HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-28, Page 4a
THE HURO'ir zIGNAL FRIDAY DEG..x'', 188:3.
Is pablithed every ]hilar laornfpe, Sy lite
Orate r:my Baits.at their ptpoe,?7ott`t K{
off the Minaret
t.• I01URICH, oN1tARlu.
Tres Bothwell electlea ease will poste
tip foe. dawuutwn on January 2nd.
ttft1ee tbd flay 1t is W b. hoped that pit•
Ifticat Vampire Rawkins will be relegated
pati to ublivieu. Through the action of re -
6 mmggcountry by the earlied liest math d atnlns.nd I taratng odo.r Jia) . $taphens he• hs
af general admission tt has a larger cheats l managed thus far to pocket $1000 of
a.scoun any other newspaper t• 1s part sessional allowance, and it is earnestly
d .d
• country IS one the raciest, newaseeI
eat omit reliable journals in Ontario played for that the last of the people's
possessing, us it does, the tore-gotngesssatfals
as4hetne in sedition to the above, • erstclas. money has found its way into his pockets.
IbBak wad)reside paper ---it isijmedium. therefore •', Our parliamentary latus are'eme,indeid,
vme10•111t desirable
sle adoerr tap
Twee. --$1.$S in advance postage pre -paid when the duly elected of the people is
two$1.7S, it ptald before six months
tL! It act so paid. This rule wal be strictly forced to stand ati4e so that as inter-
R1rss or ADVERTISING. Ei t rents
las tor first insertion ; three ce ••
wools sattestuent tnsertioogq,, Y e y.
sal Quarterly cuntrac used
area PdrsTI\ei.---We ve slsoa
3 btng department in connection, a
lea the tweet a'opinre oat -at and best tact)
iw taming out oft In Goderich, are pre
Ledo business in that line as prices that estate
•e beaten, and ot a quality that canna.. -he
surpassed. -Tenn, Cash
loper may sit iu his stem. But it is only
now to Jan. 2nt1, 1884, John
oseph, and after that the jadement.
It is better to be born in Ballyduff
than rich. It will be remembered that
Porter, the hero of the $15,000 prise in
the Londofi lottery, hailed from that
peaceful hamlet, and now comes the
i FRIDAY, DEC. 28'rw, 1883. tidu,us that a gentleman nearing the
classic name of Murphy, who lives in
TRANRS. the same vicinity, beads the lucky ticket
• in the Guelph lottery Ballyduff seems
We thank the senior editor of the 'fretik a good place to emigrate to.
[I,ppknowAent inel.
• The abets paragraph may be all right
but there is s chance that the lucky nun in
*Pk the Guelph lottery may have to skip out
• from Ballyduff es Mr. Porter did after
CHR FACTS OP THE CASE. the London lottery. Porter on that
Mews SIGNAL in the name of the Re-
formers of West Middlesex, for his time.
3y help at this emergency_—[Strathroy.
Our iod•ptadent, dlthoagh prosily
Prootecttuuiat contemporary* thillirtnontu
WerLA, has a ).vel -h del *Wee on
the referencia ot the boundary award to
the judical committee ut the PrtvyCoun-
cil. It is as follows :
Botts of our Tory confrere -t are ringing
tire ed► tnges on the Hurun treasurership
g.estio . Few of them know anytl-ing
sheat the real filets of the case. Never-
theless the frldtber of they are Jrore
ee4erich, and tke lees they know of the
smatter in dispute, the mora actions are
they to air their opinions. Fut! the
odifieatietr'ef these innocents and the
•tiestructio:i of all who have not followed
the t tse throujh the stages we give
the following outline. Fur the past
twenty -Ste years Col, A. M. has
We ere out to cuter IyW a dis-
cussion of the (aspect of the bound-
ary dispute ; ouiS present object is to
state what we •u,4$ider to be the actual
eituatiou .
First of all, theu,we are woevistdthat
the boundary award will be rata by
the privy courted.
Se000nd, flat it is Sir John Mscdoe-
old, u..t Mr Mowat, who has backed
Third, that Mr. Meredith wilt straight,
way login to modify his ,position and
begin to take the Ontario view.
Fourth,thetail the bluster of the Moll
is merely to oover up Sir John's re-
But is Sir John's retreat a defeat 1
Nu, for this reason : He was anxious to
carry the last Dominion election. A
atrooi card for kis wee to set Upper and
Lower Canada by the ear, so to speak.
