest sitting .t Oteems. tied
pe.••r vi l.
for the p.opl.. of Cana
(Aflame.) of thought, apseeh and asthma
la eoSel.sion he said he b.hsv.d that
the Reformers of this °reentry would
stand bat toils* ori,
statin, AND alio TIMID ►Rtxc,rl.itl,
and we,M show any Gevernm.et .t
Ottawa that all moneys and corrupt ea-
lusneaa world be hmpi*mly and hole -
body .Rpe.d.d 1■ .Hempling to defeat
the sovereign wW at a nee aad liberty -
kiwis( people whine vein* they had ten
lately beard is ,tn_isi.kabie tone. in
Lassos ie Sitssoe .ad is West MkdAle
*ax. motioned mad a ehosrtastie
A ree.lftl. of thanks to the Ch.ir-
mam Ned sheers fee the Qc.e., Air
Rtflhard and the Libor/ leaden wooled -
ea the prne.edi.gg►
Naw Swum. utt.e, Mw ,
Jaw. RN
I wish to say W yve that I bar. h.r•u
wlisring fat the last Ica }till's with a
Warp111 u.h.ng d veer. 1 hare bean! of
Hop potters end have tried It. I have
used ep four bottler, said it has doe w
MUM good than all the doctors and
saediuina• that illy ,;,i*4d uta en or wills
toe. I t►n old o f t aur. bis[ bel to bleak
you for sash a robot by r medicine
and (tare torenawM tit (be tihr•Isaa I have
had fifteen doafwe at Oa tea Rave me
Pesti .'awes. of attlu$ioa aH.a
another Nook four quarto from
tae. All they ovoid tell was 'SIN it w
skis wkwesa Now, after thee her
bottles of your t.edieie, say' is well
dean and smooth as ever.
Hamar Kamen..
The on.plimeats 4 the seasron-golds,
oouglia,estarrbs may be effectually dealt
with by takigr Ayer's Cherry Patten /.
To ueglect prompt treatment fur these
ailments is to risk consumption, which 111
• id t , OUMI one-sixth of the mortality of
all civilised countries.
T w supreme mutt of M.wchusette
ham decided that a woman is a (referee.
t'nl s she were a person h ,w could she
build the enui-ning lira and take care of
the wood piles 1
Amoroso Tut.,. -Is there a person lir-
Mg who ever Waw a ow of ague, biliom
nese, serve/usages, or wound/is., or any
dine - u1 Nen 3rt•,ln/soh, liver or kidneys
that Hap Bitters will nut cure 1 .
Trouble is antiortat.,d in the Peensyl-
ranie . oust region, diteeu or tweedy
thousand ruiners being expected to strike
*gait et a reduction to be enforced Dee.
The Agway fuer.
Pain banished as if by magic. Pol.
eon's Nervlline is a positive and almost
instantaneous remed for external, inter-
im! .,r Ictal lsi.atr, must at•ti.e re-
medy hitherto known fall far short of
1liervdius fur potent power iu the relief
of nerre pain. Ouod fur external or in-
ternal use. Bey a 10 *met sample bottle
at James Wilma,. Large butt's. 23
Many democratic txx.greesmen ere
diesatis5ed with Speaker Carlisle's selec-
electtion of a ways and amens c,mmitte..
They declare that no respectable tariff
bill an now he expected this meson.
The whisky intervene are considered to
have been ignored.
Kram'r Plead L$ Malay
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
dash, relieves any pain iastantly, the
cheapest and quickest application known.
Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia
Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, $cis
tie, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any
kind when you m go to Ge... Rhyme'
tint; store and get a perfect and unstae-
tanauus cure for Yui cents. Ask fur
ham's Fluid Lightning. b
Simply miraculous is all I can say of
the sena of Dr. Van Buren'. Kiduey
Cure in my orae. An elderly lady
writes this from .lntigunish, N. 8., who
had suffered from paws in the back for
twenty ye rs. Sold by J. R'ilann Gode•
irees's Item ltaatateg
L the only instantaneous relief for Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drupe briskly as all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minutes application
removes all pain and will prove the great
value of Kraal's Fluid Lightning. 23
conte per bottle at George Rhyne tttsg
storm b
OMNI • it.
