HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-28, Page 5THE BOUNDIaiBD: 0\ :AO (( \ , . r ., faii ll,A , DEL. 2 13-3 5 I he Orale e" -r144 the' Privy Council of Groat Belinda. . Ii hope& of s u est& sag moult Oil sot 1r,a two mentos. . 1.rrtrery Is tlitapdto. ,insane. e. - w» The mo-. .1 eRn..wt b. s sat t� bats` pb el the Ih..i..a. f eiu iii lbir i t NSW& tw ilia in between them bestial the pr.amWb it rt b ieNM4� .N is trade to avoidlIr Ott divisions between tis o1 the two peo- Titian until seek time as the digests shall bbs� **ally settled. Th. tint end •(41W est forth as follows : "1. Neither Ooe.rsmeat is to be un- dsnteed by this egrslemeat it *endow -inp sD ,lanes setts Government has wade. W, to, or in, the die- , , or s7 wit &areal. 2. K lia}Iwest�est is** rageind to theikw' Marts sad oaken from psrb of the territory in which 1Z12166rs batbats eMssod to inertias ; iist the Mare Marone of t1* dlAnted juriadictioe is to be sab- je.l to the provisions hereinafter con- SeiAAft he tsar suint of both LeRula- Mns; atltilttlltleits will be made giving effect to this•egreweat. la the terri- tory sotll& end asst of the height of land, the laws of Ontario shell be enforced, ani ell peosssdias suits and actions arising out el the disputa, whether in Ontario or Manitoba, ere wrpeoret. in- ti1 the deadened tie Privy t77o.ae 1. In the Amsted tstrintry sous north and writ tilethtdgkt. d lead the govern- ments of two provinces may each appoint a Commissioner el Pers fur all the tar- riteRy within Lha a.._iiipality or the intended municipality" a Rat Port- a,' e, and for the .territory along the Itse of the Canadian Patine Rail- way, and thew Cetomi-loners shall lave en -ordinate authority, sot only in Rat Portage bat is all tb. territory northand west of the -height of land Vl pt ere iw..d pewrims to this menThe & mosms g ondol for Rat opertadotage by the two gow.eauieeds am maimed for their re- y.ppltq�liisses �y.eaattsr,, but la future the two O.mmi�i.see. are to tine the lieesws. The lissimilig awls io beth provinces are to apply M this latter linnet sad in the .vast et their eletsbing tits essaniimiosen are M [name viva d tia s rival eeist mgeletioesa Qomr• - cfl• i sad Nit Portage, inewspeested ander the icons oldie tpMM _eriiaf is to be all g, a!'EoAre 1* Nensillamed %Elhass mid • e rl 1. II *41. 1e ricl it - 011 tu- be 11- In- er ill ;ie '16. Ira tn- nd he Mt rill in nt- f 1I' nt di of act an d BI. roe . me 1 the 're. ted 1 410 'f IgD M cis w A M• se NewMantleClbths 1:10 iFOROITRISTM.AS! A GEr®at. Bargain at J. C. DETLOR &CO'S. X1YL.ASPRESENTS'XMAS T_ Colored Velveteens _GO TO THE MIXON BOlt) K EPO 1 \ 1i1,1 ' �1. 1'fE•: AND STRAWBERRY For the Very Choicest Selection! of 'ancy Goals. eu• tot H 11 3E11.3ElbA3EIL730'S ,GIFT BOOKS,AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SHELL GN.l�DS, J. C. pETLOR f;S CO WIRE GOODS, �..' BI 1.E. � DESKS, I- MP NIONS VASES TOILET' SETS 4 PHOTO ALBUMS LADIES' CUMYwivluna�ve�nc, - TOILET ��+�I 1, S, PHOTO ALBUMti LADIES' COMPANIONS , TOYS IN ENDLESS VARIETY ;(ihi•iStlxias Opening' -AND AT ALL PAICBe. - --- - XMAS CARDS l XMAS CARDS 1 EVERYBODY WANTED. THE CHOICEST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. faiI will he happy to bee all my old friends, and all their friends bet*ett this and Christ,ai One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at - Cost Price. c'�o_ SSP Ate_ Goderich, Nov. 13th, 1883. 1917-8t H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., R1TAN'=Z10=_ CHAS. A. NAIRN has Inuch pleasure in announcing to the Public that he has now oriel') for inspection the FINEST ASSORTMENT of China. Crockery Glassware ipd Fancy Goods, ever opened out in one se/Won in Ofderich, and will tic: ple::sed tt, have everyone call an4,14tt• tham. whether they intend to purchase -r Y011r4, re,l }t.4'tfi111' New Imports for the Fall Trade.i WE HAVE MUCH' PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Exp.