The Huron Signal, 1883-12-28, Page 6vas
Ilee Islepear■ w
A t old Nei-Aal
11.4111U RON SIGNAL, FRIDAY DEO 28, k883
I'he t'hiuM*., Iturintgtos & eerie4 L teas bun well said that there a Radrord Company has. lust issu
tree Mf T•" (u„th :loin the wide wurld that securest illustrated treatise, "The Heart
I ab sae 1 • ay ma 'suct•ues so oeupletely as dues perfect iu Continent, deecribtug the woe
Rtes be to jar ju�e.s .yt,t dependence People who are always I growth of the ail tlreat Stated The
as,d .,vrestrte n
. ru7 strd) ner waing for help may wait a lung time, es beautiful) printed, and uuesernee ell
t r nuudred prgle t• great a general thing. 4 little assistance, a I u grevings of high merit adoru iia pastes
v, and pls•oind 'tut 'free watt fly. 1 little influence, is not to be had by ask Any one sending their tissue dud address
tug. nut thele is always something One with two thrN-wnt peals;{' stamps
Ane white aigd*.urpr.arl lir. •urhtug— i esn du himself. LJ.e it, whatever it u, Will r'o'te.' a ooppy by return iced,by
with a will. If a yuun$ lad), don't sit appplying to Perdeval Lowell, Oen:veal
11411 and hope a rich man will marry you, I paasenger Agent, (''hien* Lllwois 'St
while your aged father toils fur your
daily bread. Learn how to help your elf, 1 tial hese for eight months un . JiS
land take care of yourwif u much w pus • work boon aud 'felt as though 1 wou:y. is
ubl, Rather be one whu does things to
I for Len. than nue who must have lief die u live. through Dyspepsia sod
tttfJrgs done for you Two hands, two Indigestion 1 weighed at the t e 4
t, tight and strength. these ought to Ratting • beetle of 14°4-2'rellur.1
. 113f
able you to dispense with help whiht Ogre 13IP lbs., used 3 bottles, i tw
.ere young and vigorous. *sigh 165 tbs. and uever was belt* r in
Ien who can defy adverse ctrcuuutau- ill my life. It was McGregor's t3ip1 j
sii'd pan earn a living in any quarter Cure that brought tete around.' So says
William Fell, Rantan:ie. Go t...41. 'thy-
me' drug store and get a free trial bi•'tle
'Too late ' too late
/that left) reuereasp)u ow ...aunt
1, Tine gaI New Years owruld their untold
- But $prntg was surely made fur pleasure
sad Summers tale was qutctly tol I ,
lien time tilled his hewed m5rsurI.
Rut Mb, we ravelled in Mk treasure
rho. Tear grew old.
so roan we lupi, with .:unscioua glaucee
uu deeds that rite to our distress
sulllllbst we think of .:astedlchaecee
or heavenly pan we did pewees :
, taws asfeedjMt• •
u Nw very valuable feature of Dr, Jauers
Plerwut Worm Br lap is, that it isliffeh
ly avertible W tate.. and all varieties of
worwr, 1e4le wrllt tnalpded, .an be safe-
ly tapalled by Si, with' lit recourse to
harsh end aiekentag drugs.
Rediae Fist Ltgbsa•Mg
4,, uletenDrut tours. of foolish tanciee, e • world in whiok thew are dropped
„}esr.,kuu ,own and email e►d:snae• &Own ; who can roll up their sleeves andmedicine. It alres permanently w ere
imam. lit t., work at almost anything that or the regular size fur fifty centsanr •rte all other medicines lies.° failed. 4.s a
, padre and p..ud4w- offers ; and whu can even sew on their dolls* • blued puntier it has no equal. Remain -
Apr thus lightly go own t uttona and make themselves +. cup ` ber, it costs **eking to try it. Regular
1y ours to sauender r d tea wen deprived „f the help of air size, fifty amts and nuc dollar. a
h.: grace of heavtu, iso' mankind, art the one, who are really in- !tire Pleyd
taas dafdeae.
