HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-28, Page 2Wm$T sTyticiorr, ilea the Fineet Attwutment of OOQIIti 49rr11"alt, Year t.,, Choose From. IF YOU IVAMK4 , A. Nobb3r 'Suit at a Realsonible Price GALL UN F4 LTG -H BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest £atabliahed:Shos Store in Town, ' In Endless variety, tc snit the moat fastidious and th moat economic buyer (b MY WINTER ST.CK Is now Hump and I take pleasure in informing my custolners, that at no prey viutts time have I had such a .. Large & Varied 'Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality tt� a Priq it is a positive fact that no such value La foot w (ot►a got vee CUSTOM W ORK of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made op in the moat approved styles by first-class workmen, rad of the very beat material obtainable. • _ I O w 1•T I: a- to CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Phyaician.flPreacriptiona a;svecislty.) GEORGE REYNtA%, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE, B OOTS &$ -HOE S�ovrr�.is�g Wed -du Beg t. announce to the Public that the have opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horsee. N Newton. Having purchased ee and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at doe. figures, we are determine 1 to give the Public the benefit. . QUICK SALES & SHILL PROFITS TILL BE OUR IGTTO, rA'•Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. "Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.: gli'Custom work will receive avr special attention. -None but the best of material used and first-class workmen employed. .Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice (wised b, March 9 :582. DOWNING & W E D D U F 01. 'tl • i 2 t '11HE HURON 81GNAL, FRIA4. DEC. `18,1883. -- '1'SIIs NORTR-WES7 Wallet and Jac Smith, sonsaf Walter Smith, also Joseph Ritchie, an was. Weise era Trip of 3.100 Mlles as tem Na (tart hills of the Weeks by a Welt -anew* Hexoses. We hs• read the uiteresting letters ewer the signature of J. R. G. iw the Brussels twit, and claim the distinction tf publishing to the world nearly JO years ave his first utterances r.gerdtng that land of illimitable pussibiilittea, the North-west, then bsirg a new land in- deed. Mr. Grant has head a eery extend- ed trip through Manitoba and the North- west territorial into British Columbia, and judging by what he says, hsa not been idle. He pictures in an interest- ing manger the sights and Iaaenes during Lis travels of "3400 miles in three weeks." He graphically deseribq, Win- aipeg, and notwithstanding the pI .at "premien, presents s decidedly ho wl picture of that modern Mecca. He r's- gards the operations of the C. P. R _ as phenomenal as to speedy &instruction, quehity and extent of work done. The wincipal cities and towns along the e. PSll are described, and sandwiched in are many pleasant surprises and meet- ings with old acquaintances, but his powers of description never get full scope until the mighty Rockies are reached, erhere he affirms after his beat efforts that description is impossible. The agri- edtanl as well as the cereal and mineral wealth of the country are spoken of, and iJttoreeting statistical information xarnished, we reproduce his closing re- marks : A short drive brings us to the Summit of the Rocky mountains and an altitude of 5,21194 feet ab.tve the sea, it was here we met ties pack hones that took San- ford Fleming and Principal Grant over Ile mountains. At the summit a square piece of timber is planted vertically in. eating the dividing line between the N. W. territories' and British Columbia, here alto is NNE HEIGHT OF LAND, And from $unmet station can be seen one stream floating toward the Atlantic ocean and smother westward toward the Pacific. Three small lakes here follow in succeesien, Suuuiut lake, which i shallow and to he filled up for the station ground, Sink Take, which has no visible outlet, and Kicking Horse lake, the largest of the chain. There is consider- able timber at the summit wbich must not be take for the top of any moun- tain but as the Night q(jand in the Paas about to be adopted by the C. J'. R. The towering snow-covered peaks an/ltere seen much-lik. thalweg/lee eater cd.the mountains. Th. timber