••)talden. Maes., Feb. 1. 181. 0eaJemen-
I suffered with attacks or sick beadac\e.-
Neuralgia, femtle trouble, for years all
the most terrible and excruciating cut Per.
No medicine or doctor could aide
me relief or cure until I used Hop fit-
The first bottle
Nearly cured me ,
The second made me as well and strong
as when* child.
'And I bare been so to this day.'
My husband was an invalid for twenty.
yeses with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary coir plaint.
'Pronounced by Boston's hest physi-
Incurable !'
Ekren bottles ui your bitten cured
him, nod I know of the
'Lives of eight perorate'
In my neighborhood that hare beet
saved by your bitten.
greAstndn y more are using th(m with
'They almost a
Do miracles !'
Mrs. s D. Slack.
Ag Itl.JISTAATEprEE11.1--Id PM!.
Mltrd to Oen wad ilrM.tones. Mt 1. Mx.
ION tears er Aar.
Vol. V. mea ig Auvseber 6, 1803
11aarsw'e Trento Pilus Was the beet week -
1ll tot o►ItdsMna inrte. Amerto h.. histirooterp]
�yAU Illth
Mat e •rda's ekUl tae sn•oanpileb In l
beat ytmMsst d the counillaseration try has hu doer.
mttrributee tee I
/aad the
as tam. -N 1imQ(mwl Jerra-ef ss/
be tom ew Bosom
'rad with IL -Hertford Hert o s t"emieat . '
lithlriesra TN1lw rNratl:. N f#
Per year. re•es/e reermed,i
Mae* Newtown. Fire Conk ascii.
a�peMmse sow seat ea rosette .f 1'h-..•
T1. Volsvw.f Prete f..r
Stir. at Wad IZ� heeled 1. 111u
.final.. (:bt\. wt t» swat by mall
coal a r.•eaips et 85..48. MetLOetO�.;:m• AYER'S
hr hose\ ralaleK wltaW fbr ant Air
. new
• have
Tea Mau,AL with
wren bolus : -
lingual and Daily W
Weekly (14.1»
" Mail, . .
" " Adosi iMer
A Wide awake 0. U.
J. M is always shire le his b
reqw spares w pairs to secure th
beat of wary prwis is but lies Iii hoe
*sono.'' r!.. s�d
weary for the pr
Elea• ttaZ'I?lsaurery fur Cusai spur.,
the rely oertaw curt[ known for Coa-
wmptsen, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Amami, qty lever, Broaebitia, or skii
at ,as(ku at the Thrust and Ismm $old
oil a positive guara*t.e Trial hankie
tree. Regular size 11.00. (3)
ire tinet.lq, HUGH DUNLOP..
sell W siren G
Paahjonab1e 4
A few Mama WWI Llseratwro. Penrice arl
Masa W taalatii• a a 15 S00ss.
Pm•sLtaaan moan Tmt•naoaT AT p• ran
The lira issue of TIM Wi g ler
Deoam6er soh. TRX wadi will • •as
opapesheset v. table of euatyla b e d
eat Men which ezt* .1181. the drabee
p�[1 •
cultured Item►, and nil trades' our lelth/Wty
W reflect and waettarase the tet
[foetal and political movetaants of the day.
Jir. U.idwis match will be a rrgelar oast. -
honor. Mr. ichor Fawcett, author at ' Aa
Anabltbe. Woman," -A (1.aU.taan of lois•
wok ole. coetnbatee le TIM N a ssel
of New York seamy, entitled, Adria-
of a Widow.' Principal taet
Orison's t'a!rtrtety. wilt writ., ether
valuate." pagers. aeries daseript1ve a, over
taken by Bina dartsr the past wormer "Dora
the Bicttfa Horse and •.•rets the smarts. -
Dr. (insist wilt also metalware are arUclw oft vsrl-
oos In important
llah Columbia.ietls. rte.. 11 r,� E.