he dim'llt•tars s.retcheth yonder. dependent The malt helpful ',emu are Mira Helen Pharvia, Nu. S91 Dayton
• hither. prsyerless. shaft we wander r , the kindest and truest , and as for a bran, St Chicago, Ill. , is now ie her sixty-
: never trust him wo any rapacity it he has
I within him the true spirit of
Needs uu advertising 'when one, Intro
duoed: Every insttle gold sells hundreds
ofaithers by doing all and noun than re-
ppreseittdd tot Neeralgu►, Toothaches•
Headache, eta M joso +vesR any fain
%width as *.ab. ? it and
]+ M well unwed Fluid Leibtruel.
Meat bottle ti G. Rtynes . ,lirug
torte rhos:,'-
Aey resadet t redblet3 with Dyspep�iia,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver (n•tnpllaaiint
etc., should .011 at Geo. Rhynaa Aels
store and secure a free trial buttle of
McGregor s Speedy Cure at °sive weh
will cue. ince you of the merits he
'tram's Fluid UU*ktnIag.
Cure. Toothache and NeuntIRis trio* as
dash, relieves any pain instantly; the
chea}st and quioksst application known.
Why suffer with Toothache, Netualeis
Headache Rheuutatiam, Lumbago la;
tica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains any
whenyou part to eta nos
tae and eta est an install
taneous oursfor cents. s
gram's Fluid Lightning..., b
eighth year, and states that she has suf-
0o, rest, Md Year :thy lit• is not p fared with Consumption fur about tea
. Thy,stre.ith s gone. 1hy glue) fled. pendeneu,with'ut which neither etreugth. years, was )rested by nitre phyetcians,all
bio. rest ! wthile(iod oar wry defecate . l abr sweetness may ¢e hoped for. In kind go O d to 4 them prononucing der true hopeless"
we the new path before us ‘reed. O e bate of life there is but one way u' drug store R perfect
She had given up all Rupe of over moue -
! as we listen. meekly bending. emceed fight it nut yourself files the 25 M A k for enng. .Seven battles of Ili, overs New
t'he midnight bells proclaim. aseendia(t. 'helping hand when you may 'fake it, Discovery fur Cotler a urn completely
The Year is deed. d 1R some sore strait it is o8ered freely, cured her Doubting ones, please drop
• ! but never ask for it: *Be eadependent as her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call
saes �daongs cess. �' ' fat as man may be if you would honor p rt J postal 's drug store and get a frac
' yoot� 'or be honored by others, •,r be nai�r,
• 4,*ls oerrtly. 7e *liver bell, •
Atrial new seer 1 Electric K t
Dot). now appear :
and bopetsl once more we ignore. bei
Of a year llAtlis, mu •
Though al�/emory Mat
4. sadly matted silver bele.
• '1 beasaads nay Se.
e't . W..Aitk'ina, Girard, .Kan., writes :
• '1 i.e.'er hesitate to reeaanutend your
' E'lectnc Bitters tv illy enstomerl, they
Ring cheerily. yesilve+betle' I give entire esttsfaoti*t and are rapid
Old yeardepart dellen. Electric Bitter. ant the purest
ldyeNewleave adart and beet medh•'ne known and will post-
!nukinh in a ce•elair. thoughtless beset: ttvelY euro Kidney and Liver complaints
May a prosuees $ertf the blood and regulate the bowels
• tjjreddelnedni Sere i Nd frailj can afford to be without them
b the year to eesre, oh silvery bsiD • Tasy will neve hundreds of dollen in
r doctor's bills every year. Sold at50cts.