becomes noticeably larger, and 6 miles along the Kicking Horse river (now 10 ilea into • British Columbia) the trees of iue, fir and cedar are of great size. There is .._e „emprcely larger timber on the continept than is found" along the Selkirk range, 100 mile, west of here. The- river is a panoratna of beautiful falls and rapids for its entire length, in fact the grandeur of the falls bn the Kicking Horse is prover Leal. In the first 15 miles beyond the . summit, there are.tw tunnels, one of 1,400 and one of 500 feet. THE MINIMUM GRADE for the west side of the Rocky mountain as well as the Selkirk range will be 116 feet to tete mile, the patter being 4,400 feet above sea level. We go no farther ,ahsathe first tunnel, and while taking • piddling look at the mountains through which the largest tunitel is to be made, -we see far up its side where the railway is to enter it,and eine almost she Iden to think of crossing ovef the dreadful chasm in a railway train, frith the Kicking Riorse river like a silver thread et a dis- tance of 780 feet beneath. Next itt order west ut the Pocky or Continental and separated by the Kootenay river is the Bruton range of mountains, and next to the Brixton and separated by the Columbia river, the Selkirk. are Bev... - 40 from the Gold range,aud finally the (Toast range completes the sum and affords a faint idea of the gigantic un- dertaking known as the Canada Pacific Railway. THE SHORTEST ROUTE a what the company is aiming at, and from what has already been achieved and in now doing, it is quite clear they are not easily diverted from their purpose. Nearly 3000 miles of road yet remain to be built here which is expected to be accomplished by the en oi of 1885, by which time the remaining portions of e. the iron girdle will also be completed and the trip from Halifax to Port Moody made without change of cars. We met J. S. Bingley, formerly of Chatham,near the summit, and spent a pleasant hour "with him. Ha is an enthusiast in min- ing matters and is satisfied this region will yet attract as much attention as Colorado in its palmiest drys. He as- serts that (:CAL, SILVER AND Gnt.t. have been discovered in the Selkirk and Gold ranges, the latter'averaging as much as $300 per tun, and he confidently ex- pecte a great rush as soon as the railway Is in operation. He also showed us on the ground where we stood the work of the glaciers, where the largest trees were known down leaving nothing standing for a width of 300 feet and one and a half mils Inns. and in another where so much of the mountain heoeeme detached by the glacier as to completely bury the timber over a similar extent. A snow Ahde had t:,k.'n place a short time before we arrived, carrying sway 200 feet and still leavi•.g anew to a depth of 600 feet. Be said the avalanche made a noise like distant thunder and appeared to shake the earth for miles. Ard n.•w we begin to retrace our steps, somewhat regretful ly however, f..r what we have seen and gone through only creates a desire for further adventure,hut we must return to the railway, which by the time we reach- ed it had made an advance of nearly 20 miles. 1 will not detain gnu with so- oonvts of our toiling up hill and down, sasrcity of hone feed, OAT'. 10 retire PIR Pollan, attacks by sand thee and winged ants, sleeping In wagon boxes and under wag. on bones, pursued by buah and prairie Ares, experiences with env, boys, how when likely to he left all nir•ht at the last aiding neer the m••nntain_, 1 ehtaio- 1 ed entrance to a leserted telegraph stat- ( ion and srninged for the tranaportelioa on a luc.ardive runmina light to Calt:aryi of boating Sandy Forrest, formerly el Zo nye 1..teenin "n telograph eft - *" ''ark tet •,• met a , s ra what ie napalmed of a broncho breaking. all 711;1171177110;05 1 could be writtel $pati butt r reedsslh, I fear, will only be too will M plrallIS any further r4terease. Its rtitaxinuesc 1 est rear .til faroutliae in our aemurtetssy re. edisdtbn el its kardabips. I have is eases, statements made by olmt sad Liv tanners of the Bow river of ,oto Rev. I. Cracknell,Epi.c oo.l clergyms n of Wale, eilatming enormous yields of wain with emoouraging experiences w to oil and climate. This seetica of the country will be watched with interest until Its true agricultural wraith is known,ay au. retrainee being that suotser frost is its only lash. 