The boundary issue was the very thing
fax the purpose. He oouid depend on
the tariff questiou, notwithstanding the
boundary dispute, to carry Outeri° ; he
gothic, to make sure of Qoec, and •
boundary now was the WNW. In both
oases he for soured suceeidully Now
that he is secure in oboe he can afford
to say w the French Canadians, I've
done all I could, the privy council must
settle the dispute. And depend upon it
the privy council will settle it for the
award. The privy council, like all ap-
pellate courts, is slow to re -open opus,
is ever disposed to make awards binding,
which award. the parties interested had
previously agreed to abide by.
The ease will not be gone into on its
merits, but simply on the issue- -did
both parties agree to abide by the award.
This will be established and Ontario will
get the territory.
Ontario will be satisfied.
Sir Jolun Macdonald is sat$,tied having
already attained his end.
Manitoba will have to be satisfied.
So wilt the French Canadians.
As for Mr. Meredith he will begin to
square himself forthwith. He has been
occasion found it prudent to emigrate
from Ballyduff, and so will the "lucky"
man in the Guelph lottery swindle, if
the authorities do their duty.
Janes Waszaa,l of No. 3, Caradoo,
was arrested on Saturday last by detain
tine Hodge, of London, charged with
perjury in the matter of West Middle-
sex election. He was placed in bonds
with sureties to appear for trial at the
first competent court of jurisdiction.
The strangest thing about the case is the
faithfully perfurited the duties o rat,- position now taken by the Tory press on
mer for the Comity -of Huro;:. A couple the nutter. They all howled that the
eel atutths ago the Ldcal Government Weekes' revelation was a Grit roorback
• 'fere c o.i+trained to seek a sex Previa- while the eleotion was on ; now thst the
vial Treasurer, uwin3 to the resignation ballot -boxes Ivaco spoken, they are wish. rased bySir Juhn. $it, Juhn caved him
of Hon. James Young, whoeg health ing that James Weekes hod never been
self, but he wreckedMt Meredith, for
had unfortunately broken down. CuL born. But all Agree in abusing Row -
;lead Mr. Meredith net taaoln the uuu*,tri-
Rees, who had been' memt*tr for
• Heron since1875, was selected to MI
yaesncy, and tiaally co, sedted:id
the portefolio. In due coutlt Ore watt
elected by acclamation, and on the day Rowlands affidavit is all right, tint h.
, hie election stated that, although the a — mesa man to hove rioted to me
$eying of the Provincial treasurership the way heaid 1"
• Vas not incompatible with he Contin -
'mace of tho county treasurership, yet he Tori McCarthy act will Dome in force
had determined to relinquish the latter t on the let of January, but Hodge the
set the end of his fiscal year. He then, i:ueretary of the licenced victuallers'
and signal uently,declared.that•lie would association advisee the 'hotel -keepers to
• retire from office at the January meeting continue to take out their license.'Un der
of the ,wytn il_, -"i'orx lociitirrgan the Crooks' Act. One license will be
also put the Baine construction upon Col- taken out by the association so that the
Bees' utterance:, and, speaking of iiia legal merits of•Fhe new act will be tested.
probable successor. stated "Th.- salla- , In the meantime a horde of Tory license
sal eoinple-cion of the next county council.
hoods of - tie Ontirie Premier. Had TMs w rime 1 ei.te• Si QOdlrilh Township-
Stood' p (r their Province like % t
the of tis. awieedad territory would
iwtg gams i which this County Tteesurership wait colts. tt ts,eewit t •wuttjtip, d, mutes fruit,
had beim levet At Ottawa ' dealt with by the eugrty council- We .4l.vdettc>•t. 'rl uetr toe "ovum nod
' Fortunately or political nt'.raltty the cow propos• •nyinu a few words upon tM cuwseenct4ft w, •Loafs flay, DM 3 0th,
W,tpis have puodawned mid sc,tetetd limo It of tG• sp,,uioMttent «tadtt, and tke at 11 .• clock. Air inv,t..tion to attend ,e„
tindery award caftans brands fir "trite and pietism, P
oo this Boal.$... There were; we,
they u for
lit tooth l.ad week rye e°wweuto.l, cot Oue iiideatei. .tett.. -A tom:* trees
mea, testi Qf 1 T t how* wilt {tw.uv,rely, opsit, tha "'niter in L,tde,t .ri{1 Mott in {;,• UuNnt school
Ontario's ulatw. to the wAate l!t `
stoat, w daspiei►{e ammo is Om
ger to the public interests of eztct:led :,. all.
tutu our wWiicipsi councils,
i as wag
names with lasting ignominy-. ,
erase 1
by the &pale •u It of the t po. the dentalld, o uusnlwr of appluyanls tilt pf,, stueie ser:e 1. iiat.out blacksmith
Coeael th • the the tiositu n, but the only unto in aria I.