1e%, yseei $ad �,.ar/s, . s bottle by J. Wilson [31
Inion having bum created a baron,
uesrlon if being asked why Mr. ' !1'w ecu•as wt tarred by nor
E.iadstone has not Nun honored in a � p. 1117 and Dissipation.
similar way. Mr. t,l stone has schiev,- Th °tan Invigorator js'the
ed as great and as lasting a name in his
units flipoteacy, nerToue tie
walk 9f.kfet•p.has Tennyson in his. A br 1 y, ultit:eraal lassitude, forgetfulness,
boron. is a peer ofethe realm. and ani Pain intim book or aides, -no matter how
*nor that wan "Ste;:ted ay England's: shattered the system may be from ex
•I .oriannsalacaulay, it not beneath the I owes 4 any kite., tile Great German
ant'..�pptanceSf England's ,•hief livingppet, Remeely will rest.,'ie the ',et functions
Gladstone has inoe3 than ,'tele declined and secure health and happiness. $:.00
a eeiage, the reason generally assigned per hell. six oozes for ri.00. $old by
,�f _t.cI�ie�•tadegoaoy of hB'private foss.4 1i druggists., Seat wet .receipt 4 price'. .
t;n tiOrlti the "establishment" that postage pard. by. F .1. Cheney. TWedo.
It npolt.-•.mut there is another motive Ohio, aria Neuf for "(lotted States. Cir
sates ;Stat lid .Disraeli to dactipe cular•tinid testimonials sent free Said I
an •
rldom when titsf offered hips by ( 'R yttas. sole agent etre- (Sods '
• When Mr. Gladstone's political career u � 3m : -.,.. f•"'
ended he .411 likit 11ew' Lord Bea- • - -
1'onsfield it example b coapting a Peer' Simply niiraaulous is sll'T tart say 'of
age and moving upp higher to the AK" the effect of Dr. Ven Buren's Kidney 1
ed repipse or the Sots. of • Lords gig / Cure in my case. An elderly lady!
uresftllt ambition i5 tu'lead his ,''1 t7 - t ' writes :his from Antigunish.. w '"fr-
• ,had suffered frown p• Oar'
twenty year., Sold by J. K Blinn Godes !
gilt` kteeple.. ; rich. 2n, 1
ollo ming are Am heights of the: - .
pies : • *Lim *arias reediest
Feet. Mt M. E. Allison, Hutchinson. Kan., I
,lesni tuwf `' - 179 raved his life by a simple Trial Bottle at i
Baltimore, Washington Monument 210 Dr,Xing's New Discovery, for Con
Montreal, Notra Dame Cathedral . 220 gumption, which caused pini 'to procure
Boston, Bunker .H41 Monum-stint*. 221 a largo'bottle, thateonipletelycured him,
- Montreal, luh Cathedral... ... 224 when Doctors, change of climate and
A Paris, Notre e .everythingAsthma
. • lLagg*n high
_- •. p err i; : to r
rtecure for
( Tke 4r tion aearbol r�peaal the daogeroar end contagious disease seenid
ewer 492 is a preparation of carbolic aped, vtseline be h'il'l withioy and warmly welcomed br
rolti. Cathedral 300 and cerate called Mc*Jregor & Parke's 4 _eery family. for use in time of need. • A con-
Carbolic Cerate. It will cure any sore, ftaaration s much more easily checked at the
thtogton, Capitol.... 307 �to ting than after it has gained hesedwa.'.
Out, burn or bruise when all )thee pew I t3o it to wttl this wdi.eas.. Keep modic rte on
N ew Y Campanile, tat.nt. ok a 822 fl d
New York, St. Patrick's •t.athadrxl partitions fail. Cali at G. Rhyne rug %bI bdnia offer•dtfiletpublic in UISW
store, and package. 25 cents, is all I tAMN;NIPHTifEItIA and (RI)UP limas -
(*,it este':► u',mplesine .... 33t) 1 " KIEV. We arc Ihoroughlc . onciouul that it
1: costa. u ( will answer its purpose. Letters retest have
1'trecht, Cathedral {f�nnerly ani; 396
.i....t been taken out for the Dominion of Gnada.
355 In the histone of medicines no l•repa sad precautions are taken that no one Will lett'
tate it \Cc kimity ask ,ecdie•al men a tee
:363 ration has received such universal num- till
remedy a bast Testtmoni.l•. ire.)..