'daunting from Calgary by the same routs I went I had• ple•a•nt trip, and met many whose I knew. 1 may just hen menttou a few whore names aero familiar to many readers of the P ieS- Mr Sherlock at (mak. Lake, formerly relieving agent at Brussels sta- tics, J. E. Smith, Brandon, engaged In business in the city, besides farming ex- tensively a few miles out, ale, met Wm. Bilictt, formerly of \fortis, he also is farweioff. Visited the Oak River coun- try ("which none surpass__"' and foetid James Watt and family eeryoo&fortabl'y settled in • new house, with 100 acres ploughed ready fur the seed drill ; Wet. McCutcheon Is farming tear him, but he had gone to Ontario on business ; B. B. Mories I .net at Portage La Prairie and afterwards in Southern Manitoba He is operator on the C. P. R, A$CHI1 MCEAY, BAa1t13T1$, )[elFhiaty, for Pinsk, $3.M ; W. me. vormeg, for greyed, $2.00 ; Owen Jostle, Ise • wire hese, $60.00 ; John Million, culvert,. $3.00 ; Wut. Malleugh, for .sTel, $1.50 ; Wrn. McVittie, for lum- 30e. ; A. Glen, foe repaitiug culvert at McPhee's, $13.00 ; Robert Bisett., 400s tefuuded, 11.70 ; Andrew DlcAl- (fster statute labor, $4.00; Ju. Bops!; wire 541.75 ; Win. Blake, fur ��++ss_� � a�1p�wadvert,ing evert, $10.96 1tk Notii hiring fur lumbers $0062Q ; David Pier, for wire false, $28.16 Jas. Kennedy, for re icing brides, $2 ; Jana Clark, for wire fetes, $17.00; Jaa. Clark, dog tae refunded, $1.00 ; James Clark, burying two sheep, $2.00-; Pat. Carroll, flu wire feces, $13.50 ; William v+if:intyro, for grovel, $6.55 ; Wm. Mo- Intyre, for cedar, $1.00 ; Wni. Tindr;►t, for plank to repair road at McPheeee % 98c ; Michael Pframcr, repairing bridge' at Beemiller, $16.28 ; Thus. Good, road work, $2.00 ; Geo. Neibergall, lumber, $82.08 ; Wm. Naives, fur removing tim- ber, $3.00 ; H Dodd, for leather, $7.50; *or office, foe printing, $5.50 ; Star of- fice, for printing, 6.00 ; Joseph Gold- thorpe, for repairing culvert, 4.00 ; R. Huston, for culvert, $8.50; H. Green, for wire fence, $25.50 ; Henry Green, for culvert, $1.25 ; Gorden Young, for wire tonne, $20.00; Jas. Long, for gra- vel, $6.30 ; Clerk, for postage, 35-89; Clerk, for stationary, 6.90 ; T. Camp; bell, for logs, $1,00 ; J. J. Gallagher, for repairing culvert, $1.00 ; Jas. Lutig, damage to grain, $5.00 ; Ju. McIlardy, statute labor refunded, $3.00. It was moved and seconded that the nomination for reeve, deputy -reeve and councillors fur the township of Colborne, be held in the township hall, on Monday, 51st of December, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, and that in case a poll be demand- ed, that the election be held on the first Monday in January, 1884, in the several sutdivi•ions, as formerly, and that the same deputy -returning officers be ap- puiuted, except Jas. 0. Stewart in place of George McKee. -Carried. The coup- , col then adjourned. J. A. MvDoneou, Township Clerk. late of Goderich, has good practice in Emerson, is also City solicitor. David, his brother, assists him, ant is comfort- ably settled there with his family, Wil- liam Somerville. late Dominion tele- graph agent here, ie C. P. R. agent et Dominion city. Thus it will be seen that the Brussels and Huron onutingant are at least holding their own. I find here at Winnipeg by a curious en -inci- dence that we are exactly equi•diatant between Montreal and Port Moody. And now I bare closed any wanderings, and apeakirg generally of our great Northwest, it is almost boundless in ex- tent, 600,000 square miles and mon, and no less bon.idless in resources and natu- ral capabilities, and that a grail futnte awaits it, no t.ne who has watched Ls progress can deep*. It has its desert places, but they are far less frequent, than its mega SH7 cOLI411111 olr 7111 CLUMAT1 has been urged as an objection, bot let the yoetmg grew up with the country, and they will be a hardier race for it or ex- perience contradicts Basil. 