* is. The Goods may be returned if not satisfactory and money refunded. Parties desiring to make Personal Inspection, and purchasing to the amount of $30.00, we pay Return Fare. All Orders for Samples or Goods receive prompt and careful attention. We Sell Retail at 77. oleeale dices_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. I NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS I SILKS ALL WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK GROS GRAIN. HANDSOME CHECKS. OTTOMAN CORDS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BROCADED SATINS. BLACK & COL'D CASHMERES COLORED SILKS. VELVETS - LYONS VELVETS. BROCADED VELVETS. COLORED VELVETS. VELVETEENS. 0 A. Full Line of Cashmere Hose, Gloves and TJnderwear. comes tk.gtat a t that is, that the 'stip qeo retic. is to farad to the Juatslat Ounseitt a aE t Privy O.411811, ssbemimed in Ilk swath o1 Jose e 4. r July, 1 aa:- Inbli P 4 Basillihs sienna that tki been ashes,. *e ?regimes and •• Bessie is the meridian d the Ohio ase Mis- es, et Qweb skims that the wNi y berllibry e1 GM ?rosins_ is either ria taeradva it tks most north- wtIfrly jape of the Lake of the Woods r is a line west al that point. Th.eslmiN1 to the Privy t:sund1a rrsthe following :- (lWer the award is or is not under apse ew.iamAft..e.a binding. (2) In Oboe **sward is held not to settle the bosdary in quottost, then what, on the evidence sot forth in the appsadi.ue, is tM true boundary be- tween the said peadissss. (3) Wh to in sew legislation is :noted to soba the deii4' effectual or bindles, Aub pss!dtae Partiameat of (soda sad *. Lar plin latera, of Octads sad in WA- pietism Will do Ism Ibili Kb Via , nap RT, as tksrwiss, will le ttalloieut, or whether* sew Imperial AM for the pur- pose is neosesa17. This agreement is signal by Mr. Mowst M Attorney -General of ,Outarie, sad Mt Wieres Attorney -O'Mara' for Manitoba' .- CHAS A. NAiRN. N.B.-Store will be upetr.iurin* the• week until -ft -S(1 Ir r. DRESS GOODS 1 N D CHRISTMAS CARDS DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDCV DRESS GOODS .XMAS CARD DRESSOSS XMAS CARDS. �S DRE =�DB XMAS CARDS. MRS'S=.:.0 H•� C .IRV ' Tiff:punt !NTABL4QHMENT. - TEE i'EOPLE'S ;OR. KINGSTON STttEST.Iwn THEISOUAAS, oOtain1t•II OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED' PAST PILE. 1 Suits Made to Order. Fit Guaranteed. Flannels and Blakeu.. At_:' 1 Prices. S-u.lts for 4.249_ H. W BRETI141R..4' CO.,, Brantford. 1.6 Suits for . an i Suits foo IG : `. XMAS GOODS ----XMAS GOODS , See Them, Whether You Want to 15`uv or.Not AT THg �dF.�ICAL xALl_ READY-MADE OVERCOATS, 85 TO 812... Meatier& Oct. tt .. 1.8,. ' letl- I 10, son of the Rev. lgaelpk city, was �� sa *User* gunning with wise noir!-lar pa cheismas 'Li- terals*. f- t.ras A 'mbartnraai Stormy was showy hew s lllmmerless gaol worked. the sena was unloaded, he Fltdled a trigger. tie contents enteritis `:rdfzf�ppe a breast kijji}g him almost in, ,• ediately. - r RATIPGL AND C,1111orT- Ii knowledge of the n$tu- the of "s' sot wa1F GO TO KNI.GHT'8 FORA w SHAVE, IAMRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO D00110 EAST OF P.0 AYER'S PILLS. Just open fresh consignment of those beautiful 1'rursiau ' and. ��verlas$in Flowlers ; _ H R Z � Z, � Y' _ Dried Glasses g' . In Boquets and-ianging Baskets. A (7hoice Lot of Hyacinths laid other Flower Bulbs is uue of them just Th in hud in Hyacinth Glasses). very suitable for Xmas Presents. Also a full Zine of Fancy and Useful at, TOILET ARTICLES AND -REQUISITES.