370 mendsPoeu fur the alleviation it afford*, esd setae 1iretles �Cnt on rept ing for. .
. 395 and the permanent ours it effects in kid Address Rey ti D'P.R'.' MM. Lorisa r O..
402 by dilemma, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney i Ontario.
wee ottani/1s ti i RMYha!•' Drag abr5,
422 Cure. Its action in these dist'•easing e:etlerlrk. Ant
428 complaints is simply wonderful. Sold I July ` 1 1383. IOW -i
These are acted Farts.
The beat blood purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach of
suffering humanity, truly is ec res Bit -
'env Ltaotivity of the Liver, Biliousness
.Jaundice, Constipation, Week Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary organs. or
whoever requires an appetizer, tunic or
wild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the best and oily certain cure
known. They set surely m11 quickly,
Beery bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money refunded. bold at
fifty oenta a bottle by J. Wilson. [4,
Send his uenle for postage
and receive tree. a cooly bun
of goods which will belt' you
a more money right away
than anythingelse in this world. All. of either
nes, sucoeod first hour. The broad road
to fdrtnse Opens before the workers, abet, ate
1}• sure. ♦tonce addreon,Tittne&Co..Auguste,
111'Ine - —
the BOOM of Cmnrnusis.
t ' tt c.
,Premises and, SpL ' did New Stock.
C3k. CO. it
Hamilton eit
0044erertm�tipnatttlir Knubel., lied -roue . I�
L, ca doles WMt-Nota, Looking Alersoa,
bleat •Leafed hair d nod atewll
FL Ft, ir 9
t;- Qoderi*
grtd .. antis''. Waib-stakt
� t
N.) -... a mplete riotyaent of Canna au. tihryttds al es dead ail, Hearses ter hire
at reasosiabte rate e� • - -
Pieter, Pr*nttaa • ,n .a.;talty.- A call wi t. d•• lib)
Seeing is believing Read the testi
menials in the pamphlet on Dr- Van
Bur'n's Kidney Cure, then buy a b,ti3e
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pawn Your Dreggeet can tell jou
all about it. Sold by .T Wilson Godernob
The use of Pills Sslts,Castor Oil, &c.,
and other nauseous, griping Cathartics
is unnecessary, as a pleasant sabetitute
is found in Dr. Carson's l3itters. which
act as a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea. All druggists sell it
50 cents a bottle.
All Nervous Debilit cured by the use
of Dr E. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug stere. (2b) •
as enuwer Wanted. •
Can any one bring us a case of Kidnly.
or Liver Compla)agthat Electric Bitten
will pot speedily euro f We say they
menet, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re'
oommendlog Electric Bitten, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
'r apy urinary oomplaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the hoe-
ela, and act) directly on the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed For.
sale a; o0c a bottle by J Neilsen. [1j
sats abeam cared.
Are you troubled trials- Salt Rheum,
Bough Skin, Pimples or Qenker Sores.,
' if esu o at nnee to.feo: Ytkynu Dru
224 ' eLe hod halal, IT IS NO HUMBUG, BUT REALITY.
*Awns, leaning tower 5 - 272 Bronchitis, Huuseness. Severe �bs That Diphtheria is en of the 'Host large,
Cairo, minaret of Moaqae of Sultan end all Throat and L liz'a'rd, tt itp
est Jlohammedsll gds teed T Bittties - •)us diseases sod annual aw•eepraw*Y thous -
' .nde of children is a
. in the world...
�yt a Trinity Chut'ch
ran to oure .1. feet which iso one cnn
282 Wiben's draft stop Large sing $1. '' 1 deny, and that doctors in rnany ,:area are
y . ' 284 T Ica against it (*jolt as true t ed'
i that ,s a certain and sure
Awe Campanile, or o s
SONON YMAO SIM1111 same, Thar,
eh as ,.]Twine - !r
r yr t
t�- itrl
�- La. .ii r. •moi s '�
Q( '•,�y�+�� rr+'r`e r,./foi. IF �I 'I
II\ r.'i ►� .. +ca," it 'Pa/o sem,
iiiiir e"
,:• . .1,'.—,—.. •�:1 `-.... -, —. — -. 1r �Y" _.