'When our great 'highway is finished, the importance of this western country will assert itself and become recognised both at.hoo' and abroad as it deserves. That it has great cereal and mineral wealth no oat dis- putes; ieputes; there is land enough for ereey- body and the tolls of the husbandman will be so richly rewarded that it will not pay to be lazy. Give the sturdy infant s chance, nor by may misgovernment par- alize its energies or poison its blood,then every settler bosoms an immigration agent,communimting enemy to everyone setting font upon the soil and then noth- ing short of the superhuman can arrest its prosperity. I have seen this country in almost every phase of deet lopment from 1874 to 1883, and ani "satisfied that TH1 MOeT •ANCrLrs Horn+ regarding it will yet be realized, many who have not seen it are inclined to doubt, but to such I would say "give thy thoughts no tongue until you have seen with your own eyes the indtscrib- able baauty of its scenery -the phenom- enal richness and fertilely of its roil and your testimony will then tee u was said by the Queen of Sheba after she had visited King Solomon laden with gold and precious stones and all the g rgenus tnppin. s of the Arabian Court. that "it was a true report I heard in Imine own land, but the half had not teen_ told." J. R G. Carlow. At the last regular meeting of Morn- ing Star Lodge, No. 309, A.F. and A. M. the following officers were elected : W. Bro. Andrew McDonald, W. M. ; W. Bra D. S. Munroe, 8.,W.; W. Bre. Alex Mc- Kenzie, J. W. ; W. Bro. John Titian, Treasurer ; W. Bro. John Wilson, Secre- tary. Qoiboras. • Charles Disney, the other day, killed a fox with • stone at a distanoe of one hundred feet. J. G. Baer, the other day, received a nasty cut en his skull from an axe which his father was using above him. The person that tried to break into Mr. Holz's house and grainary had bet- ter be more careful or he may get what he deserves. Harry Hebei and W. H. Baer have worked threshing by steam power with stiff gear to perfection, Harry coupling his champion engine to Mr. Beer's cele- brated Maxwell cleaner. The whole business works immensely. Corrcit Manisa. - The municipal council of Colborne inet in the township hall, nn Thursday, 13th December, 18$3, Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting reed and adopted. Communication from the Can- ada Lend Lew Ameodnwnt Aest.ctatton, easing for the co operation of the Coon- cil in petitioning parliament to simplify the land transfer in this Province. The Reeve and clerk were instructed to sign petition on behalf of the council. Ap- plication of H. B. Prouelfo .t, P. L S.. for the position of civil engineer ler the tow nab ipp of Colborne. -Deferred. Thos. Mo.choll, sexton Colborne cemetery. was present and requested the coursed to al- low him to charge $1.50 pot grans for i digging After careful c.tsideratit.n the council authorized him to charge $1 b0' per grave He further complained that parties erecting monuments were to the habit of leaving heaps of clay ell the walks o1 the cemetery The c•uneil or- dered hint to report any porton dosing see le the furtive. The tethering woe** Mere ordered to be paid - Ram I R ens% for culvert, 0!0.40 ; Blamed Mttebolt, for sin fence, $1000 lin Ellett MAP Whitey, for wire fame• $10 oil tij fiatAlea's Arwlea delve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily caro Burns, Brtliaes,Cuts,Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever States, Careen, Pelee, Chilblains, 1 Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruption., guatanteed to euro in every in.tanoe, or money refunded. 25e. per box. For .ale by J. was,, lye Thousands bear witness to the poei- tiee ccrative powers of the GRa.r GER - 11A11 INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abpse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in crn'umptien, insanity and • prema- ture grave. Sold by all druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $b. Address F. J. CHANEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular end testimonials of genuine cure.. Geo. Rhynes, Goderich.' 3m It is said that Mr. Chapieau will make the recent personal chargep made in the press against Sir Charlell Tupper the ground of a demand for his removal from the CabtrIEt. Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, writes :- During the last eight years I have used almost every medicine recommended for Biliousness, but found nothing equal to Carson's Bitters. If you anffer try it Price 50 Dents. Messrs. Henry Merrick, W. J. Park- hill and E. F. Clarke had an interview with Sir John Macdonald in reference to the Orange Incorporation bill en Saturday. As Eapllels Wonsan. A gentleman from Philadelphia cane to Austin, not long since, and had a commission from a lady to her brother, which he was anxious to carry out at once. 'Where will 1 find Mr. B- -, who is in the grocery business 1' he asked of an Aurtinito. 'Then are two brothers of that name, both its the grocery business,' was the reply. 'Which do you wish to see 1' 'I nleait tho one that has n sister In Philadelphia.'--1-Texas Shiftings. No household should be .innsidered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is in the cloaet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms, of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wi'son 2m A RswARD-Of one dozen "Ta.,v(cx- AV' to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "'MAMMY," the, remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Pail., Ask your drnggeat or address. Cnvoeetes. -A name well kuowri in onnection with the Hair Renewer,which stores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 60 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m They all tell the same story. W. Thompson, jeweler, Delhi, suffered for years from Dyspepsia, got no relief until he used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitter: He says it was just the medicine i need- od. It has cured me. One of our beet citizens would say to the public that he has tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. Price 75 cents per bottle,. Si Id by Geo. Rhyms, sole agent for God. • rich 3m : A Blessing to all traaklad. Iu these times when our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you if you are Wines, bleed out ..f order, liver inactive, or ;anent debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will Bore you so quickly as £lectrfc (littera. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can They had for only fifty cents a hostile of James Wilson. 12.1 The 1nssfhess Thing an teessd 1r Kliw'a Maid Lightoieg for Boar lige . Helloes, Toosyoite, sta. It does not iAN** tBwolnr the shin, e nlre tett n I fe bnnasb ail paan mtvic wins an gravy hutiets.at dB youhemA is a ptwMwtr int mobs. Try a fib to nt betas Fran Gen Moyne* .le,,erviet 1' Cledbil .Ms. • We h*'. wade arrangements to (tub Tits linniaL\with city papers at the rates given beton Sigual aril Deily Wtlrid ...tl.9,li0 '!, " -Weekly ()lube ... 9.96 MalI....- ... !t 96 Aid vert iaer ...1 a sb AWe A ,wake wew/tws- ' J. Wil ,i is always alive to hip*:Ottslr nese, and spares no pains to secure the best of iighis line. has secured h J i. for the celebrated Dr King's Now t ery fur Consutaption, the u,dy ' otttatn cure known t(u Con- sumption. Coughs, Colds, Hoare nem, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any afscaicu ..f the Throat keel Lungs. Sold on a prieitise guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular size $1.00. (3) TEE WEEK, A new Journal on IJNratnre, Polities and Criticism. Edited by CMA*L{tr C. D. BOSi*T5. PCaLISHED .VERT THURSDAY AT 1151 PR* ANNUM. The first Issue of TIM waste will December 6th. Taal WlfitH, will oowprehe•si re table of te ant tastes which anile cultured home sad w to reflect and sawimarixe the la social and poltUcel movements of Mr. Ooldwla Stn wilt be • radar Inter. Mr. Motor Fawcett, author of "Aa Ambitious Worries" "A OeatIgetan of Leis- ure," elk ooatributes to TNI 'Nile • novel o[ new Mork ao.Mty.eet Md, 'Tea AdYm- tures of a Widow. rrmetptu Onut, of Queens University. will }rite, sagpg valuable • deaoeiyttes titak�wt� the Dr. 13 __ eavarl- ous tm PeriltrWM will t p¥r. Clarkes d iP1a- write Real t attack In Coatrtbasrrain place ltd .arse ked for from Jossqgata Miller Dr. pilaw mhos, Lout Honore t! rechette, Jobs Clarks Dent, Dr. C. P. Mulvaat . W. Houston. Oeo Stewati, Jr., O. P'. (Make Crofton. Jtrlu e; lfeteer Ades. Mrs. K. mom McLe•a, J. Heater-Davar. Miss Machan IJtrde1i*A R. W. Phipps, And many other writers of note. C. OLACKET'r' aeir ' 1 Pebilaker. &Jordan St. TORONTO GO for the working class. Sind 10 t ts. fur t/ea.ti... ani