Atop oo ►Vp.tn.otey,n,td the ourioiue ones
hitherto beat. fortnu.te is tint appeals. the gentleman who was appointed, t,rre, i h dl Z
The decisions to this Mental ease sod the Mr. Peter Adamson, the proof euuuty • i» wr do 1•tee w the day, and its
Hodge ease ore an evidettiMe1 theirwad clerk. One would r,atunll]jr wl,po.• irl yvuttt .Moa j tet ;..t the hut»e in
lees of his jiad*ment epos dtiloult legal
that when an appointment of this slue a ; , wiivu u te•Y •IMd4 da.hed up, and
questions. to b• made, the council would select the 111. i4, ,y Wwck tswilt suwl his biwhing
Every tree -hearted citizen of Ontario, most oompet•ut artioaat for the post- brit), tip,lt ptsistwiiat.• fIto oerertx.oy
tion. Has the Huron county council „lore near 1wwAern.
equally favorable issue in the boundary duos this in the preempt inttnoee
Mr. Mowat will, of count), be jtatMai
Privy 1, un • t qualified for it were Dr. Holmes, wap a atoetdettu t what wise ape }a
sothfng woof!•ds bks stiesM.a He wit Kspsc ► and ttreeiw.l instructions to tfi
whatever his politics, must hope for an y We tt ^ !
do not believe that out member •,f that
Hut whatever the result, there is no re- I body con conscientiously say that they
have dune so ; nay more, we (to not 1„ •
habilitation for W. R. Meredith. For
him the gains is lost wineway
may ay turn
The confirmation or the avoidance of
the award will be equally fatal to his
reputation, In tho one sue the fallacy
of his contention that the award was
illegal will be exposed. In the other
event he must bear the odium of having
sacrificed the interests of hie province, to
servo his owe selfish and ambitious pur-
hever the
Strstbroy broker, who discov-
I.rasCslity. Al James Weekes
sal bt iot,driaken Saturday last, in the
hearinfoloif ,:tbe- *Titer, "Admitting that
`etgill stZ-dej4 effect ate choice.'. Thi
eesilty •-ievtncil of 1833, through the
]dkae•gY of t'). Ei j[I{tjm pasty, stood. 29
"ries to 2) Lih)rtls in a meeting of 49.
?Ls li 7ny ole nret being stronger than
there sem 1''y likelihJott of it being in
lilt, Ni: •'i ijority at e•tdeavored
eft work so that they would be able to
wast a ereeture of their own into the,:
position bef ire the council of 1888 died.
They sent a deputation to Hon. A. M.
Mom asking ii he purposed resigning at
the December meeting, and when the
rower was returned by that gentleman
Mat he did not intend to resign until the
end of his term and until nis books
could be properly audited, he was at
once dismissed and W. J. R.1 Holmes,
L. M. B., appointed in hie stead. We
have claim,, and continue to olaitn
that the ousting of Col. Ross was illegal,
and we call upon all Reformers and all
honest Conservattvas to say at the polls
syn the 7th of January, whether they
favor the peremptory dismissal of an old
and tried public official by a reckless
gang of conspirators, many of whom were
heavily pruned so that their courage
would keep up during the pirpetratation
of the wattage ?
otic stand, had not become the mouth-
piece of the Frenoh, he world in the then
temper of the provineet have `,ten pre-
mier of Ontario to -day.