Rt reppllless Credit
Son, WAN shortest and teat Matta bene. lean tete )fast. Northds to enlisters, by reason of Its east M
Southeast, and ahs Inset, Northwest end Southwest.
it is literally and striae, taw. that eta oonneotbns ars all of Ms prMolpal knee
of road between the Amentia anti the Pa' tflo.
By Its plain line and branenM It reaches Chinego, JOBet. r
ha Sane. Genesee, tonne and Rook Ostend, In Hiltons t Davenport,
Wasning;ton. Keokuk, Knoeville, Oskaloosa, Pa.rfa t, Dee MWnes. W..t
Iowa City. Atlantic. Arose, Audubon, *tartan, tautens Oester and Oounsl
le boli caNstie.. Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City. In Mlosourt. afsd'treeirew-
worts% and A�On 4n Innen', and the hundreds 91 eines. MASIe *5679wAe
Internadlate. �M -
As n s tamnlan, imaged, Mews travears all the advantages and
Pest Repress Trains, oompos•d of
lnadwst to a smooth track. wife bridges, Urban Devote at an, Oes►treOt
c0*mat.gotra, WELL VZwVfl.A .
leRATRD. r1NRLY UPHO1$T'ORED end R .norior1' DAY O0110N1181 a line o1
Imam designed amid •tt PILAOE RtiSP1N0 CARt1. and ONIiMO 011109
thee are aoknowlsdiestf LY stress arse peon is be t/N FINRa1T RUN UPON AMT
ROAD IN TNR OW/MTRR.'and In wenn. supMsor 11m71es are carved to traverses at
tile 'titivate of REVEL TV -weft (VENTS RAON. ROAM
THRRI TRAINS seen way between 0NICAOCIan l�• APOt.IsMISSOURo 1111mad
• TWO TRAMS snort way between CHiCI►00
eta the famous
A Nett and Direct Lowe. vs Seneca and 1ankaaN. Imo +.oentt7 bean OSOwed.
,wet 'rota Newport Rows, Richmond, O. y rantfolt.,Piglattee
6dnre and Ret a rr -Mewof ]ge(itw+r A dna L� A.
w-�_ •�..w�p its n
All Thru-- �Vry �w••tii e11 aroma
Parke's a -`x.:.. nem��• r..� ,roe more denied l..5. a sAps.*,-vcsaera'► q1 n%ay MOk�=
It wan never known t.". fail. L wen as s-,•_ te.atan.slitM/MThetetOrnoeeM the United Sweats end iswilla *
1' R.R. CAB L!, , • �` E ST JOII#•Mp
f ritartlfws Dpteeeen.
t'hysierui's are ufteu startled b; •e „ CHICAGO•
Vias-Pres't s () wsafliibM
+ O7 T'M/s,�iy'� � r
alarkabhi ,ilecoceries. The fact thOS Di • i. .
Kint's New Diapt(rery for Consumptives ."
and all Thrttartr'Long die sires j/•4ath
ouring 1iatioutTtmat they bare gl w up
to diet ss startling them to reali1ls tuab
sense or4ity. and examine a sty The
merits n 1 wonderful discovery.; .•et
slitting in huudredr of our b' ,I3
Clans naiad Itlit their prsCt�r.•
betties free at J. Wilson'.
1Regular sire $l 01.
F'oreace, (..the
!filar), Cathedral.. ..
Loudon, St. Paula
Brussels, Hotel de Ville
Lubeck, Cathedral.. ,
Antwerp, Cathedral.. .
Amiens, t:athedral "
Hamburg, St. Michael's...
lendshut, St. Martin's....