(' wit oantr,buie. anima/ eller W{w rs.
owe on the pre. tn.,t suhy--: u: Int.rnatlua. J
Copyright. Kr. tt nn. Y. Clarke. We of Wla-
alpp.mi�g will write of ••'rhe Real Outlook la
Manitoba_ ('o•trlhsir-i. prose Wad •ease
m4$ he looked fur from
.10ftwtin M.U-'r, Dr. Dull Wilson,
l.,w.. H.morr !errata:a, John Charles Deft.
lir. in P. Jlulruy, Woe. $warns,
(i $'eerarT,Jr., F. Ylske Cri(to*
John kende. (1. Mesar Adam.
Mrs. IC. i+ymn.r}tcL-an. J. Boater -Bever,
Mier M•ebarWt Widths*, It. W. Pblppc.
Aid mas.y other writers or note.
4. $L.(Y.RTT 0151f110%, rabit.her. t
5 Jumbos, zit., TORONTO
0J,1JJor the wor:Lig claim Fear! 10 eta
for peewee. and We ail' mail ren
rays. • royal. rateable box of MID -
pp r suod, that wail put Feu la the C T G A R s
way of asking more [Howey la a new dare than 1 1(�1
esu ever tba►th! passible at my buaneta No
capital repaired. We will sial yen. You au
work sll the titer or In spare chile only. The
work 1r eat venally adarted to loth the mfui
youatt 14414 ode. Yon ons eatpily Bare trete Sic.
N 1' rrer; r.-: nowt. Tisa• 0.1 r,-,. seat week
nil 'es• t..e J7arooe. .. - u..a.., . is imparet-
Inlyd otTer ; to en who are Twit e.p sat hided we
'HA send it to way for the trembleof *MOH
ue. Fail putt:alatr. direct!ons, tree.. sent [I.e.
Fortune. will be taenia by than who }ire theft
whole tithe b r\. work. threat at:cce rn attar
lutrtr..n. Don't delay. ' art Www. Addr3..
t3rt!.+a,x t t'a. Poi tland.Jj*1,.. •IN
Virnis'r s'r R. E I , T -- • .
vi ch* iflaNIAlpealwiiifilli Goods for Fall Wear to Moo*, From.
W you WANT `l
b at a Itessonabla Price,
cell." -
At the'Hdeat !yule h.ad Phos new, in
In Endles8 Var
te wit the moat fastidious *beret eenau.eyer
L now *Ow and 1 take plowing in informing my elattoiAtort
vi.wa time have I had aneh a
Large & Varied •Ston
As at present- I have raised the fitiegiegilgiagglilky and Lowered the Pries •
it is a positive fact that no such rs i• foot weer can be got elsewhere.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be at
in the most approved styles by first -clans workmen. end
of the very best material obtainable.
- DC} w it 1 N (3 --
ErI r.kuw 1isD
Buchanan,Lawioni Robinson
XJfrei•Tt'Waka er
Sa it, Doors & Blinds
A frill line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand
(Physicians :Pr.scripLions a specialty.)
GEORGE .3. Y2TA9, .w
DaALtna la AU. UMW or
Lu ort ber, Lath, Sill.inglea
end bn.'.!ers m.ramal*revery .d..tr:$ 1S,,
1 runtiTIME A V 13Att!.
wall Oaten rs prompt!' &oilseed to.
oilsetoh. Ana 2 15t'! 1)44.1
Eye, Ea- .3'1 t :1;;; rota.
Dr? RYE.iSu
BM. a mete gawM, Totem r,.o..
v.it. Y. IL C. • It.. Ler ager u. the
Aar st ! 't boar . trail** 1!•••41. of l:ul-
Ir Tnresalo. a'. ... 5., Nit -tame Itye
*eel tot: in1-ss zr'. 1,;•s a, t .,:.•r•at
Regal i t.a.ltn a .d -r a r'. , .tine: 3.1,r-. Wad
Ccnrral t o. ►oar .tat i..' 8 up.'. may
be cease s•
riff wiaD 3 , ; L
O La:t Sanrday
• a ie loth. 1.64. 10.1
=o C 'ed c
H+g t. announce to the Public that they hate opeaid bagginess in the above Store
in the store Keely occupied 1.y Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and
well assorted stock of Spring and Stamm.' Goods at ek»e figures, wears deteratioe
to gave the Public the betetft.