And why shouldn't Ontario have the
The following remarks oa the bound -
ary reference from the independent
Herein,,/ Neil? also leans our way :
Vie recent oonfurence between Pro-
m -me Mowat add Attorney General Mil-
ler,ot Manitoba, has reshlted in as agree -
merit for the settlement of the conflict-
ing claims of the -Province of Ontario
and Manitoba to the d e territory
by reference to the Pnvy L'until. Ar-
rangements have also been • rrived at for
the district claimed by ix th ,previnose
until a decision is reached. °'h tend
wee. vt rue oi es ..: ...sou iniotrn. la W
here that Dr. Holmes himself will say
that they have dune so. The doctor is a
genal gentlemen, a skilled physician aitd
an astute politisian, but that he has ever
developed any ',social aptitude .,s a finan-
cier, or that he. has tiny sptoi.tl abilities
as an aoouuatant we have yet to leant,
aod,bo uiunicipal esperi.nce is, at beat,
meagre, and he knows nothing of the
general routine of the ofiiw. He will
have everything to learn. On the other
hand, Mr. Adamson is a skillet! account-
ant, he is thoroughly conversant with
every transection of the council for the
past twenty years, he understands the
minutes of the office coptFl.tely, and as
an authority on municipal natters has
few superiors In feet be possesses in
an eminent degree all the quid ifisetionafor
the position which are w prominently
lacking in his opponent, and there is not
a man either is the council or out of it
knowing the qyualifioatious of both, who,
if he were making a similar _ selection in
his own private business would net vast-
ly prefer Mr.' Adamson. Why then was
be pend over fur an inferior man. The
reason was given very plainly en the
floor of the (xunoil by ,.tie of the mem-
bers, who said, in effect, although in-
correctly) that all county officials wore
Grits, .and that now the Conservatives
had a majority in the council they were
bound to avail themselves of that majori-
ty to secure the appointment for a Coo-
servative. This, thea, we suppose is the
reason why the inferior applicant was
preferred to the superior one. So that,
in this view of ths ease, the appointment
is as dtecriditable to those responaible
for it as tk.dis000rteons manner in which
it is nude. —[Expositor.
air etduted c.rewrlait-
Sir Richard Cartwright is not without
bis ad.nirers, and in this teas it seems
that the admiration of his friends is quite
as keen as the bitter criticism of hie
enemies, Mr. Allan Pringle, of Selby,
whose independeooe may be fairly jodeed
by the fact that he voted fir Sir John
Macdonald at the general elections,writes
to the Toronto World, bearing testimony
es to Sir Richard's ability.' He criticises
the absurd charge against the owning
member for South Huron, that be is
"haughty, domineering and un000rteous"
in his treatment of manufacturers, and
retorts by showing that he Is a larger
owner, by far, of factory property in
Napauee than any other. Some of cur
contemporaries are pleased to term this
paper a hot protectionist journal, but
wherein they have yet found protection
preached editorially in our columns we
do nut know, bot we refer to the charge
simply to show that in saying that which
follows we speak thoroughly unprejudic-
ed. Sir Richard was made the scapegoat
by a number of Reformers. with their
characteristic fairness toward their party
leaden, for the misfortunes which betel
the Mackenzie Administration on the
rejection of its fiscal policy by the elec-
torate. Sir Richard, as Minister of
Finance, was forced to give utterance to
the views of the Government collective-
ly, and as those views were obnoxious
to the manufacturers, he became identifi-
ed with the opposition to protection in a
more manta sense than any other
Cabinet Minister. Add to this the fact
that he left the v 'uervative party some
years before. and the extreme bitterness
of the Ministerial press in speaking of
him is a000nnted for. Sir Richard rivals
Mr. Blake in. intellectual ability and
inspectors, devoid of employment, wi have sole jortflfice,-- white Wilts north
be thrust neon the country to fatten at
the public crib at the expense of the peo-
ple. And 'all this is brought about
simply because Sir John Macdonald in a
maudlin speech at Yorkville stated that
he was going to curtail the powers of
"tliat little tyrant Mowat," The license
victuallers have endeavored to keep him
up to hie threat,bat_it is difficult to know
at present whose opinion they value
moat hig'tly, "$'$blip drunk, er Philip
sober. •
Two vacancies have occurred on the
board of public school trustees, caused by
the closing of the term of Mr. Butler in
Et. David's ward and of Mr. A. Cantelon
in St. Patrick's ward. The nominations
for candid.otea were held en Wednesday
and the retirtot trustees at the instance
of their friends were again brought. for-
went. Th.,r, will Ire, a•coutest in Moth
wards, however, at the actions of the
school boar) luri'tt th' toast year have
not ei veil isfaet ion to sonde if the rate-
peycrit. Mr- Alex. Saunders has been
brought out as an opponent to Mr. But-
ler, and Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy has,
Aker urgent solicitation, co:tuntel to
suntest the St. Patrick's wand trustee•
Agip with Mr. Cantelon. The sten are
!SOF in the field, we understand, and
the beet ,tualified should he elected.