Cairo. Pyramid of Chefren..... 449446
Vienna, St. Stephen's
Cairo, Pyramid of Cheops (original 4
Height 480) 450
Rome,. St. Pe`er's..••••
Rouen, Notre Dame...
ttkrasbur,f Cathedral
AM by J. Wilson. 2m
. 466
. 468
Hamburg, St.. Nicholas . 473
Cologne, Cathedral oil
• Washington Monument (to be), 666
I adereat
We havo no disposition to be hypo-
critical, or to question the right of our
contemporaries to cater for their readers
in their own way ; but there are lines
which cannot be transgressed 'without
eliciting s protest from decent people. , with perfect health is rather to be chosen
The Toronto Neu;+ is an enterprising I than riches and dyspepsia. Try the sr.
newspaper, but enterprise is no excuse maftc effect of a dollar battle 4 Foy NT 5 IN
for slander and blackguardtsm, and the of He,tTn.
'..pen letters' which that paper is now' ...........�
1.,hlishilig ars slanderous and bleak. a Remarkablelseasse.
nsrtlly to thea Net degree. { Pundits Mi.e Mary A. Tunkhenn.,ck,
Standard ' Pa..was afflicted for sit years with Asth- i HAI;PER - WS:LI[L1 • .tis es
h)tu, during which lime H iltlFR'S MAOAZINI 11
.a Care err rue. sweep. Nsr.
The finest healing compound under the f -i a p e r' S Weekly.
sun is McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer- i I
ate. There is no sore but will snoeumb
to its wonderful healing properties. It II tTI�TIkA'rLL_
is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes-
teriage, etc. Price 25 cents at G. Rhy, t. µu at rh ad lir
nal' rug stole. b meri
American illustrated weekly .journals. By ita
"Why should aman whose blood is -warm unpartisan pueltion in poetics. Ir• adminbie
within Ulustra•ions. Itaoaretei chosen serials, short
atorier. sketches, and poems, eontriboted by
Sit ke his grand ire cut in alabaster 9i the forcm',et. artists and authors nr the day. t4
parries instruction and entertainment to te0e
Or let kis hair grow rusty, start and thin. sands of American homes.
When `'CntoatZasRE-lIwis wines** It will alware be the aim of the pubadien to
grow the faster. F. •t tale by J. Wil• *sake Ilar�{ Weekle the most popular and
attractive nutty newspaper in the world, and
son 2m Ib tb. pantssaoe of this done. to praselet a
dtsstant isrprovement in • those features
PITT TIIN POOR DY rslrtx —Poverty width have pined for it the cont let.ce. gym
pithy. an I support of its large army of resd-
res Sear t
ma snd Bronc l M
•aye the St. Catharines Journal : - the hest physicians c„uld give no relief. HARPER'S BAZAR
The old colored lady, Sojourner Truth. Her life was despatrISO
eei of, until lis F,H
last HAitP'S VOI!N0 PEOPLS---
who died in Michigan it few days ego at 4act ober she procured a bottle of [h. HAH^ KH RS!vntsLh•n ES SO. LIBRARY10m
the advanced asp 4101 years. did not at King s New Discovery. when immediate •
all enmpare with Mn. l'aylot . who re relief was felt. and by continuing its use J'ortap• ''rr• to au •eh•rnetrs le t*• l'wdf
I ce on the Hamtltou road. a few indite fora short time she was completely car- I •a stab%...• ori rein
ed, gainter, nr flesh li0 lb. in a fear
west of this •'1e. Mrs Taylor is now to
• her 107th year and is still healthy In
hetepbaer'anee she w. old he placed In
Ihr sixty' V .e have the effects 01 a
prolonged lite shown any marks ,.n hes
escdlent mem •rS ea general luOita,
months. s.
Free Trial Kottl+s -•t thea .-ertaui cure srTthe ,olunrh,of tbary i•ehrear wrtat
of all Throat and Lung Ne•le's M Jae no blade s rreatfoned It well tx nndvrMa+d
Wilson a Drug Rims. Large Mottles tam t44 � ueteor shirt after tine tn . n es i
$i 41
_ _ • Ines were Ansttal V olamsa M Harp•►.