"or Please all and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere.
AI`Rentembee the place, next dour to 3. Whore's Drug Store.
jiilli-Cu.torn work will receive our "pssial attention.
All•Nooe bat the best of material y and drat-elaae workmen tatsployed.
}►•Repairing neatly done on the sheettet notice
acninrick. ,,larch g an DOWNING & WEDDUF
IN M"ROM lir
A13R.A1-IA11/42 SMZTH ;.`.
Rev. Father Wilds' 1rA Ft!t>V Afiletaprinianzes oA Y.FURNISHING GOOD
1tWA LARGE AsaoltT>rt
i.D1Y fns IaAilon DiaDONwas
AND R9Rt? &Ws.
The a... S. !. 1111614 44111.11Erith ttt+1/
calories of Is New Telt. tmd Mslhsre/the
t#tsemiswtJumhpI►w..ttthelteese hu•
MOS lla,rum* Me. when air altlotasr
"III & 111•1 I!. Mr re i.I�►z,r '
1iseaa. J. C. Arras Ua.tl moi
toot whist row with • roe stow
llartabte Ite\tf= threes► Weer.
Way horse, so fah l 17, m tm _. y
Wad horsed to Is y, emu I abler
may elotbtag over them. 1 wee also ss�yy
teera severe Mm. �d ays•r �a ooh iimt my
iiia by eine t t/s value rtalleamny tAsm.tt
whet eel
iperesaMwe leoma yl
for We
.tved amain hew Me Arm does! TZelit
sbaMee the fever saeheists. WON t 11111714.111114
�theMemi f.Ht
sod we a aa
sae my pears* baakh gleetly
e ill Y no. sootheL 1 het s
.teatmad 1 MMOwes aes modem.4. el the aiaa.raaat.ta, width 1 ----
Mtb all wstdsw as the Mas based anftrrs
ever devised. Itest ` mett doss three
them • day, sod wok at4 astwo Media
y el yew •+r•selk ►•rt•i thole
pre e may weed.
Peon re+ailfzslly, Z. P. Whoa."
Tb. Mtom home* Is bun tams of thr assay sew.
Matt, sou g so oar aMW. Mash prove the per
hot eemp.m"llty .$ A•na'a UMW/. A*tLLA M
O M eon of .11 desires mrhtfg from la•er.or inn.
riles rtmbed Wood, end • .ea\w.4 visa/It?.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
a.v &LL PATTERNa.tiA1tt CP 1N OfIOD !1T\ Lt.
Has Removed to Hamilton -8t., Near the Square, OoderIa
Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styl at Lowest Prlii,
se faA0 rlrtllSaItit. CORMS A sri•TALTT. rerun rt PIT 4i0A1ASTraw
.1Dtiwa rlels0TLT ATTIMOI . T.. NOT' THU AO1lmq is
time*. owlets i is/ Mreeithi sa M tamed.
AwWm the eats% el M antasee nal bomb. Designs
ens ___ sues itis gait. M tttsart W sew
*NW oil all Ilhere•r•
am. the .Masbd MIAssyblees O1•mM Ir rip.
peer er
anrapeM ss. a t•w w. •t t �system
traa0Aata .T
Dr. J. C. Arm, i3O.., Lowell, MAac mew is the now tr yes wish ..e .r tw-e mbe'ses of o� at hens. SO see "WW1 ram l Ji
Pa '
Mal b an Dr.wteta: pie 8r, alt hedge IMO.
- - - - n ri
spat by small. pesgald''e reeMM eT M mets •.-sem CATHARTIC
°.tel .vi
T u+wr .r u.s.l. M a:efi shames n/
sempupere etre ter hams Mee adeerater-
f aribeter Ho se weer Wier d R•rua A
A R l'RR t 8ROTHRRg, New Ta!
-..at Purgative Medials . -
.r. D..yNtfn., R.....be, ..t1
Alw.ee reinah -
of the Latest Desi r
klusetitel5.hae and at prices tem than ran meek Inferior gewea WI Ned
area. poet rales la town, sad meet MsgN.
The UM Smog Bazaar Plers