-OfER.ICI-1. 'Choice Perfumery of all kinds, Bottled or in Bulk. Fancy Perft'-11: lie T ¢a llg Mil11liHJ' !!1gt�Oblishment of the County. Bottles, etc., etc•. 1 L JORD - ?, Chemist and Druggist, , . ►1 >•..� AS. A. SIcINTOBH'$'OLD*TAN11. Goderioh, u, 4. 1.dKl. A targe proportion of the diseases which ware ►-aan Irdrertng resale from derangement of the senmacb, bowels, and liver. ATsa's CATfA*TIC PILL act"dlreetly upon thew organs, and ars eepectally designed to ours the diseases earned by their derangement, invaliding Oo.Wpetiea. Iaillireettor. Dyspepsia. Headache, Direst tory. and a boat of other ailments, for all of which they ars a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive am of these PILUI by eminent physicians In regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profession. These P1t.La are compounded of rgetabM aab- staneee only, and are alwnlutely free free esM-N .r any other Injurious Ingredient A Suwerer from lieadawhe writes A rsn•s PILI., are invaluable to me, and sere my constant companion. I have been a wren rrge�nfrrom Headache. and your PILLS ars the could look to Ml no doss qmolly move my bowels arod free �myj head bum s. They are the most, efective and the pays 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure are to t+iak la their prsie, and I always d., ., whsle ooselloo whir. are W. L. PAar Va., Jane a, figs. Franklin St., PIs .e.b, •• 1 have reed ATp,`s MIA to numberless In stattoeo • ____ tided by von and hare never known W torn W aesompli.11 the dssired re. Mit a •mgt keep teem es hard at on. as a PpMint sate and - FO's D'1•SPZt'RIA J. T. Harp." acus 17, Ism. 1f�f�a� B. IL ItLCwS, writingfrom r e ref rat atone year. IDM to or varletle kinds, matease.eisel awes TbZ bare a arrestedfi MK• goA bow/ man my Smith." ArenaS CATLA$TiC VILA Isilest itregularl- ties of the bower, sn-dabs tr epSWts ..d dya.tt0., .M h *dr alit one warwa sees. give tone sad ,Yes .e the whet* physis.l snowy. reariatn Pr Dr. J. C. Ayer di Co.. Lowell, Mee,. Sold b all brood& rlesan ■.atkeie. 000ssoa. Dee. V. Itis. MAO*I 111 .. e Chicago House, truesl cwt eat AU eepssMew wodwrnfnI Meek stat e/esrs of Ay•r's Sarsaparilla. tom. IMowe .t flees Ry!st M• M sq be mads *d ing pW*1555 (tem M d1 Droggrla : el, Os Willa. M w. F. MI1317ICAL SgLL, C3-0 ID IC R. I C.71Ef- BIR1 VELVETS. . PLUMES, ES, RIiiBONS, I LACES T1,0 Largest and Beat Assorted Stuck in the County to Choose Front, lit FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLESliss Wilkiason's, - Chicago House. lyl, floderloh. Nor. Rth. 158;1. MEi s s GRAN AM r MILLINER, �.ODERICH.1883---AXES---1883. MY -FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED. and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied !Welland Vale, 4,erkty4 Burrells, ' - - anid the An Inspection is Respectfully Invited. Simpson Axe. PULL LINE OF CROSS -CVT SAWS Welland Vali', BBurrell'.s, and the .S tmpsoll JOHN A. NAFT1L Cheap Hardware Emporium. 1-3olic!Lay C- -ood.s_ 11PLE LEIF LANCE. mins Prese=ts_ geed Quarters for Steel Barb Fence Wire I;ATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARi► % :1KE p'COME ANT) SEE FOR Yf d-RSELF y NANIFAf•T1'RED Bi R. H. SMITH &CO. ncoe.sor io .1. FLINT CUTLERY, Special Lines, CARVERS & 1t►RKS, New Style - CARVERS iia FORKS, French Cook, CARVERS ii FORKS, Game. BREAD PLATES & KNIVES. POCKET KNIVES & RAZORS, Excellent Value. BUTTER DISHES R KNIVES, 'SILVER CRUET STANDS, PLATED KNIVES, FI,RKel k SPOONS, NEVADA SILVER FORKS k SPOONS the same throughout CHILDREN S SETS OF THREE:, is CHILDREN'S KNIVES & FORKS. QOYS' SLEIGGHS ACHE SKATES Etc Etc Etc R. W. Mt1KENZIE'S CZZI &IP =M71DW�711 CAR3D,, COURT HOITt s SVi'ARE, (IODERICII. *NTARI4►. 111s1014*. net. e. 1511