and west -of that landmark la joint con-
trol will be exercised by the two Gov-
ernments. Each Government may ap-
point its own police commiesionen at
Rat Portage along the line of the Cana-
dian Pacific, and their authority shall be
co-ordinate. - The expense of the 'police
force appututed by these comm'-iwiuners
shall be divided equally between the two
Governments, and the fees colleeted for
liquor licensee shall also be equally shar-
ed. Concurrent jurisdiction is given as
to probate matters and all tel proceed-
ings. It is further provid that all
actions grown ,
reale and imprisonments the conflict of authority, are suspended
until the decision of the Privy Council
shall be rendered. The terms of the
toarg:tin are to be ratified by legislation
in each of the Provinces next spring.
A juiut clue has been agreed upon for
submission to the Privy Council, it hav-
ing bean arranged thst the case is to be
ready for argument by the 15th of April,
in out of the assaults ar-
prisctnmcnta resit1 ih
ng frem
Txane. is a triangular fight for the
reeveship ever at Brussels. Two new
aspirants for the position ,have appeared
in W. H. McCracken and James Drewe-
McCracken was elected over his oppon-
ent, Rogers, last year, but when the
ballots came up for inspection before the
county judge it was found that in some
mysterious way the count diet not agree
with the figures quoted on election day.
There ars many over at Brussels who
believe the ballot -loxes were tampered
with before they wtme to the county
judge for inspection. At any rate, Mc-
Crecken is in the field once more, and
will, we feel assured, he elected on Jan-
uary 7th. Janes Drewe, the second
aspirant is a Tory ward politician who
is now endeavoring to plias nimsolfoff for
a "Canada first" man. He is a dyed-in-
the-wool Tory, and if elected would on-
ly be a tool in the hands of F. W. John-
ston and P Kelly. Rogers, the defunct
reeve, although personally a genial old
gentleman, is of no earthly use as a reeve
or ,county councillor. At the county
hoard est'cially he has been as potter's
clay in the hands of the tricksters if
the people ..f Brussels are wise in their
day and generation they will elect \'Vin.
Henry McCracken reeve, and leave the
two fussy bodietat home.
TicsTerent,. Neu•s says of Sir Richard
C rtwrogtt Yee have s head for
geop ., and hot• the faculty of marshal
in *gores in a formidable away. You
titre grubs* the beet maid Ape in the t
pemsmi..to o++ economical queetiuM, ani
M tmay tri said that you know pveilir !
nearly .r.rythieg ,•n such subjects that
ant b• teamed trues hooks Add to 111
pais yes yo•e ars • dart• mid ttleaMiw
meeker, and that white yes Antheoesslh
les esemat shore Lite few alit* -)Uwe 11M
81114 their owe straiten you $setain the
ewe of the Wale.
A a••aserva./ve J..raal ea tai. Nan
The Toronto df,, l has for some time
been pursuing a policy neither creditable
to a 'treat newspaper, as it delights to
call itself, nor beneficial to the political
party whoa priniciples it pretends to
upheld and defend. Ked editorials cry
written by a man who assumes ton much
and presumes too, far upon the ignorance
and credulity of his constituency. There
is nothing in them , they never oi nstt-
tute a reply to the Brit or,ean , in short
they are made up of coarse satire and
vulgar epithets directed against the
Grits Thin we have often .rf late reed
of the "bull pep." the "alit etc.
epithets whidt no n.D•cta • .vernal
wouId awtrp M VAT to any no i ,al
however sew or oaaHsptible Thou
flames of CL.....iMi have grown weary
apt tas111110y • of situ
Mil ll w soli
t. , tl taus
teitit Rel a"d,1a,n
A boy ere,
of wised has- passed
h firer nil, ktM wok on its wayto Luckuuw, f•
Some rough.t codted nor tevernheepe
Christmas Eve
Lively tue.t are *vexed in Ashfield!
and West Wawanuah at the municipal
elections as they are 11Ve1 tp be run on
politicai lines.