we Will mail you resawe:LeZvekable box et Ma. Is So tray .f Making mete a.sel' pieyou ntes re u r d. w e 1 at MT work all the Hum rlawnt work L wavers ay sexes youth and ea. Yasuo sera from Me. to tat every (mining nal al wio want work may test the beelases, we rake sada impend - 'tiled offer : to all who are sot we will send 11 to pay for the tree withalus. Full partioni ra,,1arsenate, seat fres. Fortunes will be made by those wbogere Wer whole time to the work. Great ..00sss abee- lutely sura Ilon't delay. Start now. Addras STINSON & Co., Portland, Mains lildk FiF1GH DUNLOP Fashionably Tailor o3.ODRRIOH PL A NING MILL. ESTABLISHED 1855•. Buchanan, Lawson Robinson HANCRACTURaas OP Sash, Doors & Blznds omammm ttr ar/e iitsna (ir Lumber, Lath, Shi-niLes and builder's material of every deeeripd toe. SNO0i FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. trill Orders promptly attendel to. Ooderich. Attar. 2. 1883. 1902-1y �y(.', far ,l'id Throat. DR. ►iYERSO:4' 317. a tare 1 !sir: et. 'Tereat•, eat., -.. L. it: L i'., ':. t,. 6 Ii...;nrer on the Eye, E. and T••r.rt . 1'rinlry N'-tie*I Col- lege. t...u.. -.w :u 11.e Aier(wr Bye ant r.. • i tt t:... 1 .t.- ••Laiut Awf(sl*M Inn; q .:, (. •,.11071 c II..,..: 11d 13 141*, and at (een:., •„ , 1•!1...4tot ,tarltuepaal,May T "' 1 1 ,' j > If )TEL - : - :so • I:MI T_I, ljt! j Medi. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The limy. 2. T. Wilds, won -inure city niiseionere is sew York, and brother et the lute emlaeet Jedse Wilds, alike namesake+ setts Suprema Court, writes Y tsilows "71.E. 54:8 Si.* New Jtfirt 1a, 1102. Musses. J. 0. err. Co., Lust whiter l was troubled a utast uncom- fortable itching hamst 5155 especlalt my limbs, which 1 ., apy at night, ,llatIMaid.esrcely bear any clothing over 1 wail • sufferer e fada (deter/ e•ta and run appetite was poor, w myy enema e al an down. Knowing W 1111106 01 Alf10 11.24A11.A- uLr.A, by observation of ray cow noes, and It forttheoaabomen amed 4 . tmy aptppeetittee g improved almost from W drat dos.. After • AGO Mall Ms Mug mad whin were allayed, and all et hvlk.88644 tbestic dnapps►.a, My sealant •N ss ww also eons 4 true As amid it b $,ttral *.M last 1 IS a f uIIs I twat nrosse�ra, awaya'} NINON, canalis toth• io lima all OOuadsaee 1. he tam biocd ever devised. I took it is allaa1I d•e. �... times a day, w sped, In all, lestkan two betties• I place thea feels at your servfee, hoping their pablfntHos may do good Years respectfully, 2. P. WILDS." Ds. The above instance is bat nn. of the many conp stantly rnming t0 our notice, whleh ',ova the per. feet adaptahlIttr of Aven•e Rt MIApAaILW N the euro of all dlseaae• arising from Impareor I . pnvertsbed blood. and a weakened anality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enrirbtr, and elneueikaa0 as ll.* summate' tie action of the s1Smali e2d lssear, and thereby enables the syressi M tubi eel Wes Doane W aaUsks of alt .*e eralrse Dlnnrlti 111,411P• 410111111111 rJswatp, rad all eManske,�r,.a11y11 tam pat •4g. earrspted blood and a now atsse of Me syssstm Dr. J. C. Ayer IE Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggist.: price 11 tor bottler for OA CATHARTIC AVR'SMwte hoe1r 5.*e.1*v1* tn„h 1.1 See n dapps fl� P ThPI �a�t SprIn Bazaar Paras and. F � = N' R O AC1-.i2N ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION '1b THE FOLLOWING : IOWA LARGE ASSORTMYNT ex 'l'HE LeTIiST DICSIONB.Zf MIA Flx(1a AStO IN nrDLESS VARlrrY,FURNISHING GOODS II ATS, s 'ALL THE LATEST STYIJCS, AND EVERY SIZLla MALL PATTERNPAMNT ADA IT 0VARANTI lED OR NO PALE.ZfCLOTH CLOTHING, NEW Cil -co ODS, NEW PRICES. OR*AP POR GASH. REOV�D_ yet I'HI rt.,O 1\T0]3DE MMELOHA.10A rI.ILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the square, Goderioh -•AND WiLL FURNISH OR MARE UPI -- Gents' Clothing i» Fashionable Styles at Lowest Price N TEARS ntrusavara swi-mY A efiliCIALri. Pavtc'r err erABiAIrry . dlsat!s luevpTLy AT'Rosts T . AKE Tae AMslum PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON-13TRHBT, GODIRIOB. Ari Deslglls Ill Wall Paperz. 11111Now Is the ntne..1 you 'slat one rot two nice ,none at bene, le ice Matior a room ma He a over ��` 20,000 Rous of the Latest D and no thew eise!'arw. Alwyn tB.Il.aa. 13t Tl.$ .is