. �-- — R Is seat (Sloth Media/. will be cent b
yfewr'• /UM wail, t (Sl x seprrea.s hoe of rt
'1 inland. are ',e'ng eur.,l of Catarrh M trovid by not y year with IIAll s Catarrh Cure, the( is the my instantaneous tele( Lot NOS- ins ~roe (provided aK ro per .Jens„
lootnn hail given up and said could I ntg(a. Headache, T, .4hacho. etc Re ► lag Cloth ,, for most,
volume suitable roe
will be aunt by mail. postpaid rte re
be cured 'r, cents a battle Sold aryl a few drops briskly a all that .ie tceees M each.
3uorgr !Urn" nu.,'f (e ' bode named N.. taking nauseate m.die lie moues 0each. t.• made nPtw-lMt••
i for weeks. but ..rte minute s application y Order or Dtatt le ardd abase* nflow
)jet Joshua 111.rshal, 'veto! ,4f lino.' removes all pato and will tore tM(twat ,Vrv,••a 554r h.,avyre ro rM/a mt..+vn•�
at5wf fkerr Ise aeprew n/ H 5ar*1'
[<pyenpal Churoh, city island. fell dead j value .f Kram s Fluid honing 99 nawritit /
in hu ',AIM as he ++• alert t.- ,nen cents ia.' 'KM, le s' George hypes Irne S^ tr i it l'VIt et HH4)144IHt• .... Y"•.
' Ne•tr
Nrv1ep laid re ening
p O=
' I7CHITIS aid an L
$ LISP ofNTp6. a�noN9 ar
blip advanced or
coNevxETjn •
No.2. p°
Birk Htadaeb =sae, tree all the trouMu t0,el-
drat to a bilious dad e,f the system, .ueh se Die -
CHOW, Naaeea, Drel•aia5n. Listeeas after eanal.
Pain 1n the Bide, e*qi While their most renew
able seeress he" peel .hown in curing
co No. 3.
1I, ad•che.let Carter's Little LiverPills are,gneSy
valuable is Coesdpayoa, carted and eon
1h1. saneytng pia t, while ibey a o eorren
all disorders of Or eh, .tinnlat
and r.Salsle the breeds. treat/ they
Adis they won le bealmostpriceless to tho.ewbe
Mae from ti'e sistre iia complaint; bot torte-
itsulytb.lrgueratt..ddoossi not end bete, and thou
who tea Wet will gad tbewn Acne be ;tills r s1 .
.assts se main ways tint they
MOO wathouttl•.in Bat after all sick bead
• vmnNY Uwe/vealeed by �MtaComesay•
hem trade extends lsr*edy throtlgrt Po
wt gestalts, news, °smear.
t ',Idris,Orme* and hair
menutorte r*d 1s Canada only bT
i The Huron Soap Co'y
r -ash slept IS ISO tie
v tlasal
Lithe bane of -., many lives that here h where we
*ske err gnat bossL• pet tea *•are It kill
takers do sot
Carter's Little Liver Pith are very email wad
very easy to tab On. or two pills makes doss
They are strictly vegetable and do sot gripe se
purge, bat by their geritte action all who
sea sten:. Tn iris t ss rents: nut by la `f odd
by dr*gglet eryw a e,
Ns* York City.
Lbs en
psbds d Iowa.
na, new Merin. Arisen., )s..
Wes and Team
be its east
*amen* 45 Time. 1'n.
t9 clues of travel
Titbits vba
Oseneetad tear
Meat asellen
tit. c. w
Try t\
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tarj. t.sasd
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*heat a• ... e► •.�rAr.
rewe..le. to r
fits reaesitK,1 T,t+•r _ �7
f. 1. P11711.
se raw ProvoJo.• 11f•"rr• jR�
ohs K,,,,i. L+ae.O
rtc,a.irT.e'-4fbe r*'• 4.154 ..4h
►elle/ ee w'an. i seer .5.1157 w'
I M Weeded Mu a t, —, �0
asmas --aes -. -Sh„ a�
Canadian Paso As t,
Torown. Ont
0. Joheerne,
Ticket Agent. Qnde,el'