sebove ether members ri the Reform'
party. Those who have had the advan-
tage of watching him day by day ie
Ottawa, and of personal intercourse with
invariably admit that he improves
remarkably on acquaintance. Hit pecul-
iar manner of speaking, which at the
first seems to mar his eloquence with an
sir of affectation, after a few }tearing
convinces the listener that it 'i no af-
fectation, but a natural, peculiarity. The
br' lmncy of his language, tht closeouts
of his reasoning and the vie .r of his
criticism or attacks, as the ca..• may be,
soon become evident, and , ne no longer
wonders that such a man should arouse
such violent opposition He is the most
undeservedly abused man in Canadian
public life- Men with his ability are too
rare in this country to'be hounded from ,
htical life, and although not ing Mr. Linklater was entertaining in "The
with S• Richard on gmany material
Nicholson ulsuPerth.
rth enjoying Christ Trlabman's Toast.^ All present spent
with it is among t en s in
One of those lontalte f: r events
occured last Woli:uet ay,a te ttaidenoe
of Robert Blake, when Daniel Alton
launched out on the watrjisooial sea
with Miss Lizzie ;Shaky, May they
reach harbor safely:
We are led to believe th,t G. M. Ktity
has gone and 4t ritkierwe.
The team ng to'f fschp
on Cttjiatinaaltight was a grand au
the trustees of 8. S. No. 4, Colborne,
have secured the services of Mr, At,
'Hamlin, to teach their school "during
1884, at a salary of $375. ,
A Watttxu.—At Smith s Hill )sat
week T. McLean, drover, of Goderich,
was brought before magistrates 0 Oir-
vin, Wm. Young and John Morris on $
charge of driving furiously -over Man
Otorout Ones; fie was deed 55, nest
an additions$$ hem Of lie cods. The
authorities are bound to enforce the law
retarding driving over public bridges.
John 1lcGillivray preached in , the
Presbytertan church here last Sunday
Hoses Theo —A horse belonging to
Mr. McNiff, Ashfield, dropped dead last
Saturday near the Presbyterian church.
Mise E. J. Jefferson, who commanded
!was leste es in the week presented
with j com-
brooch and a pretty Christmas card by
her side, as a momentzod their protract-
ed meetings to get up a prugra:u-ne for
the contest.
RYAS Taus—The %Mas trep
entertainment in connsetioe with t
Leeburn S. 8. came off on Xmas eve.
The church was nicely fined with pperop'
Rev. J. Turnbull gave an interesting ad-
dress on the duty of ppaarnettts toward the
S. 8. The choir rendeesd esus beauti-
ful selections of nwsio, tbuee were also
readings and redtatiotbs . The ool-
lection amounted to ab which will be
expended ie S. S.
SCHOOL Ezasntxsnox. — The Christ-
mas examination of S. S. No. 5, came
off on the 21st Lust. Thera was a veru
her, R. E.
Dr. Cote has succeeded to the practice
of Dr Hutchison here. We welcome him
to oar midst
AxttoaL Msirrtxo. - -the annual roost t chairman hers became restless, and call-
ing of the Ashfield and Wtwanosh d upon the trustees to twist him in un -
branch Agricultural soctety, will be held parkin h Chrsdtlnts and scatter
in Martin's hotel, Dunranoon,on Thurs-
day, January 10th, 1884 at 4 o'clock p. mention deserves to be made of the re,
m., for the purpose of electing officers citations of Henry Horton, jr.. Aggie
had directors, tic., for the ensuing year. Bogie, and a r uditig by Frank Morris.
All interested are requested to attend.
Those Who took peat • In the dialogues
Danialso did well. Several songs were ren -
>a• dered by the Misses Hetherington, and
good attendance, and,4114
1$epw*i was ably s 4iIOi Mr. Alton.
of Nile, lop .jopttsteta, of Sheppardton.
and Harry- , of Lisburn. The
toady wawa" OE the a acre com-
mented, spun •-s
,l...oft onsproceedin
sudden appearaoee of a livi
breathing Santa Claus startled_ al
was heavily laden, and wi
inony installed himself es chairman. He
began a series of argtttnents. which- led
to a pleases converaatiod'tirith Rev. Mr
Turnbull, whd p aawvs way to W. H. Clut-
ton and FI.- Horibn. Mies Johoston
then favored's) * aodi.ioe with a recita-
tion which was well received.' The
e )
points in public administration, yet as an enjoyable time Mr. Brown will
that of a man of able attainments we Mies woe
, ot Goderich, has been the I teach during the coming year, and in
welcome his return to (Mews,. [Hamil• guest ()f b ti. Macdonald during th
him the section has an able and pains-
! taking teacher". Tribune (Independent.)
and either party may apply to have the —
case set down for argument in June or Hen. SLAW. Haas.
A. C. Macdonald last week killed two' Oysrsa $vrTsa — The blusterui.
seven months old porkers whish tipped storm of Friday evening did not prevent
the beam at 434 lin- Can any of our ; a good turn out at the lodge, in obedi-
July next. The matter has been a great The election of Mr Rem in West Mid- 1 Leeburn farmers equal that 1 Luce to the commands of the captains of
dal simplified by an agreement as to the dime' is probably due as much as any- Farmers who take an interest in the the late contest. The leading subject
documents which are to ba submitted in thing else to the treatment he received improvement of stock should t isit the i for the evening was "Oysters, and an
evidence to the Privy Council, 'which at the hands of the mediaeval ass who barnyard of R. Bean, and see his Berk- agreeable and popular one it proved.
will eve no earl of time, tatuble, and sits in the editorial chair cf the Mail. It. shire and improves Suffolk pigs. The bivalves were procured at the St.
expense in authenticating the documeu- !is not often that a men is assaulted be- ; p x' t p
tary evidence. 1 fore he has done anything. Even in the Elmo, and were repdelli.uur. There was
This agreement 15, of course, a corn- I States mon are generally allowed $ trial Bealalller. ,- has of fun at the replies given by some
h of our lads to the soft persuasions • •f the
The Christmas tree entertainment was ladies to go and try the shelled ods.
very interesting. The sapper was in chat: of sister%
promise. Regarded as sudli, it is just as
favorable a compromise in the interests
of Ontario as could be expected. Mr.
Mowat has never been unwilling to sub-
mit the matter to the adjudication of the
Privy Council. With*, majority in pow-
er at Ottawa, actuated by a deadly hatred
of Ontario, persistent in their refusal to
ratify the sward, and disposed to back
up the attempted usurpation of Manitoba,
it was the only course left ()pen to him
short of an actual appeal to physical
force. It is true that in negotiating with
the Dominion Governrseut, two year.
ago, he opposed the ides of cu ordinate
jurisdiction as impracticable, and then
insisted that Ontario should have sole
before t ey aro blackguardod. It is
pleasant .then to think that if we may
judge from this election, personal abuse
is not an active element in winning r
seat. --(Toronto World.
foam, Horton and wan, who webs
R. H. Morrish is spending hie Christ- just the ladies tortilla* occasion. Rio
mss holidays in London. - Linklater prssidd fn his usual happy
On Monday A. W. Wilson broke vine style Ahdi the edibles were disposed
Keiser t• wos.a, m•a•r is nue of his ribs while endeavoring to prevent of. 1oyaLUtists were given, followed_
— a stone -boat tipping a diaracteriptic speech from our Dunl
The thanks of the whole Province are Wesley Beer, who has been working in eaten)._ in reply to `The Press.
due to all the Reform workers in the Clinton, smashed his thumb a while ago judger," brought J. Hogarth to his fist,
West Middlesex campaign. They won and nn resuming work quietly deoapitat- .bn peke of the pleasant association s}f
a msgnilicent victory against fearful ed hit Aria finger. two -)pa's' connection with the 1nd
odds. A rat deal a due to the char- D. A. Dyer, of the fire, ..t Dyer di wkien• he nater regretted. A. H Q
actor, ability and popularity of their Howard, Exeter, has been the bueat of ton foihowed in a few ch Doe re
candidates, hut the result it due chiefly Mr. Morrish. He has been so fascinated and a song by A. Cowan anti a
to rigorous, .unceasing and intelligent with the beauties of Benmiller (the ladies readingby John Horton were giv
work. It ought to be a lesson to any we mean that he wilt notellow hi. tint "Our budge—how to Spread its usef
visit here to he his lad. nese," was ably handled by the chair-
man and D. tlumndMs. Both refs
ished a piece of work, let a newt stnr t' the late mutest, the latter sen_
Y p lobos both sides nn the interest the
ened ax., which Ike had been using,fa11 taken in it, "Our motional
to the ground. It struck his son Fmnt,, bt,,, ht p
on the hod, *little above the f
authority pending a final settlement. He other constituencies in the province that
has yielded ground on that pnint ao far may be opened during the present legis,
1 as regards the territory to the north and latent.- (Sentinel Review.
west of the Height of Land. if the re-
cult of the conference on this or any
other point is less favorable t. Ontario
Tee retitle Keane Is Bent sewer
than could be wished, if the reference to An Ottawa correspondent says . Those
1 the Pricy Council deprives this Province Tories who have to a•ntribate to the cutting his head to the bone He ie
of the temtor righteously awarded to campaign fund of the party, and who doing well. Frank has a hard head or
her, it is not Mr. Mowat that is to blame. have not an opportunity o[ recouping he would have been killed
The disgrace must attach to those re • themselves from the public treasury, an We understand that A. H. l'nwite ds
1 catmint Tories woo permitted party spirit begitining to think that they have been who hat taught 8. 8. Nu. 7, 0 olbceRe
to outweigh patriotism and leagued with ,mp,eso spm. They say that the pro for two yeah t, the ttatie4ution ddi
the e t tssi.s cif their province to oritfil• testing• •or elect toes whorl, Roformen c•ncerwed, has received at sppehtteetl
and thwart the Premier who boldly ato't have been sisoeiwaful simply moans fess near Smith s Falls, 3(1 stiles ntrtk d
up for Provincial rights Mr Mowat t,or .T•,ry lawyers and more messy f,t Brockville, and will moose the porkies.
has msA. $beau• tight a,iamd tots fares election huwasen IU the event of the gest
withoriit and traitors within the camp. I Wino-- nested. The effort to defeat the
C•nsgiderme the strength of the awbi- *,ant wry'retrd t, h•m.i.es
nation int hint, molesting Qnetwo •and amid he Fiir.Lohe has
Mw Tessa Baird, if Putt 1pg1e is likely
to be his soo•owor. W. wW► Vin .,uqy
.lases and enjoyment in his nuptials
a ltt a► Some time ago Mears- tie$. and H.
1 Bleu', Hasitobe plotters and thtitwro not .weeasika is wreetine a swat from McCabe anal A. W Wilson w
Tones, he hise done the very h.ot th tt a the Liberals eines F.br•„rv, while tw, , • I taking os the r t..f of the old barn
was iu hispuwer to dei to secure t),twro•' • Tory seats, Lemnos and t% pet Middleeea, 11 Stewart. farm, when the roof sod•
rivhta hate beau imp ened by tht. Liberals deftly split, ase fell epee thm three mon
The treachery .A tI- R Meredith and
-- ---- _= b.I is, A large part of the roof fell nm
his h.ne►sen, who, atter piedgieg thew[ The eorinse's jury at Detroit ,n tits A. W., sad is his hurry to get out of th.
IMAM M atettttasw Mr. Mowat', 1" with eco .1 the toes o f ib• steam barge /p•
Held Reardon maw e i the sword, of
lanae fn. ( M eat taking iwl%etee• "it to Woe
hinetleM {{
!fres, t in the e. weakened the seasores for the safety ./ 11h• sal •
afire Ise serried it boniest feet, cowling
tiff his hands and taus. The °them
nem badly hawtuered, but fortunately
nr• ass was s.riettly interim!
•ppro re i
R. R. Bin n, W. otters,
art and Harry Horton. "Our
inti' elicited a response from$ Brno.
n+a. Special a.mtios should be
of Ne t eihlieas iiw.o by the
Linen mei Atlee Cowan, and the Donis
nhgiat of AIgR McLeod and Jas* M.
ketoles Matt ream of thanks !be
tl 144$ disposest, all present ded141141
it to be one it the twat pleasant guthir
htgg th.hs Mer •a ed.abdc d
the rtiaara site131041111111 of I. 0. f%
T. 1041011 No. fab. T►, memory of IM
"protruded" u.eti sad the t
w 11 bus long in 1h minds of al wh'
were thew. •
A sehool•t.seher asked : -'What bfti
is large enough to earry of a man t'
body knew , hut one ii1Ue girl _
'a lark And then she es. iMaMi'
')(sauna said pipe wouldn't behoslssn•
til Monday, bemuse he had gone nif nit 5